SketchUp Model Along Live - Assemblies!

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hey guys how's it going hopefully you're okay rolling with us we generally start the stream a few minutes early to make sure everybody can log on okay and we do generally do it muted so you know Joey and I can talk about stuff in case there is an issue but we're good now otherwise we just we just talk about you guys yeah like praise mostly oh yeah yeah yeah so anyhow hope everybody's doing good this would be a be a fun model this should be a good time so hello and welcome Aloha Bruce Angola evening wherever Michael Mackenzie's at once again there's Sonny Dorset is it always sunny in Dorset Andrew or you just are you being funny okay so I got this neat thing going on here and we're restream keep scratching on me the chat is everybody should know that because that's how yeah so we'll see how that goes have you turned it off and turned it back on again well I'm using the auto closed venture that's apparently built-in oh I'll close send the message and close alright well it is it is officially noon so we will make movements towards starting hey guys welcome it's it's Wednesday afternoon and we're gonna talk about modeling some stuff live in Sketchup I'm Erin in case we haven't met in our ears or my ear at least and then your speakers is Jodi that's me hi so we are from Sketchup we do work for Trimble and we like to hang out with you guys in you Sketchup and that's kind of that's kind of the whole point here so yeah we're gonna we're gonna try this we're gonna make a couple things we're halfway there YouTube's happy welcome back everybody who hasn't who's been here before and if it's your first time let us know and we'll we'll still say hi to you that doesn't really make a difference not seniority or anything but it's cool to see what new people show up and it's also fun to see where everybody's from cuz it's kind of crazy how diverse a group we have like like worldwide people showing up from everywhere it's really cool in my mind I just has has Sketchup be a group of people in Boulder Colorado and I'll set in someone on Colorado's using it I'm like wow where'd this guy come from turns out there's others out there who like it too oh the other thing that I do is when I see a Sketchup model in the wild I'm always like hey that's Sketchup and so then sometimes I'll just see the Sketchup blog post a picture and I'll be like eh oh wait yeah so we're gonna weird I put the term assemblies up because saying machine parts or something like that just seem to be getting old but basically they're very similar I got some drawings here of these a couple couple pieces and my pieces I mean they're actually like multiple three four pieces that have to be made and then we can put them together and like that I thought that was cool because I really like the pieces we were doing before but something in me just really wanted them to fit together somehow and none of them actually lined up because I don't know where they were all fromage just picking stuff off of the internet but these ones these are actually things that go together so this is a plumber or bearing block and then I post the second one which is okay I don't actually know what any of these are I think this is a kind of bearing block to maybe I don't know it's called a cross head so you guys know I mean that's bearable so quite what it's actually called or what it actually means soon I know somebody who knows what these things are feel free to enlighten us cuz yeah we're just we're just we don't make it it up yeah we're making stuff up so I did I posted a couple images which were just screenshots then mr. Kollin our co-worker did go through and upsize the resolution and upload those so those going to be a little bit clearer so if you do want to grab files to follow along with I would recommend maybe grabbing Collins from lower in the page rather than what's on top but as you go through here if we have five questions or ask for information something like that put it on here that's the easiest way for me to get a hold of it during live stream and as you finish if you as you finish your models go ahead and take a picture do a screenshot and put it up there this is this is your opportunity to brag on on your sketchup skills so yeah so we're gonna we're gonna hop in here Oh Dave Richards who may or may not have already Model T's is pointing out that the cross head is used on a steam engine so we have a steam engine piece so I so the wikipedia says that it's even used in internal combustion engines which I suppose in the steam engine but also other stuff well except there's no combustion it doesn't steam engines don't blow up right well no yeah that's true internally consistent constant pressure I don't know there's a thing I just also want to remind you guys we are still running the finish this house challenge so you are still free to download the model modify it upload it into the appropriate thread and not prob about this Friday but next Friday we will spotlight another creator and show their work and hopefully get them on the phone and on the phone on the hangout on the line and have them talk us through their their project so that will be happening it's never too late to get your model in there or modify your current model you can do updates too so we'll look at your most recent version all right enough talking less talky more clicky all right so I can look at my desktop here let's let's start with this one the bearing block or polymer block so have two pictures here that I that I grabbed I am inclined to probably go this one actually looks like it's a little bit cleaner but each of the pieces is detailed out separately over here so I'm kind of inclined to just do quick clips of this piece this piece this piece and this piece and then build off of that and then yeah because with all these pieces together it's not quite as clear an image so I'm going to do that I'm going to just use regular screen capture to just chop out one two three and we'll get one more to get this little this bolt right here all right so I'll use those mostly I'm a I don't know if I'll need to come in here and reference anything off of this because everything should be on these individual pieces with it all dumped together it's it's nice but this this definitely seems like I'd rather have I'd rather have dimension spoon-fed to me rather than drinking from the fire hose I guess it's a little intimidating a lot a lot of numbers yeah it's almost almost like math in your face there all right so many yeah you don't want that alright so I'm going to come in here into as usual I'm going to go to my Styles I'm going to edit my current style and go to my watermark tab just one across and I'm going to add a new image from my desktop and I'm gonna grab that first one which is that base piece and bring that in I'm gonna put this in the background I'm gonna fully opaque and I'm going to position it in the lower right corner I get a little bit bigger I have to check and make sure I don't remember about my fat head being in the way to optimize space on the screen move your fat head yeah fat head you didn't wear a hat then you might have a little extra room there okay so here's the thing you my hat and which by proxy mentions hair I've decided that this is how I'm going to measure how far into quarantine time I am is how many knots I have to brush out of my hair in the morning normally my hair is short enough that like I just kind of use my fingers to kind of get it where I want it and I'm done but it's getting long enough that I have to actually kind of brush it and today today was a three not day I hit something three times so that's how far in a fourteen I am so in meeting this morning Andrew over in sunny UK had no hat on and he looked like he was just embracing bedhead his hair was it's crazy I kind of wanted to see what you can do really build out your cool fear maybe I'll share an image on my own social media channel it seems unprofessional to walk in front of the Sketchup audience representing my company with that thing happening that's her these are the most professional things possible earn straight yup okay I'm gonna go into my model info and modify my units I'm gonna go to decimal meters I wanna model everything as meters and then with your help I'm gonna scale it back down to millimeters when I'm done which I'm assuming everything here is is in millimeters it looks like we don't have a whole lot of fractional values but I'm just going to go to one I'll go to two decimal places that feels pretty good I'm going to disable length snapping I want to use that at all and my angle snapping is 15 that should be fine I think my angles help I don't know that I'll be rotating a whole lot of stuff so that's why my setup with decimal meters to two places after the decimal accuracy all right with that let's get this thing in here so there's a couple ways I could go about this my inclination as I look at this block is I see that I have a little bit a round thing going on here but my my initial thought would be to come in and build this profile first so build that chunk like that well maybe not maybe I should start from the bottom work up yeah actually I'm gonna start I'm gonna start with this rectangle right here and then work my way up until I get this like post up and then I'll come back to the side then and cut this chunk out that's something to do all right so I'm gonna start with this rectangle right here so my rectangle initial rectangle is going to be to 260 that was at 260 yeah plus 25 25 25 by 64 some didn't go right there oh let's try that again all right now that that's out of our sister shake it up check it out 260 comma 64 still big different big it is big I mean it's it's many meters large okay so what happens now is this the depth here is 22 so I'm just going to push pull this up 22 and then I can see on the edge it doesn't give me an angle but it tells me that this comes in two meters or two millimeters so I'm going to just grab this piece and we're going to move it this way to do the same thing over here I'm gonna grab this piece slide it this way to alright and that covers that so that's the base done now I want to get this right here you're on target with Andy this is this his technique so far is it let's see if you guys can write I'm doing it right so far I'm looking for a dimension here this might be the piece Dave said there's one dimension I'm gonna want to want off or I'm going to want to take off of the other drawing and maybe this is it are you gesturing at the curb there yeah have radius 72 is what it says on the another picture is then the big okay all right so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna get a couple of reference lines I know I'm gonna take this to the middle and take one this way to the middle and I'm gonna draw a circle I'm just gonna stick with 24 I'm not gonna get fancy 24 spine 72 is what the Ruiz was so he