The Girl Who Believes in Miracles | Full Faith Movie | WATCH FOR FREE

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[clicking] [whoosh] [birds chirping, water gurgling] [theme music playing] [church bell ringing] It is perfectly typical for most people to have a strong faith in their families... relying on them for love and support. These are people we've grown up with, who've nurtured us and who, hopefully, have been real cheerleaders for us. But... let's look at another parable that talks about a different kind of faith. And here's what it says. "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of a mustard seed, "which a man took and sowed in his field, "and which indeed is smaller than all seeds. "But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs "and becomes a tree, so that birds come and lodge in its branches." And indeed, faith can become so strong... that it can move a mountain. [crowd cheering, players shouting] PLAYER: Right! On the right! There you go, Danny, way to shake it off! Honey, come on, sit back down. [pats seat] Thanks for saving me a seat. I, I was on the sidelines, but it's driving me crazy. I can't take this pressure! Well, my brother knows he's got<i> the</i> best girlfriend in the world. Yeah, and the most nervous. Where's Sam? He went to go get us some hot dogs. Hope he doesn't miss anything. Head back, head back! Right here, outside! I got it! [crowd cheering] Get to the open space! [grunts] [crowd booing and shouting] Order number 54, ready! Number 52, ready! [cheering in distance] [thief grunts, people gasp] - Hey! - What are you doing, old man?! I'm stopping two punks from ripping off my friend, or did you just forget to put the money on the counter, huh? What are you, crazy? I don't think I'm crazy, son. There's a lot of people who do. You get your butts over there and pay that woman. You're gonna wish you didn't wake up this morning, old man. - Oh, really? - [grunting, people exclaiming] - Aah! - Surprise! [groaning] - All right, son. - [gasping] I'm choking you out in about 20 seconds. Nothing you can do about it except pay for that food. I, I don't have any money. Neither of us do. Take your wallet out and give it to me. - [gasping] - Where is it? Let me have it. Oh, wait a minute. You're Ryan Brody? You're Chuck's boy? So you gotta be Nick Lewis, right? All right, fumble-wits, this is how this is gonna go. I'm gonna pay for this food, and y'all are gonna look up Sam Donovan on Crestline. If I get paid back by tomorrow night, I won't have any reason to call your fathers. We have an agreement? Do we have an agreement?! Yeah. We have an agreement. You're learning. Maria. Hey, Sam. Here's your order. Okay, here's your money. Keep the change. Thank you. You know, you didn't have to do that. Those two are probably good kids. They just need a little guidance. Yeah, well... consider 'em guided. [shouting and cheering continue] [whistle blows] Come on, Newburn! No personal fouls! SAM: That number 48 needs a kick in the butt to clear his mind. Dad... Pretend I didn't say it. Oh, but we gotta do something. We're running out of time here. [crowd booing] Hey, Brauner! You should be out of the game for that! You ready to go home yet, Hopkins? [shouting and cheering continue] Kick it out, kick it out! - Good one, good one! - Yes! They just have to win, Grampa. They have to make it to the finals. Wish I could help them. Wait a minute. Aren't you the little girl that's always talking to me about God? Well, maybe you're on good terms with Him. Why don't you ask Him? Maybe He'll do something. Okay, God. This one's for Danny's team. Please give my brother the strength to kick harder and faster than anyone else on that other stupid team. [Sam laughs] I... guess maybe I shouldn't have said "stupid" in my prayer, huh? [Sam chuckling] This one is just sweeter than chocolate. [whistle blows, shouting resumes] [cheering and applause] Yeah! Go, Danny! My prayer worked! You see? I told you. Thank You, God. [players cheering] Okay, if we can just hold on for another 21 more seconds, we're going to overtime. Pass it! I'm open, I'm open! [Alvie grunts, whistle blows] Oh, come on! He tripped over me on purpose! That's not a foul! Oh, come on, ref, a yellow card? No way! [crowd booing] What does that mean? It means that the Brauner kid just cheated his way into a penalty kick, and if he makes it... if he makes it, we lose. MAN: Come on, ref! [whistle blows] Yeah...! [all groaning] Oh, no... [shouting and cheering] [applause] Oh, nice try, Hopkins, but it's pretty obvious you guys suck. [players chuckling] But I thought you said if I prayed really hard, we would win. No, I didn't say that, honey. I said that if you prayed really hard, He might help. And He did, honey. Danny scored. Yeah, but they still lost, Grampa. Didn't God want us to win? You know, how God works is a mystery. I'm sure He heard your prayers and He answered 'em, but maybe there was a reason that Danny's team lost. You know, like a reason more important than just winning a game? Okay. Well, I'm gonna go tell Danny that he did great anyway. - Wanna go, Cindy? - Sure. - Well.. - Okay... Well, are we still going over to your place after, Dad? Yeah. Should I take the kids? Oh, thanks, but I'm sure that Sara's gonna wanna go with Cindy and Danny, so they can dance their way up. You can do that in a car? [laughs] - Don't ask. - [laughs] [song playing on car radio] [singing along] ♪ I wanna believe in You ♪ ♪ Just give me a sign ♪ ♪ I wanna believe in You ♪ ♪ Just give me more time ♪ ♪ I wanna believe in You ♪ ♪ But You have to believe in me ♪ [Cindy laughs] - Whoo! - ♪ I try to believe in You ♪ ♪ Just show me the way ♪ - ♪ I wanna believe in You... ♪ - SARA: Oh, already here. - ♪ So don't throw it a... ♪ - [radio shuts off] [birds and insects chirping] Mom! Can I go to the lake? - If Danny goes with you. - [dog barking] Great... oh, Sadie! Wanna go to the lake with me? Girl, are you trying to steal my dog? Only for the day, Grampa. Well, you can have her if you feed her. Mm, Sadie eats too much. We couldn't afford it. - Why didn't I think of that? - [Sara laughs] Danny, you played a great game and I'm proud of you. You doing okay? Yeah, I'm fine. I just... can't believe that Alvie Brauner won the game off a cheap shot. - All the ref had to do was... - Danny, come on. You said you weren't gonna talk about it. You played great, honey, and those guys were jerks. Not even worried about it. [laughs] Go, Pitbulls! Nice shot. Showoff. It's only 'cause I know you love it. [laughs] Hey, that was a nice game, Danny. [sighs] Thanks, Grampa. Can we go to the lake? Whoa... I just ran in the game for an hour and a half, and now you want me to hike up there? Cindy wants to go. Yeah, I wanna go. Look at that. A guy doesn't stand a chance with these two around. [chuckling] You're learning. Come on. SARA: I'm gonna catch a lot of fish today. - CINDY: Yeah? - DANNY: Yeah, I think so. I brought my lucky pole out here, so... - Oh... - You brought that pole last time, and I caught more than you and Grampa. [laughs] Okay, well, you want Grampa's seat in the grove or you want to try this spot in the middle? Wait, you mean we're not gonna fish together? Uh... no, I thought that Cindy and I would try our luck alone. You know, less people, more fish? Grampa told you to keep an eye on<i> me.