Overcome (2008) | Full Movie | Aaron U. Brown | Jaycee Lynn | Samuel Potts

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[Music] [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] hey coach wants us to be able to ring early tonight so we can load up the game like i need it [Music] anticipate the ball [Music] dude she totally biffed it keep walking guys [Music] you too colton [Music] are you okay yeah [Music] nice serve you trying to show me up nice hit now if only you could do that every time let's bring it in yo let's go hustle sorry about my brother it's not your fault colton all right listen up i know a lot of you have heard about the clareville tennis program it's a invitation only camp held over the summer and those that are chosen will be playing with the very best of players even pros okay now i called in a favor and convinced him to come see you at the end of the season no it's going to require a lot of hard work and dedication and i think you're all great players i think you all have a chance of being chosen but not without practice so let's get back to it let's go let's go [Music] colton we were worried about you come sit down we've already blessed the we've food your portrait report card so hey show a little respect colton what about college if you don't get your grades up no university will accept you can i stay out till 11 tonight i'm going to the hockey game great hey we'll go too no you won't colton we want to watch you play i don't care it's the last game of the season i'm going and it's not because of you hmm it's been a long time since you've led us so how about so why start again now where you going to the game [Music] welcome [Applause] sarah so how's practice yes hey i did well [Applause] i'm so excited for the clareville camp but i doubt i'm making i won't say that well everybody knows they usually choose the juniors or seniors and i'm just a sophomore hey you never know [Applause] your brother is so hot if you think so liz only the thought of him didn't make me gag sorry i didn't really mean that it's okay i understand remember i live with him [Applause] [Music] and that's the end of the movie hey colton a good game tonight it would have been if anyone else had been playing it's not your fault yeah if the goalie would have done his job he wouldn't have anything to complain about that's right hey john that'd be the last game for you i know totally their fault eddie what are you doing here oh he's just hanging out with us anything wrong with that no sarah by the way that was some pretty fancy footwork you were doing joey spend that much time on your butt not as much time as you did tonight oh why don't you just get lost in narcotics [Applause] good morning what are you cooking oh we have green peppers tomatoes cheese mushrooms and then a little salsa to top it off yep that looks really good that was worked long a party of 10 came into the restaurant for dinner and one of them got sick on bill and that triggered it for everybody else and well let's just say it wasn't pretty well on that note thanks that looks great how was practice yesterday same as usual what is coach giving you a hard time what no i mean i guess i should be excited he said some clareville people are coming to our school really yeah and he thinks i have a really great shot at getting invited well he's right mom sarah you're one of the best players on the team yeah well that's until i have to play in front of everybody and get nervous and mess up don't psych yourself out too late finally whatever you're two hours late mike would be ticked and i haven't had a break since my shift started well you're still alive cover my register no way this guy's gonna probably order two of everything i covered for you being late it's your turn and be nice i want two extra large popcorns and drinks and do you super size no that'll be 11.50 [Music] [Applause] yeah i'll call you okay bye okay i'm back thanks colton blake guys what's up when do you get off work yeah dude we are so bored i can think of something to fix that where's eddie what are you doing you gotta run you just got here that's too bad let's go guys you hang out with us you do what we do hey [Applause] yes someone just vandalized a church stay down i'll take care of this who's out here i call the police best thing for you is just give yourselves up just help clean up the mess i don't think you're getting too much trouble come on dude let's get out of here you know what time colton came home he wasn't here last night at midnight when i checked but he's here now 3 43 a.m what he got home at 3 43 in the morning he woke me up when he hit his foot against his weights that's two nights in a row past midnight i can't wait till my curfew doesn't exist colton has a curfew he just chooses not to follow it and he will suffer the consequences excellent i got to go i got to see if anybody's had any better luck cleaning that stuff off the church all right what's stuff off the church someone graffitied the church last night who i don't know uh mr cooper saw four of them and one of them attacked him is he all right i'm sure he'll be fine but what i don't understand is why would someone do something like that what church starts in 10 minutes are you going what do you think i just thought i'd ask well don't fine uh [Music] [Music] so we're playing volleyball at next week's youth activity oh yeah oh my aim is terrible amazing since in tennis it's deadly how is that possible that you can be so good at one sport and miserable in another related sport wait it's not related it's completely different keep telling yourself that mr nixon said that we should bring others especially those who have