Modeling Assemblies with Screws in SketchUp Live!

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hey guys how's it going so we were just we spent those first couple minutes usually making sure that the stream is actually you know streaming so that takes a minute or two and then we check audio make sure everything's functioning so I apologize hopefully always to confused about what happens those first few minutes and now of course we give a couple minutes to get to the actual time we're supposed to stream which is at noon Mountain Time UTC minus six but hey hi welcome for coming guys how would you we got some Baghdad and Greece welcome back Manos this is gonna be fun it's a good time I already tried playing with the model a little bit the other day when you first posted it ah another cheater you're lying Dave Richards I process my processes is week so this week thrilling all right well opportunity for everybody learn something Christopher Ryan's asking on YouTube it's warmer today it is it is I mean what's it's not like okay it's actually pretty cold outside though I just went for a walk he was mid mid to upper 40s wasn't too bad okay that's good and I don't better than yesterday I did turn the heater on instead of the air conditioner in the garage like I did Monday so that helped definitely warmer here than it was then it's working better go figure fascinating yeah we talked about the the snow that I had on my back deck like there being 11 inches or whatever on by the end of day on Monday that's crazy and there is not even an inch left on there and my entire backyard is mud welcome to Colorado all right that's it and welcome you guys to Sketchup live it is Wednesday here I don't know what day or time it is where you're at but welcome Wednesday noon here in Boulder Colorado I am Erin and I'm hanging out with my buddy Jodi hey that's me I'm Jodi that's right we gotta get quicker on that that intro what we're live it'll help so connecting to to Jodi through hangouts in my ear so forgive the delay there but hopefully everything is going on well with you guys hopefully everybody is staying safe and at home and healthy and sane and and all the good stuff and hopefully none of this craziness best stuff is getting to you if so if you feel like you're going that way stuffs getting too crazy just you know hop into Sketchup and model something it's great great therapy no charge oh wait no additional charge that's right for the for the therapy part yeah so we had a couple questions come through I already had glad asked on Facebook about the mouse on the left this is a 3d mouse it is made to move models in 3d space using this puck here in the middle so as I move this around we move in 3d space not a requirement for Sketchup but a tool for showing 3d models so it is a design tool - it does help speed up design process for me kind of a nice nice option to have and a nice way to present 3d models to people so that's that's why we use it at some point oh look it's already there Jody can put up Jody has put up a link if you're interested in finding out more about it have no hotter question before yeah well haunted on on Facebook is asking if Sketchup is a bill for university students it is if you go to our website and I forget the name of the tab at the top like Sketchup for I think I got a weekend ago Jody can share a link on that too oh yes we do have discounted versions of Sketchup with the Higher Education yes he's asking for university students oh and Dave up in snowy Minnesota is saying that he actually sees grass in his front yard so things are looking up spring is starting to spring we're spending on grass in in my yard but it might mean something differently in Colorado that's true well actually you know this is the thing about Colorado people have this misconception about it it's we're technically in the desert and even though it does snow here it rarely sticks around so I can actually see my grasp pretty much year-round it looks a lot yellower and dormant during most of the that part of the year but yeah and we don't really get that big blanket of snow that sticks around like you do in the Midwest all right think it is yeah not a complaint so we are gonna get into this if you guys have not seen it already please do head over to our forum forums that's ketchup calm and this file right here this image is kind of what we're going to be looking at so we've been doing on Wednesdays we've been doing two out of last three Wednesday's we have done these machinery machining files so we could go and I go and find these details models that have to be machined or drafted and we modeled them and Sketchup from the information that's there and at least one of the models or one of the images that we've tried to model for the last few times has been lacking some information so it's been fun to work through that and kind of the realistic process of going from a design in one's head into a real thing that has to exist in the real world so this time we do a little bit different we're gonna make some parts just a after after playing with this a little bit I appreciate a machinist job because as I looked as I did this it still seems like it was missing some numbers or it was hard to intuit them definitely possible so it'll still be exciting today that could oh yeah it would be exciting no matter what no problem with that so this one's a little different because rather than a bunch of small parts we're gonna actually make this assembly so this is actually consists of one two three four parts plus six screws so we're going to start by modeling all the parts we're going to create each of these separate pieces as separate components put them together and then we're going to go in and model the screws with threads and go in and subtract those from the body of the part so we actually see how that works with putting the threads on there it's gonna be fun it's gonna be interesting yet I just learned today that if I lean forward more than a then this it chops off the top of my hat so I think that is is like the world telling me to just sit back and relax don't get up on it don't get anxious I lost my head see it's a illustration hey don't lose your head that's right yeah just tell me don't lose your head no no I gotta back down just gotta chill a little bit relax so I'm gonna work on that today too all right let's get into it so if you haven't already if you want to follow along with our model which is kind of the idea here hop on the forum stats ketchup calm this should be pinned right towards the top live model long assembly with screws I just go slowly no and do you put a link up there grab this image because this is what we will be working off of all right with that so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come out here to my desktop and I'm gonna look at this image so this is a big image so to pull this up and use this to model would be you know if once I shrink it down to fit it so it's not covering up my screen it's going to be about that big and see it can kind of see numbers but it's not super clear so I want to break this into smaller pieces there's a couple ways I could do this but I really want to show you guys the simplest solution I've ever come up with and that is to just do a screen capture so is a command print screen on windows I think or I mean control print screen there's Mac window it's option shift 4 lets you grab a section like this so this is I'm going to show you both ways to do this I'm going to do this real quick for these two parts and what that does is that's going to give me just an image right here like this so you don't need a photo edit or anything like that just make it big take a screenshot and then I could import that if I want to do it percent exclusively in Sketchup we could do that too let me show you how I would do that something a little bit different that way but it is possible so what I could do if I wanted to do this in Sketchup I would say file import go grab my big image which is my assembly JPEG and import it now let's pull it in oops I think I have it set as a texture when you go to file import it's going to automatically just show you all of your files everything you have if you go to options you can actually choose how you want to if you want to narrow it down to just a specific file type and how you want to use it so right now is set as uses texture I want to use as image so I'm going to turn on uses image I'm going to grab that metric Assent or assembly JPEG bring that in and then did I just do that wrong again well third tries to charm guys sounds like someone's got a case of the Wednesday's assembly all right use the texture I just showed you textured then I clicked on it again use it as image whoo and I got monies on a Wednesday all right so that'll break it up like this an image is a weird thing it's a special kind of container that control that contains a file and what it actually does the way Sketchup does this is it does actually create a surface the surface is the exact aspect ratio of the image being imported it applies the image to that surface and then wraps the whole thing in a special group so to get in here if I wanted to go in and actually cut this up I could right click on it and explode it as soon as I explode it it's now it's just a surface and it has material here actual I'm going to back up one step this is back into a group and I want to just show you this when I bring this up and I look at what is in this model right now as far as materials it's just the stuff on and actually I some extra things because on Monday we played with creating templates and I created a new template and then I'm using it right now and it has some extra stuff in here but I have some extra components in here too yep there's some extra components oh I got a mess here you can play yeah let's listen we better do that well let me finish this and then then we'll make a new from template alright so when I right-click and I say explode like I said it's gonna take it out of the group and make it just a surface but watch my my colors over there too because as soon as I do that a new material shows up and that is this piece right here once this is in here then I can do things like come in and trace this with a rectangle and now this is its own piece now this works so that's a little bit different than what I want to do with the watermark but if I want just this one piece here to do to use as a reference I can do that I can cut it out and then I could model on top of this that would be an option what I want to do because the way I do it is I always put watermarks in the upper left corner that's so you can see it so I can see it I'm actually going to work with my screenshot at images that I created before I'm gonna get out of this crazy template I'm in I'm not going to save this I'm gonna file new from template and I'm actually going to grab whenever I was doing this I ended up using a template that had decimal and metric and then I just did two or three decimal places yesterday it's easier to type all the stuff in yes that is a good way to do it let's go ahead and I'll use my architectural in meters I'll just go ahead and open that one up why is it the architectural ones don't get that pretty green ground or the bright blue sky I think it can list gray ground with grey backdrop architects don't like the exciting category on grace is more designee you know like you're like you're just a pretentious doesn't hate at that point maybe the idea there is it doesn't take away from the design the grey is the background it's there and then your designs likewise right in your face yeah something like that pretty sure that's it that sounds right I buy that right I'll check with the sources and and I'll get back to you so that's one step I am gonna go a little bit further because I'm gonna come in here to Windows and go into my model info and I'm gonna look at my display precision so right now my default value that me drawing in is meters and it's it's up to two meters deep and that's fine I am going to turn off length snapping because at some point I mean drawing smaller geometry with my screws and I don't want links tap and get in the way so this is the the preset that I'm gonna work with for this model Nathan Blair as an architect confirmed you were exactly right that's right don't don't it's it's the work that should stand out not the tool that's right I feel like that's probably the smartest and most profound thing