SML Movie: Bowser Junior's Cookie Crisp [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] thank you oh man I can't wait to eat cookies with my friends for breakfast uh where do you think you're going with that um me and my friends are gonna be eating Cookie Crisp for breakfast no you're not that's the tree do you want diabetes yes what what no you don't do you shut up look I made vegetables for you so you're eating vegetables for breakfast vegetables oh do you need to start eating healthier okay no I don't even eat healthy look I told my friends we were eating Cookie Crisp for breakfast so I have to eat cookie crisps no you're not look I guess you lied to your friends because you're not eating cookies if we don't eat cookies they're gonna call me a loser well you need to face the truth because you are a loser little chat baby look please we have to eat cookies for breakfast please no you're not eating cookie crisps today junior I can't eat vegetables for breakfast that's gross oh my good vegetables what's wrong with you you get it now oh my God guys I don't want to eat vegetables but Chef PeePee said we can't eat cookies for breakfast because it's unhealthy well it's cookies for breakfast of course it's unhealthy Junior we brought our spoons we've been planning on eating cookie crisps today for the last month yeah dude and it's our bodies why is he worried about it I don't know I know it's America we should be allowed to be obese by the age of 20. if we want to yeah yeah this is America yeah we get fat if we want to oh yeah okay so guys screw these vegetables I'm gonna take these vegetables I'm gonna throw them in shape of his face oh yeah and then I'm gonna grab a box of Cookie Crisp okay yeah you take this trash out of here yeah it's trash yeah trash it's crap yeah this is ugly crap yeah let's spit on it yeah yeah what what what I said I said let's spit on it because it's because it's crap all right I'm taking this and throwing it in Japanese face yeah yeah do that dude okay Chef Phoebe put the Cookie Crisp on top of the refrigerator so all I have to do is throw this bowl of vegetables at his head knock him out and grab the Cookie Crisp And Run okay three two one yeah bullseye all right guys cookie crisps and I'm tagging him back please so if he ate that chocolate he'd die wait wolves died to eat chocolate I thought only dogs died if they ate chocolate what was their light dog so he still died so he's willing to die over the cereal yeah with two can't say I'm not willing to die for the Fruit Loops so let me just serious we're dying for yep that's mine she doesn't get to munching wait wait hold on let me turn on the TV so we can watch TV while we eat hey there I'm the head of marketing for the hit cereal Cookie Crisp now here at Cookie Crisp we're looking for a new catchy jingle to sell off cereal because it turns out telling people it's cookies for breakfast is making parents not want to give the cereal to their kids so I am personally offering my PS5 to anybody who comes up with a new catchy jingle for our cereal now I know what you're thinking why am I up here asking you to make a jingle for me well that's because my boss has given me till tomorrow to come up with one and well I'm kind of stuck I can't really think of anything so if you could help me out that'd be great and I'll give you a PS5 whoa Joseph huh stop eating your cereal like a woodpecker oh my bad dude it's a bad habit why'd you even bring this spoon guys we could win a PlayStation 5. we could all win one well one what I mean we could win one no we we're gonna win a place in fire but we haven't won a place in five yet well when we win we will have one one you don't have to say one twice if we win we'll win one no I mean we won't all win one yes we will that's what we're trying to do we're trying to win one okay we're not even gonna win so it doesn't matter all right guys we got to think of a catchy slogan for Cookie Crisp dude I got one well what is it five dollar five dollar cookie quiz oh I like that I like that and then they can sell cookers for five dollars exactly no guys guys we can't do that Subway already did that what well you know they had that song that was like five dollar Five Dollar Foot long what no no no no no no no no pretty sure I just thought of it yeah yeah Subway didn't do that yeah they did they did it like years ago what okay foot long just halfway up you want right oh I got I got it you can't out Cookie Crisp the hut right no that's just Pizza Hut no it's not well Pizza Hut is you can't out pizza to hide no way yeah well I just thought that on my own I was like you can't out quickly Chris the hood you didn't think of that because why else