The One I Wrote For You (2014) | Full Movie | Cheyenne Jackson | Kevin Pollak | Christine Woods

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[Music] [Music] a little early for Christmas tour you think Joe well this will kill during the holidays two shots of espresso six ounces two percent milk four pumps chocolate two pumps caramel whipped cream red and green sprinkles think you're meant to do this I've got to do what you love that is what they say hey guys where's my chai latte tick-tock I'm on it hey you gonna play something tonight you know I would but I forgot my fedora no we're having a family dinner tonight Gracie is making her world-famous spaghetti say no more [Music] Gracie that is not how we eat at the dinner table really okay see if we've told you once we told you a thousand times this is how we eat in this house oh come on don't copy him you weren't cleaning that up you miss one yeah but I called and they said we kept till next week how short are we daddy yes you know I'm going to audition for the school play you are mm-hmm I'm gonna try out from there part of the trap but I think's going to rehearse with happen to know anyone yeah yeah I think I do know someone living here 15 minutes okay just gotta go get the bread right it's add this to the list [Music] give me your line ready stop who goes there it is I Prince turtle from the Terrapin Kingdom welcome to the forest was that it yep I only have two lines when my teacher sister very important to the story well she is right remember there are no small parts just small actors actually the part of the tree stump is in any bitty role it just sits there the whole time okay honey bunny it's bedtime I'm gonna start thinking about brushing this teeth I was gonna go check on pop I can how is it this song is coming to the Alamo City this Saturday and if you think you've got what it takes to be a world-class singer songwriter well now's your chance so be sure to get your submission in today know they're coming to town maybe you should audition you should audition daddy and then we can get a job millionaires we can get a dog okay sweetie your song TV show calm or details on submissions I think you should try what's the worst that could happen they don't choose you honey I appreciate your faith in me but it's not gonna happen that ham is lovely and your eyes are blue I'd like to take a bite of each of you I got my fork and knife and here is my spoon I'd like to eat you I'd like to eat you up [Music] dad yeah why don't you like singing ah I do then why don't you sing no time I guess why well I have to earn a living I have to make money to pay for this house and for food sure mom eats a lot and your education at Harvard so you can become president but I'm going to be a vet well then the presidency can be a back-up plan good night sweetie wait people can make a living out of playing music right some people can well so why can't you it's complicated babe why well the music that I make may not sell tons of records in people that earn a living making music they make music that people want to listen to well how do you know they won't like yours unless you play it for them because I just do and I love you little ham sandwich all right say good night Gracie good night Gracie [Music] I got some food for you pickups I'm almost done you're still taking his meds dad ah all those the same ones you're working on yesterday the very one yeah they're pretty good to me how do you don't have to listen to mr. Wilkinson every time they slip off there's no that that is a head UT gut well he found the right repairman then huh whoops spilled on your Psalms proverbs not to worry scripts are scholars everywhere agree that spilling coffee how all the pages doesn't move the value it's more about how you live your life let's get stuff there good night thanks for the 1,000 voices calling my name which one is right and who's playing games I gotta live from the heart Terrell dive who's in charge I Alma on the way to the top where all my dreams come true everybody's telling me what to do I'm gonna live from my heart tell them who's in charge [Music] oh the demons are down they got it all figured out so the sea look alive boss man in the house gentlemen good morning sir good morning could I interest you in a Hail Mary Christmas mocha Joe I really don't remember that being on the menu you inventing things again trying to sir but it could be on the menu man talk to you for just a minute yeah San Antonio the city famous for the Riverwalk and Alamo plays host to the song this weekend now in his third season this song is the reality television show that seeks out undiscovered songwriters from across the country Saturday night is the last regional competition where ten songwriters will compete for the final slot on the Grand Tour I I don't know what to say man you have been a great employee you have seniority and I am loyal to my employees I would have made the offer if I didn't think you haven't and this is good money for the family benefits but of course if you don't want no no to do this no I I want it absolutely good I appreciate and I will not let you down Richard and Ben Cantor congratulations buddy and news travels fast be voted on by the song's broadcast television audience and when the show culminates in this is a mistake not funny okay what exactly I told you I didn't do that my bender quartering ons you're gonna have to be a little bit more specific it's on TV it's [Music] not me well I didn't do it so who did huh I think I found the culprit who your daughter how maybe a few weeks ago when I was looking for lucky I might have found some of Daddy's and music and then later I heard about took a disc and copied it onto an mp3 I have no idea but she did it wait a