I'm gonna say so I'm gonna model in silence from here on out having known you for a while it might be the most profound thing you've ever said thanks Judy I've peaked time to find a nice place to retire alright so yeah well my dad's backhanded compliments that's right I'm gonna load one of those images that I cut out Dave Richard said that he did model isn't in meters which is what we're gonna do he also took his and stood it up in the background as an image that works too I said I for my part I like to go to edit and click on watermark and then load in one of those two pieces can you get that there you go that's the small piece here's the big piece and I go ahead and open that up and I'm put in the background I'm going to leave it fully there's visible and put in the upper left corner and then shook it down just a touch plea so I wouldn't the completely different direction because I've got two monitors here I just stuck the full-size image on my second screen it's not even in my Sketchup model yeah if I stack over there absolutely that that's actually how I would do this if I had the ability to do so I generally do most of my Sketchup work also with two monitors and one is for reference and you know control the music and the other one is where the the sketching up gets done let's get chipping but in this case if I put on my second monitor so you guys wouldn't be able to see it and I wouldn't build a refer to anything so that's true I wasn't meaning to correct yours so much as Ian also confirmed that he was just had his stood up in the background so I wanted to be clear there are there are a there are options we got options all right so it looks like the base of this thing is 30 by 90 so I'm going to start with a rectangle that is 90 comma 30 boom and we know we're modeling this big so I get Laura out of here for she complains about that so Dave did made a comment which I ran into whenever I was messing with this was I was jumping between my different views because there's there's a third view and that that sometimes yeah I guess technically there's what five five potential pictures but found that having two looked and look at it a different picture sometimes actually was essential for me to to finish it but you probably can do the first part just with this right this part this part the base is simple enough because it from right here it comes up 15 and then it cuts in here in here and then it goes up another 30 so I think we need to start with is just take this push pull it up 15 and then what is this length right here oh and you're not gonna tell me do you math or yeah that's that's where I got a little tricky sometimes it also doesn't seem to have an angle for that little dovetail on the bottom yeah I just I'm okay making that just wait Wang it winged it winged it yeah that's seventeen half and seventeen and a half is what 35 right 35 so this is 35 and 35 which I know to be 70 not because I did math because I memorized that at some point so half of Sesame you did it on the magazine toast your gives in to chart so if I take 70 off of 90 that's 20 so that means this line is over 10 on both sides so I can do this a couple different ways I can grab this line use move option 10 or I could come in here with a line come this way 10 enter and then just draw that line straight up either way works either way just gets that that face broken that's the important part a broken face minutes what's typing 10 he typed it a couple of times and I'm all sudden having this image if you ever watch a game show and you're just you're shouting along no no it's too high I'm sorry I wasn't ignoring you all right then we'll bring that up 10 because that's what the drawing says so at this point we've got the basic shape so I'm gonna work on carving in the rest of this and then we'll get to these little little pieces that jut out okay so as Jodi pointed out we don't actually have dimensions for this little block I'm gonna assuming it looks like it's a 45 degree but there's not a number on there Oh Andrew best comment so far Oh Cowboys here I'm sorry to say cowboy we're not two screws yet that's probably going to be the big conclusion the finale all right so we got to look at what this is so this is 10 right now and I don't have a dimension for this but I'm inclined to just say like three so I'm gonna come over here this is the easiest way that I know to draw 45s - if I have two 90-degree surfaces is to draw this three this way dot another line down three and then I'll just connect those two endpoints this is something else to point out I don't generally use or keep endpoints visible in Stiles you do have the option under edges to turn on end points which will give you these little dots at corners sometimes depending on what software you're coming from if you're used to seeing those end points that can be helpful when I stress first started using Sketchup I did keep my end points turned on because when I would do something like this to do that again if I came over here and said go this way three I needed to make sure that I knew that there is an end point right there and that's what it'll do for you at this point I've done this enough times that I want to draw my line here at three I know that it's there I trust that it's there and I don't really worry about it too much but if as you're learning you're getting up to speed and points isn't necessarily a bad thing to turn on and it's not like it shouldn't be on it's just it's extra stuff on this on the face that around the screen to get in you know get in the way of what I'm doing I'm I'm not colorblind but I would wonder if because I know green and red are both the bad colors for most colorblind folk I wonder if that would help a colorblind person individual yes deduce a little more smoothly because sometimes that round dot isn't red that's also true very little my dots here change color depending on what I hover over so yeah endpoints might be helpful in that case all right before I grab that and push pull this through to knock off the corner I'm going to select the surface I'm going to turn on rotate and I'm gonna hover over the midpoint right here I'm gonna go modifier key option or ctrl and then just rotate that around 90 degrees by rotating it around 90 degrees I just took that same geometry and slapped it right here so now when I go to push-pull I can just pull that through on one side and then double click the second side to knock both those edges off so I could have just done it once then going over their side and drawn three drawn three draw my 45 and push pulled again but I say myself as a couple clicks by copying that geometry over there all right command s cuz I cuz I'm good at saving that's why thank you all right so we have this little cut out looks like maybe this whole thing sits on a rail of some sort something like that we have it is 45 so it's 22.5 in from the edge so I'm gonna go and do that twenty two point five that's gonna give me a snap point right there I'm gonna just drop a line down because I don't have endpoints turned on and then I'm gonna draw another one over here 45 this is where endpoints is helpful as I just explained why I don't turn them on and then struggle to find the thing I just drew oops they're not bad to have fun they're just I just I like to keep my screen as tidy as possible I guess so I guess maybe that's part of my reason I don't use more guides to I don't know all right so now we know that this is going to go up five we're gonna have a flat line across here at five so I'll go let me I'm gonna use a guide I hardly ever use guide so I'm gonna do it this time I'm gonna go grab this line right here click on it drag it up five enter and now I have a guide line right there now Andrew said Andrew suggested since this looks appears to be symmetrical might not just do half at a time I could it's actually not a time saver in this particular case because as I go in to draw it I'm gonna have to draw one two three lines to draw half of it to gret to get a surface that I could flip over I my inclination would be to get my angled line flip that over and then just connect it with the top so it's possible I guess I do this real quick analysis in my brain saying is that this is that symmetric geometry worth modeling only half of and like even this whole thing I could shop the whole thing in half and model half of it but the geometry that's copied is so simple I don't know that's gonna save me a whole lot of time to do that so yeah that's your call that's I mean if there's a lot more complicated geometry I would probably break the whole thing in half and model half of it but in this case it's simple enough that I don't know how much time is actually saved so all right I'm going to now go to protractor I'll come down here I'm going to grab this line right here and I'm going to rotate that 45 degrees and that's the only reference I actually need because what I can do is I can draw this line up here like this it's gonna go from the corner to the point it meets right there that can grab that line do my rotate thing again I'm gonna go find the midpoint rotate that with a modifier key 90 degrees whoops I clicked something we were there well it's because I'm just off of this axis it's trying to snap to the axis I need to I should probably move that 90 degrees and then I'll connect it up with one more line at that point I can get rid of these lines I put his placeholders and I could also get rid of those guides so guide somebody asks how do you get rid of guides they're just geometry there's actually nothing the nice thing there they're lines that don't break other lines when they touch but as far as how you work with them or how you deal with them there really are just just they were just like edges do so if I want to move one I just pick on move rotate whatever there's nothing special to them there's also a command up here where I can go remember where it is now tools the tools there's a view edit I don't have any so it's probably grayed out where is delete guides you right there it's highlighted it's the eighth item down under edit Oh delete guides I was on it that's why I was looking past the one that was actually on for something else delete guides will take all of the guides that are not hidden at the time so or somebody pointed out you can hide them if you want to use them later that works too alright I'm going to take that then push that through the back side and we have our base geometry for this chunk done I do have so this piece right here so here this kinda looks like the front of a Jeep Jody well round and hey yeah or robot cartoon skull or et yeah yeah these are all good things so instead said having a mapping a shortcut to deleting guides is really useful yeah good idea I suppose if you use guides getting rid of them is is something you want to do on a regular basis I also did above say use the sucker for guides so okay he's the guide man he's a guy guy he should write a guide guide who then you could call it the guy gut guide guy guide from the guide yes that's nice talking like that solid gold alright so right here we have so basically I have half a circle half a circles both cut all the way through and then I have this section this little little section right here traces over that and that comes out five meters so I'm going to start with my biggest circles so I need to make a decision right now how much detail want to put in here and how many sides I want to use in my circles I don't need this to be crazy super high fidelity or think that at the same time I don't really want to see the segments I wanted to look smooth so I'm gonna go for 48 if any time I go in to draw a circle if it's just for imagery or whatever I usually do 24 which is the default any time I'm considering this to be like a in kind of finished piece we're going to look at May rendering it or just get 3d prints and like that I'll usually go up to 48 if it's a bigger piece it's going to be output that I'll go to 96 but usually I do that the nice thing about those numbers in particulars it keeps the same number of edges on each quadrant with this that means I'll have 12 there so if I'm back to draw an arc later like half an arc I know that I would use half of that 48 if I want to match the match the geometry so what I do is I'm gonna start let's I'm gonna continue on with this guide think I'm gonna grab my tape measure I'm gonna pull line this way what was it 17.5 queering am i drawing to the center