SML Movie: Cody's Revenge [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] [Music] all right julian wake up pack your you're going to military school wake up soldier you're going to feel real pain yeah oh what's going on what's going on i'm sick of your you've been breaking everything in the house you broke the table and i'm sick of it but what's military school oh we're gonna break your kid we're gonna break it you're gonna crawl on your belly through barbed wire we're gonna make you clean the bathroom with a toothbrush he's going to be a real responsible young man but dad i don't want to go to military school please don't make me go oh you're going i'm pissed off with you you're going i'm sick of it oh yeah we're going to make you a man yeah yeah we're going to make you listen to justin bieber oh we're gonna make you watch big hero six oh yeah yo please no please don't make me go please don't make me go bigger or six of the worst animated movies it's cars too i don't wanna go down but you have to go i don't wanna go please don't make me go please i promise i'll be a good boy i promise look i guess i'll give you one last try only one last try okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa so you're not gonna send him to military school i mean he did have a point about the movie yeah it's awful i don't care you just wasted my time for this just because you have a soft heart this took time you know i had to fly in from fort betting that's not close okay look i have a soft heart today because it's my cat mittens birthday what what i didn't know you had a cat dad of course i have a cat where have you been what i haven't seen him before oh really well come see him what what say hello to me and son isn't she the cutest little cat you've ever seen oh your cat's a jar dad no my cat is not a jar she's inside the jar how is she inside the jar just she was green maiden damn why do you have so many questions why why was she cremated look i was backing out of the driveway one day she hit the tire you know whimpered a little bit but she was okay but i had to get a cremated because a little blow was showing oh okay let me get this straight so you're not sending him to military school because it's your dead cat's birthday that you killed hey get out of my back guy don't you have some little military breasts to teach look i'll call you if i need you okay fine what what she's her dad i don't have to go to military school right look you don't have to go to military school as long as you don't get on my nerves or break anything in this house or you just get get on anybody's nerves in this house if i hear one complaint just one stupid complaint then i'm gonna beat you and then you go to military school okay dad i promise i'll be in my best behavior i won't do anything wrong and i won't break anything i promise i promise i hope you do look say happy birthday in a minute before i go uh happy birthday mittens no do you want to play with men's how how could i play with it oh she's so fun look look i got her ashes right here come on she's fine okay okay dad i had enough of mittens well suit yourself this is so stupid i can't break anything or make any noise this is dumb and i was gonna have such a fun day today oh oh what's wrong junior you look so sad why i'm really sad wait wait is it because you can't break anything or make any noise or you're gonna go to military school yeah wait wait that means you can't be you which is annoying right yeah so you can't play with any of your annoying toys like this annoying chainsaw i didn't want to play with that anyway look it's so fun i know you want to play with it right yeah wait wait what about your bicycle horn it's so annoying it's just like you don't you want to play with it yeah but you can't wait what about i don't even know you have that i was gonna break a lamp with it today what the hell look what about your puppy toy look don't you wish you could play with this huh yeah look chef baby i can't play with anything you just talk to me with all this stuff that's so funny now you can't play with anything this is gonna be a peaceful day for me that must be my friend oh man this is going to be easy i bet you get in trouble i'm not going to get in trouble we're going to we're going to play chess or something hello dude it's an airhorn dude [Music] junior you gotta hear this drum solo for lonely songs no no no no no no nice guys dude you have your toys too oh it's going to be a loud day today be quiet be quiet guys remember when i broke this table oh oh yeah wait you got a new one yeah we ordered another one oh yeah anyway when i broke it my dad was really mad about it and apparently he's still mad about it now and uh he wants to send me to military school dude military school do you know what they do to little boys in military school yeah they make you watch big hero 6. oh my god yeah so anyway he was going to send me to military school today about the table but then he gave me one last chance and he said i