SML Movie: Chef Pee Pee's Mistake [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] oh i can't believe bowser had me going out this late at night just to get chocolate fudge brownie ice cream oh he's so damn crazy oh my gosh this just frustrates me maybe i should just turn on some tools to get my mind off it okay oh this is my jam don't tell us [Music] oh my god oh my god i know i hit something i hear something oh drama just drive off to the drive off okay peepee just calm down nothing happened nothing happened just bring the ice cream in the bowser just bring that ice cream chef in me what the hell is wrong with you i didn't hit a dog nothing like that what oh i mean i brought the ice cream here just take it to your dad did you get me ice cream no i didn't eat you any ice cream just just get out of my way i need to go and throw up oh chef pee pee where's my ice cream look bowser it's just stupid ice cream stop making me feel guilty you wouldn't do the same thing too i couldn't see him he just ran out of nowhere wait what oh my god oh my god look at the dog wait wait get yourself together baby get yourself together it's not your fault it's not your phone at all no the dog walked in the road he chose to die he wanted to die that day his owners didn't want him yeah yeah that's what it was he's a criminal because because jaywalking jaywalking's a crime i basically i basically killed a criminal he could have killed a family of six walking in the street jaywalking is is basically a gateway crying first day walking and then he would have been killing people yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm a hero that's what it is yeah you're a hero pippi yeah that dog didn't want his life no way he was walking in the road he was jaywalking you're a hero you had to hit him he didn't want his life you took it from him yeah yeah yeah he's in a better place now oh come back to normal come back to normal hey chef what junior well you got my dad chocolate ice cream and i want to know if you can make me a hot dog what can you make me a hot dog no no no no no no hot dogs i i don't think we have any hot dogs no no no did you leave them in the car the car knows why you have to put car and dog in the same sentence oh i just wanted a hot dog without a corn dog no no no no no dogs no dogs no corn dogs what about hush puppy what the what the hell is with you with these dogs no hush puppies but you really you make really good hush puppies especially when you hit them i didn't hit him i'm sorry i didn't mean to hit him look look i'm not making any hush puppies no no no no no no what's wrong with you chef pee pee well how about piggies in the blanket wrong animal junior what the hell is wrong oh well uh can i get chinese food well that's a stretch but oh my god there's someone at the doorstep i'ma get it well i'm gonna make you the mac and cheese then the scooby doo guy oh no the hell is the hell up i'm coming i'm coming hello hello hello oh my god you're the cutest puppy ever oh my god do you have an owner you're by yourself oh my god i wonder if my dad will let me keep you come inside come on water boil jeez hey sure peepee i got to show you something i'm not worried about it junior show me later okay my mind is on this macaroni and cheese but i really want you to see it chef pee pee i don't care about it show me later geez i guess i'll just show dad oh my god i am a fat ass i just see this whole container of ben and jerry's oh it looks so good it's so good hey dad look what i found outside i found a puppy that's a mutt that's not a puppy he'll get him away from me he might have rabies or aids dad he's just a cute little puppy he doesn't have a home well well that's because he was outside just make sure he stays there well no i really want to keep him can i please keep this puppy please look junior puppies are a lot of responsibility you have to feed them you have to make sure they're clean you have to bathe them you have to milk them you have to do a lot of things i know dad but i think i'm ready to be a responsible adult i'm six years old i could run for president i just really i just really want to keep this cute little puppy look at those eyes they just look so they look into your heart and they love you please yep they look into your heart all right but look you're gonna have to talk to chef pee pee about that if he says that you can keep it because you guys are taking care of them then you can keep it okay really dude yeah i guess so wait let me ask chef pee pee come on puppy make sure he gets me some more ben and jerry's after you done and that's some good macaroni and cheese right there hey chef pee pee what do you want now junior oh you finished my macaroni and cheese yeah it's finished and it's in the bowl so you can finally eat it so now you can see the thing i wanted to show you earlier yeah go ahead and get it whatever look what i'm gonna get right now