of that circle and I'll just pull it off of here to 17.5 so these are the Centers of my two circles so now I'm going to go to circle I'm gonna set my side that's like it's popping up down there is 24 I'm a type 48 and then I'm gonna go right here and I'm gonna make sure I pull my circle along the red axis that's gonna make sure that I align my axes the same way so anytime I draw a circle if I pull along the red they'll be lined up correctly and the radius is 7.5 and now I could draw that again or I could grab these two halves and just copy that to right there either way it works whatever you feel best with all right do you yes right you do just do your thing you'll be happy be good all right so I have another circle same spot I'm gonna the same spot this 12.5 and I guess I could have waited and copied all of that at once that would have made a lot of sense but yeah sometimes you just get excited Your Enthusiasm is appreciated it shows that is the thing I do I try to put positive spins on it too alright so one of the nice things that happens with this is I automatically get because again I have my twelve sides so that puts a point down at the bottom because of my guideline that I dropped there vertically I have a real easily identifiable point that I can just snap there and snap across to create the bottom all right now what I have is right in the middle a line that is 15 wide that just drop straight down so I do a couple things here one is I could do math I know yeah I just hold on I could come here even have the many fingers this is this is would be kind of my default is to click here come this way seven point five and then go to that point well seven point five drop that down come this way the full 15 meters and then take that one straight up that would be my default way of doing this but I want to show you guys some different options we're on this guide kick apparently so what I'm going to do is I'm going to just draw a line right here in the middle for right now and I'm going to say put a guide here seven point five here seven point five and that gets me that same reference geometry another option all right let's I got one other way that I could think of doing this this one's a little obscure this one's a little weird I admit I could come down here anywhere on this bottom edge click and draw a line that is 15 long so now I have a line this line is separate from the geometry here and here even though it's in line I matter my endpoint on so you can see this easier I can see that see that break right there this line and now I could grab that line while it's highlighted go to the midpoint drag it over until I find the midpoint of this other piece and then from there I could just draw my lines up so we got options with different ways to experiment it's weird but I did know math that's the only one I just used without any math okay alright fine fine the a self issued challenge there and that would be my solution I wouldn't recommend it either personally I'd say that the guides kind of treated me pretty well right there so I would probably stick with that method because that worked out pretty well alright this geometry right here repeats on the other side it actually sticks out of both sides so what I'm gonna do is grab it right here and use rotate again I do like using rotate I'm not sure where I picked this habit up but man it's such an easy way in these kind of situations just save modifier key option or control flip it around the other side and now that geometry is on the front and the back alright now just come in here push pull this through push pull this through looks good pull this one out five pull this one out five whoa or yeah sixty-five try it again if you miss type something Sketch ups vary as long as you don't go to another command you can always reach i'p the dimension so even now I haven't done anything else so I can come in here and type 12 go type 3 it's going to move around as many times as I type something as long as they don't go to another command once I go to the command now I'm in select now I can't just type things I can type them they just won't do anything all right that looks like our first piece sans screw holes because we haven't made the screws yet so that looks pretty good I'm gonna grab all of that and I'm going to make it component I'm gonna call this the bottom piece or you could call it the cheap or the frog or the Jeep frog skull yeah yeah yeah yeah that it is okay cool so that one's done that looks good that's easy I got nothing more positive thing to say because that that pretty much covers it I'll go back into my Styles and go to my watermark and swap it out for a new one so I'm just gonna delete that one and add a new watermark I'm gonna grab the other and again excuse me hopefully this is not something you have to worry about this is just what I have to do because I'm working off my one screen but if you are ever in a situation where you have one screen this maybe is the one of the pieces of knowledge you take away with you today is how to use a watermark for reference imagery all right there it is our thing so this looks like it has very very similar geometry till we head down below where we got this this Center block and then this steps out actually like like scary similar to what's going on here like almost exactly the same so here's what I'm thinking what is this 15 plus 30 yeah 30 okay so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do it kind of the same way I'm gonna keep this image turned on I'm gonna right click and I'm going to lock it so by locking it I just told it that I'm not going to accidentally come in and select it or move it or anything like that it's gonna stay right where it is but I can come in and work on top of it so the base here this should be 60 by 30 no 70 by 35 plus 30 plus 30 plus 5 and that's that rectangle right there that's that's this inner rectangle or outer I'm sorry outer rectangle that has a height of Oakland it has a mate of 11.5 to the bottom of the corner who we talked about us yeah seriously but what I know so is that this geometry repeats up here and I know this outer circle is 12.5 so the overall height here is actually 12.5 with a 1 meter 45 cut off the edges you can use you can sort of Intuit from the math thing there that that chamfer you did on this piece you're looking at right now it's only 0.5 possibly because it looked like it's only 0.5 up there is that correct this is one because 11.5 to 12.5 so that's a 1 meter but no I think it's important I'd have to look at the model again because this one looked a lot bigger okay that's fair right so we'll try it we'll see we'll do it that's nice thing about I'm not gonna lose any material by drawing it wrong hey the original image in you yeah it's definitely smaller yeah sorry I'm standing on my mic cable there we go we're good now all right so I'm gonna do I'll do one so I'm going to come here drop down one which should be that's 11.5 from the bottom yep then go one this way and then I'll do the same thing I did before I'll grab that little shape right there oh and actually this gets a little bit trickier because I can't rotate from the center of this points if I rotate from the center at this point guess what's going to happen that's going to show up on the outside edge why is it show up on the outside edge because I just shortened this length by one meter by putting that on there what I can do though is I can use the center of this one below and swing it around like that because this line is still a little length I say that like a person who's maybe done that incorrectly before maybe Adam step one on YouTube wants to know why you're doing meters not millimeters I can answer that Sketch up at its heart is an architectural modeling tool that's what it was made for so it actually is not created to generate submillimetre geometry one of the things we're doing with this is Roomba creating screws with threads on them and that's going to be fairly small geometry if we were modeling in real size so we're gonna model in was this a hundred to one two meters two millimeters 100 mm bigger Allison right sent is sent as 100 sent yeah no 1000 you know what's 10 what's a 10 a meters a decameter decimeter decimeter the scimitar decimated so we're gonna model everything just to use the same units we're in a model all meters and then we can scale it down by point 0 0 1 when we're done and have everything be the accurate perfect size alright this looks awesome so one so yourself if I do say so myself one of the things that we could do is I could hop in here I could grab this face copy it come back out of context paste it flip it over and put it on here to speed up my input but the fact of the matter is this is two curves that I'm just going to copy over so I'm really not that worried about that it's it's it's pretty simple geometry actually if this we're a whole lot more cut up with a bunch of curves or this came up like this and then curved down or something like that then I might be more tempted to come grab this but right now I can actually come in here and I could actually no I can't do that I'll just do the same thing I did before where I'll grab my guide I'm learning all about my guides to 0.5 whoops 12.5 they do 17.5 i'm sorry it's 12.5 from this line right here I had to take this one in 17 you think I'm just trying to be too efficient get ahead of yourself I'm getting something all right let me grab my circle which is still at 48 sides I'm gonna click here again drag across the red axes and at this point I can actually snap I can just say come this way that snaps at 7.5 I'll do my second one right here to 12.5 so like I said I could go copy geometry out and bring it out later but really I don't know that it's it's that big of a time-saver I like I like time savers as much as the nice guy but sometimes processes you you think are gonna save time maybe aren't as much help as they could be copying stuff in particular is a double-edged sword sometimes grab a bunch of geometry has to be so heavily modified after you copy it it would have been quicker to recreate it in the first place especially something like this where I already did it once I know how to do it and I have references here for just copying it so that's a little bit simpler alright so some job is to go away now but this is also your if this is also an effort to learn how to use model better in Sketchup might as well model as much stuff as possible that's right that's right keep practicing all right so I do have a thing going on here I have the bottom of this circle in this circle sitting inside this piece right here if I turn on my x-ray and see it see this geometry right here I got to get rid of that I don't want it as part of this this piece so there's a couple things I could do the easiest one though and I'm gonna leave on x-ray is to just swipe my eraser across here because the only thing that'll get erased are the pieces that I've just modeled remember my bottom piece is locked so even though I drug the eraser across there it's not going to go away just those pieces below are alright last piece same thing I did before I don't need to work in x-ray I can go let's rotate middle point here I get across green access axis I've gotten I've gotten people calling me out on how I say the word axes axis axis so there's two different words there I know access you can see one yes singular and plural X ceases that's alright alright I'm gonna just double click but if not Axe body spray in there to it but I don't know it yeah that's same spelling though alright so there we go we have our second piece I'm going to triple click and make that into component and I'm gonna call this my top piece boom bottom piece top piece if you didn't need to connect the two together then you'd be done that's true but I do oh I do alas I do so I'm gonna lock that piece too I could be tagging these maybe as I go through I could actually tag these each with different levels or with different pieces but command s it's such a simple model I don't know that I really I'm not gonna turn anything off right now so this is this is easy enough alright umm I can come over here and was it doing yes styles just get rid of watermark what did you do Stiles no hear you yes you're like all right left yes every once in a while your brain just goes a little brain take up what am I autopilot where am I what's going on here all right good stuff we're there we're back at it okay let's see