Singing With Angels (2016) | Full Movie | Sarah Kent | Scott Christopher | Anne Sward

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] years ago a baby girl was born it was too early for her to come the doctors told the baby's mother and father that her chances of survival weren't good the baby had a brother just a few years older than her [Music] he asked his parents if he could see the baby but the doctor said he couldn't get close to her the brother asked again but his parents didn't dare risk their daughter's health finally the doctors said it was only a matter of time before the baby would die the brother asked again if he could see his little sister the parents agreed wanting him to have some memory of his sister he got as close as he could and then i am a child of god and he has sent me here after than me and a free home with parents kind and dear the baby started to stir she seemed to be excited at the sounds she heard lead me got me walked of me help me find a way teach me all that i must do to wear this him someday somehow the baby grew stronger she lived she grew and if it wasn't for the power of music i wouldn't be standing here today [Music] i see that power every week as i sing with the mormon tabernacle choir remember that as you sing and you can feel it too let's go again [Music] [Music] hey mom hi honey how was school i'm starving oh i have some carrot sticks ew uh never mind i got soccer practice okay have fun what's for dinner tonight well there's some of that pasta that you like and then we have some pizzas yum hey it's rehearsal night rachel do you want to hang out tonight is that okay yeah just make sure you get your homework done before i always do okay be home by nine okay school night bye [Music] is [Music] beautiful altos give me more life just a little more brethren i know you don't have anything going on at this particular point in the song but i still have eyes so if you must look at your watch please do it when i'm not looking okay so that finishes up everything for sunday let's go on to the program for our easter concert when he has risen watch the entrance tenors last week you felt a little late on that okay [Music] okay great job on the timing but you sing like you're reading from the dictionary this is a bold declaration so let's make it that okay [Music] have a good night you too patricia hi how was rehearsal good is this next week's music yo here you go great thanks how was your grandson's recital oh kevin he is a mini mozart yeah yeah he really is the cutest thing is watching his father's face though he's such a proud dad i bet he's thinking oh look how proud grandma is well kevin won a little trophy and he sleeps with it every night just like a stuffed animal how old is he now he's eight years old oh sorry hi no it's all right what did they find so is everything okay oh sorry i just needed to take that i better go finish up in the library no no you don't have to worry it's already done i just got some news that jason's mom had some more tests done and if the cancer's back oh i'm so sorry aubry how is she handling it i don't know she lives alone my father-in-law passed away some years ago so are you gonna go visit her she's in arizona right i don't know okay we have to discuss it as a family i mean gail is i'm just not sure how much she'd want company if she's not feeling well [Music] that's perfect thank you the truck's almost empty oh good my shoulders are starting to ache i never thought we had so much stuff yeah [Music] here it is what's that a surprise what do you think what is it new family portrait for our new home what this is brad saying his name ella me you we had to get yours off a voicemail greeting to not ruin the surprise our last name family portrait you're kidding you like it i do i really do you know what the best part is what i didn't have to worry about coordinating our clothes or the bags under my eyes over the fireplace don't you think well what about the piano room i want to see it more often there looks good okay let's see where does this go uh keepsakes that's fine over there thank you for coming out to help us move oh i'm happy to whatever you should be spending your leave with lindsay and the kids not helping us move i'll tell you what you make mom's cinnamon rolls i'll call it even done wow look at this we were so cute you're lucky your front tooth finally grew in monkey bars freak accident aubry can you bring me the crescent wrench uh duty calls thanks sure brad and ella's beds are all put together but brad can't find his sheets do you know where they are yeah in a box mart kids linux i didn't see that upstairs oh i don't know where it ended up dave and i moved 11 times before arizona and if there's one thing that i learned write the name of the room you want the box in it'll turn up so when do you start your new job jason uh tuesday there's a big meeting or something monday so they thought it'd be easier to wait till it was over well is your suit all pressed and ready it's not a suit type of environment ma it's your first day i i can iron it for you it's okay mom thanks it's it's not needed what's this oh my study materials for the