SML Movie: Chef Pee Pee's Birthday Surprise [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] [Music] wake up what bowser you can't sleep in this isn't summer camp you got chores to do like what well first off the dog pooped over there in the carpet so you need to clean it up ew why do i have to clean it up it's junior's dog and you have dishes to watch so get off the couch and get to watching those dishes for i punch you in your face your big sexy face oh it just made me wanna this is not how i want to start off my birthday oh i didn't even remember oh stupid dog hate dogs they just poop and pee everywhere and i have to clean the bathroom hey chef pee pee i just woke up why are you telling me this julia because i peed the bed wait what why did you pee the bed i'm sorry chef pee pee i just i was dreaming about the statue of liberty and i woke up covered in pee the statue of liberty why would that make you be the bed well because she's surrounded by water bunches and bunches of water oh my god julian you're such an idiot i already have to clean up some poop already pee is not that hard to clean up you said yes i have to take the sheets off your bed my friends are here hey chef pee pee whenever you're done playing with your games and stuff like that can you make me and my friends and mac and cheese thanks bye junior oh nobody cares about my birthday oh hey guys hey junior we came as soon as we woke up yeah i can tell cody you're still in your pajamas oh savage i see it because he wears it every day yeah you do wear that every day cody junior you wear the same bib every day and joseph you don't even wear clothes well like i pull more girls than you dude really name three they go to a different school don't worry about it or whatever guys come inside me i play toys okay guys what do you want to do today i don't know it's pretty early yeah uh how about trades dude training sounds really fun hey you guys know that chef peepee's making us mac and cheese mac and cheese yeah mac and cheese you should see if you could put some bacon in it but bacon yeah bacon bacon and mac and cheese i've never heard of that yeah it's the best of both worlds it's like pork cheese i can't eat that wait why because i'm jewish we can't eat pork oh my god cody you ain't stupid illnesses yeah why are you stick all the time it's not an illness it's a religion wait bacon's not pork what yes bacon is pork junior comes from pig no no if bacon was pork they they'd call it porkin yeah but they can't call it that because i was porking your mom last night you get it because no i get it yeah oh okay joseph well i'll ask chef pee pee if you can put bacon in it i can't eat that oh look at all the pee he didn't even try to go to the bathroom he just just wanted to pee on the bed gross look at this it is raining on my birthday god this is the worst birthday ever chef pee pee and nobody remembers it's my birthday but nobody remembers is my birthday it's chef pee pee's birthday and everyone's being mean to him it's his birthday oh my god i gotta tell my friends show us not a disease no it's not a disease look guys guess what i just found out ooh he's wearing bacon in the mac and cheese no it's something else today is chef pee pee's birthday oh it is yeah happy birthday chef pee pee yeah he's turning like 60 years old he's old yeah he's really old but the sad thing is no one remembered that it was his birthday yeah well you remembered well yeah but that's because you know i remember everything you know nothing gets past me but i just want to let chef peepee know that everyone remembered that it's his birthday so i think we should throw him a surprise birthday party dude that's genius yeah he deserves it he deserves it yeah yeah how how is it going to be a surprise if he never leaves the apartment well um that is smart i don't know leave that to me okay it will use what she said sure baby baby what do you want now junior uh uh choppy just had puppies wait what choppy's a boy well are you assuming choppy's gender no i know his gender he's a boy no he's a girl and he he just had puppies uh in my closet in your closet yeah he had 101 of them they're gonna make a whole movie about it 101 puppies yeah they're bleeding everywhere they're signing me twins and everything just what there's puppies in there go go go camp chef pee pee let me check and see you they're in there count them all count them all where where junior what are you doing i didn't lock the door i can't hear you i'm gonna go get help i'm gonna go get help now no you don't need it so it's not a dizzy no it's not a disease and it's not contagious judaism is not contagious okay guys i got rid of chef peepee oh hey toad how'd you get rid of him uh i locked him in a closet wow happy birthday to him huh i know it looks bad but when he gets out and sees the party we're gonna throw for him he's gonna say this is a dangerous party ever he better say those exact words oh he will 20 bucks yeah 20 bucks okay well anyway we're gonna get this party ready okay so cody you're gonna be the clown what you're gonna be the clown i don't know so go make balloon animals go learn how to do that and go get a big red nose before i give you a big red nose you're gonna hit me in the face is that what you're saying yeah if you don't become a clown go be a clown okay joseph you're gonna go get uh the pin to tell the donkey and uh the plates and tablecloths and a big band that says happy birthday okay okay dude that's easy okay you toad yeah yeah what's up you're gonna help me make a cake wait look at the cake yeah help me make a cake you know how to cook right yeah dude i was like a chef back in my old days oh let's go make a cake okay toad i want to make the coolest cake ever okay i want to make a thomas cake oh we can do that dude really yeah i got the thomas pan right here