what is next here we have these sleeves that go into the hole if I come pull up my main are all those bushings bushings I like that term these are pretty darn simple oh there we go I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna take a picture of this right here and then I'll import that to model from I thought they'd be simple enough there's like four dimensions but let's be honest I want to be that as a reference image I just forgot how to remove watermark while I was in the process of removing a watermark so I'm just gonna be fair about where I am I said I said on Monday right you know it's it's unprecedented crazy times just do what you gotta do to get through it that means I'm gonna pull in reference images even though I don't need them okay that's the thing we're building let's talk a little bit about components and axes that's what we're gonna do now all right so I'm going to draw this totally separate I could draw this in place over here but I'm gonna draw it totally separate over here and we're gonna place it into the main model I'm gonna start with a circle I'm gonna draw it on the ground and I'm gonna pull out along the red axis same as I did with my vertical circle I'm gonna pull the the axes axis great now I'm gonna have to go yes the line thing I'll just adhere it correct you every time axis back yes like an axis of evil but not people axis like melon if it matches the axis red if it's green yeah wait okay wait no well you're said yes so it can take back all right so I'm gonna pull this out I'm gonna actually do this I'm going to create my three circles right here so I'm pull up the first one to 11 gonna hover over the middle pull out along the red axis to 15 and then one more time from the middle to 20 I feel like now every time I say axis I'm being a smartass you know I tend to think you're just being a smartass anyways we all we all got our thing alright so I'm gonna take this one in the middle delete it I'm gonna start by pulling this up five and then I'm going to pull this up five also and then pull it up another 40 what is that why is yours look oh because I drew everything to the diameter carsten Oh Mike come on guys over did you enjoy that how I blamed you for my mistake jeez alright hasn't got whether you win how you place the blame duck did good job me all right I'm gonna draw that action a little bit different now that I thought about it too you know sometimes the second time you draw something it's easier than the first time I'm gonna draw my first one with a radius of half of 11 which is 5.5 boom my next one I'm gonna pull out to 10 again on the red axis alright well good job thank you I'm going to leap that and then pull that up five all right now I have another circle I can come over here and draw from the hover over the edge go to the center and pull that out to half of 15 which is 7.5 then I can pull that up the other 40 alright we've created a bushing that's it now you can argue with that that was right right I remembered the term used that's right bad a thousand all right so I'm going to take this and I'm going to make it a component I'll go ahead and call it my bushing now let's talk about our component AXYZ yeah yes yes it says right there even your cursor is literally pointing at the word AXYZ no that says axes like I have five axes that I cut wood with oh that's a good point stupid English language I only use two axes to cut wood well I use I have one for each hand okay so you're fine kids I was waiting for that all right so now I'm going to create talk about making those component ax ax is placing those component axes so when I grab this as a component I pull it into my model it's gonna get placed based on how I set this up so right now if I did nothing and I just created it this right here this outside it'll always take your geometry as if it were inside a container take the low left corner and make that your origin that's how it always starts out what I want to do is I want to put it somewhere in the middle so it's real easy for me to place it into the model so I'm going to say set my component axes and I'm gonna do a couple different times so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna hover over the end and I'm just going to click right here that's going to get it to right in the center and I'm just gonna if I click one more time it says just make that it so I'm gonna say create and there there we go I've got it now if I come over to my components and I grab this bushing I bring it in that axis that axes that component axes my handle by which I place it so if I wanted to put this directly in here I could come hover over this and then find the middle point of that circle and place it right there that's good but you can see it has a little more work I'd have to rotate it up and slide it in what do we do so you replace an axes into a component all you to do is double click to enter the axes and then grab the component tool now that I'm in here let's let's look at rotating it right so instead of having this portion beat up I want the top of the tube here to be vertical so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click right here it's gonna say down here it says pick direction for red axes the red axis is correct the red X you should come this way green axes axis will be vertical so if I drag up on the blue axis and click now I have my green going this way if I hit enter or I'm sorry click outside to exit it's gonna prompt me you just change the axes of this model do you want to do that yes I do now when I come and bring this in look I'm grabbing it by the same point but I'm pulling it in from the opposite side or I'm pulling it in lay down the correct direction so now I could come over here however find that middle point and drop it right there nice same thing here um so both YouTube and Dave Richards have offered to muddy the waters YouTube says he calls it a hatchet not an axe and Dave said you could use origin so now I got to replace my hatchets for my bushing oh no the cutting thing gotcha Oh for a cutting plane wait I didn't think we were doing cutting planes - oh boy carry on just keeps getting rougher and rougher alright that was what I was expecting to be the first half of our model we got our one two three four pieces now it's time to create six screws first thing just looking at a couple things I want to mention one is this line right here it's also on the bottom these two lines I don't have to keep those here if I want to I can I'm gonna actually grab both of these and unlock them I'm not exploding I'm keeping them as components I'm just unlocking them so I can modify them if I double click I could actually come in here with my alt or control key and just smooth those surfaces I like to look at that better same thing on the bottom here I could come in here alt erase or I could triple click and then I go to soft and smooth and say softened coplanar and that'll get rid of it too i only tend to use soft and smooth if I have more than a handful of lines I want to soften I like the precision of being able to go in and choose which lines I want or if I'm in a situation where I have a hard line that will otherwise be softened by the engine and I want to keep it then I'll manually soften those lines but that looks pretty good that turned out that's that's perfect that's exactly what we were looking for all right hey Tom Tom welcome I didn't here for a while I haven't looked up for a while well he's knees and your drop in terms like X Y Zed for defining your axes Cosette or apparently he has something to do with axes I see you a programmer on Sketchup at some point or maybe he's the lead singer of Molly Hatchet give me a sec all right I'm gonna go to my Styles and get rid of a watermark how about that nice well played all right we're good we're moving forward maybe cool all right so I mean just keep swimming all right so let's talk about screws I did a couple videos it was a while back was that maybe a year two ago Zed for Molly Hatchet yes that's right yeah that's that's good I believe so yeah a couple years ago did a video it was right when Sketchup for web came out on modeling a spiral and then turning it into a kind of arbitrary screw pattern it was not it was not a precision model it was just kind of how do I make this screw pattern using only native tools and it really consisted of creating a spiral and then two spirals overlapping on a cylinder and then shrinking one of them to pull the edges in it it worked pretty well it I mean the job that that still works it will give you a screw looking pattern what we want to create here though is we want to create an accurate screw we want to create something that is a real screw with proper pitch that kind of thing so let's take a look at how we'd go about that I I think I posted this too I have a picture that explains how pitch works so we do have the n-word here we have some math going on but we have here the pitch which is the distance from either it should be the same the valley versus the peak of the screw and then the angles between the two so what we want to do is I'm not going to go into this I'm not going to worry about modeling this or any like that we'll just cut it square and be good but we want to create some geometry that accurately matches what we have here so question really comes now this screw this thing we have right here is not not not swimming in information this drawing right here it tells us that this screw is 25 long which really any size screw could be 25 millimeters long and it tells us that the head is seven millimeters wide so that's not awesome so we're gonna have to do as much as I'd like I said I like doing these machine drawings because we get to you know like be pretty accurate with them unless has this four point five outer diameter for this circle that could be what that is is that this width right here but I was looking up not that one and you saw some clouds no I only see ceiling if I look at this this year website Toure taught us actually has based on materials based on screw sizes how big some of this stuff is so Dave's saying it's a 4 millimeter screw it's m4 where the pitch is 0.7 so that's really the thing I was looking for theirs was finding that number so our nominal dining ok so it's 4 so let's do this so I have a so I'm going to have a circle that is 4 I'm gonna have a pitch that is 0.8 and we'll will model from that so now when I come in here to draw my screw I'm gonna go grab my circle right now my circle is your I keep saying screw this is actually a bolt cowboy pointed that out we are actually creating a bolt in that a screw so yeah I people kept asking for screws so I'm actually not providing what anybody asked for that's how we roll so the first thing I do is I need to put create a I'm drawing the the spiral shaft of the bolt first and I'll come back and we'll put the head on and cut the end off all that kind of stuff will happen later ok Dave Richards pointed out that machine screws are not tapered so we're creating a machine screw all right I'm gonna use the term we call this a thingamajig I don't do okay well so and YouTube's asking if you could Imperial eyes it for him okay well it never hurts to ask cuz well I can't physically interact with you in any way much less hurt you so ask away the worst you can do is ignore him I know I don't know which is worse so yeah we're doing a metric screw because our whole model has been metric thus far so the thing one of the nice things about metric is it's very easy to scale up and scale down you have to worry about like all kinds of weird fractions I'm a big based in mathematics okay you can do that this kind of really fancy and smart it did it was hard enough to make me not want to reply me down okay so right now my my circle is 45:48 sides that's going to create a very very dense screw geometry that's going to create a lot of pieces that are very small I don't want I don't need to do that I don't have to have this be super highly detailed so I'm gonna actually start by bumping up the number of circles that I'm going to create for my screw I'm just gonna go with like twelve which I know I can see the edges but once this gets done it's only four millimeters wide so it's not like I'm losing a huge amount of geometry here alright so where our base circle is going to be four wide so I'm going to come this way too and that is the base of our machine screw slash bolt alright now what is it twelve two polygons called a double