mormon tabernacle choir i tried out again good for you oh thanks yeah i already passed the first step with the application and the singing sample so what's the next turtle a musical skills test oh that's where you got stuck last time wasn't it but that was years ago and that's why i'm studying extra hard now what are you doing oh well it makes more sense to put your spices in here it's closer to the stove but it's the same distance but you have to think about how you move in the kitchen you're going to want your spices up here don't stay up too late i won't hey are the kids out yeah i know brad is you're so tired near the end i didn't think you'd actually make it to his bed and ella she's gleefully unpacking her clothes and your mom she's settled for the night i thought she had some things going on in arizona well she just wanted to stay a little longer to help out help i know she is just redoing everything that i do but in her own particular way i know it's just for a few more days okay let's hope they pass quickly i can wash some things for you before you go if you like ah that's all right i'm gonna take care of it when i get home aubry there's a box of dishes in the bathroom thanks i'll put it in the kitchen in a minute i'll do it i wish that you were staying another day and that gail was leaving now sorry hey so jason tells me you applied for the mormon tabernacle crier again i did i know it's been years but i think it's great this whole year i've had this feeling like i should apply again it just wouldn't go away and then when jason got the offer here i knew i had to try really hope you make it thanks aubrey why is all the toilet paper in the kitchen [Music] hey dad hey guys it's probably time to go on in isn't it just five more minutes okay hey oh you're home early not really it's that late the last time i checked it was four o'clock music theory's that enthralling if i don't absorb all of this yeah you've been studying this more than i ever remember you studying in college probably because i want this more than i ever wanted an a in humanities what time is that test tomorrow uh three o'clock i'll fix dinner oh it's okay no then take a break either way i got it waffles my specialty [Music] go on inside please and take a seat are you nervous oh is it that obvious don't worry everyone's always feeling nervous at this point but good luck you'll be fine thanks listen to the ketone then determine the pitch of the second note [Music] listen to the two chords a and b then mark which one is major and which one is minor [Music] the test will take you an hour or less to finish you may begin now [Music] [Music] let's move on to abide with me tis even time it's been a while so let's try to make it sound like we've been rehearsing all month is [Music] i'm sure you did better than you think sorry on the test everyone feels like they failed i heard more than half the people don't pass don't let that get you down i'm lynn aubry is this the first time you've ever applied for the choir second actually i didn't pass the test before so now you're doubly worried yeah how are you involved with the choir i work in the music library and before that i sing in the choir too on the chorus let's uh find the balance of making it a plea but with hope a faith filled plea also even though we did crescendo at times don't lose your enunciation when i was in college my brother and i sat right up there and when the choir's saying the spirit was so strong and the feeling that came over me it made such an impact i knew i wanted to be a part of it i know what you mean i've loved every minute of it what's it like being in the choir well it's more rewarding than i imagined you know what the amazing thing was i felt that we were never singing alone and even though the choir sang so beautifully many times i felt that we had help that we were singing with angels and that's why the spirit is so strong that's what makes the choir so powerful [Music] mom have you seen my soccer socks uh no i thought i had them in here i'll check upstairs hello oh hi grandma mom grandma's on the phone okay i found your socks i'll toss them down thanks hi gail i'm not calling at a bad time am i no not at all so what did the doctor think of the results he wants me to have a new treatment more aggressive he said how reliable is that well it's too new to tell i don't know who knows i'm not a doctor but he did say that it would be no picnic and at my age i have to have full-time care okay he wants me to check into a facility round the clock what about home health nurses oh it's not enough he said i'm too frail for his liking whatever that means okay well the facility is pretty full so he's not sure he can get me a spot and with any luck he won't be able to either you don't want to go no i'm plenty comfortable right here i've got food my clothes books the tv when the remote works and my garden but no help what if you're too sick from all the treatments what if you fall then i'd get up gail i don't want to leave my home [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't want to paint a pumpkin this year can i make mine look like the llama you're going to need a