SML Movie: Bowser Junior Goes To Disney World Part 1 [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] here's just a kill o'neill fruity pebbles junior because if he could be a star i can be one too whatever oh can you give me some milk yeah hold on ah where's this milk uh no no milk oh well hawaiian puncher dude mmm fruity pebbles looks so good there was no milk in the refrigerator so i got hawaiian punch instead hawaiian punch is that blood no why would it be blood it's hawaiian bunch it's juice oh well i can eat that with my cereal yeah sure like we don't have any milk so that's the only thing we have saturday morning cartoons i think you have adhd or something dude get out of here i gotta watch you be the dragon brother come on whatever joe do be the dragon you'll need the emo a new video you can win a trip to disney world all you gotta do is find the knife and then you need to kill my ex-wife oh hey kids make sure you need a bowl of dofios if you find the knife you can win a thrifted disney world don't be the dragon cereal i get out of here shaquille o'neal don't be the dragon cereal champion i get to eat frosted flakes for breakfast today yeah baby [ __ ] baby oh what do you want now junior wait wait did you smell your fruity rebels yes what but did you know dewey the dragon had his own cereal oh yeah i know i know i've seen this commercial like so many times like it shows every five minutes well can i please get a box of it please you can win a trip to disney world oh no we can't get that cereal we already have frosted flakes and fruity bells it's a trip to disney world we can win a trip to disney world what are the chances of us actually winning a trip to disney world come on think about it well um if we do the math if we buy a zillion boxes uh i don't have a zillion dollars so i'm gonna stop you right there well um how about seven oh my god what if we buy seven boxes we can possibly win a trip to disney world seven boxes is a scenario that's the ways we know seven boxes of cereals we have a one and seven chance of winning seven zillion boxes of disney world your math is just off junior your math is horrible please if i go ask my dad for seven boxes of dupios will you go buy them if he says you can get it okay thank you chef pee pee i already heard you yes yay he said yes oh damn all right junior i bought your stupid doofus this is the most amazing cereal ever look goofy's on the cover look at him yeah he's hanging himself he has problems well it's gonna be the most amazing thing ever we're gonna win a trip to disney world oh whatever you just have to find the knife in the cereal box what kind of prize is that who wants to find a knife in a cereal box everybody wants to find a knife in the cereal box they win a trip to disney world it's dangerous all right so uh i'm gonna you better make sure you eat every bowl of these cereals though that's on my every box in every bowl i want you to eat all of it oh i i'm i'm definitely going to eat uh every piece of [ __ ] oh i know you are because i'm going to watch you you're going to watch me oh yeah i'm going to watch it like a hulk um i can't just search for the prize no no no no i i spent money on these cereals yeah you're gonna eat all of it okay well then uh i'm just gonna pour a bowl and get the chocolate all right um i have a big appetite what no you're trying to search for the prize aren't you no no i'm just really hungry are you that hungry start eating then start eating uh well hold on i i think i know you need more i need another you need another box yeah i need another ball julian why are you trying to do this i'm just really hungry you're not that damn hungry just to be pouring out a whole two boxes of cereal i am hungry i just need one more buck no you don't yeah i do you're not gonna even find nice oh i can't believe he just won chef baby did you know since i found this knife that i get to go to disney world yeah yeah so have fun bye whoa what's that pb what um someone so the rules say that someone 18 years or older has to go so i was wondering if you wanted to go to disney mode with me and my friends oh me why why me because i want to have memories of going to disney world with you guys are you okay are you okay yes it's going to be damn friends thank you jeffy yes guys i actually won the doobie the dragon cereal contest we're going to disney world can y'all go awesome oh i'm so tired chef pee pee our flight is at 6 00 am and this is our first time going to disney yeah so um how excited where's our plane gonna be i'm gonna watch the planes take off [Music] my god it's not gonna be that long junior all right guys hopefully we can see a bunch of planes take off okay yeah this should be so cool it's like my first time being on a flight i know this is my first time too i'm kind of nervous why are you not what if the plane crashes and we all burned to death wait tony cody you got it you've got to be positive that doesn't happen that only happens in movies okay that's what he has done yeah yeah that's dumb doubles for that so uh where's these planes at i want to see if it's taking off and take it off yeah i don't know this is the runway where's that lady the lady the lady is saying something ready to take off i just want to see if yeah maybe she's telling us to playing just yeah all right let's watch for planes uh uh i guess we'll never see a