said yes sir all right there we gooo all right all right take that now that's going to come up an amount that amount is 63 and 25 so what I could do I'm about I'm on I'm just on a reference line kick I'm gonna pull one reference line up 63 I want to pull another reference line up 25 and the advantage using reference lines right here is I can come back and still use them later on so I'm gonna push pull this one up to the top but when I come in here to cut this piece down if this reference line is still here I can use it later to make those just off oh I pull them off of the what that let me give a couple honey the center one anymore okay so far so good Dave spotted you math in there better be careful oh did I do something I know I'm sorry it happens sometimes you know it's funny so as a person who's not a fan of math and I have children who are required to do math and like most parents I tell them well it's necessary you'll need it at some point in your life which is true I did when I did building design I did have to do a lot of math thing but I still feel bad cuz like you know what the only time I really had to use algebra is to help Mike kids with Algebra I III feel bad to suggest that I'm quoting up some sort of Facebook share but I saw one yesterday that said that parents will get one third of their kids they'll understand one third of their kids math but the other three-fourths they will not understand sounds about right that mess checks out okay [Music] alright just cuz it's gonna be easier I'm gonna put these holes in right now before I go cut this block out here the reason I say it's going to be easier is because as soon as I cut this middle chunk out then I don't have a flat surface to pull a dimension off of I can always inference so there's no point at which I can't inference to where the center of something is but it's gonna be a little easier to go I can come in here and you know from this from this center line I could say pull a dimension line over that's half 105 so it's 52 point 5 that good that was you knew I just get those and then if I wanted to I could also go like this and pull that down to the center there that gives me the two holes here so it's easier to work out this flap before I go in and chop it up so my diameter on this is 19 so I'm going to put a circle right here that is 19 / - yeah 19 halves nice I'll just take that and become using my calculator so might as well that's right it's like it's almost like if you don't make the computer do the math why are you using a computer my computer can do division - Wow and look at Facebook get out yeah I know it's all the things can you even believe it all right so so continuing through here so I have that brought all the way down and then I have little counter sink holes here that are at 30 so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna I could do an offset I could take this this hole as it exists and offset half the difference but for me I feel like something easier to go to the center of the hole and just pull it out 15 rather than try to well to read them try to do the math to be honest trying to be honest with you guys your honesty is appreciated its I heard it's the best policy yeah it's in the top three as far as policies go all right so what I'm seeing you guys can correct me if I'm wrong I'm seeing that this little we have this square right here that goes up too and it looks like this head goes up 12 more from that does that seem reasonable so I want to push this circle up 14 and I said that all before you guys had an opportunity to reply so that's what I did now they're coming in they're like don't do it whatever you do don't push that up 14 maybe you should give this file a name now oh yeah I'm gonna call this project 0-1 all right so it's a new naming convention yeah had to keep her around their toes you would do a little little indent there it's just got a comment Marconi's ask him if it's easier to use metric and i'll say here's here's my takeout metric I was forced years and years ago to use metric and I'm not in the bad way I had to use metric because I was doing two weeks of training for a cup it was in Canada in Toronto so I had to do all of it in metric and I'll say metric is easier to use I mean it's very simple everything evenly divisible by tens the math actually lines up is a lot easier as opposed to going feet divided into 12 inches divided into 16 so it's definitely easier but to this day I really don't have good reference for how big something is I mean if not if not for Laura right here I wouldn't realize that the numbers I'm putting in a ridiculously large so I just don't have reference for it I yes it is mark going to your point it is easier to do the math with with those units rather than imperial but I just don't have the reference so I can't look at something go oh that's about a foot bit foot you know it's about a half-inch that's like I don't have that that's standard for reference all right speaking of these rectangles down here let's let's put them in I'm gonna do use a couple more reference lines or guides excuse me and put one right at the middle guy eats all right and then we'll put one at the middle right here as well all right so this is 20 up 20 down because it's 40 those dimension right there this direction oh right here 6 over from the center line and then 12 over from the end that's my rectangle so I'm going to draw my rectangle right there I'm going to take it copy it they're not gonna copy it I'm gonna mirror it I'm gonna rotate it so I'm gonna go to my middle point that's right here I'm gonna do a vertical mirror modifier key to copy it mirror it right over there so when you have a surface that has multiple pieces like that and you copy more pieces in the cut this can happen this is a not an odd thing to have happen usually if you just come in here throw a couple piece to stitch it together it'll come right back I should do it right here alright get rid of these pieces that line and then that as I already know is going to push up to put that up too let me reverse this face before I push it up too alright we're looking good I'm gonna save how about that command s thought I could do that okay and I'm looking at this knot I'm realizing it would have been made more sense to put this next circle in beforehand because the dimension pulls off of here rather than the top but we'll work it out so the center of this thing right here is 25 over from the bottom the reason I say that's an issue is because the top remember we moved over to already so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab a reference line I'm gonna pull it over not 25 but 23 to the center of this piece right here I'll grab another sinhala or reference line or guide why can't I just say guide just say guy dude what sure and then I'm gonna use some more guides to put this out so it's 22 wide that means take this one this way 11 or 22 halves that would work also and then this is gonna come this way 8 I mean I'm gonna to find everything by the number of halves it has now hey you know it works that's all I'm saying is it works ok so to draw so it has so what I have here is basically a circle a circle or an arc and an arc connected together to make a elliptical type shape so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw a circle right here in the middle and pull it straight up I don't see I'll draw a line like that ok you are a guide a verse I mean adverse weight adverts perverts like advertisements all right I'm gonna grab these and command X them and then it looks bigger and V then it looks bigger than the picture for me sorta does it it might be will see 16 let me let's let's uh let's draw it and check it all right so just your two lines across there so now I can get rid of the lines in the middle and get rid these guides and we will check some dimensions so here two here should be 16 it is 16 and then out two out should be 22 it is okay 22 I think what's going on and this is this is and this oval office - there should be 23 no wait we're here to the center there we go that's true 23 yes that is that's actually kind of good because that looks like it should line up this does look like it may have been hand-drawn because another thing that is noticing is this whole looks slightly lower than this hole so it's possible that we're dealing and only saying this out loud but you know non through you modelled stuff here wait what I know it happens I'm sorry all right so this was probably designed before Sketchup and Sketchup is 3d for everyone and apparently someone just was not you know obviously you don't care that's that's all I heard there weren't three dimensions before Sketchup was starting I heard that everything life was so flat back then alright so I'm just going to use rotate to go to the center I can actually reference the center of these arcs because that's right in the middle and just rotate that around 180 degrees and then just use push-pull to push that to the opposite face and that can double-click on this one there we go I'm gonna triple click right now because this is bothering me go to soft and sweet entrance off and coplanar and tape close why close call alright doing good this is looking this is looking good let's get back into this main piece right here so we have I mean this is most of this block I have the little indents down below I have my countersink from my bolt by bolt hole this I assume is for screwing this down to some surface yeah everything's looking good right now so I need to get this piece right here so let's let's let's do that let's get that so this circle which has a radius of 32 is at this line give it X ray it's right at this line where this line crosses so I'm gonna go to my grab my circle go to the the inference off the center of this top line and just come straight down to here and then pull this this way 32 all right I'm going to just leave I'm just not doing anything right this second all right so what I have here I'm a draw line straight up and then I'm going to do a guide again I come this way 36 and take one this way 36 and that looks like that's the piece I need to go over to here up to here here to here and here to here and then get rid of all of this stuff this this and then push that back to the back wall according to the dimensions that's correct so it does look like I said it looks like again maybe because hand-drawn but that lip doesn't look quite as big on the drawing but that is what the dimensions call for so I think we just finished a piece actually there is it looks like there's a second lip here all right might have to go look it might have to go inference the other drawing I'm gonna save sorry I was reading the comments Dave said had a comment about the check in the diameter the counterbore on the bottom versus the bolt head okay yeah hide off there's so many numbers here oh no right here so that's 66 there's my 36 33 so many numbers because this was 32 so it looks like there's another piece