larger piece for that you want to paint a llama trevor at school brought in yarn or something from llama it was cool he had pictures of some too his grandma grows them they're not vegetables hey hey family unit hey there you're having fun hey how was work good good good yeah hey i uh brought the mail oh why didn't you leave it in the car oh maybe you should look at it oh now we're kind of busy maybe just a glance why are we look at the mail okay what yeah open it open okay um i don't know you passed oh i did congrats [Music] hmm [Music] hi i'm aubrey larson and i'll be singing for the beauty of the earth for you today for the beauty of the earth for the beauty of the skies for the love which from my birth over and around us lies lord of all to thee [Music] sounds great who knew the garage had such good acoustics i was just practicing yeah huh who uh are you singing for it helps me visualize i think it's smart it's just two more days yeah ella so you have the song and what else they're going to test my vocal range and then there's the interview with the choir president well not too scary easy for you to say mom yeah ella ew come on brad what is it oh honey did you get sick my stomach has been running okay let's get you into bed i don't want to hurt how long has it been hurting you want me to carry you [Music] well i've just finished reviewing the ultrasound i'd like to take a look at a ct scan to be sure but it looks like her appendix is already ruptured so what do we do well there's a pediatric surgeon upstairs i'd like to bring him down and have him consult with appendicitis don't you have to operate right away a lot of times yes but in this case it's better to take the time to be cautious it hurts i know sweetheart just hang in there it'll be okay [Music] my mom's flying out okay um trevor's parents are gonna pick up brad from school and i'll pick him up from their house later hey she's gonna be fine i know i i know i just i hate seeing her pain yeah me too yeah she's looking good did the surgeon tell you what to expect for the next few weeks um no he just said that uh the surgery went well and that she'd be here a few more days yes exactly and when she's home we'll want to keep up her antibiotics we want to make sure there's no more infection from the appendix home treatments for a few weeks should take care of that thank you how about this no honey hi sweetheart hi grandma oh i think you look paler than before she's actually doing much better oh you're turning into skin and bones the doctor's not worried that's why grandma got you a surprise your favorite but i'm sorry did you want one too no i'm gonna go run home and grab some things for ella okay got everything on it brad is this yours it's grandma's what is it kale jello what i don't know she said i can't have any oh that's too bad she said it's for ella oh i made something for ella too oh so love this okay let's go we adjust the radiation to be no more than necessary for each patient taking into consideration their height weight and age you sure did they do that on ellen's ct scan check the notes on the chart oh you know what excuse me i got it i got to take this everything okay are you worried about radiation an lsct scan it's not very high on my list of worries no it should be really aubrey something's got to be done about it mom there's nothing to do it was a needed test you need to give her something to combat it like an antioxidant oh uh like kale jello exactly what is kale anyway has it set yet yes well why didn't you bring it with you never mind never mind i'm gonna go find the doctor so i called all your teachers at school and they send get well wishes i had a math test it's okay dad and i will go pick up your homework on friday what about you me for the audition you know what you just focus on getting well hey thanks for taking brad home hey you need to get a good night's rest too at home i don't like to leave her i know but you're gonna need to for tomorrow what tomorrow the choir the in-person audition i think i forgot look i there are more important things going on aubrey this is temporary it won't take long for you to go you can slip away and come right back what if honey ellis getting better i'll be here my mom can take brad i'm stressed enough as it is especially with your mother here she means well i know i know look i just don't need to add to the chaos with the audition but besides ella's gonna need a lot of care not just tomorrow but for a while and dr weaver said that's completely manageable look if you don't wanna do this that's your decision but it's something you've worked so hard for it's choir something you want to be a part of i just don't want you to regret not trying [Music] aubry larson yes sister larson i'm robert decker the choir president nice to meet you so tell me why you want to be a part of the choir well i've always loved singing sorry you probably get that from everyone doesn't make it less true okay well let's get started what will you be singing for us i'll be singing for the beauty of the earth ng for the beauty of the earth for the beauty of the skies [Music] i want to go over some of the expectations of