second who's lucky my mouth we have a mouse we have a mouse well not anymore when did we get him out I just forget about the mouse this is this is swiftly exciting Twitter you were chosen this is your dream okay it's dead and gone baby my dream is to put food on the table and raise a decent kid okay not be on some reality show I gotta go is he mad well he's not happy [Music] what did you get into [Music] which means that every song is the one I wrote sorry I'm late [Music] don't look at me hi hi so we were thinking that maybe your dream isn't done maybe it's just been neglected and is really really hungry so we thought we better feed it some day this part was mom's idea okay guys that part of my life is over okay I had a shot I took it didn't work out I've moved on why am I not convinced my heart's not in it you gotta follow your heart kid oh thank you pop yes now can we get on with our lives please I actually have some good news to share you are now looking at the new manager of the Monterey coffee bar that's great that's a good hint yeah dad that's the good news you really know how to take the wind out of a guy's sails does your new job include a record contract and a big cash prize Gracie honey of course we're happy for you thank you okay well let's see Gracie hello Ben Cantor please he is not here this is his wife oh this is what's called born from song I was hoping you're talking about the contest on Saturday of course surprise we had her back from him left a few messages on his cell phone yes I'm so sorry he's been really busy maybe I could leave the information with you we know that he's up to speed sure yes yes it's yes yes that's great go ahead we're going to need everyone at the theater by 5 o'clock on Saturday for the orientation shooting starts at 8:00 that will give us just enough time for a quick sound check get him through hair and makeup etc we're happy to send a car if he should need a ride mrs. canter yes yes no no no he does he does not need a car we have a car and we will make sure he gets there very good well we look forward to meeting everybody on Saturday okay great what are we gonna do now okay I have one last idea better be dyed it's not it's really bad actually [Music] you sure you want to do that son oh I'm sorry old man bring it on Tommy the art of the improvisers easy Ornette Coleman Freddie Hubbard on trumpet Jimmy garrison on bass Chick Webb on drums that is impressive one of my favorite recordings from 1961 oh I was a little surprised to hear the Chick Webb played drums on that particular out see now he passed away in 1939 yeah I'm gonna keep it this time teach you a lesson yeah I met Billy Higgins see you next week well well well will wonders never cease I'm Mickey hello hello can i June's a vintage vinyl no thank you I actually came here to talk to you Tommy you know all those breaks you're constantly asking me for oh no take a break down well it's been forever mm-hmm you look fantastic thank you last time I saw in fact I believe you were pregnant I was actually yes some photographic evidence of your work do I have proof Wow oh she's a lucky girl she looks nothing like her father you keep that yeah yeah then would want you to have it uh-huh so what kind of do you for um stop Ben not interested come on Mickey hear me out I just need you to talk to him after 10 years he needs to talk to me does he I wouldn't have come down here for didn't think it was important he always had a lot of respect for you Mikey a very peculiar way of showing it let me save you some time if it's about money look around and for the record this is not a bad day for us Nicky this isn't about money okay it's about music I don't know if you heard but then was chosen as a contestant on the song I hadn't heard that I'm getting a headache yeah well he doesn't want to do it of course he does because it might actually lead to something oh come on that was a two-way street you and Ben both screwed that up okay I just want you to talk to him convince him to do it manage him I know he'll listen to you listen to me Ben yeah you guys were great together maybe he needs this he's not happy and you can't tell me that you don't still care about him and that you don't still think about what you guys have I had to let go of foolish dreams and hopes a long time ago he left me no choice so no I don't live in the past sure it was great to see take care of this little girl way you guys did that right I hope it in by no bother not living in the past huh uh-huh I forgot that was up there [Music] you're doing the show Mickey you're doing the show how did you even know about the show I live in the world Ben Alicia Alicia that name sounds familiar I will not deny nor confirm this allegation the point is I have reluctantly agreed to become your manager again you're still you still managing acts Mickey no I was so traumatized after you quit I couldn't help anyone else become a genius well thanks for stopping by I make you but I don't need a manager cuz I ain't doing the show that's where you're wrong you owe me I do not owe you anything this is a second chance for both of us I'm not gonna let it pass us by again well it's been nice chatting Mickey maybe we should do it again in another 10 years I have to go to work don't make me get physical just say you'll do it no leave it be it's not gonna happen Mickey okay - mocha fraps got it whipped cream I'm one we're here to go no problem one more question yep who is this guy and why has he been staring at us all day that's just Mickey he looks like he wants to settle the debt now he's just an old acquaintance he's kind of freaking me out man yeah he's good like that it was a long time ago Nick [Music] morning okay this is getting ridiculous yeah used to really you could