SML Movie: Bowser Junior's Pink Bib [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] so guys what do you want to do today oh i made this plane at a legos whoa that's so cool dude you'll have the right brother that's so awesome can we fly it well it's not gonna fly junior it's made of legos but it's a plane it can fly no genie's made of legos it's too heavy to fly legos are too heavy to fly real planes are made out of metal they can fly yeah but those planes have engines this doesn't have engines there's two engines look in the back there are two engines junior the engines are made of legos it's not gonna fly but it's a plane it can fly it even has a pilot he's not alive wait he's in a seat like he probably went to a lot of years of flight school yeah junior it's all legos it's just toys it's not gonna really fly cody it's a plane it can fly has wings duh stupid junior it's it's just made of legos it's not gonna work let's go in the kitchen and see if it can fly come on it's not gonna work all right cody are you ready to see your plane fly it's not really gonna fly it has wings joseph has wings he can fly well these wings don't really work you built it you don't even know what it can do all right watch it fly look cody it's flying junior your mac and cheese is ready oh man i love my new red jacket [Applause] inexperienced pilot but i told you cody could fly junior you just threw it in the air anything will fly for a few seconds if you throw it up in the air dude i can't believe you just got a stain on my new red jacket you can throw in the washing machine chef pee pee just calm down oh i swear to god this thing better come out junior oh cody you just sneezed all over my bib dude that's gross chef baby can you wash my bib too stupid junior this thing better come out of my jacket hey chef pee pee can you wash my bib too oh sure junior thanks all right guys what do you want to do now whoa june you're looking good makey makey eggs and bacony yo cody don't look at me i don't want to talk about it i want to talk about it cody why can't you cover your nose when you sneezed jenny my arms aren't long enough to reach my nose loser i can watch i guess i can't either you guys are losers watch this i guess i can't either yeah we can't reach our nose i guess we have to wait for my bib to dry i hope it doesn't drain too soon oh man goodness nude thank god that stain came out this jacket cost me fifty dollars wait is this junior's bib oh my god girly that's what he deserves is it hat in here junior is it just you dude stop being weird i can't wait for my bib to be clean junior your bib's clean it's pink yeah we should start calling you julia yeah julia chef baby why is my bib pink maybe god thinks you should be a girl well i don't want to be a girl well i think it might be because you washed your white bib with chef peepee's red jacket so it turned pink well i don't want to be big maybe fix it i'm not gonna fix it i don't have to well if you don't fix it you know what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna tell my dad [Applause] what do you want junior chef pee pee he staid my bib pink and now everyone's calling me a girl a girl my son's not a girl my son's a man a big strong man you have the time for me to give me a new bib oh i'll go and tell them baby bowser my son's a man he's not gonna be wearing a city pink beard you tell him dad well it's not my fault i washed my jacket and i guess sustained his bed well he's a man he's not gonna wear that so you better buy him another one i'm not buying him another one dad make him buy another one oh don't worry about it my precious precious princess he's gonna buy you another one yeah jeffy go get your ladder and buy me another one why do i have to buy you another one because i'm a big boy i'm the biggest man in the world clearly all right junior how much is a stupid bill five dollars ten dollars more like eight hundred eight hundred dollars wait why it's gucci wait you don't wear gucci yeah i do my dad got me a gucci bed when i was born because he wanted me to be fly you're not even worth 800 yeah junior eight hundred dollars for a bib it's ridiculous chef pee pee has to buy me a new bib just like my old one and that's my old bit right there so buy it chef pee pee junior i can't afford a 800 bill doesn't my dad pay you yeah but not eight hundred dollars i'll probably make that in 10 years well you better get a new job and buy me a new bib where am i supposed to work um aren't you a chef can't you get a job at a restaurant yeah what restaurants are hiring right now look let's turn on the commercial channel where commercials are always going on and you can see if there's a restaurant hiring doesn't matter just look delicious we have the meats nope nope that's arby's uh hi i'm brooklyn guy founder and ceo of burger queen if you're anything like me you need food to survive and that's what this is food so if you're looking to survive and you need something to eat come on down and get yourself something at burger queen also we're hiring so if you're looking for work and you can keep a secret come on down and apply oh shipping look burger queen birthday queen what kind of off-brand restaurant is that well they need some employees so go get hired i'm not working there well shelby if you don't buy me a new bib i guess i'm just got to tell my dad okay okay god i'll go there all right welcome to burger queen you have any questions before we get started yes how is this different from burger king that is a great question see i came up with the original idea for burger king back in college but then my roommate overheard me talking about it he trademarked it before i could so i had to make burger queen well what kind of food do you sell well it is a very complicated and secret recipe so make sure you don't tell anyone all right here's what we do we get in a car and we go to a burger king then we buy up all of their food and then we bring it back here and we tape the burger queen logo onto the wrapper and sell it for a dollar more wait isn't that illegal oh yeah just make sure you tape the burger queen logo on real good so it doesn't come off so we don't get sued i've already gotten two cease and desist letters so we cannot get caught again well what's my job your job is going to be to take these scissors and cut out the burger queen logo and tape it onto these waffles but make sure you don't call them waffles these are called whippers why would anybody choose burger queen over burger