SML Movie: Evil Chef Pee Pee [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] uh yeah i'm about to go to the grocery store do you need anything uh uh macaroni and cheese anything healthy uh macaroni and cheese okay okay okay i'll be back in about two hours all right okay chef pee pee chicken chicken sugar those must be my friends who could that would be oh jeffy that's my friends oh oh hey guys hey judy well come on inside i should be going to the store yeah yeah i'll be good yeah so chef's going to the store to buy me some macaroni and cheese oh that's cool dude super cool so what are we going to do today well i mean i was playing with golden thomas you all can watch me play with him oh dude there's a video on the internet it's so hilarious dude it's funny dude really yeah you want to watch it i want to watch it you want to watch it cody are there bats in it wait no no no why why was it people i just want to watch jokes all right uh let me pull it who's that wait that's my mom dude your mom yeah she's a skeleton node look this was taken before she died okay oh yeah i like her better when she's not dead yeah she's pretty hot i have much of a bee i'd smash okay here's the video dude it's this bernard on the teeter-totter we're going to hit him with water balloons here with water balloon you ready to prank him you know hey bernard wrong place wrong time you're different that's so funny guys why haven't we i don't know i mean who was the first to think of that to put water in a balloon i don't know that's so complicated yeah so i think we should play water balloons today oh dude that's geez yeah like throw them at each other we can't play with him in the house why not because then everything's gonna get wet you don't want that well where do you suggest we play with him at cody yeah outside but oh i'm sorry wait guys i got a better idea you know chef peepee's gonna be coming up the stairs what if we drop a water balloon on his head nice prank dude let's go make a water balloon yeah let's do it oh my gosh that's the biggest water balloon i've ever seen yeah dude it's huge normally it'd be so funny when a hitchhiker be in the head again oh yeah he's gonna get soaked it's gonna be hilarious oh my god all right guys let's go away for sure by the stairs okay dude wait wait wait wait wait what what if we put this water balloon in the freezer the freezer dude yeah it'd be like frozen solid i don't think they even have a video on youtube about that yeah we'll hit them in the head we'll be the first one it'll be awesome that's kind of a bad idea what why because it's a ball of ice it's really heavy and hard it's a bad idea because you didn't think of it cody yeah you didn't think of it cody you're jealous yeah it could knock him out and probably even kill him no no tony you know what you're talking about don't know you're shy let's freeze this water yeah let's do it okay guys let's open the freezer and check out the balloon dude i'm so ready why because he's gonna get hit in the head and he's gonna get really hurt no he's gonna laugh about he's gonna enjoy it dude he's not gonna laugh he's gonna get knocked out if anything cody we're imitating something we saw on the internet yes it's not it's not gonna be funny because he just shut up we're gonna do a prank and you're trying to ruin our fun come on we've got to wait okay guys you ready to drop this ice balloon on chef's head dude he's going to be sure wait what it's not a bad idea cody it's funny just like that video if it were water it would be funny but it's not it's solid ice you could give him a concussion no nobody cares about that movie cody what okay all right guys so when chevy walks through the stairs we're gonna drop this on his head he's gonna become a snowman oh dude it's gonna be gonna become unconscious when you hit him in the head he's so happy oh god i hate these stairs you just got water balloons right on his head was an ice balloon junior and i think he's knocked out he's he's not knocked out did you play around chef pee junior he doesn't have a pulse what and he's not breathing junior i think he's dead he's not dead cody just let's just breathe oh chef pee pee you're fat he's not fat junior he's dead no way dude he can't be yeah he's not dead cody he doesn't look like my mom really what do you call it when he doesn't have a pulse and he's not breathing what dead that's not funny cody i have a better joke what do you call a kid with no arms and no legs what names but no seriously he is seriously dead guys wait he's not dead cody look come on wake us up pee pee anymore are you dead wow he's a real heavy sleeper what should i be waking up he's very dead junior but no he's not cody you murdered him wait cody you murdered him you're the one who threw the balloon i was telling you not to do it and you threw it what no i'm pretty sure he brought up the idea right yeah cody thought of it first well yeah i'm the mastermind of the whole damn day yeah you haven't admitted yeah you in your four eyes i was the only one being reasonable saying we shouldn't do this well then why'd you do it i didn't look i don't want to be here when the cops show up i'm not going to prison stop bailing on us dude yeah cody you are a part of this yeah party pooper all right so i don't think chevy's dead do you i don't know dude let's what should we do i guess i guess call a doctor and yeah all right so what do we got okay dr wilhelm this is chef pee pee hey there chef pee pee so uh what happened old pee pee well um he just doesn't get up like he used to ah i see what you did as a penis joke yeah it's really good so i know what seriously though what happened to him well um me and my friend hit him in the head with a frozen water balloon yeah with a frozen what do you mean with a frozen water balloon we took a water balloon and put it in the freezer and then once it was a solid ice we threw it at his head that's not good it was a prank okay so let's see what we got here that's uh that is a fractured skull just just caved right in some blunt force trauma here it's a uh permanent brain damage no no he's dead he's dead for how long what do you mean for how long like how long is he dead i mean he's forever forever dead that's forever not coming back you can't bring him back no he's dead i'm sorry i don't want jeffy to die wake up jeffy wake up wake up if you should have thought of that before you threw an ice ball at his skull well i didn't i know it would kill him it was just a brain it was a prank bro i mean i'll come back