SML Movie: Chef Pee Pee Quits Part 5 [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] i hate my life i hate my life i hate it oh i'm sleeping on a bench i'm broke and i have no money i have no job either oh man i just wish i had another job wait wait wait wait loitering toy oh good man what do you want well i actually have something for you oh what do you have wait a police officer uniform oh no no no pp don't get ahead of yourself oh god no we wouldn't want that from you wait wait so why are you teasing me with one well i actually found you another job what what yeah it's at this uh this pizza restaurant called freddy fazbear's oh that's cool well um what do i have to do there well you're gonna be the the night watch security guard you're going to report at midnight and uh you just kind of patrol the area make sure everything's going well as planned and uh they actually had quite a few other security guards before you but they all went missing so yeah they asked me if you would join so i said uh what's that oh about a hundred dollars a week uh hundred dollars a week that sucks but it's better than bowser's pay and i'm kind of out of a job anyway so i'll take it yep all right we'll just report at the uh at the peace and joint by uh by midnight and you're gonna be working there five nights a week okay okay five nights a week five nights at freddy's all right i'll be there weekend's off freddy fazbear's pizza what am i doing with my life oh actual pizza oh i am hungry oh it's cold gosh they could have at least warmed it up or something what wait what uh that's weird as hell um what am i supposed to do here like nobody left any directions or anything i guess i'm supposed to wing it or something wait what is that um hello hello excuse me what i used to work there i'm a little drunk i'm just trying to give you a couple of tubs look you're going to work there at 6 00 a.m and you got to check the surveillance to make sure everything is okay it gets a little weird there but you know oh i'm getting pulled over i got drugs in the car wow that was helpful oh well um so i have to sit and watch a stupid computer screen for six until 6 a.m in the morning like who would really come and rob this place like who wouldn't even try to break in or anything like that that's so ridiculous oh i guess i gotta flip another screen or something okay i see hats on the table so this looks like the party room um this looks like a doorway on this camera oh this hallway is a little scary they need to turn the light on or something oh these these are the animatronics they're even worse why would they have these here oh that's another doorway oh oh this is the bathroom okay so i know if i need to take a pee where is that another doorway oh camera disabled oh i gotta check this room later these stupid cameras there's nothing exciting going on it's so boring and the piece is still cold god i can't even eat anything oh a flashlight well i guess i can't go and explore around this place i haven't even went and seen this place yet let me go see what's out here yeah this place looks weird as hell oh but i'm going to explore it anyway i'm bored man what the hell is wrong with these things why would you even want that at a birthday party look at the eyes on these bastards they're bug eye they're like mosquitoes or something god that's weird give me that hit me jesus oh i wonder what's in this room oh god it's locked wait isn't this the kitchen or something why is it locked oh god now i gotta find a different room hmm this must be the party room oh pizza oh my god i am starving this better not be cold oh god damn it damn it what's with these people the cold ass pizza i don't know how they do it why would you eat cold pizza oh there better be a microwave somewhere around here because i'm starving and i'm not my latest piece to go to waste come on pisa i will find you a home all right stupid kitchen i need to use your microwave and i know you have it so open up go ahead open up fine you forced me to use my self-explant dammit dammit okay finally i knew they couldn't fool me i knew they had a microwave now i get to eat my bread what the [ __ ] is going on oh my god oh my god oh my god let's eat i mean i am kind of hungry but that's gross as hell oh my god oh does he eat a person this is murder oh my god oh my god oh my god should i call the police oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i think it just went as a murder it's crazy as hell oh my god oh my god just breathe baby breathe what are you gonna do what are you gonna do oh my god oh phone phone just call police nine one one no downtown no doubt downtown oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh i know i'll check the surveillance camera okay nothing in there nothing in there nothing in the hallway nothing in there wait something's supposed to be in there where's the animatronics come on come on don't play with me no no i'm not going crazy i'm not going crazy i'm not seeing things because i know those animatronics are still there they have to be still there i'll just go and check the room then they're oh my god they're all going they're all gone oh my god oh my god i gotta check the cameras come on okay where are they where are they oh not in there not in there not in there not in there wait hold on go back go back wait what are you doing what the hell are you doing you stupid bad fess up oh my god oh my god oh my god okay if i just stay in the security room nothing will go wrong right oh my god just go wait what's that running noise oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god please don't die bp you're too beautiful no no why me oh my god oh please don't die bp don't die okay i just gotta make it through the night just one night one night and i'm quitting this stupid ass job it's stupid and stupid maybe they're gone i don't hear anything yeah they have to be gone please tell them get out back oh my god what that was happening what the hell was that what the hell was that oh my god oh my god oh my god i need to find something to defend myself with because i can't sit here and run i can't run no more i can't run i'm a man i need to fight back dee i can't be beaten by little stupid fluffy animal trumpet things no more what can i use what can i use no this piece is still cold oh a pen wait you're next chica wait i dated a chick named chica in high school oh she had a big butt i should give her a call oh my god i need to check the surveillance oh where's that chica thing okay not in there oh you stupid bear you think you're big and bad but you can't stop me why are you following me oh you weirdo okay not in there you it was you wasn't it you have to be chica oh my god i'mma defeat you i promise you you're not gonna get the last laugh i will okay i know you're out there chica that's why i got a stapler you don't want to get your fingers stuck in this bag buddy yeah i promise you're gonna bleed all right now how about we just discuss this like a regular people and just see what's the real issue about oh my god just get this and choke on it you mustn't talk on it what the hell is wrong with these people oh my god i'm gonna die i told you chica i wouldn't get the last laugh oh man that was close i was so close wait what the hell what's going on what the hell is going on why is it so dark oh my god oh my god what's going on oh my god i gotta find something i gotta find something he's coming i got my flashlight oh thank you baby jesus oh but i know he's coming what is that sound what is that sound [Music] oh my god i'm so scared i'm so scared [Music] oh where did he go no no please let me go oh please please don't hurt me don't cut my arms off i paid my taxes please i'm a good man i promise i never hurt anybody please wait what are you looking at oh whoa that's pizza did you guys make that pizza for me if it's hot it's hot please tell me you made that pizza for me wait wait wait so you you were trying to kill me earlier right wait so you just wanted me to have the pizza [Music] wow that's is kind of weird but kind of thoughtful too in in a not murder kind of way if you don't understand what i mean but uh can we eat it together oh well can i get a hug for you guys for bringing me pizza oh thank you guys i was starving oh now i can finally get a slice you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,138,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, chef, pee pee, quits, part, five
Id: 6eTH0EtzmlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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