Grace and Goliath | Touching and Heartwarming Family Movie! Tear Jerker!

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(bright music) (upbeat orchestral music) - [Radio Announcer 1] Unbelievable. Another cracking day across Belfast. - [Radio Announcer 2] Yeah, highs of 20 until around 8 o'clock this evening, so enjoy what is guaranteed to be a beautiful day. (upbeat orchestral music) - [Radio Announcer 1] On a day like today, I could think of nothing better than going to the golf course after the show, but it's meetings, meetings and more meetings for me. What about you today? - [Radio Announcer 2] Probably a good thing 'cause your golf sucks. I'm heading into Belfast. I love the fact that there's so many movies being made here in northern Ireland and I have heard that there could be some celeb spotting to be done because there's an A-lister potentially arriving in Northern Ireland today. - [Radio Announcer 1] 8:25 on the road to cross northern Ireland. Everything's moving well this morning. Good news, we're back with more after this. - [Announcer] Cool FM. (bright orchestral music) - That's enough Lily. We don't want our special guest showing up and the first thing to greet him's your under carriage. - All right, keep your way going Marcus. (bright orchestral music) - Lucy? - Yeah. - Turn the frown upside down. What are these still doing here? I need them in the Titanic Suite on the coffee table. (bright orchestral music) (siren blaring) - He's here. - Okay, action, stations ready. (bright orchestral music) (Marcus exhales) (dramatic orchestral music) Welcome, I'm Marcus the hotel's manager. - Hey, what's up, Marcus. It's cool to be here. - Follow me and I'll check you in. Lucy. Could you check in Mr. Zack Goliath? - Zack was my character's name. My real name is Josh. Josh Jenkins. - Of course. I'm so sorry, I'm just a huge fan of your show. On the core, he's insane. Go, go, Goliath's game. A giant on the court with arms like a crane, go, go Goliath's game. Take you up here to your wee room. Here it is. It's one of our finest rooms. You've got a city view, duck down pillows. The bathroom has a Jacuzzi bath with complimentary Irish bar body scrub and as this is the Titanic Suite, life jacket's under the bed (laughs). - [Lucy] Lily, what about these? - Wow, this is awesome, man. When you said wee room, I thought, heck, will I fit. (both laugh) - Ah, ha, Mr. Jenkins. - Please, call me Josh. - Josh. Can I be really cheeky and ask you to sign this. - Oh, wow. Man, I haven't seen one of these in years. Sure, why not? - [Marcus] So what has you in Belfast? - Well, the plan is to make a movie with my production company, Goliath Films. Now the script's pretty much there, so I want to check out some locations, I wanna do some casting, but mainly, I wanna get a real authentic feel for Belfast. - Sure. A movie, it's exciting, isn't it? So what's it gonna be called. - "City of Trouble." - "City of Trouble." Nice. You know, if you're looking for any actors, I'm your man. - Ha, well, you oughta read for me when I'm casting. - Audition? - Yeah. - Amazing, this day doesn't get any better. (Lily knocking) About time. - Sorry. - Wow, this is just perfect, Marcus. Thank you. - My pleasure. If you need anything while you're here, anything, anything at all, you call Marcus. - Hey, man, can you call me a cab? - Where are you off to, sir? - Oh, I wanna get a handle on this place, you know what I'm saying? I wanna get a real feel for the city. - Well, in that cast, the best way to see Belfast, the real authentic way, is to walk it. - Is it safe? You know, just walking around? - Safe as houses, sir. - Okay, cool. Please, call me Josh and I'm supposed to call you? - Vinnie. - It's a pleasure to meet you, Josh. - Okay, yeah, great, um, yeah, I'll see you around, Joe. (bright orchestral music) (camera clicks) (bright orchestral music) (camera clicks) (bright orchestral music) (camera clicks) (gentle piano music) (guests applauding) Thank you. Oh, no, no, no, I got that. You put that on my room. - You're really generous. Thank you. - [Man] Oh, go on, give us your theme tune. - [Woman] Go on. - [Josh] Like I said before- - [Man] On the court. - [Together] He's insane. Go, go, Goliath's game. Giant on the court, arms like a crane. Go, go Goliath's game. - [Man] You ever see any of the other actors? - For crying out loud, no. I mean, we've all moved on, so, so should all of you. I didn't mean that you have to leave. Hey, where are you going? - Hard being famous and good looking. - Yeah, it sure is. - You find out, as well? (Josh laughs) My dad used to say, Patrick, you're not that important. None of us are that important. - [Josh] What are you gonna give me your autograph now? (Patrick laughs) - Take one of those in the morning, it'll sort you out. (shower running) - Hello! Hello! Housekeeping. - What the? - It's all right, love. It's nothing that I haven't seen before. Although I must say you're in a bit better shape than the usual ones around here. You can pass your MOT anytime- - [Josh] Get outta my room! - I'm sorry. - Just get out. - I'm sorry. - Now! - [Lily] I'm just a cleaner. - Hey, is this gluten free? - Yeah. - Are you sure this is gluten free? - Oh, I've never been more sure of anything in my life. You look awful familiar. - No, I don't do autographs. - Autograph? No, I was gonna say that my ma loves you. Yeah, she said that you were in town, but well, I never heard of you. - Next. Hey, come on in, man. Stand on that mark. Look into the camera. State your name, age and agent. - Josh. It's me, Marcus. - Yeah, I know, but you have to say it to the camera. - Yeah. Of course. - We're recording, right? - Hi, I'm Marcus Dittynip and I'm- - (laughs) No way, your name cannot be Dittynip (laughs). - Yes, it is. - Ah. Okay. Um, I'm