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um is he doing it again oh there it is okay ah and yeah dude i knew it i knew it bam that's it we got a hundred all 100 cat signs hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to another video on bowser's fury now you got really really close to the likes goal so i figured i'll bring it back today as sort of a fan choice favorite since the first one was fan choice friday to end the series completely now uh i've already put about two and a half hours into the game actually let's just get into it uh but before we get too far guys please consider subscribing to my channel i'm trying to get to 8 million subscribers literally can't do it without you and i just want to say thank you to all of you who have subscribed i really do appreciate all the support and so does mario but he's just a little bit he's just oh there you are he popped up i don't know why why were you so scared bro oh nice um so uh as i said i put about two and a half hours into it uh i think i had around like 56 cat shines at the end of the last video got about 30. um just to like speed it up because otherwise getting all 100 cat signs which is what we are about to do to unlock the secret ending it would just like a lot of the goals and tasks and things uh pretty banal like oh are you kidding me like he heard that he's like what i'm boring um okay so i i was gonna show well here let me show you guys the map real quick so like this one we haven't finished right we need a key to catch on we see the cage there we've got to do five cash sign charges i think we got four out of five but most of these towers are done and i wanted to just show you guys what happened i i think i've um i think i completely unlocked one and previously i'm not sure just show you guys what happens when i beat one and then i want to see what happens when i when i close off the fifth island and then we've got all these little tiny ones here like little hidden ones i don't know man and actually this island i've got a lot to do because that stupid blue coin one uh so yeah you'll get to see me get frustrated and uh take on the final final final bowser boss battle oh there's the key right there okay oh okay can i fly up high enough yeah okay okay okay okay so yeah with this oh come on not okay actually that's not terrible because oh no okay can i alright i gotta float down i think that'll make it oh oh that was stupid i i thought i could okay i thought i could sprint there okay you can't sprint it also tells me how like used to sprinting i am with uh wow with uh without really thinking about it okay okay come on no no no no no no no no do not oh that went right over my head okay how much further do we got oh boy this is oh dude dude dude i actually oh man no no no no no come on bowser bowser are you kidding me oh it didn't hit me didn't it okay here we go all right let's go slow dude come on tanuki power oh holy no no lava please no lava please i mean his lava things are fi this is it yes first try baby let's go but i seriously almost hit lava a few times bam and we get rid of bowser which is key all right so this is what happens like obviously he's here we smack him a little bit oh by the way i i did um i was like because the the um the gigabills are active when he does that so i went to one and you have to do the whole boss battle and actually like it beats the gate you have to like basically beat the game again because like oh i'll just get rid of him yeah no don't do that once you've gotten the 50 cat shines do not engage him or else you have to do the whole boss battle again there we go that's what happens when you unlock an island um and then and yeah and then it does the end credits and that just puts you right back here uh where is oh actually we don't need plessy we so that one's that one's done so we need to go to which one i think i needed oh yeah right here so i needed five cat shine shards and i think oh i got four all right i don't know if i ever got this one was it out is the one out here that i'm missing wait whoops it is it is oh no are you kidding me what i did not you stupid okay can i oh i can climb hold on let's just do this okay that was that that one yeah let's oh well i guess that'll work too but i will actually want to just climb over here and then like can i just jump off and no oh man come on cat what are you doing oh my goodness it's actually not that easy to get here you know what forget it let me just fly back up there where's one of those things uh i can't believe that thing hit me like at the last second that's a lot quicker okay is it where is it again okay so it's right over here yes thank you [Music] all right so there is another one so there's only one left that we have to light up now or to like fully light up bam golden all right um let's just so we're gonna fly or warp over to well actually other no yeah so this one all right oh i thought i was gonna leave the thing okay actually hold on oh i thought it was gonna leave the thing on me okay so this one i absolutely hate and i know i need this to help so this is one of those like so it's it's got these invisible platforms here um and like invisible walls but like you'd think there's a wall here but there's actually not you just gotta go as quickly as you can and unlock the next one just this way try not to fall off i usually fall off on that after i go around this last corner because i like freak out about getting the last ones ah i hate it i absolutely hate it uh you can i should use the the um the boomerang more although wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on we got bowser blocks here let's well okay so there we go on that maybe this is the one that okay let's come on hit it yeah dude okay here we go i see the thing all right so that was actually we we used him a little bit which is good actually let's get it and we can get rid of him and i don't have to kill myself gg all right glad i thought of that so it's this way and that's like come on which way