just say you were gonna do the thing you know and then we could get cracking on themselves hickey if you want to drive around with me all day or hang out at the coffee bar please you might guess yeah I got a different plan oh yeah why you you're gonna kidnap me no that's too weird I did get these local shops on you've got to be kidding me does it look like I'm kidding you like this I'm gonna make a fool out of myself and you and I are gonna look like such idiots wake up oh I'm awake you're the one that's asleep at the wheel here it's a whole world yeah you got the internet I heart rate on YouTube take em off Twitter and come on Facebook you come off they're not even real I could just push the button and they come right I'm just trying to make a point all right I'll leave you be leave her out of this Gracie has nothing to do it she's got everything to do with it if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be sitting here right now and you wouldn't have this extraordinary opportunity to show your daughter what it means to actually follow your dreams how about that as a reason all right fine really yes I'm not doing it for you Oh daddy strip Richards he looks much different than he does on TV it's show business right there sweetheart what's wrong you gonna play tonight I don't know I haven't really decided what you guys really you're making me nervous are you Ben Cantor yes I am I got him yep on our way you were supposed to meet in the lobby to check it we don't do public entrance miss I'm sorry you're here because they're using me everyone's with me Mickey Hart manager slash producer this is a coupon for a free sandwich all right let's talk about dressing room what's situation there isn't one don't panic it's sparkling water please towels fluffy I'm sorry we need to get you ready okay okay thank you don't worry about a thing I got it all covered yeah focus on the music eyes on the prize well she has no idea who she's dealing with literally no idea I've missed you pop you're much shorter than I remember still know just what to say I haven't forgiven you know before we arrived Benjamin Franklin called and he was hoping to get his glasses back so if he Ben's really got a shot hey I do yeah yes I do you seem to have some doubt let's put it this way when Ben was nine years old he had his first Little League game uh-huh he struck out four times in a row got hit by a line drive then scooped up a grounder and popli ruling me sitting in the crowd and even after all that I still thought he was gonna be the next joked about him point is huh I'm not sure I have the most objective opinion sure it's the blessing and the curse of being a father yeah I have a cat great augment as always ladies and gentlemen live from the Alamo City San Antonio Texas it's the sauce the only competition show that celebrates America's undiscovered songwriters the unsung heroes of the music industry these singer songwriters get the chance to share their songs with America from open mic nights to back-alley clubs songwriters of all genres live for a chance to become one of three finalists on our grand finale winner-take-all door this year's winner will join winners from seasons 1 and 2 who have gone on to international fame and fortune now please welcome your host and emcee of the song Tripp Richards thank you thank you very much San Antonio what a pleasure it is to be here in the Alamo City we are all here tonight because we love songs and we love songwriters and we're going to find the best in the country this is the last stop on our contestant search tonight we have ten finalists vying for one last spot and we're happy to have our other two finalists here with us tonight so let's hear it for Rafael Amato app Athens Georgia an angel fender all the way from San Jose California tonight's winner will join angel and Raphael on our 10-city tour culminating in New York City for the grand prize of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a recording contract and a new car alright let's get this show started right now ladies and gentlemen please welcome from Dallas Texas Mark Spencer tonight to chase away with something it's a fight on the road and far away everything steer my soul to the simple [Music] too soon [Music] red Richards [Music] ladies and gentlemen Julie Nolan [Music] [Music] nice [Applause] [Music] you [Music] I bet now please welcome our final contestant of the night local boy Ben Cantor [Applause] no no no no no come on honey [Music] you [Music] some girl never certain of love so late oil for the attention Navy loves they do anything to breathe Comfort to their soul ever single f-word cries what they need most the same home Miklos share the love that I've been missing hold me close help me trust he never gave Oh [Music] No then love is here to stay can you hear me say [Music] [Music] I stay so there [Music] [Music] closed-shell up there I've been missing me trust in love again wholly closed until [Music] me [Music] Wow any clothes right in the hell do you know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the song let's get right to it and our two top contestants of the evening are Julie Nolan and Ben Cantor all right ladies and gentlemen this is it the moment we have all been waiting for the third finalist to join angel fender and Rafael Amato on our grand finale tour the winner in San Antonio is [Music] Julie no [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I thought you had but I can't say we didn't try a second place not so bad that's good all right well I thought you were amazing gonna have a whole crowd man everyone was with you you can't tell me that didn't light a fire in you wow I mean I'm not gonna lie of course it felt good but you know I know how it ends well forget them then