Retreat To Paradise (2020) | Full Movie | Melanie Stone | Casey Elliott | Brian Krause

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi it's me hey Neil Terry good to meet you welcome to Fiji thank you first time here yeah oh you have to check out the island where you enjoy thank you [Music] so how long have you been here four months I've been Jordan's coach for four years so when he decided to come down here and recover I came along or of moral support this point I suppose you know I couldn't have picked a nicer spot [Music] [Music] can't believe the last physical therapist left the Jordans had a hard time adjusting to his injuries its mate treating him taxing oh well I'm here to help [Music] this is your room [Music] Wow [Music] this is great when you're ready Jordans expecting you ah sure same thing every day it's not rocket science yes mr. goof every time I use this shoulder it drops in paint at the end of the day I need my rest yes just make a bed the way I want it Jordan scent you knew yeah who's this this one please call me Ellie you're the physical therapist yes did you lie on your resume what you don't look old enough to be a decent physical therapist age doesn't mean that I haven't studied and worked hard to do my job maybe the others were worthless no matter what their age same I have a point if you have any doubts about my abilities no we're good set your family yes did they visit here let's get this out of the way my life not your concern and you're not here to be my friend either your whole purpose in being here is to get me moving this arm again without being in agony all right zero confidence in your type so far it's been nothing but a massive waste of time and money so why did you hire me then what if you doubt me and my type so much why did you bring me here because I've been in this country for four months now away from people who know who I am so they don't see me like this I can't stay here forever tennis is a year-round sport and every competition I miss money not earned I want to go home not live in exile for the rest of my life that sounds like a goal to me excuse me the goal every patient don't use that word what I'm not your patient I'm your boss everyone that I work with needs to have a goal to work towards well congratulations we have a goal I get working on it how about we start with some exercises so not today I'm busy okay so when should we Amaro morning eleven o'clock okay looking forward to it [Music] hey Cynthia you made it how is it it's beautiful here Fiji is show me [Music] not a bad gig huh mostly I met my patient today and he [Music] let's just say it's definitely going to be work sorry every patients got some struggles to overcome you'll get him there yeah so what's going on back home is that your way of asking if I fed your fish they're fine by the way no I meant how are things at the clinic they're settling down it's not the same without you though yeah they're lost all the way envy this private gig you've got yeah I owe you know you don't but if you insist maybe you can fly me down there I have been working really hard I think you overestimate what I'm being paid this may look like a vacation but it's not [Music] hello I thought we could start with an exam today you're not a doctor no but it would help me better help you let's go ahead and take this off [Music] how often do you wear this link during the day hurts more without it can you stand for me [Music] go ahead and let your arm hang down at your side is that hurting it's not comfortable go ahead and let your arm dangle at your side and just rotate in small circles what's next blowing bubbles bring your arm up in a slow crow okay there's always pain are you taking anything for it over-the-counter stuff and is it helping not really the doctors won't prescribe anything stronger anymore can I check your shoulder [Music] I don't want you wearing those what scrubs this isn't a hospital it's dressed normally are you doing any prescribed exercises they hurt is that a yes or a No just do your job and get me well sure pretty certain I packed my magic wand in here hello Regina Jordan Oh are you working your shoulder we can come back no no we're done what are you doing here right I wasn't expecting you Dale sent me we have business to get done and one our star client back on the court excuse me we really should get started I'm busy Regina works with Jordan's agent physical therapist yeah this is Ellie Jordan Regina just got him why don't we get her settled you two can finish up or maybe she could come back I'm starving how about we get some date perfect let's go care to join us no no what just to eat I'm sure she has things she's supposed to be doing I'd like to discuss some business with Jordan thank you I really should start on my plan for Jordan's recovery I'll come back later tomorrow's fine before you go can I get your therapy records I thought you had this I received the ones from when you're in the u.s. only I I mean the records from your more recent therapists would help me get some sense on your shoulders recovery I haven't sent to your room [Music] Harper oh wow I have to say Jordan when you get away you pick a nice plate downside is being away from all the action this thing you can do for that it's work on your recovery and Dale sent mean to keep you focused there's a lot of tournaments coming up gotta get you back in the game and up your ranking when he's ready of course but isn't it great I get to keep you company and also get to keep you in the loop on the business buzz Dale spoke with a few of your endorsements they were getting nervous about when you're