can't make any noise or break anything and if i break one more thing or i make one more loud noise he's going to send me to military school oh dude that's going to suck dude yeah like i can't do anything fun wait wait what are we going to do then yeah i don't know i mean um watch tv no no no no no no no no tv no don't watch tv we might laugh too loud what well um what about chess that that's safe that's nice and safe no no no i'm not playing chess what about basketball dude in the house yeah dude we always do that we might break something you're not being yourself are you serious stop yelling stop yelling you know what you know what forget it i'm not playing chess i'm not doing anything you can play chess with cody okay i'm gone i'm leaving joseph's really mad at me but he doesn't understand i could possibly go to military school well he said you said we could play chess right yeah i mean you could teach me how to play it right okay i don't know how to play it okay let's just play a nice quiet game of chess yeah all right junior are you ready to get your ass kicked in chess uh i mean i'm still wondering why there's pieces of me and you on the board yeah that that is weird isn't it but anyway you ready to start i mean i don't know how to play chess but i think i can beat you cody okay well i go first um i mean okay okay okay okay okay uh king me junior you can't do that why not that's not how chess works but but i mean you moved your little shell thing forward like why can't i do that junior did you really think you could move your pawn eight spaces diagonally behind mine that's not a pawn that's a coin but that's a pawn junior that's what that piece is called well i mean this is stupid i think you're cheating yeah junior i think you just don't know what you're doing but would you would you rather play ken instead i mean yeah i think he'd be easier i think you're just so s geniusy and smart that that you're cheating somehow yeah fine we'll let let's have you play ken okay get him we'll play him and checkmate junior with your own piece yeah ken pretty much destroyed you just just demolished you it that wasn't even fair he he didn't even lose a single piece and you lost all of yours literally all of them don't don't scream junior you go to military school junior junior calm down calm down your dad's gonna hear you junior my dad said don't break anything and now i'm going to military school first of all stop yelling her as he's going to hear you what am i going to do cody i don't know maybe you shouldn't have thrown ken he was cheating at chess he's a big mess what if i clean it up before my dad finds out i don't know junior this is pretty big i mean what if we sweep it up and we throw it away and no one will ever find out should be me and your big secret me and your big secret i don't know i'll go i'll go get the dutch pan and we'll sweep all this up okay okay hmm okay i have the broom okay uh hold the dust pan for me okay okay yeah better hurry up junior before someone sees i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying thanks for helping me clean it up cody i'm gonna go take her to the trash can wait wait wait wait that's too obvious junior they're gonna look then really yeah well then where should i put it at um how about in the cabinet under the sink there but but chef pee pee's cleaning stuff underneath never look under the sink junior trust me okay okay nice in there okay wow yeah look there's no more messing they're never going to suspect it then cody thank you so much okay everything's good everything is good yeah it's real good oh man cody that was a close one i was this close to going to military school man today's been really stressful and i'm just really tired so i think i'm going to take a nap so uh you can just head on home and we'll hang out tomorrow no i don't think so junior i think i'm gonna stick around for a while what are you talking about cody well you see junior the past few years you've been uh treat me like a chump like a loser like a dweeb and uh quite frankly i'm tired of it what are you trying to say cody well you see junior i uh just happened to snap this picture of you while you were cleaning up wha of you kissing ken's ass that's right of me kissing kansas wait wait what uh oh you were not supposed to see that you're this the broken bowl the broken bowl junior oh cody why would you do that we're friends you know i think i think i just covered that you've been kind of a jerk to me and and i want you to stop it wait so you're gonna blockmail me oh well that's kind of a harsh term but uh basically yes what are you gonna do what are you gonna make me do from now on you're gonna do everything i say and first off you're gonna apologize to ken for throwing him but but ken's a doll yeah and you're gonna stop calling him a doll too he is a man and you're going to address him like that i'm sorry ken you're you're so manly yes and call him hunky and you're so hunky ken cody this is stupid and that's another thing you're