give me the word I'll make some calls and have a tour booked by tomorrow and by torrid you mean a handful of smelly bars singing to a few drunks Joe we get a following I could be a Lodi you could or a roadie we'll probably have some I could take tickets there you go how's what's old popcorn now we have a team well I appreciate it you guys they do but it's bedtime and I have to wake up to reality tomorrow Ricky it's good to see you yeah maybe we can hang out sometime yeah I'd like that bedtime [Music] hello that it's West Colborne from the song we have a slight controversy brewing behind the scenes okay Julie Nolan our winner from last night plagiarized her lyrics so you know we can't have that short of it is you're our winner we're gonna make an announcement to the meeting this afternoon I just thought you might like to know ahead of time Wow okay well that production get a hold of you walk through all the particulars but you might want to start packing tour bus leaves tomorrow it tomorrow congratulations hello that was the guy from the show yeah I want yeah I want he said the the girl who who won last night she was disqualified why she I guess she cheated what yeah that's what he said that I'm the finalist I'm in honey wait you want yes I guess that's what he said I knew it honey I knew it somehow I knew that you had won honey this is amazing thank know it is it's amazing I kept put come on I can't oh there's no way she wants me to leave tomorrow tomorrow yeah I mean come on I have a family I have a job barista songwriter barista songwriters forget about the job this is what you always wanted I didn't think baby I didn't think I would win this in a million years I did this to get you and Gracie off my back okay you did it and you want no actually I didn't win I lost and she won no honey she cheated okay you want it's not some American Idol singing competition honey this is about songwriting and you won fair and square oh and you should take my call hang on what are you doing honey you're running out of excuses I'm not making excuses you are sweetheart if you want to be a good husband then do what you love and if you want to be a good father then follow your dreams why is everybody such an expert on my dreams Ben come on look at me if you can honestly tell me the your path in life is at the coffee shop and not out there sharing your music with the world then I'm telling you honestly from my lips to God's ears I swear to you I will never say another word about it good morning by the way [Music] [Music] pack your bags we're going on tour 8:00 a.m. tomorrow there's the address don't be late you ready oh I was born ready for this darling I supposed to leave my car there the whole time we're gone though I don't think anyone's gonna want to steal it man you don't I can use for you a little miss that right there is a classic 1965 Ford Mustang Pony interior rally pack attack and a 428 Cobra Jet v8 yeah I think that we have another Taylor Swift on our hands gambling on the bus hey there Mickey sorry yeah you're in my life oh my goodness I'm so sorry you want to hear a secret okay when I'm on stage and daddy's singing his songs continuing just for you really but how will I know because of our super secret code I love you little ham sandwich me too [Music] [Music] this is not how simply [Music] Oh morning hey means that any song kind of stuck here and some fresh eyes on it yeah want some fruit or something no I'm good maybe I'm good okay conceit oh no Seto Alan Tito and I don't know what that means here tell me what you got it's in three four okay I'm feeling this this is good it's better right verse first spri going into the bridge it's good that's really good kind of wish I wrote it right let's do that one more time okay since I can't live life alone have you right yeah that's it yeah man do you guys write together oh god no he writes the magic I'm manager roadie babysitter so who's your favorite writers CSM Neil Young Carole King girl Kane Carly Simon Billy Joel Tony Mitchell JT Justin Timberlake James Taylor Jackson Browne Jackson bruh who's Jackson Browne oh just an out-of-date songwriter honey nobody important mama knows best just writers that define the genre no biggie see you guys just never made it huh well that's not no no good no well it's it's not too late but sometimes it's hard to admit when it is god I miss you guys Oh miss you how's pops - pops good just puttering around what tell him I said hey okay I will five minutes okay yeah it looks like I got to go good luck okay I love you all right thanks baby wait yeah talk you down from that mountain can't talk you do we take that from the top okay we take a change of plans we're gonna head to hair and makeup all right I might get a chance to do it again though okay McKee tell me the truth how about was that hey listen once they work out the sound and the lights and about eight other things we're golden hey Ben you got a minute yeah they're called great I just think it might up the tempo I don't know man I mean that song is it just meant for a guitar and one voice and I get that totally but I think adding you know a second guitar might just you know really spice things up spice things up yes these voters they get bored so easily imagine that no if the offense trip you're starting to make it feel like you're polar and Ed Sullivan here wait what Bob Dylan 63 are you trying to change my man song no look just call it reliable advice okay guys yeah we're gonna call it that Mickey I don't doesn't feel right doesn't feel like me I just speaking of which okay I have again they're gonna smear away yeah let me see Megan right is it possible to maybe dial this back like 10,000 yeah well it's your face what do you want it to look like just kind of like