been in church lately there's always cold breath don't even joke about that that's a good idea what you don't know well i know he's a jerk you have to hear this do we have to relive this no just you so last year there's the statue of christ outside the church it's not there anymore because someone broke it on purpose and sarah knew who she told mr cooper and colton was charged with vandalism he got like 200 hours of community service he was so ticked off after that he hasn't come to church since not like anybody wants in there anymore thank you liz let's move on wow ever since then he's been worse he's mean and well you've seen it well what about ebby i don't think so he's been hanging out with colton a lot lately maybe he just needs better friends he used to hang out with us but now he thinks colton's so cool well eddie lives down the street from me i'll invite him good luck hey you got the homework oh yeah come on eddie [Applause] hey eddie what's up uh hey who are you um remember uh from church we had some classes um together back in junior high miss sawyer for spanish and i think uh buckley for science so um well actually i i just wanted to talk to eddie we're playing volleyball tomorrow and we just wanted to know if you you could come he doesn't care actually i just wanted to talk to him dallin what are you stupid eddie's not interested yeah oh and uh just because you sat next to me years ago doesn't mean you should ever talk to me again no i i won i remember you everyone called you you got moved to some resource class because you're stuttered [Music] get out of here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here sir [Applause] hey watch it give me that hey try playing with this colton [Music] at least daddy came colton we want to talk to you about your friends ah great it's been a while have you seen my shirt what shirt the white one with the numbers in the laundry room it was never a good time to bring it up not with colton we got a call from eddie's mom i got complaints from several parents about something you guys did why do i care did you interrupt a game at church the other night we were just walking by stabbing a volleyball isn't just walking by whatever colton you have to clean up your act that's original you don't seem to care about anything lately not school you're friends i like my friends so much that you like to get them in trouble are you blaming me that's supportive that's not blame it's responsibility responsibility how about you wait a year then when i'm 18 i can be responsible all on my own don't talk like that we're not pushing you out we just want what's best best for me are we done yet gotta run mom i'd hate to be late for school hey coach how are you feeling you ready for tomorrow's match yeah it's good you're thinking about clairvoya aren't you am i that transparent look stop worrying about it it's until the end of the season i know you're gonna psych yourself out and make it worse and by it you mean my game no but you don't mean your paranoia hey just play your best it doesn't matter what's at stake except it does i heard that all right let's warm up this is gonna be sweet dude chill out it's just a party hey your parents called mine yeah they cornered me about the other day you didn't say anything did you oh yeah they asked me where i was okay let's get this straight right now you don't tell them anything make something up lie i don't care what we do is our business not theirs hey blake i'm on my way yeah it is with me page second it was nobody hey i'm gonna be there in five minutes don't start without me yeah you're coming tonight right to what your sister's tennis game it's friday night hers is the first game you don't have to stay online listen you told ashley you'd be there now be home in 30 minutes fine i'm coming try not to be late whatever oh i am sorry honey don't worry about it karen is sick and there isn't anybody to cover the desk mom i know i get it i really wanted to be there i know i'll be fine good luck colton [Music] i don't know which is worse if he were here and he didn't come or he's not here at all [Music] you ready yep [Music] i'm sorry for what colton did it's not your fault what could we do anymore i mean his friends are such a bad influence or he's bad influence on his friends it sounds like he's lost sight of what's right it's been months since he's even been to church he gets so confrontational when we even bring it up he makes fun of the kids that do go to church he's just so consumed with himself [Music] we've been praying for him trying to listen understand discipline anything but he just doesn't care we'd hoped he'd outgrow this behavior instead she's gotten worse maybe there's something you can still do you're familiar with the story of saul before he became paul he was persecuting believers threatening christ's church until the lord intervened do you remember yes the lord came to saul and confronted him and after that saul changed his ways but how does that relate to us the lord intervened but we can only do so much for colton that's true colton makes his own decisions you can't force him to change and god won't force him either you know there's a verse in matthew i think that can help come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest so we should come to him pray that the lord can touch his heart so colton will want to turn to the lord so he'll want to change hey let me see yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] hey we need more drinks black juice hi there hey mom uh i know you're still working but i just wanted to let you know that i won um coach miller still thinks i have a little bit to work on before the whole