Play the Flute | Full Movie | Motivation to follow the LORD

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] daniel's here guys cover your attention please oh my gosh guys guys thank you i just found out a great christian friend of mine he died earlier this morning so today is definitely a very sad day for me all of a sudden i met him six years ago and if it's okay with you guys i would like to tell you about him you see the lord used this man to change my life i was in youth group at my church in school to set out for the summer okay so we had no idea a huge change was coming our way students students students students please uh students come on you guys mr pecker has something important to say girls please shannon acquire your pack show some respect to mr packard no one cares what you say teddy you will if i come over there don't threaten me like i'm scared you better start watching your back shannon come on let mr packer finish we want to get out of here yeah i just want to let you know that this is our last night together next sunday you'll be getting a real youth director because the church just hired one you can't leave us mr packard yeah we just figured out what we can get away with with you very good yes well now you'll have someone you to pick on i understand he went to seminary so perhaps he can teach you students something teddy's unteachable look who's talking well all i can say to the new guy is good luck it was a unanimous decision brandon this congregation really wants you to be their new pastor they have the utmost respect for you and for lisa i don't know what to say i'm incredibly humbled and you know lisa and i love it here too but i feel like the lord wants me to lead the youth of my old church first i mean i'm worried about that place especially those kids i feel like that's where i'm supposed to be for right now kind of like being a missionary in your own home church i guess so you know i want to be here pastor but i feel like i could use this experience first i can hang on here for a little while longer we'll just wait on the lord's timing and if you need someone to talk to i'm here for you i appreciate it i got the keys and i'm ready wait nervous but i'm hardly even talking babe you're gonna do great [Music] i have your attention please yeah amazingly scary could i have your attention please thank you my name is brandon cobb your new youth director this is my beautiful wife lisa she'll be here with me each week to help out the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the lord is sure making wise the simple statutes of the lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of the lord is clean and lightening the eyes the fear of the lord is pure enduring forever the judgments of the lord are true and righteous all together more to be desired are they than gold yay than much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by them is thy servant warned and in keeping of them there is great reward psalm 19 verses 7 through 11. i would like these verses to be the theme of this class first a quick word about myself i actually grew up in this church sat in this youth group i was a pretty worldly guy you know just having fun in fact the only reason i even came to church is because my parents made me but it all changed for me one day i got serious about the bible and the things of the lord my eyes and understanding were opened and my hope well our hope is that we can motivate you to get serious about him too however in doing this you must have a handle on god's word so that's what i plan to do in here on sundays when we meet just talk about god's word and on wednesdays i'll mix it up with some fun events but always drawing it back to the word of god but i need your help in doing this i would like each of you to make a commitment to do two things first i'd like you to memorize psalm 19 verses 7 through 11. and then for your daily bible reading start by reading the gospel of john just one chapter a day and we can discuss john chapter 1 this wednesday evening when we meet come on man you really think that we want to read the bible and you are they call me squirrel squirrel because he used to hunt squirrels when he was younger i see i mean it's boring just being honest with you and i appreciate the honesty but let me ask you something mr squirrel have you ever used a map before yeah when i didn't know where i was going and it helped you get there didn't it sure so think of the bible as a map not only will it tell you how to live your life here on earth more importantly it'll tell you how to get to heaven i still don't want to read the bible how about you guys anyone want to read the bible i i do what's your name natalie it's nice to meet you natalie so is natalie the only person in here who wants to read the bible that's about it you are teddy it's nice to meet you teddy well at least you know what you're up against i grew up playing a lot of baseball it's a pretty good fielder but just a fair hitter one day my coach comes up to me and he gives me this bat this is this really old looking bat and i'm pretty sure he made it he said brandon you start using this bat it's gonna make you a better hitter i didn't want to at first i mean the thing looked ridiculous but i wasn't hitting the ball either so i thought i'd give it a try and the strangest thing happened i started hitting the ball i just mean i was hitting the ball better than i ever had in my entire life i'd go up to all my teammates and say you guys got to use this bat but they didn't want to because of the way it looked but i kept using it i became one of the best hitters in my league that year i even made the all-star team got to play in this big stadium in the city and we thought we were major league baseball players getting to play on that field i'll never forget that day got to bat three times i hit three line drive singles into left field hardest balls i ever hit and if you'd have been there that day watching me play you just said that kid is good but it wasn't really me was that bat that old homemade bat that nobody wanted to use so you say what's the point ask yourself these questions do you really want to go to heaven when you die do you want to live your life to please the lord and do you want your life to be used by the lord to influence others for him the answer to any one of those questions is yes and you must guys you must use this bat remember it's the bat [Music] i would really like our new guy yeah that we wouldn't have guessed it's too preachy turned me off already yeah one thing right though i'm only here cause my parents yeah me too that was a good story about the bat all right you know the routine make it fast don't worry i will hey what are you going to tell them this time i've read the lights on one of the fry machines so that it flickers [Music] mr webber yes squirrel i think there's something wrong with one of the fry machines which one here let me show you um i noticed that the timer light wasn't working and it was flickering like that yeah it was so great flickering come check it out i noticed on my last batch of fries that could be a [Music] whoever's so stupid he has no clue like i said if we do a little bit every time