What if Mario enemies got taller? [Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury modding]

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today we are going to play through super bell hill in super mario 3d world except every time that we play through this level all of these enemies are going to get taller and taller and there is quite the variety of enemies just so we can see what all these different types of enemies are going to look like as they get stretched vertically yeah so we've got a charging chuck up here we've got some galoombas down here oh want to be careful we've got a goomba in a skate here so some of these enemies when they get stretched vertically they are going to actually be stretched vertically but some of these enemies when you stretch them vertically nothing's going to happen to them so right now we are just having a run through of the level itself so we can see all the enemies as they look normally and every time we complete the level they are going to keep getting stretched taller and taller so i know that some enemies do get stretched and some don't get stretched so let's take a look alright so here are enemies stretched oh my goodness yeah so this is some enemies have been stretched double uh and this block has also been stretched double as you can see so some enemies it looks like they're getting a bit taller it looks like they're oh my goodness that b is looking very thick right now let's take uh let's take care of this koopa oh my goodness i said it looks like a large koopa comes out but it's just a regular koopa shell oh the bully helps us up there oh my goodness the charger chuck i might actually die here oh and i forgot to check out those last time oh my goodness the goomba skate is terrified oh my goodness and here comes the charge and chuck the very large charging chuck is still coming after us that goomba looks huge oh my goodness i hope i can survive this oh man look at that splorch in the background there oh we've got a pretty tall oh my goodness everything is looking huge oh there's a blooper right there nice these fire bros all these bros are looking pretty tall the ants do the ants not get stretched that's kind of surprising is the thwomp taller the swamp is so funny okay the ghosts wow the ghosts are yeah they're stretch doubly as well and this guy i can't tell if he's stretched or not he looks pretty normal no i think he is stretched all right here are the enemies stretched three times okay they're becoming more vertically stretched we've got a pretty tall looking goomba over there it's taller than mario now you can see that the goomba stack is something that actually doesn't get stretched it just looks like a regular goomba stack all right yep the koopa is definitely taller than before oh look at these conk doors oh my goodness its head is so high up that we can't even see it got to be careful because the charge and chuck can kill me here the charging chuck decides to come down okay good the charger chuck came down there it looks hyper realistic [Music] what am i bonking against is is it the bully that keeps pushing me back it looks like i'm pushing back the bully like to get up there please nice okay now what's up here oh those flopper things are so annoying to do oh my goodness look the yellow thing the fizzlet when it stretches down [Music] it doesn't actually become flat because it's stretched vertically that's super interesting to see you've got this guy here also i'm scared of touching that thing oh no the tall gloom has got v this is going to be much easier with the catsuit i hope oh my goodness these pink guys are getting quite stretched and the goomba it's like sticking out from the side wow these things are all terrifying oh my goodness you could really see the detail on their on their teeth oh cool and this ring that comes out is also bigger that's pretty cool oh wow that's actually really cool oh prince bully's down there i didn't even notice prince willie was down there before [Music] hey the ball bombs got a pretty big fuse over here [Music] [Applause] the blooper is yeah the bloopers pretty tall oh my goodness this brolder throw the brolder at prince bully oh my goodness it just didn't do anything oh no when i'm little again i've got to be careful on you know what oh wow look at the way that that rolls that's just not how it's supposed to roll and i forgot to check up here there's some stuff that i put up here also okay so we've got an octuba with these runner guys spiny what a spike just throwing regular spikes there's the giant spike throwing down regular spikes take a look at our swamp friend oh man and whoa that goes pretty high this hole looks so big for the little soccer balls that it's shooting up that looks a bit inefficient oh man look at this guy back here [Music] [Applause] looks like a south park character [Music] the ghosts are getting pretty stretched now you know what yeah this guy's definitely getting stretched sometimes it's hard to tell but he definitely is getting stretched we're going to have a big jump soon but right now here enemies at four times regular height oh man oh and i didn't even realize that the snow pokies are stretched that's so interesting that this snow pokey is stretched it's interesting that the snow pokey is stretched but the goomba stack isn't that's super interesting okay the bees are getting pretty big oh man look at that