Ask Me To Model Anything in SketchUp Live!

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hey guys welcome to Sketchup live how's everybody doing out there already trending so Jody has already shared a poll for you we took the ideas that we got from some previous sessions and some ideas that we got from our forum already and I'd love to hear what you guys think of that list we will publish a new list after the first model get started with your ideas so keep your ideas coming and click on the link that he shared to vote here I just I already just posted a second ago I'm gonna post it again but I'm already seeing a pretty clear winner oh really unless unless we get a flurry of activity all right well the one more minute got to Vietnam Crete Scotland ooh sunny Scotland no less Turkey Connecticut Dorset more turkey got two servings of turkey here awesome cool give just a few more seconds here for people log on wait till you know actually exactly noon this one we like to try to hit that button North Africa England Mexico I love it I love that I just think it's so cool that we have people coming in for all over the world this is our world now our world is so much so much smaller in some ways but so much bigger in other ways you know it's it's a small world after all hey maybe that's what you should do the small world music apart that'll be fun so that's a very distinct look to it for sure hey guys welcome to Sketchup live if we have not met before I'm Erin good to meet you with me on the phone is my coworker and buddy Jodi and that's me everybody so we're gonna talk about Sketchup and just hang out with y'all for a little while I'll be honest with you Jodi and I both took the first part of this week off which it's kind of funny because we just talked about this we just said you know if we're going to take off time and just you know not go to not work we should do at the same time so we don't mess up a live stream or both both not available then we just don't do it and the day we happen to take off was may the fourth aka Star Wars day so when people were when people were asking why that day and I was like well Aaron picked this day and it's entirely possible that Aaron picked this day for the actual meaning of it I made a couple of jokes about how it's taking it off for religious reasons but that really wasn't it just it just so happened to we talked about it two weeks ago and said okay so Monday after next we'll take it off and that just happened to be made for so not intentional but it did work out okay but we didn't get to model anything on May 4th so that's a ups and downs but saying all that to say since we're just getting back to work I really didn't come up with a solid plan for live stuff this week so that's why we fell back on to an AMD ma asked me to model anything so we've done a couple of these before and they usually turn out to be fun it's a good time hanging out and get to get your guys's ideas bring them in that sort of thing so yeah let's let's keep keep the ideas rolling here's what I'm going to ask though if you do have an idea of what we could model put at Sketchup at the front that way Jody you'll be notified that it's coming in and it'll be easier for him to track those entries what we'll do is each time we start a model we'll kind of reset what our potential ones are next time so we have a poll going right now oh I'm sorry Jody saying put hashtag amt ma at the beginning do that instead both of the both of those work I'll pay them alright so if you do that what we'll do is a little mass a list and we'll pull each time for what we should model so there's a poll going right now if you if you look at that what we're looking for I'd like to do so in these sessions I like to do four or five six models something like that so we're looking for something that I can model in 20 30 minutes so that may mean a simplified version of something it may mean some of the ideas that come in are good models for like Friday models we have a full three hours to it no ideas are bad ideas just some might not make the list based on how much work it is to model so we had a question of a water slide sure that's a good one we can we can give a waterslide a shot somebody mentioned a very specific car good idea but tingle we're not going to get to the car this week because I can't do that in 20 to 30 minutes so that's uh had some thoughts also I mean I had an idea of a Star Wars model to do on Friday would you guys would everybody be up for a Star Wars related model we I know we just did the Millennium Falcon Lego like what a week or two ago you can never have too much Star Wars can you I don't I don't think so we dizzy doesn't think so okay so I'm gonna throw this little geeky bit out here but apparently Hika YTD the guy who did thor ragnarok is on board as the director and co-writer for the next four Star Wars movie I read that and was so very very happy that's pretty cool he did direct one episode of the Mandalorian I think the season finale of the Mandalorian accordion he was the voice of IG 11 the the robot in that - jeez that's so so he's the triple threat writer director voice actor yeah he's uh he's quite the guy okay that's uh that's gonna be fun I I think I hope that happens personally I think that's going to be awesome alright so a couple good quiet good ideas are coming in here Connor I just had straightforward models something Star Wars I've seen a couple of requests have gone by that say human figure I think that would be a fun thing to tackle one day but it's not definitely not something we're gonna do today unless we were to do something like super low poly clunky it could be I mean a low poly human what can i model in 20 minutes that could be a thing we shoot for but yeah so DNA helix that could be kind fun a unicycle patio umbrella these are good ideas you guys I like this keep them coming wait you know keep them coming because it'll be community vote on next time sorry yeah that's fine I'm keeping a separate list so okay good all right we did have a question just to clarify because if has a question come by a couple times Jody and I do both work for Trimble so we are both employees and this is our job we get paid to do this well we had to do other things too but this is the best part of our job this is one of the things we get paid to do this is the thing so yes we are both employees we're not just doing this for fun out of our garages but maybe we would I don't know if we work somewhere else do we like Sketchup enough we would do something like this it's possible yeah I mean it could be clear I'm not having fun okay that's why you can't see Jody he's scowls constantly rolls every time I talk muttering under my breath I was hitting the mute button okay so anyhow I'm gonna you guys keep maybe Jody I'll throw the link to the pull up one more time we got one more thing to mention before we start modeling whatever the first thing is I want to show you so we did as usual I created a topic in the forum am TMA if you go here you can actually put up if you have a good idea once we actually pick something I may ask for anybody who has reference images to post it there but you can see we have a couple ideas in here already so yeah if you guys have ideas you want to put up here and I should say if like I said I mentioned it before I just mentioned again if your model is not the ideal one for a quick model today and you put it in here it's a great way to come back and maybe model it again later so like this is great images of this car maybe that's something we'll pick up on another live stream so yeah get your get your requests info reference images that's our thing in here also just to throw this out here remember we are still doing our contest and we call it contest anyway she call it a challenge that's really more of what it is this is a very basic model we posted up on a 3d warehouse and we're challenging you to download it and finish it out make it your own exteriors interiors landscape whatever you want what we're asking is that you keep this initial shape of this structure this this to floor outline here we keep keep that in there and the rest of it just make it yours doors windows fences roof whatever you want to do make that house awesome so we've had a cup bunch of entries already but we will keep going through these each Friday we're gonna pull up and take a look at them and sometime in the near future I don't know when but our Sketchup crews gonna find the one that we're the most impressed with so far and see if we can get the creator of that entry to join us on a live model so tomorrow mat tomorrow Friday this Friday we'll take a look again through the entries that have come in so far and we'll just keep taking a look at that keep looking at those as the time goes by so just kind of fun we don't have a deadline it's not going to stop at any specific point but it'll be a fun thing to just keep keep rolling that's what art our goal right now all right having said all those things that I said we we're almost 10 minutes in I think it's time to start a model so there's some really good stalling that I was just trying to give I was trying to give time to vote you know that's really what it was so we got got 30 votes on this thing so 30 nice job guys you good job good job you all right so what is it what is what is the thing waterslide waterslide no honey air pump is is following it was right on his heels until you had it till you said you had us throw up the pole again one more time ah well it's definitely they're both fun so sure alright so I'm gonna spend fifteen 20 minutes modeling a waterslide I have a couple ideas about how to do this and I haven't really played with them too much there's so there's a couple things to a waterslide right one is is it open or closed because a closed and water slide is pretty easy because what you can do is create a ring and then create a path and then follow me on the path and it'll be done the open water slide where it's like a half circle ends up being a little more work because with that shape as it twists it'll you know follow me we'll eventually twist it all the way around have it go upside down inside out kind of thing so it gets a little messy so I figure maybe we can do a couple water slides okay I have control I'll do whatever I want you can even to join what are they gonna do just mutter under their breath like me that's right they don't you have to mute themselves while they complain about what I'm doing either nice that's Andy I mean if we know what they're saying it means their hands got the better of them and just typed out there there's our attitude that's right all right so I'm thinking of two extensions I want to take a look at one is curve maker so this is something I went and downloaded curve maker when we were doing the the fancy architectural structural columns to do the scrollwork at the top so we used a standard Archimedes spiral I think but for something like this I think we would actually use like a helix a corkscrew spiral we've gone over how to make it from scratch by hand but I think I'll actually use curve maker to make this originally it is water slide is actually not too terribly difficult to write so I'm going to saying it's an easy one it's a great way to start so I'm going to grab my spiral I'm just going to start by pulling pulling something out let's see say it's got a 10-foot whoa ten foot radius all right so when it creates it creates like this I'm going to go ahead and just use scale and stretch that out all right that's pretty cool I'm gonna drop it down I'm gonna go ahead and explode this I'm gonna cut off one spiral okay that's good that's 1/2 times rounded into the pool I'm going to extend this real quick I'm going to take this put a line up this way kind of line up this way and I might actually so what I'm what I'm hoping to do here feel like you could have saved a lot of time if you just done like the diamond drop or one of those were you you know it's the plunge in about 3,000 the thing that's got to really prepare yourself gird yourself for gird there's a there's a term all right so what I want to start with was just kind of a path that I can have this follow I'm gonna grab all of these lines so I have a couple lines I have my one thing is just to make it easier I am ending with parallel or perpendicular lines these lines will be perpendicular to the ends I can distort the geometry after it's created but just to get my original spiral in there I'm intentionally taking this line long I'm gonna go ahead and weld that all together so it's a single curve and I'm gonna take a copy of it because I say and it might do a couple different take a couple different approaches to this so say I had a 10 foot curve so how close am I right here I'm nine foot seven apart I don't want to go near touching shows so I know how big is a water slide like four feet wide for someone yeah yeah yeah probably diameter probably all right so go 24 inches they'll give me four feet that's the inside I'll bring this out a little bit thicker something like that so what I can do with this is I'm going to take it and put it right here at the bottom and I'm going to copy that right here alright somebody do this two times hey let's save what already ahead of the curve you guys are for Kleenex treat your extra day off made you soft I know