but I can't tell oh is it in here it's set inside isn't it see that see that cut right there oh yeah you know so did any kind of dimensions for that though or is that just what they hold on oh I'm leaning forward and I've got my my squinty I mouth open thing trying to figure this down and I see it's still not working teeth are all sticking out have you tried turning your head to the side a little bit when you do that well I'll do it I'll turn down audio I'll turn my radio off so this is what I'm seeing right here this piece right here but I don't understand it comes back on this side too oh wait where's your cursor I don't which pointed over there oh sorry yeah oh sorry over here so it comes this way but then I also have them that goes this way is it thinner on the inside thicker it is this 30 to the inside and there's Liz it oh it's the same detchard a notch so right characters at the top on it why we're seeing transparency bits right so if I was looking at it it's a deep it's as deep as the knot so is it this is that what I'm seeing or is it the opposite we're the thicker pieces on the outside no but it looks like oh sorry I was looking at the reference picture under my head sorry about that new southern workshop see told you my fat head would get in the way just take that thing off it kind of looks like because it looks like look at see a little lip right there I think that's all right let me get mr. Isis stick on the right side of screen you all I need to do is I need to put like in the real world put something right here on my monitor so I stop going off there so the top view there are circles so which which one are you you're looking at the new either right it's so hard to add the 15-second delay that everyone has and then also the be able to convey this to whatever it is you're actually touching I know I can't sit still that long either I just start poking things so I think let me tell you why I think this is correct because I can see a little line right here not just on this cross view now that's on the cross section but on this side to the second line so I kind of feel like that's correct but I would I would I don't feel so convicted that I would argue if somebody told me I was correct looking at that other picture though you've got it looks like you have it backwards I know this come in here but then again here we look at the reference which I will this shows it coming out like that see that that's right but what but maybe that's part of the tapas oh that's a bearing that comes out like that so there's a whole oh because it's for lubrication yep yep yep yep yep and yep yeah okay just mmm yep okay so mm-hmm here's I'm gonna take this piece right here and I'm going to copy it back out to here I'm gonna do the same thing on the other side and grab this piece right here and I'm going to copy it out to here now I'm going to just push this all the way through to get rid of it so this right now is at the smaller dimension I'll take these outside pieces and push those through to that inside depth 12 I should be just filled up here you know they're loving that I get rid of these extra lines so that is the whole because there's actually a whole top and bottom for running lubrication through here and that would be the channel that would move or create between the body and the bearing that makes a lot of sense I'm a safe speaking of that whole it looks like it's on here too that's for the Zerg right the grease zerk move in there the Zerg from Toy Story oh maybe maybe feels like a half stitch should be a short or something so maybe like plumber which is the American named Jeremy zerk or something like yeah makes sense this actually only shows it on the top so I don't know why they're showing you on the bottom it would all just run right out then all right I'm gonna grab that piece I'm going to make it a component I call it sorry part of one john sullivan just had to just say nipple and that the ten-year-old in me just giggled with that it happens all right I'm gonna take this image now I'm gonna say that we're good with this for now wait Dave said something but checking my holes down here well yeah make sure you're the hole will actually fit the bolt in there or the nut in there later Oh we'll come back and mess with it if we have to but I'm gonna work out I'll just rework it that's right and this should be nineteen I'm just gonna verify that I did do the right numbers okay so you piece so I'm gonna go back up to my styles and grab my existing watermark double-click it browse and switch to my top piece is that guy right there looks good that's small okay all right so so my dimensions on here are gonna be pretty easy in fact I could probably steal some geometry because I think what I could do I think I can come in here grab this piece this piece this piece this piece this piece this little tiny piece right here and this piece right here and command C to copy it I'm gonna leave context get all the way out and command V to paste it and then I will take that and use rotate to just flip it over and now I should be able take that and place it right here that should be the perfect fitting piece from their side except that would seem so perfect but it doesn't look like it actually comes all the way down see that like that little a gap right there from the the radius so I'm starting right here it looks like it's up here a little ways is that just the hatch pattern no except on the non cut through side - yeah but it doesn't have a dimension for where that is but it's still geometry we can use to build this out so I'm gonna leave it right here I'm just leave the geometry hanging out not doing anything and I'm gonna build up the top and just intersect it out and we'll close it out somehow I don't actually have a vertical dimension so I don't even know what that is so well then let's let me let's uh let's take a little peek back over here and see now it looks like it comes all the way down on this picture oh no but there's a gap that makes sense my mind the gap there is a 6-meter gap that's how you would clamp it shut that makes sense all right so 20 with the six yeah and then there's an opening here that's that was really the reason I copied that geometry is I didn't want to have to recreate this this piece again she's straight up laziness all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to come in here you're just being efficient that works that sounds way better I'm gonna copy these two pieces come out of context edit paste in place then I'm gonna immediately grab them and move them vertically six to get my gap there we go then I can take both of those bring them up 20 okay there's that let's see I guess we want to have the same gap of six right here so I come down this way now this is where I'm starting to make stuff up guys because I can't find the exact exact numbers I want so this is 25 liberties with this bit so if I come down 25 from here and comes straight across like that I'll go straight across it this way and back up that gives me that face there do the same thing on this side I'll come straight across like that and just to close out the side I know we have an arc here but I'm just going to do this to close that and that would be half of this Oh kind of I just left to come across here like click there click there click there click there click there and what that close to I could get rid of all this geometry here something like that baby sue me baby so maybe I closed it can't look at it ever again oh I know it's the worst hey Brian welcome back watch it head okay so yeah it does look like there is a little bit of a see that gap right there that looks like it could be the same distance right here six and six so I'm gonna say that's good that's what we that is absolutely what we want more than anything else in the world I have decided I have spoken all right thinking it looks good so far I keep getting confused because we have to put in the bushing or whatever yeah there's gonna be another piece in there I'm gonna grab all of this rotate that around the center here like that thank you get rid of that line and you know I think you're rid of these pieces in here whoops some didn't break something didn't break oh I've seen that was mm-hmm mm-hmm all right all right so last piece on here which is weird to say already we only have a last piece Oh kind of no yeah yes don't argue to me yes two pieces we have to put the arc on top and then the hole for lubrication in the top that arc so I grab a circle we go find the center of this right here and pull it straight up to 58 and then I can just get rid of this these pieces below and take that and just push pull it across all right I can just do some cleanup to get rid these extra lines I've got another reverse face on this side extra lines forward more deletion and actually I have some geometry that I left behind down here too that I can just grab in mass like that and same thing over here get that little Z fighting flicker going on a lot of people get worried about that a lot of times it tells me that there's an issue that should probably be addressed say it's a it's an early warning system there you go that works all right so what we have here I put a line right across here at the middle of this line I want a circle that is three a diameter of three going down there and then at three deep it's going to open to six well I got a couple questions that I don't understand yeah I was trying to I was trying to understand them to then repeat them okay so for the this circle I just decided across the board I was gonna draw everything with 24 sides and that was just something I started with and just I'm just sticking with it if I was actually planning on printing this out on a smooth circle I would probably do that arc with more sides but I'm just thinking with 24 in this particular case what you are Ondra was asking a question and related to this model because he had a question right above that - he's wanting to do organic elements yeah if you're gonna do something more organic than yes I would suggest more sides that's but that's really up to you if I'm doing organic I'll probably do something more like subdivision modeling which breaks it down so I don't have to work in hi hi polygons I work in low polygon versions and then increase the the organic Ness for output okay so here's how I'm gonna do this I'm going to draw a circle above the midpoint I'm gonna go from here I'm gonna go up and then pull a circle out on the red axes axis axis all right man 1.5 would you give me a circle of three I'm gonna pull that up some amount and then at that some amount I'm going to do a push-pull with a modifier key to pull that up three then I'm going to grab that piece at the top I'm going to scale pull about the middle to two which we make it twice as big so this circle right now this here is six the circle is three this height right here is three now I can take all this geometry grab it by this edge move it vertically straight