all right look who showed up at our front door oh my god oh my god oh my god what's up chef pee pee where the hell did you get that dog from you showed up at our front door oh my god he showed up at the door oh my god are you afraid of dog chicken he can't be alive no it can't be he's supposed to be dead junior but what are you talking about mr puppy's not going to be dead what do you mean he doesn't look i ran him over with the car before i came here he's supposed to be dead oh my god mr puppy didn't get hit by a car wait wait mr puppy really so so when he gets bigger he's going to be mr dog no mr mr puppy that's his name he's going to stay mr puppy forever look look i will remind you of how you sound right now okay so but for for now i just need you to get a damn dog away from me okay that dog is he's just looking at me it's so scary he knows what he did he knows chef peepee you're being crazy no i'm not i promise you he knows what i did just keep him away from me julia but dad said i can't keep them unless you let me keep them look no no no we're not keeping them why can't you just have a goldfish or something cause goldfish die dogs i do when i hit him with a car well you wouldn't be hitting my goldfish with a car but anyway um me and puppy are gonna eat the macaroni and cheese and we'll give you a couple minutes to think about it please let me keep them no i don't want those oh my god damn dog is gonna kill me oh my god oh man this macaroni and cheese looks so good mr puppy we're gonna eat it together it's gonna be so good wait i forgot my drink can you go get me a drink mr puppy mr puppy can you give me a drink please please come on puppy go get me a drink oh oh okay i'll just wait for my drink my god oh my god this stupid dog is after me no no no no think logically pp think logically okay that can't be the same dog no way or it is and he's following me and he he wants to end my life that's what it is oh my god oh my god i'm gonna die just calm down calm down just just do the dishes and everything will be okay oh my god oh my god what are you doing you stupid dog what do you want from me just please tell me are you hungry is that what it is come on sneak okay i'll get you some food i'll get you some food okay i got you all the food that you need i got all the food that was in the refrigerator too all right so what do you want uh uh how about some pepperonis you want some pepperonis that's not enough oh my god uh okay okay we got some cheese too here's the cheese okay okay cheese not good for you um baloney how about bologna everybody loves baloney come on come on come on come on stupid dog uh i got a you i know you're thirsty let's see you that's not enough um look look i know that that has to be enough yeah yeah yeah you you just snack on that and i'm gonna go and lay down i'm gonna lay down okay okay today was a long day and maybe i just need to take a nap maybe i just need to rest and then this day oh finally soft pillows and i just need to rest wait wait i gotta turn the light off first oh my god what do you want from me you stupid ass dog oh i gave you all the food in the refrigerator what do you want come on just tell me look look do you want my bad do you want an apology i'm sorry look i'm sorry i didn't mean to run you over you got in the road it's your fault come on just tell me what you want look i love my life you don't see me running in the road come on just talk to me say something oh my god oh my god oh my god i think i'm gonna throw up again oh my god i need a place to hide from the dog why am i going the high where am i going to hide oh the dryer oh my god how do you keep following me you stupid mud what do you want is it revenge i know it's revenge that you want just take it out on me take it out of me come on you take your revenge out let's just end this come on get your revenge on me i know exactly what you want come on you stupid dog take your best shot at me run me over run aggressive do it so come on in me and me now in me sir may i ask what the hell you're doing i'm waiting on this dog to ring me over come on he's been he's been chasing me the whole day just following me following me i just want him to end my life now come on oh what dog oh there's the dog in the car what do you mean uh-huh that dog yes that dog you idiot yeah um you're gonna be coming with me sir what are you talking about it's a dog in the car look look i promise it was just a dog in the park i don't know where the hell he's went he did he was just in the car i promise you're coming with me [Applause] [Laughter] i might be crazy but at least i'm not by that stupid dog where is mr puppy with my drink [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 543,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, chef, pee pee, pee pee's, mistake
Id: _wpF7LkQ8zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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