sorry, let's start again. - Hi, I'm Marcus Dittynip. I'm 34, I'm current in between agents. - Okay, um, let's start at page 36. Soldier number three. - Soldier number three? But I thought I was reading Captain Dan Carter. - No offense, Marcus, but you're not 6 foot 4 or good looking. - Well, I could still give it a go. - Look, man, I'm trying to give you an opportunity here and soldier three is a damn good part. - He's in it for like five seconds. He's wearing a gas mask. I mean, they won't even know it's me. I'm sorry here, Josh, but you said I could audition. - Yeah, I threw it out there that you could audition, but now you're just being a diva. Look, man, even if you were good enough, imagine this. Captain Dan Carter, our valiant hero of the "City of Trouble, starring Marcus Dittynip (laughs). Next. He, man, stand on the mark. Name, age and agent to the camera. - Hey, I'm John. (gentle music) - I'm sorry, Mr. Jenkins, but I can't think of any other contacts or places that would suit what you're looking for. I think maybe- - Listen, honey, you got Google, yeah? Look it up. In fact, just leave it, I'll do it myself. (coins clanking) Watch where you're going. - [Mel] I'm sorry. - Are you all right, darling? - Grace. Gracey. All right, Mum, I'll be half an hour tops. - That's all right, love, don't worry. - Okay, all right, give me a kiss. Be a good girl, all right. See you later. - Is Mel okay? He has no manners, so he hasn't. What is "Goliath's Game" anyway? - Oh, it was a TV show. The whole of northern Ireland watched it. I suppose it was bit of late relief for us back then. - I've never heard of it. I was only born in 94. - I have bras older than you. - Do you know he never tips? He's only been here three days and already his bill is massive. Apparently he doesn't go back to Los Angeles for another week. - Well, that'll give Los Angeles a bit of a break. (both laughing) - You okay, Grace. - They can't do this to me, Claudia. Claudia, they just can't. - I am so, so sorry, my love. I just got the call from Lance's office and the studio is definitely out. - But why? I mean, they loved the idea, didn't they? I mean, they bought it. - Yes, Lance loved the idea and wanted to invest, but how do I say this. Honest answer, he wasn't a fan of the script. - Script? But I'm here in Belfast rewriting the script for crying out loud. - Oh, Josh, darling, the producers have no understanding of the artistic process what so and ever. But, on a more positive note, I have just heard back from Celebrity Circus and they are considering you as long as I can get the network to rerun "Goliath's Game" in time. - I mean, the casting was almost there. The crew was all- - Oh, Josh, I am so, so sorry my darling. - I put everything I had into this Claudia. Everything. - Josh, Josh. - Claudia. - Josh, this is such a bad line. - Claudia. (dramatic music) - Well, oh, well. (computer ringing) Oh, I've got you man, I've got you now. - Mr. Jenkins? Can I help you? - No, uh, thank you, Marcus. I was just about to check out. - Oh, I thought you weren't checking out until next, uh- - Change of plan, I have to go tonight. - Sure. That's no problem. We can sort that for you. I don't know how you do things in California, Mr. Jenkins, but in this part of the world, we usually check out at reception. - Ah, good to know. - I'm sorry, Mr. Jenkins, this card is being declined, as well. - Look. I'm having a tiny temporary issue with the cash flow right now due to the fact that I've invested everything I have in this movie and one of my funders just sort of pulled out. Marcus, I've missed my flight now. Can I stay here for just one night? - I'm afraid you can't stay here for one more minute. Vinnie. - What am I gonna do, I don't have any money, I don't have anywhere to go. - Not my problem. - Not your problem? Listen, you- - May I remind you that we have a copy of your passport, so I would suggest you settle your bill as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will have no alternative other than phoning the police. - The police? - Vinnie. - This way. Josh. - Hey! (door slams) - Come on. You can stay with us for the night. Wouldn't see you stuck. Come on, or would you rather spend the night with them ones? Come on, sweetheart. - [Lily] There you go. (gentle orchestral music) - [Billy] The door, the door, the door! - Well, here we are, home sweet home. Now, this is, uh- - Uh, Josh, Josh Jenkins. - Did you win him in bingo, Mummy? - This is Billy Robert and this is Kanye. - Kanye? - Do you have a problem with his name, big lad? - No. - He's staying with us. - Yes, and look, why don't you hang your coat up and boys, you go give Josh a hand with his luggage. Right. - I'm good, thank you. What even is that? - Oh, just what I had left in the freezer. - You guys eat this stuff? - He's a stuck up scumbag, Nanny. - Right, boys, why don't you go off to bed. That's good boys. - Night, Mr. Jenkins. You can mind my wand till the morning, but don't use it because only princesses are allowed to use it. Maybe I'll just have it and you can have it tomorrow. - Go on, Grace, go on and get ready for bed. - Night, pet. - I'll be out of here tomorrow for sure. Don't you worry about that. - It's own brand, so if it's not fancy enough for you, you don't have to drink it. Night. (dog barking) (whimsical music) - Evacuate the area! Evacuate the area! - You brats. You could have given me a heart attack. - Hey, hey, hey, what's going on? - These two goofballs nearly killed me. - Duh, they're toy guns. - Billy Robert, Kanye, outside and play, now. - Unbelievable. - I'll tell you what's unbelievable. You do not come into my house and assault my grandchildren. Only I'm allowed to do that. You need to wade your neck in. - I don't even know what you just said. - You've got Google, haven't