Bowser's Fury - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 4 - ENDING! Bowser Boss Fight! 50/100 Shines!

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[Music] what is up guys zack scott here playing bowser's fury how are you doing we're going to this next island here well there's a cat there's a cat i need to bring that cat back this is what is this called i don't know let's just bring the cat back and let's get that done because hey there was a there's a a mom who obviously cares very much about her cats she's missing her one of her own we got to bring it back so what's the journey for that look like uh i don't know let's just pick up the cat come on make the lice okay okay though he's not gonna be much of a rascal is he maybe not so uh how you guys doing you guys left i mean this is incredible this is like i look at this i'm like oh my gosh you guys are amazing oops how do i get over there oh i better have to ride that i better have to ride that can i ride him with it i don't know man as i was saying you guys are pretty incredible uh you may or may not know it but you guys left over what was it like 13 000 likes on the first episode already that's incredible i mean like i'm blown away i really am the support of this series has been just phenomenal uh i knew you guys would pull through though so thank you for your support over 300 000 views on the first episode alone uh no complaints from me that is awesome very awesome how do you even do this nope okay hold on there's gonna be an island that pops up soon right there we go now this guy's coming with me is is there a safe way i mean like it's looking like there's gonna be bowser's not gonna do it no bowser's still dormant for now it's slowly picking up speed and i hope that this is indeed the path we got a long way to go honestly so hopefully we uh nothing goes wrong and we're going to bring this kitten back over to its mom bowser's still spinning only slowly and then uh yeah i think it's gonna be fine we'll see though i don't think any other uh any other skins or whatever will help there we go okay uh i forget if this goes all the way through looks like it does okay great and then i go up here and this looks pretty good those birds would have like hit me out have been so mad and then there's that i can safely jump on this and then same situation here oh geez oh geez oh geez almost lost it there all right mama cat here you go you're welcome no more tears for you bowser's about to wake up again by the way all right last kittens near the ruins cat shine complete and there we go so uh we need to we need to ride out because bowser like i said bowser's about to show up he's well we got a little bit of time i'm sure let's collect some more items [Music] and we're headed back over here oh what the heck let's just have some fun with this really quick what the heck all right nicely done and then this is what is this [Music] see what this is this looks interesting oh okay i mean this time what's [Music] uh okay i literally don't know what's happening oh there's another fish guys awesome okay very nice another stray shine here i mean there's a lot of shine just kind of spread out and about his bouncer coming yet bowser's almost here i should just wait till he shows up and then use that shine that makes sense right i think it makes sense let me check the stats really quick because like you guys have just been really fierce yeah over 300 000 views over 13 000 likes uh just incredible thank you so much for your support i really really do appreciate it i'm bringing you two episodes today because this series has been doing so so well and of course i'm gonna be finishing up uh super mario sunshine as well do not worry hey bowser just waited for him slippery skirmish and this is going to damage him a little bit right he's like he hit me a little bit i'm out i'd rather have it that way to be honest so get out of here you gotta hear your bowser all right and then uh [Music] and what is this little thing come on okay mushroom good enough i'll take it i'll take it even though i already have enough mushrooms [Music] i want to get rid of the fire all right so what is this this is uh oh yeah make the lighthouse shine again everything would be easier with with a cat so meow give me that [Music] and of course you know hey we should be looking for uh the shards as well that's also important i almost forgot [Music] you never know where they're gonna be necessarily but keep my eyes peeled of course there's still goop on this side that's really interesting all right don't see any immediate shards oh man i can't get in there [Music] all right i'll take this [Music] bunch of coins over there and we're still not even to the top are we what is what does this do make the lighthouse shine [Music] all right uh [Music] nice i mean i already have this but i'll take another one uh let's see [Music] can i just grab this and no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no all right we're back at it don't worry about it [Music] the house the house is gonna be here before you know it [Music] man am i oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i got the tanooki leaf or uh let's move the bell back there you go but shorter but at least i can climb the walls now what is this oh no