clairville thing and anyway i will talk to you when i get home and have fun at work okay bye be careful watch it driving oh dude what's the road man watch the dude [Music] head on collision with another car no seat belts on this one if he's dropping was he driving no where's the driver oh okay listen this one up for a head seat check him out yes doctor his pulse is ready any other injuries no open wounds nothing critical the shoulder looks out doctor we're losing him no pulse gonna defibrillate and clear charging and clear go to 360. and clear again no he's gone should we call it market time to death 10 32 pm doctor he's back watch his vitals [Music] oh my gosh colton where you're in the hospital how long a few days after the accident you're kind of out of it the doctors kept you sedated i'll go get mom and dad now i always thought that if you got hurt or died or something i wouldn't care because you could be such a jerk but i haven't slept well since the accident i'm glad you're okay oh honey we thought we lost you you remember what happened yeah what's it like being dead ashley you stopped breathing they did everything they could to bring you back but nothing was working and then you just came back on your own what happened to the car we hit there was only one person in the vehicle she got hurt but it's sarah taylor let's let golden rest can i have liz and alan come see me absolutely sure hi sarah i'm dr pepper i i've heard all the jokes too you've been through a bit of a trauma haven't you yeah but i'll be able to recover though right of course it's just a matter of time you hurt your knee in the rack so what does this mean for me well it means you need to take it easy what well sarah what about tennis the most important thing is for you to get better it will affect you yes how much we've got you scheduled for surgery on your knee dress is pretty minor i don't think you realize just how lucky you are maybe you could focus on another hobby for a while just until you get better [Music] noon i was alone what do you want just wanted to see if you're okay what do you think probably not sarah just get out i just just what just wanted to ruin my life no please let me explain is everything okay sarah no please get him out of here let's get you back to your room come on i know you're faking how could you tell i'm the best sleep figure in the world it's all about how you breathe good to know so what are you doing here it's kind of boring just thinking about what you know all those visions and dreams that happen in the bible um yeah i guess do you think any of that stuff still happens maybe why just wondering are you ready do i have a choice the operation will be just fine you won't feel a thing during it just relax the doctor said we'd take colton home tomorrow good he's quiet is he did everything happen with the accident and all because of our prayers i don't know i never thought about how it would actually happen at least he's out of danger i was just so afraid we'd lose him maybe he's got a second chance sarah and you said you'd be out for a while i know you can't really hear me but it's okay i just need to talk did you know i died when they were bringing me in just for a little bit they said wow it's harder to say out loud um it felt longer to me someone someone was with me talking to me warning me i don't know if it was when i was dead or out of it or what yeah he said to stop what i was doing all the bad stuff i saw everything i've ever done wrong and it's eating me from the inside out maybe maybe it was a dream but it felt so real i don't know what to do i don't know who to talk to i don't even understand so who else would i hope you get better sarah soon so oh you all right i still need to get that prescription i'm okay oh liz and dylan called uh they want to come by and visit later if you're feeling up to it so you think you're the greatest you think you finally made it hey guys dude you back already maybe able to blow off some school yeah i figured i'd come back anyway it's better to be here than around your mom no i just didn't want to get any further behind no come on no dude come on no dude give it to me got it oh dude good job what's that friend so get this my mom wanted to try to crack down you know try to ground me like losing my life isn't bad enough yeah hey we're going to a party tonight going to be tons of girls i better not come my arm are you serious the arm could totally win you some sympathy points man hey did you guys hear about what happened at the er yeah you mean about blake oh yeah dude i heard you heard all over hey man you're not going tonight are you partying yeah maybe you shouldn't i mean look what happened last time i won't drive maybe you shouldn't go anywhere are you feeling her ideas should we ask colton if he wants to come do you think i have a mind if i borrow an attack what great i'll be right back i'm starving would you like sure you couldn't set the table okay here thanks tell me about church did you learn anything new we talked about sin and hat or pencil that's good yeah i mean it was pretty basic making sure you pray and making up for all the things you've done wrong but it was okay colton sorry [Music] [Music] hey can i come in don't we look cool how you feeling i'm fine okay i saw you at church on sunday yeah next two weeks in a row are you going for a medal no i guess i just wanted to see how you're doing i heard that you got out of the hospital but i hadn't seen you at school so i'm going back this week um oh yeah i guess i just wanted to say that i'm sorry about what i did to you were you really told to stop what you were doing when you died or whatever you want to call it