so we can oh that's so cool is it gonna look just like that just like you do oh my god that's so cool okay uh what ingredients do we need um well let me see on the cake box it said we need water vegetable oil three eggs in the cake mix oh well that's a lot of ingredients yeah i know right which one can we skip hmm how about the vegetable oil yeah we'll skip that yeah i don't like vegetables okay i'll get the water real quick okay uh no no no no junior what are you doing uh you said water but no you got to put the cake mix in first oh put it in oh okay how many eggs oh it says like three i think okay three yeah yeah okay well look at the cookie mix mix okay one okay two and three that's good all right cake makes all right open up open the oven all right okay put that in all right oh that's gonna be a good cake oh man this is gonna cook awesome dude okay so how many minutes uh maybe like 40. oh okay uh let's go check on joseph okay dude i can't wait to see what joseph did hey hey julia yeah what if i make some cupcakes cupcakes yeah that'd be awesome go do that joe okay dude i'm gonna check on joseph a little bit more right here whoa joseph that looks awesome oh thanks dude yeah it's really cool great garage sale uh yeah yeah garage that was the only uh balloon that i could that's awesome really yeah chef's gonna come out here and think that it's his birthday and he's also gonna think there's a garage sale going on he's gonna love it yeah yeah that's really awesome okay keep doing what you're doing joseph i'm gonna go check on cody yeah come on come on i'm up there almost god damn it cody get it together what's going on guys i got i did the stewart balloons i got the wrong balloons you got the wrong so no animals no animal balloons they just get round balloons all i can make her pairs like that one that was going to be a blue pair and i had to oh so you could only make pears only pears well i think chef's favorite fruit is a pear really no i was just trying to make you feel good yeah um but i mean i mean i still have the uh pin the smoke snack on the thomas that's really cool yeah you put a smoke stack on him uh yeah wow that's gonna be really fun chef is really gonna like that um but where's your red clown note yeah i couldn't find that so uh you know what that means cody it means me to get it but i'll punch you in the face i gotta face okay make it quick all right here we go time for a knuckle sandwich i hope you're hungry you took it like a man though yeah all right well i'm trying to make some animals okay toad how's the cake doing fist your eyes on this beauty wait wait what what what is that what do you mean it looks it looks really weird why is it because it's black well no no i'm just saying like the cake's all like broken and stuff it doesn't look like thomas at all oh we remember we skipped that wine ingredient oh well it's supposed to be all colorful oh oh that's just the icing dude don't worry about it oh okay so you'll do all that yeah yeah don't worry about it go grab some presents or something leave it up to me oh okay toad i'll be back in a few minutes try to make it look really cool oh it's going to look beautiful i spent 30 minutes making these okay maybe i can fix it maybe i can fix it oh this is broken oh come on come on come on come on get another one okay joseph how's it going oh oh i just made chef peepee out of play-doh dude oh my god that's awesome joseph you're doing an amazing job thanks bro oh oh and i made a cupcake stand for the cupcake oh you're doing so awesome joseph you you're really outdoing yourself how's it going cody damn it i did that i i don't know i i don't know how to do this just keep going cody you'll eventually get it yeah yeah yeah so what's next joseph uh well oh we still got the pinata to put up it looks like a dinosaur yeah dude that's what a dinosaur sounds like right let's go hang that up okay dude damn it you know what i'm done i'm done i'm not doing that come on cody come join us okay dude the pinata's put up it looks awesome joseph chef peepee's gonna love it thanks dude i i made a pair out of play-doh you made a pear made a pear it looks like an egg i know okay well anyway i'm gonna check on the cake so y'all just um you know set up some more stuff okay tony i'm ready to see the wait what's going on here toad oh nothing nothing oh just look at the cake yeah the cake oh my god toad what what it looks amazing it looks just like thomas it looks just like that picture before it looks perfect it's exactly the same not true it looks amazing toad you're a genius you're an artist oh my oh my god i'm almost better than you right now you are better than chef people don't tell them that uh okay i'm gonna get chef pee pee okay take the cake and the cupcakes uh to the living room and tell joseph and cody turn off all the lights and when chef pee pee comes in yell surprise [Music] help me please all right chef pee pee julia yeah it's me let's open the door get me out of here okay but say the magic word kill yourself but how'd you know that's exactly what i was thinking all right chef people when i let you out you got to promise not to hit me okay i promise i won't okay all right chef pee why did you lock me in the pee why chef baby just put this blind put this blindfold on put the blindfold on yes no you just slapped me in the closet why would i put a blindfold on because i have a surprise just trust me just i will show you something super cool and if it's not cool you can take all my toys okay blindfold i'm gonna take your toys and i'm gonna burn them you better show me what's cool a little further chef peepee what is the surprise junior oh you'll see okay chef peepee on the count of three you're gonna take your blindfold off okay whatever three two one take it off so you love it chef you you actually remember yeah all by