plane i'm gonna sit next to chef pee pee hey cody yeah did you know we're on a plane you're in a tight spherical little chamber and you can't leave even if you wanted to for a whole hour you can't get off even if you wanted to get off you can't get off unless you parachute down we don't have parachutes i'm getting claustrophobic you guys guys the the flight is ready let's go all right i don't wanna go cody come on you gotta go on the flight okay oh my god i wanna play cody we're on a plane i don't feel so good junior oh well then go throw up or something chef pee pee we're on a plane i know junior i know this is the first time get your big out of the way i'm trying to look at the window i'm sorry god whoa look at the wing make sure you buckle up or right take off okay but i want to look at it whatever this is my first time going to disney world just make sure you don't scream on this damn plane okay okay whoa that looks still cool yeah it does look nice can you switch seats to me i want to look by the window no i like the window seat please no please no uh your stupid chevy just buckle up we're about to take off curry stop throwing up oh man this is so cool i want to see move your big nose oh my god julia why you always have to end the field i just want to see you take off i want you to take off go ahead look oh my god this is so cool wait there's only two beds where are we gonna sleep this room is actually nice oh oh you guys sleeping on the bed over there you guys share one i'm getting this to myself should we share the bed yeah yeah you gotta share a bed all right guys let's go jump on the bed okay oh i'm gonna kill this i'm gonna kill him get him out of here stupid all right oh so what are we going to the park chef pee pee ah so relaxed shut baby chef baby when are we going to the parks wait can i just relax for a moment god i just got here but i want to go to the parks i want to see mickey mouse i want to see the castle please oh my god junior we're going to go soon just get a rest please no i want to go now right guys yeah let's go i guess we do have the suitcases over there who needs to unpack right yeah let's go let's go chef pee pee let's go [Music] uh i can't believe we had to take a stupid bus to the park chef here that's the transportation but i want to go to the park let's go all right whoa chef baby what is that monorail this looks pretty whoa it looks like a train yeah okay let's go inside the park all right oh my god the cats are champions shut up we're at the castle whoa it's walt disney mickey mouse oh this is a huge castle oh my god that's the coolest thing ever right let's go out and go touch it no no don't touch it why it's so cold though guys you're not supposed to touch the castle i don't know it's awesome is there a princess in there it might be i don't know whoa cody isn't it amazing ken joseph look at this this is cool dude whoa look at the catch why are we going up there yeah we're going inside right chef pee pee i gotta get some i don't know all right let's go inside whoa we're about to go inside the castle i know it's mickey mouse in there yeah i hope so oh wow i want to go to the very top well we're about to go inside it we're about to go inside whoa okay well this is pretty dumb there's no there's nothing inside here you can't actually go in the castle there's nothing inside here i'm just gonna wait i'm pretty sure there's something inside here okay well that was literally the stupidest thing in the world there was nothing inside there wasn't i'm pretty sure there was nothing inside let's go ride some rides okay let's go to splash mountain i saw a splash mountain on the news wait wait you don't even have any changing clothes well let's just go water chef baby oh my god whoa whoa let's splash mountain champion can we get on it i see um i guess so let's go on it come on get out get right all right whoa there's only a five minute wait come on chef pee pee come here come here splash mountain splash mountain springs make a big splash [Music] i'm ready whoa this is so cool junior at the frog whoa look at that oh look at the frog look at all the water whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's gonna happen what's gonna happen dude this is so cool dude this is awesome oh no what what's about to happen oh my god they just died oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay just close your eyes it's kind of weird whoa look at all this hey cody yeah did you see that bear's butt i did it did that turn you on a little baby oh you're so weird hi hi frog hey mr froggy hey there's the bear's black cody there's the bear's butt yeah it's right there it is really cool what's happening oh dear god i'm not ready [Applause] oh god jesus i'm here i'm ready [Applause] wet in my eye this is cool what's going on everybody i think the bugs are spitting at us hi frogs oh no chef pee pee what's happening i don't know it looks like they're tying up that buddy oh he caught the bunny let him go let him kill you stupid [ __ ] this over let him go oh no oh dear god those are what's happening jesus jesus i'm coming we're coming baby jesus i see the light isn't it i don't know i don't know i don't know what's going on for us junior i don't know baby i want to get off no you can't get off now we're already up here i need to get up get ready i'm so soaked oh god that was so wet chef baby man