I fear things now all right so I'm gonna grab this whole thing I'm gonna use a follow me and click this surface so like I said this is it this is kind of the easy one this one was that's pretty simple right but you can see it does do some distortion so see right here the the line I'm following is on the bottom but as it spins around that line creeps up the side and then by time it gets to the very bottom it's actually over here past the left side so that's how its spun around if I'm just making this for looks like I'm just gonna slap this on the side of a wall and draw a pool right here and say look there's a waterslide I might be done at this point but like this spot right here the width across the bottom is actually wider than it is here because the way that that turn that that'd be spun so what we could do is taking that same thing I'm gonna grab that line and I'm gonna grab that surface and we're going to use enter Otts up way up right extruder to extrude that what that's going to do is keep it so that it's always on the bottom there as it extrudes around I'm gonna go to tool palettes it is it is its own upper exterior is its own thing but it's also part of JHS power bar so I'm gonna pull up the power bar and the way up right extruder works is you select a path and the surface all at once and then just hit upright extruder now the thing I notice about upright extruder is so follow me is not a quick and you the process it takes that shape and extrudes it along every segment turns at the next segment extrudes long there then it goes back and make sure the geometry at that connection is all cleaned up intersects and cleans up and it does that it works its way through the whole thing upright extruder takes a little bit longer because another thing it does is as it extrudes it makes sure that the polygon that it's that the surface it's it's pulling along that line is upright as well so it's not as quick as follow me but the results you get in the end are more accurate because they're actually like I said that the shape is kept up right as it extrudes now that's awesome but if you watched my video for the JHS power bar you may have noticed I used it on like a hand railing shape so that's where it can get you because what will happen is with regular push or follow me it will take so if sales going up you know something like this a handrail shape my shape will go along it'll turn up the angle and then go flat again upright extrusion will go like this and it will come down like that and end up distorting your shape on those turns so it's neither one is necessarily good or bad but it's something to keep in mind as you go through and make use it for those different different situations so like I said this does take a couple seconds I'm gonna let it keep running I know this is this is going to take just another minute or two to run because there's a lot of segments in that corkscrew do we have enough for a new poll or yeah oh we got the next polls already up series on it come on something you're doing things to that's good so not only on something but getting stuff done do you have so Jules asking if there's a specific story behind the safe safe say do you have any any particularly epic I forgot to say yes it was hope it was a spring of 97 Lawson I lost my face like a personal problem oh man I waited all that time and I didn't get a you kill me smalls well that's a deep subject now I know I have never tried to use a two-book oh you know what I could do hold up back up back up yes I'll come back to save one second because something else I can do with this just this spiral right here and JHS power bar well these icons are so tiny is I can use path to tube I'm kind of creeped out that there's a material called Laura skin just makes me think of sounds and Lambs oh no this is what it looks like from inside the tube let's try it again I think that was the wrong one is this the right one pipe yeah here it is so outside diameter and make it four foot four inside diameter make it four foot twenty-four segments oh look at that whew one button click look how quick that was so that was pipe a long path I think it's called o nights so that is much easier and it does absolutely look it keeps it centered the whole way around so yes that was that was much better I do still like upright extruder I do like it there's a lot of spots where I take a shape it was kind of silly to take a round shape I guess but I didn't know it wasn't going to copy that whole shape um do you have you have two end points turn honors I know what I had a turn guide points on it's an option in okay in here when I run it so it actually everybody transitions it created those I got to figure out how to get rid of them I'm just kidding I don't get rid of them I can delete guys I would you know how you didn't even even use guides I know how to get rid of them though I've seen him in models as for the saving thing yes pipe along path good called Prasad got me on that one a long time ago we were doing no true Dom and I got an hour into the model and hadn't saved and something went wrong and I lost my first hour of modeling so yeah that's what okay so liddy actually said that you think she came from that that Cathedral yeah it was it was a rough day it was a dark day for all of us so John's wondering why would what about doing like a 1/2 a semicircle or a squarish you shape the right original picture in the model form post this is just kind of a fun follow me thing alright so what I could do here let's let's do something like that let's come here I'm gonna start with that same circle I'm gonna start with the 4 foot nope nope four foot diameter and then I'm gonna maybe it shop in here and then it will offset it what I said four inches before squish it up a little bit like this I'm gonna bring this up a little like this alright so something more of a shape like that so to have this shape follow along this is where we have to go back to upright extruder if I run follow me on this I'm same things gonna happen here by the time I'm done I'm gonna be dumping children on their face at the bottom which could be kind of a fun thing you know I've never been on a waterslide where at the end it just turns over and drops you but maybe that's a cool option there's a great line in in Letterkenny where one of the better Kenny's a Canadian redneck TV series and they're always making jokes about how they could watch kids falling down all day give it someone else's kid I'm gonna let up right extruder run on this for a little bit this will take a few seconds I said it's gonna to run all that path it's going to take a second but so I mean I could have yeah I didn't John Maxey saying I didn't make it flat on the bottom you could have you could have pretty easily just put more arcs and there were flatten that either one of those would have worked but the shape is kind of whatever shape you want I also the other thing I didn't do is I offset this and then I squished it I should have squished this arc first and then done the offset then it would have been uniform so here it's four inches here it squishes to less than four not a lot but it is smaller and then it goes back up and wider so claw machine well it's the same person that's like well a lot of people chiming on this one person it said it twice hey Kai welcome so yeah so the safe thing has just kind of become a little bit of a joke I've it's funny to have used drawing software in creative software for a couple decades and then still not save often enough and using lose an hour of work not just to do that but to do it in front of a couple hundred people watching it was a learning experience for me to say the least but since then I have been trying to get better about saving often and do my initial save like a few minutes into the launch so as soon as I get it that way they know you got to do is just shortcut you're safe that's right command s command s command s communities okay so kind of there the votes are kind of coming in slow I don't think I'm gonna put quite as many options in each of these polls maybe only like five because there's no a lot how many is that like ten yeah there's ten in there right now and so you're gonna put a lot of one vote one vote 200 ten models I think there's ten votes all right well I've only got only up 15 votes so I need some more need some more votes all right so you heard him if you haven't already get on to that that poll link that he put there that straw poll and click on there and then vote for what we should model next can you model but can you vote more than once there's it limited I don't know how to tell you the answer what do people cheat all right well me now it is that I could you can set it so that it's you can't vote more than once but right now if you are ambitious enough you really want to see that Statue of Liberty then boom boom boom yes I'm gonna happen okay Marcus mark is saying he's confirmed it is limited was it okay what there we go there's the poll again now we got to be we got to be just about there I've been counting in my head kind of we should be just about this should be just about done with the up okay there we go I see three three votes there's very clearly a there's not a huge as I are definitely not a lot of desire to see the MacBook so mastery we're looking right now at a three-way tie for weight i you're gonna have to model for things five things concurrently oh this is gonna be interesting six things am i bad come on people go in their boat okay there we go it's the big victim Statue of Liberty smile what I think okay so I'm gonna just add a couple of flourishes to this I'm gonna go ahead and extend this back out four inches do a little this close that up so we got a little so we don't lose the water and then I'm kind of thinking at the end will do is always a little a little pool that somebody standing and waiting for their turn to go that's right got to think there's a lot of urine in that pool too so this usually opens up so it's kind of thinking might even go grab this I don't know how this is gonna work if we go I'm just seeing how much I need with native tools to take just these two lines moving back your proudly oh Mark Smith on Facebook got a new space Mouse Enterprise today all right welcome to the club I mean I'm sorry that was just for mark you guys every else ignore that that's right he's that he's wondering if you have any tips you should you should have a blog post that is just the tips we might have to do that my my my biggest tip for something else asked to what is this black mouse thing this is the space Mouse enterprise the 3d mouse from 3d connection and it just allows me to move in 3d space without having to use this mouse over here this frees up this miles to go click tools or do whatever I need to and all my zooming and animating is done over here so it speeds up design it also makes for a very nice neat clean flowy presentation so that is a space Mouse if you do a lot of design work or you do a lot of presentation it's definitely worth checking out so my tip word if you are going to try a space Mouse is to go into your mouse settings on this mouse and disable your middle button so turn your middle button just off make it do nothing that will force you to get used to moving with the space Mouse the other thing is to try out the spent when you first install 3d connection has this like little games to move stuff around and 3d use those first do those before you hop into Sketchup it'll just get used used to moving it in 3d space I actually changed the axes on mine the way it was initially so it didn't make sense to me it's kind of like my screens here my mouse is here versus screen here Mouse being here I don't know it's hard to explain but I swapped some axes around my mouse there's actually six different axes you can set up as far as how the puck moves so and yes so this version the version that I have does actually have like forty some shortcut keys on it as well so that's one of the downsides to being over here is your hands now not over here for shortcut keys it's over here so the enterprise is great because it has this customizable shortcut keys you can use as well anyhow yeah so those are a couple shots at waterslides couple I'd like to think maybe somebody learned something too along the way maybe learn something do not let people vote on whatever they want okay just kidding okay so we've got 42 votes on that and I guess it's dealer's choice you can either do a bedroom or the Statue of Liberty seriously what came in third so I don't know I get unless Paul so here's what my plan is oh they're obviously the things that obviously lost the battle are are they're getting cold but after say after this model I've got another round of suggestions and then we'll take like the top three from each of them and then we'll do a final or at some point I can I've got like 30 possible choices now so we'll just kind of keep reading cycling music if we get new ideas mark thinks you should do both I agree with Martin a statue of bedrooms a Liberty bedroom Liberty Liberty bedroom okay um I I'm not opposed to modeling a bedroom but I'm just trying to think like just a bedroom with nothing like what do we want to what does everybody want to see from a bedroom I'm saying because Statue of Liberty is it's a cool model but there's no I could do