</i> I should be keeping an eye on you two. Are you two gonna kiss? You think we should? [birds chirping] Wait! CINDY: Oh, no, the poor thing. I wonder what happened? I, I don't think you should be touching it, Sara. It's okay. It doesn't look dirty. There's no bugs on it or anything. DANNY: It's dead. You want to bury it? No. It might not be dead. It's heart isn't beating, Sara, and it feels cold. It's dead. Maybe if we pray, he'll come back to life. Sara, the bird is dead. Nothing can bring him back. Lazarus was dead for four days and Jesus brought him back to life. But... Jesus isn't here and... the bird isn't Lazarus. God is always here. Well... I don't see Him. But we have to have faith in miracles. Will you talk some sense into her? Maybe we should leave her alone. Have a little faith and let her pray. Okay, but she's gonna have about as much luck moving those trees as she will bringing that bird back. It's not gonna happen. Sara. Sorry about the bird but... death is a part of life. You can spend the day any way you want, Sara. We'll be over at the cedars if you need us. Come on. [sighs] God... You made this poor little guy, so maybe You can help him out. His family's probably missing him, don't You think? You wouldn't want them to be sad, would You? Please bring him back. Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be... [Danny chuckles] Not bad. Should hold us for dinner. All set? All right, let's go. CINDY: Hey, did you catch anything? Come on, Sara, we have to go. Look, I offered to help you bury it. Come on, Sara. Your mom's not gonna like it if you're late for dinner. Do you see Him? Who? God. Do you see Him? DANNY: Come on, Sara, that's not funny. There. Show me where He is. You don't see Him? He's floating over the water. [wind blowing] Sara, we have to go. [wind gusting] DANNY: Did you see that? Maybe... the wind woke it up? The wind? It didn't have a heartbeat and it was cold. God brought it back to life. Come on, guys, Cindy's right, we gotta go. We don't want Mom to get mad at us. Can I help? You sure can. You catch any fish? No. Oh, well, you better tell your mother to take some meat out of the freezer and put it in the microwave. We don't have to. Danny and Cindy caught some. And you didn't? That doesn't sound like you. We found a dead bird. Oh, good! Are we gonna eat that? [laughing] No, Grampa. I set him free. Honey... [chuckles] If he was dead, he's as free as he's ever gonna be. He was alive when I let him go. Well, I must be getting old, dear. Didn't you tell me he was dead? And then he came back to life? When I found the bird, I prayed. Like you told me to do at the soccer game? - Uh-huh. - But then... I saw God standing on the other side of the lake, and the bird flapped his wings and I let him go. Well... I always thought that place was special, honey... and I always thought you were kinda special. How, how long were you praying? As long as we were up there. You were on your knees the whole time? Yup. Sara, you're an amazing little girl. Did you tell your mother? Yeah. Yeah? What'd she say? She said, "That's nice, honey." She probably didn't hear me. She wouldn't have believed me anyway. You know, I can understand that. Maybe you just ought to keep this between us for the next little while. Not everybody's as smart as I am. They might think you just made it up. But I'm telling the truth. Danny and Cindy saw it come back to life. They did, huh? Well... I believe you, hon. Are you coming back next weekend? - I want to. - Uh-huh. I'll talk to your mama. Grampa... are you ever gonna get married again? Oh, dear. Honey, the Lord gave me your grandma, and she put up with me more than I deserved. I'm not gonna push the issue. You look young for a grampa. Yeah, and you look so cute, you make my heart hop like a little bunny. [laughing] Not really. Yes, really. You know what? Today... I love you this much. You love me more than that. Maybe that much. Well, I love you this much, and even more. Well... you wait till dinner, when I steal some of your mama's sweet potatoes off your plate. See how much you love me then. [insects chirping] [tapping keyboard] [call alert] Hello? Hey. Whose phone are you using? <i> I borrowed my brother's.</i> Borrowed? Well, something like that. Okay, so, the coolest thing happened at the lake today. <i> Yeah, like what?</i> Me and Danny and Cindy went fishing. Well, they did. I didn't, because... <i> I found a dead bird.</i> <i> And then I prayed...</i> and then I saw God, and He brought the bird back to life. What? It really happened, Mark. <i> Okay, so, let me get this straight.</i> You saw God and then brought a dead bird... <i> back to life.</i> No, I didn't. God did. [scoffs] Come on... <i> you're playing with me.</i> I'm not, Mark. I'm telling you because you're my best friend. Okay, so, if you saw God, then what did He look like? He was surrounded by a large ball of light at first, so He was kinda hard to see. But then He stepped out of the light and... He looked young and... kind. <i> But I think He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans.</i> [scoffs] Come on. God doesn't wear t-shirts and jeans. How do you know? Have<i> you</i> ever seen Him? No. <i> It was God...</i> and He did bring that bird back to life. <i>Danny and Cindy saw it happen, and they don't even believe it.</i> <i> They told Mom at dinner...</i> that it was probably some weird reflection on the water, or that the bird was probably stunned or sick... <i> but not dead.</i> Well... maybe they're right. <i> Mark...</i> I promise! God<i> was</i> there. Really? I swear on the Bible itself. Whoa! This is so awesome! Uh, I, I... <i> believe you!