SML Movie: Fountain Of Youth [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] dude i'm hungry yeah i'm hung like a horse wait what i mean i'm hungrier than a horse okay well guys i'm hungry too but chevy said he'll be done cooking dinner any minute now so let's just wait hey junior what ask me if i'm gay uh cody are you gay yeah bengay junior dinner's ready guys chef if you said dinner's ready let's go finally all right guys your dinner's ready tricks but tricks cereal what's the problem you said you were cooking dinner yeah i cooked no you didn't you just poured cereal into a bowl three times and you're welcome but you didn't even add the milk cody don't go there with me okay hey hey chef pee pee what cody ask me if i'm gay are you gay ben gay tricks guys cody do you even like tricks yeah but i like it better straight out of the box well cody don't eat out my box but junior you know i like eating out of your box but cody is disgusting stop eating out my box you're not even using your hands i can use my hands if you want but i'd rather use my mouth to eat your box i don't want you eating out my box get out of it all right no means no yeah you eat out of the bowl um let's add some milk guys mmm these tricks are good yeah they are hmm they're really good where's my dinner what dad what's wrong with junior where's your peepee i don't know he gave us our tricks then he left wait tricks oh i want a ball dad you can't eat this wait why because tricks are for kids oh my god that's a stupid commercial junior no it's the law yeah nobody over the age of 12 can eat tricks no that doesn't make any sense this is stupid just give me that bowl whatever you can't don't know hello hey there i got an anonymous tip that there was hey what is that oh it's a bowl of tricks what okay how old are you sir well i'm a turtle so i'm probably like 140. yeah that's way too old to be eating tricks this is still the commercial sir uh no it's a commercial that we made to teach people the law that it's illegal for anyone over 12 to eat tricks now you give me that bowl but i don't understand okay uh you know i could take you to jail for this but since it's your first offense i'm gonna let it slide okay oh i just want my trick hey hey hey do you want me to come in there and tell your kids you've been eating tricks no that's right you're getting a lot of trouble now who gave you this i i found it oh you found it yeah no i haven't heard that one before well you better not find any more okay and you tell whoever gave you this that it's illegal to give tricks to an elder all right now now you don't make me come back here just stick to your sticky raisin bran grandpa oh what's wrong dad the cops just took my triggs well dad we told you tricks are for kids yeah dealing tricks is a pretty serious crime it makes a killing though i don't understand it's just a stupid cereal dad it's more than just a cereal it's the taste of childhood yeah there's six fruity colors in there oh this doesn't make any sense you know what i'm gonna go to the store and buy my own well you can't do that dad you're gonna get in trouble oh he's gonna get in trouble guys yeah one box of tricks please how old are you uh 11 and a half you don't look 11. i promise i am can i just get the tricks please i'm not selling these to you why i want them so bad those are some good tricks yeah dude they were delicious wait joseph why didn't you talk in the last two scenes that you were in uh i was busy eating my tricks dude well like you weren't making any noises like at all well look i just get nervous around your dad and shut pee pee junior look your dad's coming oh i'll be right back where's he going i don't know what's wrong dad they wouldn't let me buy the tricks from the store well dad i told you tricks are for kids not smelly old farts like you it's kind of harsh junior i just want to be young again well dad you're never going to be young ever again look you're old and once you're old you'll always stay old and you'll get even older which means you're not going to see me go to college you're not going to see me have my own kids you're going to die because you're just an old stinky fart junior you feel kind of bad for your dad why because he's so old what i miss dude well joseph my dad's really upset he wants to be young again but he's just an old fart oh well junior what if i told you there was a way to make your dad young again there is yeah what if we put him in the fountain of youth what the fountain of youth what is that yeah it's a mythical fountain that anybody who swims in it gets younger wait did that does that exist well let's go yeah yeah oh no it doesn't exist why would you bring it up cody oh i don't know unless i had a potion a potion what's it do well if you pour this in a bath anybody who takes a bath in it gets younger wait really what made you make this oh i didn't make it i bought it at a garage sale a garage sale yeah there was a whole picture of it oh how much it cost about five bucks oh cheap yeah well well does it work i don't know i haven't tried it it might just be gatorade well well let's go