anything justice in 20 30 minutes or maybe even three hours because there's a lot of organic fabric and so you could go get go down the middle school you know that the thing that teachers have their middle school students do and just create a square and then mine the 3d warehouse for components is that it is that what we want to do I'm gonna make I'm gonna hold on to my final water slide all right so let me ask this thin are using a follow-up what was the Jets what did would you just do for your race you just did a triple click delete right I just did a triple yeah well no I just I grabbed those two deleted I did a triple click and then softened softened smoking so I just I just did that to get rid of that that piece there all right so so there was a question about your shirt you sure it is is that a reminder to wear pants or you know I'm working at home so you guys can't tell me what to do you know I just I I thought it was a funny shirt because it's a shirt that says pants and then we have a co-worker from the UK who said that that's a term that means like things are bad like when things have gone pants it's not a good thing like I don't know all right so let's let's model a bedroom all right what's what's a good size for bedroom like 12 by 15 in the bargain size yeah it's probably good 12 feet 15 feet all right so I'm gonna start with that we're gonna get a nine-foot ceiling on there what 9 inch 9 feet whatever it takes tommix he said that pants equals rubbish in slang oh you got rubbish on your shirt ah rubbish shirt rubbish is also to my ears a very British anything I think you know we use a term crap garbage junk whatever okay so I don't understand how pants can possibly mean these things what's going over there UK where you where you come up with this crazy stuff what are you talking about alright so I'm gonna back up a little bit so if I was to come in and model a bedroom so I'm just doing like a bedroom vignette there's a couple of ways I could go about this one is like I said this is so this is how big it is I made a 12 by 15 it's a bigger bedroom but you know unlimited cost in the pixel world I could do a couple things so two things that would come to mind for me either one I would probably take everything and reverse the phases so that's going to put the actual colored side on the inside right now if I wanted to do a straight-up vignette so where I'm just looking at it into one corner I could come in here either delete just one side and do a model like this or I could delete these two sides and do just these two walls like this again it depends on what I'm actually doing if I wanted to keep everything so I want to model the room like this I could absolutely do this there's a couple ways I could go about this I could actually take my walls group them and put them on separate tag them separately so you turn them on and off something else I could do I want to show this just because it's it's kind of a cool option is I'd come in here with my paint bucket and I could paint the back sides here with a different color so I'm gonna paint it real quick with red I'm gonna use this to illustrate how I'm gonna do this so I paint my back sides am i sealing all red doesn't have to be red I'm just picking a color that's not the default background size so if I click if I pop my head inside I can see if the insides are all still white which is the default front face I've painted the back side red now I'm going to do is I'm going to come to opacity with this red turned on and I'm going to slide my opacity down to zero and apply that to those faces so what I just did there is I just created a room that I can look into from any side and the opposite side of the wall is always going to be visible but the side I'm viewing from is always be invisible so right now the ceiling and these two walls are invisible if I look underneath like this I can see the ceiling if I flip around at this side I can see the side of the wall so this is a nice way if you do create something to walk through a room and see inside the room without having to mess with like cutting planes or turn things on and off the downside to this is even though I have zero opacity here I can still select it so if I want to pick this back wall right here I can't pick it anywhere I can see it I will have to pop my head inside or turn one of those other faces off in order to come and work in here not a big deal just something to be aware of so like the ceiling for example I might want to just delete the ceiling all together and then do my work top down like this that's a way to do it that's really becomes kind of your call how you want to do that but it is kind of a nice option to be able to see through the sides like that all right so we have a room I now have a room what do we do inside of here and now I sit for 15 seconds while I wait for the chat to catch up all right so we'll do a bed we'll put a bed in here I'm I'm kind of feeling like it would be fun to leverage three warehouse because I don't really use three warehouse very much I guess it's because you know part of my job is to draw things in Sketchup so no actually before I do that let's let's do some let's do some some basic finishing here let's do some baseboard and we'll do a molding real quick so for my baseboard I'm going to come in two perpendicular to the face I'm going to draw a line up three inches and then maybe I'll come out I don't know how it's quarter inch half inch something like that and then I can go as detailed as I want here with my my baseboard I'm not going to get too crazy I'm gonna keep mine pretty low poly so I'm just gonna do something like that I'll select the bottom surface follow me and choose that and give myself a baseboard around the bottom and I'm gonna come in here and I'm put a molding in my moldings gonna get slightly sillier I'm just drawing initially just a surface to draw my molding onto and I'll come in here and I don't know I've never really designed a crown molding before but I'm gonna draw a couple zigzags like this and then I'll come in with a couple of arcs maybe I have no idea what I'm doing I've heard about you oh yeah this is gonna be the ugliest crown molding ever created just so y'all know looks like something's melting okay let me grab my lines around the outside edge and I must say follow me with that so so a newer question that comes up in addition to your normal what's that thing in your left hand is the why don't you draw rectangles that's a that's popular that is a good question who knows the answer yeah so I think so like what I was doing there was I was starting here and I wanted a rectangle that came out this way I guess I could have gone to rectangle I could have constrained to the green axes I could have pulled up this way and then type the size in I don't know why I think I just I got in the habit of saying okay I want something this big so once I mean it's exactly 9 inches so I just take one 9-inch line I want to drop it down 12 I go to blue and then go 12 I guess just force a habit more anything else because drawing that same thing with rectangle let's see what that would be I come this way I good green axes and then I could put 9 comma 12 yeah I guess that would that would be the wiser thing to do but sometimes habits hard to break but I do do it because I've used guides recently it's happened miracles can happen change can occur I am so I do that because I do the same thing but honestly this maybe this is embarrassing it's because I always get which whenever I type the two values for a rectangle let's really forget which one is which so I'm just like I'm gonna go ahead and draw my first link along the red axis yeah and not consistently I did I think that's pretty too for me and I think it's just quicker it's just quicker to just whip it out like that all right let's get a bed in here so I am going to use I'm gonna leverage three warehouse for this let's get a nice big canopy bed that one that one's that one's neat oh it's pretty cool too though I'm gonna go for this one I'm gonna just grab it actually I'm not going to just grab it because just grabbing would be a stupid thing to do I'm gonna look at it first and see how big is it 23,000 polygons not terrible a couple of layers thirteen materials and the materials materials are all just standard colors it looks like for the most part so it's not not the most optimal model that's not a bad model take a look at this one real quick so about the same size five materials and I really like it though alright so I'm gonna go with this one so generally speaking what I would normally always do is download this model open it up take a look at it I very rarely directly download a model into the model I'm working on this is kind of a scratch model this isn't my action model if I had created my entire house and I was adding pieces to it the last thing I'd want to do is just grab somebody else's model and dump it in here only because this is kind of just a scratch malware just kind of having fun do I want to actually say download it directly into the model that's again that's my personal process that's how I do it that doesn't mean you have to do it that way but that's my preference when it does import anything from extension warehouse it's gonna pull it in inside its own components so that whole skp file becomes a component so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna double click to enter that component and now I can look at stuff like I don't need Bryce right here I can get rid of him I don't need I don't know why this is all the way over here so I will take this by the corner that's something you can only do in 2000 in Sketchup 2020 and I'll put that corner right there on the axis there's no reason for me to have it all the way out there so if I pick it now all right it looks better but for some reason you guys seeing this a couple of weird things going on so awkward stuff so let me come back in here I don't know what this is even here for I'm gonna delete that my container goes all the way out here see that my geometry ends with the bed but I have all this space over here so I'm gonna go to view and turn out my hidden geometry and sure enough there's some floaty little bits that's the technical term three edges out there I'll delete those and they're my my container pulls back in nice and tight alright the other thing I'll check for is under view hidden objects see if it has any other pieces nope that's it those are all the pieces so I didn't close that turn my hidden stuff back off again and there we go much tighter see how that group all comes right up to the edge it pokes out a little bit at the edge because the sheets poked out right there but that's much better look I don't have this huge container for this little smaller piece I with that oh wait hold on got a thing sticking out it's like the bed's making an obscene gesture at me all right no more bed middle finger alright so I'm going to take that now I'm going to move it and move it by this back point right here actually let's Center it I'm gonna Center it on the out of Center it on this trim right here so I'm gonna hit my command button to toggle my grip points my grip points to the corners right now I'm going to hit tab to go or I'm sorry command to go to the middle points so there's my middle of the bottom back I'll grab that and I'm gonna move it this is where having that all visibles coming a little bit more work but there we go let's get down like this get inside there there you go right to the middle point right there whoa well that's my whole bed bedroom is done guys that's all we can perfect Wow we're going to raise the roof so I want to grab all this and put the head upward ten-foot ceilings we need look 11 foot we'll put up note 2 foot if you've got if you've got 11 foot ceiling then really who would be in a 12 by 15 bedroom well it's the kids room apparently tall but you should have done sorry in hindsight was Harry Potter's bedroom I would have been easier small yes Eric caught that the change from down arrow to command was a two thousand twenty point one I'm not sure what happened why the change happened but that did change and one of the things I always again and I this is not just for the move command but anytime you're in a command just especially as you're changing versions watch that bar down at the bottom because it's going to tell you what what the modifier keys are so if they do change like this one did then you can actually be aware of that I just I don't even know what to do anymore with this make crown molding I mean crown molding and in a bed to have a door you could add a closet at a closet door okay we'll put a couple doors in here and then this thing is gonna be done going to be done okay I should have done this before I did trim because not having done trim yet this is going to be a little bit more work that's tonight so I need to close up this space that just mean crash so Jody is ignoring you all that's what I heard screw you guys kill him wait I am home you did it you made it that was easy oops okay so I'm just gonna close in this piece of trim right here Eric said you could put chocolates on the pillows and rose petals around the bed and me that's an option I love you guys I don't love you guys that's a big room so we'll go with a bigger door so we'll do like a full 3 foot by 8 