you? Well, look it up. And unless you want to be crowned the woman of the year, I suggest you take a wee look in the mirror. (phone buzzing) All right, darling, come on. Come on and I'll get you ready for going to dancing. - Hey, what's up, man. Yeah, I'm good. I'm real good, you? I'm psyched for you, man. - There he is. That's him. - It's not. - I'm in a little bit of a situation right now. I need to catch a flight out of Belfast. - Oh, so it is. - It's not, no it's not. - It's just I got a little issue with the cash flow right now and I just need enough for a flight back. What do you mean not this time? I mean, hello? Jerk. (whimsical music) - Everybody ready? And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Lovely, head up. - Grace, you're late. Join in front of Megan there. - Joanie, Nanny got my new ballet pumps. - They're not new. - Well, I like them. Your hair's nice today. - We're gonna take it again from the top. And one, two, three, four, five, six. Keep your head up Jodie McMillan. Nobody wants to see your nits. And smile. We want people to think you're happy. One, two, oh, okay, stop, Sammy, stop, stop, stop. We have a show to put on in a few days for your mommies and daddies and it needs to be good. I mean, Grace, love, which is your left hand. Just if you follow Megan, okay? Five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four. - Oh, hiya, I was just leaving so you can have some P and Q. - Uh, what's your? - Lily. - Lily. Look, I'm having a problem accessing cash right now. - Do you want something? Is that face asking me if you could stay here for another day or two? - Belfast people are so straightforward. - I was a stranger and you took me in. - Is that a yes? - Well, it's not a no. - Nice day, Lily. - What's the black American fellow doing here? - See you later, Suzie. - You were always useless for gossip, sister. I wonder what's going on? What are you doing? - Well, you never know. - Never know what? - Um, handsome American hunk, me. - Put them away. - I'm not sure anybody would notice. - No, but you can see them from outer space. Eighth wonder of the world, them. - Everybody take a break. Hi. - Joanie, I haven't got her fees immediately, but like definitely next week. - It's fine. How's Kanye getting on? - Yeah, they're saying he's got selective mutism or something, but I don't know. - Well, you're very welcome to bring him to class. - Oh, he's oh so impossible, all up with sass with the noise and Irish tone. - Okay, and what about Grace? - Yeah, she's okay. Yeah, she still tires easily, no real improvement. - Yeah, I have noticed that. But she's still the life and soul of the party. I'll keep my eye on her. - Yeah, thank you. - Right, what's going on? - Grace said a movie star from America is staying at her house and is coming to our show. - Right, and I'm marrying Leonardo DiCaprio. I can't even get a day, let alone a marriage. - Well, she could marry me. - Yeah, marry Simon, please. - Right, enough fantasizing about movie starts, let's dance. - He is going to come, I promise. - Okay, Grace, back into position. - Well? - Hey, Mom? Is here here? - Why, he's here for sure. - What are you doing here? I said I'd call. - I just came here to give you these. Happy birthday. The boys made them. They ask about you, you know. - Right. - Grace made one, too. - Well, that was unnecessary. - Yeah, sorry, um, I was just helping the boys and she wanted in the action. - I suppose it's the thought that counts. - Are you able to see the boys sometime or? I could bring them round here. - Oh, no, don't bring them around here. I get awful busy. I'll be in touch. - But you never see them. You could pop around to the house or take them to the park or... Look, I'm worried about Kanye. - Well, you should have thought about that be... I'll check me diary. I have a lot on. I'll call you. - Yeah, if you could let me know when, that'll be great. - Those windows won't clean themselves Lily Davidson. - Probably not Marcus Davidson. (phone ringing) - Hey, Gina, thanks for calling me back. So you're good wiring me some cash? Sure, I can wait a few days. Why don't I take you out to dinner in Venice Beach when I get back as a thank you? Okay, I gotta go, ciao beautiful. (gentle music) Hey. - Hi. We're on our way to Grace's dance show. Would you like to join us? - Uh. - Please come. Nobody believes that you stay with us. They laugh at me, please. - I can't. - Grace, leave him alone, he's happy being miserable. - What? I got location work I gotta do. I'm starting my scene anyways. - Mate, did you not get the memo? What our Grace wants, our Grace gets. So give in big lad, come on. - Sammy. Sammy. It's thingie. - Who? - Zack what's his face, "Goliath Games." - Sorry. - So, wait, Grace was telling the truth all along? - Seems so, how's my hair, is it standing on me? Right. Chest out, tummy in. Thank you for coming. Hello, hello, welcome. Um, Zack, is it. Thank you terribly kindly for coming. - Well, it's Josh. Zack is, was my character's name. - Silly of me, I'm terribly sorry. I should have known what with me also being in show business. - It happens all the time. - Right. Enjoy. I wish we had done that extra practice. (upbeat piano music) (phone buzzing) (upbeat piano music) (upbeat orchestral music) (audience applauding) - Josh, here's Grace now. - It doesn't matter if someone is different. - We're all equal. - I wish we'd all be friends and dance together. (audience applauding) - He likes it. He likes it. - What would he know about dancing? - I could give him a few lessons. - High fives. Yes, well done. (Marcus knocking) - Marcus? - Well, well, well. I've seen it all now. - Marcus, I didn't know you were gonna come. Give me two minutes, I'll get the boys. - Don't bother. I can see that you're busy. - No, it's