Heaven Sent (1994) | Full Movie | David Bowe | Wilford Brimley | Mary Beth McDonough

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[Applause] [Applause] so [Music] hey vinny looks like he's thinking about wussing out no i just i just think it's for nothing you know it's stupid hey you'll do it if you want to be one of us then you're like a brother huh a brother right [Applause] hey there what have you got in your pocket same thing you got in your head bozo nothing stop stop [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on bo we're out of here what about eddie what about if you knew the risks let's go kathy chandler when what hospital i'm on my way [Music] dear god help him he is so young please let him live [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] so breath is clear and equal heart rate 140 sinus attack we're losing pressure check the iv second line has started quarters vital signs 90 over 50 and falling we're losing it people doctor he's hitting b-fib all right charge me up to 300 charge clear come on clear clear [Music] i i've been waiting for you i'm sorry i came in here by mistake you're not the one thanks hey you ready what are you ready for what to go together we were a little short-handed upstairs so i'm just kind of filling in are you talking to me yeah you're ready chandler right got it right there x marks the spot but come on it's time to go what do you mean by go i mean go take a hike get out of town make like a tree and leave whichever binocular you prefer let's do it time's wasted [Music] your time is up and so are you wait a minute are you howard just howard we don't have last names we don't need them i'm your transport angel well actually i'm a chairman like i said a little short-handed on field angels push that wait you're an angel i'm dead bingo go ahead wait i read somewhere that when you die you were sucked into a big tunnel of light or something i can't do tunnels of light this is all i could come up with look i'm just filling in please push the button i know what you're thinking where are the wings right how can this guy be an angel when he doesn't have any wings well i'll tell you the old masters wanted to distinguish angels from ordinary people in their paintings so they painted wings on them angels don't have wings go figure no they have elevators just push the button but i don't want to die can't we just forget about this i'm sorry we can't get no not that one the other one [Music] where the hell are we hell is a place not an expression watch your language this is your floor [Music] french where is uh this isn't right is it what well i was expecting somebody else excuse me must be for me yellow but i thought he was ready for transport i know about the clerical air i'm very aware of the clerical era what three mortal days i couldn't pause bless you too you have to go back now i have to go back why i mean make up your mind well you see there's been a mix-up in my department and as we say up here uh the air is human but a really big screw-up is divine let's go i have got to figure this out i mean something is is not right here look i'm not going any farther to you tell me what's going on how should i know you're an angel who's supposed to know if you don't i'm a cherubim not a field angel i've never done an actual transfer before i'm used to riding the transport vouchers here you go but you're one of my assignments and there's been a mistake and i've got three portal days to figure it out and you have a lot to learn before you yeah well let's get to it can i just go home like that what like dead well i have to anyway you've had a pretty colorful career already haven't you nobody's perfect yeah you've proved that pretty well but we've got shoplifting uh truancy curfew violations you've been expelled from school twice you must hang out with a pretty great crowd so i get in some trouble big deal according to this you've never been out of trouble i wish my mom was here guess what she is [Music] mom what is this doesn't anybody know me sure they just can't see you well can't you make them i mean if you're really an angel you should be able to excuse me yo back when now i i are you sure i thought i've never done that before okay i'll give it a try i'm out [Music] what did you do stop time for stopwatch a stopwatch yeah well it works in this particular sphere see time is only relative in the mortal world whenever i want to call a timeout i just click this kind of like attract me yeah kinda standard equipment for all field angels you know actually i've heard stories about uh playing practical jokes on mortals you know like tying their shoelaces together that's what you do tie people's shoelaces together well i've heard i haven't actually done it myself you know come on you're going back where where you were follow me [Music] well i hope this works get in get him what your body how just do it so [Music] come on doctor we've got a pulse [Music] he's very lucky i can't explain it what well the initial brain scan showed massive tissue damage but now nothing just a bump i'm going to keep him overnight for observation but he should be fine to go home in the morning thank you how is he he's going to be fine thank goodness can i get you anything oh no i'm just a little tired as all oh isn't that beautiful yeah it's for the patient next door from her daughter she's really sick old age i guess look i have some coffee and donuts outside