the choir should you make it in this was all in the application but you'd be surprised how many people still don't read through it so first singing for the choir is a volunteer opportunity not compensated no surprise there no we're good good and most of those that work behind the scenes are volunteers too the librarians most of the seamstresses the staff the schedule can be demanding we have thursday rehearsals and rehearsals and broadcasts on sunday mornings in addition to concerts and conference broadcasts with that in mind do you have any concerns about whether you can manage that not at this point okay let's have you sing this song next whenever you're ready [Music] christ our lord is risen today [Music] could you could you skip to the uh to the last line please i'm sure thanks [Music] i wish you the best of luck in joining the choir it is a wonderful opportunity to touch the lives of others but even if you don't make it in remember sister larson you can be an influence for good in other ways hey hey how'd it go i don't know i don't remember how they reacted to my singing or my answers it took all my concentration just to keep up don't doubt yourself won't help at this point i'm sure you did great i hope so when you're gone grandma suggested that we pray for you so we did you'll make it in thanks honey evening everyone hi dr weaver ella how are you feeling today good um mrs larson you know what i can come back at another time oh nonsense we don't see you often enough so doctor how is ella doing her tests all show that she's improving much faster than i expected that's great so for you ella that means you'll probably be heading home in another day or two ooh cool thanks hurry up i'm concentrating nice shot ella careful ella the doctor said don't overdo it so the appointment went well today yeah the doctor said everything looks really good my mom called she i was asking about the choir want you to hear back from them oh yeah any day now just feels like it's taking forever are you nervous the hard part's done isn't it i don't know this waiting feels hard enough come on dad hurry up she has your patience hey [Applause] oh two for one hey we're out of cereal okay i'll add that to the list do you want sandwich meat for lunches this week um i think i'll just stick with pb j's i know i'm forgetting something tomatoes okay i'm off i'm home hi look dinner's cooking right now it's gonna be another 30 minutes before it's ready so i'm gonna go run to the store oh all right uh we're out of syrup okay i'll be quick hello it's here what an envelope from the choir when are you gonna be home i'll hurry or we can open it no no i think that we should all be together don't you yeah yeah of course if you're sure i'll try fast or you can know now okay open it no wait um i don't know i'm opening it you are what's it say ella jason time you're this in dear sister larson congratulations we're delighted to extend you an invitation to join the mormon tabernacle choir [Music] it's on sale [Music] i know you thought choir class meant no homework but no such luck what is this these are the lyrics i want you to start memorizing for our next piece and a little theory assignment please you guys this is no big deal oh okay see you tomorrow so how's chemistry going talk to mr cannon he'll help mom how's grandma what's she gonna do i'm not certain she won't refuse the treatments don't we no no of course not we just have to help her think of a solution that she'll feel comfortable with she could move here yeah what do you think about that cool i'm not so sure that she'd go for it she seems pretty intent on staying in her own home we could go there yeah we could uh we might have to be there for a while how long i don't know we may have to move no way brad i have soccer i'm a starter now who knows if i can make the team over there i'm sure you'd be fine when would we move if we decided to do that well her doctors want her to start the treatment soon but we probably wouldn't be ready until school's out oh good i won't miss prom hello what about my friends are you gonna make me start over in the middle of high school we haven't decided brad and i could always stay here and live with friends uh no this doesn't even affect you you're going to college in the fall anyways calm down calm down let's all just you know think about this pray about it see how we feel you know if you guys have any ideas i'm open to suggestions by all means speak up okay then i totally faked out the goalie and scored it was awesome nice job you know next time i'm in town i want to see you play yeah that'd be cool oh um my mom's here trent hi hey aubry so tell me about life in the desert you're being safe yes good did you get that package that i sent oh i did thank you for that those cinnamon bears were gone in a day so how's the family brad seems to be doing well he is so zella god he told me you guys talked about moving we haven't made up our minds at all but it's an option so gayle's not doing too great huh no she's not so if it were to come to that that work for you financially what do you mean moving can be expensive i think we'd be fine okay well i just know you