not what it looks like. Lily brought him in. - Oh, did you think that I cared? Listen, the Marcus train left town a long time ago and you weren't on it. And as if a Hollywood soggy, a washed up Hollywood star would look at somebody like you. - Marcus, Marcus, the boys need their dad. - Why do you let him talk to you like that? - [Mel] Why don't you just mind your own business? - That was awkward. Mel and Marcus? I had no idea. - He has a lot to answer for. He wasn't a bit good to her. - Why are you so good to me? - I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. - That from a movie? - More a book. - Give me back my ring. - What ring? - Give me back my ring. - What, this ring? You... You think this is funny, huh, give me back my ring. - Get it, get it, come on. - Give me back my ring. Give me back my- - Come get it. - You little punk, give me back my ring. You think this is funny? - Right, that's it, that's enough. Billy Robert Davidson, give the man back his ring now. And you two. - What's going on boys? - What? What? Some mother you. You just stand there and look on while someone else looks after your kids. I mean, here's the thing. They're your kids. You know, maybe if you'd stop popping pills, you'd be more of a mom. I mean, why'd you have them if you weren't even gonna look after them. (door slams) - Don't worry, love. I'll sort it. (gentle music) - Look if you've come to say to me what a bad man I am, I know already. Why do you look after them all? - It's in giving we are truly happy. What's the matter? - That's my mom. That's me as a baby. She's supposed to be from around here somewhere. - She was from around here? - Yeah. My dad was a soldier here and when I came around, she didn't want me, so, he left the Army, he went to the US, he took me with him. You know it was right before he passed away he gave me this. It's my great-great grandmother's ring. It was passed on to my mom and she gave it to my dad to give to me when the time was right. So I've been working to find her ever since. Her name was Ruby. Ruby Jenkins. Named after some singer. - That'd be Ruby Murray. She was best there ever was. Ruby Jenkins. Ruby Jenkins. Oh. Oh, Josh. - What? - Your mum passed away a few years ago. - Well, I really don't care. She probably wouldn't have wanted to see me anyway. You know all this time she never once made contact. She must have really hated me. - Oh, look. She would have had no choice. In those days you didn't, well, especially if it wasn't one of your own. But I know that she would have thought about you every day. - No, you don't. How could you, love. - Right, that's it. You are not going back to America to an empty flat. What you need is some good north coast air. (gentle music) (upbeat music) Get the tag and open the door, okay, love. Right, gather this stuff in. Here we go. Everybody in. You all right, Josh? - Josh, welcome to my caravan. - It's our auntie's caravan. - And here's the toilet, it's cool. - Yeah, but you have to flush it twice, though, you know, when you do a number- - Billy Robert. Let Grace show him. I bet you've never seen nothing this fancy before. - No, never. - It's the best place ever. - It is, you know. - Hey, Josh, come here. Now that is where you're sleeping, mate. - Okay. - Yay! - [Josh] So , what happened between you and Marcus? - We were really happy at the start. We had the boys and then we just grew apart. Then I started seeing somebody else. This country singer from over Hampton. He was only here for a week and then I was expecting Grace. You know, he was good. He was really good. - Evidently. - No, I mean a good singer. I meant a good singer. - Yeah. So Grace isn't Marcus'. - No, and he went crazy. I mean, crazy. Like things were not good between us, but it was my fault. You know we were still married and on top of that he's got this thing that whenever he gets hurt he can't cope, like an anger problem or something. And then whenever we split up, I lost my job and I lost my confidence. I just sort of went into myself. And so did Kanye and he hasn't really spoken since. I know Billy Robert seems find on the outside, but I know he'd like to see more of his daddy. And same with Grace. We have to keep an eye on her, too. She doesn't do too much. Up here it's like all your worries just disappear. - So that's what all those pills are, anti-depressants? - Yep. - Sometimes it's like you're under a heavy, dark, damp blanket. You know what you should do, but you just can't do it. - I'm so sorry. You know, I thought that you were- - Oh, it's okay. I thought you were a stuck up TV star who thought he was somebody. - Right. - I shoulda know. Mommy has a way of seeing through to people's hearts. - Yeah, and she's quite some lady. - And Grace just adores you. She has a sixth sense. Josh. Are you really here to make a film or is it a complicated plan to find your mom? - Both I guess. - Mm. - Hey. You believe that people come into- - Your life for a reason? (soulful music) - Come on, Josh. - I'm coming to get you guys. - Josh, where are you? - [Josh] Okay, guys, I give up. (people screaming) - Come on. (dramatic orchestral music) - Guys. Together. Everybody together. ♪ And my young Grace said to me ♪ ♪ My mother won't mind ♪ ♪ Now please go to sleep ♪ ♪ That would be very kind ♪ ♪ So I'll sing you a song ♪ ♪ And this you will say ♪ ♪ It will not be all night ♪ ♪ Till you drift away ♪ - Knock, knock, Mommy. - Knock, knock, knock on the door. Take me somewhere I've never been before. - Old Trafford. - Barbie's castle. - Here. Why don't you two go out for a while. I'm all right. - Will we? - Yeah, sure. - Go on. ♪ I'm reaching out ♪ ♪ I'm standing here ♪ ♪ Waiting for something ♪ ♪ Love is teasing ♪ ♪ Time is fleeting ♪ ♪ The world turns around ♪ - Oh, hi, you are some good luck