SML Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Full Series 1 - 6 (Timestamps in desc)

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all right crafts today is February 29th 2024 and it is a leap year usually February has 28 days but every four years February gains an extra day because every frog on Earth leaps at the exact same time making Earth a little bit lighter and then it pushes Earth further away from the Sun and then when all the frogs on Earth land back on the ground then it pushes Earth back into a normal orbit and that is aipia I was wondering why I didn't see any frogs today yeah dude I usually eat frogs for breakfast but I couldn't find anybody a river guys that's not what a leap year is oh yeah then what's a leap year nerd well the Earth takes 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds to orbit the Sun but we round that down to 365 days for a normal year but then every four years we make up for those extra 6 hours by adding an extra day to the end of February why do you like look weird today like did you get a haircut yeah something's different about you dude no and another crazy thing is that if your birthday is on February 29th you only age every four years imagine having a birthday today I know dude so depressing I'd rather have a birthday on September 11th or Coline yeah days that actually matter dude if my birthday was today I would jump off the tallest bridge yeah like the tallest bridge like my life doesn't matter faceb yeah so funny right Cody Cody why you wearing a dunce cap it's not a dunce cap it's a birthday hat dude it's not a birthday today yeah your birthday's not today yes it is oh wait Joseph today is his birthday oh happy birthday dude yeah happy birthday you butt Humper thanks guys I mean we don't understand why you do it but we're still your friend that's great you can stop so how many times do I get to hit you though well I'm turning 16 wait how many birthdays have you actually had four so you're 4 years old no we've had this conversation I'm still 16 how many February 29ths have existed since you've been born four so you're 4 years old no that doesn't mean time didn't still pass for 16 years okay hold on so when February 29th doesn't exist what day do you celebrate your birthday on March 1st but were you born on March 1st no so you can't celebrate your birthday on the day you were actually born on Cody yeah you don't get to pick and choose dude yeah I want my birthday on Christmas n mine is on 4th of July yeah I want my birthday every single day that's what I want guys we've been through this before I'm still 16 teacher Cody's birthday is today how old is he wait Cody your birthday is on February 29th that means you're only 4 years old you can't be 4 years old in my crass you have to go back to kindergarten get out of my class right now what I'm the smartest kid in this class I don't belong in kindergarten go to the kindergarten PR right now oh screw all of you guys here you going to have my stupid birthday hat look at the four-year-old throwing a temper tantrum a I thought he was out of his terrible tool you need your apple juice and your animal crackers I hope you all die Miss is Fitz Patrick's kindergarten class I'm not supposed to be in kindergarten I'm the smartest kid in the school oh my God Mickey Mouse is purple mous po I'm not playing with the block no my block DJ Mikey won't let me play with the block Mikey Mikey share your block oh class class we have a new student class class one two three eyes on me give me a BL M no it's my block oh that coloring R Mickey Mouse all done now it's time for dappy duck dappy duck d uh guys guys she said 1 2 3 all eyes on me I think that means you got to shut the [ __ ] up I want to hit it with the hammer H my hammer class class if you're not quiet right now no animal crackers or jeice Mikey I'm calling your mother my mom's dead that is it I'm putting my foot down no animal crackers or juice no animal crack Your [Applause] [Music] Juice Jesus Christ that's right no animal crackers or juice unless you're quiet by the time I count to three one two three good Mikey God damn it get your ass in the timeout chair oh man how you know it was me Mikey you sit there and think about what you've done I think my dad killed my mom okay now class we have a new student come here young man I'm Miss Fitzpatrick and what's your name Cody class use your manners everyone say hi to Cody hi Cody ow Mikey little [ __ ] now Cody that's no no language we don't use that that was a no no word okay but Mikey's still a piece of [ __ ] I know that but we don't say it right Mikey Mikey you little [ __ ] I'm glad we're on the same page about Mikey Cody now why don't you go introduce yourselves to your other classmates and try to make new friends find somewhere to sit okay hey what are you CHS up to I'm coloring it out the puss that's cool I spell penis B nice two of my favorite things oh a dizzy character's purple wow you have a very vivid imagination young man why is he only pushing bear bear is his favorite animal the teacher say he's on the Spectrum okay well let's try a different animal never mind to Bear let's go back bear y you guys have fun sitting here I'm going to go look for a different seat wow this is cool you guys get to just sit here and play with toys all day can I try ow ow ow ow okay okay never mind I'm not sitting here oh cool blocks I wouldn't touch those blocks didn't there Mikey's blocks yeah well guess what Mikey's [ __ ] ass is in timeout so these are Cody's blocks now wow can I play too sure why the hell not oh you're really cool Cody you know what I hate you the least what's your name Freddy nice to meet you Freddy you think I can stick this block in my butthole not if I beat you to it all right class since you've been so good I'm going to pass out the animal crackers and juice yeah what about Mikey does Mikey get animal crackers and juice [ __ ] off Mikey oh okay okay Mikey Mikey listen if you can be quiet for three whole minutes you can get out of timeout and get animal crackers and juice okay Mikey will not make a sound okay M okay class I'm going to pass out the snacks wow you guys get animal crackers and juice it's animal crackers and juice day here you go Cody there's your animal crackers and juice no and here you go Freddy there's yours thank you you're welcome thank you for saying thank you you're welcome a thank you for saying you're welcome you're welcome again you have such good manners damn Freddy I think she has a crush on you you could probably tap that if you wanted to you're in there like swimwear I wear pull-ups when I go swimming so I can take a dookie in the pool okay never mind all right class are you enjoying your animal crackers and juice yeah oh Miss Fitzpatrick I got a question what is it Taylor why does Daryl get a cocacola because Daryl is special is it because it's the last day of black history Mo no Daryl Daryl I have a question for you what kind of animal drinks Coca-Cola in the commercials very good a bear specifically a polar bear bear a bear just a regular Bear all right class I hope you're enjoying your crackers and juice um Mrs Fitzpatrick Mrs Fitzpatrick Mrs Fitzpatrick what um I've been really quiet so I was wondering if I could go out time out and eat some crackers and juice yes you can go back to your seat but but but but if you act up again Mikey you're back in timeout okay yeah Freddy I think the elephants taste better than the hippos but not as good as the J Raff ones hey what are you doing near my blocks this is my seed I sit here yeah well don't touch my blocks I don't see your name on them well they're my blocks what are you even doing here Mikey they let you had a timeout already yeah I did three minutes a hard time Hey where's my straw my apple juice doesn't have a straw Freddy give me a straw no I'm using it I said give me a stra no hey Mikey how about you back to [ __ ] off Freddy how about you make me fo eyes you also have glasses dumbass oh Mrs fatrick