</i> That's what happened. Um... but... I wouldn't tell anyone, because people will just think I'm crazy, and... [knocking at door] Uh, gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow. All right. Hi, honey. Did you brush your teeth and floss? Sure did. Good stuff. Okay. This is my favorite part of the day. All right, so, you're gonna close your eyes and then you're gonna think about all the things that you're grateful for that happened today. Mom? Yes, sweetheart? That bird really did come back to life at the lake. It was right after I saw God. It wasn't some weird reflection or anything like that, no. It really was God, and He spoke to me. What did He say? He said He'll be taking me to Heaven soon. Honey... You have to die to go to Heaven. I don't wanna die, but... I wanna go to Heaven. Well, I don't intend on letting you go anywhere for a very long time, okay? You have a lot of time to get to Heaven, and when you finally go there, you're gonna be an old, old, old, old lady. Much older than me. Okay? No more talk about dying. All right, you gotta get some sleep. You have school in the morning, okay? So say your prayers. Okay. Can I got back to Grampa's next weekend? Only if you stop letting your imagination get the better of you. Okay? - Love you. - Love you. Sweet dreams, baby. [insects chirping] Mom, Dad. Hey, buddy, is everything okay? I went to Sara's room to see if she had my phone, and she looks really sick. You need to come. - How sick? - I don't know. She's covered in sweat and breathing pretty hard. It's not good. - Hey, Ben. - Hey. - Thanks for coming out so late. - No, no. No problem, I get it. [footsteps on the stairs] Oh, Ben, I'm so happy that you're here. She's been running a really high fever, and now she says that she's nauseous. All right, uh, let me take a look. Hi, Sara. Can you tell me how you're feeling right now? - [weakly] Not so good. - Mm. I feel really sick, like I'm gonna throw up. Don't you worry. We're gonna fix you right up, Sara. I think she has a stomach flu. Uh, it's going around. Just keep her home tomorrow and keep her hydrated. Thanks, we will. It's just that something she said scared me. What was that? Go ahead, tell him. When we visited my dad at the lake, she said she saw God... and that He brought a dead bird back to life. [chuckling] Well, that, that just sounds like she has a healthy imagination to me. But then she said that God spoke to her... and He told her He was gonna be taking her to Heaven soon. She's gonna be fine. All right? She's healthier than all of us. It's nothing to worry about. It's gonna be okay. - Ben, thanks for coming out. - All right, no problem. Oh, and, you know, if she gets worse, her temperature rises, just call my office. - Will do. - Thank you. Hey, peanut. You feeling any better? I think so. Well, you get some sleep. - I'm sure you'll feel... - [papers scattering] Oh... sorry. Where'd you get this? I drew it when I came home tonight. - You drew this? - Yeah. I drew it with the drawing kit Grampa gave me for Christmas. Huh. Huh. Sara, I, I've never seen you do anything like this before. Where'd you learn to do this? I don't know. I just felt like trying to make a picture of what I saw at the lake. Sara, this isn't trying, this... this is incredible. - Thanks. - Can I show this to your mom? Sure. Okay, well... we're gonna keep you home tomorrow, so you get some sleep. And I... promise to return it, okay? Good night, Dad. Night, sweetheart. [blows kiss] [water running] [water stops] [Alex sighs] Who did this? Your daughter did. No... she couldn't have. But she did. MARK: You didn't really miss anything in class yesterday. You know, same old stuff, and, luckily, no math quiz either. I felt fine, but my mom wanted to keep me in bed all day. So... I... drew you something. Oh, yeah, like what? Sara! You drew this? This is unbelievable! Our art teacher could never pull off a drawing like this. - How'd you do it? - I don't know. I guess I just found something I'm good at. - BOY 1: Oh, man. - BOY 2: Here are these fools. [boys laughing] Hey, Sara. My cat died last week. I was wondering if you could stop by and bring him back to life. [boys snickering] BOY 2: My frog died last night. Could you bring him back too? - Oh, so pathetic. - I thought I told you not to tell anyone about what happened at the lake. BOY 3: Oh, and I have a goldfish! BOY 1: Maybe if you changed some water into wine, we could get the fish really drunk. - [boys laughing] - That would be awesome. No one messes with my little sister... no one. BOY 1: What a weirdo. [Mark laughs] Didn't your parents ever tell you not to pick on girls? Obviously not. [Mark laughing] Weren't we always taught that if someone wrongs you, to turn the other cheek? Well... they were certainly taught something about a cheek. Maybe that guy could tell you more about it. What the hell, man? [Nobby whines] [laughing, talking indistinctly] [chuckling] Oh... I got this. Well, well, well... if it isn't the would-be soccer hero. What's the matter, boy? You still trying to make up for your pathetic game the other day? Wow, your dog is really pretty. [growling and barking] Stay away from him, Sara. The dog's probably just as jacked up as his master. Here. [all laughing] [Alvie sighs] And what are you gonna do now, Hopkins? Call a foul? Come on, Danny, let's get outta here. I'm sure the air is fresher on the other side of the street. Yeah, that's right, Hopkins, just run away. Just keep hiding behind the skirts of your girlfriend and your little sister! [starts engine] Just run away, Hopkins! You and that crippled kid too! You know what? Somebody ought to teach you to keep your mouth shut, Brauner. And who would that be? - [tires squealing] - Alvie, look out! [Cindy shrieks, thud, Nobby yelps] [tires squealing] Man, what's the matter with you?! You almost took me out, fool! Why weren't you watching the road?! Are you outta your mind? Oh, no... no... No, no, no, no, no... Nobby, get up, man. Get up, Nobby. Get up. You killed my dog, man. - You killed my dog, man. - Alvie, hold up! - CINDY: It was an accident. - I'm gonna break your head! Calm down, man, back off. That dog was my best friend, and you killed him. - Come on, man... - That's it, man. I'm gonna finish you. CINDY: You're not gonna help anything by doing this. Hey, tell her to keep her hands off my dog. - Come on... - Don't. Dear God... You helped that little bird at the lake. Can you please help this poor dog too? Our Father... who art in Heaven... hallowed be Thy name... [gasps] [gasps] [kisses, chuckles] [laughing] Go on. MARK: And then... when he just started breathing, I just couldn't believe it. I mean, I've never seen anything like that. Sara... can I ask you something? Sure. Do you think you could help me walk again? I don't know. Maybe. [sighs] Could you say a prayer for me? God... Mark's a good guy. He really is. Maybe You could help him walk again? Could You do that, please? I'll pray for you more when I get home too. See