it did when I came in fantastic hmm oh I'm Jinky I think you put this on for me please what is that don't put that on personal space no no no we're good what's happening with that this is your shirt for tonight um I was just thinking about wearing this what I have on really you don't want to wear this thank you thank you Hey well it will so we should go we should go can you grab those wipes thank you Jim let me just read the whole thing that's it yeah bring down the hair in front and everywhere now please help me welcome San Antonio finalists you know you should she really talked to me mmm-hmm we could win this thing it's just let stick take it up a notch yeah I've been down that road what you see is what you get fine it's his funeral look it may have decided to spice things up after all Wow a harmonica [Music] Oh Oh tear this back [Music] big hearted sky you see girls do well trip if he wants to wear jeans and a boring shirt at the end of the day he can wear jeans and a boring shirt and in the ratings what fine Ben is not our monkey yeah [Music] you Oh daddy [Music] [Applause] last place give the audience a chance you're the kind of artist that grows on people Mickey that's code for singer who doesn't sell I'm not saying that I expected to win tonight but last and by a huge margin I might add okay you know what you may have lost tonight but you can still win the contest remember this thing is about total votes remember that the mall shows combined oh you know I really hate these things they make me look so cheap well they made you look like a winner from where I was sitting sweetie great job tonight Ange that was really beautiful Thanks you know you two I'm sorry that you lost I really loved your song hmm no it's too bad that it's not up to angel but you know what you hang in there I'm sure you'll find your audience someday gee thanks Pam I'll just give it the old college try first of all it's Jan and I'm just trying to make you feel better buddy yeah I felt like a puppet up there I mean why doesn't let them dress me up like that I haven't even released a record and I'm already a set up you know I want to know when did sellout become such a bad word I mean if I'm an artist I want to sell out the arena right I mean that doesn't make any sense well you know it is actually possible to make money doing what you love while still maintaining your integrity oh really well if anybody ever figures out how to do that then let me know and I'll give it the old college try excuse me Cheers you know I was thinking first of all there's two you know it's horrific job I was thinking though maybe she's got a point oh yeah really I mean what if you did tweak a couple of songs compromise the wardrobe to be more TV friendly is that the worst thing that could happen okay how many tweaks and compromises until you become a sellout and how many sellouts until you lose your soul oh I get it I know where you're coming from it's just that this conversation is starting to sound very familiar why don't we pretend we never had this conversation that make so we were kind of wondering what's up with Ben yeah we couldn't help overhear your conversation mmm he's got a slightly different perspective on the music businesses own what does that mean there was a moment in time when he could have been a household name back when you two were finding your way around the playground we got ourselves a heck of a record deal yeah the huge advance okay well how much was a huge advance you know back in the Middle Ages yeah well it was enough for me to pay off a rather large debt a trip to the Bahamas and a dream purchase of a refurbished classic 1965 Ford Mustang oh you mean that old car you thought that was new once hey don't talk smack about the tank okay well I mean how come how come you never heard his someplace he walked away serious he showed up that first day ready to record his songs beautiful songs and they had chosen others over someone else's a different sound they hired dancers for a music video he less than a week to his credit and then he told them where they could put their contract and walked out well at least you guys made some money ah contraire me amigo way to give every cent back and then some music videos in the studio at time that deal cost us money and then I thought it was the worst decision of his life was all there and then gone so when you hear been used words like integrity he's not trying to impress anyone it's what makes him who he is I'll tell you what after I win this thing I'll buy you both refurbished classic new cars and lesson lost you're welcome to the rest of this piece good night kids tonight you know playing it yep [Music] Maryna cake something to lead somewhere to sleep but nowhere to turn you called me your queen strapped to this purse [Music] but then you injured I can't breathe [Music] is this [Music] freedom [Music] just let me go [Music] you [Music] you're burning your eyes telling me nerd you don't wanna [Music] no no stop it's the wrong one it's just a sound check we've talked about this rehearsal performance whatever it's not hip it's not pop it's the wrong song I apologize the center we're finished we were just admiring her song come on I got wardrobe unbelievable sorry I'm just coming your way with mom no no no da da da entiendo tranquila miss you too yeah I love you right Hey okay it's um it's my mom I've never been so far from you know what men don't mind forget it no no it's trust me I get it be on the road it's hard way from your family she sure it's two jobs to help me stay with it you know and before this show all of my contests were local and she was always there when I seen her out there in the audience and I think about all that she's done for me it's like nothing can stop me