he's never going to find out you got it man i'll see you later marcy remember we've got church tonight yeah i know i was hoping you'd be a little more excited since you have a new youth director now i think he's gonna be worse than mr packard what do you mean he just started you need to give him a chance you're gonna ride with us tonight no i'm gonna drive i told shannon i'd pick her up you know i really don't like you hanging around shannon she's my friend she's not a good influence mom she's my friend i'd prefer you find some different friends the judgments of the lord are true and righteous all together more to be desired more to be desired are they than gold yay than much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by them is thy servant warned and and keeping in them there is great reward nice job natalie first of all thank you natalie that was a great job yes natalie that was really beautiful and uh teddy i think you might owe natalie an apology for your not so kind comment there she knows i'm kidding i know he's kidding see okay but how about we agree not to kid around like that anymore and is natalie the only person in here who knows the verses how about you teddy you getting them down nope and i'll plan to memorize them either why not because i don't read the bible i told you that already and don't go telling me some story about some baseball bat because it's not going to you any good do you even have a bible yep it's on my shelf it looks good there you're on track don't you teddy that's right what event 400 mainly sometimes the relay okay tell you what don't you and i have a race one lap 400 meters next wednesday if i win you make a commitment to read the word of god every day for a month if you win i'll i'll wash your car the following wednesday if you come to our meeting you'll wash my car if you win i'll wash your car but if i win you read the bible every day for a month come on preach you can't beat me in a race and you know that i don't know i ran in high school what do you say guys next week we'll all head to the track so teddy and i can race why you want to race me preach you know you have no chance i think i do just raise him dude free car wash there's a catch somewhere some loophole no catch man and i'm a man of my word the only question is will you keep your end of the bargain if you lose just raise him [Music] [Music] i'll keep my end here on sounds great settle then we'll all meet here first then we'll head to the track together hey preach you sure you want to race me yeah i'm sure [Music] hi auntie oh hi how was the meeting it was good uh i really really like brandon i'm so glad to hear that yeah his his wife lisa is very nice too and teddy again but brandon said something to him about it which i really appreciated mr packard would have never done that but don't you think i should end with that verse though sweetheart you're doing okay i'm sorry i was just thinking about natalie i was talking to her tonight after class i feel so sorry for her because of the stuttering well yeah that but i found out tonight that both her parents were killed in an accident when she was only seven years old and ever since then she's been living with her aunt mrs kincaid i didn't know that natalie showed me a picture of her she said they have a great relationship so that's good yes that's very good she's just such a beautiful girl inside and out she told me she doesn't really have any true friends so i told her that she has two new friends in you and me yes she does she wants her life to count to be used by the lord i'm really glad she has you all right guys i am ready to go the question is are you ready hey preach i'm gonna do you a favor okay i'll let you start on the inside it's very kind of teddy all right squirrel you can be the starter all right come on boys let's go teddy let's go go brandon someone has to cheer for him thank you natalie let's go babe take your marks get set [Applause] go come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye-bye [Applause] good race teddy i was toying with you preach i could have beamed you by a hundred meters if i wanted to free car wash dude hey brad how about you and i shoot some pool it's my game all right everybody fun's over let's head back to the church now way to go dude hey lisa i still don't know why your husband wanted to do this he had no chance i know right he never stood a chance then why do you want to race me i guess because he thinks it's that important for you to read the bible he was willing to try [Music] stay focused now i'm ready all right here we go hey mr webber can i talk to you for a second i have an idea for you oh boy what is it squirrel boys right follow me this way so i've been thinking about this for a while now right over here you know how we put the lemon on the cup when we serve water why do we do this we've always done it that way right but why mr webber i gotta be honest with you here i see people take it off they just they toss it so it seems to me like you could be saving some money here oh i don't believe it'd be much of a savings yeah but think about it mr webber it'll add up over time now no one's even gonna notice and hey if someone says something they'll just bring one right out no big deal well you're just an idea man aren't you build a better mousetrap what do you do just sit around and think this stuff up it's just something i noticed well i'll tell you what squirrel i will consider it that is all i can ask i'll see you later this week yeah [Music] shannon here's your allowance and the extra we said we give you for going to youth group okay leave it there and your father and i are glad you're going it's what we want that's good for you wait is that all i get i thought it was more shannon we discussed this you get more in a month than most kids get in a year yeah well i'm not most kids now do a good job preach only the best for you teddy and don't forget the tires hey you got it man i'm gonna head inside now and no help from lisa she's gonna be my supervisor don't help him okay no help i'm the supervisor all right let's get moving cobb it's not gonna wash itself [Music] [Music] hey how's it going go in there natalie hi teddy [Music] something [Music] what what is this what's wrong teddy there's something on the back of my chair i wonder what it could be shannon gotcha was this grade school i told you to watch your back that's a great school move shannon oh you're survived she got you man all right everybody let's get started brandon you actually washed his car of course i did i didn't think he'd do it we made a deal teddy would have never kept his side hey you don't know that please like you were gonna read the bible i might have i watched his car squirrel because it was the right thing to do cool i'm just saying that if teddy lost he would have never kept up his side of the bargain hey you do not know that yes i do i know you let me ask you guys something say you go to a convenience store buy a bag of chips and a soda it costs you four bucks you hand the cashier ten dollar bill and when he gives you the change instead of giving you a five and a one he gives you a ten and a one what do you do easy you keep it yeah you keep your mouth shut