was that true you heard you were talking to me yeah but yeah it's true or at least i think it is so why are you here now i i'm not sure what to do and and i feel bad about everything especially what happened to you so you're apologizing uh no yes um i mean i i just it's not as easy as i thought it would be it's weird now with my parents and my friends they don't get this they won't take it seriously thank you for your apology what really wow um i didn't expect you to forgive you i'm not sure i'm there yet but i know you're not lying and at least you're not being a jerk feel better yeah i mean it's not like that's the only reason i came over i wouldn't want you to think that maybe you should make it right with other people i mean no offense but i'm sure i'm not the only one what do you want i just wanted to sam sorry did i miss something is the end of the world here i'm serious the only thing you've ever been serious about is making everybody else miserable it's fine whatever let's just get this over with hey i i made fun of you and embarrass you in front of everyone great apology well you were just trying to be nice you didn't deserve what i did to you i don't buy it hey darling wait i just wanted to say i'm sorry do you think sorry really covers it what what about the people you really hurt like sarah you know she won't be able to play tennis for the rest of the school year this says that's just enough to miss a chance at this elite tennis program this summer it's going to take more you can be sorry today and just be back to tormenting everyone tomorrow hey guys we're getting out of here you coming i better not what my arm i just slow you down whatever dude sure hey eddie so do you think you should be going with those guys what blake and john they can get you in trouble what do you mean they're our friends they're not the best friends how can you say that because i knew what a terrible person i was when i was around him hey i'm part of the group i'm accepted you get that i know it's what you wanted and i know i dragged you into it but it was stupid what's going on with you dude you still have time to get better friends like sarah taylor or dallin liz anyone i have friends and so do you and i'll show you how good of a friend i am i'm gonna forget you said anything about this mom we're gonna be late we are not i can get sarah in eight minutes alive head to the physical therapist office in more pieces than last week hi colton okay i'm going to grab my personal laptop i think i got what you were talking about what it's not just about apologizing though that's important you got to do more and you got all this from me you and dallin and reading the bible i have to make amends okay which got me thinking about you colton and i want to help you get better is this your penance [Music] this is a really good racket yeah it better be so that sales guy ripped me off you don't have to do this i want to i know we haven't been the best of friends and i know it's mostly my fault but i don't want to be the one to spoil your dream but how can you help i mean you're not much better off this will heal in a few weeks don't forget i play hockey that's not even close to tennis you're serious aren't you yeah all right really yeah there's some people coming in from the clarville tennis program yeah i heard about that well i want to be strong enough for them when they come and right now my leg's feeling pretty useless well we'll work on that hey there's a youth activity tomorrow okay you should come it'll be fun i don't think anyone would want me there i do you ready sarah i gotta run well you know what i mean got it [Music] you came i'm wondering why we can't even play well that's not the only reason why i come where do you come then to be with my friends you know people i can be myself around so what we're just supposed to sit here and watch everyone else have a good time well you don't have to be right in the middle of everything to enjoy do you okay i'm not feeling it it's like a hockey game you can watch without plane and still love it hockey's about winning all the ice the adrenaline and winning so winning is all that matters people cheering you on getting carried off on people's shoulders yeah not this season sorry but it's the glory you like so all right let me ask you this why is it that when you win you get carried off on people's shoulders but when you lose you blame your team what about you and your glorified ping pong tennis is completely different it's just me and my opponent and i can't blame anyone for my mistakes and when i win i can be proud of myself see without gloating colton hey guys yeah let's go back from the doctor let's go celebrate man i can't i gotta go to class oh whoa you're not gonna go guys stop are you feeling all right man i feel fine i just can't come you've been saying that to us a lot lately yeah so so you even our friend anymore of course i am sure doesn't seem like it you got a really good boy like on this man is that a bad thing you want to go with the rest of them fine when you snap out of this little haze you're going through come find us we're getting out of here hey amy hey hey mike hey you here to start working again not exactly i didn't think you'd want me back just uh thought you'd stop by for old time's sake it's about five hundred dollars well four that's what i owe you plus interest um about once a once a shift i'd take the money and pocket it never made it to the machine i stole it i had my suspicions i just wanted to say that i'm sorry i'm glad you told me about this thanks for being cool about it i'll see you around what are you doing uh praying sorry i've never seen you kneel before it's