of my cart are you sure you wouldn't like something [Music] um so [Music] so so so hey i can't leave this alarm off much longer the security company checks it every 15 minutes i'll let you know about the next one [Music] how you feeling okay you finished yeah what were you thinking eddie ripping off junk food from a convenience store those older boys you've been hanging out with put you up to this didn't they you're my friend's mom oh yeah good friends where were they when you were in the hospital if they're such good friends where are they now the doctor said you could go back to school this afternoon there's good news and your new probation officer called from juvenile hall he's stopping by this morning please try and make a good impression fine i'll be a good juvenile delinquent i wouldn't mention anything about you know who cares no one believes me anyways i do i mean i believe you believe it you've been through a traumatic experience and maybe you think you saw an angel with wings angels don't have wings that reminds me i promised to bring those old clothes for the homeless to the church today you're going on tonight i have a date with parker again why don't you like him he really likes you well then why don't you marry him he's loaded you never have to work again what about love what about it what'd it get you the first time anyways just because he's financially well-off doesn't mean he'd be a good husband or father he's got money what else is there don't you worry about getting off probation and i'll worry about my relationships okay maybe somebody should worry about your relationships i mean you haven't done too good in the past have you no i guess i haven't i love you you know i need your money because i have been chosen i have been chosen ladies and gentlemen to heed the word of god so call that number on your screen and you pass past the bowl around and put those dollars with the god and everybody pray oh hi eddie i want you to remember all negative feelings come from fear [Music] what are you doing here nice to see you too you know nobody believes me about you actually i don't know if i believe it well that's to be expected unfortunately people don't think too much about angels these days you've got a lot to do what thanks to lauren i've been assigned to teach you see we're a little short-handed upstairs yeah i know why don't you just tell your boss up there that i don't need your help well actually you do need some divine intervention which just happens to be me that's my new probation officer well let him in i'm gonna explain you truth always works yeah right hide in the kitchen angels don't hide in kitchens well then hide in the bathroom just open the door i'm not explaining it this time you get too [Music] i'm your new probation officer may i come in how did you what do you think bowtie too much yeah you look like a dork [Music] what's happening well being invisible takes a lot of effort and tell you the truth i'm not really very good at it my boss the dominion thought it'd be better if i blend in while i'm down here you still an angel you still a juvenile delinquent come on let's get out of here grab your stuff [Music] so would you say you were a cherry man angel a cherubim the second degree of angels how many degrees are there actually there's quite a few like the seraphims their job is to unceasingly worship god good singers in that group is that where elvis went who's elvis never mind where are we going you got any money a couple of bucks what you're gonna need a dollar twenty-nine what for restitution look familiar what are we doing here unfinished business okay i'm gonna go get gas get a drink and then pay the man okay don't spill okay makes the floor slippery you owe money here for what breaking their pavement with my head for taking something without paying for it remember you healed fast yeah there you go for what i do hey cash man get it quick come on the money the money let's go move it do something i can't what do you mean you can't you're an angel i'm not allowed to interfere here on earth it gets the rules rules hey you two quiet okay okay okay now the safe open it i can't it's a key lock only the manager has a key no no you open it or i'll decorate the walls with you you understand you have to do something me who made up that rule not stick my neck on the line for nobody hey you quiet stop right there is you're okay [Music] [Music] eddie let's get out you all right yeah can we do it again yeah are you all right come come on let's go what are you in such a hurry for well we don't want to spend the rest of the day talking to the police your record they'll probably think you're an accomplice besides they don't exactly have current id wait i thought you weren't supposed to interfere with actions here what about that guy's gun what about it i mean i know if you moved it around a lot of fall bloods yeah where's the screw loose talk about a screw loose where's your mom's office a couple blocks away why i'd like to meet her no way i have a hard enough time trying to understand you i'm not going to try to explain you too what's to explain just tell her the truth yeah if i want to be put in the loonie bed look maybe in heaven everybody believes in angels but down here it's a different story i have enough problems problems are what make you grow yeah by this rate i'll be eight feet tall uh six nine tops i gotta find the phone to call my mom