Run for the Dream | FULL MOVIE | Inspiring True Story

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[soft music] [timer ticking] [footsteps running] [tired breathing] [lock turning] [rhythmic music] [exaggerated unlocking] [exaggerated unzipping] BOB KERSEE (VOICEOVER): Falling and catching. Rise up and let the wind take you there. Put your head down. Keep it down, girl. Arms. More. See what happens when you listen to me? Reach down and grab victory. Feel the power, Gail. Inside and out. Drive and pull. [EXAGGERATED UNROLLING AND TEARING] Speed Merchant. That's what you are. They can't catch you, Devers, unless you want to be caught. Get going, girl. [exaggerated locker closing] [soft uplifting music] [gunshot] [cheering] [soft music] [cheering] Now. Come on, now. [soft music] [cheering] [soft music] [cheering] Yes! [soft uplifting music] [cheering] REPORTER: Over here! Ms. Gail! Ms. Gail! Over here! Ms. Gail. ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please? The winner of the Women's 100 Meters Hurdles, Gail Devers, with a time of 12.68 seconds, a new national record! [cheering] [cheering fades] I won! Did you see me? I saw it. I set a record. Barely. Had a long takeoff, short touchdown-- head way up in the clouds somewhere. Bobby, I won today. So did 100 other girls in 100 other places. And if you don't stay on it, the Games are going to slip right through your fingers. Been trying to tell you. You ain't gonna listen. OK, I'll take my take off and work on my touchdown! Hey, D, congratulations. You won today. [bell tolling] GAIL DEVERS: Oh, Gail. Calm down. Remember to breathe. Oh. MRS. DEVERS: Gail? Meemaw, I can't believe this. This is my day! Come on! Your daddy is waiting. Hey, Papa! Take this one! You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago. - I know that. - And how do you do? Hello. How are you? Where were you? The caterer was late. - Hi, Reverend. - He got the wrong-- [overlapping voices] I'll never use him again. Hello. How do you do? Thank you for coming. Everything's OK. Don't make a fuss. Don't you look nice? Thank you. - I'm gonna find Gail. - Yes. OK. MAN: You can put that package right in over there. Why do we always get nervous, huh? I don't understand. Oh, well, well, I don't remember. It's been so long since your uncle and I got married, but it's-- [camera click] One more. Now look right at this. [camera click] OK, you're good now. OK. Now, is that the last one? Just 10 more. Oh, no, no, no. We have to get her ready. GAIL DEVERS: Whose cousin are you? One more time. MRS. DEVERS: This is RJ's second cousin. [stammering] Kenny. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Oh, that's very good. I tell you, but let-- let's get her ready, and we'll see you outside. - Oh, OK. - OK. Yeah. One more. [camera click] Coach Kersee, so glad to see you. You too, Reverend Devers. Gail will be thrilled. Oh, yeah. I'm not going to make her run today. [laughter] Well, thank the Lord I only have to do this once. Ah. What do you think? Well, you know, I think they might just make it. I'm going to get me a front row seat and watch the festivities. - All right. - Good luck to you, sir. Thank you. See you at the reception. OK. Gail? What is-- Something's wrong here. I'm gonna have to take a tuck in. Oh, no. We can't take a tuck in this. It's fine. Honey, this fit you perfectly a week ago. Well, how could you lose-- My body's always changing. But how could you lose so much weight in one week? Oh, come on, Meemaw. It's OK. - Well. And nobody's going to notice but you. I know. OK, get your Granny's diamond earrings over here on the table. Careful, careful, careful. Congressman, how are you? So nice to see you. Thank you. GAIL DEVERS: Uh-uh. No, Meemaw. You are not going to do this again. No. Not again. Can't help it. I'm so happy today, Meemaw. I hope it stays that way forever. You deserve it. (SINGING) Why should I-- REVEREND DEVERS: We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in the holy state of matrimony. It is a solemn oath, and one not to be entered into lightly. MAN: That's right. REVEREND DEVERS: You may now kiss the bride. (SINGING) I see-- [clapping] --because-- [happy chatter] [applause] [camera click] [STEVE ALLEN, "THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT"] The girl can't help it, she's just naturally grace. You stepped on my foot, Bobby. Well, you need to get your foot out the way, Jackie. Sure you know how to do that number? You know, you used to be able to dance. Oh, quiet. I'm just waiting for my song. I did. Come on. Let's go mess with Jackie and Bobby. [laughs] All right. Hey, Bobby. Hey! Congratulations. Hey, Hampton. Baby girl. JACKIE JOYNER-KERSEE: We're so happy for you. Congratulations. Oh, here I go again. [laughs] Hey, man. I didn't know you owned a pair of hard shoes, Coach. Oh, yeah. I've been known to get off the track from time to time. [laughter] Yeah. You all leave my handsome husband alone. You heard that, huh? [laughter] Shall we dance? BOB KERSEE: Let's dance. All right. (SINGING) And two boots so fine. And by the way-- - Oh, stop it. Bobby, behave. [tapping on glass] REVEREND DEVERS: First of all, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Hampton, my wife and myself, I want to thank each and every