SML Movie: Bowser Junior's Revenge [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] guys i'm starving me too dude guys why is there toilet paper and mustard on the couch because we're gonna eat it wait toilet paper and mustard that's my favorite mine too ew we can't eat toilet paper well dude not without mustard we can't you have to have mustard no no i mean we can't eat toilet paper at all that's gross have you ever tried it no dude don't knock it if you haven't tried it you have to try everything once cody that's what my uncle told me yeah i don't really agree with them but that's how you got me to do the head shoulders knees and toes dance hey shoulders knees and toes toes toes toes toes toes toes toes cody you got to try the toilet paper it's delicious no junior that's disgusting well one of the first caveman in 800 bc was walking through the jungle and he saw a double cheeseburger and he's like ew don't eat that that's a double cheeseburger but dude the jungle junior where do you think double cheeseburgers come from the ground that's why it's called ground beef duh no no junior they come from cows so it comes from your mom oh burn hey hey waiter can i order cody's mom burger bring it on a huge plate cause she's fat you know what guys we are not eating toilet paper cody you did that on purpose no i didn't yes you did when you did that toilet paper you said i hope it breaks your piggy bank junior i didn't say that dude he totally said that yeah you said it cody and you're all for your eyes look really mean when you said it oh yeah he was looking at you with a vengeance dude you looked vicious guys it was an accident you were an accident yeah but junior i couldn't do that again if i wanted to yeah because i only have one piggy bank but if i had another piggy bank you'd do it again because you have laser precision accuracy junior you called my mom fat because i wouldn't eat toilet paper oh so since i called your mom a factual name you resulted to violence who's next yeah who's next me yeah you're gonna punch joseph in the face what are you gonna do you're gonna rob me all my money's on the ground in the kitchen you broke my piggy bank what are you gonna do is steal chef's wallet no no guys all i did was throw a roll of toilet paper oh all i did was throw a roll of toilet paper you make it sound like the bad thing you did wasn't that bad all i did was key a car all i did was throw rocks through your windows all i did was unplug your grandma from my support junior that's not the same it is the same they're all bad things oh you don't know the difference between bad and right oh okay oh like you know cody if you hit somebody with your car that's bad yeah i know junior okay look i'll buy you another piggy bank oh you'll buy me another piggy bank like it's replaceable what if my grandma who you unplugged from life support bought me that piggy bank it was it was priceless it's not priceless junior you bought it from like a dollar store or something okay so i can burn your house down tonight and just buy your new one everything's better no because my house is worth more oh your house is worth more so now your stuff's more valuable than mine oh oh it's juniors it's not worth anything but since it's on cody and all my stuff's really valuable well well yeah my house is more valuable than your piggy bank you don't know that okay i'm burning your house the other night i'm gonna do that i'm gonna go on zillow look at the estimate for your house and i'm gonna burn your house down junior i threw a roll of toilet paper so now you're threatening me with arson i don't know who arson is but me junior i'm gonna burn your house down tonight jenny if you do that i'm calling the police oh you're calling the police should you call the fire department it's a fire there was a place again you arrest the fire like bad fire put your hand behind your back okay i'll call both okay well then we'll go call both because i'm heading to your house right now to burn your house down okay i'll do that oh now you're gonna run from your problems like i'm just gonna leave i said cody yeah classic cody breaking people's stuff and calling the police in the fire department for no reason come on joseph let's give him a reason to call let me go burn his house down let's do it dude all right joseph we're at cody's house try to light it on fire are you sure dude this is not my first time lighted on fire i want to see his house burn down okay say less guys what are you doing tony what are you doing here i live here oh we didn't know that we thought it was a random house yup yup are you guys trying to burn my house down with a lighter but yeah it's gonna work you should have lighted oh i got you dude it's not gonna work my house is made of brick well then how'd the wolf do with the three little pigs he huffed and he puffed and he blew the houses down just start blowing guys it didn't even work in the story it's not gonna work now all right jess let's rent a wrecking ball and knock his house down okay we can do that dude guys just go home why do you want to go home dude do you like your house or something yeah well why don't you marry your health cody in his house and then comes up with the baby cares yeah you go marry your house weirdo you're weirdo you guys just please go home now you know what cody you're gonna get what's california it's called karma so you're gonna get what's coming to you so we don't have to do anything come on dude let's get out of here all right dude i'll show the lights guys stop it just go we almost