guys been worried about money before i want to make sure you're all right yeah hey how was your day oh good what's this oh just looking over our bills fun right yeah i was thinking of going for a jog before rehearsal wanna come um no i'll just finish this up thanks okay well maybe ella wants to come ella let's start with the tour program it's coming up fast and last week we had a couple of issues now sopranos you sounded like a rolls-royce tanner's you sounded like my 14 year old buick you all sing beautifully occasionally not at the same time so let's fix that are you excited for the tour definitely so is jason he didn't have the vacation time built up for the last one so this will be a first for him what are you doing with your kids oh jason's mother's flying in oh that's nice yeah it's been a while since jason and i have had a vacation together not that i expect this to be one in the traditional sense i know what you mean i guess i'm lucky corbin comes anyway since he's in the choir so you'll both love it hey hi everything okay yeah just thinking yeah what about the company has been bought out is that good yeah for the company yeah but the company that bought us already has a team in place that uh handles my responsibilities so i'm not needed anymore but they put together a severance package ah jason i'm so sorry that's the right move for them can't they find something else for you to do yeah i asked about that but uh i'm not the only one being let go i just had no idea they were talking about selling yeah they were whispers about it but no one knew it had gotten this far at least i didn't what are we gonna do well that's what i'm trying to figure out i'll start sending out resumes tomorrow maybe i could look for something maybe teaching again no no no it hasn't come to that yet i don't think we need to panic we have our savings we have the severance okay we just need to be a little more careful until things level out what about the choir tour the choir pace for my portion but for yours do you think we can still make it work oh i wish i could go with you i just think we should save the money instead don't you i guess so i will go with you in two years on the next tour does president decker have a moment well his line is free let me check okay oh there he is here's this bed thank you mr larson how are you fine thank you i have a change for the tour oh yes uh my husband won't be able to come was everything all right well his company's gone through some downsizing and we just feel it'll be better to be a bit more careful so if it's not too late to cancel no no problem is there anything we can do to help thank you i think we'll be all right okay you'll let us know i will hey how did the interview go oh long shot i heard from tyson though remember him oh yeah did he find a new job uh yeah yeah he said there might be something there for me too can he set up an interview yeah i was hoping he could but uh the position hasn't officially opened yet it's still a possibility they'll hire from within but i said he'd know within a few weeks oh it was nice of him to think of you though we'll see what else i can find in the meantime you mind changing and helping me with the weeds sure oh aubry i need a few things from the tour that are missing oh did i forget to fill something in no i just need a copy of your husband's id my husband but he's not going oh i have that he is but we canceled his portion we can't afford it right now well looks like everything has already been paid what by who i don't know someone dropped off a note and the money instead is for jason larson so can you bring in his id yes i will thanks i can't believe it that's so exciting [Music] well they say it's a 45-minute wait oh that long oh we can always go somewhere else smells really good though do you think we can snack some breadsticks excuse me i'm i'm sorry to bother you i i saw you in the hotel lobby are you with the mormon tabernacle choir so we are you are hi i'm jared hi hi wow my daughter chase would be so excited right now really how old is she she's 11. and if there's one thing that cheers her up it's the choir oh you see she's been sick for a long time now and on her bad days she'll turn on your music and just keep listening until she feels better we're performing tomorrow night at the concert hall can you both come i wish we could we're just in town for a doctor's appointment they take a lot out of her but hey would you would you mind maybe signing something for him of course that's great thank you thank you so much thank you you're welcome did you get my book yep my ipod got it thanks [Music] [Music] within [Music] me [Music] teach me [Music] is calm down ella what's going on grandma won't let me go to the game tonight what i had everything planned me and carly were gonna go out to the game tonight well now she's ticked because she has to go by herself and i'm stuck at home why won't grandma let you go to the game who knows mom she's being so unreasonable is she there oh i'm here all right mom wants to talk to you hmm hello aubry gail what's going on i told her she couldn't go out tonight gail i appreciate you watching the kids while