Cody said dumb ass so did you dumbass nuh dumbass settle down class it's nap time so everyone get out your pillows and blankets and lay down your heads and shut the [ __ ] up wait you guys get nap time yeah what kind of school did you go to before we get nap time every day yeah I think the teacher uploads on our Omie fans while we're napping well good for her I guess wow this is the life I get to eat animal crackers and drink juice and I get nap time we didn't even learn anything today I can get used to this there there there there there spare oh good they're all asleep now I can check my only fan see how it's doing so I can get out of this shitty job sweet Jesus Freddy those animal crackers aren't settling right are they why one of my blocks smell like poop oh yeah we shoved those up me and Freddy's ass e maybe Freddy should have stayed Court this has been BWI Cody jump one of my blocks up his ass Freddy did too God damn it Mikey you're not supposed to be playing with your blocks it is na time don't be mad at me because you only have two subscribers on your only fans and my dad's one of them that is it time out Mister time out again enjoy being in timeout Mikey you [ __ ] ow ow he's biting my [ __ ] head D get about me he's biting my head Mikey's biting me Mikey Mikey Mikey no biting no biting Mikey oh God not again God School suck today we have so much homework yeah dude I'm over it hey guys Cody how' you get here before us I'm in kindergarten we got out at noon you get out at noon a lucky yeah I'm 4 years old so I guess I don't have to be in school as long wait a minute you're 4 years old so that that means he a kindergarten loser how was it it was awesome I got to eat animal crackers and drink apple juice and I got nap time nap time yeah it's perfect the only thing that sucks is Mikey who's Mikey he's this annoying little [ __ ] that bit my hand I wish they had to cut his head off to see if he had rabies so you're actually going to stay in kindergarten yeah I think I'm going to stick around for a while I was going to tell my parents and have them call the school so I can go back to normal classes but I think it's pretty fun I'm going to hang out there well well we have a bunch of homework do you have homework yeah Miss Fitzpatrick said I have to find three things that are blue my bow tie is blue my shirt's blue and my pants are blue well I guess I'm done with my homework I'm free for the afternoon guys maybe I'll go practice my napping what I want to go to kindergarten dude I hate him my second day of kindergarten d d has anyone seen my square piece I can't find my square piece no I think you stole my square piece I didn't steal your square piece I'm coming how stole my square piece Mick mous your duck and miss duck purple they're not [ __ ] purple there's nowhere it goes idiot shove your blocks up your ass how about I shove them up yours hey guys how's it going don't touch my block you freaking nud okay hey Cody this piece won't fit well that's because you got the cow the pick infused again Freddy oh you're so smart Cody you should be in a higher grade yes I should be hey Cody I learn a new a word from my dad last night you want to hear it okay Hooker Hooker yeah my dad said he wanted to go eat out a hooker oh he must have been talking about a hook and ladder sub from Firehouse Subs then why did he say it was going to be so hot uh because they heat up their subs that that's why it's called Firehouse is that why he came home with red sauce all over his face yeah he must have gotten a meatball sub instead oh I want a hooker Miss Patrick can I have a hooker Mikey stop it we do not say that word why getting so mad a hookah just means a sandwich no it's not if I hear you say that word one more time you're going in the timeout chair okay jeez I don't know why she doesn't like sandwiches all right class we're going to start the day class class what do three eyes on me be quiet good all right today class I didn't take my Xanax because my prescription ran out Xanax is a fancy adult word for happy medicine my Dad gives me Zex shut the [ __ ] up Mikey all right class today is blue day over the weekend you were supposed to get three blue things for show and tell who wants to go first oh Mrs F Patrick pick me pick me I want to go first me me me would anybody else like to go first uh anybody oh what about you Daryl huh dare dare dare dare please anybody Freddy how about you come on up oh man okay all right Freddy what three blue items did you bring well I have my blue bowling pin and my blue swimming goggles and my James peie elepant Snuggie very good Freddy but actually you have four blue items because you're wearing a blue striped shirt [ __ ] does that mean I fail No in fact it means you get a prize out of the prize bucket which is also blue okay I'm going choose the Grim prize bucket what's up there Mrs spatrick how do I get something out of the prize bucket by not being you Mikey okay class who wants to go next oh me me me me me Mrs fatrick me no Mikey you're going last oh W Cody how about you come up okay I'll do it that's not [ __ ] Fair hey give me a toy no it's my toy give me to my toy give me miky get him back his toy God I hate him having a rough day Mrs Fitz it's okay Cody okay Cody what three blue things did you bring okay check this out I'm wearing it I got a blue bow tie a blue shirt and blue shorts very good Cody go ahead and sit down okay I just can't help but notice you didn't give me something out of the prize bucket well Cody you didn't go above and beyond Freddy brought four blue things well he didn't even know his shirt was blue his mom dresses him all right who wants to go next okay you know what [ __ ] you I'm going to go Riyal Mikey up don't you dare Cody Cody how about a sticker okay I guess I can take a sticker hey Mikey check this out I got a sticker Mrs fit pck I want a sticker Mikey if you shut up for the rest of class I will give you a sticker okay you already lost Daryl how about you come upare yes darl come on upare get your ass up here someone help Dar come on all right Daryl come on up now what three blue things did you bring for show and tell oh very good you have a blue page in your book okay what else did you bring that's blue oh blue shorts very good Daryl and what's your third blue thing bear be uh let's see um oh here we go a blue bear good job dar please go sit down oh Mrs fatrick can I go next please oh pick me pick me pck me pck me pick me I promise I'll be good please okay Mikey come on just let's get this over with okay I got some really good stuff okay Mikey what three blue items did you bring okay so for my first item I have this really cool Blue Block awesome okay what else did you bring for my second item I have this really cool Blue Block Mikey did you only bring blue blocks from the class no I got a really good last item for my last item I got this PIR of blue underwear from the backseat of my dad's car Mikey where the hell did you get those I told you I got it from the backseat of my dad's car Mikey get out get go sit down do I get a prize no miky get out of my S go sit down but I brought three blue things and my pants are blue that means I B four things I deserve a PL set your ass down my cuz it's [ __ ] oh freaking hate this class hey Mikey I think your dad might be boning Mrs Fitzpatrick because you found her underwear in the back of your dad's car well my dad is her top donator on her only friend so that kind of makes sense all right class I think we only have time for one more showand tell before lunch and I need lunch to go find myself a Xanax so who wants to go right now I'll go all right Alex come on up now what three blue items did you bring well I don't own anything blue but I got this purple Quon cuz purple my favorite color okay well that is not blue you were supposed to bring three blue things but why is it going to be a purple day I mean today's blue day last week was yellow day we had a [ __ ] black mud when's it going to be purple day it's