one of you for coming. I think it's about time that we let these young people go and begin their married life. But before they do, I want to say a few words, because that's what ministers do, and I paid for the wedding. [laughter] You've got to know that this is one of the happiest moments of my life. We've all seen Gail grow up in this church family. That's right. And we've seen her grow into a champion runner blessed with divine power. WOMAN: That's right. REVEREND DEVERS: RJ, her husband, is a fine athlete in his own right. MAN: Well. REVEREND DEVERS: He's not as fast as Gail, but then again, who is? [laughter and clapping] But at least, RJ, you don't have to bring her in by 12:00 anymore. - Well, thank you. REVEREND DEVERS: Yeah. Yeah. [laughter] But seriously, RJ, I can't think of a better husband for my daughter, or a finer son in law. MAN: Yes. Gail, RJ, to you, Gail and to you, RJ, I'd like to wish you both God's blessing, God's grace, and above all, Godspeed. MAN: All right, now. Godspeed! WOMAN: Godspeed. MAN: Godspeed. [glasses clinking] - Godspeed. Godspeed. Godspeed. REVEREND DEVERS: Praise the Lord. [seagulls cawing] [tides crashing] Come on, Gail! I thought you said this was going to be the last mile! Catch up, RJ! All right now. Don't think I can't catch you! All right, where you going? Where you going? Come on now! - Come on! I got you! I got you now! I'm coming! [yell] [laughter] Come here you. Can't get away. [laughter] Oh, Gail. You want some more, don't you? I'm hungry. Let's get some breakfast. No. I'm not ready quite yet. Mm. Mm! Because, uh, there is nobody here but you and me. Come on, RJ. Let's run. Run? We only got two more miles to go. - Gail, it's my honeymoon! - Come on! Just two more miles. I promise, I'll be back before you get out of the shower. I'm going back, Gail. I'm going back now. I'm going-- Gail, for real! Keep the hot water running! Gail-- I'm leaving now, Gail! [rhythmic soft music] Oh, honey, this is beautiful! Hey, careful now. I just got you. I don't want to lose you now. There's no losing me. You know what? Let's buy a house. I mean a big house. Yeah, with lots of rooms, and a garden full of flowers. - And a fireplace. - Yeah. And a dog. - Oh! Gots to have a dog. Mm-hmm. Look after you and the kids when I'm not at home-- Mm. --so I don't have to worry about my little family. [tides crashing] [rhythmic music] [gunshot] [cheers] [exhale] I think I made it. Yeah, I wasn't supposed to win. I mean, I just supposed to qualify. ANNOUNCER: Qualifying for the US team and the Games in Seoul are Keisha McCants, Shannon Woods, and Gail Devers. [cheers] - That's the point. I just have to qualify. Pat yourself on the back. [rhythmic music] [tired breathing] [ominous notes] [rhythmic music] [squeak] [whistle blow] Gail! Girl, what are you doing? Nothing. I'm fine. Baby, this race takes 50 strides. No more, no less. You're four more better than five. I'm just a little tired, that's all. Tired? COACH: All right. Nice form. Nice form, J. You're tired as in you got too much sleep, or tired as in you didn't get enough? I got just the right amount. - [mumbles] Right amount? - Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hey. What do you see? Where? Down there. Tell me what you see. The lane. Past that. GAIL DEVERS: The wall? Past that. I can't see past the wall-- Right. Can't see past the wall. You want to win the gold? Yeah-- Do-- you-- want to win the gold? Yeah, I want to win the gold. And what you don't know is you already got it. It's out there waiting for you to claim it. You've got to use your mind and your heart and imagine yourself already winning that race, making yourself crossing that finish line. First-- huh-- you trace the steps that got you there backwards. You end up right here, right now. I-- I don't want to hear it! Two 100 meter repeats. Chop, chop. Right now. Right now! RJ HAMPTON: Gail, why do you take that shit from him? GAIL DEVERS: Same reason everybody else does. He's the best track coach in the world. Says him. Says everybody. I don't want to talk about Kersee any more tonight. I just want to go to sleep. My head is killing me. Woman, what you got on? Mm. What you doing now? My eye hurts. Well, here. Let me kiss it and make it better. Mm, you smell good! [groan] All right, J. [groans and kisses] Where you going? Huh? RJ. What do you see? What? There. What do you see? RJ, I'm too tired for games. Ah, so you're not looking, but I am. And I don't just see a bed and some sheets and pillows-- oh, no. - No? Oh, no. What do you see? What you got to see-- to the other side of that bed, past those sheets and pillows. See? You got to see your fulfillment already there. [seductive music] Sexual [kiss] ecstasy, [kiss] just waiting to be playing now. I'm not sure I want to come here. But you got to. It's already there. And it's so nice. So soft. Begging me for more. [speaking softly] Your thighs. [giggling] [shower running] Honey, I was thinking-- thinking about getting cable hooked up. What do you think? - Sure. Yeah. [ominous music] RJ HAMPTON: Don't forget to call that, uh, the press for all sports endorsements. It sounded serious. They called, like, three times. You hear me, baby? Yeah. Uh-huh, I heard you. Can you grab me the towel? Yeah. Here you