no no take me back in take me back in [Music] thank you all right so now it kind of makes sense why i wasn't able to just immediately run up the side of the wall [Music] it's such a big stage i haven't seen any of the shards yet i'm stuck to the wall okay this is like a really big stage this is like bigger than than that oh surely there's something up here [Music] [Applause] that's number three there's two more before two after [Music] i don't feel like i need that [Music] i'm so high up in the air dude [Music] [Applause] there's another shard uh sure i'll get it whatever maybe i don't have to maybe i can still there you go i don't have to go back down that's a good one [Music] so what's happening over here [Music] oh no no no no no no no no oh no oh man all right hold on i can i can kind of get it there we go hey yeah what is that what is that you tell me paint that paint that i knew for me great meow meow all right so we come up on this side of it how close is bowser to doing his thing he's getting close man bowser is such a threat in this game he's like a constant threat oh yeah i see that too [Music] nice okay so we got all the ones up here at least that we know of oh dude dude i had it i had it all right such a big stage all right and there's the shine [Applause] what's going on here what is this like a hologram of something here what the heck the heck are you oh that's one of those coin things anyway we're going to be able to get the shine very soon bowser's about to be back so i'll be ready for him come on bowser where are you going you're welcome i timed it just right bowser's probably gonna take a little more damage nicely done so the first two he took a little yeah he did take a little more damage so the first two shards are obviously lower than where i am now that's good i'm gonna go to the top of this this might be one of the highest areas in the game i don't know uh but we'll find out oh yeah so there's another course oh wow [Music] and then what's up [Music] okay i knew about how to use power-ups so thank you this is one of the highest places in the games at least so yeah this is pretty tall showed you just how big the world is so what happened over here what is that that might be uh here i can go over here and get this [Music] now that's the first one that's interesting uh so where would be the second one i don't even know maybe i'll find it on my way but it looks like we have some more stuff that we can do uh there's something over here let's see what's going on over here [Music] uh oh yeah those are the fury blocks right there so we're gonna have to wait until he shows up again uh let's let's ride dude let's ride where we going there's another shine over here somewhere [Music] associated with this one it what didn't it trigger come here there we go where are we where we headed all the way up there okay so okay i'll do my best [Music] do i get like extra time or anything or is this just [Music] oh god all right nine eight [Music] we got it nice slide through the sky we did it [Music] and then now we need to head back it's pretty interesting being able to just go to any mario stage anytime that you want via this huge open world it's a very clever concept for this game uh let's see oh there's another rabbit where are you going buddy he's temporarily got away temporarily all right he's going pretty fast oh man come on dude got him another shine that's great wait is that the same one oh that wasn't oh that was okay that was the same one that was no no good all right we'll we'll come back to this i thought it would be a new one i don't know why the rabbit would show back up all right what's up now fly through the frost hurry fly to the frost [Music] i'll give him my best shot okay i i might be able to just get there [Music] now do i oh see yeah that might be i might not be able to i might actually be able to there you go there you go easy awesome [Music] i still need to keep my eyes peeled for another shard because the second one i mean the first one was here and thus the second one was gonna be somewhere right this wasn't the first one just like right above me yeah that was the that's considered the first one so the second one's gotta be a little bit further into the mix and so look i don't know maybe i'll go around and maybe i'll find one i don't know kind of taking a look to see what i can find [Music] there it is lucky me for sure three of five down for now [Music] and then um oh it's raining already okay so we need to get in position here for uh the the fury blocks because oh yeah he's already here this guy is persistent believe you me bowser you're really polluting the area sometimes it shows a cut scene sometimes it i don't understand the differences as to why it shows like this cool cut scene like is he just extra mad so it's like they want me to know all right i don't actually remember where the blocks are so i gotta go find them yeah it happens there they are [Music] all right here i am come and get me just come and get me it doesn't matter it doesn't matter we got you back bowser and then we got one more we'll find out what it is pretty soon such a big stage i'm glad i'm not just having to spend a ton of time here oh the gigabyte's ready you kidding me the beast fury has grown too strong the light