going to stop calling me cody from now on you will refer to me as the hunky god cody that's stupid what was my name the hunky god that's better but hunky god i don't want to i don't wanna call you hunky god your name's cody my name is hunky god and first off you're gonna give ken backrubs every day but he can't even feel him because he didn't i mean i mean i mean yeah he's so manly he didn't he needs back he deserves his background he does hunky god i don't want to do this oh i'm just getting stuck okay well what if i don't do it oh well i guess i'll just have to go show these pictures here to your dad okay what else do you want me to do hunky god let's see uh you're gonna give me back rubs every day oh and you're gonna tell everyone how cool i am and how hunky i am and how i'm the best break the shoulders junior that's where all the stress is okay hey junior i came over to a pilot joshua wait wait what are you doing dude hey joseph um did i say you could stop no you may stop what they think what's going on uh cody's blackmail i mean i mean uh uh i'm just uh massaging a kid's shoulders why are you massaging kids shoulders yeah junior why are you massaging ken's shoulders well uh see uh ken's a really busy man uh he's an astronaut lawyer doctor scientist he's a doll we know no no no no no no ken is not a doll uh i thought he was a doll until i walked into the room and i saw ken dead lifting 500 pounds what and and cody cody was dead lifting 500 pounds too when i walked in the room i thought i saw a rock wall but it was really cody's rock hard abs i said jesus christ is that hercules but it wasn't it was the hunky god which is what i'm going to be calling cody from now on the hunky god the hungry dead lifted wait come on be real yes co all those pictures that cody drew in the past of him being so hunky they they are true i honestly could not believe my eyes cody is so hunky wait you're actually weird junior what's going on i'm not acting weird i think i just have the truth in me now that cody is just so hunky and sexy save me i mean i mean save me from his hunkiness he's just so hunky i i just can't take how hunky he is i just want to escape his hunkiness i just which this is getting weird junior i might leave dude um don't leave joseph i i need you to help me uh oil up cody's rock card out what the i'm not oiling up his abs that's weird dude and i'm not even going to sit here and watch you do this dude don't come back okay cody look what you did i mean i mean what i did junior you just told him the truth if he can't handle it that hits that's his fault but hunky god i yeah what else do you want me to do let's see um how about you go get a piece of paper and some colored pencils why yes i you will find out just get them okay okay hunky god i got your colored pencils and paper are you wanting to draw or something oh i'm not going to draw you're going to drop me what am i going to draw you're going to draw a sexy portrait of me and ken come on hunky god i can't do that i'm not really that good at drawing oh i've seen you draw before junior i know you're pretty good and if you think i'm so hunky i want to see what you see in me jesus fine i'll i'll give it my best shot okay i'm done what junior what is this what there's a drawing of you and ken it looks nothing like us it looks just like y'all y'all were sitting in this pose i drew it do it again why because it's terrible and it looks nothing like us where's all the hunkiness i mean this i mean i you are so hunky but i mean this is this is what hunky looks like i don't see hunky junior draw it again but cody i mean but hunky god it took me 30 minutes to draw well and maybe it'll take you 35 minutes next time and maybe that will improve the picture fine i'll draw it again okay hunky god what about now his head's cut off do it again what his head is cut off junior but you see uh do it again no no no you see um there's no way that i could get the top of ken's head and your big gigantic biceps in the same picture it's just there's no way to fit it hmm yes yes i see your point my biceps are pretty gigantic it'd be nearly impossible to fit them all in one piece of paper yes you you're right you're hunkiness yes i'll allow it but uh you're slacking okay i'm i'm so sorry your hunkiness i'm so sorry i happen to be quite parched so uh go to the kitchen and fetch me a drink and a snack will you oh okay i said go plant i'm going i'm going okay your hunkiness here's a gogurt where's the beverage well well you see this is a gogurt it's a drinkable yogurt so it's kind of like a beverage and a snack in one i'm not buying it junior i'm gonna need a liquid but but this is a liquid junior this is a semi-solid at best no it you drink it it's a it's a yogurt that you drink it's a go-gurt i don't think so junior wow i believe there's some insurer in the fridge in there if you would just get that for me but those are for chef pee pee um uh they're for me now because i said so okay your hunkiness okay your hunkiness here's