myself i remembered oh my god this is the dankest money ever come on why would he say that you owe me 20 bucks cody damn it so uh chef people you wanna go enjoy your party yes i do let's go oh my god this is the best birthday ever right chef pee pee special for you garage sale oh oh joseph got the balloons in the banner tell them joseph oh yeah i get the balloons in the banner but the balloon oh cody double or nothing when chef pee pee sees the cake he's gonna say trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat yeah he's not gonna say that sure oh okay hey chef pee pee he's over there oh oh what what look at the cake we made you wow that cake looks delicious yeah well trick-or-treat smell my feet give me something good to eat why would he say that i don't know but forty dollars cody fine just take your stupid photo yeah i got it why does it have a hitler mustache though i i i don't yeah look at your cupcakes wait the the cupcakes are a mess oh well well look at all your presents let's go open your presents chef pee pee come on okay okay chef pee pee which present do you want to open up first wow there's so many presents there's like five calm down okay okay so the uh i got you four of them okay okay open up that one oh all right there's a special different order you have to open them in god wait wait what is this a rapid mac cooker yeah could you uh kind of cook macaroni and cheese slow no offense oh okay um i i guess it is useful um this one oh okay you want me to open this yeah so much wrapping paper yeah wait wait okay rapid pizza rijita well why why another cooking product well you kind of reheat pizza slow no offense what are you trying to get at junior all right next one oh my god i wonder what this is god so much paper can you just wrap it with less paper next time okay wait a rapid brownie baker yeah you kind of make brownies i gotta get it junior i get it i cook slow because it's not a fast food restaurant it's an actual kitchen well they're good probably they're good presents right all right there's the last one for me and it's not anything slow making oh not hold on hold hold on hey thomas and friends trackmaster yeah it's really cool why would i want anything that has to do with thomas and friends well i mean it's just really cool and i kind of want to play with it what so you bought it for yourself no i bought it for you but it's really cool do you want to play with the junior i would really like to play with it please play with it then damn it oh you're giving it to me well you can have it oh thanks you're so generous i really want to play with it see you bought it for yourself all right thanks chef pee pee uh all right open up joseph's okay hmm i wonder what this is it's a skateboard well thanks joseph wait what is it chef if you open it open it he just open it chef pee pee god hold on hey cody yeah 20 more bucks that when chef picky opens it he says ravioli ravioli give me the formulae uh no no no no no come on it's easy 20 bucks he's not gonna say it okay okay fine yeah there's no way he's saying that makes no sense oh okay oh what is it chef baby oh my god this is a skateboard well ravioli ravioli give me the formula come on there's no way why would he even tell you that people don't say that pay up cody just take take care wow but i don't have legs joseph what i do wait do you want the skateboard joseph yeah look you can have the super skateboard hey chef pee pee let's go play pin the tail on the on the thomas or whatever whatever joseph bought oh okay it's usually a game okay chef pee pee you gotta pin the smoke stack on thomas okay i'm ready okay hey cody yeah 20 bucks that one's checking no no i'm not doing this again what really no i'm not gonna lose any more money but it's easy money no i'm not doing it oh okay chef pee pee you're getting close i am yeah well tell me when i'm closed a little bit higher a little bit higher a little bit higher a little bit lower anyway chef pee pee you ready to go cut your cake and blow out the candles oh yeah let's go to the cake okay chef pee pee are you ready to blot your candles wait wait 60 oh isn't that how old you are no i'm 26. oh well you look 60 60s how much money i lost in beds today oh yeah you did lose 60 yeah and 60 is how much money i made today well that's nice for you it's a good number so um well toad serenade chef peepee with a sexy happy birthday song yeah okay i love you chef baby happy birthday to you happy birthday to you [Laughter] told if you don't get the hell out of my face i swear to god i'ma hit you in the face okay happy birthday all right chef pee pee blow out your candles and make a wish i wish that didn't happen oh come on make a wish chef pee pee anything you want what do i wish for okay what what the pears why'd you wish repair chef pee pee i mean you told me to make a wish so i blew out the candles and you know wish for something stupid because i didn't know it was going to be real oh you like pears yeah yeah i like pears those are my favorite fruit i have so many balloons i have so many oh yeah he made a lot of pears balloons but see that that's better than joseph's thing right i i guess so cody so did you like your do you like your party chef pee pee you know what i actually did even though you make a big mess all the time get on my nerves do all the extra stuff you actually thought about me and i appreciate it well you are amazing chef peep and you really deserve it you're awesome well i thank you happy birthday chef pee pee happy garage sale to me too i'm gonna make the biggest damn it dammit you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,037,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, chef, pee pee, birthday, surprise
Id: o6eK5g38B-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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