is it are you kidding me with all these dude and then oh my goodness really okay come on i hate that thing so much thank you thank you thank you thank you where's this stupid thing oh man the blue coin ones are the worst i hate them there was that that ice skating one i did that one um but this one was worse i think it's the worst one all right what else we got okay so we need uh two more shards and then oh no that one's unlocked so it is this island here trickity tower oh there's one up there okay okay oh there's two i see them both okay do we like do i need the cat maybe let's see the cat can i climb these oh i can okay that's it right there's nothing else okay going back down oh actually i think we're making it now oh wait um see this is this is not what i wanted okay oh okay okay oh whoa hold up it shows us everything hold on can't i just like no oh yeah dude oh don't get me no yes oh beautiful i was about to get he was about to get me with his fire oh that was lucky all right and that'll knock him out that was perfect sometimes if you leave and come back i found that that like yeah there it is okay oh hurry watch your step okay this so the button's purple now what does this do oh great parkour ah all right okay so wait which way is it oh it's here so then run along this i can't see where i'm going okay [Music] come on make it bam first try baby there it is okay so this is the final flag to be raised i think right it is [Music] so will this do anything all right we are up to 90. i thought that would i i absolutely thought that would do something because i think i've got every um every island because it's the one with the black ring around it that's an island right and i've every single one is unlocked so all of the lighthouses are lit now i think we just have to go like so right here so i've never been able to figure this one out oh let's oh okay so that's the one that i saw before i feel like we might be able to use plessy to get uh so it's this way let's see to get over it can i nope wait i can come on you can make it dude come on i don't think i can jump on that part like uh all right there might be another way in i don't know oh is this another cat one so you have to find cats i had to find her cat last time hey oh now i gotta find three how do you keep losing your kiddos let's see if it changed oh yeah that's what i thought all right there we go that's how you do it okay here we go jump lizzy let's go bam all right that's what i was thinking that one that i couldn't get to yeah you needed bowser to do it oh there you are oh my goodness how am i gonna get you back because if you see if you go into the water oh what if i get on plessy though hold on come here oh oh maybe maybe that maybe oh come on no the thing is fast all right i'll just stay here and like no no no what i okay whoa oh come on they transformed the cat oh that all right you know what that well that's irritating kill me i don't want to deal with you yes take oh wait wait wait let's hold off let's perfect timing sir bowser whoa spin kitty whoa no i forgot darn no oh i'm gonna let the cat kill me i can't believe i just did that and you guys all probably in the comments like no it's going to turn into an evil cat all right take this thing man ugh give me this give me the you know what i should have done oh no never mind i was going to say i thought it would put a cat shine somewhere and then i could choose to hit it but i guess not 92 looking good oh it's another cat one oh the cats are right well those are the wrong kinds of cats what's wrong what's wrong five are you kidding me you count come here oh there's one okay i don't see any other ones on this uh island here five this is gonna take ages so like i'd already put two and a half hours into this and now another 45 minutes like i think all in all it's gonna take about total six to eight hours to finish this uh i thought that these wouldn't be so bad but like when it's oh yeah and i don't know what that one is um oh all right we gotta go looking oh i got it okay oh no wait oh there we go okay oh that's tricky man there it is hey oh no no no wait hold on hold on let's well i can always just jump yeah oh yeah i've got tanuki so i barely have to touch these yo that's another catch side so we are up to well where is it 93 where are you cat i feel like i should get five for that just one five cats man i lost kittens in the wasteland all right let's see what we got here so yeah oh now this one that was always lit i cannot figure out what this one is back here so what is this one man so this is like oh what's that oh that looks like something we can only reach now huh it's yellow like that is gold like that all right let's uh let's get let's get on the plessy and do that oh he's trying to block me you're trying to block me a blessing wait what oh why can't okay can i get down from here oh yeah here we go over the falls all right and then oh it's this way oh i see it oh no no no no that's that's a good we don't want that wait is that what that wait wait no wait wait wait i'm going the wrong way now that that's a gigabill there i'm looking at the wrong thing though it's oh it's that what oh dude it disappeared oh there's definitely something there and it looks like if i uh well he didn't give us much time at all on that one usually he's around for a lot longer and i don't want him to be so like these ones are all grayed out we have to get this one late on mount mag meow bro not right now oh what's that okay okay hold on i did not see that before let's try not to die here there's definitely something going on down there i think that's the spot that is the spot all right see i mean i couldn't see that from up from like down below what the what are you what what what did i did i oh i found a toad ah that's what it was all right okay that was easy i mean once you get up there it wasn't that easy it was really hard to find that one all the other ones oh no here's one because like all the other ones are gray so i don't think they're