go. [toilet flushes] [concerned music] [tired breathing] We can be out here all night if you want to. Now when we gonna start moving these numbers in the right direction? Huh? I don't know. Is it fear, Devers? Because fear is not real, you know? It's just an excuse to keep it from doing the work that you ought to be doing. Bobby, I'm not trying to get out-- No, you're not! I'm gonna hit the showers. Hey, Devers. You think the Europeans are hitting the showers? Huh? [thunder rolling] [door slams] [groan] [troubled, dissonant breathing] [groan] [thunderous shower] [exaggerated note hit] [troubled horn playing] [exaggerated draining] [gunshot] [cheers] Go, RJ! Come on! ANNOUNCER: Qualifying for the US team in Seoul in the Men's 400 meter are George Chappell, Michael Meadows, and Steve Heinke. [sad slow music] GAIL DEVERS: Oh, no. [exhale] This can't be. What's happening? Oh, hey, girl. Hey, Jackie. You're trying to beat the line too, huh? Yeah. I got to get out of here. Ooh. Somebody's been doing too much honeymooning. Yeah. It's all J's cooking. Yeah. But don't say that to Bobby. I know that's right. What? You're not pregnant, are you? No, I'm not pregnant. No, I just weighed in with my left hand, that's all. Hun, I know what can happen on a honeymoon. Well, it didn't. [laughs] Course, when I think about it, when Bobby and I first got married-- Uh-huh? --next time I looked up, I was carrying five pounds of somebody else's boot-- body. And I know he had something to say about it, too. Yo, Bobby J. You girls just in time. Team weigh-in. Stand in line, now. No, I got to go. Sorry I can't stay, Dr. Otis. [door closes] [footsteps] RJ? RJ HAMPTON: Yeah? Hi, baby. When'd you get home? Three hours ago. The practice ran long today. And I had to stop at the store. I got home as soon as I could. How was your meeting? [pity laugh] My job stinks, Gail. You know, and I wanted to come home and tell you about it. I even hoped that maybe you might have even had dinner ready for me. Imagine that. Well, I'm making dinner for you right now. I've already eaten! [sigh] Towels. Three hours. [scoff] Three hours, Gail. I told you, practice ran long tonight. Look, you don't have to run every second of every day! Well, you certainly living proof of that. I'm going out. Can't believe this shit. [door slams] [car drives away] Oh, I don't need this. [trouble music] I'll be back on the 27th. How am I supposed to reach you in Korea? Um, there's a phone number on the refrigerator. Just in case. Thanks. They say it's going to be warm over there, so I'm not going to take a lot of stuff. Oh, do you know where my red sweatshirt is? The clothes hamper last time I saw it. [phone ringing] Hello? Hi, Meemaw. Well, yeah, it'll take you about an hour to get here. I'll be ready for sure by then. [concerned horn music] Hold on. Baby, I got to go. Have a good time. I'll call you, RJ. [door slams] [deafening airplane] [rhythmic music] [laughter and chatter] [cheers] ANNOUNCER 1: [speaking japanese] ANNOUNCER 2: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first qualifying heat for the Women's 100 Meter Hurdles. [scattered clapping] OFFICIANT: [speaking japanese] [speaking japanese] [gunshot] [cheers and applause] [trouble music notes] ANNOUNCER: [speaking japanese] [dramatic notes] [distant cheers] Are you OK? Jackie, something's wrong with me. What's wrong? [indistinct chatter] [dramatic notes] Is this the right position? Are all the test results in? But what can it be? We want an answer. It's nothing. We can't find a thing. Look, the X-rays are clear. And that's all you can tell us? See for yourself. [curious music] It's probably just stress. Doctor, my daughter is an athlete. She's a fine-tuned machine. She knows when there's something wrong. And so do I. Please, you're always free to seek a second opinion. Ms. Devers, I believe that this is an emotional response. Oh, my God. Is there something bothering you? There's nothing bothering her at all. Thank you, Doctor. [distant chatter] Hey. Hey. Nothing, huh? That's what they say. Unless they say I have everything, which is the same as nothing. I'm the sickest healthy person around. They don't know what it is? They mostly say it's stress. Well, the doctors, they know what they're talking about. That's what it is then. - They don't know. Only I know what's wrong with me. You do, huh? GAIL DEVERS: Mm-hmm. What is it? When I started running, it was almost by accident. My mother said I had stolen a star from the sky. And I would look up into the night and I'd wonder which star I'd stolen. Then I got scared, so I realized if I had stolen the star, it wouldn't be up there, it would be with me, and wouldn't God want it back? I'm saying God came and took his star and stuck it back up in the sky. Maybe he doesn't want me running anymore. What do you think? What do I think? I think it's the most words you've said at one time since I known you. [thunder rolling] Hey, it's getting a little late. Let's go. No, I'm going to sit here for a while. Practice tomorrow, Devers. Be ready. [concerned rhythmic music] [thunder rumbling] Dammit. You're sure running is your gift, Devers? You added 3/10ths to your time. You must be marked or something. Great Gail Devers. It's Mrs. Hampton. Oh, excuse me. Mrs. Hampton. Haven't