you pretend you didn't see anything no you don't call attention to it let him know a mistake's been made you call attention to it but not me yeah if the cashier is stupid enough to make the mistake that's their problem what if you guys are the cashier then we're the stupid ones it's the law of the jungle preach the way it is guys don't let money dictate the situation here okay right or wrong should determine it that's the law of the bible your conscience will feel better about it too just like me washing your car teddy i mean we had a deal and i lost so i washed your car it's just the right thing to do hey natalie how was the youth group last night it was good huh really come on what's wrong you seem down i'm fine natalie what's the matter the other other kids just make fun of me at least teddy does teddy again i'm gonna have to speak to his mother no we we've talked about this i mean you can't it it'll just get worse natalie it's hard for me to watch you hurting like this it's not just teddy i'm not making a difference in anyone's life for the lord i want my life to count for something but how can it when when i can't even talk oh nothing natalie i don't know why god has elected to give you speech with a stutter i don't know what i do know is that probably one of the most important men in the old testament moses had a speech impediment and god used him mightily have you ever heard of fanny crosby she was blind and she wrote some of the most wonderful hymns the church has ever known god found a way to use her ideally and i understand look we both know that what teddy is doing is wrong and i know you don't want me to talk with his mother so what i will do is pray and ask god to take care of this for you and by the way you are making a difference in the lives of other people you just don't know it yet you stay with living the life for our lord and he will find a way to use you finally oh did i tell you that lisa talked to me at what i did with teddy she saw that no what'd she say you know that we shouldn't do that to one another because we're young adults now she treated me like i was a five-year-old she's probably just trying to keep the unity within the group yeah but we all know natalie's her favorite yeah but i feel bad for her you know because of her situation yeah i guess i could feel sorry for her she didn't play the victim all the time brandon would you mind taking this shirt back to the store since it's near the church i decided i don't want this one yeah that's fine thanks i'll put it near the receipt over here okay okay what you working on checking some articles on how to build your youth group everything in here mainly talks about organizing fun events nothing about using scripture what brought this on got a call from our old friend matt matt what did he want i didn't think you two are that good of friends as i recall you were usually on the opposite side of the issues during seminary well they heard i took the youth group called to see how it was going and probably to ask how many you have right yeah he then proceeded to tell me that his youth group's grown from 60 to over 200 in just over a year and now we know why he really called i asked him how he did it he started talking about all these programs and fun things that they do yeah but is he giving them the truth or just telling these kids what they want to hear we just talked about the things that they do so are we just gonna start playing games now every time we get together no sorry honey i'm just frustrated i know i know what god has called me to do and i know that there is power in the word of god but with this group nothing seems to be registering brandon it's the times we live in most people aren't into spiritual things you know that i know i just wish we thought more about our end then people would take spiritual matters more seriously our end when we die our end that end yeah that end that end [Music] all right this way guys over here just keep coming a little bit further that's good perfect perfect you guys ever see a movie called the secrets of jonathan sperry never heard of it i have wait is that a christian film yes it is oh that explains why it's not on my watch list [Laughter] i really liked it the movie's about a 75 year old man who tries to motivate these three 12 year old boys to read the bible and follow the lord my favorite scene is where jonathan takes them to a cemetery and starts talking to them about eternity so that's why you brought us here well the bible says it's better to go to the house of mourning than the house of feasting because death is the end of every man and the living take it to heart using scare tactics now brandon no scare tactics it's just reality we're all gonna die unless the lord comes back first and when you think about death it's a scary thing i ain't worried when i die i'll just deal with it then no you won't teddy it'll be too late then guys this is why it's important for us to put our trust in jesus before we die okay so what does that mean preach trust in jesus i mean we all heard it but what does it really mean okay tell you guys a story about something that happened to me a couple years ago excuse me guys i was flying by myself going to denver playing left under pleasant skies in the early afternoon as we got closer to land the weather started getting pretty bad the pilot comes over the loudspeaker and says it's going to be a bumpy ride coming in ordered the flight attendants to shut everything down and buckle up as we continued to fly planes started bouncing around more and more i thought to myself this is getting serious i looked out my window and all i could see were dark clouds all around me the plane started jumping around even more and the turbulence was so violent become a real force to reckon with i got to tell you guys i was scared i mean really scared everyone was plane had literally turned into a roller coaster that nobody wanted to be on so i started praying and i mean really praying hard i'll be honest with you guys i thought we were gonna crash i thought i was gonna die that day have you ever been totally frightened thinking you might die all other thoughts go away they just vanish the last 20 minutes of that plane ride was the most severe case of turbulence i've ever experienced but finally yes finally plane landed the moment it touched the ground the whole plane just erupted into a huge applause everyone was cheering even the flight attendants what a relief to be on the ground to be safe just a moment earlier i'd never been so scared in my entire life in that moment i'd never been so happy i grabbed my back from the overhead compartment and started walking off the plane and usually the flight attendants are there to greet you as you walk off but this time it was the pilot a couple in front of me spoke to him and then it was my turn i said thank you sir gotta tell you i've never been so scared didn't think we were gonna make it and he looked at me a very calm demeanor and a reassuring voice he said there's no need to be scared i had it all the way [Music] i thought about that phrase as i entered the terminal [Music] sorry guys you just had to be there to know what we were experiencing i mean the fear was so