we're gone but i told ella that she could go to the game before i left and i'm here as her mother i would be more concerned about the skirt she's wearing you did teach her about self-respect and modesty right yes of course i have that's not the point wait what skirt ella yeah what skirt it's nothing oh no kidding it's just something i borrowed from carly so i can look nice i told her she could go out if she changed but she refused do you have the skirt there ella ella grandma is right you're not going out in that if you want to go with carly you can wear jeans fine and listen to grandma try to get along why you don't talk to you later love you fine thanks gil mm-hmm [Music] hi how can i help you good hey uh orange juice okay excuse me do you have any extra tickets do you have any extra tickets maybe two dollars yeah two yeah have a great night thanks [Music] excuse me are you uh looking for tickets yes just one uh do you have an extra i could buy yeah you can have it really yeah i'm with the choir group are you a singer no no my wife is enjoy the performance you sure yes thank you thank you oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh hey how'd it go great wait you didn't see it i'm not really hey thank you you're welcome how'd you enjoy it this meant the world to me oh you're certainly welcome i'm liam i'm jason my wife aubrey hi you sang beautifully angels all of you your music saved my life i've made a lot of bad choices i'm not the best man out there you know i was angry about a lot of things my wife left me my kids didn't really want me around i was drinking a lot and i owed a lot of money lawyer fees gambling didn't help a month ago i i figured i didn't have anything anyway i couldn't keep going i decided to end my life so i turned on the tv real loud to cover the sound of you know the shot i thought there'd be some infomercial but instead there was singing and it was so beautiful [Music] peaceful i hadn't felt that [Music] i ended up watching the whole thing after that i i found out what i could about the choir and uh by the time i heard about this all the tickets were gone but i thought it was worth trying to come anyway yeah i'm glad you did me too you know i feel a hope i feel like i'm not alone anymore and maybe maybe that means there is a god and that he cares about me he does he truly does uh-oh what oh it's the tabernacle they've made changes to the easter concert i have to go in early to help uh i can take care of dinner really i'll do waffles dad's favorite thanks uh mom yeah if we moved would we move in with grandma honestly i haven't even thought that far i haven't even talked to her about it yet she might want her house to herself but if she needs help all the time yeah something to think about well i'll be back later bye sorry i got here as soon as i could well there's been a change in the easter concert program really what happened a song didn't come in from the publisher in time and so we just can't risk it okay so what are we putting in we're getting it now so how's gail doing oh i think she's dealing with everything as well as she can you know she stays pretty upbeat about it all in her way happy birthday grandma yeah happy birthday thank you sweetheart can we go outside yeah go ahead have fun oh bring me your plates so how's your job jason oh good i like it are they treating you well i mean they're not gonna sell out like the last one well nothing's guaranteed but it's the right thing for now it's a good benefits good people good job is there any more trash to take out uh yep yep okay why don't you take that oh the kids like that it's not good for them it's way too much sugar it's a special occasion they'll eat it later it doesn't make any sense to keep it it tasted awful that was from the store she couldn't find the time to make her own mom why are you so critical of aubry what i'm not all right i might make a few suggestions passing on things that i've learned but i don't think that's being critical i think if you saw it from the outside you'd think differently if she can't handle a few well-intended words mom she's my wife she's she's my best friend mom what is this when did you find out about two weeks ago how bad is it it's not uncommon mom how bad is it i don't know [Music] if i were younger my odds would be better but the doctors think that we caught it early enough why didn't you call me because i i i didn't want to well you didn't want to worry us too late i was going to say i didn't want aubry to make me kale jello oh come on i can handle this you know i know you can i just i don't want you to go through it alone hi i got your message well what do you think i know the kids are excited about it we have a room here for you anyway that's really a nice offer but i think my doctor's keen on my staying here i don't know if it's because he'd be losing business or because my new treatment is here no maybe a combination of both i wish i could go but he thinks the treatment here could make a real difference well we've also thought about moving there the kids have their lives what about the choir audrey you can't be serious about uprooting your whole family that's