would you say hi well why does pizza get a hood because they're called Pizza Hut well what if we call ours Cookie Crisp Hut well that's not the name of the company okay you can't out cookie the crisp what what Junior I love it's too similar we're gonna get sued no it's too similar but yeah okay so then why doesn't uh the color orange sue the color red do you know that doesn't even make sense the colors look really similar so why don't they sue each other because they're similar yeah they know how to get along yeah but they're not if colors can get along then companies can get along okay you know what fine guys why doesn't Aquafina Sue Dasani they both sell water it looks the same tall but they're not stealing each other's ideas for slogans well no we're saying cookie crisps we're not saying Pizza Hut we're not saying Subway guys can we just go back to watching TV and eating our cookies no we're gonna win this PlayStation five and we're all gonna have one and we get to play all right fine all right so um Joseph You're Gonna Write the lyrics okay dude I'm gonna sing with my beautiful voice and Joseph you're gonna I call you Joseph Cody you're gonna shoot the music video and uh we're all gonna have contributed to this cool jingle okay all right let's all huddle up oh huddle up okay break we didn't even hey Cody yeah let me tell you about the best cereal you can buy what is it Junior well it's these cookies that you get to eat for breakfast for breakfast yeah for breakfast what's the cereal cutouts Junior it's called Cookie Crisp cookies [Music] wait that's McDonald's I'm cuckoo for cooking Christmas you're magically delicious they're magically delicious silly rabbit cookie Cruiser for breakfast okay that was tricks the cereal that smiles back Goldfish they're dangerously cheesy Cheetos you can Taste the rainbow and Skittles I'm a Cookie Crisp now but Huggies like a good neighbor but Cookie Crisp is there Egg Farm Cookie Crisp gives you wings give me a break right give me a break of that cookie Christmas KitKat finger looking good can't say they're great oh yeah we have the meats parties have it your way cookie crisps you're in good hands I'll stay cookie crib no Skies [Music] this is clearly McDonald's this is what I'm talking about guys we're gonna get in trouble we can't just keep stealing it I don't want to have any part of this I'm leaving they're magically delicious silly rabbit cookie cruises for breakfast all right guys I just sent the song to the contest dude we're totally definitely gonna win Joseph hey yeah dude are we gonna win Cody no we're gonna get sued because this song's illegal illegal but oh you're saying the song is so good it should be illegal because after people hear it cookie Chris is going to sell billions and billions of boxes cereal and make trillions of dollars and it should be illegal to have that much money yeah totally no it's illegal because we stole ideas from a bunch of other companies are we there still ideas look Joseph is a lyrical genius and every lyric in this song was 100 original right Joseph yeah 100 original came off the Dome I thought of it like right off the Dome like like the lyric um Cookie Crisp like Joseph thought of that yeah dude I just thought of it I don't know how I thought of it it just came to me yeah it just came to him you thought of it because you heard it in a McDonald's commercial oh okay okay what about the we have the meats yeah that's from Arby's no it's not we thought of that originally right Joseph yeah it just came to me in a dream dude yeah we have the meats sometimes I leave my TV on you know when I fall asleep but it did come to me in a dream yeah why would you even say you had Meats there's no meat in Cookie Crisp no no it's not about meat being in the quickest it's about you know like when you eat a lot of Creek crisp you get really fat so you have a lot of meat on your body so you have the meats on your body from eat a lot of good crisps yeah guys okay whatever when we get sued I don't want to have any part of this okay well you basically had no part of this because you didn't think of anything like you held the camera so you have like one percent of effort like you get you get one percent of credit for this commercial oh guys guys that could be the PS5 oh dude we're at lawyer oh hello congrat congratulations you won the PS5 made my job a lot easier here you go oh my God thank you so much so much Cody we got a PS5 yeah we did no way yes way no thanks to you I I held the camera you did like one percent of effort so you get to play it for like one minute oh dude I want to play it right now well I want to play it right now oh dude I should play it first I rode the show