of the catch giants can no longer keep it at bay oh what oh no what are you joking kidding me [Music] what the heck dude i'm just gonna hide over here dude i don't know what the heck i think i'm safe here i just gotta wait it out are you kidding me maybe it's because i've done so much damage to him i mean i got to get to 50 cat shines and then take it take the take it to bowser you know what i mean i'll just be here for a second where is he because he are we within range i think i'm still safe i'm still safe i just have to wait for him to leave basically mike please leave you're doing me no good bowser all right [Music] he's still jumping around i mean like he's got to get bored eventually right hey bowser jr go tell your dad to cut it out for a sec he's still just jumping around my dude [Music] what the heck you got hit that's what you get for sitting on the open i'm in this little sliver no no you can't stand here too there's only space for just me all right i really don't know what's going on with bowser i would just assume he would have left by now what what what happened give me another give me a mushroom there we go what the heck no oh my gosh dude he's not leaving is he oh he's leaving now finally maybe the game didn't like it that i was just like sitting there like a coward oh he i thought he was leaving i bowser i really did believe you were leaving are you kidding me [Music] what the heck [Music] what the heck what do i do there's no other option here [Music] oh my gosh he's over there so i'll be over here [Music] dude i i literally don't know what to do right now i mean i thought he would just go away i thought the shine would get him but there's like no the shine doesn't work anymore i don't think i can make it over to him with a star oh my gosh is there something i can do bowser what in the world i just cannot believe he's still around fury shadow on the okay sure yeah give me give me something dude give me uh give me uh the i said banana boomerang take take him out bowser take him out did i do that or did he do that oh god about this here absolutely ridiculous dude if if he doesn't go [Music] i cannot believe that i have to sit here and wait for this to go through [Music] get this thing just coins oh my gosh somehow that missed me good [Music] don't i mean believe me i do want to fight you it just i didn't think i just i can't believe that these things i have to get like another one too by the way how do we get out of this wow oh my god this is like the most intense it's been i didn't realize it was coming to this what oh my gosh did you get it did you get him [Music] dude he actually hit him for me thank you bowser jr [Music] that's just coins oh of course bowser jr you can hit it one more time right just oh man are you going to go get them oh my gosh i guess give me this ridiculous i just can't believe this is happening to me right now [Music] and this this itself isn't going to do the trick either [Music] i wish you would just leave for just a split second the gigabyte isn't ready [Music] the lighthouse is literally do nothing what the heck the lighthouse is literally do nothing guys i have to get one more shine while i'm dealing with this bowser oh my gosh this is we are in for a rude awakening here i was not expecting this whatsoever are you joking kidding me right now let's go uh where's the next place let's look at the map really quick because i need i need one more uh so we've got everything done over here so now i gotta go like way over here it's like uncharted territory and just pick a stage and just do it i suppose uh i don't think i can get back here yet and then i gotta go back to the gigabell this is just absurdly ridiculous okay uh close let's go let's go we'll figure it out hi bowser is there something i'm supposed to be doing here that i don't know about oh no i need you dude i need you are you kidding me where's my where's my pal plessy get out oh my god oh no oh no this is a joke isn't it this is a cruel joke i cannot believe i literally cannot believe this is happening [Music] let's go what in the world that was cool right [Music] all right is this a place to go to maybe this is another gigabyte wasteland gigabell and all the cats are demons right now so i can't do any special missions or whatever oh my god dude this doesn't look like the place to be honestly how do i get up there oh he could break these blocks dude break these blocks there's got to be something behind them there's got to be another one to give me the 50th or something come on right over here buddy thank you wrong button give me the mushroom at least thank you okay great now give me i mean this game has put me in such a weird position how do i use this thank you [Music] oh my god how does this get used dude i don't understand how this works i don't get it [Music] okay great i literally don't understand it okay cool cool got it that's the 50th bowser's not gonna care i have to actually go to the gigabell and take him out [Music] this is this is great wonderful wonderful bowser uh uh send me back to the bell actually send me something somewhere a little more comfortable let's go this way where's my plessy at come over here i'm more familiar with this area once we take him out this is going to feel a lot better oh my gosh i