giving up too much i don't know look aubry there's no right or wrong here this is my problem and i don't want it to become yours that doesn't stop us from wanting to help you gail you're our family that's not going to change no matter where we live well look why don't you come out for a visit before the treatments start out there's the choir's easter concert this weekend can you come i know we'd all like to see you i can do that president decker yes do you have a moment oh sure the more i think about it leaving to help her seems like what gel needs but at other times it just seems too drastic what do you think have you prayed about it yes but i'm still not sure i don't think any of us are how do your children feel ella seems fine brad is not eager to leave how do you feel about him what do you want honestly it's easier if we stay we have our home our friends i don't want to leave the choir but on the other hand it's jason's mom how can i leave her to go through this alone it would be hard if we go what should i do i can't answer that for you but our heavenly father knows what we need better than we do i think you being here the last few years was what he knew that you needed especially with the loss that your family suffered we'd love to have you stay but we'll understand and miss you if you decide to leave mom will you look over my homework sure what's it for english just a sec hello hey i'm on my way home ah great dinner should be ready by the time you get here sounds good oh how did the meeting go oh fine yeah i think we should have the deal closed this week great hey the thompson's wanted to go to dinner this weekend is that okay yeah i'm sure okay great can you grab the mail when you get home i will love you love you too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's plenty to eat come pick what you like i don't care i can do that there you go honey you need to eat something aubry why don't you sit down there's just so much we'll take care of it [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] no thanks [Music] ugh [Music] i used the cinnamon hot chocolate thanks the laundry was piling up wow it's been a busy week these socks have little l's and ours on each foot jason thought they fit better it always bothered me trying to pair him up it seems silly now when jason was five [Music] he asked me how come he didn't have any brothers and sisters and i told him well i don't think we'll be able to have any more kids in our family because heavenly father wanted other families to have children [Music] and he thought about that you could see the little wheels turning in his head working it out and he asked why was that didn't heavenly father want him to have a best friend i told him he'd have lots of friends [Music] and maybe i could be his best friend if that was okay seemed to make him happy he loved you very much yeah yeah i know [Music] are you gonna be okay i mean money was i think so the life insurance should get us through a friend suggested that i get a job just for something to do something else to focus on i don't know yeah one day at a time i don't know how proud of the hell are doing really do it you know will they miss him but they're gonna be okay we all will well it's been a long day thanks for the hot chocolate [Music] before you got married jason called me and he said mom i have another best friend one that i will have forever and i was okay with that he found a wonderful woman to be his wife save me some milk gee thanks sorry oh there's more in the fridge oh maybe not i'll go to this store today and pick some up i'll get it hey trent i'm sorry i couldn't make it to the funeral i'm just so glad you're here please thank lindsay for the flowers you are so beautiful yeah i will well so how are things everyone's been really supportive uh we're doing okay you look like you could use a break i just feel a little bit lost maybe you need to change the scenery how's the singing going fine i mean i haven't been lately but the choir's been very understanding maybe it's time to go back winter rehearsals thursday today's thursday oh you should go but the kids need some time with their uncle i agree you know i'll take them out um they still like the chinese food place yeah perfect but it'll be fine okay [Music] we missed your rehearsal brother stevens i came to rehearse but then i just couldn't i didn't feel up to it it's okay how are your kids good good they're strong you know there's a lot in this life that we don't understand that's why we trust in god he has the best perspective i've heard that my whole life and i've seen it from time to time but i still feel alone have you ever noticed how christ is standing here [Music] i've always thought it was interesting as his arms open extended to everyone inviting us in hurry there's little if anything i could say to make you feel better but there's only one who really knows what you're going through and that's jesus christ you can trust in that he is there for you well we see you on sunday i didn't really remember i don't know if i'd be ready well you should come anyway but you think about it good night good night let's go you're gonna be late