well I sang the song well I am the song Because I wrote it everybody's gonna remember the lyrics well it wouldn't have been a hit if it wasn't for my beautiful voice singing it no nobody cares what your voice is the lyrics dude okay how about this how about this how about this how about for the first six months of the year I get to keep the system at my house and for the second six months of the year you're gonna keep it at your trailer no that's not fair I want to play it now okay well can you think of a better reason um how about we uh flip a coin for it and if it lands on Tails I get to take it to my house trailer whatever and if it lands on heads you got to keep it at your house oh that does seem fair wait what about me I helped what about you well I did hold the camera okay how about this how about this if it lands on heads I get to keep it at my house if it lands on Tails Joseph gets to take it to his trailer and if it lands perfectly on the edge like this like not head door Tails we just land right on the edge you get to take it to your house oh come on that'll never happen yeah because you did like nothing so you should get like the least amount of chance to keep at your house yeah I think that's fair I think it's fair too so I'm gonna flip it oh it went behind the couch let's go look let's go look okay all right Joseph where's it at uh right there dude no it's a nightmare like that oh okay all right new rule it has to land on a hard surface like that no no you didn't say that Junior this counts well I didn't say that no you didn't say that dude so I guess it's fair it's not fair look it landed like that on carpet so so technically it's like it's like it's faulty you know we gotta redo it no no Junior it landed the way you said so now I get to keep the PS5 but you didn't do anything I sang the song I put my heart and soul into it what your heart is soul in the lyrics you didn't write look guys if you want to play it you can just come over to my house well you better set it up right because we're playing it tonight and I'm gonna play it all night at your house so set it up right you're not gonna play it before me in the corner Karen you know when my boss gave me that raise for getting the Cookie Crisp song done I thought I'd use the money on something nice not to buy you a new ukulele but boy look at what I say to you did I really say that man I must have wanted some that night boy next it's the least annoying thing possible that's my PS4 I gotta get it back somehow wait wait I already got the raise I could just go over to whoever's house I gave the PS5 to and just take it yeah yeah I get to dress up like a cop and say that I gotta search the house and then just NAB it but like again we're leaving now oh wow PS5 I didn't think you'd actually come to my house oh so cool I can't wait to set you up what is that at the door boy what are you what are you doing I was gonna answer the door no not in my house you better go in the kitchen and watch this with your mama but it might be my friends you don't have friends dork yeah hello hey there sir no no I'm not here to arrest anybody well prove it well I don't I don't have any handcuffs see nope no handcuffs here you should have said well I'm with the neighborhood watch and we don't like your kind here so tell me what you want real fast okay I'm with the neighborhood watch and I'm going door to door looking for uh the The Boogeyman he's real dangerous and I think he might be hiding under your kid's bed look at my house you should just ask look I want to let you come in and search my house oh but if you find anything it's not mine it's my wife's oh so take her to jail okay thank you sir all right come on all right this is my son's room he a little fruity but uh I get to claim them on my taxes so it's all good yeah he wanted them lgblt cubes so he like lettuce guacamole bacon lettuce tomatoes and I think quesadillas or something huh yeah okay oh no a boogeyman box a boogeyman boss that's a PlayStation 5. no no no sir uh that's a boogeyman box I see the boogeyman lives in a box and that's it that's what that is whatever works dude as long as I don't have to go to jail for it okay whatever I'm gonna have to confiscate this what's up Mom not right now Cody what's wrong Mom you know the little goldfish that you love so much yeah while I was cleaning his Fishbowl and he wouldn't sit still so now he fell down the garbage disposal get him out man what do you think I've been trying to do Cody what do you think this Fork is for Mom you can't get him out with a fart you talk back to me one more time and I'm gonna turn the disposal on hold on there's someone at the door don't turn it on Hello hey we came