better when i kneel hey ashley i i owe you some money why because i kind of took it from your room how did you know where i keep it in the jewelry box kind of obvious colton i pay you back now but i'm kind of short on cash how did i not notice i don't know you keep a lot in there you should think about getting a bank account i will now i'll pay you back you better finally you know when i was little i always thought crotches were so cool are you glad you don't need them anymore this is weird what have i always been this pasty you know you need to take it easy i'm not that crazy about you getting back into tennis yet why not dr pepper said that i can ease into it no what he said is you can be more active overall he is still sensitive don't worry i mean colton's helping me and i won't overdo it so um do you think colton would have gotten so not bad but bad yeah if i hadn't told on him i mean that's when he started to get really mean to everyone i don't know it was his choice either way you know you did the right thing wow i haven't seen this in a while yeah figured my grades couldn't get much worse i'm glad you're at least making an effort now you know if you ever need anything your mom and i are here for you yeah i know you know i've noticed some changes in you since the wreck i'm proud of you joining the pandy sport are we cold ah how nice for sarah shut up blake whatever man you okay i'm used to ignoring them how about you new development that's hard i mean they were your friends they still are it's just that i don't like what they do anymore it's partially my fault though what do you mean come on you know how i used to act yeah but they act the same way i mean it's not like you forced them to do anything oh blake and john maybe but eddie oh yeah i just i don't know how to get through to him wow i totally sound like my parents frightening yeah anyway i don't want any to be like me can i ask a favor yeah sure if you have any ideas how to help him i don't know what else to do yeah i don't know any right now but i can think about it thanks no problem maybe with both of us he'll see we just want to be his friends so i think coach miller's worried that i'm not going to be ready for clairville let's get working [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i want you to know this [Music] if the world goes away when all just be angels [Music] i can't let this moment [Music] readings [Music] good job i have a lot of work to do what are you talking about that was excellent have you ever watched tennis so how's the whole you changing thing going it's okay i guess it's not very easy it's not supposed to be yeah do you feel better a little at least i don't feel like everyone hates me now except for maybe john blake and eddie and they might not ever get why yeah so [Music] what was it like what when you died you sound like my sister well not dying but the whole vision thing it was frightening i just wanted to die or hide forever i kept hearing warnings it was like being told everything i've ever done wrong and not like your parents lecturing you but serious and i realized everyone who i've hurt my parents ashley you anyone who i've ever bullied and i knew in the back of my mind what i should have been doing the whole time so when i woke up i knew what i had to do you have changed you know yeah i can feel it for what it's worth i like it the new you [Music] sarah [Applause] i guess i have too much strength in my arm yeah that's it okay so maybe i'll stick to tennis then hey you're pretty good at frisbee thank you yeah right i don't have it give it back hey you having fun man we were yeah you okay they won't get the frisbee back they will give them friends with that man cut it out you want this yeah yeah and go get it i guess you guys don't want to play oh you're inviting us now no we'll leave the churches to you man hey eddie why did they do that opportunity i can turn any situation into trouble get the frisbee come on show me what you got you're rusty thanks come on let's try it again how's your knee feel it's good i've been running and getting back into shape you're favoring it i know are you really ready for a match hey mom well who is this young man in my kitchen where have you been just finished talking to mr cooper oh i had a decent amount to talk to him about the statue and spray paint and everything else how'd it go he already knew you know about what i did but it was good i'm so happy for you you don't seem happy i am i i guess it's it's just it still bothers me what do you mean everything i've done wrong you still feel guilty yeah does it ever go away sometimes the hardest thing is to forgive yourself how do you do it it takes time it's hard to completely forget but one morning you'll wake up and at least the memory won't hurt anymore you're gonna be okay yeah thanks eddie what do you want well we're headed the same direction i thought maybe we could walk together whatever are you in a hurry you got a problem with that no so uh we haven't seen you at church for a while we ever noticed i was always we haven't seen you at church it's a dead giveaway that you're sent to save me okay i haven't seen you in a while but it doesn't listen the fact that we i'd like to see more are you hitting on me what save her colin hey look we just i mean colton and i we just want to be your friend do you even really know colton well yeah cause he's not all churchy like you think he probably doesn't even care about you what do you mean i've seen him get all churchy on girls before it's an act 10 minutes later he's making out with him next day he doesn't even say hi he's not like that anymore and you don't have to be like that either