coming back we reassure them it's just a matter of time no pressure they're happy so there's no need to worry for them I do keep thinking that we should push this at the comeback story you're glad you came down here but let's not forget what Jordans here of course I I want what's best for you first and foremost thank you just excited to have you home I just feel bad you're here to babysit me fun friends I'm happy to hey hey how was your day mommy so productive how'd you get a chance to relax Jordans giving me plenty of time to relax but we want to get going on helping him well I admire your Drive so why'd you take this job I'm sure you're planning busy at home I was but the clinic I worked at had some layoffs so you're here for the adventure something like that can I ask what do you manage Jordan I'm sorry can I call him matter should I call him mr. Greer no call him Jordan you know I've coached Jordan for years and I've worked with other players too you know some players have big personalities and they love the drama and the theatrics on and off the court but you know Jordans not like that he's he's he's different he's special how so you know it's very easy for these athletes to get all the attention you know the ego to only think about themselves but it's not like that look I know it doesn't seem like it now but you know a lot has happened he was injured in a crash right I mean the details are sparse were you in it no I wasn't and he doesn't really like to talk about it anyway to answer your original question I don't like deal with Jordan I don't let him push me away I can't help how he reacts to his situation but I need him to trust me so he can make progress Trust is a tricky thing why he has to respect you first any ideas but he sees you as professional not as a person yet he's had plenty of people that look at him as a condition or a chart let him see you're different I want him to get better I do but I don't know him well enough to know how to push him especially since it's very how do I put this nicely I know it'll come with time let's give it a shot anyway I get that the endorsements are slowly well that's why I ensured my arm right but you can't expect me to just dive in and be instantly competitive after an injury yes all right talk to you later I thought we could work on some water exercises today not today I gotta start sometime got your swimsuit on I've got a lot on my mind there's always going to be a reason not to start wow you're a physical therapist and a life coach come on it'll help ease the pain you're into how would you know have you tried it lately I mean the water feels great I'm working right now well you finished your call and it's 11 o'clock so I'm here well I'm really sorry for the inconvenience but you work for me come back when I feel like why did you bring me here if you're unwilling to try who says I'm not willing to try you say you want to get better but you never make time to do anything about it you've been here two days don't you think Nevers a bit much I came here to help you as I'm sure the other therapists did before me but you keep blaming everyone else but at some point you have to admit the problem isn't them whatever I went over your other therapists files your shoulder is getting worse I know why do you think I fired them it's my arm trust me I've noticed pain is getting worse and someone is going to physical therapy generally their condition either improves Horsens wow that's profound you want to know what the difference is the patient don't use that word is the effort you are willing to give you behind where you should be your range of motion is barely better than your postdoc so you either do the therapy to strengthen your shoulder you let it atrophy you try and I mean really work at this tennis will be impossible I don't appreciate scare tactics I'm not trying to scare you one week what give me 3 hours a day for one week that is not possible you spent months without making any progress why not try if you feel there's no improvement I'll fly myself home fine seven days [Music] hey is everything okay you love me - giving you trouble I can handle I just passed a soggy therapist on my way over here remember Kyle carny carny yeah you coached him for two years that's right remember how nobody liked him you said he never listened yeah I did until that second year and he went on to be ranked in the top ten yeah then he dumped you and brought in a whole new entourage yep but I didn't care you know why cuz he started to try he started to trust and listen to people and once he did that he went on to become a better player and surprisingly one that was easier to be around why are you telling me this because I'm afraid that you're doing the exact opposite look it's hard for me to even listen to you when I'm not even able to train look you haven't been the same since the crash okay nobody's expecting it but there's only so many excuses we can all make it's not my fault my shoulder shot oh come on we both know that's not what it is look I'm not saying this for my own benefit but if you said you wanted to quit I'd support you but something is holding me back and you need to figure out how to face it because Regina and Dale and everybody else that you've made commitments to they are waiting for you to move forward for you to succeed but they aren't gonna wait forever so what happened to focus on getting better and take all the time you need okay and you're taking it but you're not using it I don't know what to say or how to help you get better not until you want it so just think about what you're willing to do to make that happen [Music] hey Ellie hey sorry to bug you I'm just making dinner what's up I need some help with what battle plans for my patient about bad I need strategy what have you got so far well the treatment isn't the problem but I need to figure out a way to keep him engaged so you can do that I don't have a lot of time he's the type that expects instant results without lifting a finger bad combo with an injury yeah well get him out of the gym or wherever you have him doing therapy so far it's been a sweep maybe he needs a change of scenery I swear that's half the reason people dread coming to do their PT the drab clinic isn't something anyone looks forward to there is nothing drive about his surroundings but maybe maybe of a point [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good you're nearly on time that's how we were doing physical therapy we are given day one don't waste it good luck [Music] [Music] great I feel true good ah not during therapy to keep up there's nothing wrong with your legs [Music] gonna waste your first day with a hike stop complaining we're almost there what is this the waterfall we have a pool back at the resort that you never use it's peaceful here just give it a chance peaceful back to the resort it's cold too much you can handle it now what when you used to it just come over here to the center ice hardly but if you think so it'll help with the inflammation in your shoulder all right let's try and flip just lean back for me all right there we go try knocks I got you how do you find this place Google looks smile no it was a smirk it's the closest thing I've seen a smile so I'm gonna count it alright put your own pace just bring your arm out nicely so good job make a fist and rotate left and right not too hard waste of time all right stand up okay bring your arms out super extended and pull them together in front of you good now pull them apart again nice and slow ask attendants how about five you're funny you can do it it's real sergeant before you came here I was a dancer dancer turned therapist why I was on the dance team in college I was going across campus one day after a winter storm and I slipped and broke my leg badly during rehab I had a really great therapist and she was the best what's her name maybe I should call her she not only helped me regain use of my leg but she also helped me get my confidence back never run back to dance no I mean I still love it but I love this too okay I've done way more than ten of us I'm you're right yeah do different exercise [Music] my shoulder feels worse it's normal if it feels a little sore it's your muscle strengthening and recovering that's what they all say hey don't judge just yet six more days how'd it go hard to say are you hungry I'll show you my favorite place in town sure this it's my favorite spot for the local eats get your Lomo Bonjour Kota you cassava cake it's a boy mmm I don't have any idea what you just said but you'll love it so why did you come down here ah Jordans my responsibility yeah but it's a long time to be away from home well my kids are grown doing their own thing my wife passed a few years ago so just me to worry about besides I like to think I keep Jordan out of trouble is there anything else you'd rather be doing mmm I've seen a lot of places with tournaments no matches in Europe Australia wherever it's a lot of travel a lot of moving around it's nice to be settled here for a while it's a good attitude to have it's not like we're here forever true especially for me if he doesn't start feeling better soon I might be home before I need to do laundry at all I think you surprised him to that do good thing Thanks so what do you have planned for him tomorrow yoga today no just a place to sit [Music] what [Music] how does this help with my recovery well we start I want to learn more about you me hmm did she at least research me when I hired you sure but that doesn't mean I know much about you except that you played tennis okay what do you want to know why tennis played it as a kid my parents were supportive and I kept at it high school I have played been to I was invited to play in junior world tournaments that sounds impressive yeah I got a scholarship in college and then you went pro after that yeah but it takes a lot more effort than you might think it's not like basketball or football where there's like drafts or anything what'd you do then got lucky we had some endorsement deals small ones but they were enough to cover costs I joined the Tennis Association got a coach he'll not back then he came later I just started traveling to tournaments competing and I'm here did you ever doubt the going pro thing yeah for six months in college I wondered if I was wasting my time on something that might not pan out what you do during those months studied to be a lawyer really yeah I found out pretty quickly though that competing on a different court was a lot more fun than law and is it still fun used to be direct change things [Music] that's surprisingly good come on let's get to some exercises your cruel [Music] how's your shoulder feel sore stories yesterday no Georgia there you are wherever you're bad I've been looking for physical therapy hi really good news sand Raven the tennis grip company yeah yeah what about him they want you to do an ad campaign Regina I can't play don't worry I will talk you through it over dinner but this is very good friend see you tomorrow yeah okay their licensing footage from your last couple tournament cutting them together to make an amazing commercial you don't have to film anything new no pressure great eventually the want specific spot but we have