down till it intersects back into that piece and it sticks through because I made it long now I can grab all of this right-click intersect face with selection and then I'll do is come delete some extra geometry not bad and not bad green faces thank you very much and I will just all t erase these two lines together those so there we have our I what's called a fuel port our oil hole thank you okay let's triple click that make component and this is part four according to the drawing right right I would probably save at this point I don't know about you but we'll give it a shot we'll see what happens what's the worst that could happen nope let's not talk this time let's talk about that all right let's uh let's hop back into our style and swap that out let's do that bearing piece next right here okay this should be pretty easy because this looks like this is just a bunch of stacking holes I don't know if this is we're saying stupid things like this should be easy is where I get shot in the foot but let's I'm gonna end with a Murphy's Law Melbourne that's right now let's see what you got Murphy alright so I'm gonna start with a circle and put it at the center different inference over this right here so if I pull that straight up till it hits an edge I get 32 or 64 which I do have on here so I'm gonna go ahead and make that circle that's right here that's to mention right here so that that amount right there goes in 12 so I'm just going to pull that in 12 and for the sake of making this easy to see I'm gonna hide this top piece all right so that's what I did right now I pulled that in that amount the inside ring right here is 60 so I can draw another circle from the center there pull that up 30 I am trying to line my axes so every time I'm always pulling straight up or straight to the side so either following the blue or the red axes and then I can pull that one this direction well it should be just right here yes 64 minus 24 and then here I can draw it on a circle pull that straight down that again is my 64 whoops I missed it let's straight down straight out I asked my 32 aka 64 pull it out to here and pull this one out to here to and erase that circle all right so we have this piece this piece and this piece sans the hole through or the hole in the top so let's keep going there I'll draw another circle try right here pull along the red axis and this should be 76 halves right there and that comes out another 10 so I'll pull this 10 double-click here get rid of that and this is obviously this is a piece that is symmetrical so I always get that question couldn't I just draw that half of that in theory that always sounds very nice but there are times where setting it up to draw a half of it is more work than just drawing a circle and push pulling it so in this case it was that was super easy all right the interior is a radius of 38 so I'm try one more circle to the center pull that up 38 nope that's it that's the main that's that was absolutely wrong number this is good try though the inside is a diameter of 50 so we'll pull it up 25 and that should be I'll take that and push it all the way through that is most of my I'm confused about this oil hole does that just go into the middle errors all the way through I'm just go all the way through I would I don't think I really don't understand what I'm doing now it's kind of hard to see it in the kind of way up there if it does all right I'll do it I don't care it's not like the thing is going to production anyway that's right yeah totally come talk to me if their problem does in the field because I will have one argument they'll be saying why are you using that in the field okay so I'm going to pull this way three and I'm just gonna pull it down in the middle and then same thing I'll select it all you intersect face with selection and then just chop off what's left get rid of my leftovers looks like I have a little bit of up maybe up okay they can say right or game faces and they can grab all of that and I'll just stop and smooth it to get rid of those lines I just you run there okay I'm gonna run save it mate go to an outliner and which shirt is in turn part for back on all right all right I will but but the wait oh wait this is actually I'm not going to do this because there's there's definitely a lack of information here this is a bearing so there's multiple pieces here but I'm they're supposed to be showing me something here you see I have part three and part two separate but they'll say the materials this is they're both brass bearings so we're gonna call this whole thing part o 2 O 3 how about that now I covered the fact that I don't know what the rest of it is it's working it's working it's looking good yeah so this is my this is who's got this who recognizes the reference this is a reference to a t-shirt no this is her yes a t-shirt it's Reverend seeing a movie wha Thank You Jody that's a good thing you're here oh man yeah how embarrassing okay that's right Brad got it second volume knob goes to 11 smell the glove you're alright this is final tap is the official title movie you are correct yes we're also right okay let's let's put some some screws on here where we at we're less than an hour in right now I'm having that that constant debate I'm gonna put threads in this that's the debate right now that I've now that the dave has walking through putting in threads it's not so bad but yeah I don't know how much time I want to spend on it I think that well let's see let's get that let's get everything else in there and just see how long it takes it takes us longer than 10 minutes and maybe we'll just skip the threads and just make it narrower all right let's change the image go back to styles my watermark one more time to my bolt okay so so this is all simple enough I got a taper here to where it's only threaded at the end the heads a piece of cake no problem my only real question I have is this when I was looking at the original at the the image I kind of thought these were two separate nuts like one like the second one locks the first one in place this makes it look like maybe it's this is a cap not really sure yeah yeah it's kind of figured it was just unlocking good yeah I thought it was just two separate pieces we'll go with that we'll do that I will model more like what's shown right here but we're not gonna there's some weird things happening like with this this rendering right here it looks like this top nut actually cuts into the round part see that it also doesn't have the flanges on it that this one does so both on Facebook bet on Facebook and Dave on YouTube pointing out that bearing should be split into two pieces is that just I'm not quite sure where I don't see it it is that this piece right here is split like just this middle pieces of split bearing it didn't the drawings is not yeah not making that hey I called a few / 3 so it's covered your butt yeah who knows yeah yeah so that that could use some further work let's move on okay said it's top and bottom the whole not the whole piece like this whole piece doesn't get cut just this middle section not Dave sorry I was asking Dave oh about this Jody guy did we start a horizontal horizontal to clamp to match the clamping action TWA Bechtel so everybody's on this the whole thing cuts in half yeah yeah all right thank you that okay all right here's here's how I'm gonna do that I'm going to go hide these two pieces and I'm gonna draw a rectangle at the middle point okay now it's devolved into puns so scary I don't worry that's better now I feel comfortable with what's going on I'm gonna take this this whole thing and make it a group and then I'm going to grab my solid tools and use this subtract this from this and give me give me a half okay take that I'm going to rotate that 180 degrees I'm assuming the bottom piece doesn't have a hole in it or is that a fair assumption I I think that is accurate so oops ooh that's exciting monster what's going on here well hey this could be a stitching opportunity if you play your cards right yeah it's not very much stitching it's just like a tease and I'll alter is that all right so Dan said there's a hole in the bottom two I don't I think I think these people are likes things are being pulled all right no I'm fine I'm fine I'll leave a hole I don't care I really I've stopped caring okay all right so now so firm my components I can take this bottom one now make it a component and I will call this one part zero to this top one will be part zero 3par property all right and now I can come out here show my other stuff there we go now we got a split bearing kind of thing that makes sense all right I've learned so much about this thing that I still remember what it's called the plumber block that's right plumber plumber not plumber plumber got named after Christopher Plummer who was in Santa music which we were referencing just moments ago obviously so so ask you where the name came from obviously I didn't pay attention okay because this piece has a round end I'm kind of inclined to make this whole thing a follow me so but the only issue with a follow me the reason I don't like to do more follow me work is because with the follow me you don't ever end up with a circle you can inference the middle off of it's it's a I mean you can go either way it doesn't it's really a preference thing so I'm kind of feeling like what I'll do is I will start down here with a circle and I will make this this is this piece right here so I will make this 14 and then on top of that I'll draw this 16 I'll pull that up 31 30 and then for the bottom I'll come in here draw a line down 12 and then put an arc I don't know let me really draw a line like this I can inference that maybe it's a full this kind of looks like it only goes halfway it does looks like it's flat right there right yep right well so we'll say I mean looks like but which means we're going to have to use a bezzie a we can't use a standard curve there so I'll go from here to halfway pull it up parallel this way and then something like that and then I'm gonna grab this circle follow me with this probably lost line eat it made everything what fell apart undo undo okay let's try that again take it back it's a square square headed bolt all right I'd like to see where your Heaven exists to that and you see nothing to support this conclusion I'm not I'm not saying you're not right okay so if it was a hex then it would look like the hex pizza pieces up top weight but if it's round the corners are chamfered that's what do you say which I guess makes it that way it's gonna keep it well this even fit in yeah see if it was go square it wouldn't go in there is that we're supposed to go is that the hole they appropriate hole for that it is hmm it would have to be square otherwise it's going to just spin and how would you tighten the nuts on the other end so is this supposed to not be square is it supposed to be or is it supposed to be square also maybe maybe I mean it's not in the picture