let's try it let's make a bathroom my dad and see if it works he'll be young again [Applause] [Music] all right junior your dad's found youth bath is done oh man i really hope it works yeah now you just gotta get him to take a bath okay uh i'll find a way to convince him take a bath uh i'm gonna stay in the bathroom and make sure he takes his bath oh uh okay yeah i'm gonna watch uh hey dad what do you want junior uh when's the last time you've taken a bath i don't know what are you trying to say i stink well i mean you do stink you're an old fart so you smell old oh i'm old and i stink too yeah you are pretty smelly but uh i made a bath for you wait why would you do that well i want you to get used to living in a nursing home i mean they make baths for you all the time well i guess so yes sir time to take your bath dad all right dad here's your bath wait why is the water blue uh well why is the ocean blue okay yeah there you go um all right get in that wait i'm not getting in while you're watching me so you and your friends scram come on guys wow this actually looks good let me get in oh man this feels good wait wait i feel weird what oh my god i'm young again i'm young again oh junior so guys do you think that fountain of youth bath worked i don't know well guys i'm gonna see you later we got school tomorrow okay bye joseph so i assume your dad is coming yeah what's up turkeys or dad yep it's me i'm back to my young self well how'd that happen i don't know i just took a bath and then i looked in the mirror and i was young again well that's so weird look cody he's young again yeah he is can i call him daddy too oh dad why is your head still big i don't know i didn't want to get my hair wet i didn't stick my head in the water oh that that makes sense um what are you gonna do now that you're young again dad all the stuff young kids do like drink sodas play hopscotch who play video games and eat tricks and speaking of eating tricks imma go holla at peepers that's right you need tricks now he's a kid again yeah hey chef pee pee i want some tricks for the last time bowser you can't have tricks you're not a kid oh yes i am chef pee pee wait what bowser what happened to you oh i just took a bath maybe you should try it sometimes yo geezer you know what i'm not even gonna question this world anymore wait you're a kid so you have to do what i say now go to your room go to bed and get ready for school but chef pee pee i want some tricks no buts go to your room and go to bed you have school yeah i'm the adult now junior bro what are you doing dad yeah what you doing bro i'm sleeping i got school in the morning lame let's go out and party what party my friends went home we all got school in the morning junior don't be a square i just want to have some fun not every day you get this young again well dad look after school tomorrow we'll do all the young fun stuff you want to do but i can't miss any more school fine screw over what are you doing we're having a sleepovers like young people do right yeah i guess yeah man i hope i don't wet the bed with my morning wood right that's what young people say right yeah all the time yeah yeah i knew that now let's get some rest in the morning we can uh play some nickel back okay guys get up it's time for you guys to go to school chef pee pee i don't want to go to school i don't want to hear it you know you have to go to school so you guys better get up oh junior i don't want to go to school this is going to suck right oh dad don't embarrass me at school today junior i won't look i was the coolest kid in my school yeah back in the day now let's go i'm psyched hey junior where's your dad what's up turkish hey you got it you got it junior my main turkey what do you want dad where do i sit the front of the bus or the back of the bus in front of the rest of the back of the bus because it don't matter what i said i'm not moving dad i don't think there's any open seats for you well scoot over musical tears dad you're embarrassing me shut up junior i'm here to have fun all right crafts it's time for a roll call but i can't read this cause my eyes are so so so slant i have coin slot eyes i i can't see other them i'm asian is what i'm trying to say all right uh junior uh here julia where all the girls at it's a complete sausage fest here yeah i know right complete sausage fest uh here oh joseph here what i think i see a new student is that a new student stand up and introduce yourself to the class who me or no dad oh my name's jack and i'm the coolest kid on earth yeah i'm six feet tall laying on my back and i don't play by the rules and if you don't like it you can suck some deck okay well doc welcome to my classroom all right class today we're going to be learning about shapes and stuff boring when are we going to learn about some boobies hey labia's yeah it bubbles i'm only okay with the last one doc we wrote about that last week oh man i missed it i guess i'll just yahoo when i get home hope my dad doesn't walk in right guys who uses yahoo anymore all right crafts today we're going to start with the rectangular prism we got