real you see i had no idea how to land that plane i had to trust that the pilot could do it and the same rule applies to our lives here as well it's a scary thing to think about our death i told you i'm scared to die but when it happens and for those of us who have followed the lord we are gonna have to trust that jesus had it all the way [Music] that jesus will do what he said he would do and usher us into the presence of god with him in heaven and that teddy to me is an example of what it means to trust in jesus anyway let's head back to the church now hey bran that was good man jesus had all the way i like that hey squirrel [Music] marcy here's some of your stuff okay i think you just put it right there i'll put it away thanks i appreciate that what's this it's just something brandon gave to us what's it supposed to be just something he was telling us about what do you mind sharing with me the white flag is supposed to symbolize us surrendering our lives to the lord he gave it to everyone told us to keep it and he said when you feel committed to raise the flag up so why haven't you put up the flag mom please just put it back okay okay i'm sorry i know this is your space thank you [Music] [Music] okay now wait here while i get him out of the way i will so let me see if i got this straight the boss's wife tried to make a move on him and he said no then she said that joseph made the move on her and he went to jail yep that's what happened i mean that's not right wait you believe that story joseph was guilty shannon joseph was a righteous man he ran from her because he didn't want to sin before god all men are the same the dude got railroaded shannon typical woman she didn't get what she wants so she turned on them like i've always said you cannot trust women oh and like you're the expert oh oh come on you don't know anything come on shannon what are you talking about okay guys guys settle here's an observation that i want you to take from this story in this life we will suffer injustices and they're hard to swallow at times i mean joseph went to prison and he was there for a long time and he did nothing wrong and he had to keep trusting that god was going to get him through it that's really the point that we're trying to make here remember this saturday we're going up to potter's ranch for our one day retreat we'll meet here at the church at 8 and we should be back by 6. and if you want we can argue more about men and women up someone can there my spot nobody will notice [Laughter] yes girls can i talk to you for a minute sure i was hoping that you might reach out to natalie i just noticed that no one really talks to her very much we can't really relate well maybe you could try to it's really hard to talk to her she takes like a year to say anything that seems a bit exaggerated what if the roles are reversed but they're not but what if they were just please think about trying okay okay thanks i'll see you saturday she's starting to annoy me [Music] teddy what's up man marcy just called me says shannon wants to meet with us today about what she didn't say just said it was important why'd you have marcy call you you know shannon i think she's a big shot it's like marcie's her secretary she said she wants to meet tonight tonight no i got work at five i told her that she said we could meet there before your shift all right yeah i'll be there all right jen got like five minutes before work starts so what's so important we need to figure out a way to get rid of brandon is that what this is about yeah they need to go what's wrong with brandon i don't like him brandon's okay yeah he's okay i got a free car wash teddy got a free car wash and he did a good job too i didn't get him to play him pool give you a free car wash nah you won't blame me guys they're trying to brainwash us he's just doing his job they need to go i want mr packard back mr backer why so you can rule again marcy what do you think i thought brandon was gonna be okay at first but i'm gonna have to go with shannon on this one see i need to go you know you keep mentioning brandon you also keep saying them or they so i think that this isn't about brandon but it's lisa that bugs you isn't it yeah do you need to take some sort of jealousy here mm-hmm she's little miss perfect and i don't like her why don't you got better things to worry about back at the estate they're brainwashing us you mark my words all right this is stupid and i've got a work shift all right you mark my words i've been trying to make it interesting but for the most part they're just not serious about their commitment if there even is a commitment and i'm not sure what else i can do do have this one girl natalie and that's about it welcome to the ministry you sure you still want a pastor yeah maybe i should reconsider well you were voted in unanimously but i could do a recount and i've been doing some research and it seems that there's more talk these days about growing your membership with programs and events rather than just simply building your flock by teaching the word of god sad but true let me ask you did you ever have that temptation brandon every pastor wants their church to grow but not at the expense of misleading people or making the gospel easier for them to accept i heard a sermon once that has always stuck with me i was at a week-long revival meeting was years ago i was in my 20s i was younger than you and i had just committed to the ministry full-time and that night the preacher said god is looking for two things and he said if you don't hear anything from me for the rest of the week get these two things he said god is looking for faithfulness and he's looking for motives and don't ever forget it well that really spoke to me and i have tried to keep that in the forefront of my ministry ever since that's a good word well that's why i want to remind you don't give up on these students just keep sharing the truth because you never know what's getting through i will but with this group it looks like nothing that i say or do is getting through ah well look at the group jesus had to deal with peter james john did i say peter and i have to deal with teddy marcy shannon and squirrel squirrel it's his uh nickname well jesus had to deal with judas too knowing all along he was going to betray him but never gave up on him i hear you i do care for these kids pastor i want to see them do well in their lives to follow the lord god knows your heart brandon he knows what you want to see happen there but you know everyone may not respond i'd take one more person right now let's [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's park it over here guys just for a second i'm gonna talk to you about something has the two most important decisions you'll ever make in your life number one is to receive the lord and the second is who you will marry and that's what we'll talk about in this discussion and guys let's be honest we tend to always make our choices based purely on the physical appearance but the goal should be to find the one that god wants you to be with and since you're going to spend the rest of your life with this person you want to find someone who will put the lord first and you want to find someone