but undo undo on Angry undo interesting not really symmetrically okay okay so if that is the case this is what this is this is I like doing this guy stuff that I'm totally joking about being irritated in the slightest then I could go twenty-eight comma twenty-eight come here and knock knock my corners off a bit hold that up twelve you know when you go search the internet for plumber head you don't get a whole lot of you don't you don't get cuz it's a block I'm a blockhead her head does not get you much in the way I've helpful data and then it's rounded off this way yeah okay so does that so going back to my question before is this supposed to be square - it's not like called out there's not you just see it's all kind of covered up but it's we're only looking at it from which I mean I'm not disagreeing with you guys I totally I I got where you come from we'll do it we got it I'm just curious if I should make this into a square right here rather than a circle talk amongst yourselves figure that out for me all right so what I'm gonna name you shows a square for the 28 measurement not a diameter okay so this is a square so if I come in here I want to go but rectangle right the middle of this thing I draw it from the middle and call it 28 comma 28 well we'll just we'll just make it a square makes makes most sense all right I'm gonna pull this up here first ooh okay I'm putting a picture that I just just ran across here it's from SolidWorks that says showing an exploded view of this thing you can look at this all right look at look at it on the forum it makes makes a lot more sense now yeah got it we got it we got this don't worry about it no I wouldn't worry I was never worried good good to know all right I forgot how far to push this in 1212 so should I not have rounded these corners is it just the top that's rounded it's just a chamfer all right we do this all over again then get rid all this all right someone go rectangle one more time from the center midpoint there good point there 20:28 and I get rid of these little curries I put in here pull that back up to here and it didn't break so I'm just going to draw a line to force that break all right now what I want to do is I'm going to come here draw a line straight across and then I'm going to draw a Bezier curve from here to here hold down I show you're a little further than that don't I yeah there are lots of lots of good suggestions yeah take that over here get rid of this all this and then just draw a circle up above this one select that follow me this and then what I tend to do so there's a couple ways to do this if I'm gonna use solid tools what I will generally do is something like this I don't maybe this is just for my brain once like logic in a place that no just just it's just what I want but I actually come in here if you suggest that you object though it's nice occasionally it's it feels good so almost make like a dish totally unnecessary but what I did right there is now I made this into potentially a solid so I could make that a group I grab this make this a group and then I can align it here that should all line up oops wrong button get back there you go take that then and say move it from here vertically to my bottom point here let me turn on my head and just to see to make sure I get to that yep right there alright so now what I could do is I could say take this go back to my solid tools and subtract that from mine not a solid why are you not stop it come on man all said intro face I broke it by didn't delete it all right try that again slicked here cut from this Eddie do it right I just started started doing things and then the thinking felt like head I fell to be it's good you said you said logic I don't know it seems logical to you right so this is 39.6 late recipe when I come in here come in here and say here to here is 39.6 rescale that group real quick there we go and now some days kind of feels like a Monday today you know let's see how that looks now they've said use a cone shape instead of a hemisphere yeah I have to do some stretching to make this work it would have been a it's good to stretch means Yoga Yoga is part of my daily routine that's good stuff that's good alright but it's not perfect I'm gonna do it I'm gonna cut that from this give me that I feel good about that so that's my I'm going to take that and I'm going to oh it's already group laughter he else with it there was an impressive amount of time and effort that went into having that chance for that Bowl who thought who would have thought I would have thought that thing would have been one of the easier tasks well maybe I think part of it was I was a little caught off guard by that one I'm gonna line up with the center I'll push that vertically up into there alright and I'm gonna I'm not gonna draw threads I'm sorry we've done threads before someone just come in here and I'm gonna draw a new circle from the center from the center where's this now this is eight so I'm gonna draw it seven I'm just gonna strip this part down a little bit like that representing where threads would go I might even come in here and do something like this any like kind of what they got here with the thread start had that I move it vertical other vertical there we go I forget about that all right all that to say now we get to draw these this I was a little more a little more effort just slightly more prepared for so I'm going to come in here start by drawing a circle right on top of this one I'll draw another circle I'm going to take this one on the red axes to where it would hit this line that's going to be this lip right here so I will go ahead take that and push it up we'll go one then I'm going to grab a polygon with six sides we go to the center here and pull that out vertically so if it comes all the way the edge it's here but it doesn't it comes just back from it so I'm gonna go - I'm gonna go to 12 and try you try to use even inventions if I can and I will pulled that up - yeah why not we'll go to 8 now let's go bigger let's go 9 it's just so crazy okay that is my lower nut and what I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a reusable cutter and I do this by drawing a rectangle like that and I'm gonna put an arc on there that's gonna just just kiss the edge just past the edge right there but if I take that shape oops if I take that shape and I rotate it all right so if I take it and start spin around like this and see how it's gonna cut into and it's just gonna chop those corners off I need to be a little bit longer so you didn't did quite go long enough there so I will scale that out just a little bit longer there we go so now if I rotate that again that's our one I just want to knock those corners off like just like I got here and I could this is where I could play at this in fidget with this and make this just perfect so it takes just the right amount off but you get the idea right you've got it you're smart people yeah that's all I want to knock those corners off like that it's my own sense of OCD I'm gonna break it right there I'm gonna put a circle directly above that piece select that follow me with this yeah look at that and see how that cup sits right on there perfect alright so my grab all that make that into a group grab my solid tools again I don't know why I keep turning it off just let's just set it here and leave it shall we me I'll put it right there and rather than use subtract this time just can use trim trim that from the nut and then I can move that piece up and there we go got those corners knocked off nice looks like it's like a quarter knock off yep so we shoot for here all right I'm gonna grab this piece I'm gonna go to rotate and I'm gonna rotate a copy on top of itself rather than do all that again which I don't want to do actually I'd so I guess I don't need that cut anymore I'll I did you time I'm gonna use that so I'm going to just take this push pull it down so that goes away reclose this face and I'm going to push this down to maybe about there then I'll grab all of that rotate it again actually before you rotate it I'll delete this then I'll grab all of it rotate it from the middle here option flip it over get rid of these pieces here perfection that's what I would told somebody if I didn't know better that is perfect alright let's take that now drop that down on here I don't know where this xxx came from for this nut length 130 that's excessive that's well hey bigger nice curious that's or did I go bigger than that that's possible to know that's 130 meters just like a normal bolt is all right so push this down so it just beats up just past like that making executive decisions all right I'm gonna grab all of that all those pieces and make those into one more component called part zero five awesome you put that on to the other side there's a couple things I could do it's kind of hard cuz horizontally there's not a whole lot to copy from my inkling what I would oh here we go this is the easiest way to do it I'll move it from the bottom so I'm going to grab here copy to here and there we go that should finish that piece almost because I'm gonna scale it of course silly I need to mention everybody suggesting that there's not a flange on that bottom net but it's actually a washer although I don't see it ever listed as a part in the actual original image it could be but the only reason I the reason I thought it was integrated into the nut is because the corners aren't knocked off the bottom here yeah well and it says bolt with nuts - didn't say bolts with nuts and washers you know I'm step missing it's a lack of definite answers that make this fun nice yeah fine that's what we're having okay so yeah I would agree gap between the the top plate and the bottom block that's six millimeters right there yeah I guess this right here I'm assume it so you can bolt yeah maybe you're supposed to bolt something else do that there I don't know I don't know I don't know I think I don't know is it solid yeah that's a we all dunno all of us together don't know okay so it's got all over the place so I'm guessing it's right the internet wouldn't be wrong I've yet to see that happen all right this is 64 right here I'll actually describe the whole thing scale it down point zero one or is it point zero zero one we were in meters anybody go two millimeters zero zero one that looks better he was here one drop that over by Laura that seems seems reasonable all right so I can double check by this should be second before video tighter on the bearing oh yeah crank that thing down then lock it in place all right so with that somebody go my Stiles get rid of this save that there's no more excited around the top of the bowl or the tip of the bowl how about this oh yeah I like that I didn't like that really how is this getting at I don't see a point next we putting round geometry on something that's point zero zero one meters less than a million less than a milliliter but yeah I got you I got you I got you covered cool