seen your husband run in so many months, thought you might have been a widow. And by the way-- hey! We don't believe in Godspeed here on my track. We rely on our own. You got it? Now do it again, and faster this time. Come on! [whistle blow] Sure, you're right! How come you didn't do that in the first place? She runs faster when she's mad, huh? Atta girl! Check it out. RUNNER: I don't want to hear it, man. I smoked! BOB KERSEE: Hey, Gail! Where's she going? RJ HAMPTON: I'm glad you're back. RJ. No, no. Who the hell is he? - Maybe I should go back. - What? Are you crazy? For what? I've been trying to get you to see him for who he really is all along, Gail. And I knew you'd get it one day. RJ, please. Bet he wouldn't talk to a man like that. No, no, you're not going back to him, Gail. I'm serious. I'm putting my foot down. Don't you go sneaking behind my back. And where am I going to find myself a coach? I'm not going to give up running. Where? I'll tell you where. Me. You? Yeah, Gail. I know everything he knows-- even more. It'd be great. We can work together every day. Who knows more about the length of these legs and where they lead than I do? You'd really coach me? You promise, RJ? I'm a man of my word. And you know that. Come on, let's go. One more set. All right, put your hands up. Come on, hands up. RJ, please. - Get them knees up. - Knees up? Come on. Come on. Come on, let's go! Let's get em up! Slow down, slow down, slow down. OK. All right, let's walk it out. You're good. Yeah. See? we can do this. BOB KERSEE: Hey, Gail. How are you feeling? I'm OK. BOB KERSEE: Good. Just go in the house, baby. She doesn't want to see you. Ever. [trouble music] Why don't you let Gail tell me that? Look, she doesn't even want to see you to tell you she doesn't want to see you. That's how much she doesn't want to see you. [door opens] All right. [distant dog barking] Hey. Hey. So what happened? RJ's training her now. What? RJ is training here now. Well, did you talk to Gail? No. You know you didn't help the situation any, Bobby? What are you talking about? I got into the Games, and the fact that she lost, that's not my fault. You got her to the Games? Yes, I got her to the Games. No. She got herself there with your help. [groan] At least there's some other runners who do want my help. Yeah? BOB KERSEE: Yeah. None as fast as Gail. You know this don't make no sense. How's RJ going to help Gail win anything? Let alone some gold. [alarm buzzing] [clock ticking] RJ? Come on, sweetheart. Time to hit the track. Come on, RJ. Now, you promised you'd come with me. You said this morning you'd come. [groans] Mm-mm. No. Mm-mm. Are you going to train me or what? I will do it this weekend, I promise. This is the third time, RJ. I need you to come with me. RJ HAMPTON: Baby, I got to be at work at 9:00. Come on, now. I'm tired. [trouble music] [struggle breathing] Gail? [car door closes] GAIL DEVERS: I wouldn't have phoned, Dr. Otis, but you're my last hope. It's fine, Gail. Sit down. I-- I haven't been feeling well. Uh-huh? Right, I see. How long ago did this start? I don't know. A year? [ominous notes] No. Longer. While I was still on the team. Well, I see your skin. [ominous notes] Something's wrong with me, isn't it? [ominous notes] Gail, I believe something is wrong. I have a friend of mine, Dr. Ginsburg. He's a wonderful doctor. And I want you to see him, and you tell him everything you told me. DOCTOR: (ECHO) It's nothing. JACKIE JOYNER-KERSEE: (ECHO) Is there something bothering you? DOCTOR: (ECHO) It's probably just stress. Dr. Otis, I need you to come with me. Oh, Gail. You just tell him-- - No, no, no. I need you to come with me. I need you to tell him. You tell everybody. Nobody believes me. OK. [concerned music] Bet you just came from the track. Bet you're thirsty. [exhale] Yeah. Come on. Let's get something to drink. Hmm? He was easy to talk to, that's for sure. Yeah. You're going to get some answers. Marvin. Dr. Otis. Gail. Mm-hmm? Well, Gail, your thyroid's out of whack. [laughs] What does that mean? Well, the thyroid's a gland. It's located right about-- right about here. And it secretes hormones that control your metabolism, your nervous system, and the action of your muscles. At least, that's what it's supposed to do. But yours is not working very well. That's also why your weight goes up and down. I knew I wasn't crazy. I knew there was something wrong all the time. Well, you're definitely not imagining things, Gail. GAIL DEVERS: That's good to hear. Grave's disease is very real. How serious is it? You see, your thyroid is twice the size that it should be. GAIL DEVERS: So? And we need to get it back down to normal size. Well, how are you going to do that? Well, to be honest-- GAIL DEVERS: Please? I'm going to need some time before I can advise you on the best treatment. Treatment? So there's a cure? Doctor, there is a cure, isn't there? What are you telling me? No cure. Gail? Gail, where have you been? I was just getting ready to start calling around for you. There's no cure, RJ. Nothing. For the rest of my life, I'm just going-- Maybe they're wrong again. No. No, not this time. Come on, baby, let's go. Come on. Everything's going to be just fine. Yeah. Come on. [upbeat music] He just comes in. Read