wanna use that one [Music] you got any change angels don't carry money don't need to no you know you're not as helpful as you think you are i guess i'll just have to improvise uh call me old-fashioned wouldn't that be considered theft more like borrowing [Music] when i have a cord i'll bring it back i will hey mom it's me uh my new probation officer wants to meet you [Music] oh you can't um all right um maybe later then okay bye much better she can't see it she's got stuff to do actually she's busy for just an hour and then she can see us yeah but how did you know extremely good hearing my boy extremely good hearing come on where [Music] you know i thought since we had an hour to kill we do something fun something exciting what is this community service you have 50 hours to complete as part of your probation i'm not doing this crap [Music] i can't move what is this [Music] blessed are those whose feet are quick to do good you just got to go in the right direction just like in life [Music] there you go now we're moving huh was that right i was right [Music] hi there this is eddie chandler the one i called you about earlier i remember i just didn't believe it follow me wait how did you call i've got my connections yeah think he's the one who's waiting for you do i have to do this i mean i can't help a you don't know what you can do until you try now for someone with poor judgment you're awfully quick to judge hey how's it going my name's eddie what's yours wilfred what that's your name oh that's a good name you want to shoot some hoops wilfred okay not very good at basketball no problem man neither am i come on go ahead shoot this time put your other hand underneath and just let it roll off your fingertips all right so put this hand underneath and kind of let it roll off your fingertips you got that all right got you off the backboard didn't you okay this time bend your knees a little you know get into it you know helps i can only bend one knee yeah right um i'll bend one knee you know it'll help [Music] all right come on don't give up i started out this bed too come on just forget it i'm not gonna make it [Music] [Applause] ah i think you should try it one more time what four because you never get any better if you quit i haven't made a basket yet try one more on you can do it [Music] all right nice shot all right man ready yeah yeah i'll come back next week practice some more we'll have you doing pick-up games in no time thanks hey no problem buddy i'll see you next week all right okay [Music] you're pretty good basketball player you know that yeah fundamentals aren't too hard [Music] thanks for what for making the basket going i didn't make you go in wilfred did he did he made the basket on his own i can't believe it but you mortals can do amazing things by yourselves you just have to believe it man you sure are hard to figure out why they pay me the big bucks [Music] so how do you do that you know disappear i was trying to pop out but just can't seem to get the hang of it look i told you this invisibility thing is not easy i just sort of fade oh excuse me yellow yes i know we will well i wasn't informed that there was going to be a robbery and i i was the only thing i could think of at the time well i haven't exactly read the field manual remember okay by the way i meant to ask you uh what do you think of the bow tie bless you too how does that work i think you just put a coin in the slot and turn the knob well it's not the phone company but guess we'll have to do it right i guess so this must be the place i'll tell you what i think of your bow tie i think you look like a dork you already told me that what is this dork anyway fancy dicks yeah my mom looks up on the seventh floor sometimes she works out at the warehouse office too stall him just do it will you watch where you're going don't get you shouldn't judge occurrences you're only seeing a fragment of the total what the total person you're just like all mortals your mind interprets the tiny part of people you see as a fault seeing past weaknesses that is the greatest gift you can give it's a little thing we call total acceptance and you need to learn that thank you jim what are you doing oh uh uh nothing i was uh just checking a shipping order i can't access the codes from my computer there's a reason for that it's my job to track shipping not yours if you need information ask me sorry no need to make a federal case out of it so what does this company do they wholesale computer processing chips cpus for big corporations lots of money in that money's kind of important to you isn't it me and everyone else on this planet [Music] this is uh the my new probation officer he wanted to meet you are you all right mom fine how do you do howard it's a pleasure to meet you mr um howard yes howard how's the headache gone how did you know i had a headache um we have to go back over to my school howard just wanted to meet you i'm here to help your son how nice he neglected to tell me how attractive his mother was uh he has a few things he needs to work out and well i've been assigned to help him i understand are you new not really excuse me for interrupting uh just checking we still on for dinner tonight uh yeah sure hey eddie it's good to see you i heard about the accident though you okay fine all right mr erickson here owns comptec hey parker erickson howard howard oh he's with me a friend well eddie here's a great kid but