rings whiff and hype i feel like this classroom is a rectangular prison look good one junior i feel like this classroom's a rectangular prison but dad i said that no shut up junior don't ruin this for me yeah yeah doc you funny you so funny i did it imprisoned like because you don't want to be here you funny kid yeah just call me the class clown hey junior your dad is hilarious i was questioning his coolness before but now he is super cool i thought of that joke well hey guys who wants to go to the sock hop after school i'm down all right just message me on the msn messenger i'll get the dial up going hey your school was so fun it reminded me of my younger days yeah which it was really fun but uh dad how long do you plan on staying young forever i never want to get old again hey dad hey what's up dad well guys what are you doing here oh dad invited us yeah cause everybody wants a piece of deck what are you planning on doing together oh we're going to tpo manchu's house what you're gonna tv the teacher's house yeah what if you get in trouble oh who cares he can suck some neck yeah yeah this is guess his name is dad well guys i don't want you guys to get in trouble junior that's why dak is cooler than you he doesn't play by anybody's rules he's hip and fresh yeah let's go and tp this house guys guys guys what happened we just t feed the house yup what you didn't get caught no he didn't even see us his eyes were too slick wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where's joseph he died yeah we went he died what are you talking about okay so we were running away from the house right and then all of a sudden out of nowhere out of freaking nowhere this ups truck comes and plows him down he was like a blade of grass under a lawnmower so joseph's dead what's going on you just got dead yeah it was dad's idea to prank you wait wait wait wait i was pranked yeah yeah now shut some dad dude [Laughter] oh chef pee pee what junior my dad's young again and all my friends want to hang out with him instead of me why because they think he's cool or something oh well you can't let your dad out cool you and take your friends just just be cooler than him wait just be cooler than him yeah how do i do that i don't know i don't know what you kids like these days just be cooler than him oh i'll be the coolest ever chef pee pee i'll be the coolest kid ever whatever oh dad you're the coolest yeah you're the coolest dad oh thanks turkeys that's what i'm talking about hey hey jack hey what's up ask me if i'm gay are you gay yeah oh i didn't see that's coming so dad what do you want to do today oh i don't know how about we play some video games okay yeah what do you want to play uh how about we play pac-man ew you dude wha what's wrong you're so old wait what happened to my gorgeous young body i i guess that potion wore off oh man i want to beat you forever oh man i'm leaving yo yo yo what's up suckers dad where's my hockey dad oh your hookies went home junior why dad what what happened to your body you're old again yeah i'm just the old fart i'm no fun anymore i'm not cool well dad you don't have to be young to be cool in my eyes you've been cool you've been cool my whole life you're my dad really julia yeah something like that you know we've got to have some type of moral in the video or something like that you know [Music] hey there everybody it's brooklyn guy um as some of you may know we started a patreon so people can donate money to us so we don't starve but uh part of that is if you donate a hundred dollars you get a shout out in a video that seems like kind of a rip-off to me i mean i i wouldn't have done that but people did it so uh here we go now uh right now only two people have requested a shout out from me but you know that's that's fine it's all it's all jeffy nowadays anyway we we know but that's uh that's fine it's just the old brooklyn guy let's just get me out of the way but uh okay here we go uh the first shout out is to exploding ducks with an x that that is crazy uh now i have checked out exploding ducks youtube channel and there are no videos of exploding ducks as of right now um so the name's a little misleading but you know you might want to get on that i mean they don't have to be real ducks it could be a rubber duck i mean i'll i'll do it for you i mean look at this you see that there you go just an exploding duck no real ducks were harmed there you go youtube fame right there i expect my check in the mail all right now let's move on to the second person uh that would be nick tendo yeah nintendo has made some animations for us before and he uh he makes animations on his youtube channel you should go check that out they're really cool uh so yeah thank you guys for donating money and um that's it that's it for me just those two uh that's that's fine um i guess i guess i'm just gonna take off you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,784,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, fountain, of, youth
Id: Npt3rKH-tbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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