let's save that I may just for the sake of use if I ever wanted to work with this at all I'm a goat into info and set that two millimeters so now if I was come in here and check stuff it would it would be something could easily check yeah awesome that's done save stick stick a fork in it that's right next next man it's like a sweatshop actually it is a sweatshop I'm like 78 degrees right now actually do you have heat I do have an air conditioner in here but it it makes a healthy amount of noise Edna Coogan on YouTube is asking why I don't just draw in millimeters to begin with if I knew everything was nice square millimeters I would have because it's really not that big of a deal we're not we're not super small my concern is when I get to really small pieces and millimeters when I start going submillimetre that gets kind of tiny and sketchup was really built around the idea of architectural modeling which stuff's not really smaller than 1/16 or 1/32 of an inch so anything that's point zero zero zero 1 inches sketchup has a hard time creating that geometry you can manipulate it and support it but it's hard for to draw so anything where I'm going down close to a millimeter I'd generally model at a larger scale all right that one's done we got yeah I'm not getting hot coffee delivered today just wondering oh yeah colder that's your thing I do have to come in here and I have to grab these pieces these are all all these components right now are bigger because the actual components on the inside have Heather scale reset also so I would have to come in here and where to go recently scale no scale definition there we go I don't know sometimes sometimes stuffs right in front of you there all right grab all those and maybe that was right maybe because I couldn't do multiple but I actually want to take each piece then and rescale each of those two because otherwise I'm actually working on scaled versions of larger geometry oh that's because of these no that works too because I just scaled a larger container I could have exploded out of that first container also so yeah it's good I'm gonna say that again let's do any one all right this next one will do well maybe we'll do this quicker justjust just fly better well do that inspire greatness you said that not me all right all right so here's project to a this has a lot of numbers in it - yeah it does what the heck like somebody likes numbers or something all right so I have one two to three pieces with a bearing and some nuts and bolts all right so I'm gonna do the same thing I'm just gonna take pictures of here's the main piece this is just somebody asked this before this is just the regular screen capture nothing nothing special this isn't Sketchup or any special this is just how it works on Mac its command print screen or control print screen on a Windows machine sound like that no I'll grab them all this mess at the same time just grab all that together all right now same thing I'm going to come in here set my modeling info decimal meters to decimal points know the length snapping go to Styles watermark import my first watermark what you don't remember what it is this one this big one yeah this is a big one background lower right let's bring that down to touch just a skosh alright we should do one of these sessions with these Wednesday sessions where you actually trace on the drawing just to see how well that goes we could do that you don't try that on here let's let me yeah I'll leave it down here for it let's cure this we'll see what happens stuff stuffs just so crazy let's go import mad mad mad mad world that's that's where we're at that is that's the life that we live the world vida loca world out of our house a world Tara Luka I don't know what am i doing okay sure let's as an image import it all right drop that okay so this right here is 204 so I'm gonna have to do some scaling up I'll say 204 eyes at all alright there we go so here's the thing and this is what I would say about drawing off of really any drawings you get is even though you have something I can about snap to I would still always input dimensions if have the option so unless I really have a Mis dimension I want an inference where that's at I wouldn't just click here - Drock see look at my dimensions this is two hundred and three point two by thirty point three seven it's supposed to be two hundred and four by twenty eight so drawing on to scale dimension is not a bad thing you can use the kind of inferencing and and see where stuff is relatively but it's not going to be the perfect way to get that geometry so I'm gonna just kind of inference approximate is and then I'm gonna still type in 204 comma 28 and then I could take that piece and I could pull it up 112 to get that block right there alright now I'm going to do the same thing here let's see I want to I want to go from the center line I'm going to come up 56 and then I'm going to go up another one 90 there do you see look how far off I am already and that's yeah this happens every time I try and like work with floor plans yeah not not awesome so I'm drop that down I went over 45 which is half of the overall dimension of 90 I'm gonna turn on x-ray to continue tracing this thing okay so actually I'm gonna keep and keep that last line so this is something actually happens at 56 right here where it splits and then here's my one ninety and I can only assume the way these dimensions are that this is opposed to be centered so I'm going to go to my center right here I'll come out six and then I'll go up 24 and then I'll just I'll just copy that rectangle all right that's that little bump out right there and then from the center I got 72 halves right here which comes in 37 who this ladies and gentlemen is why you don't do tres over and over Jody Jody asked for it sorry sorry to pass the blame immediately yes this is good though good talk about because there's people always asking about doing floor plans yeah and honestly like I said I just I mean it's not not necessarily a bad thing to do but what you can't what you get what you need to not expect is to just pull in an image or even a DXF or PNG thank you very much after I said that about coffee hot coffee showed up you can't just expect to pull pull that geometry out like that and just immediately start using it because I mean look how look how far off we were here on this one but I mean it's still it's something so I'm gonna take that now I'm going to take that whole piece and I'm going to move it I'm actually copy it vertically to the center and I can get rid of this this iteration of it because that's not actually what I wanted so from there if we're looking at it from the front now it's the total width is 76 so I'll pull this up 76 halves blow it down 76 halves so yeah I mean I guess the argument at this point can be made that how much time is being saved by doing it that way versus just having the reference image in plenty dimensions off of it no I can tell you what you shouldn't do yeah I don't think you lost terribly much time but it definitely was not giving there was not an advantage Tracy yeah so I'm not quite as clean either cuz now I mean it's not not too bad so now what I can come in here is I can come in here and say that you put these two profiles on here so from the middle it's 56 halves and then that goes up 56 comes across and then I have a 45 here so I'm due for the 45 is actually grabbed this line right here an option copy it to 45 degrees there you go now that I can rotate from this point I wouldn't want to rotate from this point because the midpoint here is off because it's cut so I got to come to a different midpoint that lines up option copy that over on to the other side and then I can take that and push pull through to the back half you're just back you don't like this modelling laying down very much either so we're going we're going to bring to a vertical gonna come up here and all right what else we got I said look at it this way that's done but if I look at this way I got two things I got roundness here it's from the middle okay so I need to do a circle my circle is inference at the middle of this so I'm going to draw a circle from the middle of that line right there straight up to here and then just push these pieces back Alti race that I don't get rid of x-ray to x-ray is nice but I really struggle seeing what I'm doing in x-ray so I don't know it's a thing it's it's reality okay last two pieces I think are these two holes so these holes are from the middle I want to come up half of 1:30 there's one and then from that same point oh boy just something got weird there 130 halves again and then I have two holes that are 28 so 14 right here we pulled down 14 now let's do another one right here 14 and I can delete all these lines and just Boop one more push that through the backside double click on this one to pull through all right and I think that's everything so if I look at it from the side I think I got all that a little block there for looking from the front got my cut there Circle Circle yeah so I think part one is done so I'm gonna grab that hey you know what I haven't done wait Han let me look back you guys just don't care anymore yeah what happened yeah yeah Jody Jody just evolves that yeah there is no there's no nobody cares anymore project I heard a new sonic raises quarantine fatigue what's going on yeah my wife and I were talking about you know heard the term corn or freshmen 20 when you first move into the dorms and you're eating at the you gain a little extra weight that first year that freshman so I I figured yeah there's something like that too but it's not 15 pounds so I've gained my core in 20 yeah fortunately I'm only visible from here up no I've been working hard to not but there's definitely it's definitely there's definitely a difference between real life and Quarantine mass gain I'm actually I'm probably down a couple pounds since the beginning of this all this thing Wow well done well well you only need one meal a day it's pretty easy good that's beauty I think that's the problem is like my my my go-to thing when I'm bored just playing video games are eating and I've kind of gotten bored at video games at this point if I was giving myself the option to graze I would I'd graze a lot that's that way that is the problem who's just sitting there hanging out not being eaten yeah yeah Appetit food where does they get off yeah okay so this piece I'm assuming is the piece goes back here cuz it has this notch in it I think what I could do I think I can recycle here too because it looks like this dimension is 48 this dimension here is 6 so I think what I will do is grab these pieces not the bottom part whoops but these pieces right here and copy it then I'll leave I'll go out of context and I will paste that in place now I'll take this face right here rotate that from the center of the square so find the center here and center here option copy it down I will tell I'll be able to tell if it's right at