later as a cop you know for the murder charges but uh tell them my bill's in the mail no chef baby i don't want you to die what are we going to do wait wait a minute wait a minute what what if you're dead mom mary's dead chef pee pee then you'd have new dead parents dude i don't need a dead step dad i already have a dead dad oh yeah i forgot about that god oh my god baby i don't want you to die no i would do anything to bring him back who's this dude i think that's the devil yep that's me but you can just call me craig that's my real name craig oh what are you doing here craig oh i came here to collect old baby chef pee pee he's going to hell yeah why should he go to hell oh well he jaywalked pretty bad back in 1997 so straight to hell for him no i'm gonna meet him oh don't worry you'll be seeing him in the future what do you mean i'm going to hell oh definitely for the murderer no junior i'll end you too don't worry wait wait me oh yeah definitely what did i do for keeping your dead mother in your house while she decomposes she's cool with it oh she's not she's definitely not we've talked about wait she's in hell oh yes she is she is one hot lady okay she's on fire she's on fire i'm funny it's my mom oh oh oh so good oh well i'll just have to take people no that's a pee pee don't take him i'll do anything can you just bring him back to life yeah i could i don't usually do that but if you did something very very evil if i do something evil you'll bring him back alive yes dude i'll do anything what do you want me to do anything anything uh can i get this candy bar please it's gonna be cash your car um it's gonna be coins are you serious uh i don't know how many was there you're gonna have to count them three four five [Music] you made him count every single penny who pays for a candy bar in just pennies it is so inconsiderate and evil oh i feel really bad oh you should you are going to level 10 hell for that one oh boy oh i haven't left this hard since harambe died i feel really bad but are you gonna bring shipping back to life all right yes um there are certain side effects side effects like like gas yes but also he might be extremely evil or not that's a big jump well it's about 50 50 for the evil and 54 than that and so there's a 50 chance he might be evil yes and a 50 chance that not yes do you still want to do it i mean yeah i made a guy count over 100 pennies i'm not going back from that yes you are a monster okay here i go chef baby you're alive oh i don't want him to be evil i want to be normal what happened to chef pee pee he's evil joseph yep well well tell me if you'll need anything bye-bye where you going joseph he's able how do you handle that dude i don't know you wanna come you wanna come help me uh see him no dude i think i'm gonna go home and repent i don't wanna go to hell jump them [Laughter] [Music] i'll just i'll just leave you alone then oh thomas chef baby's completely evil i miss the old chef baby yeah chef bb eat it eat that eat it oh uh you know i'm not really hungry i think i'll play with thomas [Laughter] i can't eat that junior do you know what chef pee pee's done with the macaroni and cheese oh yeah right here he's done with it wait why does it look like that um i think he put poison in it poison i'm allergic to poison what the hell is wrong with him let me see what's wrong with him take that bouncer [Laughter] who's that hello yeah i'm uh here to arrest some children oh no they understand he came back alive and now he's killing people whether he killed my dad what did he come inside okay and here officer in here jesus christ freeze you maniac put your hands where i can see him i mean i can already kind of see him but make him look prominent you're gonna shoot chef pee pee if i have to kid i just just put the gun down it's oh it's okay it doesn't have to be this way let me put the gun down just go home alive thank god the devil's here i don't hear that very often he's trying to kill me save me no pippy you can calm down wait what what's going on well you see kid i did this to teach you a lesson because you killed chef pee pee i made him evil to teach you that there are consequences for your actions is it all a lesson yes you're always terrible and nothing bad ever happens to you so now you know oh so i was that bad you had to teach me a lesson by killing my dad and a police officer yes i've learned my lesson devil can you just please bring my dad back and maybe the police officer okay but only if you promise to be good i promise i'll be good i learned my lesson just bring the old chef pee pee back okay okay who wants the macaroni and cheese what i do uh no chef pee pee we don't want any macaroni and cheese well we're not hungry oh well suit yourselves then wait wait wait chef pee pee's alive yeah but how well when you left earlier me and joseph summoned the devil and he brought chef pee pee back to life what yeah but when he brought him back to life he came back evil and he killed my dad and a cop but but don't worry don't worry it was all to teach me a lesson what we didn't really have the ending of this video planned out so it was all just to teach you a lesson yeah it was consequences for my actions and i think i learned a pretty good lesson so basically the lesson was always listen to cody right what shut up four eyes just just get to the sml question go ahead just what is it gonna be have you ever thrown a frozen water balloon at your personal chef and accidentally killed him and then summoned the devil to bring him back but he came back evil and killed your dad and a cop is that what the question's gonna be oh yeah cody's definitely what's gonna be everyone's gonna relate to that question yeah yeah and the funniest comment is going to win a video game and then there's going to be some comments saying where's the free video game and then i'm going to be like we'll check your youtube messages and they're going to be i don't know how to do that and then i'm going to say it was not my fault you don't have to chuck your youtube messages so that i'm just sitting here on a bunch of free video games acting like a nerd so you maybe should check youtube messages but yeah that's that's going to be the question so in your face cody yeah the big stupid face suck it doesn't happen you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,150,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, evil, chef, pee pee
Id: 2bHwi5SUh3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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