koopa koopa got a bit taller and now all of a sudden he's so determined whoa bully's just smacking me back hard we got some nice big clunk doors there they're necks reaching a pie okay good thing that the charging chuck ran down because i don't want to deal with them [Music] yeah that's sticking out pretty high even when they flatten out and when he's purple he's really big that gloomba is becoming a galuma tower this skate is huge oh my goodness the fuzzy's face is terrified look at that splorch down there oh my goodness everything is going to start to become very exaggerated oh and the pile of bones is pretty big too where's prince bully we saw whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look at the way it rolls [Music] oh now it's rolling on its side okay oh these guys oh toomba nice runners nice spidey nice spike getting even taller nice nice nice swamp is getting pretty big so is this soccer ball launcher oh i didn't realize that this question mark block was also stretching okay well if they're stretching mario should be able to stretch too hello support character man that is a tall ghost it's about as tall as giant mario same with the regular boot wait where'd the big boo go i don't see the big boo anymore did it get too big or what okay we are going to go to ten times as tall soon but first let's see what five times this tall is like wow wow wow oh and i didn't even realize how silly this looks with the bullet bill being shut out like that oh and you get little snowballs like this for defeating that giant snow pokey let's climb up this block wow we climbed up the block this guy's just sticking into the ground all right got some tall enemies here paul koopa it is it able to run here no what is it doing koopa what are you doing there why are you running in spot like that and he's got this little tiny shell that pops out when it pops back in the shell is stretched again oh my goodness i think the bully's hitbox might have been changed in some weird kind of way [Music] there we go we took care of that cog door yeah that bully behaves in a very strange way let's take a look at the charge and chuck whoa goodbye charging chuck man he's pretty tall the light on him looks pretty funny oh you can see the light here how about this guy man when he becomes his yellow form he's like even more stretched than before and look this goomba in the skate is just going crazy his head is just spitting around [Music] nice big galoomba's there man they've got some big steps and you can see that the dust from when they walk is also stretched i think you guys getting pretty big these guys have some terrifying teeth hold on let's take a look at the fuzzy my goodness that fuzzy looks absolutely wild the look in its eyes oh we've got a bunch of tall enemies up there oh you can really tell that the blooper is getting big hair bones is yeah it's tall look at the brolder at least the brolder isn't rolling the same way that the splorch is like the way that the splorch moves is just like it's moving along the wrong axis the brolders they at least move correctly the shoes of these bros are starting to get about as tall as cat mario is let's take a look at these guys that are throwing spike down here see what that's going to look like yeah there are the little spikes so high that you can't even see them being thrown you can just see them falling nice tall spiny there tall runners tall off pumbaa pretty big thwomp we could just see his mouth down here oh my goodness these are looking weird [Music] yeah that's taller than big mario now okay so things are going to be twice as tall as they just were everything is going to be 10 times as tall now let's see what this is like wow wow wow [Music] look at the little bullet bill that's being shut out there got a pretty tall goomba here the snow pokey just looks weird with the overlapping things it's hard to even tell what it is but a pretty big block here is that the collision for the block yeah we can't get up on the block anymore okay that koopa's looking pretty big plants are looking pretty big and even really tell what the splendor is anymore oh my goodness the bee is just starting to become a vertical moving mass of yellow and brown as i think are most of the enemies okay the bully still has a really weird hitbox and as we stretch him oh my goodness [Music] where am i why am i not okay i was gonna say why am i not dead what's happening that bully it's just like the bully removed death barriers oh man the conqueror i forgot about that cronkite being there look at this look at these white lines behind it that's the dust that appears let's go see what the charging chuck up here is going to be like oh it just looks like shoes oh whoa i'm like what is that where's that goomba coming from that's the goomba in the the goomba is sticking out sideways out of the skate why is the like that how can it stay in this skate what is going on take a look at this money bag guy oh man i don't want to be defeated by a flopped her [Music] the money bag is not interested in mario mario cannot get high enough yeah this purple and yellow fizzlet is certainly becoming interesting goomba's spinning around a bit whoa pretty big galoombas it looks like the regular galonga might be about as tall or maybe even taller than the large galoomba normally was man that is a shiny metal piece for that skate there these pink blurkers they've got