you, Mark. Okay, thanks. See you tomorrow. Hey, you took me away from my golf game. So... tell me what this medical emergency is all about. I moved my toes this morning. No, he really did, Doc. Which foot? Both! Show me. [sighs] Ready? Mark, uh... I, I don't know... what happened, but your spinal cord injury isn't... MARK: Wait! Just... give me a chance. [sighs] Please. [crying and laughing] Can, can you move the other foot? [crying and laughing] Here you go. Thanks, Doc. So, listen... Doc, you really think he's got a chance, right? [sighs] Look, I, I... I can't explain what, what happened in there... but... severed nerves in spinal cord can't regenerate, and I just, I just don't want to get your hopes up too much. Oh, hey, Ben. Hey, isn't... that's Dolores Clark from Channel 12 News, right? Yes, she's, uh, she's one of my patients. Mom? Oh, my baby! You're... walking and... He's standing! He's walking, look at him! It's a miracle! Oh, my... Oh, my baby. [crying and laughing] Isn't that the Miller boy? I did the story on him last year when he was hit by that car. I thought he was never supposed to walk again. [Flora continues laughing] He, he wasn't. It, it was Sara. Sara Hopkins. She speaks with God, she brought a bird back to life, and Alvie Brauner's dog, and now... she's healed me! Uh, Dolores... Don't do it! Are you kidding me? A little girl who brings dead animals back to life and then heals a paraplegic kid? Like that's not news. Just get the facts first. Well, I just did. [sighs] - [videogame beeping] - Come on... no! Got you again. Hi, guys. Look who came to say hi. Mom, you didn't have to call the doctor. I told you I was feeling better. Yeah... yeah, we're here on another matter, Sara, but why don't I have a... quick look at you anyway, okay? How do you feel? - Okay now. - Mm-hmm. Yesterday I came home with a terrible headache and I was tired all day. Well, maybe you still have a touch of the flu. Sara... when was the last time you saw Mark Miller? Yesterday. I walked home with him. PASTOR MAC: Did anything happen with Mark? Anything unusual? Well, he asked me to pray for him, so I closed my eyes and I asked God to heal him. Mark Miller walked today. Really? Awesome, my prayers worked! PASTOR MAC: Yeah, seems like he's gonna make a full recovery. Can you tell us a little more about what happened at the lake the other day? Sure. I was praying for a little bird that Danny said was dead. But then I saw God floating over the lake and I asked him to cure the bird, and He did. Do you speak to God often? All the time, don't you? Well... not directly. Not even in church? Look, um, it's, it's not healthy or fair to other people to pretend that you're actually having conversations with God. I'm not pretending. [sighs] Okay. Bring her to the office tomorrow. Fatigue and headaches with someone her age, uh, really need to be examined, okay? BEN: [sighs] You need to talk to her. I mean, stories about healing birds and making paralyzed boys walk again is gonna turn her life into a media circus. Look, Ben, I understand all of that, but, seriously, do you have a logical explanation for Mark's recovery? I can assure you there is one. However, at the moment, we have no idea what it is. Don't be pouring fuel on the fire, Jerry. I mean, Sara doesn't need that. Look, I, I don't know exactly what happened, but I do know Sara believes everything she's telling us. Look, I know she has a very vivid imagination, but she would never outright lie. She just wouldn't do something like that. Let's, let's just keep this between us until we get to the bottom of it, okay? Right now, I'm worried about her health. See you tomorrow after school. [insects chirping] [TV news theme playing] Hey. [mutes TV] Did you see Sara? Yeah. And? [sighs] She's just a little girl, and she's got people all riled up with these make-believe stories she's been telling. I know you're mad at Him. At who? God. [scoffs] Oh, please. [emotionally] Jesse was my son too, Ben. But I'm not as strong as you are. Because if I quit believing in God... then I have to believe that our son no longer exists. I can't do that. I'm not that strong. And I don't think you really are, either. Sara doesn't need you and everyone else thinking that she's an instrument of God. Why not? A little girl with a strong faith is something that we could all use more of. If there really was a God, would He create a world where parents have to watch their sons and daughters die? [sighs] Oh, great. DOLORES:<i> ...get up and walk.</i> <i> He said a little girl, Sara Hopkins,</i> <i> held his hands and prayed for him.</i> <i> But can she really cure people by praying?</i> <i> I'm afraid that's a bit hard for me to believe.</i> <i> Yet the real question is...</i> <i> what do each of</i> you<i> believe?</i> - Hey, kiddo. - Hi. What you doing? Drawing. Yeah... Huh. Uh... [sighs] Yes, you are. [chuckles] Sara, sweetheart, look at me. Yeah? Uh, is there something that... [sighs] Never mind. Tell me about your picture. Do you know that little boy? I'm not sure. It just came to me, you know? Almost like a dream. But I do know that it's, it's not a boy. - Oh. - It's a young girl. Maybe from my school. I think she wants to be friends with me. [chuckles] Yeah... [knocking at door] Theresa... there's someone here to see you. Uncle Alonzo! [chuckling] I'll just be out in the living room. You two have fun. [gasps] [laughing] Is there a story that goes along with him too? Oh, you bet. Now, this guy... won the Grand National Steeplechase twice. He was so good, they had to ask him to retire, but he said he'd only do it if he could live at your house. [laughs] Your stories are the best. [chuckling] [sighs] I just wish I'd be around long enough to play with him. [sighs] I heard the doctor telling Mom that... my cancer is getting worse. He said... I don't have much time. Am I going to die? When did you hear this? At the hospital today. We don't have to talk about it if it upsets you. We can talk about it. [sighing] I'm just not sure what will happen to me when I die. [sighing] Jesus said... "I am the resurrection and the life. "He who believes in Me... will live, even though he dies... and whoever lives and believes in Me... will never die." Will my soul go to Heaven... even if I'm really scared of dying? [Alonzo sighs deeply] Everyone's afraid to die. Even the bravest people. [sighs] Was Jesus afraid? He was. [sniffles] But He was comforted by knowing that He would live again. And you should feel the same way too. <i> So stay tuned as we keep you up to date</i> <i> on the miracles of Sara Hopkins.</i> <i> And now, back to Frank McDonald.</i> <i> Thanks, Dolores.