king that's probably because of a slogan which is why eat with a king would even go down on a queen what wait don't we serve burgers yeah it tastes the same oh there's somebody at the drive-through window okay i'll stay here and cut out logos you go take their order oh okay hey welcome to burger coin how may i take your order i don't have a car can i still order here i mean you here might as well order oh well how is this different from burger king the name oh what what kind of food do you have ah we have everything burger king has just a dollar more really that's a ripple i know right that's so evil that's too evil for me i'm just gonna go the burger king instead well smart man goodbye okay i'm done what do you order i hope it was a whopper because they're getting cold he didn't order anything i told him it was a dollar more than burger king so he's going to burger king why would you tell him that what did that go wrong you're not supposed to tell him we're stealing food from burger king it's like you don't even know how copyright infringement works i didn't tell him we were stealing food good and don't tell them the price either okay we have somebody else at the drive-thru window just tell them we have two for four of what i don't know just sell something okay welcome to burger king thank you i mean welcome to burger queen how may i take your order uh it's just a drive-through cause i flew so it's kind of like a through because my cape is kind of like a car what do you want oh wait what is this place burger queen oh i'm sorry i thought this is burger king no no it's basically burger king look order whatever you will order there and we have it here look we have a two for four two for four what i don't know okay well i guess i'll just take two offers then okay uh two whippers coming up what okay i need two whippers two what oh whoppers whoppers right sorry i forgot the silly things we do here yeah i got three of them ready okay and i told them two for four two for four yes put four or what four dollars no no no no we can't do that i got these two for five at burger king i can't lose a dollar tell them the two for six the price went up but you told me two for four well just tell them tell them it's it's inflation it's stock stock market and nasdaq he won't understand just tell them okay look i'm so sorry sir but i have to change the price it's two for six but you said it was two for four i know inflation and stock market and the new xbox is coming out it's knocking out the price oh yeah i guess that makes sense all right that's fine oh okay thank you sir okay he said okay he said okay yes what a jump you know what i'm gonna give him three but no because then i'd still lose money oh okay how about this how about we tell them three for ten no no no three foot twenty let's see how much we can milk this guy for oh okay then okay sir the new price is three for twenty but three for twenty i don't even want three yeah but the new playstation is coming out too and the stock market is depending on that the pre-order's already sold out you know okay fine whatever yeah i'll take it yeah okay okay okay he did yes what an idiot i know right oh should we try to get more oh yes let's turn this bank account get get his credit card no write the numbers down what about the social security number take it yeah oh high school mascot oh his first pet's name yeah yeah get that too okay okay okay sir i got a brand new offer for you i just want my burgers what if i told you instead of six burgers you could get three i thought i was already getting three but you can get three burgers for a penny well how's that possible all i need is your credit card your date of birth your social security number your best name and your high school mascot huh it seems kind of fishy okay that nail was good enough for me here you go whoo platinum oh i got it i got it we can buy whatever we want chef pee pee you're fired what that was a test to see if you'd steal and you failed we may commit copyright infringement and steal from burger king but we never steal from our customers but you told me to take his car yeah you should have said no stealing is wrong because we do not hire criminals everything you're doing here is a crime i know you can keep the store oh my god where's my food oh there's your food you're thirsty yeah it's everybody's weakness i wonder how chef's first day at burger queen went wait where's joseph oh my god i hate burger queen oh chef pee pee did you make 800 to buy me a new bib oh god no i got fired i think and then he gave me the store i don't even know what i'm supposed to do with that well you could sell it make some money oh but i think it's illegal there's someone at the door wait who's that i don't know i guess i'll get it hello hey there it's me again uh listen i realized it was pretty irresponsible of me to just leave you there with the store like that yeah yeah because you could tell the cops what i was doing so i figured i'd let you buy one thing with the stolen credit card if you promised to never tell burger king what i was doing wait really are you serious yeah just one thing though then i need the card back because i got to buy some stuff too okay wow chef pee pee thank you for the new gucci bib yeah whatever but you better not get this one dirty okay i won't all right i'm gonna give this card back to the burger queen guy okay here's your quarterback chef pee pee you're under arrest why that was also a test to see if you'd steal you were supposed to say no stealing is wrong but you gave me the card well if i gave you the keys to a car that was going to explode would you still get in it no exactly because stealing is wrong now give me the card back sucker cody check out my new gucci bib i liked you better with it off oh man oh what's up guys i was in the bathroom talk about a stomachache p.u so guys what do you wanna do now well i did make another lego airplane whoa can we fly it junior this one's not gonna fly either well the first one flew but no it didn't yeah it did it flew and it landed on the macaroni and cheese runway let's go fly it all right cody you ready to see it fly it's not gonna fly junior you're just gonna break it [Music] junior it took me a week to build [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 333,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior, junior's, jr's, jr, pink, bib
Id: XtFsW-pFLK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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