yeah stuff being away from home this is what gets me through [Music] Wow they're beautiful they keep me alive it's great man and I still wish she was here Raphael really Leon teach break a leg ladies and gentlemen live from Chicago Illinois it's the song the only competition show that celebrates America's undiscovered songwriters it's night two of our grand finale angel Raphael and Ben are racking up votes hoping to be our next winner but only one finalist will be crowned winner of the song go get em buddy thanks man Raphael Amato called out my name but temperature froze I played your cane you've won my soul but I almost burned my skin so I call you Waker of the Wildfire with a you since fact II can't leave on my own I can't leave I'm alone I must have you here runs like me oh you you called out my name like a fool I touched your flame you burned me but I love everywhere I've been [Music] pretty good a wildfire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's bring out our next contestant shall we ladies and gentleman from San Jose California the beautiful and talented [Music] to me I am empty and homeless without me ready would be free Danny do dystrophy [Music] because [Music] oh let's do it what do you wanna do something say howdy [Music] from San Antonio Texas itself fin cam hey that's you all right wish me luck all right you don't need it [Applause] [Music] what do you what can I give to you what one from me that isn't already here I stand there you go my soul in my hand yo how can I [Music] when we first met phew you chose me [Music] no one really knows from me [Music] [Music] from [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the winner of tonights leg of the competition with an overwhelming 72 percent of the votes is dear lord please let my baby Rafaela motto [Applause] how's that integrity thing working for you [Music] I wouldn't I wouldn't read those people can be cruel sometimes sometimes honesty isn't stinking for cruelty yeah you may very well be right about that he's stopping where are we we have a little problem folks it's nothing we can't handle we're gonna have to tow the bus in yeah it's all crapped up gonna be two hours plus [Music] man go back to the bus Mickey I need some time for myself yeah but I sort of learned that that just means you're upset so why don't you tell me what's going on cuz I got a train to catch okay I'll tell you what's wrong I sang the blues tonight because you wanted me to and I lost first of all are you saying the right song and you killed so I stand by that suggestion second of all no you don't have a second of all I lost there's more to it than that who helped Raphael with those lyrics huh off the top of his head with his hands tied behind his back I'll give you that it was a good song but you made it a great song how many people can do that that is exactly my point where is the payoff I helped him with his song and he wins and I lose unless you're young and flashy and wear a short skirt what do you have to show for it let's not rush you into a short skirt this isn't funny this is a game to them Mickey it's a game and unless you buy in you are not gonna win so all the integrity talk we'll just throw that out the window because it really had me going with that I don't want to try something different all right and like me success success I want to win yeah that's good but success your way cuz otherwise it's just jammed yeah Jan's winning and it isn't luck do not bring luck into us you realize how lucky you are right I put the music aside for just a second you know what I would give to have your life your family what's happening I forget to call Gracie you see what I'm saying thank you you I'm sorry I just I got so caught up in the it's okay it's getting really tough out here I'm gonna have to dive in deeper if I'm gonna win this thing okay whatever you got to do I know you can win I love you you you alright I'm all yours do whatever really jinke to go to town jinke [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen fin cancer [Music] patrolling the name which one dad sure on the way to the time where all my dreams come true [Music] everyone's telling me what to do I'm gonna live from the who's in charge [Music] [Music] they've got it all figured this show deceived [Music] there's a voiceover [Music] Swiss tapas [Music] [Music] show up after one single solitary ladies and gentlemen been Gator [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] water is been cancer [Applause] [Music] good morning Philadelphia we have a special guest with us today Ben Cantor [Applause] [Music] get some certified my audience huh oh you can just put them over there hey pops how you feelin what's a lot do you know groupies are oh well I'm a groupie as you know no a group is someone who likes to take group for hours when he get to be as famous as your dad pretends to be lots of them really pause why because Cooper at school says groupies are girls who like to UM they like to kiss musicians ostrich maybe that's why he hasn't had time to call me lately because of other groupies I'd say probably just busy I should probably ask my mom Oh mom why not need to see this her mom might not need to see what [Music] hey there's a phone call for you who is it take a message hello Ben Ben it's your dad I went outside to take the trash cans to the curb and he came out to help me but the next thing you know I just turned around and he was on the ground but he hasn't been himself the past couple of days I really should have known that something was wrong well how are you are you holding up I'm fine I was Gracie she's fine luckily she was at school she's at my sister's now she's okay I talked to the doctor he said it's a blood clot most likely and they said he's