uh i probably don't have to tell you that do i excuse me um by the way kathy i went ahead and took care of that shipment transfer while you're at the hospital did you have jim kelly do it no i didn't i hope you don't mind no no not at all thanks it was a pleasure howard likewise all right i'll pick you up at 8. i have to get back to work i will see you later at home and it's very nice to meet you howard and you i'll be in touch [Music] so why do you like him who eriksen seems like a normal guy now what looks can be deceiving you seem like a normal guy too yes i'm on my way sir you better be there before 10 o'clock on the whole deal i'll be there mr barnes i have the contracts with me you have 15 minutes drop the ball on this one and you're fired you got that uh yes sir um i'll be there and sir you can count look what you've done i'm like i said look what you've done why don't you people ever watch where you're going just get out of my way may i help you thank you i'm sorry i've been under a lot of pressure lately i'm probably gonna lose my job yeah i know he doesn't yes of course i'm sorry for what i said i didn't mean it that's okay ma'am really you're very sweet thank you for understanding you dropped this thank you is this your work yes you're an architect well i was my firm is looking for a new associate we're on the eighth floor why don't you give my secretary a call thank you what just happened life at least the way it was intended you made that happen didn't you no i just reminded her or something she already know you see people make mistakes but sell them on purpose forgiveness is a very powerful thing i don't understand you really i mean funny things happen around you funny [Music] money burning a hole in your pocket how did you know wild guess yeah but you know they're saying good things happen to good people well guess what reverse is also true you know doors they open all the time for people opportunities got to be careful pick the right door [Music] hey there's your friend what's going on looks like you tripped he's not my friend okay you got it huh aren't you gonna do something it's none of our business i think it is your business isn't vinnie one of your friends was he's a dork certainly like that word i mean what's a dork what are you calling a dork dork what's a dork dork no trouble benny just leave her for long you ain't dead aren't chandler you know the yeah just chill vinny and leave him alone what it was don't stick your nose in this eddie unless you want to get a flattened what are you looking at gomer actually it's pronounced howard trouble walking lame-o got any money today you ever hear the phrase my brother's keeper he's not my brother this has nothing to do with us the first rule of the street is not to get involved eddie let me ask you something if the strong won't protect the weak come on i'll walk you along it's my bad game you got any money in here lookie there huh yeah all right eddie can't you turn that hairball into a frog or something you know we don't work that way all right angels can't get involved so instead you want me to get my butt kicked i just want you to do the right thing it's up to you to decide [Music] [Music] give him back his backpack or what just give him back his stuff i used to think he wanted to be one of us once you get out of here you little warren before i have to hurt you not until you give him back his stuff vinnie don't hurt him say goodbye to your teeth man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you okay well you're learning there may be hope for you yet why is it whenever i learn something with you it always hurts smooth seas do not skillful sailors make where do you come up with these oh you got a little something on your nose think you better get home wilfred okay eddie thanks you used your stopwatch to have that guy's shoelaces together me get out of town come on let's get out of here you know we're not supposed to do that [Music] [Music] problems i'm not sure if i didn't know better i would say the shipping codes had been accessed from my terminal there's a file here i have never seen before morningstar morningstar i've never heard of that but then again nobody knows the shipping information but you do they no that's what bothers me look the transfer codes from the new advanced cpu chips appear to have been accessed recently and then suddenly this new file appears it just doesn't make any sense unless unless what jim kelly was at my computer this morning he said he was just checking something jim kelly what you think something's going on i don't know well it's probably just the shipping company they changed their codes or they opened a new file have you checked that i was going to do that next okay i love that concerned look you get when you're thinking [Music] parker sorry i didn't mean to ruffle you [Music] it's probably nothing but if you want i'll look into it no you're probably right [Music] do you know how much i care this isn't the place parker and you're right again i can take a hint but i'll see you tonight mm-hmm so uh how many angels are countless concourses and i got you and what are the odds i was assigned to you by my dominion they regulate angelic duties no actually i was an answer to a prayer give me a break that's what i am too an assignment yeah a very important assignment yeah but everyone is important eddie very important something immortals never realize yeah right angels