your insure active much much better hmm let's see now that i have my snacks i think i'm in the mood to watch a movie oh cool okay i can watch a movie what movie should we watch um inside out no too good um uh the incredibles still too good i'm thinking uh big hero 6. no no i don't want to watch that cody please don't make me watch that on blu-ray why why would the blu-ray change it's not going to make it not suck oh we're going to watch it we're also going to watch all the deleted scenes in behind the scenes footage oh cody look it's the best animated film of the year the lego movie came out that year that was way better oh no i agree but we're still going to watch big hero 6. it sucks it sucks so bad san francisco what a stupid made-up city yeah and his brother died that's the only reason why people liked it is because that's sympathy and all that no it's an awful movie his brother was able to make a robot that cures cancer they'd be trillionaires they wouldn't have to go to college yeah well all that may be true but we're still going to watch it no no i don't want to put it in but but cody they said they make me they watch this in military school you're going to watch it here with me with your best hunky bud but the whole movie's awful there's nothing good about it oh well i'm gonna watch it with you and point out all the things i like about it which is what which is what we're gonna find out put it in pleb go i might not do it i don't think i can do it oh you're gonna do it pictures yeah that's right you go [Music] that sure was a good movie wasn't it junior remember that scene where baymax shoots his hand through the portal at the last possible second and saves hiro that's bullcrap he would not make it in time that was so stupid what were the odds what were the odds of it closing and and hiro makes microbots that can build skyscrapers and suck it he would be to be a trillionaire he would be redefined construction yeah that's what makes it such a good movie it's awful it's unlawful in fact i think it's such a good movie i'm just gonna start it all over again no no no please please please please your honkiness i'll do anything oh i think we're gonna watch it again [Music] junior even better the second time just like that second sip of ensure no no it's awful cody it's awful well i would watch it a third time but uh it's about time for my nap but yes you're on guinness it is time for your nap so you you don't need this remote you know you've had a long day yeah what i do need is a belly rub and for you to tell me a story so uh get your rubbing a a belly rub yeah a belly rub come on okay is that is that okay um where's the story come on i'm thinking i'm thinking uh uh there once were these three little pigs junior now i've heard that one okay um there once was this prince uh named cody and and he was the prince of honkyville oh but uh prince cody went missing oh no yeah but so he was he was he was stolen and taken to the tallest castle ever oh no yeah and he was in the he was in the tallest tallest part of the castle he was trapped but he was guarded by a dragon a dragon yeah dragons are scary junior he was guarded by clifford the big red dog so you know clifford was guarding him so no one could save prince cody uh-oh only the hunkiest could save prince cody so in the neighboring town of hunkington prince ken the hunkiest of them all was knocked out of the village for being just too hunky oh that's too bad yeah so he didn't know what to do with all his hunkiness until and until he heard that prince cody needed to be saved so he put on his armor which didn't fit by the way because of his huge rocking hard abs and his long flowing brown hair just completely gorgeous in the beautiful white smile yeah so so prince ken goes up slays clifford the big red dog runs up the stairs and saves prince cody they have their dream kiss and they live happily happily ever hunky all or whatever hunky ever after hunkly ever after that's it they live hunkily ever after all right and they yeah and then they then they go on to to make a new hunky kingdom with nothing but hunky people sounds great tell you what junior i don't even think i need a nap now that was a great story oh really yeah i think i do want a bath though me and ken both want a bath actually so uh come on a bath looks like a real fine bath junior yeah you said you wanted a bath so i got you a bubble bath it looks good so far so uh you want me to leave so you can think about it no no i need you here i need you to help me clean can what what i don't want to help you clean kid i'm gonna need you to help me uh disrobe cannon here what what you want me to take his towel off uh yeah why don't you do it you're the one that likes him cause i want you to do it but i don't want to do it cody uh pictures junior fine i'll take it up oh dad is a butt look at that button oh no i don't speak about junior no spank the butt i'm not spanking a cody jenny you spank that tight butt right now no spank it ken says he liked