mops you are. Oh, look at us, it's the big girl from the big city. Look at Mel. - Amo. We used to play here together in the summers. - Oh, yeah, she's some voice. You have to give us a wee crumb later on. Oh, not, she's got some set of lungs on her, so she does, eh. - Amo would like your autography. - Oh, uh, no. Sorry. I don't do autographs. - What? You know what? You can stick your autograph up your big bun you big pile or horse dung. - What did she say? - Basically that you are rude not to give your autograph and I tend to agree. - Right. Okay. You sing and I'll apologize and sign an autograph, deal? - Deal. - I'm sorry, honey, I'd love to. - Well, come on, Mel, get up. - No. - Oh, come on, Mel, come on, come on. - Come on, Mel. - Get up, come on, she's brilliant. - Stop making a scene. - Make sure you do my favorite one, right? (audience applauding) ♪ These days are so long ♪ ♪ Time keeps disappearing ♪ ♪ These nights are so dark ♪ ♪ All I hear is the sound of your heart ♪ ♪ Place your hand in mine ♪ ♪ Let me take away the pain ♪ ♪ Don't turn away ♪ ♪ You don't need to hide who you are ♪ ♪ Before the curtain comes down ♪ ♪ Before the curtain comes down ♪ ♪ I want you to know ♪ ♪ You will always be the one ♪ ♪ I'm needing ♪ ♪ You will be the one ♪ ♪ I'm breathing ♪ ♪ Love will only change, it never stops ♪ ♪ Come a long way now and look what we've got ♪ ♪ It hurts to see you like this ♪ ♪ It's not who you are ♪ ♪ So much left to do now ♪ ♪ And all I want is to be there with you ♪ ♪ Before the curtain comes down ♪ ♪ Before the curtain comes down ♪ ♪ I want you to know ♪ ♪ You will always be the one I'm breathing ♪ ♪ You will always be the one I'm needing ♪ ♪ Love will only change, it never stops ♪ ♪ We've come a long way now ♪ ♪ And look what we've got ♪ (audience applauding) - Wow, that was amazing. - You don't have to say that. - No, really, it was. - Cheers. - Cheers. (glass clinking) No. - She was. - You started that one. Thank you for your jacket. - Sure. Well. - Yeah. - Thanks for tonight. - Oh, you're welcome, thank you. I gotta go, night. - Goodnight. - See you tomorrow. (door closes) (gentle music) - Have you hard the news? - Colin Farrell wants to walk the red carpet with me? - Not quite. But it is juicy. - What is? - You know the American, Josh Jenkins? - Yes. - His mum's from here. He was born here and then was taken to America to live with his daddy. - Really, how do you know? - It's all over the internet. Woman called Ruby Jenkins. She's dead now, but like, can you believe that? - Can I have a look? - Mm? - Of course I can't wait to get back. What are you crazy? I gotta take you out for the dinner in Venice Beach I've been promising you. I gotta go, buy. Hey, Mel. So I'm gonna be outta here tomorrow for sure. - Mm. - I'll miss you. - I've been taken for a fool before, so don't worry about it. - Look, that was just a little- - I don't wanna know. I mean, what was I thinking? As if me and you could ever, like- - Mel, I don't wanna hurt you. Look, I know what I'm like and I'm not good enough for you. - Oh, please. - No, really, I'm not a good guy. - La, la, la, la, la, la, la. Would you like a cup of tea? - Yeah. You want a cup of tea. La, la. - Grace? Grace? Help! - Grace. Grace. Gracie. What happened? - I don't know what happened. - Grace. - She was just singing and- - Grace. Get the door, get the door. - What happened? What happened? - I don't know, she just passed out. Get in the car. - Grace, are you okay? - We'll get the boys, okay. - [Mel] Grace? - Is she all right? - [Mel] No, What happened? - I don't understand it, I just felt it- ♪ It will not be all night ♪ ♪ Till you slip away ♪ - Right, I'll be there, I'll be there right away. Bye-bye. Marcus, Marcus, Grace isn't well. I know that you don't care, but I am gonna have to go. - Again? I'm sure it's no more serious than it was the last time. - Oh, but she's in the hospital. - My hands are tied, Lily, I'm sorry. - Oh, you are not being fair. - I'm not being fair? Do you think I don't know how many times you've been looking after her when you should have been here working? I'm gonna have to put my foot down, Lily. - Do you know, you can't spend your life being horrible to people just because it makes you feel great. You think that you are above everybody. Well, I've news for you, you're not. And as for our boys, I'm glad they have hardly anything to do with you because I wouldn't one drop of your nits near them so I wouldn't. And as for our Grace, she needs me. And wild horses, let alone, some rejumped up nobody is gonna stop me. - Lily! I'm being unreasonable. Lily, if you leave like this. You're fired. - Thank you. That is the best news I have had all year and you take your job and stick it. (whimsical music) - Um, are you little Grace's mother? - Yeah. - There's no easy way to say this. We believe she has a very serious heart condition. She needs a very specific procedure, but unfortunately, we don't have the facilities in northern Ireland to do it. - Surely, there's something you can do for the wee love. - Well, I have put a call in to a hospital in London that does this procedure, but we need to move very fast if there is to be any chance of success. There is another problem. The costs are, I would estimate in the region of 60,000 pounds. - 60,000 pounds, are you sure? - Now if Grace was to go, she has to go as soon as possible. I mean, in the next few days. I just want to assure you we will do everything we can. - Can I go into her now, please. - Of course. - Josh, would you take the boys home? - Sure. - We're gonna get this money. - Ay, sure, I'll sell my Ferrari. - Oh, shut your pie hole, will you Markie. I'm serious. We need to pull together. We can get everybody in the area. - Maybe we should be careful about getting their hopes