oh you're okay that was so wet i want to go again i want to go ahead i want to go i don't want to go no i'm not going again i'm already sold why i want to go again oh man this was fun now that was fun shaving can we want it again no we can go on it later okay oh okay well there's so many rides yeah this is a bunch here what cody what do you think about the ride again don't be sick you're such a loser oh my god i can't i'm going to write some more rides so what are you going to do um i don't know i saw thunder mountain let's do that okay let's do thunderbound yeah that sounds really cool all right hey chef baby this is our picture can we buy it i guess so for the memory oh i want to buy it how do you buy it i think we've got to go in front all right chevy i want to go on big thunder mountain all right get in let's go whoa so chef how much did you like splash mountain i mean it was pretty cool yeah i love the big drivers like share them yeah it was so cool all right i'm gonna go on big thunder mountain it's supposed to be the biggest roller coaster ever it's gonna be so awesome look big on your mountain railroad it's a train it's a train cody there's a railroad i'm gonna be like i'm gonna see thomas and we're gonna go choo choo chugga chugga chug i wish thomas could see all this i don't know why people complain about lives there's no line chef pee pee it's pretty fast there's no lies at all i'll be having fun on the ride everybody bye-bye everybody have fun i'm about to get on the ride too it's gonna be really cool have fun everybody bye look there's a train coming it looks like thomas i know what it was oh my god i'm gonna get off the train i'm gonna ride it we'll be up front and we'll be so fun i'll just be whoa look at the train whoa what about the ride down it's gonna be so cool oh chef you get it first i'm i'm afraid you're getting worse we're like the drivers of the train yeah this is gonna be so cool whoa i'm ready i am ready oh i'm ready i am so ready i'm ready i am so ready all right i'm ready ladies i'm ready i am so ready just come on i'm ready i'm pumped i'm press the button record that bye everybody i am ready chucky check it choo choo chugga chugga chugga chug chugga chugga chugga chug chug chug chugs oh chef pee pee i'm a little scared i'm a little scared this is dark yeah i don't know what's happening oh my god i don't want to get wet oh no oh man wait what's happening wow a big hill [Applause] oh man oh god ah oh my god oh god oh my god this this sucked this is cody cody and this sucked thank you oh my god this sucked everybody this is cool it was so much fun everybody it's one of the best rides i've ever been on you should totally do it it was so fun oh man it's coming to a stop that's pretty fun thank you ladies this is really fun thank you whoa did they take our picture again like the last one chef pee pee hopefully whoa what right are we going on now chef pee pee i guess space monster we want splash mountain at big thunder mountain um i don't want to go in any more mountains i want to go on space mountain i saw about it we're going on space now one more ride cody come on one more this is so much fun okay let's go find space mountain oh look at the nice little lake oh it's awesome whoa that's the ride we were just waiting flash mountain oh whoa well it looks like an old-timey town in here town hall 1867 western or something i don't think we're going to shut up the fight space mountain whoa space mountain we're here 35 minute wait that's forever chef pee pee no but it's the it's just the wait we have to wait come on cody it's gonna be so cool a mountain in space i've never heard of that before it's crazy a mountain in space whoa star port what does that mean chef pee pee that means we're getting close to that that's really cool it looks like space yeah dude ride this ride cody are you are you feeling good i'm afraid to go to space again oh my god look at that station whoa whoa look at that spaceship jeffy are we really going to space we might i mean it's just a ride are we actually going like the real space no no junior whoa this looks so cool champions already the right gonna be so far i hope you have fun on your ride how far you ride everybody yeah it's like a space shuttle whoa bye everybody whoa we're going to be on the next fight we're going to be on next oh my ready i'm going to be inside of rocket ship whoa here's our spaceship i'm the driver of the spaceship whoa goodbye everybody i thought i'm gonna be the first koopa in space i'm gonna be stepping junior why are we stopping whoa the writer's preparing us guys i'm about to go to the face hey lance armstrong i'm coming for you so dark neoliberal i mean i don't know oh no it's so dark what's happening oh my god i'm going to space we're about to hit hyperspace about to hit whoa i went to space i went to space i could tell everyone i went to space i'm back i'm back on earth everybody still there was no oxygen up there it sucked really bad and it was it was pretty bad they took my picture [ __ ] pee there's our picture chef pee pee buy it who's those black people i don't know who the black person is and i don't know who that white guy is sitting behind me either who cares this is let's get the picture let's buy the picture like a splash mountain one that was so [ __ ] whoa look at the go cars oh that is awesome can we go on go-karts wait