not if you keep talking like that mister this is [ __ ] all right class new rule no more cussing or I'm putting soap in your mouths your parents sign waivers I can legally do that okay how about lunch pull out your lunches and I'm going to go find me some medicine I I hate turkey and cheese Lunchables I have nachos let me have one no guys guys make room for a real pimp I got a pizza Lunchable wao I've never seen one of those in person before only rich kids get to eat those yeah I go ban for band can I try a piece no Mikey you have fun with your turkey and cheddar but I want to try a piece yeah well I want to play with your blocks don't touch my freaking blocks okay then you can't have my pizza can I try it sure Freddy why I say I to try it but I don't well because Freddy is not a dick oh yeah well you know what don't thr turkey at me all right class I'm back how about that it was Cody it was Cody it was Cody it was him see he had the pizza Lunchable he threw it Mikey you freaking n Cody Time Out Chair now you're going to the timeout jail that means I can eat your pizza Lunchable screw off Mikey all right Cody sit in that Time Out Chair and think about what you've done I don't want to go to stupid timeout I don't care Cody you know better than to throw food well then Mikey should be in timeout because he threw turkey at me you're wearing the good boy sticker you should be setting an example you didn't find your Xanax did you no I did not then what do you have for lunch a plan B damn you're having a rough time aren't you yes I am Cody now shut up and think about what you've done all right class now I'm going to read you a Dr Seuss book Hop On Pop you hopped on my pop in the back of his car God damn it Mikey get your ass up here and sit in the timeout chair wait we can't both sit in the timeout chair yes you can until you two can learn how to get along not freaking Mikey oh man I didn't even get to finish my lunch bowl Mikey sit there next to Cody move why are you pushing me Mikey move your big fat butt out of the way Mikey so help me God if you don't cut this [ __ ] out I will call your father why so you can leave more underwear in his C making it worse Mikey oh I'm going to hit him oh go ahead you can't hit me harder than my father does you know what maybe you two are perfect for each other all right class hop on pop my pop cup pop pup in cup pop cup cup on pup this book is freaking buling you know what free day do whatever the hell you want color draw play your games I'm over it what teacher what about us can we go play you will stay there till you die but what about me can I go play no you throw a pizza at the wall I was throwing it at Mikey doesn't he deserve it no I don't care both of you will sit there and if you either one of you leave I will write a note home to your parents we more like a love note I want to go play why don't you go play Then [ __ ] well because unlike you my dad's not being the teacher and I don't think he'd appreciate getting a note well I'm going to go play with Mike bloxs Mikey what are you doing get get back in the chair Mikey Mikey woohoo my blocks are so freaking fun Mike Mike Mikey get back here if she sees you she's going to go both our parents I'm going to have to get him before she sees and that one goes right there and that one goes right there and this one goes [ __ ] right there what we have to get back in the chair we're going to get in trouble no I'm play with my blocks if the teacher sees us out of the chair she's going to call our parents who cares I care well I don't I'm going to play with my blocks help help my asses are done oh [ __ ] Mrs big Patrick I pooped in my pups man Joseph School sucked today I know it's lucky gets harder and harder hey guys hey Cody how was Kindergarten it sucked what do you mean it sucked I thought you liked it well I liked the first day but today sucked the teacher wrote a letter home to my parents what's it say it says Dear Mr and Mrs nutkiss your son Cody was very rude and disruptive in class today he back talked me argued with the other students and threw his pizza at the wall when I put him in timeout he left without permission please speak with your son about how this behavior is unacceptable damn dude I didn't know you were that much of a Savage I don't want to show the letter to my mom I'm going to get in so much trouble just don't show it to your mom oh yeah you're right so you going to go back to kindergarten oh yeah I'm going to go back there and kick Mike's ass you're going to fight a 5-year-old yeah and I'm going to win what if you don't well I'm going to ow he's not going to win way my what are you doing Cody I'm practicing for when I beat Mikey up today you're really going to beat up a 5-year-old in kindergarten yeah he's not going to be such a bad kid once I kick his ass see that's what kids need need these days good old ass whooping open up a can of whoop ass your glove fell off Cody I know I'll get it okay well I just think it's weird that you're 16 years old and you're going to beat up a 5-year-old dude he's four remember oh yeah you're four years old yeah he's actually older than me so so it's fine if I kick his ass it's fine telescope tiger I got a big purple crown cuz I look purple I playing with my stickers I got stickers on my face give me your stickers no they're my stickers R and blue play you're ready to take off hey Mikey hey don't touch my airport I don't want to touch your shitty airport actually that's a pretty sick airport yeah I got four different color planes red blue green and yellow yeah those are four colors yeah so don't touch my airport it's been very busy today there's been a lot of delays well there's about to be a lot more delays why how are they going to fly without a control T hey yeah that's what happens Mikey that's what Happ hey don't do that yeah you [ __ ] with the St MRI destroying my airport Mikey Cody stop it did you give your parents the notes I wrote for them uh yeah my mom was very upset with my behavior you know my dad got the note you wrote Because you got in his car again last night shut up Mikey but you did he gave you 50 bucks what were you selling Mikey shut up or you're going in time out Mikey you are making me feel very angry which brings me to today's lesson class today is feelings Friday and we're going to talk about our feelings sometimes you can feel mad like I am at Mikey right now sometimes you can feel sick like I was this morning I've been throwing up a lot for some reason but sometimes you can also feel in love you're in love with my dad you know he doesn't love you right that's why he hits you he doesn't love me either cuz he hits me too Mikey you're making me feel sad and I would like to feel happy for once oh oh I feel like I'm going to throw up again all right class today we're going to go around one by one and talk about how we feel today darl you first very good Daryl class I think Daryl feeling happy today I'm feeling very sick Alex how about you go next well I uh I'm feeling pretty purple Alex purple isn't a feeling yes it is okay Cody how about you tell us how you're feeling today well how am I feeling well I'm feeling pretty mad at Mikey I want to beat his ass but I really want to do a Dragon City at first can I please be excused yes Cody but hurry up thanks teach it'll only be a minute hey Dragon Masters we're back with another video sponsored by Dragon City and this time we have a very exciting announcement for all SML fans Dragon City has added a free exclusive SML decoration now available in game that's right your very own piece of the SML Universe just waiting to be planted right in the heart of your dragon Empire there's so much to do in this game Dragon City is a whole Kingdom of over 1,000 unique dragons waiting for you to collect hatch and evolve them from fire breathing Giants all the way to Mystical Creatures inspired by some of your favorite Youtubers with over 4 50 million installs joining this adventure means being part of a 