foot door foot comma 8 foot up comma there you go you know that doesn't look that big does it alright so I'll take that and when I get it centered so I'm going to select the surfaces that make this opening right now and I'm going to grab it by the middle and I'm gonna just align it with the center of this piece right here so that's the middle alright so a couple things are gonna have to happen now one thing is I need to cut my trim and pull it back so there's a couple things I could do the easiest thing I could think of is to so I'm gonna just delete that so I have a hole there to cut the trim I'm going to take the surface on the back and option push pull it through so it crosses through itself now I'm just gonna grab all this right click intersect face with selection and now I can just grab this I'll push it down see how this looks I say just delete it and just erase it all oops not that piece though for heaven sakes all right so that's going to give me breaks right like that okay what's going to happen so normally what happens is the door trim goes all the way the ground and the trim on the side runs up to it so I'm gonna take this trim and I'm gonna push it back like I don't know six inches just parted enough to get it out of the way I'm doing the same thing over here I'm doing this a little out of order like I said I really should have put this doorway in generally speaking things like doors you know you know where they're at beforehand I'm gonna repurpose the same fancy trim that I set up I'm gonna take it option and just copy it off to the side somewhere and now I can take that will rotate it flat like that and I'm gonna grab it by the narrow side I'm gonna drop it right here and now I want that to go up oops I'm on the bed over nope over nope nope no oh I'm outside I was talking about how the clear walls caused a problem because you're actually outside of them yeah that's the problem all right I'm gonna follow me then with this little shape there's my door trim now I can just to clean it up and just push pull this right up against there same thing here right up against here like that now something I can do so if I want to put in a closet door right over here I can grab all that option copy it I'm gonna set it over here rotate it 90 degrees and then grab it by a piece that's going to coincident be coincidental with the other jump your something grab this point right here and I'm gonna drop it right on that okay now I gotta figure out where is it going to be I'll say I want enough room for it to swing open and have the knob not hit the door so we'll go like three inches from the side I just make it a little reference geometry now I can pull this over like that now last thing I'm just going to grab all this let these two intersect faced with selection that's going to break it all down come in here and start clean and house extend my floor through to the outside like this there we go and I can just keep erase my redundant lines there we go all right and now maybe we'll do we'll do some quick materials I'll go ahead and apply a nice let's get a nice carpet texture hmm is this that's the texture all right all right I'm gonna say right now I'm gonna say something I'm gonna say something I want to say I like that texture but I don't like that color so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to the hall originally you're so brave I know I'm going to double-click on this color see there right there so I get it down here while it's down here I can actually make changes to it by bringing up the color wheel so I can brighten it up I can make it more reddish to match the tone of the room oh it's horrible I love it that's perfect all right here we go you need a lamp a lamp place to put a lamp on the nightstand you can mount it on the wall we need it we need a nice sconce yes yes that's what that's an extension my interior design terminology I know what a wall sconce is see but I always played games and a sconce to me is where you stick torches in a dungeon same thing so what's so funny to me yeah is that a king-sized bed that that is HUGE you know I think I think it's a king plus so far our back wall is 12 feet well okay here's here's a example of what shouldn't be happening I look at this when were my origin is my origin should be the middle of this plate your candlestick should look a little more I mean your your light should be more like candlesticks I know but I know and I didn't want to spend ten minutes picking out my okay sconce I want to we're past time on this already yeah you should you should be wrapping up I've already got a next poll done I'm ready to post another poll you're gonna be excited about the the breakout winner is for this next one it's the Statue of Liberty I'm going home it's Frank Lloyd Wright's bedroom all right there there are lights in the room okay I'm gonna look at this I'm a seat I can't even get I can't get fit in the room to measure something seven feet wide is that iyd oh yeah there might be a scaling think there might be a scam Jewish in there okay but there we go we're gonna call it in fact you know what we're gonna do we're gonna I'm gonna grab let's there we go best bedroom ever step on your bed here's right into the waterslide I can't write it sorry bit alright there we are that's it's a bedroom I don't know I don't know looks great it's the thing you just hop out of bed and pure yeah you need to have like a little changing stations partway down slide into your pants there you go wallace and gromit house yeah yeah um okay you ready for this next one nope yes so next up is a trebuchet alright I don't know people are voting because they want to see it modeled or they are voting because they want to see you deal with that alright maybe a little bit both somebody get me a decent trebuchet image in the forum and we will tackle something how's that race the sooner you have a crappy Shay in the forum that sooner that's right yours will be selected and until that time I don't have any time killer ideas actually I don't I don't have a way to talk can i I guess I guess I know how to do that you're doing you're doing a great job right now thank you very much yeah you guys gave me a trebuchet image and we will model a trebuchet YouTube's back how's it going YouTube it's we had a trebuchet in the office didn't meet Jodi we've had a couple like I have I've dis since dis is similar I got one like I think I maybe as Tommy so is in the office you know you buy it you buy the small one for your kid you put it together you guys fling a couple of Hot Wheels cars and then it immediately moves to a shelf somewhere yeah collecting dust we just don't have the trebuchet staying power we used to have or just stick with this trebuchet now they're just so outside like tin cans so I'll throw throw this out there this idea or just this this story I've got a story a trebuchet story okay um okay so my shop I posted a picture last time is timber frame and when we built the timber frame I actually had this guy this company from like Tennessee someplace back east that does timber framing blue hairand timber works I think was the name of the company and the guy that owned the business had actually been recruited for a nova program on PBS where he went he flew over to the UK I remember it was Ireland or Britain at this point and they built two trebuchet x' like full-scale trebuchet x' to test out the efficacy of them and their ability to haul big heavy things and it's kind of cool cuz there's apparently two styles of trebuchet there's like the French and the English wasn't like that but so they built this whole thing just using timber framing techniques and then they hurl they actually had a stone maker a mason I guess chisel out a perfectly round bullet to hurl and then they also had them build a castle wall and they flung flung stuff at a castle wall so notice to try it out well how long ago was that they did that um let me look up a link to the Nova special I'm gonna say this is probably early 2000s it sounds very fast very Mythbusters that sounds like something you'd see on Discovery yeah let's see November 2000 the SS has it's been a been a while but it was it was Nova I don't even know just Nova still exists for PBS PBS would be sort of like the American version of BBC oh yeah anyway I'll fine I'll find the link to the story it was pretty cool and that's my that's my whole trebuchet story that's extent of it in the meantime well I'm that fun part was this guy was basically sleeping in my basement helping to build my shop and so we spent you know in the evening we'd sit around drinking beer sharpening chisels and talking about timber framing and so this came up several times it was a pretty interesting story here here from the perspective of somebody actually going and working on it that's the I I get the feeling that there's not a whole lot of trebuchet masters out there so that's pretty cool oh yeah I don't think so I've seen one in the neighborhood in Halloween you know around Punkin Chunkin time somebody somebody in the in the immediate neighborhood here has has one on a trailer that they haul out in the fall for toss and pumpkins that's alright there's that's cool I see three I see two pictures in a link to image results I am I am putting a thing together based on an image I'm looking at so okay that's what this is this is a thing case you guys are wondering what this was and as I'm drawing this I'm kind of feeling like did we ever do we do this before have we I feel like this has happened once before it's like I've modeled a trebuchet maybe that was just a something I did for fun once yeah I mean it's just like you know something you do yeah sometimes I can't keep track of when I did things or why I did things I get the general pieces of a trebuchet - so here we have move those in a foot I know there's actually some like probably some science behind anytime I see a triangle I'm like there's got to be some math and science behind that but not for me so much for me this is really more about modeling a thing all right then some some of this stuff will move around Oh horn ox is reminding me hey horn ox is it your birthday I think something told me did Facebook tell me I should be saying happy birthday to you sir but horn ox is reminding me that I should that I could get my hair cut now - so nice nice so I I found this great page from the Nova website about the trebuchet and actually it restates what Steve said which was they put it on wheels and that actually improved the range because that it could actually shift a little bit while I was flinging the flinging the actual I don't call it a bullet the big heavy chunk mmm I'm pretty sure chunk is not a French term but I got you I got you okay got a little arbitrary with this this thing and it's messing with me so let's see how big is this I'll say I make this 12 wide seems too wide but now so big J Gordon saying we need to we need to decide what the proper pronunciation is the actual proper pronunciation I see is trebuchet so you're hit you're hitting that last T apparently trebuchet that's a little too close to a naughty word yeah but it's with uh not a that's C I didn't say the bad word you didn't but I still firefight that's right all right all right then putting together next Pole all right that's so this thing not option don't need to copy it just moving it right here all right so the only piece that his so this is all way too big but all right so I'm going to take this this like that and we're clear for everyone that the version that we will be getting for any of these is the 20-minute version not the three hour long Friday version that's right as we got to do when you're modeling anything for everything okay and no seven so I'm gonna do a rectangle like that I'm using rectangle tool guys from the middle and pull it up to square and then let's see this is going to go this way some amount another one over here options go from the middle pull it out so I snapped a square pull that out further this is most of a trebuchet right here part so I'm not the important right there's the big bucket that's gotta hold the weight right so this I think they hurled a like a piano as one of the things that they were well now I've got to watch that got it fun got to find that online show alright so if I go to vertical this is going to tell me how big I can make my counterweight let me go from grab a point at the center this is geometry and math are going to happen right now totally accidentally so I apologize to anybody who holds me to a standard of staying away from that sort of thing let me make a rectangle right here I'll go ahead and I'll make it square cuz cuz I can't leave that leave that square snap all right now I'll take that rectangle and move it vertically well give ourselves a foot of clearance I'm gonna come up 12 inches and then I'll pull that weight up like that and then it looks like what I got is something like this it looks like actually before I do that I'm going to grab that circle I'm going to use mirror to flip it flip it around from the middle go and then I will pull that out come on here and then this piece will have a thing on it and this thing I'll do the rectangle just kind of mocking up geometry here but the geometry should be doable I feel compelled to do more rectangles than normal because after getting called out