never lie okay you don't lie trader wouldn't hurt you to develop so uh are you important in heaven yeah kinda [Music] how am i gonna do this i have three weeks of work to finish up in three days and i can't miss any more school or also be expelled i'm gonna take a miracle well joshua destroyed jericho in three days daniel was in the lion's den for three days jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days just takes faith yeah well none of those guys had to finish up with three weeks of algebra why they did it after all you've seen hey i saw a magician make the statue of liberty disappear on television but that didn't make him an angel how do i know you're not some escaped psycho magician or something i mean how do i know hey excuse me won't you yo hi sure her now yeah i know his time is short i okay yes sir right away dork what uh no uh dark it's getting really dark soon gotta go sorry bye man your long distance bill must be murder i gotta go away for a little while what about me go home and do your schoolwork how i dream school remember oh yeah a surrogate who is that you well think of him as a part of you he'll go to school for you and then he'll disappear that's me but i i i'd like to see your magician pull that out of his hat courage faith recall what milton said in paradise lost the flaming seraph fearless though alone encompassed round about foes it's your english literature assignment now get out of here hey what about me [Applause] [Music] [Music] no no much more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not exactly the most heavenly sound is it well i guess that depends on your idea of heavenly i suppose it does may [Music] [Applause] sure is peaceful though isn't it yes it is [Music] so how is eddie doing better than he thinks he just needs to learn a few things about himself and i think he'll be just fine you know i want to thank you for taking time i know it's your job but well you really seem to care about eddie i do more than you could possibly imagine what is it about you my boyish good looks you're different i mean that in a good way you're not like any of the other court appointed officers that he's had well i guess you could say i represent a higher court you know i never did get your last name just howard is fine you're a good person mrs chandler just kathy's fine kathy you're doing a much better job with your son than you give yourself credit for really no no that means rest give up now if you'll excuse me there's something i should take care of are you finished that's the word all right they're quite talented you know are you listening to the same choir i am i've been doing this too long it's not worth the trouble children i was wrong we can do it much better i think i was the problem not you i think you sound perfect in fact quite heavenly why don't you try switching some of the harmonies of course yes that's better oh jennifer why don't you change places with angela oh um and charlotte uh you go down by angela fine they sound like angels you know i've heard them before kenny on a you begin [Music] offer to god your unfaltering song in praise for his mercy [Music] uh [Music] [Music] and praise for his mercy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi hi i just saw wilfred he said that you fought vinnie patreco for him is that true yeah i hit his hand real hard with my nose what was pretty brave of you standing up for wilfred i mean i used to think you were a jerk but now well i was wrong to think that no you were right i was a jerk but lately i've been seeing things um different whoa dude i thought you were like d.o.a and here you are in one piece i'm with the babe what you doing mo i'm ditching i'm heading down to the half pipe to catch some major air wanna come no i got stuff to do homework that sounds real hot catch you later little dude so um you want to ride you pedal how's it going it's gone i'm really proud of the effort you're making if you get hungry there's plenty to eat are you all right yeah when you were little you were allergic to milk but we didn't know that then we were so young first-time parents every night you would cry and cry it was like your little heart was breaking i would hold you and rock you in my arms but never did any good i tried everything and then one night it was really late i was at the end of my rope but you just kept on crying so i put on a record and i danced with you around the room you stopped crying it was the only thing that ever worked oh right [Music] truly someone like you to love [Music] angels blessed my heart [Music] made my dreams come true [Music] in my arms [Music] eddie is that parker i'll be ready in a minute how you feeling big guy god i got a lot of homework oh way to crack the books kiddo you gonna do all that tonight i don't have much of a choice hi all right go to bed early i love you have a good time how's he doing hi justine ever since the divorce he's just oh you're too hard on yourself you're probably the best mom i know that's mine included what is it eddie he's gonna be all right oh it's not that it's just that computer file it still bothers me that's probably nothing i wouldn't worry about it i found shipments going from here to singapore you know we don't have any distributors in the far east you're saying someone from comtech authorized this yes when's this shipment supposed to happen in the morning all right we'll access the computers at the