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that the teachers out of the room I'm going to kick your ass Mikey why because you got us in trouble and the teacher wrote a note home to my mom but guess what Mikey I didn't give my mom that note I'm going to tell Miss Fitzpatrick well how are you going to tell her anything with a broken lip what yeah that's right stay down Mikey you [ __ ] yeah does anybody else want some who Do You Think You Are I Am yeah yeah I wanted to go just like that hey Mikey I'm going to kick your ass what yeah how you like that ow ow oh God he's B my air he's by my a Freddy get him the [ __ ] off me oh God it hurts it hurts somebody help me he bit my [ __ ] ear off all right class I have to wait 15 minutes to see if this test is negative which hopefully it is oh my God Cody what's wrong Cody Cody what's wrong Mikey bit my ear off Mikey Gerard Tyson you do not bite people's ears off wait Tyson his name is Mikey Tyson and he bit my ear off like Mike Tyson I'm calling the principal right now wait where's my ear has anybody seen my ear it's right over here quick put it on ice all right everybody shut up it's me your principal Mr Stein back and your teacher right here Mrs dick Patrick ooh yeah she told me there was a little bit of a tussle in here over there over there okay okay I heard you two have a problem with fighting in class he bit get my ear off well look rub some dirt in it this is kindergarten life gets a lot harder than this he he pushed me in the face first look I'll push the both of you in the face if Miss THS Patrick over there tell me about you do figh in that class again okay you got me yeah that yes sir okay okay and I'm going to keep your ear why because I like it it it's cool let me address the class all right everybody shut up Mrs fatrick over here walks in my class every single day and tells me this oh my class is horrible my students are from Hell who birth these demons if I had a time machine I would go back in time and murder every single parent so they couldn't even reproduce these are the things I hear man and Mrs thck Patrick she got her ass on her man talk about a wagon in that ass is Dragon it should be illegal in all 50 states honestly even in Canada but that's besides the point look if you little Hill spawns make another Ruckus in this class do anything fight break something I don't care I swear to God there would be a mass murder I mean some be someone will be expelled a lot of people will be expelled my bad about that so uh how's my son Doo well he loves his bear bear bear bear can we try to get him to learn a different animal well he screams every time let me talk to him hey Dar son buddy uh how about we try a different animal like the giraffe no don't do it don't [ __ ] do it it's my son I know how to talk to my son how about we try the giraffe giraff oh calm down bear bear bear bear be be see see beer [ __ ] it you in he really likes that damn beer it haunts my dreams just don't make him mad ever or you're fired I know oh congratulations it's positive hey class your teacher she's sad principal Steinbeck out wait wait Mrs Fitzpatrick if you ever need some extra cash bring that ass this way Mrs Fitzpatrick are we still going to go around the room and tell each other how we feel yeah I want to change my answer I'm not keeping it uh Mikey no uh I'm texting your father right now I mean yes Mikey go ahead and tell us how you feel i m makes me not feel anything I am in so much pain I am missing my [ __ ] ear very good Freddy how about you I feel stinky cuz I pooped in my pull-ups when the principal was yelling that's very nice Clarissa you got to keep the baby no I don't Randy what about all that good loving I've been giving you it wasn't love Randy it was a service o look at that tall glass of water and I am thirsty Randy I told you not to come to my place of work you embarrassing me yes hey Dad that's my dad guys Macky shut up before I slap the [ __ ] out of you he's the worst child I've ever had the displeasure of teaching well we can raise one together I'm not keeping it Randy yes the hell you is last time I saw my dad dis mad he killed my mom and my unborn BL uh I I know you guys are having relationship problems but I'm actively bleeding over here the principal stole my ear can I please go home why you ain't want a kill with me where do I start Randy you're a bum yeah you got a bum look at that dumpy oh Randy you don't even have a real job oh yeah what about my SoundCloud that I get 32 listens to on that's one for each day of the month that's not a real job Randy and there's 30 days in a month sometimes 31 and sometimes there's 33 depending on the year that's not what a leap here is Randy oh yeah well my career is about a leap this year yes sir on the 4th of February please can I go to the nurse I'm losing so much blood listen Randy can we talk about this later you going to take me to McDonald's sure you going to get me a 20 piece with the sweet and sour sauce sure in your nice ass car fella she got a nice ass car now a 2006 Buick laab yes sir that [ __ ] so clean it look like it just came right off the lot I don't care I am in so much pain Randy if you leave right now we can do the thing we did the other night okay class I'm so so sorry bye dad that's my dad so you've said Mrs Fitzpatrick I missing my ear can I please go to the nurse not right now Cody maybe in a little bit in a little bit am I going insane why is nobody helping me hey there Miss Fitzpatrick I'm here to do that procedure let's get the that thing out of there oh good it doctor doctor please help me I'm missing my ear just a second kid I got to do this procedure first just a second are you kidding me my ear is gone all right open up wait right here well yeah you want it done right I guess okay I just got to numb it first n n I'm just kidding but seriously though this thing does have teeth uh class um I'm feeling a little scared how about everyone goes home for today thank God I'm out of here uh Mrs Fitzpatrick can you give me right home my dad already left no Mikey wait hold on where's my little shark thing oh there it is I wonder if Cody won his fight Cody what happened to you Mikey bit my ear off wait like Mike Tyson exactly like Mike Tyson oh [ __ ] Mikey Tyson that's literally his name no way yes way he bit my ear off and the principal stole it what the principal took your ear yeah well why are you here you need to go to a hospital I know I just wanted to tell you guys how my day was I'm I'm going that that's that can't be right talk about a bad day dude yeah I know kindergarten must be really tough hey Cody how was school yeah did you learn about how long the Great Wall of China is it's 13,000 Mi dad dang I didn't believe that oh Cody you got a little bit of a boo boo yeah it's a pretty bad boo boo oh Cody you're missing your whole ear were you running with Scissors no a kid bit it off what what what a kid look like I know you poked his eyes out of something no it was a kider gardener Cody what do you doing fighting kider garders why don't you fight somebody your own age well I am in kindergarten wait wait you in kindergarten no way uh-uh well Cody what happened are you too stupid and they put you back there no the principal found out I only had like four birthdays and it was a whole thing okay I want a parent teacher conference cuz you should not be getting your ear bit off at school come on mhm hello Mr and Mrs niss I understand you wanted to meet me for a parent teacher conference yeah we want to know why the [ __ ] Cody's ear is not on his Noggin ah yes that was an unfortunate incident with another student who bit Cody's ear off oh Excuse Me Miss why does this cray say negro on it oh uh that's the Spanish word for the color black uh I don't see not one Spanish kid in this damn class you just wanted to say [ __ ] didn't you no I didn't excuse me are those animal crackers for guests uh no those are for the students [ __ ] I'm about to eat son since you want to say [ __ ] all all