hexagon oh that sounds about right appreciate it I didn't I didn't know for asked that it dodeca hexagon Dex a gun it's just a dodecagon that makes sense okay or maybe it's pronounced dode Kagan I would take any of them thanks alright alright so I'm going to actually import this because I do want to reference this so I'm gonna so I just drew so this is just a rectangle hold up hold up hold up hold up back up just wait what the heck you think you're doing I'm gonna take this so I drew this out onto the x-axis just like I normally would but I'm gonna change it right now actually let's do this let's grab all this stuff let's scoot this over and let's work on the axis a lot of times when I'm working on round things I like to work off of the axes or the origin of the model because this gives me a reference line all the way up the thing I work on I don't have to worry about entertaining the center I can just work off of that that's right so what I'm gonna do is because I'm gonna do in a follow me I want this to be a little bit different so I'm going to rotate this I'm going to grab the center point of one edge and rotate that to the axis and now I'm going to draw a line that goes up our pitch which was point eight over to here straight down and back and now what we'll do is we're going to come in here and we're going to create our pitch something like that that's not that's not the right numbers I was just kind of illustrating what the heck I'm trying to do here what I got to do is I got to get that profile I got to figure out what that is and that's where I'm going to come over here and go to Styles import again an image put it down here sure there's enough room to get everything on the screen at once all right there we go all right so what I want to do is get this this this measurement right here this P is this dimension right here this point right here is this spot right in the middle all right so I don't want to create half of it and I start with C pointed out there in four pitches point seven not point eight not dang it all right I'll just make my math enough whoever put hoping that John okay you're responsible for doing the math coming up I'm bringing down point one all right I got all excited because this math is gonna be easy and now it's not so I'm gonna draw a line right down the middle because I only want to create from here to here so now first thing to do is say what is 0.7 divided by 0.8 and now we'll wait 45 seconds to be able to get to the feedback loop in there wait what is your question I don't know I asked it and then promptly forgot what is 0.7 divided by eight it's like what point eight five eight seven five oh no way point eight seven five oh my god you're like point zero 875 dang it we've said point eight point seven divided by 0.8 or by eight point seven divided by eight point I get point zero eight 70-75 all right so there that right there is half of this geometry here now we got is a line that goes back 30 degrees from there so I'm gonna go grab my protractor tool again I must say from here we're going to go up 30 degrees like that I guess yeah and then I don't know where I figured that uh from oh there we go 5h what the crack is H oh this is this has to do with my thread point 7/4 wants so many numbers because now I have my H which is I believe related to course or no that's the pit that's this Oh H is right here okay they're my I got it so if I go like if I go yeah that's the one thing that does not appear to be defined in your original picture right so this is my H that number point six one meters is my H so what I need now is explaining the minor diameter I wasn't ready for all these numbers you guys alright somebody do this for me five times 0.6 1/8 5 times 0.6 1/8 mixing point create one to five point three eight one to five I like that look at that that gives me this that gives me this this was not the point of the stream by the way to figure out how to draw a thread I just didn't have the numbers and I didn't have time to calculus of that gives me this and now I can take this I can rotate that half upside down and I'm gonna grab that and make that into a group okay now here's the fun part what I have to do now is I'm gonna start by creating a spiral and my spiral is gonna go I'm gonna go on the edge I did this actually did this during the Q&A - I think hope we got a different I'm pretty much well that's his maximum minor radius okay so I'm under that so I'm gonna draw I'm going to go to one of the edges I'm going on the edge that's perpendicular to the green axes and I'm gonna draw a vertical line that is the same height as my cross section right here and bring it down like that yes and now I'm going to take that line I'm going to rotate from here to here 11 X little thing like that I grab all of this except for my profile I don't want just my lines I'm going to go move them with a modifier vertical 11x no this is wrong looks like I really aggressive really quickly maybe you'll need to go up half that thread is it half er is at 111th because this will go all the way around one time right oh yeah yeah so what I need to do is take this vertical line divide it into 12 pieces let's see what happens alright so I'm gonna grab that line we get the process is the same regardless of how I do this and if I come here click here option here 11 X and now if I look at from the side it's easier to grab them through steeper pitch but still this matter selecting like that turn that off and I can move it from it doesn't matter which corner I do this from either I just grab one point option move it up one and then type 11 X mmm alright super fine super fine I don't think that's not convinced that's gonna work either okay make it and see what happens I guess alright they really show you use this curve make to create the helix I'm gonna grab just one of these pieces I'm gonna say make group and that way I can grab everything that is not this group or this group and delete it all right I'm gonna grab this put it up once and I'm gonna say 9 X something like that I don't know I'm not harm said she was gonna happen right now alright I'm gonna take all of this and weld it I'm gonna explode that grab that follow me edit group and yeah that is not correct no I'm not I'm not on the that yet my gem she's not actually on the thing so let me try so I think we're coming back to that that wonky thing where it's got to be yeah I've been perpendicular to the right oh that's it yeah 30 point your absolute so it's on the line right now but it is not perpendicular to the line except my lines a little bit at an angle so what hold up one second let's see what happens here I'm learning things right now I'm learning too this is geography right here in case any of your kids are our home and need some geography lessons I take care of that form all right let's stick on the red X YZ and this is currently 3.2 ish here's a Meridian it looks like up right extruder would definitely be the way to yeah probably so actually the way to go I was hoping to do without using extension so let me just play with bear with me for one moment I'm gonna take this right here I'm going to take a flat mean if you only made both of you only made a quarter of this and then just rotate it or an eighth of it once you create the initial starting and climb then you can just use that one piece and wrap it rather than do the full follow me the whole way well it shouldn't be that shouldn't be a difference right I should be able to go well it's just give you notice it gets worse the higher you go that it does why I wanted to not to get worse thought I was perpendicular thought it was good it wasn't it wasn't good yeah I thought I could make that work guys but I can't so talk to me about the GH power bar or whatever it's called is that just basically someone's calm elation of other people's tools or are they all tools created by that one person yes they are a consolation okay so I think enter OTT TomTom I think has some on there TIG remember who else but yeah it's it's a really cool extension it's a good stuff okay get rid of that we'll go grab operate extrude actually we'll just turn on I happen to have GHS power bar right here boom right just just right here someone else suggest said follow me and keep actually I got mentioned a couple of times I've never used that and don't have it so I'm opposed to that idea alright so if I grab this right now and I can use upright extruder I think this is going to work oh I just select the face and I think I have to explode it too alright if I grab all of that I should be able to just hit upright extruder that didn't work either Wow baton is zero Connie said you already have an extruder installed - oh was that in there also I'll be honest you guys my my extensions are a bit of a mess right now so yeah I don't know I don't know what I got going on all right so I'm gonna try something I'm gonna do this real quick and if it works I will undo and explain what I just did uh-huh uh-huh all right let's try a very extruder on that no wait that's not that's a parachute well that seems to have worked good golly that's not pretty I don't think it kept my dimensions with that either that's so weird why did it do that all right probably is a little wonky just because of the 12 sided being it yeah that's okay but it definitely over gone all right so what I did was I modified my spiral ever so slightly didn't say I was trying oh that's why I was weird so I saved let me try this let me grab my seat viral Sketchup tutorials says follow me and keep we'll do it correctly well I don't have that let me see what happens if I rotate this so this is right here look at this next time this I'm just curious I'm messing stuff up I'm making a huge just a mess here but let's see what this does I wasn't playing I haven't used this I thought I thought I was mailed make follow me work I was not able to make foamy work what kind of create something similar that made no difference I mean I got what I got is so from here to here is 0.7 so I'm actually I have a properly dimensioned yeah now we're just talking about different extensions that will do this but yeah yeah I did I did i somebody saying so that my geometry does extend through to the center this is the center of the spiral still no matter what I what I've done I've kept this is a mellow spiral but what upright extruder does is it actually turns that geometry each time and flips it to 90 degrees to normal and it's actually causing it to be longer at the other way so if I go back here this is where I started out actually I started out at this so this is an upright totally upright profile it's starting in the middle so kind of horizontal here let's take this explode it so if I grab the path and the geometry and a hit upright extruder see that only goes that far and then it breaks so it doesn't even make it around a single turn what I have to do to make this work is I got to get this geometry pushed to 90 degrees to my path right here so Dave's saying Dave you're saying you intentionally do this and then just fill the geometry afterwards doesn't matter since you've got so you're gonna be deleting a step in the middle anyway later yeah all right so what if I did this I'm gonna I'm gonna get silly I'm going to take so I made my last piece of thread totally horizontal this is on the green axes my edge of my profiles on the red axes and it's vertical so I'm gonna try this let's try both I'm gonna start by grabbing all of this say follow me with this shape still isn't work okay so we've verified that some option if I grab all of that and I say upright extrude or what happens it still only goes around there I don't know thats that confuses me because what should happen is if I just take this shape and I say push-pull I start pulling it around here you can see that that middle line is starting to slip as I get through here and you can see how the backend is starting to tilt back so that's the problem is that starts to spin around I don't know why I pray extruders not okay with this I mean I have a solution I mean we I know that if I go in and tip everything the way I did I can at least get it to kind of work can also use this chance to try and learn how to use follow me and keep okay I'll do it because it sounds like you're making it up as you go anyway yeah yeah at this point we're we're off the track so that's not sketch occation isn't it all right I'm gonna I'm just gonna plug in so here's what I was doing before and this