their eyes in the ground as the expression goes keep your eyes in the ground that's how the expression goes right man these guys have got some terrifying teeth and that is a big spring we could carry this spring with us if we need to jump up somewhere whoa look at prince bully there he's so tall [Music] all right let's take a look at what else we've got okay the brother looks like it's spinning very quickly that's a pair of bones there to the right are these bros doing yeah their shoes are taller than we are now got prince bully in the pond there good spot for him there's the splurge just spinning the way that splorches do spin [Music] some tall guys over here let's take a look at our resident spike over here just you know throwing down some regular spikes just for scale so you know what a regular spike looks like man it's pretty stretched how's our swamp going wow those just look like teeth down there at the bottom how's our soccer ball launcher i love that the soccer ball is still launched from the center it's funny oh and i can't even get any closer to it it's funny that bullet bills get launched from the bottom but the soccer balls are launched from the center that's really funny to see what happens when you stretch those out and we've got some happy ghosts and a very tall question mark bluff [Music] we've got a walleye over here we can just wow his dancing looks very exaggerated okay yeah and you could really see that the cloud is getting stretched vertically it's a bit difficult to tell before if he was actually getting stretched or not but now you can tell i like how the part that blows you is way up there now okay we are now at 25 times taller than normal and yeah every creature is starting to become a beam of light it's a bit difficult to tell what's what i think that's a goomba coming towards us i think yeah that was a goomba okay and even when the goomba gets squished it was still really tall that's funny to see what's that walking up there can't tell what that is i'm guessing that's a koopa kind of interesting to see this bullet bill being shut out like that this is a plant oh a plant that i can't carry apparently there's the snow pokey oh can i not get past here okay you can't walk through here apparently i'm going to have to find a different way around maybe i could climb up it [Music] oh where am i i'm somewhere up here [Music] oh no okay i don't know what hurt me but we made it across where's the plant that's normally here i thought there was a plant here okay this beam of light that is coming out of the ground is actually a splounder as we know oh but we can't get it because it's hitbox is too high i guess hey we've got a nice bumble bee here hey we can take out that bumblebee man this thing [Music] we've got a koopa troopa over here this green walking thing is a koopa troopa whoa you see all these diagonal things that's all the dust that's coming from the conk door walking that's the conqueror up there okay the bully is up here somewhere [Music] but it looks like the bully's hit boxes get weird so i don't know if we'll be able to get close to and be able to see the bullet yeah like i'm getting pushed to the side here the bully is somewhere over there there goes the charge in chuck all right let's take a look at what's over here oh those green shoes that's from the giant galoombas blurkers are getting big okay the purple and yellow guy is getting pretty big okay took out the flopper oh that's the skate this is the skate right here that we're seeing the thing that's closest to mario right here oh my goodness and you can see the fuzzy in the background just slightly [Music] yeah and you can see the diagonal things that are coming up there that's the dust from the galoomba because the gloom was stretched out like that oh my goodness the face on the fuzzy is terrifying [Music] let's just make our way down okay i think that's no i was gonna say i think that's prince bully with the red shoes that's a fire bro the brolder looks terrifying uh this bouncy thing here is the parabones i believe wow look we are carrying a brolder this looks like carrying a brolder that's what this looks like you got a fire bro there boomerang bro hammer bro there's the splurge over there moving the way that splorches do [Music] let's just make our way up here tall october man they're just bouncing like crazy the runners seem like they disappeared oh that's the spiny i was wondering what that was i'm like what could that even be here's our spike over here throwing down some spikes let's take a look at our dear swamp friend we even climb up our thwomp wow the soccer ball launcher i don't see it anymore even things get some weird hitboxes when they get stretched out sometimes okay oh the big boo is way up there you can see it's shadow but it's really high up you can just see the bottom of it and this guy's just stomping his feet back and forth happy little walleye there oh somehow i ended up hitting that box oh and there comes the mushroom it just took the mushroom a while to come down because it was so high up because the box was really stretched and let's take a look at the typhoo wow there's the thai food just trying to blow some wind and push people back all right and here's every enemy stretch to 100 times vertically oh my goodness everything is really just becoming a ray of where's oh i was gonna say everything's becoming a ray of light but the