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[Music] all right guys you ready to play superheroes oh yeah dude but i'm the joker i'm batman i want to be batman no cody i'm always batman you have to be someone else be robin i don't want to be stupid stinky ugly dumb robin okay well then go chew someone but you can't be batman oh junior you have another batman we can both be batman we both can't be batman cody there's only one batman yeah that's against the rules dude you have to give the rules yeah we can uh look hey batman it's me other batman no you're one of those dumb batmans that work on times square right well okay cody look we could both be batman but you're the you're the ben affleck batman i'm christian bale well i don't want to be ben affleck batman he was fat okay well then don't be batman at all go be mexican superman but junior you always make me be mexican superman mexican's roommate's the coolest yeah mexican superman is awesome dude he always saves the day right in time to make it to his daughter's quinceanera yeah he's so awesome all right let's get this over with okay hey i'm the bad guy joker you can't beat me in batman oh well you don't understand who i have is my secret weapon come on say your thing so you mexican superman oh oh no not mexican superman with batman my two arch nemesis i'm outnumbered yes and you don't understand what he i got this sleeve say it hot plate oh not a hot blade oh no that's my weakness yeah now hit him with the baja blast oh i'm melting i'm melting and now you better get out of here before he gets the gordita crunch hold on the gordito crunch yay we saved the day all right you want to watch tv or something oh yeah oh let's watch tv hey there have you ever wondered if you were related to someone famous well now you can find out just call me at 1 800 famous and i'll personally come to your house and tell you who you're related to you might even be related to jeff bezos maybe he owes you some money maybe maybe you're like a long-lost kid of his or something come find out oh guys guys guys i want to get dna tested i want to see what famous person i'm related to i don't know junior that place looks like a scam yeah i want to get tested too i bet i'm related to abraham lincoln oh that'd be so cool i know right i bet i'm related to george washington carver who's that the guy who invented peanut butter duh oh why would you be related to him because he's smoother than peanut butter duh yeah cody who do you think you're related to a dork doctor dork yeah yeah a robert e dork professor dork with a degree yeah ulysses s dork captain dork with the ship yeah elon musk muskie dork yeah dork donkey dorky yeah i dorky my life is a teenage dork yeah these are just tv shows a dork and josh i dorky oh man i'm not dork's imaginary home for dorks yeah uh what's it called um a cat dork south dork it's outdoor uh family door uh a cinnamon toast door uh rick and dorky yeah uh on the dorks a bunch of dro oh oh uh i got one uh this is the dork life of zach and dorky okay i will get dna tested just so i can prove i'm not a dork oh yeah let's call a doctor should we get the nhs hey there somebody call a doctor to get dna tested yeah we saw the commercial and we want to do the test to see who we're related to oh it's really fun you never know who you'll be related to like i did it and my great grandmother was amelia earhart really yeah yeah it explains why i'm so good at hide and seek and so bad at flying planes just so how do we do it well you see these dna sample tubes yeah well you just take some bodily fluid and put it in the tube okay so like i can spin it yeah sure or whatever else it doesn't really matter oh can i poop in it yeah sure why not yes i know what i'm putting in there all right so after we put the stuff in there then what happens i just run it back to the lab then i'll have your results by the next scene okay i'm gonna spit in mine oh man guys i can't wait for our test results to be ready all right your test results are ready they're ready are they cool oh they're cool all right cody we're gonna start with you the most famous person you're related to is thomas edison whoa no way dude that's so sick who am i related to you you're related to neil armstrong neil armstrong the first man on the moon i knew i knew a lot about space whoa an astronaut dude i know it's so cool oh okay joseph you're related martin luther king oh man i always knew i had a dream i dream every night no no not quite but close osbourne dorsey who's that he's the inventor of the doorknob oh okay yeah yeah i'm always good with you know turning doorknobs yep you have fun with that information oh this is so cool all right guys can we just admit that i'm related to the coolest person ever neil frickin armstrong no edison is cooler because he invented the light bulb without him we'd be in the dark right now no because if addison wouldn't invent it somebody else would have been the light bulb dude the only way you would have been able to get inside your house today is because of my boy dorsey well no because then walmart invented those automatic doors what yes you don't even need doorknobs we don't even need him see neil armstrong he discovered the moon he didn't discover the moon junior he just went there yeah and they say the first person to go on land discovered that land so he was the first person on the moon so he discovered the moon and he got there with its cool spaceship he flew there landed he got out and then he danced on the moon dude he wouldn't be able to get out of his spaceship without a doorknob well he wouldn't be able to see the doorknob without a light bulb well he he would have been able to go to the moon if he would have discovered the moon in the first place dude you used door nosh for anything no no you use light bulbs more because you use them every day uh have you ever heard of a candle well well the moon lights up the sky at night so so without the moon it would uh it would be it would be dark yeah without light bone no without the moon you wouldn't even know it was night time until you opened the door no well no no no you would you wouldn't no well actually there's windows see bill gates invented windows so you could look out the window so we don't even need the door knob who cares but without door knobs we wouldn't even have knock knock jokes that's better well without light bulbs you wouldn't even be able to see who was at the door to answer it well without without the moon you wouldn't know it was night time so you know not to answer the door because not scary people come at night or fans who don't know the rules so so that yeah and see without the moon we wouldn't have waves and without waves we wouldn't have ships that would bring you materials to make your stupid light bulbs and to make your stupid doorknobs so so actually you know what cody i'm suing you why i'm suing you because thomas edison got the idea for a light bulb by looking at the moon because he went outside he said oh i like that little light in this guy i want to make one for my own so he made a light bulb based on the moon so i'm suing you yeah i'm sure