who's going to be your best friend also guys i want to challenge you to keep your relationships as pure as you can until you get married because that'll help you make your decision based on a spiritual relationship not just a physical one i want to see you guys have real happiness in your marriages and when you find the right guy god's man for you how amazing your relationship and your marriage can be and you think you found the right guy yes shannon i have remember when we keep god's principles there is great reward this is har preach training for your races is hard too teddy but it's worth it once you have success i know one thing my wife better be a good cook or i ain't gonna marry her that's great teddy you're gonna pick a wife based on how well she can cook it's better when you ask a girl out hey do you want to go out with me and by the way do you like the hunt squirrels you know it's a great thing i don't say that i can see the ad now must love to hunt squirrels whatever man guys whether she can cook or hunt squirrels or whatever proverbs says whoever finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the lord and you found a good thing in lisa didn't you yes squirrel i sure did i know why shannon is so down on lisa yeah shannon's the one that needs to go i think brandon's doing a pretty good job he's definitely more interesting than mr packard sure take the bible stuff seriously yeah he does doesn't he i mean that dude he's very serious about all this [Music] hey hi may i help you i need to return this shirt my wife purchased she just decided she didn't want it okay sir oh sorry this was on the all sales final rack this one can't be returned really um i bet she didn't know that how has she been able to tell there would have been a sign on the rack plus it's coded right here on the receipt and he can't take this back sorry sir no chance huh sorry those were the terms of the sale and i can't change the terms i understand i appreciate your help though i can't change the terms [Music] [Music] hey guys sorry i'm late ready to go now who wants to recite the verses other than natalie come on guys we do these every time surely someone else has them by now play the flute play the flute this is what we all should be doing i know you're confused what do i mean in matthew chapter 11 jesus makes a profound statement in verses 16 and 17. he says what shall i like in this generation it's like children sitting in a marketplace calling to their fellows we piped unto you and you've not danced we mourned unto you and you've not lamented what does he mean see these are two extremes we piped unto you and you've not danced another translation says we played the flute for you and you've not danced see this was the message of jesus going around and saying whosoever believes in me i will give them eternal life we mourned unto you and you've not lamented see this was represented by the preaching of john the baptist who had a message of repentance to the people and what was the jew's response they didn't they responded to neither one they stayed in the middle because they were indifferent and what jesus said over 2000 years ago is still true today because as far as i can tell most people just don't care i get it guys look there was a day i didn't see my need for any of this for god or for the bible i was only interested in what i could do for myself i got involved in a lot of sinful vices because i thought it was a thing to do but it didn't lead me anywhere it didn't give me any real joy or real peace in fact it just left me feeling empty inside and then i watched two of my best friends die within about a month span from a drug overdose the other because he was driving drunk and got killed in a car accident and it shook me these guys were my friends where are they now i wish that i could help them but i can't i wish that i could tell them of the new life that i have in christ but i can't i wish i could tell them i found true joy and true peace but i can't you guys look i'm not god i can't judge their hearts but they never took this bible stuff seriously and it seems to me that you guys keep passing on it too and as much as i wish i could help you i realize now i can only play the flute you have to respond you have to make it your own sadly most of us don't like the jews of old we too have become indifferent indifferent to the fact that jesus christ came to this earth and died on a cross being the perfect sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins indifferent to the fact that he was then buried and he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures proving he was god indifferent to the fact that he went to the right hand of the father to make a way for us to enter heaven and have eternal life the lord jesus is looking for followers who realize that they are sinners and need a savior these are his terms and i can't change them and only the humble may apply you see guys as you sit here tonight you're either playing the flute or the flute is being played to you in other words you're either sharing the good news of christ or you need someone to share it with you i know what i want to do i want to play the flute and you see this book guys this book was written by god and given to us for our benefit to help us and to guide us this is why we study it this is why we learn it now does anyone other than natalie want to recite the verses i can't change the terms go ahead natalie the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul that testimony of the lord is sure making wise the simple the statues of the statues of the lord are right rejoicing the heart [Music] the commandment of the lord is pure and lightening the eyes [Music] the fear of the lord is clean enduring forever the judgment of the lord is true and righteous all together more to be desired are they than gold gay the much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by them as thy servant warned and in keeping of them there is great reward [Music] now it's time to get serious i have decided i'm gonna take a stand no more hiding no more sitting back cause i'm done [Music] i am done [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] forever thanks for waiting boys here's your checks thank you sir yes thank you have a good night hey why did you clock us out ready when we got done we didn't get any extra time i can't do what we've been doing anymore what are you talking about clocking out late like we do i can't do it what do you mean it's what we do every time not anymore man why not because it's stealing it's no big deal he hasn't noticed donnie if you own this place would you want your employees doing this to you i wouldn't care donny look at me man be honest would you want your employees to be doing what we have been doing stealing from you no i wouldn't okay great so then we need to stop and we need to do like rice i'm telling mr what we've been doing you can't do that you'll get us fired it's a chance we got to take you can't i need your check what we need to give him our checks to cover what we stole no way i need this donny i'm telling him what we both did and i'm giving him my check so you need to do the same forget it man you're gonna be fired for sure if