save it are you even happy with who you are are you trying to make me feel better not by making a fool of myself you know we need to do something i'm good at are you feeling a little humbled embarrassed there's a difference all right well what did you have in mind [Music] oh yeah i take it you missed this why wouldn't i come on you know you know i think you feel more comfortable in these but the blade's shorter so well i always kind of figured that a longer blade would you know help me uh keep my balance so your game's coming us how do you feel nervous nervous well you've improved you have thanks but i'll feel better when it's over are you dreading tennis never so um i saw eddie the other day really yeah and he seems pretty set well listening is never our strong point our i speak for the collective rebels oh but you know i think he knows what he's doing isn't right so did i so then how do we make him want to do better you see the problem with eddie is that his whole dream was to be cool with me it was just who i was oh okay so i didn't mean it like that uh-huh backpedal faster he just has to realize that what people think isn't important well that's too bad that's something he has to figure out for himself yeah maybe we could what happened morning hey how's your knee feel i have to start with my knee what time's your game start you're coming i'm not gonna miss this one five o'clock you better hurry school starts in 15 minutes hey i gotta run before your game but i'll be back okay i'm glad you're coming nervous yeah it's been a while since i played a game that matters so much to me you'll do fine thanks you know i'm as nervous as my first high school match try not to think about it hey eddie quit bugging me hey i just want to talk blah blah blah blah blah you happy i'm trying to help sure you are just be careful blake and john have a weird sense of fun like i did i'm not the best example here no you're not don't do anything you'd regret i mean it's not worth what they'll think of you need something colton dude you're really starting to bug us man you tried we'll keep trying so you ready for this i think so good just keep your head in the game you can do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] open the door and let myself in [Music] and pass a place [Music] even i can make [Music] how can i forget about it this house was my home [Music] and i can picture everything that we owe when this block has turned to gray in my memory these things [Music] so [Music] hey what are you doing here just thought i'd say hi still thinking about yesterday coach miller said he'd help me practice some more if i want to keep trying for the clairville program keep trying you could do it i thought i'd be ready yesterday you were you got scared scared yeah she started to do well and you tensed up yeah well she got harder to beat all of a sudden it's not supposed to be easy you psyched yourself out well i can't help that you probably would have done a lot better if it weren't for me that's not true well maybe i mean look colton i don't blame you i don't and you know i never apologized for what for telling on you last year if i hadn't maybe things would be different i'd probably still be out there doing things i shouldn't but if i'd found a better way i mean i shouldn't have humiliated you in front of everyone you didn't mean to but that's partially what happened humiliated or not i should have tried to change then you never need to apologize to me for anything your aim is off thanks you're getting better hey what are you guys doing here cheering you on yeah thought you could use some extra support [Music] [Music] [Applause] breathing i'm not there yet i wish i had your surf service after the game you can have it you really are getting a lot better thanks hey well i gotta go paper dude tomorrow thanks for coming yeah we gotta go too yeah promise mom we'll be home in time for dinner okay enjoy we can see it see ya i never thought the two of you would be so chummy especially after the accident he's changed he's different now i know everyone's noticed but i didn't think you would like him so much you like him we're not dating or anything do you want to be it's colton you just said he's changed yeah but wait are you arguing for or against him depends on how you feel well i guess i could see myself liking him what okay yes i'm definitely arguing for then come on there's too much history bad blood some history is better than no history why do you think so few high school relationships last okay you obviously don't hate him anymore and i guarantee he doesn't hate you there's nothing wrong with it i don't know it's too awkward yeah keep telling yourself that you know if tennis doesn't work out i think we could take on track and field should we start timing our runs no i want to stay positive don't worry i think tennis is the way for you don't believe me it's not you it's me i'm not so sure about you know i've read something somewhere that fear is the worst thing we can do ourselves i'd believe that don't worry you're a strong player those are my opponents oh yeah and you know that so when they do well don't get scared i hate that word good remember it thanks tell you what after the game let's celebrate celebrate that's awfully confident did you not hear a word i just said okay fine we'll celebrate good so it's a date after the game where's my visor it was in the laundry room would you calm down there's plenty of time mom i need to warm up and my leg feels really stiff oh sarah breathe mom i need to do good oh you need to have fun do not worry about clairville don't even worry about winning just enjoy yourself see you there i'll be behind