you too cody because there's no way mr edison could make his light bulb without opening a door from mr dorsey yeah yeah yeah yeah giving either of you money well we don't need your stupid dumb light bulbs cody well okay i'll just take away all the light bulbs in your house and see how you like it we don't need them because we have the moon to light up everything nobody's going to need doorknobs then yeah we don't need that either because i just have a door i just push the door open i don't need a doorknob that's dumb i like walmart automatic doors lazy yeah you know what i'm gonna take the moon away and then what we're all gonna do when y'all can't see at night oh man this is such a huge mess it's gonna take forever to clean up wait what happened to the lights oh it must have been a power outage hey chef pee pee wait cody what are you doing uh do you know where there are anywhere light bulbs in the house wait wait wait why are you stealing our light bulbs oh i'm not stealing these i own these my great great grandfather was thomas edison look i don't care who your great grandfather is put my light bulbs back tell that to junior he thinks thomas edison didn't do anything what look put my rifles back and done i just finished my apollo 11 lego sculpture so i'm just like my great great grandfather neil armstrong what happened to the lights yeah hey junior what are you doing here cody well i'm just collecting all of my light bulbs that my great great grandfather invented wait you stole my light bulbs i'm not stealing them since my great great grandfather invented them they're mine well well i was building my apollo 11 lego sculpture see look there's me and there's my great grandfather neil armstrong she see um i didn't see any light bulbs on the apollo 11. yeah that's great well i'm gonna just take all of these light bulbs back to my house where i'll have all the light well well when you're walking home guess who's gonna help you light up the streets when you get home uh the moon well there are also street lights and guess what's in those street lights light bulbs well well you're dumb and stupid joseph get out of my way ah where do you think you're going home home where through this door you know you got to use this circular thing what's it called again adorno can i please use the doorknob i guess so for a thousand dollars and if you praise my great-granddad dorsey i don't have a thousand dollars well get an abrasion cody bring me back my light bulbs oh now you want them i thought they were useless well they are useless but i bought them so they're technically mine now look at that i forgot one hold on cody don't don't grab that don't do it oh come on cody that's better well at least you can't get through this door oh yeah okay junior i'm going out your window a peasant so where are you going now cody i'm going home well the whole walk home you better not ever look up if you ever look up at the moon you owe me a hundred dollars okay fine i don't want to look at the moon i've seen it before you better not ever look up don't look up i'm not don't look up junior i'm not looking at the moon you better not look up junior are you gonna follow me all the way home yeah cause i don't need to look up at the moon because that's my moon that's my great grandfather's moon you can't look at it if you look at it you owe me a hundred dollars i'm not gonna look at it don't look at it don't look at oh my god cody like if there was a time to look at it you should look at it now it's the most beautiful full moon in the world right now oh oh cody look there's a man on the moon junior there's no man on the moon there was my greater grandfather neil armstrong he was on the moon that was the man on the moon the only man on the moon and that's why i owned the moon and you better not look at it you owe me a hundred dollars junior shut up it's the most beautiful moon in the world like if you want to look at it you can pay me a hundred dollars i don't care junior like this walk home would be so boring if you didn't have the moon right there that big beautiful moon brighten up the streets i'm not looking at it it would have it all you better not look at it you better not look at it i'm not gonna look at it are you sure yes so pretty okay i'll let you look at it one time no free for free you could look at one time no i don't even want to now look at it for free like one time shut up junior go away junior you broke all my light bulbs well they technically weren't your light bulbs they were mine because i bought them junior you owe me so much money now no i don't just because you invented them doesn't mean that i don't own them if i buy i'm like i'll sell you a piece of the moon how about that no junior i don't care i don't want to see you right now i'll sell you one piece of the moon if you stop getting mad god i can't stand junior ah where do you think you're going cody in my house oh in your house don't you think you have to use a doorknob well yeah but joseph this is ridiculous this is my house but this is my doorknob a dorsey doorknob okay fine i guess i'll use a window get the climbing guess i'm just gonna sit on my couch with no light well you know what i do have light i have the moon and it's just the the roof is blocking the moon but i don't need stupid dumb light bulbs are dumb hey uh wait why is it so dark in here oh my friend's great grandfather was uh uh the inventor of light bulbs so he took all my light bulbs oh yeah about that i have an important update about your dna test results uh can you get your friends back here i can try but they're really mad at me yeah uh just so you know there's also a guy who's over by your front door charging people a thousand dollars to use his door knob that's joseph joseph get up here get cody what is it junior the doctor says he has to tell her something what do you want dude cody can we please have a light bulb just while you're here okay but you only get one all right doctor what'd you have to tell us well uh looks like the test results i gave you before were wrong wrong wait i'm not related neil armstrong no well cody's not really related to thomas edison nope joseph's not related to dorsey no well then who are we related to well i got your real test results right here let's start with joseph you are related to michelangelo oh dude that's awesome i've always wanted to be a ninja turtle and i already lived in sewers yeah and junior you are related to crush from finding nemo i mean that's still pretty cool like what's up jelly man what's up jelly man hey man you jelly man and you cody are related to vern from you guys have fun with that information all right guys do we even have to discuss who's related to the cooler turtle dude it's me i'm a ninja no it's me he rode the east australian current no one else did that well i went over the hedge went over the head give me my light bulbs back to dork [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 363,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, the, dna, test
Id: osjyqMcGBX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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