you don't because i'm telling him look i'll do the best that i can to cover for you because it was my idea but i need your check ever since you got on that bible stuff you're different man yeah it's called having some wisdom for once oh you think you're better than me now no i never said that just something that i know that i that we need to do you check man just give me a minute to drive away [Music] i gotta get the right number mr webber can i talk to you for a second what is it squirrel i want to give you these two checks back what these are payroll checks donny and i have been stealing from you sir stealing what do you mean well when we clock out we've been faking it and we've been adding 10 to 15 minutes in our time cards each time adding time yes sir and we know that we're wrong sir and that's why we feel like we owe you wait wait you've been messing with your time cards adding minutes yes sir but we've only been doing it for a few weeks and these two checks here should be more than enough to cover what we owe you i can't believe that you guys would do that i i i should fire you right now in fact where is donny well he's gone sir but he knows that i'm here to talk to you you see sir it was my idea and all i could say is that i'm sorry and i promise you mr weber that if you give me another chance i will be the best employee that you have ever had and i think donnie will be too you are an idea man aren't you ideas on how to rip people off talk about taking advantage i have been good to you yes sir you have been and i'm sorry we're both sorry i'm sorry it won't happen again you see sir i started reading the bible and i've gotten serious about my relationship with the lord and that's why i'm telling you this really we're sorry i guess i'll wait to hear back about our jobs [Music] okay squirrel i appreciate you telling me this well it's just the right thing to do did i tell you i overheard lisa talking to natalie about boys probably because natalie wants a boyfriend or something and lisa said just be patient because god's got someone special just for her she's probably just trying to encourage her but why lead her on no one's gonna want to marry that stutterer can you imagine her at a wedding do you take this man to be your husband well i i uh [Laughter] hey i heard you talking you mind laying off natalie she doesn't bother you well look who's talking no one makes fun of natalie more than you do hypocrite i just need a little more time we had this breakthrough with some of the students and we've been having some really good discussions that is great to hear i want to thank you so much for being patient i mean you know lisa and i want to be here but i can't leave just yet we understand thank you so much for the support i'll keep you posted okay brandon i am very proud of you thank the lord sir natalie there's someone here to see you to see me to see you teddy hi natalie uh sorry to bother you can i talk to you for a minute i'm gonna let you two have a moment no miss kincaid please stay i like you hear this as well um i'm sorry for the way i've been making fun of you about your speech it's been downright mean and it's a sin and there's no other way to call it i know that you usually just laugh about it but deep down inside i'm sure that i'm hurting you and i'm sorry [Music] very sorry i have no excuse for making fun of you the way i did so i hope you can forgive me all i can say is that i was blind [Music] now i see well uh thank you teddy i forgive you no thank you teddy that was really just so great of you [Music] thank you for accepting my apology natalie um i'm gonna go now see a youth group okay see you there thanks for stopping by natalie um i want to encourage you to keep being who you are you see everyone at youth group knows one thing that if there's a real christian in [Music] there i'm really glad you're here with us tonight buddy all right listen up listen up i've got some exciting things to talk about tonight found in the book of genesis where's lisa yeah and at least at night she wasn't feeling too well so i'm flying solo but she didn't want me to tell you all hi so hi so methuselah lived to be 969 years old which makes him the oldest person recorded in the bible and his name literally means his death shall bring judgment okay i want you to keep that in mind now methuselah lived 187 years and had a son named lamik lamech lived 182 years and had a son named noah so methuselah was 369 years old when noah was born got to keep in mind people lived a lot longer back then this was before the flood now what did i say methuselah's name meant his death shall bring judgment exactly now squirrel what does the bible say in genesis chapter 7 verse 6. and noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth so how old was methuselah when the floods came 969 and if his name means his death shall bring judgment god predicted it that's right god foreshadowed the great flood 969 years before it ever happened wow that's pretty cool that's why god is god and the numbers always add up in the bible anyway our time's up for tonight now let me close with a quick word of prayer father in heaven i thank you so much for these students for your word and its accuracy and how amazing it is when we dig in to see what it offers i pray your blessing over these kids bring them back safely here sunday in jesus name amen all right guys thanks for coming have a good night we'll see you sunday hey you go ahead i'll meet you in a minute okay oh it's pretty cool thank you thanks buddy have a good night thank you yeah that's really good thank you natalie have a good night that was all right thanks dude that was cool man all right see you sunday yeah i'll see you okay brandon can i talk to you for a minute yeah sure what's up i just wanted to say that i want to start participating more i know i haven't been very enthusiastic especially with your wife and i'm sorry i want to try to change my ways because i know you're just trying to help us shannon thank you this is really great to hear yeah that's all i have to say okay bye all right have a good night [Music] i'm home babe hmm you feel any better so much better i'm so glad i stayed home well you are never gonna guess who just apologized to you and me tonight this is brandon pastor wants to see me sure i'll be right there i do appreciate you coming in today yes come in you want to see me sir yes there's something that we'd like to talk to you about this is mrs burns shannon's mom oh it's a pleasure to meet you brandon did you meet with shannon last night yeah she was a youth group and did you meet with her alone alone uh for a minute she stayed afterwards that she wanted to talk to me about something and what happened then it was actually pretty amazing she wanted to apologize to me for not being as cooperative as she could for lisa and myself she seemed very sincere it was a beautiful moment is shayna okay did something happen to her where was lisa she wasn't feeling well so she stayed home can someone please tell me what's going on here i'll tell you what's going on shannon told me you made a pass at her made a pass that's ridiculous she was very distraught and upset her friends had to drive her home this is