active so this one all right let's go see is there like a toad here too i didn't realize finding each toad where are we um i wonder if it's down below or [Music] it doesn't really look like much here [Music] i'm directly over it right now [Music] there's definitely something down here but oh oh oh oh hey there he is that's my man okay i like that you just find one and you get it everything else is a lot like like gray so so these are all lucky oh this is ah all right i know what these are okay so one two well there's obviously five okay i know what those are so those are those only come when when uh giga bowser comes so we actually have to wait for him now um to get the last five because remember i saw that one that was golden on the map those that's the one okay i wish i could summon him now all right here we go let's see so where is the oh what hold up so wait one two oh see yeah that one blends in but it's this one all right so if i warp here all right oh don't get it okay where is it where is it i don't um wait oh there it is there it is wait no that's the gigabyte let's see where is it where is it where is it i gotta look the right direction uh it is to my all right this way i guess okay do i have to like what it's like right what is it is it on this thing it's gotta be this thing right okay let's see we gotta oh dude i i meant to dive there but plessy where did you go let's see no messing around plessy dude not right now plessy omg dude where are you how do you get there i mean i guess i can go from above and fall onto it hurry up i ain't got time for this oh what there's like five of them there can i get them all like right now bro let's go let's go yo is that all five of them oh you can only get one at a time oh that'd be amazing first lucky shine and now that's gonna put him away and then we have to wait for him again dude wait if i get all five of those he's gonna be pretty much dead ah okay so pounce bounce isle and it is north although they like that irrelevant to me okay so it's just straight ahead here is it basically will you stop oh wait so wait hold on hold on do i can i get those um yeah yeah let's get one of these oops let's hide here real quick where is he okay he's not doing what i thought he was doing all right okay well there it is there it is okay i didn't how did i not see it before i i don't know i'm just all right so i think if i do this like this yeah there it is that's what i wanted that's what i should have done last time because that island had those two get out of here do so laggy second lucky shine let's go all right we got an oh man i was hoping it was this one oh wait it is this one no wait yeah it is this one ah i guessed it all right now where is it so i don't think the island spawns right away that's why i never saw a time before i don't know maybe i'm wrong oh boy oh boy we got a problem let's get up as high as we can all right where's this island man where is it it is it's like right behind me supposedly oh there see yeah did that was not there before that just now spawned okay oh man that was all right yeah it was a one and three shot okay but still now we've got 50 50 chances that actually took about 10 minutes for him to spawn i was like just did oh that didn't actually take down any of his energy so i think that's as low as he can go but i think that's still a one shot for the final battle well not for the final battle because i feel like we're gonna have to do the plessy race at the end like we did um before so yeah you do the the boss battle and then you do the plessy race i'm gonna go with crisp climb castle um okay so did i pick the right one yes dude i got it again nailed it okay where is the stupid island it looks like it it looks like it's right it's supposed to be right is it above me what is what is it oh dude wait no that isn't it wait wait wait i heard something no it just broke a block where is it dude oh no no no ah i need that i think oh yeah i got another one here you know what i'm going for it let's just let's just go up ah you you would wouldn't you are you kidding me with another one how many fire dude guy is ridiculous man where is this thing it's non-stop dude i think there's one more down here but where's the ah he will not stop with that fire beam all right where is this thing man it's is it it is literally where i am or is it up oh you wait can i do like here let's do this let's do can i do um no no no ah so tired of that thing oh there it is okay there it is okay it's up top i should have known actually is there like a way i can oh jeez no no no yes yes yes get out of here bro ah that was frustrating you know i feel like that the spinning coins kind of gives it a oh no it's to the left a little bit but look at that timing but i feel like being here is where i want to be i just if he hits me with that that uh fire beam i'm going to be so mad because we want to get over here come on form the island and he's definitely not here to start with i that's what i was saying man oh man he's looking right at me okay i can fly up i think okay okay um is he doing it again oh there it is okay ah and yeah dude i knew it i knew it bam that's it we got a hundred all 100 cat shines oh and it does actually damage him okay so yeah he's a one shot right now so now we just can i go to the gigabyte or do i have to wait for him i probably have to wait for one more depot tantrum hey look at that you collected all of the cat shines a message is ringing out from the gigabill you are ready go cleanse the beast of its fury but the full power of the cat shines oh i i i plan to wait give me give me uh do i have to go to like which one can i is there one that just takes me straight there it doesn't work it doesn't matter um is it this way yeah there we go let's go is there a special gigabyte this one looks deactivated i mean it's weird because like oh no there it is okay i was gonna say because i hear his music but then it shouldn't be because oh wow all right he is he is he i said it before you big man