the time [ __ ] what yeah Miss cracker to be fair you are a cracker I'm so sorry what did you want to discuss with me a Cody does not belong in kindergarten he's very smart he should be in big boy school where they do drugs and in the bathrooms oh so you want him to do drugs yes it builds character I want to get a call saying Cody got shot yeah put h on his chest okay well uh we can give Cody a final exam today and if he passes he can go up to whatever grade he wishes that sounds good does that sound good Cody don't speak only nod Cody says that sounds good well we are certainly going to miss having Cody in our class he is irreplaceable what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean you want to go [ __ ] yeah beat her ass beat her racist ass baby I'm not the [ __ ] [ __ ] don't try me she not the other two [ __ ] I going to take this ear and sew it back on Cody's head yeah do it baby oh take the crackers too mhm crack man Joseph I hate school but Friday is the best day yeah dudee it's the closest day to the weekend I don't even do my work on Friday I just push it off till Monday yeah you just sleep in class all day hey guys oh hey Cody you still doing that kindergarten thing yeah I got a study for my final exam five cats six flowers seven balloons eight crayons nine cupcakes 10 tractors got it what exam do you have to study for in kindergarten well this is the final exam and if I pass this I get to go back to normal school with you guys wait that doesn't make any sense the school Year's not even over with yeah but a kid bit my ear off and there was a parent teacher conference it was a whole thing so if you pass this test you come back to normal school yeah and this is really important for me so I really have to study how many cats okay five got it okay well I mean me and Joseph didn't even get to go to kindergarten yeah well yes you did you've been to kindergarten before no we wanted to sneak into your kindergarten class and hang out with you guys do not sneak into my kindergarten class but it would be so fun like screw around and like have a free day it is Friday no no this is very important for me and if I screw this up I get stuck in kindergarten so you guys are not coming okay fine we won't come okay I'm going to school five cats five cats five cats all right Joseph we're going to sneak into his kindergarten class oh yeah dude let's do it let's go what's that did I hear you say you're looking for a free-to-play mobile game where you can create your very own dragon Empire well then let me tell you about today's sponsor Dragon City Dragon City lets you hatch collect and evolve over a thousand dragons even ones inspired by YouTubers they even added a piece of the SML Universe to the game build your dream City with magical habitats and awesome decorations test your dragons and epic battles climb the leaderboard and show off your dragon Mastery dive into quests unlock powerful skills and join forces with over 450 million players in a community where Legends are made click the link below or scan the QR code to download Dragon City now get the SML decoration instantly plus 15,000 food 30,000 gold and the Epic o Dragon to Kickstart your adventure but hurry it's a limited time offer it's a purple day I love the color purple purple it's my last day here yummy I got purple B pagetti I want some you can't actually eat it if po watch me no it's my petti God I can't wait to get out of this class all right class settle down settle down class all right today is April 12 12 which means today is purple purple day yes it is today is finally purple day [ __ ] yeah language all right class we're going to go around the class and everyone's going to tell me one thing that's purple Alex why don't you start H grapes are purple wrong sometimes grapes are green try again Alex uh Bonnie's purple wrong again Barney's stomach is green he's not completely purple try again name something completely purple uh eggplants they're purple wrong again Alex because the stem of an eggplant is green so it's not completely purple you fail for today this is [ __ ] anyone else want to try to name something completely purple my mom's body was completely purple when I found her dead that doesn't count Mikey I'm sure she was another color too no she was only purple how about someone else goes Daryl would you like to try bear bear bear bears aren't purple Daryl but thank you for trying who else wants to try how about you Freddy name something purple uh purple paint is purple yes someone got it right thank you Freddy purple paint is completely purple Cody why don't you try next uh purple Play-Doh that doesn't count Cody because the container of Play-Doh is yellow so you fail what that's [ __ ] I was talking about the Play-Doh itself outside of the container too late you have to be more specific Cody can you just give me my final exam so I can get out of this place oh yes Cody that class class free time play nicely while I give Cody his final exam all right Cody here's your final exam wait this is it yes and don't forget the most important question of all you have to fill out your name otherwise How will I know whose test I'm grading I'm the only one taking the test just fill out your name Cody do you need help spelling out your name Cody no I got it but I do have a question why does it say my goal and my score because you can fill out your goal as what you want to make on this test well why would I put anything other than 100 I want to get them all right just fill it out Cody but whose goal would be like a 50 or a two and if you need any words of encouragement look at Mr Apple you can do it well thank you Mr Apple I actually do have one more question though some of the questions are repeated multiple times like 0 plus 2 and 0 plus 2 and 0 plus 2 and 0 plus two Cody Cody Cody can't help you with any questions on this exam you have to do that yourself and if it's too confusing for you maybe you're not ready to leave kindergarden well it's not confusing I just thought maybe you made a typo or something all right Cody no cheating I'll try not to there's no way you're going to pass that test blow those questions are hard oh yeah when I pass this test I'm never going to have to see any of you [ __ ] ever again oh Freddy I I might still hang out with you Freddy you're cool okay hey blow you want me to sharing your pencil for you no it's pretty sharp I can make it sharper why would I ever trust you ever again you bit my ear off you goon hey Cody this is what the poop looks like coming out of my butt hell yeah Freddy what [ __ ] off Mikey give me my test back why don't you come get it Mike you [ __ ] God damn it Mikey get back here all right Joseph this is the kindergarten classroom what guys what the hell are you doing here we said we were going to sneak into your kindergarten class I said don't do that well we're already here okay well if you're already here help me catch Mikey who's Mikey he's the blonde kid in the orange shirt I have an orange shirt well you're not blonde are you no come on let's catch Mikey okay hey Daryl I'm going to hide in your desk but don't tell anyone hey you guys seen Mikey no yeah wait which is it I ain't stitching wait Cody why is that kid pressing bear over and over and over again I don't know he doesn't talk that's just what he does oh Cody there's Mikey he's wearing orange but he's not blonde well that kid over there's blonde yes but she's not wearing an orange shirt kindergarten is way too hard God damn it Mikey get back here oh Cody are you finished with your test no I have to make some corrections Cody you spelled your name wrong your name's not code I asked you if you knew how to spell your name I didn't write that your name is spelled c o d d y yeah I know Cody you got everything wrong on your test 2 + 2 isn't 17 and 3 + 2 isn't one I know that's because I didn't write that Mikey did it you cheated off of Mikey what no Mikey didn't even have a [ __ ] test I was the only person taking it oh and the only