they're just gonna keep him in there you know a few more nights honey I need know where I've been I've been here I've been focused just relax this is almost over okay um so I put a ticket on hold for you and there's a flight that leaves later tonight or you can just come in the morning if you want honey I can't just leave I can't I mean we leave for New York tonight I don't even know what song I'm singing yet Ben this is your father I know that and he would want me to stay and he would want me to stay and win this thing I mean don't you want that this is not about what I want this is nothing to do with what I want queen everything that we've given up do you want me to stop right now then what's going on with you what is it I can't talk about this right now tell my dad that I love him and that I will see him in a couple of days when this is all over and I'm sure he'll understand and I wish that you could too I have to go bye [Music] [Music] this is it this is the big time believe it or not I am this bus not me the ride was bumpy and the smell is awful good morning Manhattan if you're the only person who hasn't heard about the song grand finale it's tonight right here in the Big Apple [Music] you guys you're killing me you're late remember the four we talked about okay yeah what phone who is it hey it's Colborne hello Bette listen this is great our ratings are better than ever so anything you want anything you need you've got I'll be down there a little while to check things out great thank you actually I could use a little help down here thank you okay so the four measures that we talked about drum bass needs you guys to drop out everybody else just carry on yeah hey wait wait wait I thought we were out into in quiet for two and stop okay there's no thinking involved here I'm telling you what to do whatever you say maestro just take five Mickey yeah hey do you know where the sound guy is no I don't know who the sound guy is great is anybody at work today is there something I can do Ben no yes actually I need a chopper a chopper yes a chopper you need a helicopter no a motorcycle if you need a ride somewhere I'm sure I could for the show Mickey remember the show so I'm thinking I ride the chopper in jump off grab my guitar kill it get on you're gonna enter on a motorcycle yes I'm gonna enter on a motorcycle what do you want this book where are my other two there's only one no I said I need three I just talked to penny she said she was gonna get me three left center right okay yes make it happen thank you man you got a second don't have a second well listen I'm a man of my word okay we agreed to ride this thing through together it's just that you've made this severe left turn here that I just don't want to be a part of it anymore but I will fulfill my obligation and stick with you on this show but win or lose though you're on your own after tonight okay is that all yeah that's all great great so I can get back to work done yeah and I'll get the motorcycles cuz it's important to the music are you seriously coming for me right now you know that angels numbers are totally on my tail and just when I'm about to cash in you you want to get all high and mighty all of a sudden give me a break where were your ideals ten years ago I didn't have any believe it or not I got them from you you taught me what was right and this ain't it this is what's called entertaining the crowd and this is what's gonna win me $250,000 in a car and a record deal you soared Pass entertaining the crowd about a thousand miles ago you're nothing more than a selfish circus act at this point and I want nothing to do with it I'm selfish I'm selfish do you have any idea why I'm here why I am doing this so I don't I am doing this so my wife can live in house is not falling apart so I can send my daughter to school one day not to mention taking care of my dad so if that is selfish yes I'm being selfish wake up and if you think your family wants you to win this for their benefit you're more far gone than I thought if you think your family wants you to win in in guyliner and on the Harley then I don't even know who the hell you are is this the part where you you talk about you didn't do it for the money I was here because I believed in you [Music] good luck what can we go back to work please [Music] this will go great with her shoes I don't know if you are not hearing me or just ignoring me but I want this dress but we haven't fitted her for it it's too long this is the be-all end-all it's fine dis dress and the black heels yes ma'am [Music] my file somebody here to see you mom [Music] Nintendo come oh it's not important if I had to grow I was gonna come and see you look so hot we need you on set now you seem pretty you hear me you I you dare move yet boy no right now sorry to bother you sir wow I really like your songs thank you I really like the stuff that you did early on in the competition you know those songs pop thank you that's so sweet of you thinking you're kind of just I ain't seeing a second til I clear my yeah totally no big night I am so sorry they need you in the media room wait can you postpone it looks like Entertainment Tonight is here and the local news station KUTV it's all on your call sheet I know but can you just push it back a little bit because I don't want to talk to anybody right now I don't want to talk to anybody right now I don't want anybody to take my picture I don't want a signed any autographs I'm sick of this I'm such a flower I'm sick of Ted bear [Music] you you [Music] [Applause] and now please welcome trip Richards well it all comes down to this ladies and gentlemen the final night and everyone has a shot at the grand prize of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a recording contract