up, you know. It sounds kind of impossible to raise that amount of money in a few days. - Last thing I wanna do is get their hopes up. Useless even trying. - Excuse me. Please, can we try. I've got 43 pounds in my savings jar. Billy Robert has even more. I don't want our wee Grace to die. Please. - You're some wee lad, sweetheart. - We're gonna raise this money if it kills me. - Okay, so where do we start. Like how do you get that money this quickly? Uh, uh, what we could do, a sponsored kiss-a-thon? - All right, they could pay to not kiss you. What we could do is a sponsored diet. - Oh, I'm not sure. It's not as if I have that much to lose, you know? What? That's bloat. Water retention. - Oh, well, you better call Noah if it ever bursts. - Maybe Joanie could do a dance-a-thon. Yeah, they do that kind of thing in the states all the time. It makes a lot of money. - Yes, I love dancing. - Josh, darling, would you ask Joanie? She'd do anything for you. For wee Grace. - Yeah. - [Together] To Grace. - In other news, an appeal has been launched to raise money for Belfast girl, Grace Davidson. Fundraising is taking place across the country in what has been dubbed the Amazing Grace Campaign. Efforts are building towards the campaign's showpiece finale, a massive dance-a-thon to be held this Friday. - Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Welcome to the Amazing Grace Dance-a-Thon. Now every pound you raise is gonna help save our Grace. Cue music. Let's dance for Grace. (audience applauding) (upbeat big band music) - I'm standing here in the heart of Belfast where excitement and urgency are in the area. Local people from across northern Ireland are rushing to the aid of a five-year-old girl called Grace. Grace is desperately in need of costly life saving treatment and time is of the essence. So let's get our dancing shoes on and see what's going on. (hip hop music) - [Mel] You wanna play a game. - [Grace] Yes. - Knock, knock, knock on the door. Take me somewhere I've never been before. - Heaven. - Okay. Close your eyes. What do you see? - White clouds and white princesses. - What else? - There's a giant seashell. There's even a teddy bear's picnic. There's no fuzzy tricks to like but Grandma Geri's there. - Okay, that'll do. Do you want a sip of water? - Yes, thank you. (upbeat music) (audience applauding) (grand orchestral music) - There you go. - Sammy, S-A-M-M-Y. - S-A-M-M-Y, okay. There you go, man. (Middle Eastern music) - Whoo! (Middle Eastern music) ("Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy") - Grace is getting weaker. Um, I think I'm gonna have to transfer her to intensive care. Is there any news? - Well, everybody's doing their best. - Thanks, thanks for your support, yeah. Oh, my goodness. Okay. - You're gorgeous. (Josh laughs) Do you think I'm pretty? - Yeah, okay, here we go. - Thank you. - Okay. (Markie laughing) - It is so inspiring to see so many people from across the city and beyond and from all walks of life pulling together. 60,000 pounds needs to be raised in just a few days, so please, please donate what you can now. (phone beeping) Billy Robert, Billy Robert, look. - Tomorrow? - Yeah. - The Vasser's coming to match. - That's sick. (audience applauding) (dancers tapping) - [Doctor] Everybody in London is still on standby, but we are running out of time. (audience cheering) - Are you sure about this, Kanye? - Yes, Nanny. We'll be fine. - What was this that was on again? - It was on a tweet. - A what? - Come on. - [Announcer] Please welcome your teams, Northern Ireland and New Zealand. - Kanye. Kanye, over here mate. - Mel, Mel. Come look at this. - Come on Kanye! - Kanye! - [Announcer] Are you Kanye Davidson? - [Kanye] Yes. - How does it feel to be a mascot for the Northern Ireland football team tonight? - It's just amazing, like a dream. - [Announcer] And you're here for another reason as well, aren't you? - Yeah, we need to raise money for my sister, Grace. She needs an operation done in London. - Well, can I tell you all the Northern Ireland fans and the players, we've all pulled together and I can tell you tonight that we have raised 36,000 pounds. (audience cheering) - Wow. - Come on, Kanye. No wonder you love this city. - But you know what, it's not just everybody here at Windsor Park tonight. There's a few other people who are supporting you and supporting Grace. They're very special and they're giving you a special mention. Take a look at this. - From all of here from Northern Ireland, we're kindhearted souls, we're the best people. Get behind little Grace. Help her, help her for her operation and do us all proud. - This is a good luck message little Grace. It sounds like the whole country's behind her and I know she's gonna win this fate and we'll all be there to cheer her one. Good luck to you. - Hi, Grace, it's Tommy Bowe here. I've believe you've got a bit of a battle on your hands, but we're all 100% behind you and we know we're gonna see you at the other side. - Best of luck. - Grace, we're all cheering you on. We're all cheering for you, Grace. - Grace, we're right behind you and beside you. Together we can do this. (audience cheering) - Kanye, have you anything else to say? - Just thanks to everyone and thanks to the Northern Ireland football team for everything. - Kanye, well done, and good luck and let's get on with the game. - Thank you. (audience cheering) - Great. So, what have we got? - Thanks for Kanye's football match, we raised 36,000 pounds. - We got 19,560 from the dance-a-thon and from the website. - The collection box has made 560. - And 165 from the autographs and the T-shirts. - That totals 56,285. - How much are we short? - 3,715 pounds. - Suzie, what would we get for the fish tank? - Oh, let me see, nothing. - But those fish cost us a fortune