SML Movie: Uh Oh, SpaghettiOs!

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[Music] [Music] because I'm gonna be really careful in the face and you scared me drop it because you scared me don't blame it on me to you you made that mess okay so eat all of your food and do not leave this table or i'ma tell you that okay chef peepee I'm good in my room the only one I made a Mexican chef can be scary I can't let you be see that I'm gone because he's gonna tell my dad I need a decoy I'm gonna make a decoy all right yeah yeah they're chefs everybody looks over here hello gonna eat my SpaghettiOs still oh man I can't believe I'm eating in my room because I'm a big boy unless he scares me yeah yeah yeah yeah nine-one-one what's your emergency please come quick it's an emergency what's wrong there's a big red stain the carpet it's everywhere oh no what'd you do kid did something really bad I didn't mean to do it it was an accident yeah it's what they all say all right look just don't go anywhere don't touch the body and I'll be right over okay all right kid if you just cooperate this will be a lot easier for you now where's the weapon I don't have a weapon Jesus you did it with your bare hands you're a monster would you do eat his face to your freak what are you talking about all right show me the crime scene that's upstairs all right lead the way all right we're here is it bad oh it's really bad it's all over the place it's a huge mess I really don't wanna have nightmares okay here we go what it's just SpaghettiOs yes spaghetti oh let's put it everywhere - big mess what I thought you killed someone I thought there was a blood stain what no I didn't kill anyone I just spilled spaghetti OHS oh oh SpaghettiOs yeah no no it's a there's not an emergency you can't call 9-1-1 because you spilled SpaghettiOs it's an emergency because if my dad finds out he's gonna grab me take all my toys and then spank me in the face with his fist he's gonna spank you in the face with his fist yeah well maybe if he does that I can actually arrest someone but I don't know what to do with this you can't help me clean up the stade well whenever there's a car accident and there's a lot of blood on the road we just use coca-cola to clean it up so you're saying poor coke on this well yeah but I mean this is carpet and SpaghettiOs but maybe okay let's try coke then okay I'll go get some out of my car yeah all right kid I got the coke I really hope this works yeah don't worry it'll work stress oh yeah get it all in there oh that's good ya know it may not look like it's working but you trust me this is the new OxiClean it's gonna be spotless yeah it's really really splash it deep in those carpet fibers there we go there we go yep last part - there we go oh yeah you know I really thought that was gonna work you're on your own junior you're still here man it sucks that you can't leave the table until you finish eating your food what you not talking to me now oh that's silent treat the minute well I didn't want to give your annoying voice anyway hello - what's going on yeah yeah yeah you sounded really upset on the phone what could we doing oh yeah hold on oh sorry about that junior you caught me in the middle of dinner I was eating my baked beans they're really messy but I decided to bring them anyway so what's up besides emergency okay dude look what happened guys Jesus what happened here yeah dude I spilled SpaghettiOs and then you want tried to clean it up with soda yeah why because the cop said that coke clean stains not out of carpet well we just figured that out oh so what are you gonna do now dude I don't know my dad's that I can't in my room I'd be coming in my room I get grounded so if you see the stain he'll know I ain't my roommate grab it these beans are good Kui can you please stop plug my beans they're just really good beans junior you're Cody gimme this to a beat no Jenny these are maybe this stupid dream okay look look look I will place the beans gently over here I don't want to make the stain any bigger okay cool you look how do I get the stain out um have you tried carpet cleaner that was the coke no jr. the coke was coke carpet cleaner gets stains out of carpet just ask chef peepee if you have any I can't share Pitt because if I got Chevy for a carpet cleaner then he's gonna know that I spilt food and he's gonna tell my dad okay do you have soap I have shampoo what shampoo is for hair jr. well corporate kind of feels like hair what if your hair feels like carpet you need the shampoo all right Joseph you have two good ideas dude listen chocolate syrup I'm listening what look shut up Cody look just pour chocolate syrup over this game in act like you poo Joseph you're a genius yeah I know dude what what are you talking about Cody listen look a little early if I pour chocolate syrup all over the carpet it's Caleb and I just pooped over in my dad's buy him out and if I poop on the carpet I'm pretty sure he's gonna be mad at you for pooping on the carpet Union no no he didn't want me to eat in the room so I can I get my current this thing with chocolate syrup he'll think I poop and I didn't spill food you know what Junior I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to poop on the carpet either well I could just say I was really sick I had really bad diarrhea and I'm we're all over the carpet covers at the stain so they'll never know I hate my room you just