hitboxes are so weird that mario is just pushed out of bounds immediately and he dies okay so we can't continue through the level all right let's see if this will work hopefully now mario will be able to land on the floor and he doesn't get pushed out of bounds there we go okay we've got a spot okay so that this is a conch door right here that is chasing after us [Music] and let's see where we can explore okay i can't go any farther to the left for some reason and i can't go down here i don't even know what that is that's running after me what is this what could this be i don't know what this is either what was here before [Music] yeah you can't walk any farther down here it might be because of the collision of that stone block when it gets stretched out very far vertically then its collision also extends out like that like there oh no yeah there are a lot of things where if they get stretched out like crazy then their collision starts to get weird is there still the charging chuck here i'm pretty sure that's the charging chuck here it looks like he can't damage us though can you get back up i guess not let's take a look at what's over here the fizzlet is huge even when he's yellow when he turns yellow he's supposed to be flat but he's like that okay i don't know what is going on there we've got our trusty gloombas right over here oh here are our pink blurkers we've got our goomba in the skate moving around looks like he's having some technical difficulties there's our trusty fuzzy our green hop chops over here let's head on through the level oh look at the splorch oh my goodness it's like it is building up power this splorch is becoming its final form you can just see all of the energy building around it oh my goodness and the three bros the fire bro hammer bro and boomerang bro the three towers it's like we're playing uh it's like we're playing a zelda game and it's like the trial of courage power and wisdom cut down here we've got a bomb around here yep that's the ball bomb down here pick up the bomb we're carrying the bomb right now wow i don't even see the pair of bones anymore oh there's our brolder just carry our boulder throw it here there's our sports yep that's how splurges move just doing what splurges do [Music] see anything up here wait how are the fireballs reaching us way up here they're not supposed to be able to do that here's our october just happily bouncing around [Music] i can't see the runners this is our spiny can't even see the shell of this spidey and just barely see the bottom of ours what are we climbing up what in the world are we climbing up [Music] let's climb up here [Music] see how high up this wall goes well too high for mario i guess wonder if we could continue through the level no there's a wall here oh no we could continue nice nope oh can we continue okay that's probably the hitbox for the soccer ball launcher all right i tried moving over mario's position and let's see if he's able to survive like this okay okay so we were able to make it to this part of the level here are a bunch of ghosts i don't know what that shadow is coming from oh is that shadow all the way to the left i'm wondering if that's coming from the giant would that be coming from the giant spike this is supposed to be a swamp this is supposed to be a throw off it looks like it's moving its feet around swamps don't have feet can it squish you it can still squish you oh that was a weird jump let's see that again whoa now it's just jumping normally it's like we had a low gravity jump there but then all of a sudden it went back to normal um what in the world [Music] what in the world was what how does [Music] let's try that again i was just running over here [Music] and that happens okay so it looks like collision is kind of weird [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa i just wanted to climb up on those steps when you get out to these steps you just fly back at the level can you go on these steps or no yeah it looks like you can't it just pushes you back so far wow wow wow wow it's like i just flew by the flag this would be so good for a troll if you really wanted to troll someone just have a flag at the end like this and if you go to try to get it it just pushes you away way past the level like there and it's impossible to finish the level but for this one it looks like it somehow is actually possible to grab the flag because somehow i ended up grabbing the flag here if you are interested in seeing more of what is possible in games you might enjoy some of my other videos and we've also stretched out other characters made them big made them small made a bunch of curse combinations where we do things like modding shadow luigi and modding princess peach and i hope you enjoyed this video wishing all of you a very fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,086,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, mario enemies, goomba, big goomba, tall goomba, super mario, super mario goomba, bigger, bigger mario, fast mario, bowser, mario speedrun, funny mario, mario animated, mario animation, lake lapcat, bowser's fury theme, lake lapcat theme, scamper shores, super bell hill, bowser's fury glitches, bowser's fury speedrun, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario, mario goombas
Id: 0wxGTIH9Tpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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