can't believe i had to go collect like several shine just waiting to beat this guy okay that was a bit absurd honestly that was just really i i didn't know the game would be like that honestly and hey bowser jr is with me interesting choice are we both fighting you this time [Music] okay uh so simple enough we just go uh grab this because he oh he's rushing at me where is he all right i can't see but that's okay oh did i hit him no but oh double double duty here i hit him [Music] all right one more hit all right there you go bowser holy cow my goodness hopefully that was it for now [Music] is he retreating is he did he transform back to normal like what's the what's this the status of this oh oh my god are you kidding me we're already fighting this is like the end end i mean i got a lot more to do but is this like the final oh my gosh okay what the heck [Music] we are already somehow at like a final bowser type boss fight is that the deal i'm what what i'm regular bowser okay i'm regular mario right now i can't okay let's go oh my god this is this is interesting at least oh come on all right punched it adam this is an interesting fight and i still got what it takes baby [Music] all right let's see if i can do i go over to him now now i go this way we're getting a ton of coins by doing this almost landed right into that [Music] oh boy this is like the the final oh this has to be it i guess you only needed 50 to trigger the final fight so to speak really here uh can you give me uh give me firepower thank you all right [Music] all right i'm being patient but it's trying my patience got it that's three hits come on that's gotta be enough are you kidding me am i doing something wrong oh gosh oh oh my goodness all right okay [Laughter] are we all transforming that's hilarious [Music] so long bowser i wasn't expecting a boss fight already [Music] [Applause] that's why i got so intense okay so now what happens you okay bowser [Music] what's happening don't mess with me i'm not having any of it [Laughter] all right keep him away bowser jr [Music] is he trying to scare me hey come on we had fun bowser jr and these cats what the heck get away before i eat you again [Music] oh my god he stayed large [Laughter] all right well that was pretty interesting all right so this we got more of the game left i mean we we finished it so soon like i said it's a short title but we're gonna 100 complete this game so we have a lot more left to do and uh so i promise you that we'll let i don't know we don't need the credits to roll necessarily yet because there's gonna be a 100 ending and once that happens then i'll let the credits roll and uh so there we go we got 50 of 100 there's still another 50 to do this painting ain't complete so uh that was a really interesting uh really interesting thing boom we're still in it resume my friend and this is the one i was working on i guess i beat him three times so let's go uh just back in really quick and see what the story is i mean is he he's been beaten but i mean is he still in the game is he still gonna cause me trouble he has to for me to be able to break those fury blocks on those stages you know so uh let's see what happens is some of the ink more the ink go away or goop or whatever you call it like what's the story here because i know i have a lot more to do so that's the original stage [Music] dad and i were supposed to have a fun day on this late together but then he got all big and mad i put marks on the map where more cat shines might be hiding let's find them all and change that back so i guess dad got mad again oh yeah so thankfully they marked all the so that's great so that makes it a lot easier to try to find them uh so that's great that's wonderful uh let's close it so listen up mario you're helping me a lot so i'll make it easy on you if you want to visit a different island just point oh great i can actually warp us there that's great thank you so much so yeah junior's graffiti gratitude thank you so much my friend i don't know what we're doing here but uh so yeah this is um yeah let's go and finish up this stage because we've only been playing for like 30 minutes or so so let's go ahead and finish this stage you know we'll try to do at least two worlds what the heck are you joking kidding me what's up how do i talk oh do i talk what what do i do with you i can't seem to interact huh well that's interesting i don't know what the heck to do with her let me know in the comments below so that i will know uh there are shards around like for example there's a shard here [Music] let's go up here and take a look [Music] excellent and then what else can we find uh i know they pointed that there's a chart up there they also pointed at a shard that was at the end of the ship on bowser's nose nice landing mario so yeah we've already found one cat shine from from this stage [Music] i wonder if future shines like i just don't know we'll find out i don't know what you're about but we'll have to figure that out soon [Music] oh i thought something triggered like a cut scene or something okay so we're gonna go up in the ship can i climb this [Music] kind of oh i can climb it from over here and get the shard so i'm glad he marked him so the next 50 will be really not as hard to locate at least because some