for not doing more rectangles not a defensive way but I definitely noticed that I'm leaning towards rectangles when it may be other times wouldn't have Christopher did did applaud your your use of rectangles now so bored of all these rectangles okay there's a lot of rectangles of this thing yeah yeah 21 the liberdade it's winning some stuff that's more organic he's not complaining about what you've got going on here but I don't think we've got anything that's super organic we've modeled yet today not as of yeah oh I feel good I feel good all right so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab both of these this is it I mean this is pretty close to what I will do for for this again our 20 minute trebuchet and what I can do is I can rotate it from the middle of that piece that that dowel right there is kind of mil the hinge and I can bring that back to where this goes and then from there I could take this piece rotate that from the middle of this dowel and what I'll do is I'll go stay on the red axes but the point that I will rotate from will be the middle of this bottom piece and I'll rotate that down until it's vertical so go to the blue axes there you go and that means I can actually a little more arm length right so there is my rapid-fire trebuchet there's some stuff missing I really don't understand how this connection happens I've never it's like that far side bit I have miracle occurs yeah something happens here but the rest of it should be working I think as I said this this weight fits underneath it will swing underneath here there is a correlation between arm length and all the rest of this geometry but I don't know what those aspect ratios are but it's a trebuchet that's what I got yeah so what it looks like the way that that top top piece works is it sits on a groove on a big chocolate wood and then they peg a top piece of wood that also cover that up so it's basically just so I came in like this each of those axles goes off into a piece of wood on either side yeah like that do a circle yeah well this is gonna change but basically like that pillow blocks would be the the phrase for them apparently oh speaking of pillow blocks here's a bedroom okay anyway I saw the word pillow and I'm like guys just their diamond oh wait no that's a different thing so then yeah something would go on top and prevent that from rolling over but cool that's that's a fun thing that's pretty neat that's the thing it's totally a thing let me pull up one more time here yeah we could do a if it comes up we could do a small subdivision model YouTube's wondering if the corkscrew model and bed is all part of an elaborate Rube Goldberg machine for you it's actually it's kind of looking like a game a mousetrap to me I'm try figure out how to sleeping guess we take all this now I could take that put this at the end of the slide mm I was thinking you could make the bed into the big waited box that is used for flinging stuff there's need a seat right here now a little maybe maybe that's maybe whatever gets Mottola next will be the connection between the two pieces all right what do we got all right so with 20 votes coming in here it looks like curved wave rooftop I think that's one where you're gonna have to have a picture yeah I don't know what you're talking about yep yep Kurt wave rooftop is the winner followed by a Stargate Stargate is their doughnut I don't want to talk about Donuts right now I haven't eaten since yesterday yeah don't miss our great you know I had a conversation about doughnuts not too long ago and about how my daughter realizing how how great they were that's a bunny I mean they're I like doing it they are very they are spectacular that's it's a special day when somebody goes out and picks up a dozen doughnuts you know the thing I notice about doughnuts is there's so many other foods that are like in some diets and not in others that you know red meat or bacon or doughnuts really don't make any positive diets at all like there's there's no diets where you're gonna you know achieve maximum physical performance in any way shape or form that includes eating doughnuts and I like that doughnuts are like a rebel you know okay there's even there's even reasons to eat chocolate that I've seen but I've never seen any scientific backed recommendation where you should eat more Donuts all right sorry I just I don't know where that that's just it so do we find a wave top roof thing get a picture so I am asking press office specifically because there one who made the initial request and then they also were repeatedly suggesting to the crowd that we should vote for that so seven people at least have an idea of what it is or thinking is or did they just give us like they might even pressure it I don't know like I'm seeing some stuff that has kind of an undulation to it maybe that's yeah that's what's going on yeah I'm gonna put this image of what I'm wearing sees and that's obviously okay so they're saying a roof that goes like this is that is that a fair assessment you guys want this all right we will put a fantasy called Donuts fat pills I think it's appropriate but I don't think it's bad no judgment no you know I blamed the 80s for making the term fat into a negative thing because your body actually needs some fat to you know to work with and then we decided sometime in the 80s America decided that fat was bad and made a bunch of factory products you've never really come back from that I don't think now I'm just talking about stuff to make sounds out of my mouth you're doing a great job I mean there's actually some of the soundest sounds I think I've heard on its weeks okay so AHA zaha hadid buildings is what that's what pissed off is suggesting which case these might these I'm just a reminder these are going to be 20 minute buildings here's another one tell me if you think you can do this because nobody else is putting pictures in the forum people I'm gonna model the thing that I was thinking of based on your first picture while another pic well more pictures come up because I was just thinking of doing something like this actually let's let's so what I did was I put it right break this actually right yeah all right so what I'm thinking is want to create so Sebastian just got here from a zoom meeting and do we already have this conversation about like why is everybody using zoom its I'm so confused by the the proliferation of this service I've never heard of until kovat 19 came along now everybody's using zoom zoom even though there's so many other arguably better video conferencing applications out there what's going on what's the deal I think it was supposed to be ease of use I think people were supposed to find it easier to zoom than other things hmm maybe maybe all right so this is the shape I was thinking of when we started talking about wave roofs like you know like potato chip apparently I'm hungry yeah that's that's this is like to you huh ruffles have ridges that's right roofs have ridges all right I'm going to turn this off and turn off these bottom pieces and then I can do a quick offset to get my give my roof some some bulk chalk it up to use a Jody ISM or it yeah sure nope not on the red axis parallel to this please if you please all right the real all right so now I'll take this shape heck this is I think well I'm gonna double check there's not any new images I'm gonna say we're going with with what you're making right there gonna be a great wave form which case holy crap I gotta make a new I got a pattern already got to make a new pole oh man time flies when you're doing this which gives me a wavy roof so obviously there's me an issue here if this was a roof this was on the outside so two things one is my walls don't come up to it there's a big gap right there the other thing is and I know I'm imposing reality onto made up this here but this would not be good for runoff because rain would fall and it was kind of sit right here so I kind of feel like one thing I would want to do would be to grab this space right here maybe scoot it vertical something like that it's like a super fancy shed roof right here and I could bring that down I'm liking it though it's it's definitely it's appealing to something I don't know I like something about it so the other thing then to do would be to come in here because I could take let's let's close this you can bring it up one inch grab this one option and bring up one inch that'll give us a solid ceiling right here and then it gives us a solid piece right here okay so now I'm going to take that roof piece and pull it all the way through I'm going to let's see how am I do this I'll take just these four sides and I will right click and say intersect faces with model so it'll break it I can real easily just get rid of this piece right here that's easy and the other thing I got to do is get rid of all of this right here not quite as easy so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to view component edit hide rest of model let's get rid of anything on the outside and now I can do is I can just clip these four corners but it's like just these four lines whoops just the four lines no extra that'll disconnect this line from the rest of the model so now I can just triple click right here and delete it and actually I'll grab all these I'll grab these spaces right here oops like I clicked off of them sorry I'll grab these four faces right here right click reverse face I'll get us the solid based on the outside and there we go so I don't know if that was what you want but that's what I made a Lay's potato chip roof so all coming together it's exactly how I pictured this this session would look all right the pole you can company oh geez all right well this pole starts Joey put up another one somebody I've put up the ad at I would absolutely love to model and add it but I don't even think that's a three-hour model I think that's like my hobby for the next few months so I just want to go ahead and say thank you for calling it an ad at oh sorry has they keep hearing these people calling it 80 80s why would you use make it longer I don't know I don't know but it's it seems like there's just been this trend and I've been hearing it way too much I've lost sleep over at this point but so my only problem with with that the whole a DAT versus atat thing is the two legged thing is an 80s T and unfortunately you can't say ads yeah I always called it an asset okay I've called it a chicken Walker because I've heard it referred to that I mean though I don't know if I really like Dickinson Star Wars so I really like to look at these things and consider just completely how absurd they are I mean how many resources were used to create this gigantic awkward thing you can easily trim know with with a grappling hook well no that's the funny part is like they had all these machines that had these big walking things I'm like but then the thing next to it was running on tank tire treads or you know just like the thing next was I don't know she's made you kind of wonder yeah we don't gotta get well and then and then I was for a long time I didn't know what was supposed to go in the back is just a troop hauler all-terrain what is it all-terrain attack transport Zota it is I remember what that letters mean I don't know but it's it's big let's see refreshing results okay so we're definitely trending with a specific we've got a couple top ones here all right get your get your votes good you got will give you a will give you a like two minutes than ban it we're going to model this rights leader it's got a Steve's got a joke for us what did the chicken Walker say to the sky Walker that better be a joke cuz I just set you up for that one Steve and now we wait alright so a couple other things are coming in Ironman we did do an Ironman mask a few years back it turned out as awesome as I wanted to but it was doing a bunch of modeling that I had never done before at the time it was a lot of lofting that i had never tried it turned out okay but it wasn't ideal wasn't wasn't the best and we also asked for a tuft so tufted sofa which i think we did on a Q&A session no that was a little while ago - that may have been a asked me to model anything Luke Luke what no that's that's really bad I'm as a what I like to consider myself sort of an aficionado of bad jokes that's not even a proper badger it just it made me laugh Steve I mean you're out of here this man how do i how do i ban people okay so we have 24 votes Wow and running away with the lead in this case is the Gibson Les Paul you know like that well I've done a guitar before and I spent two and a half hours just doing the body but we can do it we can do a low poly 20 minute version somebody stick a Les Paul picture on the forum for me and we will do we I will make a low poly Les Paul well so someone else like whenever the Les Paul was going up someone had also just said dude just do the headstock maybe maybe do that let's see what we get give me some images and if you guys know this but this is this is how I hide from having you something like Google on a live stream because you never know what's gonna come up or what's gonna happen I mean Les Paul seems safe enough but I don't know so that's why I asked you guys for images is it prevents me from being in a place where I get in trouble because I showed something inappropriate on