and a new car so please cast your votes after the final performance they will be tallied in real-time and tonight we will crown one of these three winner of the song well let's hit this show started our our first performer is Rafael Amato [Applause] [Music] Hill plenty of thrills catching my hand did a fabulous benefit top of my game three nothing I can't do got nothing [Music] future is bright my heart set aside big head of steam I'm living the dream I got plenty of style no one would say it's not true ain't got nothing [Music] got you ain't got no home got you no way gotta fill my cup a big diamond big lakes on your finger and forget it hard baby won't you give me what I'm too [Music] [Applause] [Music] meter filmmaker big diamond reads lease on your big girl working the tar baby won't you give me dude Dinka a [Music] cuz ain't got nothing got you you see that [Applause] up next for her final song his angel thing so you [Music] and head down who robbed you ever burns of you you look like you're about to lose and standing on unstable ground been put down someone's been telling you guys trying to disguise its thud on the day you were born you were set apart with a beautiful I'm speaking there's only one year [Music] [Applause] [Music] see you goes way deeper than just your [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay thank you so much ladies and gentlemen for your wonderful support of angel fender if there are no us angel is still on the running not be lengthy factory though [Applause] and now for the final song of the night I cannot wait to see what he's going to do it is my pleasure to introduce the one and only Ben Cantor [Applause] thank you I'm probably gonna mess this up I was going to come out here guns blazing and explosions and disco balls and not not one but three actually I know thank you I love you too how about this band and all I did today in rehearsal was yell at them sorry guys sorry I'm gonna sing a song I wrote a long time ago Alisha Gracie this is the one I wrote for you [Music] every time I see your face smiling back at me it gives me strength to keep the faith and believe what I can't see lover of my soul you hold my heart all I do so every time I write a song it's the one I wrote for you [Music] that's my boy that's my angel he bought my plane ticket [Music] though that dream is dead and gone I'll give what's overdue so every time I write a song it's the one I [Music] as long as you lookin I love this guy I can find strength to fashion words into a tune which means that every today just loose [Music] maybe I could buy the song to teach us how to fly into that grace arrives so wise I'll do just what I do so every time I write a song it's the one I wrote for you [Music] so every time I write a song [Music] yeah Paul's hands yeah [Music] [Applause] ah nice surprise stay for the results yeah I think we're done here [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you yes why they get the big drinks I got it take sots bed with you hike [Music] maybe someday grace will bring a chance to change our life baby I could write a song to teach us how to fly - that grace to ride so wise I'll do just what I do so every time I write a song it's the one I [Music] when I found him again and saved him from himself he was a barista at this place making coffee meaning I did which is one of the reasons I'm here now please say hello to music producer Larry Fraser all the way from Los Angeles pleasure to meet you what brings you down to San Antonio you actually sit down please sit Larry's here in town produced in Shelby winters nude record and well Larry you better tell them because I'm gonna lose it okay Oh Larry this is my wife Alicia and my daughter Gracie this is Larry he is in from LA oh yes well I was just telling your husband that she'll be winners is reporting her new album in town and well she's a big fan of your husband Shelby winters noticing my dadís mm-hmm she loves your songs so much in fact she wants to record two of them on her new album what's an album I'll tell you later and if you're free she'd like you to do it on the one I wrote for you is this a joke guess what I said it is what I said now recovered of course as your manager and worked out a tremendous deal allowing from my normal 20 percent 15 and 15 percent as a show of good faith I was authorized to give you this advance on behalf of this winners not to be clear this check is a non-recourse yep no boo back no matter what right and the song is the ownership bet and the publishing rights Oh all right 20% 17.5 is fair [Music] horses patrol in the name which one is right who's playing games I got a live for heart tell the motion charge [Music] where all my dreams come true everyone's telling me [Music] who's in charge [Music] [Applause] see [Music] some girl never certain [Music] so they toil for the attention knave loves they do anything to bring comfort [Music] every single f-word cries what they need most the same hand me close share that hardness clothes helped me trust [Music] the love is here to stay can you holy you [Music] you deserve a lifetime of suffering you still think there's no such thing as [Music] you're like baby inside oh yeah you can't see much your mother cares for you [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,669,895
Rating: 4.7766151 out of 5
Keywords: christian, bridgestone multimedia BMG, Jesus, EncourageTV, Movie, trailers, movies, God, Cheyenne Jackson, Kevin Pollak, Christine Woods, music, singer, David Kauffman, Andrew Lauer, One I Wrote For You Full Movie, One I Wrote For You Movie
Id: S9gAiBq4kdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 4sec (6664 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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