the holes line up and they do all right and then I will triple click all that make that a new component show called part 0-2 and now if I go in context actually hide the rest of that to work on it all right so let me grab all of it reverse spaces because this is the inside and looking at and now it is 32 deep so I'm going to grab this pull it this way option to make a brand new surface 32 I'm gonna do the same thing here option pull it all the way through to here and then to close this side right here I'm just going to draw a rectangle at the top like that and then I can get rid of these extra lines so that's pretty simple I do have some reverse faces because they did an option i inverse some stuff I'm making that new face it was the only way to pull past this stop point all in one go I could have stopped there subtracted 6 from 32 and then pulled the rest but it's easier to right-click and say orient faces rather than do the subtraction okay no idea what I'm looking at with that so there's comments and questions let's do them is there a fill it or we rounded edges Brad is also wondering why why components are better than groups in this one my general workflow has me create components for anything that represents a thing in the real world or anything that may repeat any time something repeats a component makes it nice because you add it one copy and they all they all get changed the idea of if it's a real thing in the real world that comes to the ability to put names on it put you know prices on it or something like that additional data they can put in a component that I don't have available in a group so that's where I go with theirs and you guys probably have ideas out there too there's probably a good half dozen different ways of rules people have four components versus groups I have gotten the point where I make almost everything components I use groups for temporarily connecting geometry to isolate it from other geometry or if I have a collection of groups so I have a whole bunch of parts and I want to make all those parts just stay together but they're not in themselves necessarily a new part then I'll use groups so that's kind of my thought on it but it's really kind of up to you how you want to actually use that Pete those pieces I have a thing that I'm it looks like is there just a little 3x3 hole right there it looks like I got a cut through right here - yeah snug it's snug what's what is this is this just a bar coming out the back it looks like it I don't remember what what it is I'm actually drawing here it's a something head there's nothing called cross head yeah I guess that bar is can be whatever length you want because it looks like it just goes out into infinity right yeah so I think you should do it as little curl it'll kind of cut off job' jobs and I get as on the Left we bottle it into the actual drawing let's do that first I want to do a teeny little right there so I'm gonna make this his model said to and I'm gonna come this way too and I'm a draw an arc between those two pieces like that I'm gonna grab this and yes it goes all around and I'm gonna say follow me with that right and for this I'm gonna grab this piece right here and make a copy of it I'm gonna take that I'm gonna rotate it 90 degrees and I'm gonna grab by the side and rotate it 45 degrees and I'm gonna bring it wait I didn't I did something I did wrong right I grabbed the wrong wrong axis axis X YZ axis 45 this is one you know some guys will just never learn I could say that about my cell line in in the demolition man about somebody's always want an ice skate uphill it's always confused me because I don't know how I skate uphill because ice it's kind of flattens it so no it's flat all right I think I might want it off with my own little tangent there that's okay we're good all right I'm gonna take this reverse it there we go now I'm just gonna grab all that intersect face with selection have you um have all this - there we go oh yeah that's the stuff okay oh yeah my little notches I still don't get it but I'm gonna do it and some will come this way 31.5 and I'm just gonna push it in three two because I don't see a depth number there's my notch another one here 31.5 let me know what this is for I don't care it means model they're just curious if anybody knew what it was alright that's like that piece is done boom we're running through them like actually I'm going quicker I thought like you know a lot of times I'm like let's just knock this thing out 20 minutes of exposition later let's get started I see how this is actually real let's get out of your way stupid word hole alright let's go double click here change that bug in to this piece right here probably kill it up a little oh this one's gonna be cake alright yeah so I like to say I would do the same thing I'll come in here and grab this copy that come out of context edit paste in place which I keep hitting I do have a shortcut key here but I guess I want to just call attention to it it's good stuff I'll take that go to the middle here that and I'm going to do this while it's in 2d I'm going to put a rectangle right here triple click make component part zero three get rid of this and this and pull this out [Music] 32 checks and dimensions 76 across 190 out to out center hole the center of holes should be 130 heads every dimension we got so that's done no crazy notches no weirdness that was all those notches will really what slowed us down on the in the first piece I like that idea Brad gonna make a t-shirt it says stupid word hole how about an arrow pointing up on top of that - okay that looks good last time I save so go ahead do that well I mean what else are you to do I got it I got the I got the commandest I got the I got the fingers to do it I kind of wonder why I don't have a shortcut key for save over on the mouse I have to look into that you have spare you have any in these spots left you can use no that's probably why I don't but I think I think some of these buttons have dual function where if you tap it versus click and hold you can actually put a second command on it I'll to dive into that all right we have some final pieces here which are the bearing and the bolts down just a skosh okay let's see here mm-hmm I like how they draw this hatching like it's supposed to mean stuff I probably meant something to the guy that did it odds are good maybe his boss alright so let's see here this is 72 right now oh it's 76 that's this dimension right here 88 out 36 oh there's okay so here's that dimension right there from there to here so looks like and then from there back to here is 40 hmm I don't see this line and up right let's see what happens be exciting all right so I just want to draw a shape to start with and then okay make this into my new component part oh four so then I can get rid of all the other stuff so I can so this is is what my whole currently is in that piece so I'm seeing so there's there's two theories here one of them is well the fact that hatching have has different directions means that it's two parts probably mm-hmm or it's a section oh that's what it is this is so this is cut through here just saying this is solid of some sort yeah yeah could also be bad things it could be an insect but I don't historically we don't get a hatch hatching with incense no I mean it looks like it looks like it wants to follow that here's here's the part that I'm well we should look at the second picture hold on stop trying to think and just look like a second picture I've had a lot of information in there oh this is better though okay but it does see it is a solid piece and it looks like it does sit snug inside that and again we have to remember this is all hand drafted when there was only two dimensions in the world back in the days of flat world so the part that is getting me is right here so this is the insides this is supposed to be the part that fits inside the hole so I have from a middle point 40 and then it looks like my are 36 or 33 that is that's this right here 36 if that's where this six I don't know what that is it's pulled just off-center see that it's three meters off the middle so I kind of feel like I'm just let me just go draw what this is here and we'll figure it out from there so I feel like because if I start with a point right here come back this way or this way 40 and then I don't have a dimension of any kind those would be 30 no cuz it would be some a draw a line and then we come this way three more meters and at that three meters I'm going to draw a circle that is it looks like 33 that's it 30 I need to bake a picture I need to get it looks like 33 or 38 so if I was to come there using your burster I think I'd use columns cleaned up version but which makes this 43 that makes sense so I think yeah so there's there is two numbers there where's the inside ones the outside yeah 36 36 with circle 142 for the arc yes yeah that's that's the outside that's the outside lip so I think if that's true then this is the shape that Andy zoomed in confirmed 36 okay cool enhance enhance again all right so that makes it something like this excuse me bless you I'm sorry I jumped right in with that I feel like with my wife and like Seinfeld yeah I didn't even consider that you might be a multi sneezer don't say my name a class is until the end no I'm good so that's that's the weirdness that I'm seeing is that this line would be 36 from this line plus 3 plus 40 is more than the whole that this goes into so I'm just gonna go rogue and I'm gonna just make sure make the barring fit in the hole that we already have that's my plan so I'm gonna take that 76 and then I'm going to offset this 36 to 42 the difference between 36 and 42 is 6 which I will then pull out three no six all right it's the same thing here offset this out to here oops six give me my extra nope why is that doing that when we grab it all intersect it soften that up okay so that that's in it perfectly because because that's what we made it do what I don't know that from this Oh xxx okay I see it now so now I have one last circle which goes to the middle here thirty and carry that all the way through okay there's our bearing thing like maybe before next Wednesday I need to take some mechanical engineering classes so I'm more prepared yeah cuz stuffs happening and I'm making things up here's our here's our little 3x3 snug that's gonna go right there all right let's let's do this are we thinking this is out of it is it staining thing about this much I see so he posted a picture of his close-up of the bearing like and he just assumes he's right oh is that where that extra three millimeters came yeah guess so can we move this back three pull this back three pull this back pull this back let's see three I believe it no just blindly let said okay that's right ants I believe it I trust I trust blindly okay so what are we thinking the heads are like here what is what's what's everybody feel like this is because I don't think I'll confirm we'll