it and weep. FRIEND 1: Wow. [animated chatter] This is what you got, James. James, James, don't look at them till you have to. Snap with a 24 shot clock. [animated chatter] Hold on. ALL: 3, 2-- Time out! [laughter] [phone ringing] FRIEND 2: No, that ain't nothing, man. Yeah, he is. Hold on. Bobby. Bobby. Huh? It's Dr. Otis. Oh, excuse me. Yeah, doc. Sorry. What? All right. Thank you. What she want? Gail's not doing too well. Yeah, well, you already knew that. Got to get back to the game, baby. Gail's not doing too well. She's worse than we thought. Oh, no. Poor RJ. You guys go ahead. I'll be right back. She going to be all right? Excuse me. [dialing] GAIL'S VOICEMAIL: Leave a message and we'll call you back. [beep] Gail? It's Bobby. Pick up. Gail? All right. This is Bobby. Call me when you get this message, all right? [ominous note] [deep sigh] We got each other, baby. No more heartbreak about running after the gold. We can settle down and be normal. Have a family. Just be together. GAIL DEVERS: When will I be able to run again? Well, you may be able to run again someday. When? Well, I'm recommending radiation therapy to shrink your thyroid, Gail, and I expect very good results from that. But the side effects can be very uncomfortable. [ominous note] Now, the beta blockers will help your body through all of that. They'll protect you. But Gail, you've got to understand one thing. What? This whole treatment is going to slow you down. It'll be a very long time before-- before you have the energy to run again. [ominous music] BOB KERSEE: Hey, hey, Gail. Hold up. We've been worried about you, you know? Dr. Otis called me and she-- she told me about your illness. So it took Otis to convince you. Oh, come on. I knew there was something wrong, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I did try to call you. Hey, hey, you're going to beat this. You might even run again. You don't know anything about my business, Bobby. Hey, Gail, You'll hang tough. Gail, let's go! I parked in the red. Here's my ride. RJ HAMPTON: You all right? It's cool. Come on, let's go. [dialing] [phone ringing] OPERATOR: You have reached the International Athletic Medical Hotline. The following are a list of drugs banned by current guidelines-- all steroids, corticosterone, erythropoietin, and somatotropin are also included in this group. All beta blockers are also banned. If the use of any banned drug is detected, the offender is subject to due process and possible expulsion from the game for two years to life. [concerned rhythmic music] [heavy sigh] [sniffle] [vomiting] [ominous note] [trouble music] Gail? RJ? What are you doing? You sick? - Give me some privacy please. - Are you sick? Give me some privacy. Gail, not one. Not one. You haven't taken one-- - Leave me-- - I'm not going to sit here-- Go away-- No, you're killing yourself! You're fucking killing me! I'm not taking it anymore! - RJ, please! You're going to take these pills! You don't understand! I do understand! And I know right now, you got to stop, girl! You got to stop! I'm not taking this shit no more! I'm not taking it, Gail! [ominous music] [door opens] [door slams] [distant thunder rolling] Not taking this shit. Tell her to take this medication, please. She's hurting. You know, she's not taking this medication because she believes you want her to go back to the Games. I didn't tell her that. RJ HAMPTON: Doesn't matter. You and I both know Gail is never going to run again. So even if the beta blockers are banned by the committee, she'll never be tested because her running career is over. Look, you are her husband. You tell her to take them. - No, no. You're the great Bob Kersee. Mr. Guru. - Yeah, that's right. That's why she'll listen to you before she listens to me! She always has! She hasn't done that in a long time, and you know when that stopped. She can't sleep. Her hair is falling out. Her legs bleed, her face peels, so would you please tell her to take the beta blockers. I don't know. I'll think about it, OK? I'll think about it. [door slams] [ominous music] HOSPITAL STAFF: Dr. Bailey, please report to radiation therapy. Dr. Bailey, to radiation therapy. Hey, hey. Hey. How's it going? All right. Pain's not as bad as they say. Good. And the radiation will be over soon. How soon? Soon enough. Oh. Soon enough for Barcelona. I don't think we should be worried about Barcelona right now. This grass needs to be watered. You're thinking I should take that medicine, huh? Maybe. [laughs] You can't even say it. Bob Kersee never just thinks maybe about anything. You really don't want me to take that medicine. - I can't tell you-- - See? You can't do it. You can't tell me to give up any hope I have of ever going to the Games. - Gail, listen. Please. Tell me to take them and I will. Well, look. I can't tell you-- I lied about the pain. It's bad. It's real bad. Tell me to take them. Gail. I get night sweats. My headache's so bad, I'm afraid I'm going to die, and then I'm afraid I'm-- I'm afraid I'm not going to die. - Gail-- Tell me to take them, Bobby. Please, Gail. Should I take them? What are you doing? Just say yes and I will. Gail, wait, wait. Come on. - No, Gail-- hey! - Why not? Then hand it to me. What are you doing? Tell Jackie I said hi. Gail! [concerned