wait no we can do that later i want to go now i think i'm gonna go to space mountain again wait don't spit the up oh my god well joseph's gonna go ride space mountain again uh coney what do you want to ride this looks scary i don't have a driver's license you don't have a driver's license i don't think you need one though the little kids are driving it yeah but um uh we'll go in another minute like chef pee pee said um i want to go out another spot i thought you guys have a buzz lightyear right in the back let's go ride that one okay we're about to get on class oh um hey chef can i ride the ride with him this time i guess so i'll wait i'm sorry all right come on guys we're gonna ride this ride hey what about cody ah i forget him whoa boys like you yeah yeah oh my gosh is yeah that's awesome it's cool i'm gonna buy that picture patrick where are those brats chef baby we just got off the ride though it was so cool did y'all have fun yeah it was really awesome um i'll see y'all guys later okay okay where's cody i don't know where is he let's go find him and joseph yeah dude you got your feet you guys hey hey guys we just got off buzz lightyear yeah i had to buy this thing because i had to cool down i just threw up everywhere a couple times you threw up everywhere oh yeah whoa it's like it's like a helicopter ow yeah he even threw up in my hand dude it was so weird but y'all want to get on some more rides you're feeling better oh totally yeah i guess all right let's grab some more rides yeah hey mickey mouse doesn't really sound like this either but then why are you wearing that oh oh they hired me to do this and you know say hi to the kids and all that oh you want to meet my pal pluto hey let me get them uh pluto yeah there you go hey they hide the pluto oh good so yeah he's a stuffed animal coming off oh yeah it does that oh well thank you for pluto mickey mouse i didn't give that to you i didn't give that to you that's i want to ride that ride chef pee pee that one right there looks so cool it's really scary i don't know about it oh well there's people screaming yeah that means it's scary it can't be it can't be that scary no no it's it's not scary oh my god [Applause] that was the coolest ride ever champion it went up and it went down it went up and it went down was it cool i kind of got sick though yeah it was kind of cool do you like it cody you're always throwing up code you're so silly all right so let's go ride more rides oh my gosh jeffy i want to ride the guitar ride no it goes upside down right it goes upside down yes uh i i don't think i i don't think i can make anything why do you want you know what you can't ride it cody wise come on it's too scary it just goes upside down yeah well i mean whoa is that our car yeah all right it looks like [Music] this is awesome let's count let's count down what are we doing here chef pee pee just wait i got a surprise for you a surprise yeah yeah what type of surprise look at that there it is a train yeah yeah no you want to ride it it's like driving [Applause] bye everybody we're on train oh my god i know what thomas feels like now he feels like chugga chugga chugga chugga whoa this is so awesome cody cody yeah so remember this for the rest of your life i'm going to junior oh my god amazing on a train let's make your name it's making my day it's my favorite thank you chef baby thank you okay just get away from me oh yeah what if there's a bat in this tunnel oh it's it's just a stop sign whoa i think we're stopping chef pee pee what if we crash before we stop that'll be awesome we crash before we stop trains trains joseph trains can't crash okay whatever all right uh i think we're starting to stop oh finally that was the coolest ride ever chef you can't believe you took me on a train i know what thomas feels like cody that was pretty cool whoa better than all the other ones yeah can we go find mickey mouse i really want to meet him i guess so we can try to [ __ ] mickey mouse have a nice time kids chef pee pee there's mickey mouse over there i see him i see him going say hi he might give you an autograph or something he's really famous am i allowed to go up to him yeah yeah i'm sure he doesn't have any security or nothing does he but what if he's a fake mickey like last time nah i don't think he's a fake nicki he looks like the real deal all right i'm gonna go say hi to him mickey mouse why there little kid oh you having a good time yeah i'm having a lot of good time mickey mouse i love your park you're spending lots of money go buy yourself a bottle of water for 20 bucks huh uh no i haven't spent any money what you you haven't spent anybody at home no we haven't spent any money we ate before we came what are you doing here you miserable faster go buy yourself something immediately you will buy something yeah how do you think i'm going to afford my blow haven't let's your little bastard buy something what go go buy a bottle of water right now how much is it 20 bucks 20 bucks for a bottle of water oh how do you think we've run this whole operation get out of my sight now you miserable piece of [ __ ] what did he say to you junior he said um come on bro what do you say he said um we need to we need to get out of here david go uh we need to get a bottle of water why can i get a bottle of water make it two minutes very good two bottles of water julia two bottles how