</i> <i> Coming up next after the...</i> [turns off TV, sighs] Is this possible? Could the little Hopkins girl really be curing people? Anything is possible if it's the will of God, but... But what, Alonzo? - She doesn't have much time. - I know. But it's easy to get your hopes up, and then if Theresa isn't healed...? We have to try. We have to take Theresa to see Sara Hopkins. [crowd clamoring] WOMAN: She's here! Sara's in there. She's gonna help us. She's gonna heal us. Dad? I think these people want to see Sara. - [sighs] - Oh, Lord. I'll... go out and ask 'em all to leave. SARA: You can't, Daddy. What if I was sick and there was a possibility you could do something to help me? But, Sara, didn't you say that it wasn't you that healed Mark, that it was his faith in God? What if all those children don't have that same faith? What if they do? Listen, sweetheart. You're just a little girl. And if you go out there and all those people are healed, I'm afraid that... I'm afraid that you're not gonna get a chance to be that little girl again. Do you understand? Daddy's right. They're gonna keep coming more and more. It'll never stop. Look, you haven't even had breakfast yet. Let's go in the kitchen, I'll make you some waffles and we can talk about it some more, okay? All right, come on. Come on, sweetheart. ALEX: Sara? Sara? Look, folks, um... we know what you've heard about our daughter... but it's just gossip. It's stories made up by the media. Our little girl... she can't cure sick people, and I'm sorry that you came out here, but... please, go back home. She's just a little girl. She can't help us. Wait, wait. You're the girl from my drawing. Drawing? You like horses, right? Listen. I did see God. I don't know if I can help you, but I did see Him. [gasps softly] Thank you. [tearfully] Mom, I'm gonna be okay. [both crying] [Maria crying and laughing] Thank you. [gasps] You have sandy hair! You can see? Look at me, Isabel. Hi, Mommy. [all gasping and exclaiming] [all gasping and exclaiming] - Oh, my God. - What is happening? Thank you for coming. Um... I have to go see my parents now. Move very carefully. Are you okay? - [all gasping] - Sara? - Oh, my God, oh, my God. - Come on, baby. Come on. All right, look, uh, we've done all the blood work, and I've, uh, called the hospital and scheduled her for an M.R.I., so, uh, they'll be waiting for you. Doctor, after she prayed for Mark Miller... she couldn't get out of bed all day. And, and now look at her. I mean, she's so exhausted. She's, like, wrung out. You know... you weren't there, but... something really did happen. A-Another boy in a wheelchair stood up and walked. A, a blind girl could see again. What's going on? How could any of this be happening? [sighs] Let's, um... let's find out what's wrong with your daughter first. Then we can... figure out what happened in your front yard. - [knock at the door] - Yes? Doctor, I think there's something you and the Hopkins need to see. DOLORES:<i> ...find out.</i> <i> Just hours ago, standing right here,</i> <i> miracles were supposedly performed.</i> <i> It's been said that a blind girl can now see,</i> <i> a paralyzed boy can walk,</i> <i> and a little girl with cancer says she was healed.</i> <i> But are these miracles real?</i> <i> Is Sara Hopkins a miracle worker?</i> <i> We'll stick with this story until we get the answers.</i> [news theme playing, horn honks] [reporters clamoring] Oh, no. [Danny sighs] How'd they know we were here? She's all over the Internet too. We need to get Sara out of here. Take her to the hospital and get those tests done. You think you could stay at your father's for a couple of days? Yeah, sure. But, you know, the press probably followed us here 'cause they know our car. Hey, well, I'm parked out back. They wouldn't recognize mine. Okay, great, um... Honey, why don't you and Ben go gather up Sara? Danny, meet me around back, we'll take her in your car, and let's just hope they don't recognize us sneaking her out of here. Oh, no worries, I'll stall 'em. You think you can handle the press? Sure. We can handle this, Dad. [sighs] Hi, Mrs. Hopkins. I'm gonna go home. Thank you for dinner. Bye, honey. Thank you for helping out. See you, Sam. Bye, Cindy. [door opens and closes, Bonnie sighs] Well... you look tired. I'm exhausted. I can't even begin to describe or understand what happened with Sara this morning at our house. I don't know what to say. I mean... I know something happened, but nothing like this has ever happened in our family. It's about to turn her world upside down, and I don't think... anybody in this family, least of all her, is prepared for that. But, Dad, I'm worried, because ever since she said she saw God, she just keeps getting sicker. I have never seen her this ill. I'm really worried that this is something very serious. [cell phone buzzing] - Oh, it's the doctor. - Okay. Hello? Hi, Ben. And what, what did they say? What? [videogame beeping] BONNIE: Yes? What? Oh, my gosh. Thank you. [water gurgling] [birds chirping] I know You can hear me. [sighs] You heard me in 'Nam. You could have probably heard me down to the house too, but... I thought maybe... this place'd have some... special meaning to You, so... I came here to say my piece. I know I got no right... to ask You to hear me... or to... show Yourself, or... [sighs] I know who I am. I know what I've done. [sighs] I drank too much, I fought all the time. In the army... I did things. But, still, I got married. I was a good husband. I worked every day, I pounded sheet metal for 40 years, and I had a beautiful daughter. And my wife took her to church all the time. Now... I just don't know exactly where Sara was when she saw You... but I want You to know I would be in that spot if I could. Lord... oh... she's such a beautiful child. She is... she is so much better than I ever was, and You know she always loved You. From the time she could talk, she would ask me, "Does He cut His fingernails, Grampa? Does He shave like you do?" What was I to say? I... I said, "Honey... He gave you life, He must love you." I don't understand! I just, I just don't understand why You would make her so perfect and then snatch her away from us! I do not understand it! God... I am asking You... No... I'm begging You. Please don't do this. Please don't do this, don't take Sara! If You need somebody, take me. Stop my heart right here, it's okay. [tearfully] But please don't take Sara. Oh, God... - Morning. - Morning. - Come in. - Thank you. [birds chirping] - Uh, is Sara here? - Yes. Uh, you know, I think it'll be better if we talk in private. Of course. I'll go get Alex. "...and deeper and deeper into the wild Tinker