and I'd sell Sonny and Cher for that wee girl, I really would. - Oh, you're like me. - How much for that? - Where did you get that? - I don't matter, it's legal. - I have to ring my... - Hello? - [Lily] Hello, love. - Hey, Mum. - We've got it. - We got it. - All of it. - All of it, are you sure? - Yes. - Oh, my gosh, Mommy, that's amazing. - You sold your ruby ring, didn't you? - Gladly. It's in giving we are truly happy. Now I know what you mean. - Will it be all right? - All we have to do is have faith. Grace will do the rest. - Josh, would you be able to look after the boys just while we take Grace to London? I don't want too much disruption. But now if you're flying out or rather not, that's perfectly all right. - What, me mind the boys? - Yes, please. - Of course. It's no problem. No problem at all. - I love you. - Hello, Grace. - Hello. - We'll take it from here. She's in good hands, I promise you. (gentle suspenseful music) Well, I am happy to say the operation has been as successful as we could have hoped for. - Thank God. - That being said, we still need to be a little cautious until she wakes, of course. But everything's going to plan so far. - Can we be with her whenever she wakes up? - Oh, yes, that would be a good thing. Before she went under, she gave me this. She said I could use it if I needed to, but it's still got a little magic left in it. - Thank you, thank you. ♪ Amazing grace ♪ ♪ How sweet the sound ♪ ♪ That saved a wretch like me ♪ ♪ I once was lost ♪ ♪ But now I'm found ♪ ♪ Was blind but now I see ♪ - Grace. It's your mommy and your nanny. - I'm thirsty. - Thirsty. - Oh, thanks be to God. Sweetheart. (phone ringing) - Hello? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. Um, eggs and toast. Yeah, he's burnt the toast, mm-hmm. Yeah. - Thank God. You guys, your sister's gonna be okay. Yeah, the boys really miss you. No, not just the boys. Okay, I'll see you, so, bye. What? (phone ringing) - It's her, yeah, hold on. Hello? Uh-huh. What, yeah. Yeah, yeah. She's all right. - She's all right. - She's all right. - She's all right. - She's all right. ♪ All right ♪ ♪ All right ♪ ♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪ ♪ All right ♪ ♪ All right ♪ ♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪ ♪ All right ♪ - Up update tonight on Grace Davidson. We can confirm that Grace's operation in London has been a success. - Grace is gonna be okay. - The life saving procedure was made possible after a community fundraising campaign. ♪ All right, all right ♪ ♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪ ♪ All right, all right ♪ ♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪ ♪ All right, all right, it's really all right ♪ ♪ It's really all right ♪ (Joanie knocking) - Hello. - Joanie? - Could I come in just for five minutes? - Yeah, sure, come on in. Can I get you anything? - No, no, thank you. - Just waiting on a call from LA on the new funding for my film. - I've heard about your film. I was hoping maybe you could get me a love scene with Colin Farrell. (Josh laughs) No, okay. Um, it's called City of Terror, is it? - Trouble. But no, I've actually changed the name of the film, it's now called "City of Soul." - Well, that is a fantastic title. Better. - I know a lot of people don't believe in me, but I will make this movie. I want the world to know about this crazy place. I don't wanna sound cheesy, but I feel like the people of Belfast have a lot of love within them and I really wanna capture that. - Josh, I have something I'd like to get off my chest. - Look, I'm sorry if I've given you the wrong vibe. I'm not interested. As a matter of fact, I'm kind of really into someone else right now. - Do you think I fancy you? - No? - No, no, goodness, no. I think I might (exhales). Josh, I'm your sister. Your half sister. Ruby Jenkins was my mother. Nobody knows this because I grew up in a different area of Belfast, but Josh I am certain you are my brother. - You're my sister? - Brother. - That was amazing. - It was. I'll see you soon? - Yeah. - Everything all right, Josh. - Yeah, everything's more than okay. - Well, it doesn't come up that side, does it? - Look what the cat dragged in. - I've come to settle what I owe. - Count it, Lucy. - Like I said, I'm here to settle what I owe you and ask you to please give Lily her job back. - Excuse me? Have you not done enough charity work for that family? - That family is worth a hundred of you. As for Lily, she's the most inspirational woman I've ever met in my life and she needs this job to, guess what, pay for your kids. - You've paid your bill so you can go. - You know, Marcus, you have absolutely no heart. - Because I don't believe in giving handouts. - Except you do, though, don't you? I saw you put the money in the collection box for Grace. - That was different. - Marcus, don't live your life like I did. Afraid of giving out love in case you get hurt or rejected. - Okay, spare me the sentimental. - Listen, jackass. You have two beautiful boys out there who need their dad. Two boys who almost lost their little sister. And they love you. I don't know why, but they do. - Lucy. Give Lily a call there. See if she wants to do a shift on Tuesday. - Happier times here in Belfast, as little Grace Davidson returns home after a successful operation in London. Thanks to the generosity of the people of Northern Ireland, Grace received her life-saving treatment and the family have been giving their reaction. - We just want to say thank you so much to everybody who's contributed money to Amazing Grace campaign. The support's been overwhelming and we're so, so grateful. Grace, do you wanna say something? - Thank you. Josh? - Yes. - I love you. - I love you, too. - Will you come back? - I sure will. - Pinky promise. - Of course. - All