accident but yeah somebody's got somebody's got a good Les Paul picture get it up there and and we'll do that you know I this is actually something I was thinking about today pull this that turned out weird undo it somebody's coming in with an image but somebody asked or how did oh that is just the headstock okay that doesn't know be too bad but there's no much coming up behind it oh no there's something going on and I am NOT stuff I'm saying to twitch is not going to twitch oh so I guess I'll have to open this over here all right so I'm kind of feeling like so I got a picture of a Les Paul body and another picture of a headstock and Andy came up with a full guitar we've got somebody with a a J for their name is coming up with another piece Chris J my name but that's not me that didn't think so so that's cool yeah let's uh I want to take this picture right here and make a low poly image with a photo texture so we're going to do a fairly quick low poly guitar out of this this this would be kind of cool I'm gonna save this image to my desktop I'm just call it less because we're close like that all right next question oh okay somebody might be able to pull it off what just got posted there I was just gonna say how big is a Les Paul tip-to-tail it's about guitar sized okie doke I said actually that that's a sort of a good secure into twenty-one Libertad Leppard a days question which was is the fidelity to plans and measurements the reason why modeling goes into two or three hours it can it depends it's it's funny because people ask a question how long should it take to model this or how quick can I do this or how long it take you to do this and I think I likened it to the question how long is a piece of string last time we talked about this you can spend as much or as little time on any given model as you want so I could spend 15 minutes making a version of this or I could spend the next three hours modeling details it really there's not a there's not a simple answer to how long so yeah sometimes we do our Friday models we came up with two hours because seemed about the right amount of time that's about how long people wanted to hang out and you know watch us draw things that doesn't mean that's how long a model should take it just that's how long we decided those sessions should take so when we go in here and we start talking about how it's going to take longer than this to do something justice it's not saying that a version of that can't be modeled it's just that a version of a car in 20 minutes is going to be rectangles with circles stuck to the side so all right so I'm gonna start by tracing the body I'm gonna try to actually trace this shape because I want to use this as a photo texture on my guitar is there any a little bit of distortion but I can I think I know how to account for that too so I'm gonna I just put a couple lines here where I thought the transition points of curves would be so I'm gonna come in here right now I'm gonna draw a Bezier curve I'm gonna save maybe done that okay I mean you're welcome man I did no all right so I'm going to draw a Bezier curve so one of the things that's happening right now is we have a black image and we're drawing black lines on top so the easiest thing for me right now is just to turn on x-ray and that will get me the ability to see my lines as I draw them I thought I could do this is one curve I think I'm gonna have to draw this is two curves I'm going to go from one here to the back end of the guitar [Music] try to pull this one out on the red axis if I can I'll try pull this one out on the green there we go do another one here so come off the green acts used to start it down here and come back up to the red and now I will work my way across here and wherever possible and try use the magenta line so I continued the curve just want to pull to here again try to follow that magenta curve up nope not to go a little higher than that magenta curve oh let me go well let's make it a pole did you everybody was saying 998 millimeters there is that the did you did you see that dimension nope but I believe you I blindly trust in everything you guys say always well it's actually on one of the images from the forum so yeah I could I couldn't get that pulled up so I appreciate that thank you alright one more curve here make sure yeah it had a bad feeling about that last curve we dropped this is so this is one of the downsides to drawing this with x-ray as opposed to the other option would be to come in here and hold up get on line again surface there we go it would be the option to go in and change my line color to something like yellow that I can see real easily all right carrying on I made it back to the beginning I'm gonna follow that magenta line there pull this one out here some didn't close nope that's not what I wanted to do let's see what your problem is oh well there's your problem my lines aren't actually on plane at all okay let's try that let's let's get those last two lines in there let's draw a couple more Samba or a couple more curves there we go all right so there is one piece so I'm gonna do now before I go any further I'm kind of building some pieces actually no I'll just do this right now I'm gonna throw the neck on here just gonna get next gonna taper ever so slightly down to the nut it's gonna go there the head because it tilts back is slightly out of plane Plus this whole thing is that a little bit of an angle so I'm going to draw a line right here which is half of it and then I will draw another Bezier curve from here to here here here to here and then one more I'll grab that and now what I want to do is actually want to get this kind of flat to the guitar so there's this gonna cause a little bit of distortion so I'm gonna copy it over here to make this to clean this up I'm gonna grab it rotate it so that this line is on AXYZ I say that right Jody XC AXYZ is plural axis is singular dang you know every time I think it's one way I doubt myself and I go the other direction grab that right there and then alright so I said I'm gonna have to do a little bit of distortion to get the the graphic to line up with the head but well we'll do that I'm not not too worried about that alright so so you keep saying distortion is that is that an intentional pun on the twitch okay so I want to take these three faces going to explode are using they made that little weird little red circle little weird right weird I don't know when you're selecting that it looked like there was maybe it was just done maybe was just an issue because I was looking at it streamed that could be alright so now I'm gonna grab this there's my body there's my neck there's my head so like I said this is a little bit off so they're not perfect again we're doing this under we're speeding through this but this one in particular three-minute version way off so I'm going to right click and I'm going to do a couple things I'm going to select the surface texture I'm going to position that texture and I'm going to try to do with pins so I'm going to try to stretch this out so it lines up I don't know how well and be able to do this this is kind of a this is a little messy that's actually a lot closer isn't it it's you know it's getting there passable ish I mean there is literally a picture of a like a blueprint like drying file in here as well yeah but idiocy put it there and it's it's got all the scholarly important parts did you explain what your shirt cement or just I don't know what I means remember I just says it says sure it's your shirt pant you're paying shirt that's right where's it's hard to know my grab this piece bring it in to get into right here I won't push pull that down as well and again doing this quick I'm not going to actually put the taper in there but you know I mean I could probably do this we probably grab all this and then I could come into this side oops and this is all grouped together now alright that works what did you say the link was 900 and no man that's a long time ago 598 millimeters 988 688 Missy I got a packing heavy steps it's so much detail in this thing scroll Scroll scroll probably go faster if I scroll 998 and everybody just set it in I'm kind of blown away that there's this full-on like super well dimension version of this guitar my I might go make one myself do it from here with we clear 998 millimeters no I don't want to hold up let's try that again let's make this all into a group and we will enter said group and resize from there boom 998 millimeters that didn't work alright I'm gonna do it the way I normally do it I'm trying to there we go I'm put a line in there that I can check I'm here here 998 millimeters enter yes and here's how I'm going to test this I'm going to take this here guitar hand it to Laura I could be right all right so that's my that's my super speedy I had to recolor the back that was I was I did stuff wrong so I picked back black make the back of this wood colored fish right and there we go I don't know where to stick this I guess this will go in the bedroom maybe this little a on the back kind of fight you're gonna have Laura I just handle it you could hang it on the wall that sounds good I'll just don't throw it don't don't no don't toss it with the trebuchet did you see shown it mm-hmm so what did you do for Cinco to five of yesterday it was Taco Tuesday as well you realize yeah we barbecued cheeseburgers I totally missed that opportunity I really wanted to do you know it's just that weather weather dictated it was nice yeah this bed looks way too big cuz I know bigger guitar is and that that looks dinky okay anyhow seven folks started happy wide that's not something something's not right there's a so I I found I Kimber the name now I can remember the other stories terrible there's a website I think it's called lemon ooh what's the size or something like that that actually lists dimensions of common things that that I found a couple years back you could type in something like king bed and it would give you the average size of a maybe even a California king that seemed huge yeah that's bigger in the California cave and that's there's like a there's an Alaskan king as well that I recently learned about because I've spent too much time yeah and it's not even well well-documented California king is 72 inches wide Vitus so that's only six feet so this is 6 foot 84 inches long all right so let's let's do this let's let's just main last king why it's crazy big see what that does a little it's a little smaller but the Alaska 9 foot by his ninth by 9 foot a Wyoming king is 7 foot by 7 foot why is Wyoming get its own bed I don't know California did to wool I got Alaska king is made of crab legs apparently thanks David appreciate that ok you ready no transponder mom Wonderbolts and stinky yeah what's up what are we doin now I want to better save gonna make no important the hole of a ship okey-dokey okay I will and I'm at this point scrapping all the rest and taking brand-new suggestions for the next no it's almost 2:00 so I don't know how much you how many more of these a half-hour so okay so if you got them stick your ideas up there I don't know what I'm doing right now everybody cool it doesn't matter how to know all right so I need a pirate ship once and I will get the general shape right now just it's just a fair warning this probably won't be a perfect so I'm gonna say this is how long my ship is and say this is its deepest part actually it looks a little too deep so we'll go a little something more something like this and I'm gonna take this face right here option copy it down to this end and say divide that by ten pieces all right so what I'm thinking is I will do something like this okay all right thinking and clicking thinking and clicking thinking and clicking stalling stalling stalling and okay so I'm gonna take this shape put it across here 9x and then with each piece here it's actually going to change shape slightly so this piece right here actually I want to take that we're going to skinny that up a little bit this one right here will make a little bit skinnier but then we'll also make it a little bit taller this one right here actually hold up back up back up back up back up back up so the big thing about doing this is getting the geometry so I'm gonna come up here with an arc I'm going to say that I want this arc like this and this is going to be the arc alright that makes it this the the width of it so now I'll take my group these first I'm gonna draw an arc from here here see the width all right now if I come in here I can grab each of these turn the rest of my model back on and I can scale this scale this scale this it got five things here MRI six so got it we still got ideas coming in so I I solicited a new batch awesome so these are kind of like the ribs I think Dave you've built a boat right or you just designed boats you know I know I've seen your foot work I think this would be like the equivalent of a rib all right so now so I got those pieces going on that way cut this off right here okay so that would give me about all the same width but now I'm going to come in here through this one scale up like this so I guess I should do the same thing I just come over here and draw an arc it's going to represent the side the profile actually so with this I don't know I don't really understand that way boats work I