went..." Hey, Danny? Can you please take Sara outside for a little bit? I think she could use some fresh air. Uh, yeah, we can do that. Um... can we go to the lake? No, no, I don't think that's a very good idea. Please, Mom. Honey, I'll take you someplace after, someplace really fun. - Okay? - Okay. Come on, let's go. Ah, okay. Let's see... ah... if you can take me... at this... right here. Ah. Okay. You ready? You take one of these, and then... [clang] Nice...! Okay, um... your turn. You hold that. And we're gonna scoot up for you. Okay, just look at the can... and throw it. [leaves rustle, Danny sighs] Is there anything else you want to do? I know the doctor's here to talk about me, so... I just wish I knew what he was saying. Well... why don't we keep playing the game? I'll tell you what-- for every can you knock down, you get a free hour on my phone. Deal? Will you just set up a lot more cans so I have more of a chance? Sure. All right, so... here's a few more. These are bigger targets, uh, and you can shoot from a closer spot too. I think that'll help, Sara. Sara? ALEX: So you feel that these tests are comprehensive? BEN: Dr. O'Connor's been reviewing the scans of Sara's brain. He sent them out for three other opinions, and they all feel that, because of the size and location of the tumor, that surgery would just be too risky. Too risky... and...? And he's saying that... Sara's brain tumor is inoperable. Yes, that's, that's, that's what it means. And he also believes that the tumor could be causing... the hallucinations. That's why she thinks she sees God when no one else does. [tearfully] But what about the children that she cured? Power of suggestion, you know, a placebo effect. What are you saying, that this is the result of, of a kind of mass hypnosis? A handicapped child walked again, a blind girl regained her eyesight, and another little girl is sure that Sara cured her cancer, for crying out loud. Jerry, there are documented cases that explain these types of healings. I mean, in, in 2004, there was a man who had tumors the size of grapefruits throughout his body, and he had less than two weeks to live. He took a substance that he believed would cure cancer, and four days later, the tumors completely disappeared. So it's in the realm of possibility that this is what happened to those children. Okay, okay, we can talk about those other children later. What other options do we have? There are no other options, Bonnie. I'm sorry. No... other options? Wait, are... are you saying... PASTOR MAC: Sara has more faith than any child I've ever met. I don't think anyone can say for certain when she is going to die. Are you saying... my little girl's gonna die? Ben, just tell us the truth. Sara's dying. [sobbing] Wait, there, there, there must be, like, a special hospital or, or some, some new, experimental treatments. Something that we can do. If there was... anything I could do, Bonnie, believe me... I would. So, we have to... we have to tell her. How do I tell my little girl that she's gonna die? [sobbing] I don't want to lose her, honey. I can't stand it. I love her too much. She's my baby... I can't... [muffled, sobbing] It's okay, Mommy. Oh, Sara. [tearfully] I just don't want you to cry. Stop crying. Oh, honey... I'm so sorry you had to hear all of that too. Please, stop crying. Really, it's okay. I heard what Dr. Riley said about me dying. - Oh... - Just, I don't want you to be sad, okay? [sniffling] It's okay, 'cause if I go to Heaven, I'll be with God. [both sobbing] ALEX: Sweetheart... I love you. I love you this much! I love you this much and even more. Mom, Dad, I don't want to go to the hospital. I want to go back to the lake... and I want to see God again. Please? I... oh... but... We have to go to the hospital, okay? That's where they'll make you comfortable. I know, but I want to go back to the lake. I want to ask God if I can wait to go to Heaven and stay with you guys till I grow up. [sobs, gasps] Honey? Honey? Oh, no. - Look at me. - Oh, no, oh, no. We need to get her to the hospital, right now. Grampa, please take me to the lake. [thunder rumbling] WOMAN: Oh, my God, is she here? [crowd murmuring] Do you have everything we need? Relax, I got everything taken care of. - All right, all right. - Hey, hey, here they come! [all clamoring] Danny, can you tell us the status of your sister's health? Is this some sort of grave illness? - [all shouting] - How, how's she doing? How's your mom? Cindy! Cindy! Give us an update of some kind. [monitors beeping] [knock at door] Hey... I thought... you might want to draw me one of those Rembrandts you've been coming up with. Thanks, you guys. Danny? I wanted to know what it's like to date someone... and... to be in love. The way you and Cindy are. [Danny chuckles] Well... um... it's great. You always look forward to being with one another. You share stuff. I mean, feelings and things. It's tough to explain it. When you start dating, you'll find out. I don't think I'm gonna live that long, Danny, and... I think it's something I'm really gonna miss. [Danny sighs] Is there anything we can do for you? [sniffles] You can sing the "Believe in You" song for me... like we did in the car. [tearfully] ♪ I wanna believe in You ♪ ♪ So give me a sign ♪ ♪ I wanna believe in You ♪ ♪ Just give me more time... ♪ [sniffles] ♪ I wanna believe in You ♪ ♪ But You have to believe... in me. ♪ [both sobbing] [thunder rumbling] [knock at door] How's my beautiful angel? Hey, sweetheart. [sighs] [cell phone buzzing] Uh... we're gonna step out for a while, but... we'll be right back. We love you so much. [thunder rumbling, rain falling heavily] Wipe your feet. Now take a seat. Thank you all for coming. Theresa has something to say. Last week, when Sara was helping those children outside her house... I felt something. I also saw it. It was a spiritual figure floating next to Sara, holding out His hand to touch the children she was touching. After she prayed for me... I felt... different... and warm... for the first time in two years. [tearfully] Healthy. I knew I'd been cured... and I also know that I was seeing God. Everything Sara told us was true. She wanted so much to help people and... and now we have to help her. Thank you, Theresa. All right, Mac and I have worked out a plan... and it's liable to get a whole bunch of people upset. And by a whole bunch of people, I mean Dr. Riley, I mean your parents, and I mean about everybody at the hospital. The last thing Sara said to me was she wanted to go back to the lake. I know that that's where she had her vision, I know that's where her healing comes from. I have to think that she knows something that we