double-check we'll look but that's a weird bolt head just a round circle but that kind of show that's supposed to be like a hex allen wrench that's the only thing I can think that has a round head like that all right well I'm not gonna argue with the picture like I keep this up because it's so useful I'm gonna close that alright it uh it's this round head alright I'm sure he's not lying I mean not intentionally but what if he too has been misled all right so I'm gonna start at the center I'm gonna start at the center of this piece and I'm gonna do this by circle again it is 28 so 14 no that would be smaller than that huh mm 28 would be the outside so I'll just do this one at so rather than 14 well I'm just dropped by a millimeter I'll say 13 I bolt that way put that through 210 I'll come back up here I'm gonna draw I'm gonna get my snug in here first like I talked about that thing like I still have any idea what the hell it is there we go bacala tree you the fact you keep saying that thing is okay that totally negates all yeah yeah okay so then from there I'm gonna go put another circle here on the middle 22 let's go to the outside there and then actually I'm gonna make that a component now that would come in here all right so I grab that pull that up 22 and rather than try to pull that up I'm just gonna close it on this end and erase it let's just gonna get rid of it through the whole thing keep my snug right there didn't call a thing called a snug take rather than on the drawing right I grabbed that pull it down to then grab this outside piece move it back on the green axis to knock off the corner there and then same thing down here I'm gonna go put a circle make it one meter smaller and pull that back 65 I'll grab that circle right there scoot it back - there we go and then I'll just same thing that I did before again right here just drop this down one then move that back on the green one yeah nice like a bowl alright now I have two bolts right here I'll start with the middle I'll start with the circle and then on top of the circle I will draw my six-sided polygon sometimes known as a hexagon but you know yeah not into witchcraft anything like that so the precision that comes with how many sides yeah maybe you should call it a six sided hexagon that would be your like doubly precise right well though you sound like it would be redundant again and again whoa that's 28 something in it they're just not big enough shave got bigger with my hex I'll do it I don't care chuckle big you're you're mad man yeah I've stopped caring apparently that's cool movies from the side I want to go so big they go off the thing that all right there we go push that back to 28 all right I'm gonna do the same thing - uh-huh the component this is part zero six and I'll come in context here to the same thing I'm gonna start right here a geometry out oh yeah I get really best bits of time on that driver and then I will take all the way the edge no close it grab an arc throw an arc out here maybe something like that yes let's get a little more oops really struck my mouth my 3d mouse is really getting odd right now I don't don't know why I've got odd just happening alright I'm going to take that just see what happens if I if I rotate that second knock off my corner no not at all so I'm gonna bring that in maybe a little more I am realizing as I'm as I'm fudging with this technical term I'm realizing that I could probably make this a little bit easier by measuring actually check the measurement here and that's the profile of my cutoff piece but you know I'm not I'm not obviously I'm gonna draw a line right here at the middle and I'm gonna take this piece and push it to that line and stop it right there so I'm only going to cut off now half of it and I can take it with the cutoff corners to make the full nut I'll grab this circle right here because I got it why not use it first thing we do is actually take this make it group and now I don't have it anymore so I gotta draw a circle so Dave said that then that's probably 41.3 across the flats mcmaster-carr is who told him that I'm not sure mcmaster-carr is I think that he I think he's nuts personally well I'm gonna call this a bonus nut because it is 51 something it's bigger I don't I don't think he's following your this stream so you do what everybody want yeah that's right take that message that guy all right all right all right so I'll grab all of that make that a new group get rid of this let's check for solid real quick not not solid what you your salad could be more solid okay what is your problem something to do with that right there because I can't erase that chunk is it just slightly not good enough okay I can fix this all right we're good so I'm going to take that subtract from that take all of that option rotate boom mi interior faces cool all right so being a little little flippant with my exact dimensions but the next nut is a different size and I'm not not up not a fan of total complete chaos so we'll try to be a little bit more precise so this one was 28 and this one is 20 so I got to take Oh first thing you do is make this unique I'm going to my entity info and change it from part zero six hash tag one two zero seven so the way I can take eight out of this is just by grabbing the edge geometry so I want to grab this this stuff over to another so I'm to take this edge geometry like that and move that this way eight I don't want just take the whole thing in scale it because if I scale it it's going to actually change where those round corners are in flatten them out so if I just move that in like that I get that and now I can take these three pieces see where should I move them from oh actually I can't move them they have to be read that to be flipped because my my indexing piece right there so I'm just gonna draw a line right across the middle here rotate right here option flip it around a hundred eighty degrees yes thank you that I feel like there should be screw holes or something on the bottom to mount this to or something somewhere I don't know but yeah that's true they could take is probably one of the best crosshead assemblies that I have ever received why thank you it means a lot coming from a guy who's known for his cross header II am now I mean there's one of the things I'm known for yeah I mean I got a few all right take the whole thing skill down but pointers are one slides on a rail I think the nice thing with Dave's guy going on is he can just kind of make stuff up over there that's true I really just trust him doing that it's all about establishing yourself as a learning one that's right then all sudden you just assume yeah you know it really makes you feel like I should lie a lot more sever you're going with that I feel like you could probably get away with a lot more lying than you properly than you're you're really taking advantage of right now yeah probably so alright so that is part number two project number two natives a series of parts done let's get rid of this watermark right here oh that's good stuff that was fun that was a that was a weird one it was a unusual part I'm still confused as to why these two parts seems so much more complicated than our simple little assemble things typically are I think it's because a lot of the ones we previously get it's like one piece and I feel like we've moved on to intermediate machinery or machining okay we've moved out of the yeah just machine this chunk of material round a corner and put a hole in it too we have to actually figure out with less information how to do more we've graduated we've moved up something like that makes me feel good about myself that's all that's all I'm really shooting for here mm-hmm works for me well yeah I think that's I think we did we done it we done did it I mean nobody was harmed in the making of this it was this thing called crosshead assembly go yeah there we go to projects done it's not bad for a Wednesday afternoon yeah I'm I still feel like there's some parts that are just way too big in that the whole thing I don't lose any sleep over it that's good is this split too does anybody know cuz I mean you have the same issue right here right this is a bearing gotta get something into it so I'm finding these apparently SolidWorks know somebody is using SolidWorks and making these same things and so I keep I've see a couple these exploded images and that one does not the SolidWorks tutorial I'm seeing with this particular unit does not have that thing split no all right then well again based on something we just found based on a Google search few seconds ago we'll assume that is absolutely correct so I've been researching this for minutes now and I can find nothing to prove me wrong well and that basically makes you an expert so wait exactly exactly is there anything we got to remind people about Jody we can say there's gonna be a reddit ask me anything next Thursday the 28th at noon so next week you can have some to do pretty much a lunchtime almost every day of the week except Monday we're not gonna be here Monday we don't rise to make up for Monday right yeah sure that's good so yeah Monday we won't be working and we won't be broadcasting it's a holiday we're not just not just a made-up holiday like may the fourth it's a real holiday so we won't be we won't be doing this thing but we will be here on Thursday or we'll be on reddit on Thursday if you guys want to come ask us questions or hear our answers and it's not just going to be Jody and I either we have a yeah would you say we have a set of employees oh yeah it could be yeah solutely it's a white flew but it's still flew well yeah it's slowish for sure yeah it's it's a it's a miner salut but yeah we have a handful of employees outside of just Jodi and I who will be on there of some tech support marketing people some development people so it'll be a fun way to get some more people involved and get some new information out stuff that Jodi and I too have no idea about what we'll be able to be answered so that should be fun but yeah that's that's Thursday we'll be back Friday doing the Eiffel Tower if you guys want to come by and see some monumental modeling but you haven't done the Eiffel Tower oh wait no I was thinking uh wait you haven't done the Eiffel Tower I do it I was thinking the right thing no no we've done some other big big places but they're big things but yeah this this would be the first time but yeah so yeah come back Friday check us out next Thursday we won't be here Monday get your entries in to finish this house and that wraps it we're done so guys so much thanks for hanging out with us and yeah we will be seeing you at some point hopefully in the future have a great day see you guys you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 5,596
Rating: 4.8350515 out of 5
Id: 1E1AWqpylV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 13sec (8533 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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