thing you got right was my goal which is zero and why the [ __ ] would I even write that you made Mr Apple sad because you couldn't do it well ask Mr Apple who really took the test he knows actually you know what ask my friends Mikey stole it right guys Cody you snuck in your friends from an older grade to help you cheat on your test but no well to be fair I didn't know that 2 + 0 was two I thought it was zero jior that's 2 * z Oh J animal crackers I'm going keep this maybe your friends should be in kindergarten with you look just let me take the test again I can do it no I'm sorry Cody but there's no way you can pass kindergarten okay you know what I'm going to go beat Mikey's ass come on guys wait no no no no actually I have to check my phone do what you got to do I love my blocks hey Freddy what happened did you fail your test yeah sure did but guess what I want to introduce you to some friends of mine you don't have friends yeah I do we're the sker boys and we're going to [ __ ] yeah yeah fight back home fight back can I be a sker boy yeah sure come on na I see nothing your mouth what do you think he's doing maybe he's going through the punishment book to find a punishment I found it what'd you find the word [ __ ] that Mark Twain is a literary genius but you guys what the hell is wrong with you biting in a Kindergarten class and sneaking in here trying to cheat on a test you thought I wouldn't find out well we didn't cheat on the test all we did was beat up a kindergarten you should have just said that oh my bad my bad silly me you think I'm stupid I can send all of y'all to juvie you know that I can send you to juvie juvie I I think he just like saying juvie juvie is kid prison you want to go to kid prison badasses no I could send you to kid prison but you know what I got a better plan how about I send you to kindergarten s sir I I'm already in kindergarten well your friends can join in kindergarten okay and I got the perfect test for you if you fail my exam you get to stay in kindergarten forever well I I I I have a question about it what since we're going to kindergarten is the video going to be called Cody goes to kindergarten or is it going to be we all go to kindergarten really thought about that one maybe Junior goes to kindergarten but what about Joseph Joseph's going what about uh Cody plus two yeah maybe Junior and friends go to kindergarten that's too long how about Junior's Miss Adventures how about Junior Joseph Cody go to kindergarten that's that's too long pretty hey guys ready to go to your first day of kindergarten oh yeah Cody kindergarten is going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy yeah dude I can't wait for it as long as they got nap time I'm down all right guys come on all right class settle down settle down I said be quiet okay class we have two new students with us here today why don't you introduce yourselves oh my God let go my hair let go oh Joseph told me to do it I tell you to do that dude stop pulling hair we don't do that okay okay why don't you two introduce yourselves I'm Junior and I'm Joseph very good okay Junior can you tell me what your bib says Junior very good Junior you're so smart and Joseph can you tell me what's on your T-shirt uh basketball fantastic yay oh dude this class is going to be easy we're going to ace it all right I have another question for you Junior can you tell me how many letters in the alphabet are in between J and R I have no idea well let's count let's see J K L M N O P QR that's seven letters I'll never use that information ever in my life and Joseph I have a question for you can you tell me what colors green and orange mix together make my skin color very good Joseph good job I guess so all right let's get you to assign seats um Joseph why don't you go sit by Daryl yes go ahead get out of the way okay Junior why don't you sit by your friend Cody okay go go go go EVN what's up dude what's up my name's Alex what's up Alex I like purple see I drew a purple carrot uh carrots aren't purple dude but imagine if they were yeah but uh you got a orange cray right here no everything purple look I even do a purple cat and I do the color purple on a purple sheet of paper oh that's pretty cool why don't you just wear purple then my parents won't let me wear purple cuz if I wear a purple shirt I just stare it all day if somebody wore purple I would do anything they say oh so cool dude um what's his problem over there well he likes bears but also apparently Burgers come out of his ass oh dude I love Burgers what are burgers at um that's C AR taste like lemons oh let me get a bite of that in dude oh lemon flavor this is so awesome Cody I get to sit next to you yeah it just sucks just it can't sit with us wait Mikey what happened to your bruises we kicked your ass yesterday my dad hits way harder than you guys plus my skin heals really fast cuz I get beat every night oh okay I want to build the Empire State Building no my block get me what yeah yeah Jor you don't want to touch Mikey's blocks unless you want to get cried at oh what's this toy I don't know some Hammer toy the kids that sit on the ground used to have it but they were only in the first episode I don't really know what happened to them I guess we just didn't really have enough actors for all the kids it's okay they weren't very interesting anyway I mean if people really liked him then they would have commented and I haven't seen a single goddamn comment people really just like Mikey and Daryl and Freddy and the purple kid all right class pay attention today is Earth Day the day we celebrate the planet Earth and we live on planet Earth I thought we lived in Florida yes Mikey we do live in Florida which is a state and a country on a continent on the planet Earth so it's the H's birthday oh yes today's Earth's birthday how old is the Earth turning I don't know very old like billions and billions and billions of years old my mom died at 35 why couldn't she live be a billions of years old Mikey your mother was murdered the Earth can't be murdered oh what if a big enough astroid hit the earth that that would kill it uh in that case the Earth would be murdered well with the rate at which we're polluting the Earth with greenhouse gases we are technically killing the earth that is also true Cody but let's not talk about how we're slowly killing the Earth on Earth's birthday what's the Earth's favorite flavor cake Alex Earth can't eat cake because Earth is a planet and doesn't have a [ __ ] mouth but if it did what flavor I don't know carrot cake oh oh I drew a purple carrot you think we can give it to the O and he can eat the carrot first of all Alex you spell carrot wrong your ca is backwards you know what you know how we're going to celebrate Earth Day we're going to go outside for recess so I can go outside get some oxygen for my brain so I don't have an aneurysm let's go outside Rec say freak yeah last one of the playgrounds a rotten butt I don't want to be a rotten butt you didn't tell me you had recess this is new to me I'm a doctor today I'm trying to figure out why I keep pooping in my pull-ups okay cool let us know what you find out Freddy recess yeah I'm going go ride you ducky oh recess is so fun dude all right everyone out Daryl are you coming okay you can stay yeah woo woohoo I'm King of the slim Mikey be careful I'm on a ducky that's a really good duck impression Alex hey there hey little kid uh you want some Sour Patch Kids uh yeah yeah well I got a whole bunch of them in my van come on okay wa you guys get recess this is the first time I've ever seen it oh dude this is so sweet I can stay in kindergarten forever well let's go on the slide No don't touch the slide I'm King of the slide King of the slide yeah Mike King at a slide because he has the crown well who made him King yeah who made Mikey King he didn't throw up what yeah I got spit on the tile swing for 15 seconds without flowing up I threw up immediately and then I pooped on my pull up well put me on the