keep it up this year oh don't worry let me get the thanks Joseph all right guys I got the chocolate syrup okay let's get the pooping do let's get the poop in Junior this is a stupid idea Cody shut up remove your baked beans Oh Jeff said he's a pooping oh yeah Oh poop all right ooh don't choke up oh that's a poop oh yeah that's improve right there it smells great though what it smells like chocolate what it does smell like chocolate yeah you know it doesn't smell like chocolate what poop yeah yeah so now your dad's gonna think you ate chocolate in here which is eating in your room which you're not allowed to do right dude you're right Cody I'm gonna get grounded my dad does think I ate chocolate and SpaghettiOs in my room this is a stupid idea Cory why don't you tell this is a stupid idea Junior I said this is a stupid idea literally seconds ago well why don't you just stop me I did when I said this is a stupid idea literally and I cannot stress this enough seconds ago oh yeah what are we gonna do with the huge mess I don't know Junior your carpet is ruined now okay what if I actually pooped on my carpet because you said the smell was the problem it's one of the many problems yeah because if I poop all over this he's gonna think I actually pooped how are you gonna poop that much I mean I can give you some of my beans but I don't think it'll help that much you're right there's nowhere to poop that much okay look guys we need to think smart I start now dude I have an idea Oh what is it anyway what if we just cut it out cut the stain out and replace the carpet which the floor carpet from another room shows up you're a genius junior this is a stupid idea and I really want you to hear me this time this is a stupid idea well Cory it's a good idea the problem is I'm not allowed to eat my room so if we cut the stain out and put it in another room it's not gonna look like a in my room Junior I'm not gonna tell you the problem with this plan I'm just gonna let you figure it out when we get there cuz I want you to learn oh I just want to get a box cutter alright come on cut it open okay okay let's go okay I'm done cutting I bet you're used to that you're emo kid you get that came out of nowhere alright guys let's all grab a corner and pick it up okay okay dude look now it isn't alliterate my room it look like I eat in this room okay but what about the giant hole in the carpet in your room uh we're gonna cut a hole in this carbon here and take it to my room to make it look clean all right let's see how that goes I'm gonna use this as a stencil I'm gonna cut around it they're brand-new carpet yeah that's good to me dude yeah jr. it fits like a glove what's wrong Cody it's too small Junior it's a little too small yeah a little it doesn't even fill in the hole and besides you didn't even cut out the part of the carpet that was stained with the coke Oh could you real cut a bigger piece no junior then you're gonna have more holes in your carpet okay well what if I take paint and I paint in all the parts that don't have carpet paint yeah I have pay as the same cause the carpet all right you know what fine junior I honestly don't think you could make it look any worse okay I'm a painted all these holes yeah it's got a good coat yeah it'll work dude all right Cody watch and learn yeah uh-huh uh-huh oh yeah junior it's not even close to the color of the carpet we got any better ideas Cody yeah eating my beans that's what I'll be doing do don't listen to them it's good thanks Joseph mm-hmm yeah more what paint huh a little there and done dude it looks like a match the beets I don't even notice it thanks Joseph oh you're welcome dude what do you think about it oh yeah yeah it looks great yeah it looks good as new though they'll never notice anyway I'm done with my beans so I guess I'm gonna head home good luck Junior yeah it's getting late dude so I gotta head home too I'm out of here all right bye Joseph yeah it looks really good no one knows this I'm gonna go to bed too yeah all right Junior I'm going to sleep well Wow Junior you still haven't finished your food look I'll bring you a pillow because you're not leaving this table until you're done eating okay good night oh man I finally get to go to sleep oh my god what is that [Music] why the Bowser who pooped in the other room who look I'm trying to see who made this mess look come and check the other room look oh my god is that chocolate syrup with bouncer I think I know what happened Julia musta ate in this room smells like any old everywhere it's real chocolate sir cut the crap it's just the cover it up really oh he's so grabbing jr. anything the kitchen well well well so you think I'm stupid huh so you're gonna eat in your room make up man you trying to cover it up and think I wouldn't find out well your dad is not as stupid as you think he is now it's time for that spanking in the face julia is so stupid he actually thought he would get away with it [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 27,312,276
Rating: 4.7373047 out of 5
Keywords: puppet, supermariologan, sml, superbowserlogan, sbl, superluigilogan, sll, super mario, bowser junior, bowser jr, plush, bowser, chef, comedy, skit, entertainment, stain, mess, carpet, hilarious, video game, nintendo, joseph, cody, friends, laugh, spaghettiOs, uh oh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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