SML Movie: Goldilocks!

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all right across tonight we're going to be doing another school play the school play that we're going to be doing is Goldilocks and the three bills oh my God Goldilocks that's like my favorite story I'm totally gonna be Goldilocks oh great another school play where my talents will be totally wasted on me playing an inanimate object when am I gonna be this time a bowl of porridge maybe a chair or a window come on Cody you're way too talented to be a window I see you more as a door yeah totally adore dude yeah thanks guys now I'm gonna come around the cross and pass out the costumes for the road that you'll be playing all right Junior you're gonna be papa bear oh yeah and Penelope you're gonna be Mama Bear what but who's gonna be Goldilocks and Joseph you're gonna be baby bear oh that [ __ ] dude and Cody you're gonna be Goldie rocks wait I'm finally the lead all my dreams are coming true what how is Cody gonna be Goldilocks he's a boy shut that up and LP I'm obviously hotter than you as a girl thank you so much teacher I knew you could see my talent when I played that tree in that sheath follow your dreams kids they really do come true this is gonna be our best play ever baby I promise you this is the last play I'm going to my son's the lead isn't this Goldilocks you got a problem with my son being a woman no no no no it's fine hmm anyone's gonna be paying attention to me Cody I should be playing the girl shut up Penelope it's 20 22. men can be better women than women can all right kids the show's about to start everybody ready two baby I put the hoe in Show Business I was born ready all right everyone take their places okay everybody get the frick off my stage watch me rock Mom Dad I won't let you down all right everyone shut up it's starting don't distract my codykins ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stage Goldilocks hi I'm Goldilocks and I'm just playing outside is that a butterfly [Music] is that a butterfly I'm gonna grab it yes I am come back here butterfly I'm gonna chase it yes I am where are you going butterfly you're going into the wood I guess I'm gonna follow him I'm gonna follow him where'd you go you stupid butterfly oh no I'm lost I have no idea where I am I am lost in the woods and I can't find my way back home I am tired I am cold I just want to go home is that a random house in the woods I'm gonna see if anyone is home maybe they can help me find my way back hopefully it's not a house where they sell crack the door is unlocked I'm inside I wonder if there's anyone that's alive maybe they have a phone I can use this is breaking and entering hello huh I guess they're not home wait I want to be where the people aren't huh well maybe they don't want me here oh well better poke around do I smell porridge I love porridge and what three bowls of porridge right here out in the open that haven't even been eaten what a bunch of wasteful bastards but if they're not gonna eat it then I will let me try this oh no no that porridge is cold I can't eat that let's try this one add porridge that porridge is just disgusting should I even try the third Bowl I mean the first two were not good at all but I mean I guess if I broke into their house I might as well try all their food let's try the third one too oh porridge I've ever had in my life that is some good [ __ ] porridge has anybody tried this goddamn porridge that porridge is amazing no one told me the porridge would be this good oh Jesus Christ that is excellent porridge and that doesn't really make a lot of sense though because I mean you think all of the porridge would have come from the same batch but no I guess everybody likes their porridge a little different but I'd say this one is just right foreign [Music] is just right man you know it would be really good a chair so I could sit down while I eat my porridge you know chairs because people usually like to sit down when they eat they don't just eat standing up well I guess these people do because they just ran off in a hurry that's why they didn't eat all their porridge but I'm gonna go look for a chair oh well there are the chairs I guess I'll just pop a squat yeah yeah that's a chair it's all right you know it's pretty comfy well there are two other chairs I guess I might as well try them I don't really know why I would it's not like this is Rooms To Go I'm not gonna buy a chair but yeah yeah this one's okay too I guess and it's not as comfy because it doesn't have a cushion but it's fine oh there's one more chair might as well try it see what this is about oh yeah yeah I like this this is the one oh yeah oh I gotta sing a song about this all right this one is fine this one's okay this one's the best so I guess I'll just stay I'm sitting down I hope no one's mad this chair is just right wow that was nice man this chair really wore me out I think I could use a nap make a look at their beds well here are the beds wait is that a hospital gurney uh-oh something really sad is happening in this house but still I'm really tired from chasing that butterfly and eating the porridge and sitting in those chairs so I think I need a nap yeah nope yeah no this this sucks that I don't know what I expected this is a hospital bed it's very stiff let me try that one okay yeah this is a little bit better I mean it's better than that but it's still pretty hard how about this one oh yeah I think that's the one let me just uh jump from this bed over there that'll be fun oh yeah Daddy likes this bed oh I can sleep here but first i'm gonna sing a song [Music] this one is stiff this one's too hard this one's the best so I guess I'll just sleep I'm laying down no one is mad this bed is just right right oh yeah yeah this is the bed I think I can just sleep here I don't think I have to worry about them coming home they left all their stuff out so I'm pretty sure it was an emergency I can't believe Grandma had a heart attack I know that's why we had to leave the house in such a hurry poor Grandma we should have got the Life Alert well let's go inside and eat our porridge yum I'm hungry damn skippy oh man I can't wait to eat my porridge mmm looks good hey what you took my spoon I didn't take your spoon yes you did that spoon was in my porridge before we left and yours well how do you know that this isn't your bowl because woman I always sit on this side of the table also my bowl is cold because I refrigerate mine it might tastes like piss because I peed in it what the hell is wrong with you two just admit you took my spoon I didn't take your damn spoon yes you did stop yelling me in front of our son oh I'll show you yelling how about that oh wow guess who has to clean that up oh the one damn thing you threw it on the house while you sit on your ass all day while I work oh work like go out and drink beers with the boys I deserve a tree because I'm the one that works now please I hate it when you argue you shut the hell up and go to your room don't talk to our son like that I don't even think he's our son he's clearly black he's not mine foreign furniture around everywhere I'm just trying to be like your secret lover Winnie the Pooh don't bring him into this oh I want you to bring him into it I saw him come by the other day and drop off our mail I bet he shot honey all over your face with his 100 Acre schlong at least oh nice to you yeah I think I bet you do think he's nice because he walks around with just a shirt on his Ding-A-Ling flinging around well at least he's present and always here yeah Mom said that Mr pool's gonna be my new dad and the truth calm down all right I'm gonna pack up everything even your bed sheets come on come on is it yelling grab your pillow grab your bag sheets grab everything I don't want to see your face ever again we were already sleeping in summer beds and we don't love each other oh God Dy I've never seen her a day in my life oh no no you clearly know I don't like blondes I love redhead fat [ __ ] guys this is just a big misunderstanding miss you [ __ ] she looks like a goddamn [ __ ] oh yeah he's a lot better looking than the guy you're sleeping I'm home and I got the honey part because I'll provide for my [ __ ] oh look who decided to show up here you bring another guy in this house when I pay all the bills and I work like you stupid [ __ ] I'm just gonna leave I'm just gonna leave yes I am yes I am gonna leave this place before I get hit in the face yes I am cause I I'm just gonna leave cause you're so low [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 7,605,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, goldilocks, school play, junior, joseph, cody, goldilocks and the three bears, bear, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserloogan, sbl, logan, lance, puppet, puppets, show, hilarious, joke, jackie chu, marvin, rose
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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