had it dude oh joseph i really wanted to burn his house down oh me too dude but i guess his house was flame yeah he does love his house it's so special yeah do you know any way to get him back oh dude we could poop in the bag put it right in front of his door and then light the bag on fire he has to stump the bag out and put the fire out and then his shoes are covered in poop well joseph when he sees the bag on fire he's not going to want to step on the fire he's not he doesn't want to burn his foot oh i got a better idea what if we poop in a bag yeah and then we write on the bag with sharpie please step on bag and he's gonna be like oh wait that bag wants me to step on it he's gonna start stepping on and he gets pooped all over his shoes no what i like that better dude because you asked please he's gonna do it yeah he's gonna say please step on back i gotta do it ew poop oh let's get it back let's do it yeah i gotta poop already all right joseph that bag's full of poop check okay oh dude yeah it's full of poop oh it smells disgusting yeah it's so gross cody's gonna open the door he's gonna see please step on me he's gonna step on he's like a second place it has good manners oh yeah he's definitely gonna step on it his foot is gonna be a magnet to this bad she's going to be like stop stop stop stop oh am i stepping in the poop i think i like it oh i'm not going to door cody can answer okay okay dude okay and ride oh joseph i can't believe we just did that dude that was hilarious no i know we literally pooped in a bag and put it in my door dude do you think he stepped on it oh i think he's stepping on it right now he's like stop stop stop and there's poop going everywhere within his eyes and everything oh my gosh my phone's drinking that's probably him oh i bet it is is it him is it him yeah i'm gonna figure it right now okay hello junior did you leave a bag of poop outside my front door that says please step on me no no we we didn't do that but did you step on it no wha then how'd you know there's poop in it yeah i just opened it up and i saw there was poop inside no you totally stopped on it yeah okay i didn't step on it how did you not step on it because the bag said please step on me so you totally stepped on it no i wouldn't do that just because a bag told me to you totally stepped on it yeah poopy pie people yeah guys i did not step on the poop bag you did that's why you're so mad calling us because you're washing your feet i can hear the bathtub right now no i'm mad because you left a bag of poop outside my front door but we didn't do that jenny whose poop was that me and joseph did you see that mcdonald's earlier no no i didn't notice that it's really bad i'm gonna hang up now junior oh yeah well you have to go wash your feet yeah okay okay mcdonald's poop on his foot okay go wash your feet cody yeah hello okay but look i i don't feel like i got payback completely like he can wash his feet but i can't wash my broken piggy bank that is true dude i got the perfect idea i'll download a fake texting app and i'll text him and say he's going to die tonight dude that is genius best prank of 2020 yeah he's gonna he's gonna he's not gonna lose all his sleep he's not gonna be able to sleep at night he's gonna oh who's trying to kill me who's trying to kill me and no one's trying to kill him oh bro that is so smart wait this time 20 20. yes let's do it all right so i'm gonna go download a fake text again come on okay all right joseph i downloaded a texting app and i texted cody i said hey cody you better not go to sleep tonight because i'm going to kill you oh dude i also said i'm also going to eat your pet goldfish oh i bet he's so nervous right now trying to protect that goldfish i know he's so in love with his pet goldfish he won't stop talking about it i know dude junior oh oh what's up cody what do you have your phone did you just text me threatening to kill me and eat my pet goldfish no did somebody touch you and say that yeah and whoever it was obviously doesn't know me because i don't have a pet goldfish you don't have a pet goldfish no i never have i totally thought you had a pet goldfish and you're in love with that thing nope uh joseph i gotta go use the bathroom dude why are you telling me just go joseph did junior text me oh no dude why would you ask cause i know he's mad at me and it seems like the kind of thing he would do and he's done a lot of other really weird things tonight oh he would never do that dude what's this never mind i thought you had a pet goldfish still gonna kill you though hahahahaha codeweeb oh man i just got done using the bathroom so what's up codeweeb junior you just texted me while you were in the bathroom no i didn't i didn't have my phone a little battery junior they called me codeweave and you're the only person that calls me that what codewave that's a really good nickname but cody i did not text you i didn't even have my phone in the bathroom i was just washing my hands junior i know it's you it's not me cody it's scout's honor you're not a scout that doesn't mean anything to me cody would i ever do anything mean to you junior you tried to burn my house down earlier and then after that you put a bag of poop outside my front door okay and you stepped in it no i did it it turned out cody look i did not text you that's not me i promise i swear on my life i do not text you okay so it's really not you it's not me well then i'm gonna call the police because someone's threatening my life well at least you're gonna call the right person this time