you in a half an hour oh are you thirsty what do you want from you nothing yeah but how about you tell us what you did with colton what i did i didn't do anything it's colton who changed for the better which is more than i can say for you guys you think we're stupid sweetie yeah we get your little judging comments they're not judging i have a game to get to oh really is that what colin's been helping you with yeah and maybe you can learn from that i think i will hey think she'll be okay who cares okay your next opponent i'm back yeah have you seen sarah she's not here yet i haven't seen her yet she said she'd be here at four maybe she's just running late open up can anybody hear me colton hey have you seen sarah she should be here she left before me okay this that's is oh is it where'd you get it found it where's sarah where is she i if you hurt her dude we didn't hurt her she has a game any minute and stop goofing off and tell me where she is or what there is no or what just do it what no threats yeah we're just supposed to bow down to you and your wishes no you're supposed to stop being jerks for once and do what's right dude what happened to you i wouldn't expect you to understand but this is not cool and you know it can't believe this did you be hitting the head a little bit slap things back into place do you not get that we were drunk we could have killed someone i got my license revoked for a whole entire year by the cops is that all that matters to you yeah what we did was wrong we broke the law blake you were there too don't forget it huh i haven't why are you such a pansy now man where's sarah since when do you care about her so much since she became my friend oh your friend how about us oh this yes this is being my friend more than you've been lately did you even visit me in the hospital blake blake checks out and runs why are you turning to such a girl where is she what have you done to her she's fine relax yeah she just needed a little time to think tell me where she is now or what you want likely to knock things back into place after all you got a problem with me fine don't drag her into this oh that's too late you're gonna punish her because of me looks like it's your fault who's the bad guy now fine how long eddie how long do you mean nothing to them too oh oh oh how long eddie when did coleman grow up heart hey coach hey i'm glad you can make it thank you for coming thanks for inviting us we're really looking forward to watch her play today yeah we heard she had a setback but we're anxious to see what she can do yeah she's come a long way i think you'll be pleased though go ahead thanks a lot enjoy the game thank you you believe how lame he is as bad as eddie used [Music] hey this is sarah leave me a message sarah where are you sarah sarah sarah sarah hey colin she's this way [Music] are you okay yeah my game i know you should go i'll catch up i think i just lost my place with blake and john dude you're better off hey sorry about it don't worry about it i should go hey eddie you did the right thing coach i'm here where have you been a long story are you ready do i have a choice no pressure think she's ready i guess we'll see i hope so [Applause] [Music] [Music] should i be worried nah it's probably just the adrenaline [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is in the earthquakes every [Music] take day from this place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] what's going on out there you were so far ahead and lost three games in a row i know but she's no it's not her you're losing focus okay you got to keep your head in the game all you need is one more game and you win okay sarah colton i'm not hitting my serve my aim is way off calm down you're playing great it's just that the end is in sight and you're getting scared it's just you and your opponent out there you're strong your knee is fine there's nothing else to stop you from getting through this thanks let's go sarah i gotta go sarah good luck thanks come on sarah one more game and the match is yours [Music] shake that one off sarah [Music] she's psyching herself out she's better than this [Music] come on sarah keep your head in the game remember what you've been working for [Music] please help me yes [Applause] [Music] that's it keep it [Applause] [Music] two up just two more [Music] come on sarah last one okay stay focused [Music] don't be scared [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well coach that was a fun game i'm so proud of her i think she did a great job she really did we were very impressed in fact you can tell she'll be hearing from us soon we think she'll make a wonderful asset to our program this summer that's great news she'll be so excited to hear that thank you again for coming you bet you did it thank you good job yes good great well you definitely got their attention really i think you can expect an invitation this summer as well congratulations you did it could have done it without you yeah you could but thanks for letting me help you i think celebration's in order really yeah where are we gonna go then anywhere you want [Music] i don't care [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 853,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, SunWorld, CandleLight, B.J. Alexander, Aaron U. Brown, Jaycee Lynn, Samuel Potts, Overcome movie, Overcome full movie, Overcome 2008 movie, Overcome 2008 full movie, Overcome 2008, movie based on the conversion of Paul, based on the conversion of Paul
Id: E26eiaVcP8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 41sec (5081 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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