okay you're gonna be waiting it's a while before it starts it's okay you know i've never had a chance to see one of these things live before [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] how [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hello [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] uh foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay is everyone here i'm not thank you okay now remember i want everyone to be on your very best behavior or will never go on a field trip again got it okay let's go the bus is outside okay class let's stay together this building was made to support the roof without pillars to block the view the hollowed-out design makes for amazing acoustics it's said that you can hear the slightest noise from the front all the way to the back 170 feet away but then just imagine sitting up there with 11 000 pipes behind you as you sing how does it sound up there well it sounds why don't we find out we can do that just this once class this is brother neal stevens he's the director for the mormon tabernacle choir hi guys well come on up have a seat okay okay i need an alto volunteer great give me a nice middle c ah perfect now sing roll bro great i need a soprano i want you to do the same thing except on high c row wonderful i need a base great lossy bro close enough you all know row row row your boat right how it's gonna go one two three four one two three four ready okay row row row row row row row row now just keep that up and then this group right in here you're gonna come in really quietly [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] great you guys turn 25 come back and audition a few years ago the whole building was retrofitted to be earthquake proof they actually had to lift the entire roof off and then put in the reinforced pillars being up there and singing was way cooler than i thought it would be neat huh if we moved to be with grandma could you really leave all this behind if it's what we needed to do yes brad's stressing about it i think he's nervous about starting on a new soccer team wish i could say it would be easy but i don't know for sure i know it's important to him though we'll figure it out what do you think dad would do about grandma he'd want to help but i think he'd be torn because he knows we have our life here i think he would want to make sure that we're all happy with whatever we decide if we moved would you be happy [Music] i think i could like it yeah it would be hard sometimes it just feels right i think so how good is their goalie he's only allowed five goals this year so far wow yeah but we'll find a way um ella told me what you guys talked about with grandma she doesn't want to come up here her doctor wants her to stay maybe maybe we should go there yeah i've been thinking being near her would be cool kind of like still having a part of that around that's a nice thought so i'm okay with going all right well let's tell grandma when she comes this weekend okay [Music] so the concert's at seven yeah i have a rehearsal before just in a few minutes oh okay thank you for inviting me i realized that whenever you came to town it was to help with the kids i'm really glad that you'll be able to see this performance me too especially since it'll be my last what it's unanimous brad ella and i we want to move so we can be with you oh free please i'm serious well don't be why not because i i don't want you to sacrifice so much for me and i've made some calls and i talked to my doctor again and an opening was available at the care center so i took it i'll go there you don't want to go you're gonna tell me what i want okay in a perfect world maybe not but in a perfect world i'd be totally healthy i've thought about this a lot the kids too and i felt so unsettled until i made the decision i know this is right for us is that okay [Music] but i'm warning you i'm not an easy person to live with [Music] no warning needed [Laughter] we'll be fine [Music] [Music] so [Music] everyone before we get started president decker has an announcement brother and sisters i know time is tight but before you rehearse i wanted to let you know that sister aubrey larson will be moving in a few weeks tonight will be her last performance aubry has been a wonderful part of our choir singing with us and working behind the scenes in the library i've always thought of each of you as being an instrument in god's hands as you sing here but it's not just here where you can serve aubry i know you will be an instrument in god's hands wherever you go we love you and we will miss you okay let's start with the end in mind with handles worthy as the lamb [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 544,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, SunWorld, CandleLight, Brian Brough, Sarah Kent, Scott Christopher, Anne Sward, Singing With Angels movie, Singing With Angels full movie, Singing With Angels 2009 movie, Singing With Angels 2009 full movie, Singing With Angels 2009
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 10sec (5650 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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