of them are going to be that's number two that's great and then there's a something on the on the wall something on the whatever down there now is there anything on the sides windows i don't really see i don't know what to do with her yet [Music] look what is that over there there's a question mark on the ground [Music] yeah what's that what is that oh wow okay that's pretty sweet again good artwork right there buddy junior's graffiti gratitude and then we hit that up i see another shine over a shine shard over there and there's a shine shard so and that's on this side right yeah that's on this side so that's number three [Applause] oh get up there mario [Music] all right i messed up it's okay [Music] oh there you go there you go and then if bowser yes the bows are still mad so okay so they gave us reason to keep playing obviously to get the other 50. we're looking over here at all i know that there's that one on bowser's head and then there's probably uh oh man i fell pretty considerably there [Music] oof that's okay we'll get back up to it [Music] okay hold on all right i guess take me take me somewhere so he's he's in cat form now right that's cool i wonder if there are any more gigabells [Music] oh they they got one right there on top of it so the next the shards i mean clearly that's the last shard that we need bowser's not quite ready yet but he's he's getting there [Music] those fury blocks gonna be important when bowser rolls around again five cats shine shards [Music] all right [Music] the series might have two ends uh here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go ahead and jump off here [Music] land over here and this kind of like oh there's there's is that captain toad dude leave him alone ow i banged right into him [Music] so what's the story dude captain toad is here and he gave me a shine toad brigade lost leader awesome so that's cool so i'll find i'll find more if you don't worry he may not want to talk but i'll find more don't don't you worry and then let's get back to it and see what other missions we might have over here we have one more that's not the fury blocks bowser's slowly coming around all right okay okay okay okay we got him we got him bowser jr really helped me with the last one [Music] all right i'm coming i'm coming luigi oh dude i got that was a lucky shot all right here we go where you going luigi what the heck nice hit dude let me get the last hit on him come on let me get it let me get him [Music] oh what never mind he got him thanks thanks bowser jr all right and then so the the one more is going to be the fury blocks whenever bowser comes around [Music] and so yeah this has been going pretty and we have like entire stages that we haven't even you know seen yet so that's gonna be fun and we're getting this one cleared up and so we're going to have like everything that we originally wanted uh you know all the all the first few stages is completely done and that's gonna feel really good and then uh so yeah according to oh sorry yeah they're putting these all over the place nice and then as soon as bowser's ready i mean i'm ready so where is he again what's his progress like so he's still taking his time uh so i'm just gonna wait until he's ready and then i'll be right back all right everyone bowser is getting mad again and uh we're ready to get the final son of this stage so uh what's gonna happen there he goes so i i don't know if anything news could happen but i'm really hoping that this son you know puts a dent in his progress and he goes back to where wherever he's gonna go [Music] yep he mad bowser bowser bowser so mad what the heck what is that i don't even know what that is but hey this mounts i'm over here come and get me where is he he's over here so we're going to break this i hope that he can break it and then it and there it is there it is all five shines now of this area complete and i'm just hoping that it hits him [Music] okay good he's retreating okay okay that's good then i'll see you bowser goodbye i probably won't fight him again with the gigabill until like the very end i guess i don't know there we go everything's sunny again so that feels good so thanks for watching uh you know i technically beat it but hey we're gonna beat it again at uh once we have all of the the cat shards shines cat shines so i will see you then goodbye and thanks for watching i'm zach scott subscribe if you have not if you like this video and want to help the channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching you can now join on youtube and become an official member of zack scott games and if you want cool shirts like this visit come back next time for more
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 2,545,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bowser's Fury, Bowser's Fury Gameplay, Bowser's Fury Walkthrough, Bowser's Fury Part 1, Bowser's Fury Gameplay Part 1, Bowser's Fury ZackScottGames, Mario, Super Mario, Bowser, Fury, Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario 3D World Bowser's Fury, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games
Id: PdLeskf3s2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 11sec (2831 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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