all right let's do this the final boss battle is here it only uh actually wasn't as bad as i thought five and a half hours so i was saying what was i saying six well it's pretty close actually whoa wait why does he have a blue health bar okay what is i don't know if i like that all right this is the same whoa oh okay i actually don't know that i like the way this one is designed i should have hit him there because like this one there's a lot of like stuff in the way on this one i should have gone to a different gigabill i guess i still can right wow that's laggy all right and then we go and bam oh that's gonna take a lot yo his boss bar is like twice the size of his old one can i go down here i don't like this one okay let's go over here come over here dude let's fight over here bowser let's go come on let me grab one of these throw it at your head where yeah okay here we go here he comes coming coming hey there you go oh man i knocked him so far okay there we go that's two let's see how many shots i think it's gonna take it looks like eight maybe yeah there's just more open space over here i like being up there come on bro do your spinny thing and i'll get on the side and whack you all right there you go and three hits yeah it's it's it's it's at least eight could even be ten i think it's eight though there we go this is nine oh he's on the outer edge can i even do this oh yeah one more one more one more one more i can actually use one of these or i can use one of the the soccer ball bombs or whatever there got him oh dude how did that miss i totally nailed him come on come on give me a comment oh no i'm trying to just grab that that was the first time i got damaged too by the way those ugh i was just too anxious to grab it because it was close how many times you going bro you normally go wait what are you doing you normally only go three times here we go okay five times boom he gone all right now do we have to do the plessy battle i feel like we still have to do that part two that was super extended man oh he's barfing again so this end part is the same looks like the same to me the secret ending i think is at the end of the credits yeah we do have to do it all right we have to do it we have to do the plessy battle now yo all right here we go here we go oh no okay he's he's pulling it away a few times whoa oh come on please let's go all right i got to remember how to like control this okay there we go we got the first one i think we have to do this well i'm in the past we had to do it three times but i don't i don't know about now geez the timing on that is just tough you do this one oh you do that one then yeah okay there it is so you gotta dodge the first one there we go and then duck under the second one and then duck under the third one all right that's two here it is bam that's three do we keep going yeah yeah there's more than three now all right were there there whoa were there four last time i don't remember yo he is mad maybe there was four last time i think it's the same actually we got we hit the three bells and then we hit it one last time to knock him down come on yeah secret ending here we come [Music] now um i don't know if you guys remember the end of the last episode uh at the end of the credits there is like a painting um but it's like covered in um an ink so you can't see what the painting is now let's see if this part's any different i don't know this part seems the same yeah this part's all the same [Music] all right so um that's it that so did that that all is normal but this is where it changes i think i think i have to wait out the credits ah i'm worried if i skip i'll miss it so i'm gonna leave it and extend the recording time all right here we go [Music] all of my work comes down to this there it is thank you for playing 100 out of 100 look at that beautiful drawing there it is that's a secret ending i mean it is there's a little bit more so the other bits are this is for getting a hundred cat shines and now i actually okay i'll we'll show you in a second i actually don't see the point of any of it because i mean other than to like see it for a second but so there it is right there so when you um when you become a cat you are actually the like giga cat mario right uh and you can play the game with a giga mario but like and and also also also also i need to get here we go here we go look look so if you look closely now wait what what am i doing i can't how do i zoom again there look at him wait can i get down here let's let's okay let's zoom out a little bit yeah look so there he is so uh bowser jr is now a cat he was never like this before um yeah and and obviously i am oh this could make a really cool thumbnail here uh yeah but again i don't see the point of these two things being here because like there's literally no reason to play the game anymore like i've gotten all 100 cash cash signs i could see like if it did this and you could sort of rebirth and play as the as a gig cap mario and have um bowser jr be cat bowser jr but there's literally literally no reason to play this game anymore uh and people have checked and you don't get uh the skin in super mario 3d world if you've done this first so anyway there it is uh six some six plus actually six hours uh six hours more into the game a hundred cat shines a hundred percent of the game it's done uh i feel accomplished that that's what you get you get that sense of accomplishment if you guys appreciate the effort i put into this oh my goodness you're so cute uh click the like button uh and subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 761,146
Rating: 4.8857837 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles granny, app game, app store, mobile game, fan choice friday, thinknoodles fan choice, thinknoodles fan choice friday, mario, bowser, nintendo, bowsers fury, super Mario 3d world, super mario, shadow luigi, secret ending
Id: _TJDX8HeDyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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