horn music] Damn. DOCTOR 1: Do you have the EKG reading? DOCTOR 2: Yes, I do. [ominous music] [exaggerated door creak] [door slam] [echoing footsteps] [loud door slams] [loud camera clicks] [echoing laughter] GIRL: Mommy! Here I come! [laughter continues] I need to catch you! Leave me alone! [footsteps] [sighs] [ominous notes] [birds chirping] RADIO ANNOUNCER: It's a beautiful day in Los Angeles. Rise and shine, and "I Want Jesus To Walk With Me." (SINGING) I want Jesus to walk with me. [laughter] I want Jesus to walk with me. [door bell ring] All along this tedious journey. Yes, I need you, Jesus-- Here's my baby. Hi. I'm so glad you came. Look who's here, everybody! ALL: Hi, Gail. How y'all doing? Um, Papa's in the den, huh? Oh, yeah. Yes. (SINGING) He's my friend. Hey, Papa. Hi, sweetie. Hiya, baby. Happy birthday. Thank you. - This is for you. - Oh! Whoa! What is this? Open it and see. OK. I'm thirsty. I'm going to get something to drink. All right. (SINGING) Be my friend. Excuse me. [distant chatter] [birds chirping] When is RJ coming, baby? I don't know. You don't know when he's coming? Papa, I don't even know where he's at. I haven't for over a week or more. I don't understand. Where would RJ be? I don't know, Papa. He stopped leaving me notes a long time ago. Well, I don't understand. Now, what did you two have? A fight or something? What is all this about? Huh? Look at me. What do you mean? Look at me. Well, honey, that's-- Well, sweetheart-- Would y'all just look at me? REVEREND DEVERS: Sweetheart, that's going to go away! MRS. DEVERS: Yes. Can somebody help me please! REVEREND DEVERS: Come on. We're here to help you. Be patient. [crying] Sweetheart, I've always told you, God will find a way-- Oh, please, Papa! I don't know any more prayers! Gail, don't you talk that way in this house. Why does God hate me? God does not hate you! Then why doesn't he help me? REVEREND DEVERS: Oh. Oh, sweetheart, do you-- Come stay with us. Come home with us. Come on. Stay here. Did he leave you? You come here and stay with us. - You should be with us. - I can't do that! I can't stay! I want to take care of you. You shouldn't be alone, Gail! You can't-- I'm going after her. No, no, no, no. Let her go. Let her go. MRS. DEVERS: Let her go? She wants to be alone. [murmurs] That's our baby. She needs us. I know that. There's nothing we can do about it now. It's in Gods hands. It's God's hands, God's will. God! God. God. When are you going to see that it was Gail's will to run all those hurdles? Gail's will to break through all those finishing tapes. Wasn't Gail's will there somewhere? (SINGING) Don't leave me alone, Lord. When are you going to get Gail credit for what she's done? When are you going to stop putting God in your place? (SINGING) Walking up and down this-- Without a mother, Lord. I need you, Jesus, every day of my life. Don't leave me alone. [phone ringing] [ominous notes] [loud door slam] Maybe she just wants to be by herself, Bobby. [doorbell rings] She's not home. Her car is still here. Well, then, she doesn't want to see us. Bobby, what-- I'm going in. Come on. Come on. Jeez. Hey, Gail! Hey, girl! Yo! It's Jackie and Bobby! [ominous music] [knocking] Gail? Why are all these mirrors covered? I don't know. BOB KERSEE: This is strange. I told you. I told you she wasn't here. You want me to leave a note? Well, we'll call her next time. Next time, she better answer. [quietly crying] MALE TV ANNOUNCER: Let's take a look at highlights from today's championships. [chatter on tv] MALE TV ANNOUNCER: Yes, I would, and certainly-- [tv chatter] FEMALE TV ANNOUNCER: Nothing like a-- [tv chatter] MALE TV ANNOUNCER: OK, now here's-- She's the favorite-- Let's see a replay of her win earlier today in the 200 meters. [tv chatter] MALE TV ANNOUNCER: This 100 meter relay today is not going to be a cakewalk for her. The Jamaican team, in particular, is-- FEMALE TV ANNOUNCER: Yes, right. [chatter on tv] --are excellent athletes. [tv chatter] MALE TV ANNOUNCER: And they're off! FEMALE TV ANNOUNCER: And that's a superb start-- MALE TV ANNOUNCER: --is running hard. FEMALE TV ANNOUNCER: --coming away. She's going to win! [applause on tv] MALE TV ANNOUNCER: --by a body length. FEMALE TV ANNOUNCER: Oh, that's a superb-- FEMALE TV ANNOUNCER: RJ HAMPTON: Gail? Gail? What the hell happened here? Gail? Gail? Gail? Oh, Gail. Baby, wake up. What have you done? Oh, my God. Oh, no. Gail, wake up. Please, wake up. Gail. Come on, baby. [trouble music] [heart beat] [phone ringing] Nurse, have you heard anything from the doctor yet? HOSPITAL STAFF: Paging Dr. Barnett. Dr. Barnett, pick up-- Nothing, huh? REVEREND DEVERS: There's RJ now. MRS. DEVERS: RJ, where is she? I found her at the house. I didn't-- You didn't find her, you left her! No, no, no, no. I-- RJ, don't you stand there and tell me you tried to do anything. You abandoned my daughter, that's what you did. I did not-- REVEREND DEVERS: You abandoned her when she needed you most. I tried to, but she cut me out! REVEREND DEVERS: You did? She didn't want me! REVEREND DEVERS: Well, that's not true. I told her to take that medication, and-- REVEREND DEVERS: Where is she? - I don't-- Where is she? What room is she in? I can't do this. I'm out of here. You won't listen to me, you handle