right, guys, I'm outta here. - Bye Josh. - See you later. Mel, keep singing. I'll be back. - Okay, take care. - Yeah. Lily, what can I say? - There's a wee sandwich you for the journey. I hope you like pickle. - You're quite a lady. - You're quite a fella. - All right, guys. Thank you for everything. - Bye Josh. - Bye. - [Lily] Bye-bye, bye-bye. (gentle music) - Bye. - Bye-bye. (tires screech) - Mel! ♪ You will always be the one I needed ♪ ♪ You will always ♪ - Why is that never me, eh? Always the bridesmaid and never the bride. - Tell me about it. ♪ Never stops ♪ - [Together] Here Josh. - I can move to LA in a heartbeat. - [Markie] And here she's going to worry about me. - Bye. (gentle music) (bright music) - Hello, and welcome o Sunny Belfast. Well, not gonna let a little bit of rain dampen our spirits. This is the hottest event of the year. This is the world premier of "City of Soul." And the fans are out in force to catch a glimpse of some of the movers and shakers behind the film. Oh, and first on the red carpet is Joanie Clark, who a year ago remarkably discovered that she is Josh Jenkins' half sister. She's here tonight with her fiance, Sammy Taylor, composer of "City of Soul." Next, there's Marcus Dittynip with his boys Billy Robert and Kanye, who were so instrumental during last year's Amazing Grace campaign. Dittynip's great new performance as Captain Loveheart has had critics and fans buzzing. And here are two big influences on the movie, close friends of Josh Jenkins himself. They're said to be the inspiration behind the ground breaking dance finale. Which brings me to the reason we're all here. "City of Soul." The film to break box office records around the world is the passion project of Josh Jenkins and his production company, Goliath Films. I think I've actually just spotted the main man himself, Josh Jenkins. You guys at home will know Josh as child star Zack Goliath, but he's all grown up now and boy does he look fantastic. Not only does he appear in this film, but he's also written it himself. Now, I'm gonna try and get a word with him. This is the biggest night of his career and I'm gonna Josh, Josh, congratulations. You must be so proud. - Yes, I am so proud right now. You know, it's actually, it's really surreal to be standing here right now for sure. - Let's talk about the inspiration for this movie. - I've been through a lot of things in my life, right, so I just draw from these experiences and from that I just, you know, what am I saying? I mean, these guys, these guys have been the entire inspiration for this film. Oh, and this little lady right here. - What's your name? - Grace. - So we've got Grace and Goliath. Sounds like a good title for your next movie. - Yeah, it sure would. That sounds really good. I'll have to get back to you for that one. - Enjoy your night. - Okay. (crowd cheering) ♪ And if I fell from the sky ♪ ♪ I think I'd end up in your arms ♪ ♪ And as we lie together ♪ ♪ Don't think I come to any harm ♪ ♪ And as we watch the sky light ♪ ♪ It's like the world just stops in time ♪ ♪ And now I'm bound again ♪ ♪ Picking up my pieces ♪ ♪ Filling me with starlight ♪ ♪ Yes, you set me free ♪ ♪ So long I've been lost ♪ ♪ It only took one person to believe in me ♪ ♪ And I am found ♪ ♪ I am found ♪ ♪ Next to you ♪ ♪ And if I fell from the sky ♪ ♪ I think I'd end up in your arms ♪ ♪ And as we lie together ♪ ♪ Don't think I come to any harm ♪ ♪ And as we watch the sky light ♪ ♪ It's like the world just stops in time ♪ ♪ And now I'm found again ♪ ♪ I am found again ♪ ♪ And if I fell from the sky ♪ ♪ I think I'd end up in your arms ♪ ♪ And as we lie together ♪ ♪ Don't think I come to any harm ♪ ♪ And as we watch the sky light ♪ ♪ It's like the world just stops in time ♪ ♪ And now I'm found again ♪ ♪ And now I'm found again ♪ ♪ I never knew this could happen ♪ ♪ That life had a plan for me ♪ ♪ Just another disappointment ♪ ♪ Another nobody in the street ♪ ♪ But then you came along ♪ ♪ And took me in ♪ ♪ Taught me how to love ♪ ♪ And that life is for the living ♪ ♪ And I don't know where this will go now ♪ ♪ I'll take your word when you say ♪ ♪ It doesn't matter anyhow ♪ ♪ I know that grace will shine down on me ♪ ♪ And take me to exactly where I need to be ♪ ♪ And I know that grace will shine down on me ♪ ♪ And give me everything that I so badly need ♪ ♪ And grace only me ♪ ♪ I know it's been a long day ♪ ♪ But I'm glad I've got you to hold ♪ ♪ And I've come a long way ♪ ♪ But I've still got so far to go ♪ ♪ And every once in a while I can see ♪ ♪ You walk in and you light up the scene ♪ ♪ That smile takes my breath away ♪ ♪ I'll take your word when you say ♪ ♪ Your love is here to stay ♪ ♪ And I know that grace will shine down on me ♪ ♪ And take me to exactly where I need to be ♪ ♪ And I know that grace will shine down on me ♪ ♪ And give me everything that I so badly need ♪ ♪ And grace only me ♪ ♪ How can I explain the changes going on inside ♪ ♪ That lift me up and leave me blind ♪ ♪ I wanna be the man ♪ ♪ That's always there to take your hand ♪ ♪ Help you find the gold buried in the sand ♪ ♪ And I know ♪ ♪ That grace will shine down on me ♪ ♪ And take me to exactly where I need to be ♪ ♪ And I know that grace will shine down on me ♪ ♪ And give me everything that I so badly need ♪ ♪ And I know that grace will shine down on me ♪ ♪ And take me to exactly where I need to be ♪ ♪ And I know that grace will shine down on me ♪ ♪ And give me everything that I so badly need ♪ ♪ Oh, grace only me ♪
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 1,341,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital
Id: PHaGg-xZuVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 47sec (5567 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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