to play the PlayStation 5. it's not a good time guys it's not a good time you're just trying to hog it for yourself fine okay come in just my parents are being really weird all right guys it's right here where's it at Cody I I don't know it was right here how do you lose a PlayStation 5 Cody I don't know Junior was here a minute ago wow wow yeah I know what you're doing Cody you're so selfish and so greedy that you hid the PS5 and you're gonna act like you lost it just so you can play all by yourself but no guys really it was right here a minute ago wait wait what's this police this is a police hat I know where he lives wait how do you know he lives dude I I follow him sometimes oh oh that's cool okay so what you're trying to do is you're trying to say that the PlayStation 5 was stolen by a police officer police officers don't steal they stop people from stealing well it was his PlayStation to begin with so maybe he wanted it back okay how about this Joseph you stay here and watch and watch Cody and make sure he doesn't run off and I'll go to the police officer's house and see if he stole the PS5 back oh I'll stay here dude and if he moves it's pumbling time it's pumbling time oh yeah and if I go to the police officer's house and he doesn't have the PS5 Pummel in time one time probably time okay so I'll be right back Cody I missed you baby I'm so glad I got my PS5 back yeah yeah I did Karen can you just go play that outside please [Applause] let's play it oh it's been a long day time to play me some Spider-Man yeah look at that I'm Spider-Man who am I I'm Spiderman that's right what oh good grief who Could That Be oh hey you hey you hey how's that PS5 treating me I had to walk across the Interstate to get here yeah yeah I'm sorry about that okay well uh you left your hat oh oh did I oh well thank you for returning that I'll just I'll just take that right back from you I'm not giving it back if you give us our PS5 back I don't have you PS5 oh really because I found your hat where the PS5 used to be so you came back and took it back and your hat fell off no I I don't know what you're talking about I don't have it well if you don't have it then let me look around your house and if I don't see it I'll give you a hat back no but you're not a cop have a warrant you don't even know how this works well come on okay I guess I'll just go throw your hat on the interstate no no no no no I need that if I lose part of my uniform I get fined so then let me see you around your house and if there's a PS5 then you give it back if I don't see a PS5 then you get to have your hat back uh okay come on in nice place thank you hey hey what's up oh I heard a noise oh that's weird bless you bless you thank you you're welcome hey this this is a hammer that I have do you like it it's nice yeah so it's all my guests it's it's purple that's cool weighs seven ounces yeah wow can I get a glass of water you you know you sure can yeah just just help help yourself foreign just go get it I'm sorry okay there it is the PlayStation yeah and I'm sorry again about the whole Hammer thing I don't know I was just being immature I just didn't want to lose the PlayStation I just got a raise I could buy another one okay well here's your hat back oh thank you oh I can't wait to take this home who's that I'll get it you can't get the door at my house I'll get it hello it's cold and the interstate is right there I'm scared someone's gonna run off the interstate and hit me let me inside your house yeah okay come in I'm Spider-Man oh I want to be Spiderman oh yeah sorry why are you here well I'm here because I'm the CEO of McDonald's Burger King Lucky Charms Kit Kat and State Farm you know what all the companies and I'm suing you for using our slogans it's copyright you're suing me why because you submitted the little Cookie Crisp jingle and I'm not the CEO of Cookie Crisp so I'm suing you because you use our copyright slogans but I thought it was original and kid wasn't it original definitely 100 I'm suing it and I'm suing you because you're the one who submitted it oh come on please don't steal me my life sucks enough as it is well hmm my son does want the new PlayStation 5. so I guess you could give me that okay kid give him the PlayStation no way it's mine give me the PlayStation it's mine all right take the PlayStation all right sounds good thank you all right the lesson today is don't steal yeah it's bad [Music]
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 560,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior, junior's, jr's, jr, cookie, crisp
Id: 75FxN_FjMf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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