warehouse it's on the way now if someone's ripping us off kathy i want to know about it [Music] [Music] how you doing tonight oh all right going slow is it yeah give about an hour we'll have all kinds of cow cookies in here yammering away no not your usual sure it's hard to decide sometimes isn't it do i know you no but i know you al wrestling with your conscience is tricky business well what are you talking about talking about the money al oh listen you you stay away from me i know what you're doing i know what you've been up to al and look you get out of here and leave me alone okay okay you're a good man now deep down inside you want to make amends make them look you stay away from me and leave me alone who are you talking to sugar him him who him you see this guy sitting right here sorry darling there's nobody there please give me that coffee maybe you've had enough coffee for one night honey maybe you want to switch to decaf that's strange you wait in the car what are you going to do i'm going to find out what's going on parker i'll be right back [Music] hi honey it's me i'm just checking in how's it going i'm just trying to stay awake while i'm reading milton's paradise lost pretty boring stuff huh where are you guys at the restaurant no not yet we're at the warehouse parker wanted to check something [Music] mom what's happening [Music] it was sort of a song thing [Music] too stupid [Music] that's it welcome hello i'd like to speak to howard to the celestial voicemail system if you know your party's four-digit extension you may enter it at any time how am i supposed to know that please enter a selection for admissions early gates press one for judgment press two paradise press three firmament press four angel section press 5 hi i'd like to speak to howard welcome to the angel menu heavenly choir press 1 divine intervention press 2 departments press [Music] hello i'd like to speak to howard which hours how many hogwarts are there he said no last names um he was head of the the records department oh that howard i'll connect yo this is howard howard this is eddie you gotta come back here gotcha i'm away from my desk at the moment but your call is very important to me so please leave a message and i'll get right back to you howard it's eddie mom's in trouble i'm gonna go to the warehouse tree's all yours [Applause] let's get back to parker let's hit it kathy [Music] [Applause] what did they do to you they gave me a facial tell me i don't look as bad as i feel what do they want the advanced cpu chips you were right they said that they were in special boxes now those boxes are gone and that's what we've been discussing the new 500 megahertz chips what do you remember when i couldn't figure out what morningstar was i found an invoice for an advanced shipment of the new 500 megahertz computer chips the fast ones everyone's talking about yes it has to be i knew we didn't have any so i figured it must be the stolen shipment that was on the news so i moved them what what you moved them how well i didn't really move them i just gave them a new shipping order and a and a new password the teamsters moved them that is brilliant they must be worth a fortune in the far east yeah there's a hefty tariff on anything high tech coming in from the us whoever is doing this must be selling the chips stealing them back and then reselling them and keeping the insurance money for the whole shipment sneaky and beautiful i knew i loved you for a reason don't say anything time for a little chat action [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] howard i told you once i told you a million times only angels can fly without wings [Applause] yeah i'll try to remember that come on i can't go with you why we're not supposed to interfere with mortals why should that stop you you've been interfering with everything that i've done since you got here come on mom needs our help please i'm sorry eddie you're gonna have to do this one on your own you've learned an awful lot eddie it's time to put that knowledge to good use time's almost up why do you keep on saying that am i gonna die well everybody on this earth dies eventually it's not what i meant i know what you meant go save your mother i'm just a kid what can i do more than you could possibly dream what is this man i go through all this crap and now i have to do it alone you're never alone remember that hey why are you so angry the lessons are finally over you know you're not a bad guy howard i'm gonna miss you i really enjoyed my assignment i can understand why the field angels like it so much here kind of sorry it's coming to an end you know what eddie you're all right too remember every time you hear a bell ring it doesn't mean anything angels don't have wings hurry [Music] we can do this easy or hard easy's always appealed to me but we don't know anything no stop stop he doesn't know anything i do kathy don't no i am not going to let them kill you over some stupid computer chips they've been moved where i don't know no the the password has been changed if you access the new file it'll tell you what storage unit there the new password is heaven sent [Music] i'm really sorry you had to go through this sweetheart i know you did something with the chips it was the only thing i could think of to get the information in time you why company had been in financial trouble for some time and i had been adding to revenues through some rather creative