time for that how much time don't worry about it Dale and I worry about the details you just focus on getting better San Ravens gonna send over the ad spots soon they'll need you to do a little voiceover for it sure isn't this great it's seven figures over three years I mean that's not bad no it's it's great thank you and - Dale - of course I'll tell him how was therapy today a little different should I check around see if there's a better therapist we could fly him no I'm gonna give Ellie a few days before I make a decision oh so she's helping I'm not sure yet I mean is your shoulder feeling better it's hard to tell how's your dinner it's fine you want to buy to mind Thanks [Music] Hey I thought that get your attention the view was amazing I thought you'd like it how's your patient he's getting better well hopefully on multiple levels otherwise I'll need to find a new job which you know will be difficult back home right now hey can I call you back sure later sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your fine so Jordan seemed amiable today yeah yeah we had a decent session yeah I told me a little bit about his career how good is he really you don't follow tennis do you know he was in my opinion on his way to being top ten before the wreck in the United States in the world oh wow no pressure talk about for yourself event both so do you think he'll fully recover what it is doctors say cautiously optimistic prognosis I think he can but only if he works hard and sticks with it just hope he gets back to where it was [Music] I think I've seen more of this country these last few days than the entire time I was here before water so calm here yeah that's why I picked it it shouldn't draw your shoulder our sessions should help of course but there are some exercises that you should be doing on your own too so I'm gonna teach you a few things on top of what you've already learned homework you're smart guy I think you can manage it you ready yep all right [Music] the water should provide just enough resistance to make a shoulder work just enough it feels like plenty okay you can relax [Music] don't you love this you don't travel much do you not to places like this the closest I come towards the lake back home my dad would take me there to fish over the summer fishing I love it whatever we can we still try to miss alright let's do another set neither of your parents in the medical industry my dad's a dentist it's that cat not really you know he wasn't a car accident a couple years ago like you he wasn't officially my patient for rehab or anything but he was the worst and parents do not like being told by their children what to do you recover alright yeah completely everything changes in a second I was on my way to the airport slick out raining that night Plus this couldn't stop in time correctly pretty good surgeries are brutal that type of trauma will be everything has moves it's so slowly since then and the pain you will get better you stick to the exercises right you don't believe me I want to it's just that you can't blame me for wondering then what is sin sighs what if this never gets back to normal [Music] we did the beach thing yesterday this is a little different look there there oh pretty amazing right yeah I like how slow they move why because it doesn't stop them from getting somewhere come on [Music] kind of a different life huh hanging out on the beach swimming in the ocean we didn't see read it's not bad they eat seaweed guessing you know in their first boring the baby turtles have to make it out to the ocean without to compete you just made that up no no they have a lot of predators birds lizards snakes they risk it just to make it out to their homes you think the little guys were just tied out they can only hide for so long sooner or later they have to start living sounds risky it is they still try them it's easy for you to say you don't have to worry about getting eaten on your way to the water you win what I'm removing the deadline you can stay thank you and I'll do whatever I need to do to get better you'll regret it [Music] I highlighted some terms of the deal but it's pretty boilerplate Dale and I already went over it just need your signature great let me see if there's anything else I thought we could talk tournaments and events what just as appearances to keep you relevant and all that no play but here's what I think you should go to okay let's come on up you're doing good nothing wrong with my legs right just pay attention to any strain that runs up to your shoulder so no sprinting no do you want me to stay to make sure that you know no I'm almost done where are you off to an early dinner [Music] enjoy do you want to come sure oh here it is well laughs no thank you enjoy thanks nothing try it you'll like it I usually eat at the research they have local flavors there too yeah but I can easily read them on the menu so where do you usually live I have a place in Florida yeah complete with your own first-class tennis court in the backyard not quite you know I wasn't always a tennis pro I actually come from a very normal situation my normal are your normal I grew up in Iowa oh wow that does sound strangely familiar is your family still there my parents did they come out and visit during the recovery I'm sorry I only asked because it sometimes helps to have family room they wanted me to move back to Iowa but I I just didn't have enough time yeah but you came down here though it was just an interrogation I'm sorry you're right [Music] I'm sorry I shouldn't have had this is I really hate talking about the hospital and recovery and everything yeah