don't know, something that could help her. I don't know, but I do know I'm gonna see that she gets her last wish. I'm taking Sara back to the lake tonight. FLORA: Oh, we're in. She helped to cure my baby. We're gonna do everything we can to help her. I can't explain the miracles that have taken place through Sara, but if she wants to go back up there, I believe it is God's will for us to help her. I agree with you, Pastor. Sounds good to me, I'm in. But there's reporters and people all around the outside of the hospital. And inside, she's surrounded by not only my parents, but the entire hospital staff. They're not gonna let us take her out of there. We need a major plan to spring her. Exactly. Maria's been working part-time as a night nurse up at the hospital. She has this pass, which'll open almost any door. So this is what I'm thinking... [thunder rumbling, people clamoring] It's okay, honey. We're here, we're all here. Hey, kids, can I talk to you in the waiting room a minute? Why not in here? [tearfully] It's okay, I need some more coffee anyway. The room's clear. WOMAN ON P.A.:<i> Dr. Kravitz,</i> <i> you have a visitor in the main lobby.</i> Hey... we're gonna get you outta here... Okay, we have to get this done very carefully. Any break in the pulse rhythm will bring the whole nursing staff right in here. One, two, three... Okay. Excuse me, but my, my friend here isn't... feel-feeling very well. What are your symptoms? I don't know, I, I just, I feel so dizzy and... I think I'm gonna faint. - Well, let's get you... - Oh... Lay down. [cell phone buzzes] [cell phone buzzes] <i>Dr. Kravitz, you have a visitor in the main lobby.</i> -<i> Dr. Kravitz...</i> - [Cindy moaning] <i>...a visitor in the main lobby.</i> Where are we going? Taking you to the lake. [thunder crashing] [hail rattling] We're good! All better now, thanks! Hey, you forgot your bag! Thank you! Look, Sam, we can't do something like that. You heard what the doctor said. I know you both disagree, but I'm gonna honor that last request. Dad, no! I know how much you love her, but we are not taking her - back to that lake... - [thunder rumbling] ...especially on a night like this. [cell phone buzzes] [Alex sighs] How's she looking? Looks like she's sleeping again. Honey? Sweeth... What the... what is this? Where's Sara? Um... Dad! Dad? Oh, my... What is going on? - Um... well... - Where's Sara? We thought that she wasn't comfortable here, so we decided to take her down... To the lake?! Kinda... Did you see Sara Hopkins leaving Room 12? She couldn't have. Her pulse monitor is still on. You might want to check again. You really think they're going to the lake? Yeah, this is all Dad's doing. Him and that stupid, crazy idea of taking her back there! Go! Go! I'll follow ya! [thunder crashing, hail rattling] I don't think I can take this much excitement! Yeah? Hold on to your hat, 'cause there's gonna be a lot more of it! [tires squealing] Hey! The Hopkins girl just left, headed up I-60! - I-60? - Yes! - All right, let's go, let's go! - Let's go! Can you see okay? It'll be all right, honey. We'll be there soon. [siren wailing, tires squealing] [siren whooping] Oh, man, if we stop, we're sunk. But, Danny, you have to stop, it's the police! Okay, we're gonna have to cut these guys off, Mac. Oh, Lord, forgive him, for he knows not what he's doing! Hold on! Car! Car! [horn honking] Oh... oh... Isn't that Sam Donovan's truck? Sure looks like it... This is not gonna sit real well with the cops. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Aren't you going about as fast as this truck can go? It's not about going fast, it's about slowing down. What's the matter with that guy? Has he gone nuts? Oh, Lord, I hope they don't hit us. What?! Sam Donovan, pull over! <i> You're obstructing justice</i> and interfering with a police pursuit! DANNY: We're losing them! Danny, be careful! The road is so wet, slow down! Don't worry, I got this. Oh, Heavenly Father, please let them be lenient with us. How many years you think we're gonna get for this? I don't know, Mac, but enough to brush up on my Bible reading! [laughing] - Who's this now? - Beats me, but between the speeding, illegal passing and tailgating, looks like we're gonna have to run half the town in. I'm gonna call for backup. Is that Sam up ahead of the police? Looks like it. Are you sure you should be tailgating this close? I'm trying to see what he's up to. We're going a lot slower than when we started. That's because he's helping Danny get away. Dude is awesome! [siren whooping] No... No, this can't be happening! We have to get her up there! Here they come! Can you carry her up? Probably not in the storm, not alone. What are you doing here, man? You're trying to get your sister up to the lake, right? Yeah, but the road's blocked, and I don't know how much time she has. Cops are right on our tail. We can take a shortcut through Mason's Hill, it's quicker. The mountain? We'll never make it! Come on, dude, we can do this! [grunts] For saving my dog, I owe you... big time. Come on, we gotta go, we gotta get out of here. Go, go, go. Where's Sara? Alvie and Danny have her. They started up the hill! Let's go. Donovan! Hold it right there! You're not going anywhere! You've broken just about every traffic law there is, not to mention hindering a police pursuit. You're under arrest. We're impounding your vehicle and escorting you to the station. Listen, my granddaughter is dying! You mean the kid that's been curing all those people? Yes, and the last thing she asked me was to take her up to the lake before she passes, and the doctors say it could be tonight. You know where I live, you can arrest me on the way down, but I'm taking her up there now. Harrow, no sense making things worse. [crowd clamoring] It's not just Donovan, the whole town's gone nuts! [thunder crashing] Oh! Ooh! No, no, no, no, don't come back, don't come back! Keep going, Sam, keep going! Pastor Mac, are you okay? Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, I'm okay. [thunder crashing] [tree cracks and crashes] [all clamoring] [hissing and growling] [snarling] [barking] Good boy, Nobby! - You're gonna be okay. - Lay her down here. Here, here, here, here. You're okay. - Sara, we're here. - [gasping] Do you want me to pray with you? Our Father... [together] who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name... Is she still with us? Barely. [crowd clamoring] [sobbing weakly] Sara! Sara? Sara? Hold on, Sara... oh, God... Hold on, sweetheart. Oh, no... no, no... Oh, baby, sweetheart... I love you, I love you... I love you so much. Oh, sweetheart... Dad, you knew that the doctors wanted to keep her in the hospital. How could you bring her here, especially on a night like tonight?! If something happens, it's your fault! This is your fault! All of you! All of you had a hand in this! Why couldn't you just leave her alone? She's such a good girl, all she wanted to do was help you, and now she's... Oh, no... oh, no... Sara? Sara, sweetheart? - Sweetheart? - Come on, sweetheart. [crying] No... Please, don't leave us. [wind quiets] [insects chirping] [Bonnie sobbing] Oh... oh... [Bonnie sobbing] Hey, did you get any of that? There's nothing there. It's blank. All right, Ed, you can take me in. It's okay, Sam. Maybe you had a good reason for speeding, even in the eyes of the law. Your granddaughter get to do what she wanted? [emotionally] More than you'll ever know. Thank you. Eddie, are you seeing this? It was one of the strongest storms of the year, yet none of the people who went up there are wet. [Bonnie sobbing] I'm so sorry. I know... nothing we can say will bring you comfort... but we all know where Sara is now. Safe in God's hands. Dad... Dad, I'm sorry for what I said at the lake. I know how much you loved her, and you were just trying to fulfil her wish. And, and you knew something that none of us could understand, so I... thank you for doing that for her. [sobbing] Dad. Must've been the last picture she drew. I... I think she knew God was coming for her. That's beautiful. I'll have it framed and hung up in church. Danny... Danny, look at this... Mom! Dad! <i> This</i> is the last picture she drew. She's coming back! That means that, maybe... God... [tearfully] ...are You gonna let Sara come back to us? - Oh, Danny... - Can You? - Will You, will You, please... - Danny... Please, let Sara come back to us? - Sweetheart, I'm sorry... - Please, God. - Will You, please? - You got to let her go. - Sara, please? - I'm sorry, darling... - Please, Sara, please... - I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, sweetie. [gasping] Sara? Sara! Oh, my... - Oh! - Sara! Sara... Oh... - Sara? - Hi, Mommy... Daddy... SAM: [laughing] Sara! Honey, how are you? [all crying and laughing] It's a miracle! I told God that I didn't think I was ready to go to Heaven and He told me to come back here and take care of you. Oh, my... my baby... Oh, my baby, you're alive. You're alive. I love you so much. Thank You, God, thank You, God. Thank You, God. It, it, it's not possible. She wasn't breathing, there was no, there was no pulse. You're beginning to catch on. [crowd gasping and exclaiming] MAN: It's a miracle! No, don't kneel. I'm just a... lucky girl who God decided to visit. It... could've been any one of you. He still may come back to see one of you, just like He did with me. Please, get up... and... now you all need to believe something. I can't cure anyone anymore. But... I wasn't the one who really cured people in the first place. It was God. He just told me what to do and... I did it. The truth is... all of you can cure people. You really can. All you have to do is believe in God and pray to Him, and He'll help you. Sometimes... we can't see it right away. Or sometimes the answer isn't exactly what you've prayed for, but... He's listening. And soon you'll see how kind and how wonderful He is. He's the best. He told me to tell you... to... love your children and your families, and to try to help one another every day. So... when you all go home tonight... say a prayer and ask what you can do to make your family strong and to help other people. God<i> will</i> help you, because... well... He loves you all... a lot. [Sam chuckling] ...and, well, the expression, "God works in mysterious ways" certainly rung true in our community - over the last week or so. - [laughter] As a matter of fact, on that country road the other night, I was certain<i> I</i> was gonna meet my maker... several times. [laughter] For all of us, each in our own, different way, I think God has opened a door, has shown us a little light, has shown us that His arms were around us, around our friends, our family, both in this life and in the next one. Can you feel Jesse with us? You know, uh... I can. So, some of us who have been witness to... modern miracles can get a small taste of what it was like to be an apostle. For in their presence was the one continuing miracle, the miracle that we can all choose to accompany us through our lives... the presence of God. [chatter] [birds chirping] [friendly chatter, greetings and laughter] See, Daddy? It's like Jesus said. Faith as small as a mustard seed can grow and spread, and soon become big enough to move mountains. Guess He was right. [uplifting theme music] ["I Want to Believe in You" playing] ♪ People walk with no place to go ♪ ♪ Oh, they move without direction ♪ ♪ People talk with nothing to say ♪ ♪ Oh, they speak with no inspiration ♪ ♪ I want to believe in You ♪ ♪ Just give me a sign ♪ ♪ I'd like to believe in You ♪ ♪ Just give me more time ♪ ♪ I want to believe in You ♪ ♪ But You have to believe in me ♪ ♪ People playing at the game ♪ ♪ Oh, they live without intention ♪ ♪ People wanting the same thing ♪ ♪ But cash and love ♪ ♪ Well, it just don't pay them ♪ ♪ I want to believe in You ♪ ♪ Just give me a sign ♪ ♪ I'd like to believe in You ♪ ♪ Just give me more time ♪ ♪ I want to believe in You ♪ ♪ But You have to believe in me ♪ ♪ I try to believe in You ♪ ♪ Just show me the way ♪ ♪ I want to believe in You ♪ ♪ So don't throw it away ♪ ♪ I want to believe in You ♪ ♪ But You have to believe in me ♪ ♪ Hey lah ♪ ♪ Hey lah ho ah ♪ ♪ Hey lah ♪ ♪ Hey lah ho ah ♪ ♪ Hey lah ♪ ♪ Hey lah ho ah ♪ ♪ Hey lah ♪ ♪ Hey lah ho ah ♪ ♪ Hey lah ♪ ♪ I want to believe in You ♪ ♪ Just give me a sign ♪ ♪ I'd like to believe in You ♪ ♪ Just give me more time ♪ ♪ I want to believe in You ♪ ♪ But You have to believe in me ♪ ♪ I try to believe in You ♪ ♪ Just show me the way ♪ ♪ I want to believe in You ♪ ♪ So don't throw it away ♪ ♪ I want to believe in You ♪ ♪ But You have to believe in me ♪ ♪ Hey... ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ Hey lah ♪ ♪ Hey lah ho ah ♪ ♪ Hey lah ♪ ♪ Hey lah... ♪ [song fades, music changes to slow piano] [orchestra joins in]
Channel: Samuel Goldwyn Films
Views: 911,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the girl who believes in miracles, the, girl, who, believes, in, miracles, faith, christian, movie, movies, trailer, trailers, free, free movies, free faith movies, free christian movies, mira sorvino, austyn johnson, kevin sorbo, pete coyote
Id: k8Hp3DwzPSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 35sec (5975 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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