acquisitions and you hit it right on the head and you were right about jim he accessed everything for me it is rather diabolical isn't it we called it the lucifer project lucifer roughly translated morning star you used me all along morningstar is your file for the stolen chips access the computer and find out where they are we'll meet at the airport is arranged okay i really do care for you kathy if things have been different save your breath all right go ahead and take off your plane leaves in an hour i'll bring the chips it really is a good plan they'll catch you no actually they'll catch you you're the only one with password and shipping code information i needed someone to take the fall kathy but don't worry you'll probably only get probation [Music] last little bit of incriminating evidence i can't be too careful [Music] [Music] what's going on here hey just hold it here you're in this as deep as i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey mom are you okay eddie get out of here go call the fire department i'm not gonna leave you here are you okay [Music] look we could really use some help here so [Music] [Applause] eddie listen to me get out of here now i'm not leaving you all right [Music] thanks howard where's parker's hurt he's the one who did this no i didn't like you for some reason come who is that it's on sure all right all right let's get out of here the party's perfect on her win come back here kid don't go back in there that guy's not worth statement i have to everyone is important sorry howard hurry hurry don't push uh uh [Music] where's eddie i don't know i thought he was behind me i was locked in old man [Music] [Music] eddie eddie [Music] oh thank you for saving him i couldn't get back [Music] ah [Music] we're losing pressure check the iv second line has started i've drawn labs what are his vital signs 90 over 50 and falling heart rate 140 sinus attack breath is clear and equal we're losing it people doctor he's hit b fib well you finally made it of course it only took me three days but i'll get you there [Music] well you're finally home you've learned a lot we're all very proud of you [Music] charlie i've missed you [Music] hello eddie uh i've been waiting for you again i'm sorry about the mix-up uh you see one was a life lesson and the other was a transport and uh we got the vouchers switched well i got the voucher switched and i mean the names are so close uh eddie chandler and edie chandler and uh it's really one in a million when you think about it and won't happen again anyway welcome home edie he's very lucky i really can't explain it what well the initial brain scan showed massive tissue damage but now nothing just a bump i'm going to keep them overnight for observation we should be fine to go home in the morning thank you honey hi how you feeling howard that's right dr david howard but you're an angel thank you i've been called worse mom the fire i died but but i didn't and those guys who kidnapped you and that jerk parker what honey honey don't upset yourself you're hit by a car in the parking lot of a convenience store i know about the shoplifting we'll work it out no i'm telling the truth i died and this angel howard him he came back and he and he taught me stuff and it must have been a dream when you were unconscious that's all you know when you were little you used to think howard was the name of god we would go to church he would hear the lord's prayer and get the words mixed up our father whorton heaven howard be thy name [Laughter] then none of it ever happened well you did get hit by a car hi eddie i heard what happened i'm glad you're okay [Music] it hasn't happened yet it's all gonna happen again dr howard are you married uh no i'm not neither is my mom okay actually i wanted to show you the uh the brains here [Music] [Music] so [Music] hi hi this was your mother son i got it by mistake [Music] thank you that was very kind you know your mother's very happy now she's in a beautiful place with people who love her you don't know how much i want to believe that you can believe it heaven sent for her [Music] well you got out of that one barely i thought it turned out pretty well actually i mean you know all things considered hey chief can we talk about my next assignment what next assignment you were filling in remember well yeah but i think i have a real flair for this i always think maybe wings aren't such a bad idea after them you know for getting around oh one more thing uh i kind of like that bow tie you think i could wear one up here chief [Music] my home [Music] heaven sent an angel to me right [Music] truly someone like you to love [Music] heard my prayers about you the angels blessed my heart [Music] made my dreams come [Music] sent true to love [Applause] an angel in my arms [Music] to bless me with your chances [Music] from the moment [Music] [Music] [Music] till [Music] you
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 1,859,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, SunWorld, CandleLight, Heaven Sent movie, Heaven Sent full movie, Heaven Sent 1994 movie, Heaven Sent 1994 full movie, Heaven Sent 1994, Heaven Sent, Craig Clyde, David Bowe, Wilford Brimley, Mary Beth McDonough, Geoffrey Lower, K.C. Clyde
Id: sOn09u46kRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 40sec (5500 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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