was to get my spiral straight so I need well I guess I could just go like this there you go that line is perpendicular to this line and now I can take this shape and I can rotate it on the red axis so that it lines up perpendicular so now this start off shape is a hundred percent perpendicular to the beginning line here and now I can just grab all of this and I can tell it to oops I should I closed it so profile builder someone mentioned that one also I was an option yeah I have it I have not to actually run it so and I've I use profile builder back when it was the first version and I know that that's one that I need to spend some time in before I start showing people again because it is an awesome software that I am not in a spot to do justice by just winging it could be like trying to do a veer a video yeah that's that's comparable all right so this is what happened I don't I want to try to break this into small pieces that I can stack the other things so the other thing I am trying to be conscious of as I do all of this is to make usable geometry I want this to be not gargantuan that's why I'm using such small alright you take all of that I'm gonna take all that intersect face with selection that may take a second it's got a lot of geometry nope we're done all right and I'm gonna come in here now and try to precisely lop off this bit this you know what's gonna be fun I want to go spend time after this grab those extensions you guys are talking about and maybe recreate this exact geometry maybe not well everybody's standing and watching but you'll be interesting to find some different screw creation workflows and extensions and find the way to create the the ultimate you know I mean that would that be fun to do ultimately I like that ultimate screw creation method alright so there's my bottom cut off I can actually get rid of all this because I will I'll make this a solid in just a second by cutting it off with the but I don't have to go in and erase all that stuff on the inside because solid inspector left for me as long as I have it clean on the outside do the same thing here just get rid of all my extra geometry up top whoops too much there you go and then these pieces popping up and just scrub around and get that circle gone it's got an extra line there got two extra line nope nope that's not that's that's not actually something to point out here one things that I am working with is profiles or turned on right now it's an easy way to find it geometry is disconnected it does sometimes slow down renderings in Sketchup though so you do have to be careful of when you use profiles all right so if I take all of that make it a group I'm go ahead and run solid inspectors tell me there's a whole bunch of stuff on the inside I was hoping it'd offer to fix it for me maybe once I get this cleaned a little bit well at least you're getting a chance to do some stitching hey today's today's a good day I guess wait what is this what am I even looking at here there we go okay haha there we go alright so I mean something still connected oh crap I know what this is hmm yeah this is kind of feeling like a bust right here my internal geometry actually comes up and melds with my exterior geometry they all touch so this is not gonna work this is this is this is painful stuff right here I just created a mess that I can't use all right I'm gonna what are you gonna do the suspense is killing me I don't know I don't know I honestly don't know what to do I'm gonna go to file and revert to my last save and see where that was we're back here alright so that didn't work if I carry that through like that just curious yeah I'm missing sir I should point out Dave actually told me exactly how to do this and I ignored his his sage wisdom where I thought I got enough from what he showed to like do this but apparently not so much I do a check something so Dave posted in the forum thread a few steps he said yeah I think that's somewhere else will form thread I'm not so I'm not seeing it in this thread unless he did it up higher let's see I don't see it either save me Dave I know this is it was not going the way I wanted to go right here all right I thought I had it man okay here we go there you go he just posted it boom alright so you just you just have this as a vertical piece no you forgot to hit Send that's why I wasn't there nailed it this is all coming off so what am I missing what am I not doing right here he's not so he has this using any extensions I don't even know if he's using follow me he didn't say copy rotate to the next vertex and move the copy up and stitch them together oh come on man all you've got to do is is one-fourth of one thread I mean you can just I know you're right that's that's not too bad so if I bring this to here rotate this back to here hmm all right fine we'll do it this way we'll do it we'll do it I really want to do is that without tools so I guess this is my solution and take this make group I'm going to rotate it from here to here and I'm going to raise this up to the center point I'm here to here and then I'm actually right now group these together see this is where it'd be sweet to have like just some awesome extension loaded up that I could go or here's the other way to do it boom done know how that part though I don't have the big reveal planned alright so now I can take this I see what you're doing Dave and then I do have to put triangulate this but I can smooth it the same thing here remove it and then orient faces now I can take that piece rotate from here to here and scoot it up okay and take these two pieces rotate from here here scoot it up you know I eat I'm I do this I'm copying more pieces so it's fewer spots to have to do rotate that I'm here to here scoot it up and there is an extension one two three four and so forth there's an extension called what is it a rate no my camera is called what's that so he updated with some more pictures and most notably he's deleting the interior stuff as he goes so that you didn't have to do with all the tools later I was gonna get one complete section like this and then explode that all right now I can go around here rid of all this interior stuff all right he's still prefer glaze he the ways that he did it in his video tutorial and I'm unfamiliar with his video tutorial he shared it with me and apparently I didn't pay good enough attention all right so all right just copy that up 20 whoops I'm gonna shut that off in a space somewhere and try again all right once I got that well this was this was a that was really something I mean it was a little tedious but it definitely looked it made a lot more sense doing it the by hand method there although you don't have any tools you can they're going this way all right so I'm gonna take that for right now yeah I'm just gonna soften it it said he'll put a link to the video once you tell them he can go for it please Dave teach the people this was just it's not instruction there we go save it save it all right so we got a screw alright I'm gonna grab this and make it a group real quick and then I'm gonna hop over here and I think we can still come back on this a little bit we have a thread oh boy I'm going to go cut one more picture out of our reference which is this piece right here alright let's get back in here and styles load that up I know again it's pretty simple but nothing should be assumed today apparently alright so this is the wrong one nice seems about right let's try that again let's load the screw profile they look pretty similar in the mold screenshots alright okay so this is what I have to actually this is what I want to create so I'm gonna temporarily create a circle I'll make a 12 side circle just to make it the same I'm going to make it too so it's a 4 I'm going to drag that up 25 so that's how long I got to make this so I'm gonna grab all of this and I'm just going to double it up look I have all of it grab it by a corner here option copy I'm not going to use all of it so it won't actually stay double but right now I want to grab it and put it right like that I'll Reese often that too so those scars where it healed together go away all right looks good and so what I want is this screw to be as long as this piece right here so I'm going to do is I'm going to grab grab it and let's look at my hidden geometry I'm gonna grab this point right here and drop it vertically to the bottom of the screw and then I'll draw a plane on the ground at that point so that's where I got to cut this off at the bottom then at the top same thing I will come draw a line across for reference and draw a rectangle right there that then is where I want to cut this for the top and then I can just slap a screw head on top of there and it's done so we're going to do is I'm going to come in here take this all this geometry and just say intersect face with model and that's going to take all the geometry and just cut it any place it runs into anything else in the model the only things in the model that actually cross that geometry are of course the two planes that I just created so unfortunately it is a lot of geometry I actually could have made that a little done a little more precision because I could have come in and grabbed this section of lines and say intersect that instead but you can see that worked all right so now if I come here I'll clean off that and we could have done this with solid tools too but this works just as well and this goes away and now I'm just gonna delete this out oops I come in here all I have to do is draw a line across one side and that should close that tells me that I did it right when it closes like that same thing down here at the bottom then grab that like that delete all right okay then come out here gear this there you go and now the last piece is going to be the head so I'm gonna draw the head separately and we're gonna actually not I'm gonna because this is still in the group I'm gonna start by drawing a polygon it's excited because it's a hex head go to what I want to do is I want to actually find where the origin intersects this face lets me the easiest way to do that here's what I'm going to do I'll just take this and take it from this face and shift it straight down to the origin memorize saying that when I'm working with the circular things like to work off the origin to keep that middle point this is especially important once I get my screw in here because now my surface is nowhere the middle of the surface which isn't a circle now because it's a circle with an angle cut of the ramp of the screw this odd shape right here isn't actually centered here the body of the screw still is but this part isn't so now I can come in here with my six-sided polygon start right here my dimension here is seven from face to face let's see how I'm pulling this out it's by the corner if I hit my modifier key option or I believe ctrl on Windows I can actually draw that with a dimension to the face rather than the corners and that's just going to be three point five alright that then gets pulled up for all right and that we're not quite done yet but make that into a group I'm going to group these two together right now and I'm gonna move that vertically back up to the origin check it against my this was my measurement that I've worked with alright that looks good this looks tall doesn't it kinda does but it's good for the hats on that and that is seven okay alright one more fun thing looks it looks color cuz you don't have a little champer kind of bed around the time yeah let's do that let's make that thing alright so what we want to do is kind of knock this off I've actually seen a couple different ways that people do this you can use an extension like round corners something like that to just get angle cuts around there or use follow me or something like that we're gonna actually go in and actually take a spherical shape and use that as a cutter which is a little bit a little different so I need to figure out how big to make it I'm gonna kind of do a little scaling as we go here I'm gonna go grab a new circle did you did you check to see if your threads were solid when you were done oh hey here's C eventually eventually I got back in the swing of things but that's actually one things I'm doing intentional right now I kept this this head as separate right now because any time we do boolean operations geometry intersect with other geometry all the selected geometry is checked so if I say intersect this solid with this solid it