crazy we talked for two minutes she apologized i accepted and then she walked away with a smile on her face i don't understand what's going on here you are lucky my husband is out of town on business right now okay mrs burns i don't know what shannon's up to here but i can assure you i did not make a pass at your daughter i don't want you ever going near her ever again you got it okay sandra please let me make a suggestion i would like to privately meet with you and shannon first and then perhaps we can get together after that i would also like to keep this very quiet okay especially until we get things sorted out what about the youth group i certainly don't want this man teaching our kids i'll take care of that let's just set up a meeting with shannon and then we'll go from there okay i can bring her by this afternoon that'd be fine i'll be here we could meet right away thank you pastor stay away from her her apology was a setup this could be very serious brandon she's lying pastor i don't know what she's up to but she is lying okay let's hope so [Music] mr lawrence it's brandon i i think our time at this church just ended you've got to be kidding me i'm not just off the phone with pastor michaels but but did you tell him that that shannon has it out for lisa that maybe she's just trying to get rid of her teddy i told him everything and he says it's brandon's word against shannon's yeah but it's obvious she's lying certainly pastor michael's believed brandon over shannon i don't know man so we might have a bigger problem here if work is out about this it is going to ruin brandon yeah but there's no way brandon made a pass at shannon did you talk to him yes and he said that she's making it up oh man this is wrong i'll tell you what's gonna happen here teddy the church is gonna get rid of brandon yeah but he's the best thing to happen to this church and they're gonna get rid of him you watch you know a lot of people are starting to find out about what happened yeah well brandon should have thought about that before well now my mom's getting a lot of phone calls asking her about it i couldn't just let it go what if he did that to someone else want some more soda yeah sure thank you i wonder if lisa thinks brandon's the right guy now i understand pastor michaels it's been an honor to serve to be okay i'd like to come by the church on sunday and say a final goodbye to the students i've grown quite fond of them these past few months i'll keep it short yeah okay i'll see you sunday bye so we're moving on moving on although he says it's her word against mine he does believe me one more people just keep finding out about the incident and feels like this is best best or easiest students students hey can i have your attention please thank you mr packard is going to be taking over your class for a while until he can find a new youth director as brandon is moving to a new position at another church you mean because shanna ran him out of here with her lies i realize that some of you are upset but since word of this has gotten around we feel that it's best to make this change pastor she's lying and she's too afraid to show her face here because she knows that we'll expose her i told her not to come in today and brandon is here and he wanted to take a moment to be able to say goodbye to you shanna's the one that should be saying goodbye i know you guys are upset because she made it up and you're punishing an innocent man here but i really think it's for the best but how could you believe what she says squirrel let it go remember i told you the story of joseph how he will suffer injustices in this life do you remember let it go okay brandon if you could thank you sir i want you all to know that lisa and i will cherish all the fond memories we made here together it's been an absolute pleasure getting to know all of you this is so so unfair it's for the best natalie pastor do you mind if i say something else no go ahead i do want you guys to always remember one thing the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul testimony of the lord is sure making wise the simple the statutes of the lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of the lord is clean enlightening the eyes the fear of the lord is pure enduring forever the judgments of the lord are true and righteous all together more to be desired or they than gold ye have in much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by them is thy servant warned and in keeping of them there is great reward i love you guys okay mr packard will now be handing out these workbooks which will be your curriculum for the next few weeks workbooks you don't need no workbooks you okay i'm really gonna miss them man this ain't right i kept trying to call shannon but she wouldn't pick up went to her house too but she wouldn't see me her dad wasn't too happy i came by she got us man nothing we can do about it take care okay natalie your uh mom said that you'd be back here huh do you want something why did did shannon make this up make what up you know what she says brandon did look brandon has a problem and he needs help marcy do you really believe that brandon made a pass at shannon said he made a pass at her and i believe her brandon and lisa were great for our youth group and you know it and we lost them because of this do you really believe that brandon made a pass at shannon yes i do you know marcy you're gonna have to make a decision are you gonna follow shannon or are you gonna follow the lord [Music] [Music] what's up teddy guess what we got someone who wants to meet with me you and natalie tonight before your shift shannon good i want to talk to her no not shannon she made it up you know that yes you're sure she told me okay then we should go tell the pastor maybe we can still get brandished out there brian's not coming back man he's gone he's already passed out the other church but we can at least try and clear his name then it'd be marcy's word against shannon's okay but we gotta do something believe me i hate the idea of having shannon get away with this we need to have her admit it publicly good luck with that maybe we can think of something so what made you turn on your best buddies shannon all of a sudden a friend came to me and challenged me asked me if i was gonna follow shannon or the lord i chose the lord good for you marcy yeah that's nice man channel i messed things up this time i cannot wait for the next conversation with her you're gonna get your chance what she's gonna be there wednesday night her mom pays for her to be there you know well me and miss shannon are going to have a little talk still it'll be nice to get her to [Music] confess [Music] you're leaving for church early yeah i'm gonna go meet someone marcy we talked about this i really wish you wouldn't spend so much time with shannon shannon no we're not talking much anymore i'm gonna go meet natalie you remember her oh okay yes i know natalie she's really nice i'll see you later shane can we talk to you for a second yeah what's your problem we know you made it up about brandon look guys brandon has a problem i just hope he gets the help that he needs look we know what's up fess up shannon confession is good for the