it! Where's Dr. Ginsburg? NURSE: He must be-- Here he is. How is Gail? Where is she? Well, Mrs. Devers, Reverend, Gail's been hemorrhaging a lot. I'm going to see her. Wait, wait, wait. Hemorrhaging from what? DR. GINSBURG: It's a side effect due to the high radiation toxicity level. Gail's going to recover from this, and there'll be no more radiation treatments. Oh, thank God. But the damage to her feet is critical. How critical? Not taking the beta blockers-- Wait a minute, Doctor. What are you talking about, beta blockers? I'm sorry. I gave her some medicine that she was supposed to take that would help her through this period, and for some reason she didn't. It's compromised her immune system, it's left her vulnerable to infection. Doctor, please? DR. GINSBURG: Worst case? REVEREND DEVERS: Yes. She might have to have her feet amputated. REVEREND DEVERS: Oh, my God. I'm sorry. Oh, no. No. Can't be. Can we go see her? Why don't you look after each other, Reverend, and I'll come and get you when it's time. I'm sorry. Now, sweetheart. No, no, no, no, no. I need you to be strong, OK? [ominous music] [electric shock] [dramatic drips] BOB KERSEE: How is she? REVEREND DEVERS: Um, I mean, we don't know. We're still waiting to hear. BOB KERSEE: What happened? REVEREND DEVERS: Bobby, she is so sick, she may never walk again. Never walk? Yeah. Dr. Ginsburg said that he-- I mean, she hadn't been taking some medication he prescribed for her. [sigh] Yeah, RJ mentioned that a few weeks ago. So you knew? Well, I visited with her and we talked about it. Bobby, are you telling me that you never told her to take that medication? No. She said she knew what she wanted. Well, I'm just a little confused. For six years now, she's done everything you've said. Reverend Devers, on a track and in the gym, I'm God. She does what I tell her to do. But this came from inside Gail. Said she knew what she wanted. There was nothing I could say. If something happens to Gail, it'll kill her mother. We just have to have faith that everything's going to be all right. Do you believe in God, Bobby? I believe in Gail. I believe you do. I believe you do. Can I go see her? Please. [concerned music] Bobby? Hey. Bobby, they want to take my feet? No talking. Just relax and take it easy. You go out there and you tell them they can't have my feet. OK. I should have taken that medicine. What's that? What's what? What do you see? You mean the wall? Is that what you see? A wall? Mm-hmm. Because that's not what I see. Because I'm looking through it. Past the-- No. GAIL DEVERS: --parking lot, the road and the houses, to the track. And I'm not just walking, I'm running. Look at me. Bobby, you said-- you said the race I'm going to run is out there waiting to be claimed. Well, I'm claiming it. Right here, right now. I'm already running that race. Can you see me? Can you see me, Bobby? I see you. You know something? First time I've been able to see through one of them damn things. [laughs] I'll see you on the other side. Yeah. [concerned string music] [cheers on tv] Please, God. Give her some strength. [gunshot on tv] [cheers on tv] [quietly crying] Help me still hear Your voice. [rewinding tape] [tv static] [soft music] MRS. DEVERS: Home, sweet, home. Let's go. Yeah. You see Mrs. Johnson-- [soft victorious music] [chatter] [laughter] Which keys? I can't see without my glasses, baby. [soft chatter] Here we go. [laughs] It's time we made that peach pie. [soft chatter] And a clean kitchen to eat it in. OK. [laughs] [seagulls cawing] [soft sad music] [soft uplifting music] Hey, hey! GAIL DEVERS: Hey, Bobby! I'm in here. Oh! Those are beautiful! Who are they for? You. [laughs] Thank you. Hey, where is everybody? Called them all up, told them not to come. Oh, yeah? I don't want a party. Being alive's enough. Well, you got that right. [laughter] Listen, Gail, I'm real sorry about RJ. RJ had a right to run. I've been running from him for long enough. Would you like some iced tea? Yeah. I made some for you special. [soft sweet music] Bobby, I'm going to be fine. I'm going to live with this for the rest of my life. But the medicine's going to keep it under control. Keep me from having a relapse. Bobby? BOB KERSEE: Yeah. GAIL DEVERS: I want to go to Barcelona. No problem. Get you box seats. Trackside. Where's the sugar? [soft uplifting music] Bobby, I want to run in Barcelona. I'm going to the Games. Are you sure? I'm sure. Well, you know, uh, Barcelona is only 18 months away. The trial is more than a year away. Mm-hmm. I know. Are you sure you know? Remember when I told you about my star? I said God took it away. Yeah. Well, I'm taking it back. It's mine and I want it. But what about your feet? Oh, like you say, Bobby, what do my feet have to do with running? Nothing more than flesh on bone. Just flesh on bone. [grunts] [heavy breathing] Bobby, I-- I can't. Sure you can. Come on, try. No, Bobby. I thought I could-- - OK. OK. --but I can't. [quietly crying] You know what I was thinking about? I remember the first time I ever saw you race. It was high school, 1984. Mm-hmm? Boy, you were something. You ran just like a gazelle. You was fast and furious, boy. You won that first race by I think about three inches. You must have run 600 miles [laughs] in preparation