it was horrible is that why you didn't like it when I wear scrubs and for two as a patient yeah maybe I just don't want to be some label I know that you were all more than what we do for a living or what circumstances were going through I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you were just a patient no no you didn't not really I shouldn't have barked to you like I did especially because I think you actually care they do Thanks [Music] hey hey she go out yeah macelli we're the other therapists like her they were skilled I never gave him much of a chance today maybe not she's definitely different [Music] Regina says you started to make plans for upcoming tournaments she thinks it'll be good to be seen at them you think she's right definitely sends a signal or it's your decision yeah next deal how much longer three-game okay no put your arm glide back and forth underneath the water to loosen it up so what do you do around here when you're not tormenting me breed swim a little bit of exploration you should enjoy the resort it's a ton of stuff to do well what do you recommend paddle boarding and get a massage at the spa tenants of course you ever play no dancers as far as I went response that has to change really yeah all right service squares these ones are for doubles okay hey thanks plan already Ellie knows nothing about tennis no I did not say that there are brackets and nets here I mean so do I just swing this all right hold on let me show you how it's done first all right so hold it up all right right okay go up don't let your wrist break out vertical like that okay all right your grip is it quick right up a little bit all right very nice when do we start hitting something let me show you how it's done first wait a minute hang on it's fine it'll be fun Neal can you help stop be careful you ready ready you okay yeah it's worth it to show you how to properly hit a ball and no more for you I think I'm ready this one's for you Oh Matt cleared the [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey Wow don't quit your day job uh yeah there is no future in tennis for me hey was that in the video with you Jordan the the person I've been working with them my boss or patient whatever so how's he coming along he's getting better stronger is he playing tennis already no no that was just for fun fun interesting so Jordan is growing on you uh I try not to think about him in that way me in what way romantic no no no I didn't say that um so how are things going with you nice subject change give me a break [Music] knock knock err Gina hungry I ordered us some dinner oh thanks it was just this amazing conglomerate of colors and I loved it and if I'd been smart I would about the painting then but of course someone snatched it up years ago and the gallery has moved since so I can't even track down the other buyer I'm sorry I have been talking nonstop it's fine I forgot you're not much of an art family I'm not as much as you but arts you know great you know the loop could be fun to visit when we go to France maybe we should make time for it together that's a ways off I mean I don't even know if I would qualify with all my absence even as a spectator it'll be fun maybe you'll be ready by then I'll talk to the therapist see what she thinks whoa why don't we just play it by ear okay well you will pool shark in another life sure just had a lot of time on my hands lately so my skills have improved and Jordan gets well are you looking forward to going back I will be traveling you know tournament to tournament it's been nice to be settled for a while how about you I don't know I don't have it all figured out back home and I'd have to find a new job which may be tricky hey hey guys thought I'd get out for a bit do you want to come with me Ellie sure [Music] not bad huh it's beautiful here have you been to this pub before no but I can use Google - I hear the sunsets are gorgeous ah I should have brought a fishing pole for you you ever fish when your arm gets better you should try it just show me [Music] Neal and I were talking about what we do when we leave are you looking forward to it yes that didn't sound like a yes I want to go home I do I want to keep playing and competing I I just know it won't be the same why not do you think part of the reason why you never went back to dance is that you were just scared that it wouldn't be the same as before you broke your leg maybe and looking back do you regret not continuing your dance career sometimes I miss it being excited from the rush of performing on the creative side of it though I had to make a choice I don't I don't think dance would have made me any happier than I am now you're lucky the choices made for you then you know the injury wasn't the choice it was what I did after that and you're at that point do you not want to play tennis anymore oh stop that are you afraid to go back [Music] you know things like car accidents they happen all the time you never think it'll be you he's my sister's birthday I was treating her to a trip to Paris she's always wanted to go and an hour my flight was leaving that night she was in the car with me on the way to the airport there were three of us in the car me my sister and the driver I'm the only one who made it I didn't understand why you isolated yourself here I think I do now [Music] there is nothing wrong with meeting tinyface I just go back pretend everything's normal you don't have to pretend maybe you've been putting yourself through this alone when was the last time you talked to your parents Anna's funeral that's that's my sister's name did I say that we we always got along