soul shannon [Music] you know that brandon wouldn't do that so why say it i can't do that how do you sleep at night look just because you guys fell for his brainwashing doesn't mean i did wouldn't want to be in your shoes when you leave from this earth judging me now squirrel i'm just saying you're brainwashed admit it you really are something come on squirrel admit it confession is good for the soul you really love to push people's buttons don't you okay guys this really is not going to accomplish anything i agree you know what i'm a shannon on this what maybe brandon is brainwashing us look before i met him my life was fine and now i don't do any of the fun things i used to teddy i i can't believe you're saying this i mean but what are we gaining out of this maybe we are taking this religion thing a little too serious you know ty's got a point here it has been crap in my style squirrel we're young we can worry about this stuff later what if there is no later there's a chance off to take teddy what do you think a chance i'm willing to take you know what we should be thanking shannon right now shannon we owe you yes thank you shannon for showing us what brandon really is i i i can't believe you guys natalie think about it brandon really did do a number on us shannon you did us a favor she she ran off brandon and did us a favor in doing so no she ran him off and she did us a favor she did us a favor no she did us a favor stop saying that don't you get it stupid i did you a favor i did all of us a favor gotcha uh-oh what we knew you'd admit it we just had to push the right buttons i didn't mean to say that how do you feel i didn't mean to say that confession is good for the soul no he he really did make a pass at me the charade's over shannon we got you [Music] i don't need this that's too bad great job dude you too man wait so you guys were just kidding well we don't want to tell you because we knew that you're acting would be so much better if you didn't know it was staged it was a really good idea teddy yeah but it doesn't get us brandon back but it's still something i mean we got her to admit it well i guess it's bad to mr packard maybe not looking forward the great i am i'm looking forward to heaven no tears is holy passion and heavenly side thank you stephanie you wrote that didn't you it was beautifully done thank you so much good morning everyone if you have your bibles please turn to the book of ephesians we're going to continue our study through this great book today i'll be diving into chapter 2. i'll start by reading the first 10 verses and then i'd invite you to join your hearts with mine let's see what the word of god what the word of god has to say to us i'm sorry everyone i just noticed we have some very special guests with us this morning folks these are some friends of lisa's and mine from our youth group we're so glad to have him here and pleasantly surprised i know this is a little out of the normal but i'd like to introduce them to you if you guys wouldn't mind standing it's okay please stand up for my right i have gwyndolin theresa matthew marcy natalie teddy and and this is daniel welcome to all of you welcome picking it up in verse one of chapter two and you hathy quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins where in time passed you walked according to the course when he played coin the cop he put the mean cop in the corner they're speaking up yeah thanks for waiting guys it's so good to see you well actually you might see a bit more of us what do you mean we finally got shout out to him at the truth but you made it all up and now we're kind of looking for a new church home we're hoping that we can start coming here really i know it's a long drive across town we think it's worth it okay yeah of course you know you'll be welcome here and we really want you guys to know how much we appreciate all that you all that both of you have done for each and every one of us seriously thank you guys where's teddy i know i saw him uh he stepped out for a minute he is still here though okay in fact in appreciation for all that you guys have given us we wanted to give you guys a little something too we feel like we owe you oh you don't owe us anything just having you here today has been so great but we really want to give you guys something and we struggled to come up with what the right thing would be but we wanted it to be something that was truly meaningful and we finally finally came up with the perfect gift this girl thought of it and he's right it is perfect seriously you guys don't need to give us anything well actually it's not something that we can give you it's something we have to show you so if you two would please follow us outside what are you up to you guys don't have to give us anything just follow us just promise when you get out there close your eyes lisa you too what are you guys up to just come with us okay close our eyes what are you guys for you pastor brandon in gratitude of all you've given us all right open your eyes and see your perfect gift [Music] you're right squirrel that's perfect hey preach now uh do a good job there teddy only the best for you don't forget the tires you got it it's good to see you teddy [Music] and we started going to church there and it was such a special time for all of us we forgot our parents to attend bran taught the bible and everything guys everything it was going so great after college you got a job moved away but i always kept in touch with brandon i made sure that and then six months ago i got a phone call saying that brandon had stage four cancer and this morning he went home to be with the lord too early if you ask me he was 41 years old my heart is with his wife lisa see you guys this man changed my life he got me reading the bible he got me serious about the lord and for that i am eternally grateful i know that this is normally not how we spend our sundays together but i feel under the circumstances i hope you understand that i wanted to share this story about my very special friend brandon copp you see if it wasn't for his influence i wouldn't be standing here teaching you guys on sundays all right i know it's time to go and i can't close in prayer today but i'll see you guys next sunday i remember read god's word daniel i'm sorry to hear about your friend thank you ashley thank you for caring [Music] [Music] as right here it says for it is by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not of yourselves but it is a gift of god so that no one can boast there is such power in these words guys because it's of god that we obtained eternal life not of our own doing [Music] don't be scared brandon jesus had it all the way [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 2,209,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Movies, Christian, Christian Movie, Full Movie, Religion, religious movie, Play the Flute Movie, Play the Flute Full Movie, Play the Flute, Brett Varvel, Sean Ormond, Kennedy Tucker, Loretta Swit, Clint Howard, Fred Grandy, Rich Christiano
Id: Tm17zHAK-kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 39sec (6279 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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