goddamn swing that sounds easy yeah I won't throw up if you spin me in a tire swing yeah okay come on behold the tire swing flown if you can be spun around for longer than 15 seconds without flowing up you get the crown that's so easy who wants to go first I'll go first I want that Crown okay let me strap you in strap me in Mikey why'd you tie my hands to the swing so you don't fly off no okay now lay back yeah all right Freddy spin that [ __ ] okay get me off get me off this said he gives up oh Cody dude has some dignity did you eat hot dog for breakfast wo I'm still King of the slide I want to turn boys boys has anyone seen Alex he was on the ducky I think that's what I thought all right that's it recess is over let's go back inside but I want to be king of the slide oh my God Cody are you okay hold my hair all right we're going back inside right now no no no no I got to be spun on the tire swing so I can be kinging the slide maybe next time oh Cody [Music] Junior I can't stop throwing up I knew you was going to flow up well I didn't get to try because I know I wouldn't have thrown up everyone throws up except for Mikey yeah um where's Alex I don't know probably looking at something purple well I'm taking a seat now one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 oh no still no Alex uh hey there oh principal Steinbeck thank God is there a problem yes so we were outside at recess and another student went missing no not another student oh God yeah we should probably notify the family oh man there's a monster out on the loose and he probably killed another kid Jesus not another one of our students oh just don't tell the class though quick question how's my son Daryl doing well he's still pressing bear I'm in that damn bear oh he loves bear oh yeah what about the three in the back did you give them their exam yet no not yet you should make it very hard for them like I am for you oh my junior Joseph Cody come on up here all right boys it's time to take your final exam in order to leave kindergarten you must color inside the line so evil that's not hard at all yeah all right pick your poison I take the fishes dude oh those are fish yeah I see the fishes lady no there's two fish I know how many fishes are on the paper okay the plural of fish is still fish look I can see the [ __ ] fishes can I just color please okay just go I'm going to go with the giraffe and the cow wait giraffe okay well I guess I'll take the panda cuz it's halfway colored already oh yeah oh yeah I'm killing it I don't really know what to do about this Panda why well because he's already black and white he's already colored in and I think his unicorn horn should probably be white and the only thing I maybe need to color is his little bird friend but he could be white too anything can be white the clouds are white so I think I'm probably done well you have to color in the sky okay I will color in the sky all right well I'm almost done with my giraffe and cow Junior that's not a giraffe yes it is Cody that's a giraffe look his long neck is poking out that's a giraffe no that's a cow no that's a cow this is a giraffe you just can't see his body cuz it's out of the page but if you could see his body it would be this really tall body and his neck is poking into the frame no he's a cow just peeking into the picture no that is a cow now this is a giraffe Junior cows and giraffes don't hang out why cuz your mom doesn't hang out with a giraffe is that how you know well she doesn't because she's a [ __ ] cow your mom's a big fat cow is have giraff friends Junior if you want to fail [ __ ] it go ahead Oh no you're going to fail because you're not coloring your Panda I'm just going to color in this guy and turn this in okay I'm done me two me three okay let me grade your exams oh Junior I see you colored one cow correctly well there's only one cow to color no there's two cows on the page no no no no that's a giraffe what you see look look how tall this giraffe is he's so much taller than the cow because his neck is very long you just can't see it cuz it's off the paper well that's not a giraffe that's a cow no no no that's a giraffe and that's a cow no there's two cows well maybe if you're including yourself there'd be two cows but there's only one cow on the paper I wasn't supposed to color you okay well you fail no I don't all right Cody let's look at yours oh I see you didn't even try what what are you talking about well you only colored the sky and a little bit of the birdie well that's because everything else was already white I didn't have to color it you couldn't color the umbrella a different color it's a white umbrella with a white handle they exist it's whatever color I want it to be okay and what about the ground or the water okay let me explain okay clouds they're already white I didn't have to color that in water doesn't have a color didn't have to color that either and then you see the ground I just assumed because it's a panda it was snowing and it's a white bird it's like a duck or something okay but I see you didn't color anything white well I didn't have to because the paper's white but the assignment was to color okay but I didn't have to cuz it was already done for me so you what what the [ __ ] are you talking about no I didn't need to color anything else like look over here look at Joseph's what a beautiful colored page thank you and look look look everything is so nice and neat and Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] is that it's a red fish no you colored outside the L all three of you fell oh come on that's [ __ ] at the ter around I'll see you next week oh wow this is dumb this is stupid I passed that's a shut the [ __ ] up [Music] bye guys tomorrow is summer vacation I know dude I can't wait to play video games all summer and go to the beach yeah it's going to be so much fun best summer ever guys today's our last day of kindergarten and we have to pass because if we fail we have to do kindergarten again next year for God's sakes we're 15 this shouldn't be hard Cody we're going to pass today's test yeah dude we got it in the bag we failed the coloring exam I know but we're going to pass today's test it's not going to be hard Cody come on just keep your head in the game let's go yeah I'm getting a headache BL blocks blocks po my all right class settle down settle down class class be quiet I'm trying to get R of you guys be quiet did you hear say be quiet oh principal sunbeck you're here yes I am I came to check on these imbeciles well we were just about to start our [Music] day let me talk to him hey you freaks you booger picking bastards you baloney lickers today is your last day of kindergarten for some of you for the rest of you you might have to stay in this hell hole with her all summer long for summer school well well oh please no I want my Summers off too oh no you get paid $30,000 a year that's plenty garbage truck drivers make $660,000 per year you make less than a garbage truck driver shut up Mikey anyway today is your final exam and I'm going s my butt right in this chair and watch every single one of you and make sure no one cheese because we would't want anyone to just pass these kid kids so they don't have to teach summer school right me I would never okie dokie cuz you know I run a tight ship here they call me Captain Steinbeck AR where's the booty I found it all right Miss di Patrick do your thing girl all right class everyone try your hardest not to fail I fail kindergarten three times I know Mikey but this year's going to be different you're going to pass this year all right class I'm going to call you up one by one and ask you a question if you answer that question correctly you pass wait one question oh they're really hard questions uh Cody why don't you come up here first go up there Cody oh I better pass this you're going to fail good luck Cody you got this thanks Freddy all right let's do this thing all right Cody I'm thinking of a word that starts with the letter F and has a