don't get the general shape though okay there are those are the two important arcs actually these may even be totally unnecessary but I did them yeah interesting okay is somebody telling you how boats work no no no what are the suggestions for the next hole it was interesting posted a post an image I think that should be a requirement next time we do this yeah especially if you're gonna is I feel like we missed an opportunity with the with the curvy roof there's all kinds of cool looking building is that ID'd made instead I had to make up some stuff I know chips Christmas for you for many folks who in the UK all right so that's kind of what I see going on there and now that I did it I'm kind of wondering if those ribs are just unnecessary because they don't have rips and everything just collapses you know what I might be able to well I mean if you've made this boat yes you wonder but I might be able to grab just this geometry right here go turn on the curve aloft that's why you're doing this have you seen have you been seeing I like they popped up all over the place these these gifts of the like this tension table thing with exit thing called hang it that's screwed on my store because it forgot it was called new Hey I don't know that give it yeah I mean it's a it's a tension table basically it's it's a triangle and a triangle and then they beat they have their I think their model kind of identically but basically you've got a core decay by cable a chain so I'm like I going up on each of the corners of the pyramid and in the middle you've got one that connects these arm these these two arms and so it makes the top of the table float that sounds like an interesting thing well I saw someone actually made like a full size when he when he climbed up on top of it which is kind of crazy to look at cuz it at a glance it looks like the whole thing should just be collapsing on itself in segregate able yeah like I kind of want to make one that sounds fun yeah all right so I was not working off of anything there other than a general idea of what a boat looks like and I kind of chased this rib thing I don't know why but I think the reason I did this was I have seen plans where with rib dimensions in sizes that that worked from there but really all you need is the arc that creates the bottom profile the arc that creates the side profile and then the arc for the back end and if you have those pieces you can actually use curved aloft to just create that skin same thing could happen here if I had these rib pieces I could take these lines back in here put these back over here and then I could actually explode this geometry and I could come in here then and skin each separate section like that so that would be possible as well but yeah the secret I would say the secret to making a boat hull is definitely lofting so somebody I think just called that out yes Evan Curtis said lofting yeah that you two pointed out that looks like you're making the gas tank for the skill-builder gas State for a motorcycle yeah that's what this this came out kind of like in that same which would work too because I could have started with this first piece push pulled it out to the second piece scaled it up push pulled it out so I could have done something along those lines too that would have worked as well but yeah so that's that would be my quick and dirty boat profile yeah it's dirty that it could have like barnacles and stuff right [Music] we got going on we have more votes on the next poll or we got 16 those were creeping oh it's getting kind of close all right no we'll give them a couple of minutes here I'll just spam refresh refresh results i nee wants to see if we can thicken the whole let's let's give it a shot I'll save it we'll grab everything I'll say it again I'll save a third time um also jhamak see had sort of ulterior motives with his initial air pump mm-hm he's trying to he's trying to figure out specifically he's running into problem with this I'm trying to create this handle and it's hoping that you speed modeling through this might figure it all out so I I looked at the handle and I had a thought oh good let me let me thicken this real quick so I think this is going to work boom yeah mai-chan because because the way a push/pull doe it did kind of end up a little wonky edges here so I would probably if I was to do that again I would probably actually start like this pull this straight up like that and then grab that surface oh boy there we go I'll give you a much cleaner edge right there which I can I could actually come back in here if I want to oh it's smooth it's smooth somewhere so I can't push pull it but I could actually take that back down to if I needed to so yeah that's right well so the question I think again I don't this is not an enormous picture but this right here there's a picture of it there's a picture of it there's a picture of it what it looks like to me is this part looks round like a follow me this part right here actually looks like it's flat geometry so so I mean it's I don't know if I guess we had a closer up what what it looks like here's what looks like to me so I look at it and I see something like this did you click on the picture should get bigger I did it got a little bigger okay that's funny as so common was made down below regarding the painting about that thing mmm looks like everybody's just sitting around watching them suffocate a bird kind of its kind of horrific that's kind of go away but if it's done in the name of science that's right Birds they're everywhere yeah let's say nature's lab mice but lab mice are nature's lab mice hey it's just flying flying laughs nice all right so I I'm thinking something like this maybe I try looking at the blue glass version you can really see the handle well there can you so yeah this is not working so it's rounded all the way I don't handle I'm looking at for several things here that her handles yeah I guess for something like that there was a do something like this where I could come in here use my rectangle tool because I used all time I love it so I saw you posted a video using Sketchup for web yes that happens that's what the people have been asking for forever yeah so I guess has been a nice little piece of having more time available to do some things the idea was to show kind of how to use or the differences because we have a ton of content on learning the basics of Sketchup right we have just tons and tons of it but the problem is it doesn't always match the UI that we see on the web version so that was a basically that was created in hopes of saying okay here's where the common pieces are between the two so if you want to use the web version that will hopefully bridge the gap between the UI and the web version and the learning content that we have in mass quantities on our website and YouTube channel so here's what I was thinking John was was so what I did here was create a rectangle right here that actually might be a little too big I don't know I'm making this all up as I go a little arc which you could trace off the image to the center and then a circle at the end if I grab all that those two surfaces and that arc curved aloft has this loft a long path where if you select a set up like this it will follow that path and transform from one shape into the other I could take that then once that gets created grab all of that rotate it a copy on itself and then end up with something that looks I think pretty close to that handle so yeah so somebody saying I could round off this these corners I could come in here with a small arced small arc right here there we go I'm gonna grab all that lock the long path ooh that got funky don't like that as much as I liked the other thing so let's play with our vertex matching and see if we can fix that this is where I have to admit this is where I start just that's tough this is where I'm at I don't spend as much time as I would like because I don't know how to clean this stuff up I don't do a very good job here so I'm not sure why it spins itself inside out but it does all right so I'm gonna undo that because I like the solution I had better when it worked I grabbed that ok so here's here's your next big challenge then okay you ready for this mm-hmm this is the oh man it's closed well the last time I looked I'm going with what I got cause right now there's a tie okay the bowl of Cheerios but these aha Hadid bullet tower keeps creeping up they're trying to trying to take it or you could just completely go crazy and do the pin row stairs which there's a picture of you know I modeled that once and I cannot for the life of me remember how I did it were you on drugs at the time no oh is it we're drinking okay well that's not really that doesn't mean anything okay I was hoping that would that would be enough of an answer no so I did all right let me let me throw ten minutes at this thing Penrose stairs yeah because one two three four five six one two three four five six that's what was six by six so if I come in here and I make I'm going to make a square okay it looks like this it just looks like an illusion right you right yeah over at the camera the right way and you can see it but you still have to design with that at that final illusion in mind right which is trixie okay so this one's gonna go up that's four five six seven eight it's just gonna be nine feet tall this one's gonna be ten foot tall they're one foot steps in this case just cuz cuz I guess is the reason loose Authority have launched into this I'm really not even sure what I'm doing then what you're gonna want to do for sure it's all about sounding confident as you drive it all right and then this one is eight foot this one is seven foot this one is six foot six foot double click I don't why I'm like I feel like I'm hurrying right now Ochs I said I said give me ten minutes that's right yeah you got ten mins because technically this was not the winner of the poll that's right I rebelled I do what I want okay so now the trick is in this parallel projection this is everybody else's chance to go there and try and vote up who the winner should be because there's a tie right now so this so nope so now this one it's going to go up twelve this one's going to go up twenty four I'll take this one option one to X I could work all right so this is where the goofiness starts to happen so I'm gonna get rid of this step I'm going to take this one scoot it over no nope ah link snapping wah wah well it is totally doable because Lawrence did it you're why his image I have totally done this don't even worry about it all right so this one no not rotate so now is when I start budging would be the technical term what happens next yeah trick is that it starts to look a link consistent yeah I put it all on this one let's let's bring this guy back a little bit okay if people are gonna be trying to make this bullet tower happen they need to post pictures at the forum because Aaron can't use Google because he searches for inappropriate things apparently apparently no pictures of the area posted then he's gonna model the other thing I'm gonna grab all these pieces now I'm going to I will just explode on what the heck and then get rid of these lines now the only reason that this stops working is because of that line right there so I do have to come in here to my Styles and turn off profiles but there we go probably food okay so as your call there is a winner in this but it's one of those that is probably more than they can either be a can we just talk about what I did a good job at real quick here before we start telling my next assignment oh I'm sorry okay you're wrong be so proud actually is your mom online is she is she in the audience City Oh No okay all right here the other thing I would do is probably grab this one and move this there you go alright alright that boy here we go okay so the winner of this poll is actually the is aha Hadid bullet tower what are we supposed to picture of it but it's something that could take you could take you a little while tomorrow it's you know it's just that big looking guy in London oh the the egg shape thing really weird looking egg but sure it goes like hands like this thing alternatively I was kind of pulling forward bowl of Cheerios which was tied there for a while and now it's not tied wait bullet Cheerios are tied which one are we doing both that was for you Jody that was for you yeah yeah I didn't okay okay bowl Cheerios or the bullet Tower you know if I had MS physics up and running I would do a bullet cheerios okay but I don't oh it's also known as the gherkin okay yeah I guess that's what I'd heard it that's all right and that that's why I didn't realize it was the same building there's my therapist so are you gonna make a gherkin yeah I will do that that will be well being fair since it one that will be the one that will do for today I would love to do a bowl of Cheerios but like I said I would want to get MS physics installed and play with it some more because every time I use MS physics I have to relearn it because I don't use it consistently enough it's kind of like the rectangle tool apparently hey somebody's asking to plead the MS physics dev to make a twin 20 version I here's what I'll say I mean it's free software that's being built on legacy software so the fact that we have a version runs at all I just think