for that race. All right? But three inches? Here. Can you give me about three inches there? This is about three inches. Here. Come on. Let me see. Three inches. Come on. Three? You can do that. [uplifting music] Hot dog! Woo! [laughs] Then you remember the first time you ran for me? Let's see. Right? I must've run you some 800 miles in preparation. You won that race again by about-- I think it was four inches. Hmm? Hmm? Let's try again, sweetheart. Come on. Come on. [victory music] You just keep remembering! Barcelona! [soft chatter] Hold it. Hold it. Cross your legs. Do it again. [determined music] Do it again. Faster! Do it again? You're mad! Come on! All right. All right. [airplane flying] [grand competitor music] [cheers] ANNOUNCER 1: Next up is the first of the preliminary heats of the Women's 100 Meters. Now, win time is due to race the last heat, but this first heat has the surprising presence of one young lady. I'm talking about Gail Devers. ANNOUNCER 2: You're absolutely right. Now, ladies and gentlemen at home, it's not a ghost you see on the screen, but it's Gail Devers in the flesh. She's back, she's ready to run, but the question is, can she run against this world class field and the presence of Gwen Torrence? Gail Devers is in lane five. The main competition this heat will come from Cuthbert of Jamaica in lane four, and Privalova from the Unified team in lane six. They're both excellent runners and right on either side of her. ANNOUNCER 1: Well, there's Gwen Torrence. ANNOUNCER 2: Uh-huh. ANNOUNCER 1: Sizing up her competition. ANNOUNCER 2: I'd say. OFFICIANT: Lista! [gunshot] ANNOUNCER 1: Ah! Not a good start for Devers, but it is a strong start out of the blocks for Cuthbert. Devers and Privalova running second and third. And the top three, Cuthbert, Devers, and Privalova moving on to the finals. [soft music] [firecrackers popping] Hmm. [anticipation music] Bobby? You know, there's something I wanted to say before the race, you know. I want you to-- damn, I'm not good at this. I just want to tell you, Gail-- Bobby. I'll see you on the other side. Gail Devers. When I see your life in my mind, it's on tape in my head, and I play it every day. And I rewind it, you know? And I play it again. And when I put it on pause, I stand back in awe. Girl, you're a champion. Get going, girl. Go on. ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, the next event is the finals of the Women's 100 Meter. [ominous music] [distorted announcement] [cheers] The lane assignments are lane one, [indistinct],, Cuba. Lane two Devers, USA. Lane three, Cuthbert, Jamaica. Lane four, [indistinct],, Jamaica. Lane five, Torres, USA. Lane six, [indistinct], Nigeria. Lane seven, Privalova, the Unified team. And lane eight, [indistinct],, Nigeria. [muffled cheers] [focused music] [exaggerated metal clips] OFFICIANT: Lista! [gunshot] [cheers and applause] [focused soft music] [cheers and applause] [focused soft music] [cheers and applause] [focused soft rhythmic music] [cheers and applause] SPANISH ANNOUNCER: [speaking in spanish] ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a photographic study. The results of the Women's 100 Meter are, fifth place, [indistinct],, Jamaica. Fourth place, Torres, USA. Third place, Privalova of the Unified team. Second place, Cuthbert of Jamaica. And first place-- [cheers] Devers, USA, with a time of 10.82 seconds. [cheers and applause] [victory music] Yes! Yes! Yes! Yeah! Yes! Yes! Yes! [camera clicks] [reporters chatter] BOB KERSEE: (ECHO) Do you want to win the gold? Do-- you-- want to win the gold? Well see, what you don't know is that you've already got it. It's out there waiting for you to claim. You got to imagine yourself already winning that race. Imagine yourself crossing that finish line. First. Hmm? Baby girl! Baby girl! [laughs] You got it! You got it! You got it! I got it! [laughs] [grand victory music] [cheers] [RONNIE LAWS, "RUN FOR THE DREAM"] (SINGING) If only a mile is left for my-- What if a mountain to climb is too close for-- All pain. Who remains? Sometimes a crowd won't let us see, I follow my-- I thank you for me. You could have known I would stand here again. I reach, reach, reach for my star, and I hope, hope, hope, and I run for the dream. Reach, reach for my star, and I hope, hope, I hope and I run for the dream. [vocalizing] Reach, reach, reach for my star, and I hope, hope, I hope and I run for the dream. Reach, reach for my star and I hope, hope, I hope and I run for the dream. [vocalizing] I reach, reach, reach for my star, and I hope, hope, I hope and I run for the dream. Reach, I reach for my star, and I hope, hope, I hope and I run for the dream. Reach, I reach for my star and I hope, hope, I hope and I run for the dream.
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 278,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charlayne Woodard, Jeffrey D. Sams, Louis Gossett Jr., Paula Kelly, Robert Guillaume, Stephanie Faracy, Tina Lifford, Gail Devers, biopic, true story, based on a true story, barcelona, olympics, 1992, 1992 olympics, running, sprint
Id: F2nO-6mzCF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 33sec (5973 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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