doesn't know that it only overlaps the solid at those places it checks all the geometry of one solid against all the geometry of another solid so what I end up with is if I have a lot of geometry it goes slower than if I have less geometry so in this case I'm going to keep my head separate till after I get my little rounded corners off of there and then I'll join that with the threads and we'll have the final screw bolt machine screw thing yeah all that all right so I'm gonna go with the circle I'm gonna go up to 24 sides and I'm gonna draw one circle this way and then I'm going to draw another circle this way and I'm going to draw them to the same point I'm gonna go ahead and cut that circle in half get rid of that select these two halves oops follow me with this half that wasn't right actually need to do this it's like this half follow me with this half also not right bad mm all right let's try no I did a video not that long ago that said you should be able to make a circle in 6 seconds let's just do that let's grab this follow me with this and we have our sphere all right and I'm gonna select this intersect face with context that work and now I can just get rid of this bottom half because all I'm looking for is this dome right here in fact I don't even want that part I just want this part I'm gonna make that a group and I'm gonna select it by the top point I'm a tree if you want to you turn hidden dig find that point there we go that's the point I want to bring up and I want to put that right in the center of my hexagon so if I hover over the edge there it is in the center now this is where I have to play with it a little bit I don't have an exact measurement for for the arc of this round or anything like that as I start to slide this on the vertical axes I'll see a pop up through the bottom the top and then that's what's going to happen it's going to cut off that much when I intersect it so I'm going to go ahead and do it I'm going to come in here I'm going to explode my head and grab that head geometry and my arc which I'll also explode and I will just intersect faces with selection with that I can just take this piece get rid of it this piece get rid of it it's that use dave recommends using a cone instead of a sphere okay that would work too you know I don't know that's free let me look pretty cool let's see what our hidden gem looks like yeah that's comfortable okay so go teeny better hit small geometry there but a cone would work as well all right so now I have this loose geometry and this solid component I'm gonna go ahead to this piece and explode it when I explode it it's going to join but it will have left the face in between the two where they connect so I'm going to poke my head inside the screw head select just that center piece delete it and I can look down into the screw beauty and let's check it no errors all right now this currently is a group I am going to make it a component and I call it our machine screw let make it make it sound official and call it an m4 all right now one of the things I did and this was intentional if I double-click in here we're gonna we want to talk about where this is when we go to place this so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to use my guides because I'm kind of liking this guide thing I'm gonna put some guides in here for where this screw is supposed to drill in I'm going to want to align the screw by the center point right here so if I was to just grab it right so let's let me go let me go create my guide layout or my screw layout real quick I bring my other reference image up I want you to chamfer the bottom of it - well fortunately it's a component and I can do that at any point so boy just because Dave's better drawing machine screws it means you boss me around huh you can yeah you can you you got it right you you you've earned that yes yes you have a microphone maybe he should be the one talking ladies and gentlemen Dave Richards I'll be my trailer alright so I'm gonna pull a couple of reference lines here I can do this from outside this is a group right now but I can actually come in with my reference science and I can pull it off with John streets in a group I don't have to be in that group to do it I'm gonna come this way 7.5 which I just missed type 7.5 I'm gonna come this way 7.5 now this is this is trixie bit the dimension we have now to the center of these holes right here is 5 off the edge but remember we put a 1 inch or a 1 meter cut on there so I'm gonna have to pull from here if I pull off of here it's going to be inside the geometry see guides pull one along one plane so I want to pull off of here and go forward instead to account for my 1 meter chamfer there all right so with that we have the location of four screw holes two more this one is the intersection of this line right here if you want to put a line on a line you can if you're if you're good you can wiggle it just a little bit and move at 0 I tend to pull it away like that and then drop it right back and then it's centered what I can do is grab an existing line bring it over and move to centered okay so screw here screw here here here here and here so talking about origins the act dang it I forget which one is supposed to use exes act AXYZ why not both axes axes hatchet I'm gonna grab it by this point right here with move and then oops that's like the right thing and I can use my modifier key option to bring it as soon is because I'm in version 20 it won't do this necessarily in previous versions as soon as I rotate so that my cursor is behind geometry my geometry will turn transparent and then I can just go in here and drop it boom right there on that intersection that works really well if I'm pulling from the origin but what happens if I don't so if I come over here to my complaints browser when did I save last too long some days everything comes up roses some days today I don't know today is just not the day good times good good times I blame Corona pick with kroehner all right we sell our screw all I got to do is get a couple of guide lines in here Oh quick man so how's everybody and I believe this was four I didn't have a boss who who reminded me when I failed and had to restart work that second time through is always so much quicker it's sort of like that whole whenever you lose something it's always the last place you always find it the last place you look which is kind of obvious because you stop looking what you find it alright so we'll grab that again option as I was saying I'll place it right here now we were talking about this was our thing we were talking about was if I go into the components browser and look at my in in model components if I grab this machine screw right now bring it in look where I'm dragging it by I'm off here on the corner so if I go like that that doesn't help and this is especially important because like I said if you look at the bottom of this I don't have a nice round circle to pull a Center from so what I want to make sure I do is I get this component lined up with this point to place so here's the thing that happens sometimes if I click if I come in here and just like I did before I want to put that that back in here oh I don't I don't have a spot to snap to so to transfer my origin from the outside in actually is there a way to I come in here and right click can I say reset boom reset will place it back at the origin so if I exit now no it's not gonna so 2-step process right click on the origin say reset then grab your origin tool click and trace the current origin and now if I exit I'll say do you want to reset it yes I do now if I grab that same piece I'm grabbing it from the bottom same spot so I can grab it and I can place it right there and then this is actually kind of easier to just go grab these to shift move from this point modifier key to right here and then get one of these I sit right there and then I can just move from reference point or reference line to reference line all right so now that I got that in they're all in the right spot I can get rid of my guidelines and say turn my guys off or I could actually like I was saying before I can come in here and say delete guides we're almost there so each of these right now is a solid what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab them all and I'm going to drop them using the bottom of one of them vertically to the face of my part so they look an x-ray who's their self copy that one it's so easy I don't when people complain about that all right so that's good but I got to cut that out of my other pieces so what I'm gonna do is open up myself I saved you betcha and I saw I did some videos just recently on solid tools and one of the things I showed was n rots on tools I'm actually gonna use that I'm gonna go to tool palettes I'm gonna find oh boy it's really time to to clean up you tell I've been doing more extension inspection all right I'm going to so enter aughts works a little bit different because with this here I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this in two steps actually I'm going to hide these pubes going to hide these pieces so enter out actually does a better job of group selecting so I think what I can do is just grab all of this I think I can hit trim it gets this one we're gonna find out real soon actually what I have to do is I have to select my cutter and then say trim this I get I you confused about the order because they're opposite I think you select what's going to be cut first and then you select what you're cutting from it second yeah so there we go look at that so that gave me the perfect hole through there so what I can do with enter aughts tools I can select my cutter or my piece to be cut sorry it's backwards and I could say cut this out take just a second or two unfortunately this is zero tolerance there is no right margin of error this I got it right perfect so I don't know why we can't just yeah so I could actually just make hole slightly bigger than the threads and push those through on the top piece and then they would tie just into the bottom piece but I didn't do that Wow for some reason this intersection is taking a lot longer than the other and you can't hear it but my fan just kicked on my computer a lot of thinking going on thinking hard will be saved we this falls right in line with the rest of this model I think this is about perfect you know we went from me spending a week I'm gonna make excuses I'm just I'm just just looking at what's going on I went from you know having a better part of a week to prep for one of these models once a week to now I do one every other day and sometimes it goes really really well I think we've had several streams that have gone just just smashing wouldn't you say Joey yeah this is and then with the exception of the of the Cobra this kind of the messiest that we've had all right so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna back up because several people are saying this and that's that's fine I'm gonna go ahead and drop these in I'm gonna I undid till I got my guidelines back what I will do is I will take these and I'm going to go ahead and tag them as my screws I think I'm here to tag and turn screws off and then what I can do is I can put some circles right here and I know they're for to the outside so if I did for point one is that a significant race I would be race would be two point zero five and I drew that out of context come in here two point zero five and I'm just gonna grab that surface its back four point five five all right well then let's go mr. Richards two point two five I'll grab that did you just do math in your head wow it was next to me I didn't mean to yeah we'll take that option copy right there may be real Andy wants you to go inside the component first okay already inside the component we can this one this particular one mm-hmm oh yeah he wanted you to cut in half some mm-hmm all right well do it from here I'll push pull us down I'll double-click on this one this is the gremlins I've you like for the gremlins that create stuff while we sleep that's right once you do that well they're open up to where all these just occurred to me that we could use Sketchup to model a refrigerator to close the door and see how the light gets turned off and on now wow that's great thinking I like that yeah next week all right that's awesome now let's go turn our screws back on and I'm going to turn off this top piece and my two bushings I'm on their own tag all right so