you're not gonna call the fire department over a crime all right i'm gonna go call him he's such an idiot i totally had my fingers crossed when i swore in my life oh you're so smooth dude no smooth hey there this kid says you've been sending them death threats me no yes you junior joseph you've been my boy for years yeah would i do anything bad like that nope see officer i would not send bad messages like that cody's a nerd and he wanted to set the popular table at lunch and i wouldn't let him because he's ugly and so now she's getting back at me they're trying to get me arrested why would you lie to me i'm not lying to you he's the one that's lying well i'm not lying i know it's illegal to lie to a police officer yeah that's right we have a pretty easy way of figuring out who sent the messages see i have a software that can track the message to see what phone it came from so whenever we find that person they're going to jail jail yeah jail you go to jail for sending messages yes sending death threats is illegal well well what if it was just a big joke well it doesn't matter if it's a joke it's still illegal well what if the person messages and says this whole thing with a joke don't take it seriously did he do that no uh well hold on i gotta go use the bathroom oh this thing was a joke don't take it seriously huh uh magic got back from using the bathroom i was really quick with that huh hold on that guy sent the text message while you were in the bathroom hmm this means something but but what it means it's him officer it's not me look just because the guy coincidentally sent a text message well i was in the bathroom doesn't mean it was me it's not me look i promise it's not me go trace the number and it's not gonna come back to me okay we're gonna trace the number we're gonna figure this out well officer uh hypothetically if it was me and i hypothetically smashed my phone would you be able to trace to my phone well no because your phone's broken so we wouldn't be able to find it okay so i just want to know that wait why would you ask me that because the new iphone 12 is coming out and i really want it so if i smash my phone on youtube reviews i'll make that youtube money and i can buy the new iphone 12. oh yeah that's a great idea make sure you get it slow-mo it'll be awesome yeah i'm totally gonna do that let me go break my phone i'm sorry thomas this is how i type this is how i type this is how i type alright let's track that message all right i just smashed my phone dude smashville population one what yep so i smashed my phone hey officer any luck tracing that number that's weird i can't seem to find the phone anywhere all i'm getting is helen well i don't know what to tell you i guess you can't trace it he obviously smashed his phone so you wouldn't be able to find it no no he said he was going to make a youtube video of him smashing his phone wait kid where's the video what video the video you smashing your phone oh darn it i forgot to record it huh that's kind of suspicious but then again i forget stuff all the time like the other day i forgot to not cheat on my wife can you believe that it's like oops shouldn't have done that yeah i'm so forgetful but i guess since you can't trace the number we should just stop it here the case is closed right yeah it's too bad i really want to know who did it yeah the case is closed wait what's this what cody you're still gonna die what die cody die junior how are you doing this well i'm not sending those messages my phone's smashed wait but it was you before though right yeah but now it's not me then who's doing this look cody look look look at my hand i'm not doing it i'm totally not doing like my phone is smashed i can't be sending those texts you can track the message though right yeah yeah i can do that all right let's see who this is type type type type type type uh oh what the messages seem to be coming from inside the house well really yeah and if you're here then oh can you see what what what part of the house it's coming from yeah hold on oh no it looks like it's coming from the kitchen dun dun dun oh let's go in the kitchen die die alone die at home die in rome wait don't die in rome that's too nice that's somewhere else worse you're the texter oh i am jeff peepee how could you cody you threw a roll of toilet paper at my head and make me knock over my pasta wait is this true a salt yeah he also broke my piggy bank destruction of personal property all they did was throw a roll of toilet paper tell them why you threw the roll of toilet paper because i was mad okay yeah you also have anger issues okay look it's five o'clock in the morning and we're all really tired okay so you chef you're a grown man you shouldn't be sending mean messages to this kid and you kid you got to learn how to manage your anger and you you broke your phone for a lie that can't have been worth it all right we all just need to grow up we all need to learn some lessons today and the lessons are be nice just don't say mean things to people and if you're watching this at home just leave it leave a comment below if you can think of a better ending than the one we came up with because we're all tired and this is the best we got so i'm gonna try to read the best ending that people came up with at the end of the next video [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 496,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior, junior's, jr's, jr, revenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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