th in the middle of the word th makes the th sound th th I know what th sounds like like but that word could be anything no Cody that word can't be anything because anything starts with the letter A does he not know the difference between a a and an F oh he does no I do I just meant it could be a lot of words how about this if you get it wrong you're going to get an f and fail okay well it starts with an F has a th um is it father uh yes correct you pass what really cool I guess that was pretty hard let me see that card oopsie I dropped it clumsy ass I'll get it oh I think I need a spanking okay all right Cody well you passed Junior why don't you come up next woohoo yeah I'm done with kindergarten lucky guest good job Carter all right it's my turn all right Junior your word starts with the letter X hm is it X array correct you got it right you passed yay no no no no that was too easy it's only like one word that starts with a next I'll choose the card oh oh this one oh there's no way he's going to get that word right well then he fails okay Junior well your word starts with the letter o o makes the o sound and your word has two o's in it is it boobies no junior junior your word starts with the letter O is it ooh boobies no Junior o not ooh o o look at those boobies Junior I like this kid but no you only got one more try and then you fail okay Junior this thing makes a sound is it an owl ow owls go hoot hoot no no hoot no Junior no no no he fails wait no one more guess one more try can I see the word oh there's no way he's getting that I know I know okay Junior um try again and oh it looks like something's on your elbow is the word my elbow no no Junior it's elbow elbow what's an OBO it's an instrument oh he fails go to your seat Well I fail kindergarten yeah you fail kindergarten oh wow oh no looks like you're going to be teaching summer school I want Mikey to go next and I want this to be his word oh well hold on I I think I'm a little thirsty um do you want some I'm so sry oh no you [ __ ] you freaking [ __ ] oh you got it all over my skinn jacket frak now I got to go outside and let it dry oh you better not let anybody cheat oh you're going to lose your freaking job freak freak freak freak freak guys all right class he's gone I'm not teaching summer school with you ugly bastards so every single one of you is going to pass kindergarten Junior will figure it out later Mikey get your ass up here to take your final exam I can't believe I failed let me show you how smart I really am guys all right Mikey this word starts with the letter F it's an animal that lives in the ocean um FL no Mikey no it's a fish but actually when frogs start out as tap holes they live in the water so they're kind of like fish so correct you pass I didn't say fish I failed I'm Sorry Miss batrick I guess I'll just see you in sub no mik that's okay we're good we're just going to try again we're going to do another animal that starts with the letter G and it lives in Africa oh gorilla no Mikey it's a giraffe I fa again no it's it's okay you know what we're just going to try again we're going to do another one but there's only supposed to be one God it doesn't matter Mikey okay this animal is really easy cuz you already guessed it a gorilla no Mikey no no no this is the first animal you guessed it starts with the letter F FISH [ __ ] no I'm not see that W that's a no no W no you know what Mikey uh you passed how because you already guessed frog I did guess frog you might I passed yay yes you did okay Dr get up here we're going to do your exam too fuding easy guys she gave you like a million chances Mikey yeah well a pass is a pass all right Joseph your word starts with the letter P and it's pink oh easy penis what no no no no it's p it's pink and you can eat it oh dub no what Joseph uh Joseph it's Cody's Mom oh I'm so stupid it's Pig should have said that from the beginning oh well I don't know who that is but yes your word was Pig correct you passed yes okay let's see who's next uh Freddy why don't you come up here all right Freddy go up there oh no guys I'm scared oh great he's going to poop his pants again prob boy don't worry Freddy we'll help you out if we can okay all right Freddy your word starts with a TR and it's something you ride on a track no oh don't get S try again a tractor no don't get S try again keep trying a try no Mikey uh it goes choo choo what uh it's one my dad and his buddy's weigh on her last night shut up Mikey oh a train correct you passed well you're correct about one of those things but yes you passed Yay Taylor why don't you come up next okay all right Taylor your word starts with BR R and it's something you eat uh broccoli no uh it's something you can have at brunch breakfast no uh but you can have it with your breakfast breast milk what no no no uh it's what's toast made out of bread very good you pass uh Ashley why don't you come up next I pass my turn all right Ashley your word starts with FL and it's something pretty floors did you just say floors yes floors it's something you walk on oh no this is something you smell floors oh it's sounds like you're saying flowers you're correct you pass okay uh who's next um Daryl oh oh Daryl why don't you come up here where's that bear card oh where's that damn bear card oh well ball maybe we can work with ball Daryl okay your word starts with the letter B um it's round it's something you play with it's something you bounce at recess um it's blue was that Paul Daryl did I hear ball everyone I heard Daryl say ball I think he passed you passed Daryl go go go everyone you pass I didn't pass I failed no no no no junior junior you get to try again because the rest of the class passed but yours must have been a flute because you didn't so come back up here and we can try again yeah okay I'll try all right all right Junior your word starts with SH and it's a four-letter word [ __ ] Junior no Junior this is something you wear well if you [ __ ] your pants you're wearing [ __ ] Junior stop saying that word it's try oh principal sck you're back yes my suit finally dried how's the exam going well everyone passed their final exam what wait what how it's only been 5 minutes well everyone in the class is just really really smart right class every everyone pass their final exam yeah no no way these kids are stupid there's no way they passed that exam and what is he doing up here oh I know he failed well you see uh everyone else in the class passed their final exam so I thought junior Here deserved another chance that's pretty forgiving of you I guess so but I get the choose the word oh but he was so close to guessing this one shoe oh it was Sho no way uhuh that's too easy and I already said the word stupid I'll choose the word how about this one okay Junior your word starts with the letter e and it has a pH in it it guess it guess it pH uh yeah it's my mom fat pH fat old fat [ __ ] no no Junior remember it starts with the letter e wait a minute Cody your mom's an elephant she's a big fat elephant yes yes she is Junior bres rats how did he get that I thought he was stupid everyone in the class passed oh wait everyone even my son Daryl D yes even Daryl let me go and ask him then hey Daryl what's up baby boy you know Daddy loves you but uh I need to know the truth did everybody really pass their exam you know fair and square no cheating no helping n Daddy they some cheat [ __ ] wait Daryl can talk you li me you lied to me of course he can talk I pled him in his class to tell me everything everyone fail summer school for everyone Sumer School oh guys we have to go to summer school yay I don't have to get beat by my dead or Su I wish I could beat by my dad I'd rather do that than go to school [Music]
Channel: Off-road Legends - FireStar
Views: 292,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kzQcQmg-4TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 49sec (4249 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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