much did it cost it cost um forty dollars forty dollars yeah i i had to though i can't believe you i had to oh thank you thank you so much you know those things only cost 75 cents at the store oh then why do y'all charge them oh because i wish so so much money now go now go buy a stuffed animal for an outrageous price huh i already have a stuffed animal i got it for free what for free yeah what is that some other guy dresses mickey mouse give it to me for freedom i didn't authorize this what do you look like you look like you i'm gonna go find that bastard huh oh it's weird mickey seems like he only wants money yeah i could tell you that one man man i'm so tired chef pee pee did you have fun though yeah chef pee pee i had a lot of fun did you guys have fun oh yeah totally ken had fun too that's awesome i had fun too and i'm glad everybody asked me wait chef you actually had fun yeah yeah yeah i enjoyed the rise too but usually you hate everything well i had fun this time okay wow chef baby actually had a good time yeah yeah i enjoyed thunder mountain oh thought about what was joel's favorite ride oh i like splash mountain yes splash mountain was the coolest yeah we're like a big splash and we're on a log we look like we look like poop what what that was silly that was pretty silly yeah um wait wait we're going to more parks tomorrow right chef pee pee yeah we have some parts to go to so it's time to get to bed okay we're going to bed i want to go to animal kingdom because it's animals yeah i'll think about it we'll probably go tomorrow all right all right let's get to bed all right make sure you get the bed chef pee pee we call this baby let's move this pillow uh oh why don't you hit me with the stupid pillow junior well move your big nose well my nose wasn't in the way okay well anyway we called this bed right joseph yeah totally i like this one it's comfy yeah um but wait uh joseph what what i don't want to sleep with cody oh i don't want to sleep with him either uh cody we don't want to sleep with you yeah you're weird to be honest just to be honest i don't want to be rude you're you're weird you sleep with ken and that's just what chef pee pee look you're gonna have to sleep with them no i have a bed to myself no no you're gonna sleep with cody it's two people per bed there's only two pillars what i'm not sleeping with cody he's weird if he has a dog with him chef pee pee you said you're having a good time on this trip and uh you want to make everyone feel that i feel the same what i i don't know i mean i mean i i took you here i mean can't this count it's okay chef pee pee i'm gentle i promise come on chef pee pee you guys are so weird why it's only for a couple of days i guess so all right all right cody go in there can you feel the [Music] sweet dreams ken really cody what he's my boyfriend also he gets night terrors so if he wakes up in the middle of the night screaming just ignore him why just please tell me why well you know i'm taking my boyfriend to bed to do things that couples do when they're in bed you know like wink wink just shut up cody and go to sleep okay oh oh chef pee pee what now cody uh can you help me sing him a bedtime song a bedtime song yeah what are the lyrics to this bed signing song cody um well i think you might know him it goes like um um it's raining man hallelujah it's raining man do you know that one yes yes i know that one cody can you help me sing it if it makes you go to sleep faster cody okay okay on three ready one two three it is friendly man this is totally going on youtube chef pee pee put on the damn phone julia give me that phone now never you're not getting the phone ever again give me the phone no no no what if i send you something cooler if i show you something cooler what what do you have cooler please don't let me get it everybody check this out where did you get that from i stole it what do you mean you stole it how did you steal it well um you know how like they're selling stuff on the side of the road yeah well i mean they don't pay attention to everybody oh my god junior oh we're gonna it almost makes everything okay it's amazing it's like the universe was created in one day yeah it is pretty cool dude yeah so i'm gonna use this my nightlight oh my god just just don't let me see it anymore all right this is awesome night light okay there you go not light initiated isn't that cool joseph yeah it looks like a transformer or something yeah so um that's totally not gonna get annoying during the night hopefully not all right i still uh let's uh get in the bed goodnight joseph ah good night junior oh my god disney world was so awesome what's the best dude ah my night fell over dude just get over here maybe i'll buy another one tomorrow we're still another one disney world is the coolest place ever zebra time ken [Music] so done weird cody you went in on this action no just stay on that side of the bed please fine i'm not gonna turn off the lights ugh good night everybody wait who's that hello wait mickey mouse is that the bastard that gave you the free toy i didn't give it to him he took it [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 2,269,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior, goes, to, disney, world, part, one
Id: 5BPU3_TVJlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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