so well maybe had something to do with her looking up to me I was proud of that made me really want to look out for her you know and and I wanted to I bet she was proud to be your sister I don't know is there a reason why you haven't talked to your parents it just seemed easier not to enough time is past I maybe they can help you figure out what to do next I think about it [Music] [Music] Jordan hey Hey can I talk to you about Jordan what about him he's acting different yes we can thank Ellie for that where's she from again some clinic back in the States do you know which one oh I don't remember I hadn't heard of it you know we looked at the best therapist is she it's just frankly I just doesn't seem to be up to par well we've been through some of the top therapists and I don't know how she compares she's the right one for him as long as she can get our boy back in shape shoulders definitely getting less sore good Dale will be thrilled to hear it mr. Greer I'm so sorry I'll get this cleaned up right away it's fine don't even worry about [Music] my niece Irina can you sure what drew you down here I was walking behind saw you sitting here I thought you might want some company you're not wearing your sling yeah I thought I'd give it a test run without it don't look so victorious I'm just happy for you what you know if you want to get up and dance no one's gonna stop you it's one thing to get up on stage but a totally different thing to dance whenever and wherever you feel like it and here I thought you were fearless that's too bad I'm just saying I would have liked to have seen you dance nice save [Music] [Music] what do you like to dance is this another strange physical therapy session to get me to move my shoulder no okay but don't expect the tango [Music] okay your shoulder can handle it yeah sure you're stronger than you think sometimes I wonder if it's a therapist talking or someone else either way I mean it it's not some line to keep you motivated talk to my mom it was brief but good certainly overdue how is she I'm not sure she was so weepy I had a hard time understanding her I was making it worse though by keeping my distance for my parents and for me maybe I'd already be better if I hadn't stayed away well at least it gave me a chance to come here exactly how bad can a job be here I don't just mean the tropical paradise [Music] sorry I think that's my friend Cynthia oh you can call her back thanks for the dance this place again I thought you liked this place I do I'm just giving you a hard time I don't get too comfortable exercises first killjoy and I brought weight there aren't a lot of people I can be around and not talk that makes sense there's always someone who wants to fill the silence can you just think please stop talking it's not partially why you like being alone I don't actually I mean I don't mind it but it's just nice when someone can be in the same space as you and not feel the need to jabber on so thanks we're not talking you know what I mean know the irony is you interrupted a perfectly quiet moment to tell me that you're just really good are you laughing I think you can handle it [Music] Oh [Music] morning what it can I join you please can I ask did Jordan is he in a relationship no do I get to ask why you bringing this up we have their moments when I I come on this is strange territory for me why he's a man you're a woman you to have a relationship developing but I'm also his physical therapist which sounds even worse out loud I worked anywhere else he brought you down here to help him recover there's no forms or contracts policies whatever beyond that no it's still a job I mean what if he just likes the idea of having someone listening and helping him that's half of what a relationship is finding someone who understands you but you two have evolved beyond this being a simple job now it'd be different if his feelings were one side of course I have feelings for him I like him I do I mean not at first I wanted to pack up and go but you didn't you stayed here and helped him recover and because of that you've seen who he really is if I let myself go down this path it ruins everything else our friendship it's a myth well it certainly ruins my role as this physical therapist that's the ruin is too strong a word maybe it grows into something greater if you're willing to risk it what about him you know before today I hadn't seen him so happy your act is carefree is the acts around you not since Anna and no before you say anything different he doesn't treat you like his sister you two have something special what about Regina that's what I call a one-sided pursuit you know even so there are things that she's not willing to tell Jordan about how she feels because it might not work out and it could spoil her career maybe see that's just it for me I could be risking the same thing it's true what sometimes love requires a sacrifice [Music] for mr. beer Thank You Beach tomorrow I'll take care of everything leave your bag of tricks mind [Music] look at you know swing progress you've been working hard okay they Kelly for that Dale called San Raven wants to plan their campaign with your returns so we just need some dates for what tournaments you want to play I wouldn't even know what to tell him at this point does Ellie I mean it's her job to get you playing again look I just think it's too soon to even know we got to give him something why it's one of their conditions you're not back at playing for months racking up points they can pull out of the contract for months I never agree to that it's been slim pickins Jordan I mean Dale doesn't make a commission