that's awesome and it would be cool if it got made but I'm not going to complain about it I'm not existing so I hope you're saying hi I know you're not complaining I get it but you know some fun clipping stuff going on here yeah like there we go so I started watching Silicon Valley this past weekend well has my anything to watch this so I had never watched it I didn't realize it was by Mike Mike judge which already should have told me to expect good things there okay yes but there was somebody pitching an idea they said you know how there's alphabet soup well what if there was just bit soup and instead of being a lot of that it's just ones and zeroes it's just kind of cracked me up because it's not really that great an idea but I love when people are passionate about their great ideas its Cheerios and eyes all right okay so there's now that's a that's a good reference picture that is great up Edison and I think didn't we do like a super sweet super fast version this at one point well we so we've been trying to do the the helix kind of thing in different forms it seems to come up on a regular basis right this people either wanted make ramps or do whatever this picture might have even come up as a suggestion in that I don't think we actually modeled this actual tower yes not it's not equal so I'm gonna have to use I'm gonna have to use words soonerlater Ezzy a curve yeah maybe was handrails maybe that's what we were working on yeah no I don't know I don't either I mean it's it's asymmetrical shape really shouldn't be that that tricky to make the whole thing you screech around no yeah and it's the the big piece of this that's not quite right either is apparently getting a profile right that's apparently the most most difficult part for me here all right so the first part it actually is it's got a pretty fierce tip on there but it does kind of come bulges out like that okay I'm gonna say that is perfect and then I will take this circle and say follow me with that so that gives me the initial shape it's not perfect but it's it'll it'll do for what we're doing so if I had some photo if I had accurate like photo references or the arc measurement that we could get a lot closer this one reverse faces alright and I'm also going to grab all of this and take it out like this this is this is this is intentional so what I want to do now is I want to follow one of these arcs all the way around so I'm just going to go diagonally actually let's do it let me make that easier I'm going to group all this first now on the outside of the group I'm going to trace that with a line that's gonna make it so it doesn't merge with the geometry yet so I'll be able to keep my spiral separate from the rest of the geometry that's the rose up just isn't it's not filled in the same all right so there's my my spiral so I'm going to grab all of that I'm gonna weld it real quick just so it's one piece will be easier to hold on to I'll take that and I'm gonna rotate it by the peak let me hit my doubt my up arrow to snap to the blue and use the center point as my point of rotation and then use my points on the bottom to grab that option and copy over to I don't want this to go yes like that and if I do that 11x that should take it all the way around now I'm going to grab everything except for the inside geometry copy it over here scale it by negative one to make it the opposite I'll go ahead and group that also again I'm grouping now just to isolate geometry I don't want everything to join together just yet but I'll bring that in and put it right here go in the other way that is really what I need to do so there's a couple of so would you say yes okay all right so if I turn off this group and this group I can make these pieces into a group as well all right so there's a couple spots I could go from right here so from right here what I could do listen grab all these this there are three groups I could make all these groups into a new group I come in here I could grab and explode all of these and then I could come in here with my my coloring bucket and I could start coloring these spirals up like this once I get one colored I could do a select by color and I could actually copy it around so I get one black like this so again like I said there's we're gonna look at options so if this isn't if this isn't what you think we should be done don't panic yet I'll let you know when to panic it's really all that matters tamales that we win and then I could grab another color kind of a Kili color later no no something like that and this is actually two pieces to me all of this bored of all this clicking click less actually I could do is I could cut it off I do just do just this and then I could paint that white stripe by connected faces shall speed it up a little bit it's just just enough to cut that off from here and then I can come in and which button is it yes there we go option click alright and then continuing on I could say click here select active with selected materials and then I could rotate that again by this top I could say take that from here option here 2x 3x there we go I think it's a same thing here I click here select active with selected materials actually this this is easy because I can just actually come in here paint bucket pick this and just click here boom alright so that would be one option and you can see when I do that my little off here maybe this should be actually come down to here something like that but that gets me the same thing so Garfield is saying that we use PC so don't have everything I did is available on PC to the modifier keys are just different instead of option I think it's control but if you look down at the bottom yeah and the color picker is kind of weird I think it's they're the commies Macon yeah so I know I tend to start with my broad sweeps by using the colored pencils PC has crayons instead of pencils it's a little bit different but it all works pretty much the same so that's one option that's what one could do and actually this this finished geometry might be something to hold on to regardless the other thing that one could do is we could come in here and select all of these save it grab all this geometry right here and I could go back to my my new friend JHS power bar and I could be honest every time you say that I just want to have like a granola like I just want to go munch on something snacky it's not pipe it is here we go oh I don't know what hold on how big is stuff here I want to be like that long two inches okay so I'm gonna click this follow me create group each is tube no material do we have this to default white thing is there's really matter cuz it's it's all going to get well paint with Laura's skin we have five inches see how that looks I do not like it Sam I am so that gives us that Sebastian said there are no crayons you had his hopes up hold on I got to color this with a not skin color real quick what what is the default this is second okay it's amazing how many people have commented on that which I've never really thought about it because it's like so it's just kind of the default option there all right so with that oh yeah that's the stuff okay so we can move that then from here so something like that would be how I would tackle that again I don't know if my divisions are right the number of pieces I made opportunities for improvement right there but I would go sort of feel like the bottom it's a little narrower again then you're version put your version is pretty good thanks windows it's not loading quickly so I can't call Sebastian wrong ouch did you get for speaking out on this live stream buddy so prions registering rice on you could come through here then and I said make measure the number of revolutions the number of pieces that this all breaks into and and get a little bit more accurate than I just was with that but something along that process would be how I would go about modeling that particular structure that's or not that you're not kind of cool let's probably launch that in the trebuchet it looks like a bullet yeah boom boom or you could make sconces very scanty I like how you saved your ribs for your boat in addition to the boat Rafi I talked about it did um but so yeah they stuck around I don't know I don't know I got to get I got to get my my models together in something that I think will make an interesting issue I'll so that's that's my mission right now is it's it's all about only that's right nursery ouch but no well that's what happened to Susan okay good as soon as this is done this kind of first thing that happens is I go make my thumbnail and then we upload the new thumbnail because yeah there's no more outstanding polls that's okay it's - it's 2:35 we made it this is this is the time we were shooting to get - but that was fun that was a lot of unexpected things - model that was and we got to try out polling we've never we did polling once before like years and years ago Matt Matt did a poll once I think but I thought that worked out okay yeah I think worked well and then the one time that I posted the exact same option twice I don't understand where the crayon says I know I saw them recently and I can't think of where I swore them yeah I don't I it's been so long since I've been in Windows I can't remember either but it seems like they were there at their thing somewhere I know yeah Martin's asking about his 3d connection driver I'm actually still running the 2009 teen driver I installed it I'm sketching 2019 and manually move the files over if you search our forum there's a post on how to do that because I couldn't get the 2020 version to work either so but when I installed 2020 version it worked fine for me oh did it yeah so I need to I need to do that I should probably just start first thing in the morning tomorrow and wipe out my drivers and reinstall everything because some people are saying the 20/20 works fine other people are still having problems with it so yeah and I'm wondering if there's just sort of like some debt reduce hanging around from 2019 or some like that like I did have the previous version installed so maybe there's something there yeah it could be multiple versions I'm not sure I don't know exactly how that all works but I may spend some time tomorrow trying to get cuz just because it's come up so many times and I would love to have a comprehensive the way to do that and know that that what the steps are to make it work so yeah anyhow yeah so this is this is kind of where we wanted to get to I appreciate so we had what let's see how many she started with one two three four five six seven eight models that's pretty cool that was that was a good that's a good amount of modeling for just over so just one or two and a half hours it took ten hours we sit and chatted for ten minutes before you really put the pedal to the metal so to speak yeah that worked out alright that's cool I appreciate you guys hanging out like I said this was this was a spur of the moment we haven't done and asked me to model anything for a while so I figured it'd be kind of fun and I think it was it was we got a little got a little silly on a couple things but I think it worked out all right oh the guitar - you're right I did I did forget so that's wait one I'm counting them in order one two three four five six seven eight nine models we actually had nine models we did it's pretty nice pretty sweet and two of those were freebies they were not they're not sold that's true just we just do things that's this block right here in the middle so I do it I want block you know hey look it looks fine from here - it looks particularly whatever those steps were called Primrose well I mean it seemed for it though check it out oh of course they moved everything it no it works well kind of hold on move this over there we go update that because I moved everything yeah well hey guys thanks for hanging out with us this was a lot of fun thank you for helping with ideas and our polls it's pretty nice to offload some decision-making in the middle of the week and it's just just tell me what to do it means not having to think for yourself that's right so yeah hopefully you guys like the way that straw poll works when they do more of that in the future we're talking about you know how to up that game already how we can incorporate it into the stream a little better but it's good to just you guys got into it good that was that was awesome so come back on Friday we got a may the fourth be with you type model maybe eighth be with you that's right we round we round to the nearest four here although still be the eighth so we round to the nearest I'm done I'm square number yeah we're rounding to square numbers that's right four no I mean I just want to say square number again around the same time square circle nice okay but that's it enough talking thank you guys for hanging out with us thanks for coming by so we hopefully you come back on Friday this should be a fun model to spend some time on that and appreciate all your input all your help here so have a great week and we'll see on Friday see you guys Friday you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 6,572
Rating: 4.9136691 out of 5
Id: FsMR0-jjLOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 21sec (10101 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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