that oh it's gross going this is so gross i need to test the water real quick before i get in okay oh junior that water's a bit warm a bit warm yeah it's a warm bath i'm gonna need you to cool it off for me junior how am i gonna cool off a bathtub um ice cubes ice cubes uh yeah go get me some ice cubes flab okay your hunkiness i have ice cubes for your back much better dude yeah so well okay ken hop in perfect form ken nice okay so are you gonna get in there yeah i suppose i'll get into wait you have your clothes on um yeah i can't take my clothes off your eyes can't handle the hunkiness your face would just melt right off are you sure it's because you're not really hungry and you're just afraid that i'll see that you're not hunky junior you take that back what you take that back right now but but i mean junior i'm sorry you're hunkiness forever even questioning your hunky now good good very good okay this is a good bath junior really yeah it feels nice so uh can i leave now um let's see oh i tell you what i need thomas what thomas yep and not just any thomas your golden limited edition thomas what golden tommy no no no no please cody please no look you made me watch big hair six you made me get kid back rubs and you made me smack kid on the ass please don't not thomas i think thomas needs a bath junior with me please no no one's supposed to play with thomas but me look at thomas union he doesn't like you pictures okay cody there's the golden thomas get in here thomas cody no he's not supposed to get wet i'll be honest junior i didn't even really want thomas but now he's in the water with me cody why are you doing this to me no junior tell you what what i need you to make me a birdhouse a birdhouse yeah i know it's a weird request but i need you to do it junior i don't know how to make a birdhouse well find out how to make a bird house junior go okay your hunkiness i made you a birdhouse what took you so long i'm starting to prune up what took me so long i had to go to home depot and buy wood and then i had to watch a youtube video on how to make a birdhouse but the first video i found was just a guy throwing eggs on a frying pan had nothing to do with the birdhouse and then when i finally found the video i had to go back and buy glue for the birdhouse so this has been a rough day cody yeah let's see what you did i made a birdhouse it's perfect c minus c minus yeah what could i have possibly done better i don't know but if i were a bird i wouldn't live in this it's a birdhouse cody yeah it's okay but you tell you what perfect for the bath you're not supposed to get it wet it's wood yeah i didn't really want that either birds are gross cody what is it all gonna stop uh let's see um we're gonna do this tomorrow and then the next day and then the next day pretty much forever no please don't do this how can i make it stop cody you can't blackmail me forever there has to be a way to end this what is it what is the number one thing you want what is it oh um junior how about this how about you admit that the sun is a star not a planet what the if you say that all of this will stop it will you can't blackmail me ever again nope all i have to do is that all you have to do is say the sun is a star not a planet and i'm an idiot and cody is the smartest ever oh and also i have to record it so you have proven it so i have proof for the internet of how stupid you are what is the sun the sun is a the sun is a this the sun is a it's a planet it's a planetary it's around just like the earth and the planet the planet the planet i don't care about the picture do you know how i can't take this anymore i smacked it on the ass i watched figure 6 twice i can't take it anymore cody i'm gonna tell my dad i'm gonna tell him yeah it was fun while it lasted wasn't again oh i'm about to go to military school bye-bye mittens dad dad dad what's with all that yelling junior did not tell you to be quiet yeah you remember how you told me not to break anything yeah yeah i remember wait did you break something did you break it well well what did you break i broke a bowl of raisin bran earlier it was right there and i threw a ken doll and it knocked it off the table and broke it and i'm so sorry dad i don't want to go to military school wait you broke a bowl of raisin bran yeah the red bowl i broke it i'm sorry dad i'm sorry shut up shut up whining okay please god it's not that serious it's just a bowl of raisin bran but but but i broke a bowl dad yeah it's not a table and at least you're being honest with me junior okay so you're not mad at me no i'm not mad i'm not gonna send you to military school just shut up whining okay we're really young oh please i love you my favorite holy cat there's only a competitor i'm sorry dad [Music]
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,507,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, cody, cody's, revenge
Id: 3QBJH6OrFws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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