off of zero look I'm sorry I know that's harsh but the truth that no one's telling you is that if you're not back by then then you're done anyway all right oh I'll call Dale when I get back back no Jordan this is important fine it can wait now if you don't get seasick oh I don't hey is that everything I ordered yes mr. Grimm thank you you sure you don't want me to bring anything just you [Music] what is this place private island please tell me you don't own it I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] what can I do nothing today just relax [Music] I'll admit I did not pack this I'm sure it's fine yeah there's no way I'm eating that you're mr. traveled the world I thought you would try crazy delicacies all this time I'm not that adventurous but you should totally have some I'm good I'm a simple girl I like that about you being simple no it's it's a good thing it's easy to get caught up in all the fast pace and the flashiness of competition it changes people but not you I'm sure it has but I can still tell the difference between people who are real and those who are caught up in what's not Nana was always good at that she she would always come to my competitions near home and point out the peacocks peacocks yeah it hauled glitz but nothing real she make it fun to it keep me from getting too wrapped up and being competitive it sounds like she kept you grounded she did [Music] Wow Wow beautiful I love the color what are they are you asking me or quizzing me my basket their biscuits flowers you know I've seen these things everywhere and I've always wondered what they are you know you could have asked someone I just did you stand for beauty and perfection a therapist and a horticulturist no I asked the concierge at the hotel here thank you suits you thank you for coming with me today oh of course you didn't have to I wanted to [Music] ah look a crab cute I dare you to pick it up I'm not that cute I think this is my favorite spot in all of Fiji yeah it is beautiful isn't it this is still Fiji right yes you know we still haven't seen the sunset up here though we'll have to go sometime definitely there's starfish let's check it out careful Jordan maybe we should stick to this and Andy part of the beach okay mol sir Neal what's wrong Jordans hurt what yeah he was out with Ellie he slipped or something what did she have him doing I don't know I gotta go [Music] stupid stupid I don't think it's broken no probably worse I want to do a scan to see if it's in fact did you original injury I'm not gonna sit in some tube rigged to a backwards microwave it'll be okay how would you know you're gonna tell me you've been through this too just get the scan Jordan fine that's good it over with okay [Music] [Music] la longue hi is this the Shelly Park Therapy Center I'm sorry still get you better he's right this is just a setback it's only temporary both just stop talking [Music] take it easy I have some muscle cream in my bag in my room it won't take the pain away but it might lessen the discomfort fine it was an accident I should have been there don't second-guess it are you okay I heard you fell yeah I fell at some rocks where with Ellie she was there I knew it it's no wonder she's completely inept you don't even know what you're talking about they were on a date it wasn't a date it wasn't a session shouldn't she know better especially with her history what are you talking about I called her former employer know what they said she's responsible for making a patient worse with one of her irresponsible recovery plans that she concocted I talked to someone over there they said nothing about that who did you talk to him I don't remember it Cynthia you talked to Cynthia she's your friend she also works at the same clinic I did so you had her live for you give you a good reference while you continue hurting people that is not what happened you put her down specifically as your main reference yes but she does work there and she must have been real convincing covering up what you did and now look at Jordan I gave you Cynthia because she knows what actually happened all she said to me was Ellie is so great at what she does and she's great at helping patients and she'll definitely get you better you didn't know she had an agenda it wasn't even my therapy plan for the patient a doctor at the clinic assigned me to do it even though I thought it was pushing too hard and when the patient got injured again the blame was put on me a patient still got hurt on your watch [Music] know what stale sand Raven is waiting on us to commit to their terms or they'll pull out what do they want they want Jordan to return to play in four months not come on I can't give them that especially now calm down I'll call them [Music] it's not hopeless Tritton we can still give any idea what this to take here the only reason that you're here is to get me better and now I'm worse than before you came just get out [Music] [Music] Jordan I was looking for you in your room what do you want I thought we could work on your shoulder today which is basis not today [Music] we'll get through this don't stress okay talk to Dale thinks we should pull out of the sand raven deal that's soon-to-be jordan can meet their timeline I mean let's face it it doesn't look very promising sorry Dale salvage what he can there's an easy on any of us and I know that it's especially hard on you I'm here okay what are you doing out here me thinking how to get Jordan well not your responsibility anymore what plane ticket flight leaves tomorrow Jordan needs a qualified professional to help savages army oh listen everyone makes mistakes I'm