this is where we want to actually pull screws from or pull screw holes from so I'm gonna come in here and say grab this piece and say trim this piece out of it alright let's talk about 11 seconds that time if I do that her to go faster this time cuz it knows how to do it save it first I don't live like that I'm on the edge it's like I don't even know you yeah that would probably great sometimes you learn sometimes this although I was interested about this from cuz so what's happening is I was talking earlier about how based on the amount of geometry boolean operations take longer so the issue that's coming up right now is that after I cut that first one this piece has so many more edges to check against so every time I do this I'm going to compound my my boolean selection Wow so this is taking significantly longer because I probably went from being I don't know maybe a hundred edges to over a thousand so yeah so if I look at this if I come into this component let's hide the rest model I grab all of this yeah I got 9,000 entities as before like says probably around 100 and every time I do that I'm gonna add let's see a bajillion more a lot more 2400 edges there 2400 entities every time I do that which is I mean it's not a big deal and now what I'm trying to remember you could select a bolt hole make it a component and then you just use that as a new hole for all the rest of them cuz boom Jody just got it lined up with them if I grab this geometry right here you bet to say that I'm going to take that oh wait hold on what there we go and now with it selected I'm going to turn my other geometry back on because I want to copy it from the same point so I'm going to grab this point right here option there's my screw hole I'll copy it to right there and I'll copy that it's right there I copy that right that's transom transom was asking if you could use if it would be a benefit to use proxy for bolts but based on this this workflow that's not what you want to do is it now if we're looking for a fully machinable thingy so now I'm a termite screws off oh baby it all came to get at the end so that one plane comes together turn those on look at those through holes and then finally our squeeze man I've met there's a struggle for a minute or two there but we got it oh actually well MVP Dave Richards got it really good thing he's here today now you could just to go back in sanity check there is in your original file it shows how deep the bottom hole supposed to go I think it said 15 12.5 yeah so we didn't do that what I could have done to do that which actually this was this was easy enough to do let's we'll just do it we're gonna nose 15 you're right yeah I'm at 12.5 that's the same it's not we don't have that Oh what you made it only 12.5 yeah this putting the screws in here got it to 12.5 so I'm gonna undo all my screw holes if they points out that the screw holes go down deeper than the actual thread because it makes sense you went to bottom round so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab these and it's 12.5 now I have to go down 2.5 more so I'm going to drop them 2.5 I'm treating them all the same I could do this with just one screw would work fine and now I'm going to select this I'm gonna say trim out this one only one and then we're going to use the Jody method to copy that cut out geometry all right we should check it first huh check it before you copied a bunch of times that the Zev saying measure twice cut three times fifteen get new lar start over yeah that's that's not a saying I like I grabbed all of that and then I will copy it from here to here oh I've had three miles problems it's used only if you just did them along one one side then you could use your rotate 180 degrees miss I could but because these are aligned oh yeah it would be a half rotation off which in the real world wouldn't matter so much but in my 3d model that would mean a lack of precision all right so then I grab my screws and I would scoot them back up 2.5 there we go so now my screw holes go 2 and 1/2 meters past the bottom of my screws enter my upper assembly on and we are golden yes goldish Stay Gold Ponyboy that looks pretty legit now you need to go to apply the appropriate color so there's a nice yeah steel gray look a nice ugly blue that's so funny it's so funny that people see colors like that I totally just see gray and I wouldn't call that blue at all I had someone call my Jeep blue and I was confused I'm not saying you're wrong just your eyeballs are different in my eyeball that's true I have my own yeah it's a blue gray it's a blue gray color here you know we can actually do because we have the technology is we can actually do this I can say let's go grab that color maybe put the lighter color I've got a lighter set here it looks like it's red yeah there we go perfect alright so last thing to do then would be to rescale it how do you check the whole thing for solid yet I checked each piece at some point let's see solid solid solid solid yeah I guess we could have ended up with some weird geometry in this one and not solid did alright so I'm gonna grab the whole thing a scale point zero zero one I think yeah too much scaling zooming alright what's the dimension this was five vertical oh I'm gonna have to change my precision that's listen to me or what do you want from me alright that's good no here's let's go here five millimeters we were back to scale I'll take this though since you since you did a little hack to get the thread to go down an extra five units mm-hmm did it scrip your threads in the top half no because the top half is just through holes okay okay that yeah and that's what's transom suggested actually so transom said now that he knows how to do this he's going to think he said he was making a hand plane so I think we have to have proof on his part Sketchup model on orem yes Jody there's no thin piece call you out on lying yeah I'm making a list right now I'm not checking it twice get your no Santa all right now that wasn't too bad a little little stumbling with the screw it thought that was me a little easier than do check out Dave Richards video he put it up on the forum he did offer to me I honestly only had a couple minutes so I kind of scrubbed through and apparently I missed some important stuff but it was a very good very comprehensive video on creating screw threads and it was it was awesome I mean it was a great job and keep an eye out for transoms file up there also so if you don't see a hand plane from transfer from the next week you know start the harassment it's cool he's and he said he'll do it no all right we've got done good it's it's it's official whatever it is all right so there that's that I think that one was a little more exciting than that's smaller easier ones exciting I was good solid my heart was racing 10-15 minutes in there that I wish I could erase from history but other than that shouldn't you have moved them down a multiple of 0.7 no cuz I don't really care where the threads end up I only care about the depth of the whole Syed is asking about Leah I'm actually going setting up right now to create some some videos force for layout specifically so so yeah keeping out on that on the YouTube channel we'll have some some layout videos coming up pretty soon yeah oh hey whoa Dave thank you oh man I just scaled the outer outside of here inside here these are still very large who i scaled each individual piece and or the whole thing and not the individual pieces that was a whoops so if I was to come over here to components and bring my screw in what's that big thing what is it what is that gray background oh that's just a thousand so true so I didn't actually I I didn't rescale that properly so once I get to this point I'm trying to think what the easiest way to do this is if I just come in here there it is I can click scale definition so I just had to do that once to each component I think now I should be able bring this in there we go yeah that is that's one of those things that you'll see that on warehouse files where you bring something in and it'll be the right size and then you go if you ever look at your component list you find out that it's teeny tiny or huge or something like that because people do what I just did and don't scale the definitions - thank you good catch thank you Dave thank you a lot today Dave yeah so I think that's it that wraps that up we argue me back here modeling again on Friday we're gonna do a an elaborate architectural structural architectural column I think is the proper full name of the thing but basically you know some some fancy look in old-school Greek or Roman or I don't know I don't I don't know if I'm gonna have to do a little study in between down there but we're do something with some scrollwork and some some different pieces up at the top of a column it'll be fun it'll be a lot of good geometry creation my plan is to use some native tools but we'll probably get into some things like maybe fredo scale or curved aloft maybe a little subdivision I don't know we'll see we'll see where it goes I'm not sure exactly how much detail we want to get into this column or how long it'll take but it'll be a fun thing to do and we'll be some all geometry modeling and some classic architecture which is nice I think I think I think people are starting to have seizures I'm seeing a lot of weird words people are speaking in tongues in the India Chat Chat Chat thread here well Doric ionic Corinthian composited that's actually just math he's just actually writing out words those are numbers I think it's actually like lorem ipsum like this web design he just grabbed a chunk of text and kind of paste it in there to vaguely Latin sounding that's it no I think that's a character so repoter or maybe that's the spell to create a column nailed it okay yeah I feel like everyone should prepare for this bag oh I'm watching the SNL skit and from like a ten years ago there was all about marble columns some guy in Manhattan or New Jersey that Mike's marble obelisk well made you usually get Dara we get to get the cow the topic posts in the forum you can get a link up there help they're rapin will do and I'll try and throw in some lorem ipsum in there as well so that it sounds official there you go just filling words okay well we have got two here so thank you for sticking through that was a learning experience for me too I learned some things screw threads still aren't as easy as I think they are that's one thing I learned and maybe that's a spot where maybe we'll see an extension inspection on that some of that screw making stuff I could see exploring it more I'm gonna have to go watch Dave's 20 minute videos video was pretty good that was it was good and I apologize Dave Dave said it to me ahead of time trying to help me out and I thought I had it thought I was good but I did not give it the the time and and direct attention it deserved I was swimming through three different things at the time and you know I was like oh cool good yeah thanks Dave but I shouldn't should done work but it's your this could pile up you gonna put this file up in the warehouse yes this will be I will put this on the warehouse and link to it on the forum so if you do want to check it out download it take a look at how it all came together that is awesome that's what it's there for if if nothing else hopefully we'll see you on Friday they said we'll come back here to make some Aaronic columns see what I did there yeah I write ironic yeah so we will we will make some columns next time come back on Friday it'll be fun Thank You Jodi for hanging out and helping me for having me remember to look at what people are telling me axis X YZ axis X oh dang it still we're gonna that and thank you guys thank you for hanging out with us thank you for watching I hope you learned something hope walked away with some new trick or some new idea the file will be up on the forum the original drawings are up on the forum so if you didn't get to do this whole thing or you dropped off when I rambled off into Nowheresville you can always come back and wrap it up using the same same file cite it so thank you very much and we will see you next time so you guys ready you
Channel: SketchUp
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Id: v4Gxs9puFAw
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Length: 153min 46sec (9226 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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