sure in time Jordan will see some good you did here have a safe flight home [Music] miss Vaughn how can I help you um I'm checking out but my flight isn't for another couple of hours and there's one last place I want to go see is there somewhere I could leave my bags of course you can leave them here thank you also could you make sure these get to mr. brewer I'll take care of it yeah is there a taxi I'll call you one right now have a good day you le you leaving yeah George is just upset don't leave she was right to ask me to go what what it's fine thank you for being so great let me talk to him it's pretty clear I'm not needed here anymore please just look out for him [Music] [Music] more than you could do a month ago [Music] before he fell on the rocks did you think you were gonna fully recover doesn't matter if you quit now yeah but waiting four months to see a glimpse of the old Jordan you know you kept everyone away is your more Nana yeah I say her name in your lash out that leaves the one that brought you back that's not over exaggerated I'm not 100% yet come on I'm not talking about your shoulder she lied to me there are two conflicting stories you know maybe you should figure out what really happened don't you think she deserves that if she took a chance on you I know why'd you send her home home what are you talking about Shelly Park Therapy Center Cynthia speaking hi is this Cynthia that's friends with le Vaughn yes who's this Yeah right no good I understand thank you for I will yes thank you bye-bye miss Vaughn left these for you she did yes sir can I get you anything else no thank you if you're reading this you're the next in line of many therapists who have tried to work with mr. Greer don't let that scare you be patient with him don't back down from what you know he needs he may fight whatever you suggest but he needs someone to care even if he makes it difficult he deserves to get better and have the life he wants without pain and you can help him with that please don't give up a couple of tips though don't refer to him as a patient he hates that and don't wear scrubs you'll figure out the rest good luck [Music] the woman in this room where is she she checked out sir [Music] Jordan what's wrong it's Ellie she's gone yeah I know you gave her the ticket I thought you'd want her gone she's clearly not the person for the job I mean you heard what she did there's more to it than that Jordan you need to get better not injure yourself more it was my own fault why are you defending her she tried to hide our entire work the ESCO from you that doesn't mean she did anything wrong I want her to stay oh I figured I was doing you a favor thanks but not this time I guess I've been wrong about a lot I mean we both know why I came here you just never wanted to address it and that's okay I just hoped that you would look at me in a way that would make you feel something but you don't not the way you do Ellie Regina I it's all right I can't force this maybe I'll look into heading home soon you don't have to go yeah I do I can't keep waiting around for something that's not gonna happen it's time I'm sorry Elly's on the evening flight fiji airways she's probably waiting at the airport early thank you [Music] scuse names do you know if miss Vaughn already left to the airport no she didn't she did leave her luggage here while she went to visit another place do you know where she went [Music] Ellie what are you doing here I had to find you congratulations you found me please don't go away you got me a ticket that wasn't me I'm just as much to blame for you thinking that it was stay I did lie to you I should have been upfront about what happened to the clinic I talked to Cynthia she told me everything you were put in an impossible situation pressured by a pigheaded boss and a client that just wanted results fast you're one to talk I deserve that [Music] but it shouldn't have mattered what anybody said anyway when I hurt my shoulder again I reacted horribly and I'm not proud of it to be honest there's not much I am proud of since the wreck I let myself drown and self-pity and I ran away from life I know surprise it made me miss your ball but you know what's worse I took it out on everyone around me people trying to help me like you you showed me that I could not only get better but be better I still think you will get better maybe it shouldn't be me anymore Gina's right there are a lot more qualified people out that don't care about that you don't care about your career everything you worked for to play of course and that's something that I'll continue to work towards that's not why I'm here right now I'm here for you there's no one else who how I wanted my life and if you can take being around me please take a chance it's not just that I need you I love you [Music] what whatever happened to being comfortable with someone is silent fine I take it back [Music] I love you too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 12,594,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, SunWorld, CandleLight, Retreat To Paradise Full Film, Melanie Stone, Casey Elliott, Brian Krause, Jaclyn Hales, Jerome Brad Halgren, Paul D. Hunt, Leslie Kidman, Brittany Wiscombe, Brian Brough, Retreat To Paradise (2020) | Full Movie | Melanie Stone | Casey Elliott | Brian Krause, Retreat To Paradise Full Movie, Retreat To Paradise, Romance, romcom, romantic comedy, comedy, Full movie, Full film, relationship
Id: PqWch8qwI_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 23sec (5243 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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