Architecture Tier List - JonTron

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That "D+C Taj Mahal" joke was clean as fuck. The tone and editing in this felt more like his old videos and I love it.

👍︎︎ 177 👤︎︎ u/VenusAdonis 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Quite possibly Jontron's most controversial video yet

Architects on Twitter are SEETHING

👍︎︎ 134 👤︎︎ u/pwnd32 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've been waiting for a video on this subject for a while. He rambles about architecture surprisingly often on Twitter.

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

"one of these hot trends before it gets too old"

Just for reference, iDubbbz's video came out April 25th, almost 4 months ago.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/Jack_the_Dipper 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

If the hotototel isn't in S-tier, then I'm unsubscribing

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/YorkshireFudding 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

God this was fucking funny, felt much more like his old stuff than anything recently. Despite cashing in on semi-low effort content, I'd appreciate more of this kind of thing.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/CoffeeCannon 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

"Build me that wall!"


👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/Kavite 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

y'know when i was watching jon smash up nightshade the claws of HEUGH in 2012, i didnt think he'd be educating me on buildings 7 years later

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/LittleMissRileyx 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

actually the best video in a while lol

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/Zarrex 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys it's John and I'm just here hopping on one of these hot trends for you know it gets too old here I'm doing this this tearless meme thing that's been going around I don't know if you've seen it I think it was popularized by some youtuber it goes by the name like I do you know he did it on like fast food I'm gonna do it on something a little more relevant okay I'm gonna do it on architecture John's got interest and he's gonna insert them okay here we go where I go well I'm gonna come back now [Music] what are you starting a list like this and I say no where better to start than the Roman pantheon not to be confused with the Greek Parthenon you simple-minded freak that was the Greeks and that was about five hundred years before so I bet you feel stupid now Greeks and Romans say oh yeah same time period same people that's you Jeff come eras let's not even get into eras Alexander the Great was in between there you don't have to know even know what Macedonia is you [ __ ] losers wall to keep out the structures because then the pics this beauty was certain about 113 AD by Roman Emperor Trajan that was only 63 years after the founding of a little thing called London or as they called it then Londinium because the Romans did that too you're welcome I'm not Italian welcome when Nigel Chesterfield was just putting on his first fishing ship this serve a [ __ ] was completed let's go on inside oh I bet your local target don't look like that I do think never let's [ __ ] in the streets at this point this thing's got some sort of fractal honeycomb thing going on that's beautiful building and it stands the test of time I think that that sucker is gonna have to go firmly an a so pantheon we're putting it in a beautiful off to just an unbelievable start here next up we're gonna be looking at the one the only the Chrysler Building let's bring that up famous for standing tall above Manhattan New York's long and wide avenues and streets and [ __ ] it's it's got an art deco style which in case you didn't know is a style they used the 1920s for about three or four times before they gave up and just just put this everywhere not only is this famous for having the name Chrysler which may or may not have something to do with the car I didn't look it up but also it was famous for being the tallest building in the world in 1930 and that's why it's going squarely in the decamp because the Empire State Building beat it out a year later nice record you held it for 25 minutes now this okay now this is a building fitting of a name okay it's in the name the Empire State needs an Empire State Building four thousand floors of I'm just estimating office buildings so I don't even know if it's occupied nobody knows what's in you just go to the deck I don't even know why we call ourselves the Empire State okay I know where it's good but you know Silicon Valley Los Angeles they got a lot of money too so and that's two that's two in one state we just got this and the Bronx but we don't talk about that [ __ ] with the Empire State Building we got another a all right speaking of Silicon Valley next up is San Francisco's very own Golden Gate Bridge it's it's not gold that appear to be a deep red a lot of paint necessary to do that whole thing yet a lot of chances to figure out your mistake okay it's out of my hands it's really out of my hands I'm sorry that's that one's going an F all right next up Washington Monument from Washington DC yep it's a needle if I shall die here today make sure to erect me a gigantic Gyptian obelisk for all time immemorial shall recognize my love of this penis-looking structure Washington Monument that's a C right in the middle okay next up we got one so big I had to turn it sideways that's the Burj Kalifa from Dubai when the Juba knees aren't creating financial disasters for their investors by trying to make a map of the world in the ocean for some reason they're making this at 2722 feet this son of a gun is the biggest building in the world now I know what you're thinking that looks like the bad guys house from half-life 2 and you know what you're probably right here's a video of a man scaling this building for no reason good luck with that dude I'm gonna stay right here on the ground you weren't a Red Bull hat I don't see any Red Bull hat you just doing this for fun you crazy you fool you out of your mind oh oh a simple gust of wind and that brings me to the shard situated in merry old London ah doesn't that just remind you of Queen Victoria tea and biscuits oh I'm sorry did I say Queen Victoria I think I met the Eye of Sauron at least it's been given a name based on what it is unlike Golden Gate over there all right chard you're an e deal with it while we're on hor end this modern architecture please take a look at I'm not even gonna call it by its name I just I just refer to this thing as the Jenga building I see it all the time and it looks like a gigantic game of Jenga who comes up with it built something nice you see this you see that you seek this thing that's nice that's what a nice building looks like you are the worst the ugliest thing you've put the skyline F you're with Golden Gate if that son of a all right we're getting a little negative here all right I want to do something a little bit lighter in tone so let's go for the Budapest Parliament house hey okay oh mama how do you say wine on garyun not your nappy Koosh this is the Hungarian Parliament building okay it is a neo-gothic meaning it's not actually gothic but it's a Gothic Revival okay it's a revival much like the Classical Revival in most of America this beautiful spanning building sits as the crown of the Danube River which I am currently standing on and now skating on [Music] you know that's gonna be that's gonna be our first st r building even though it's a bit slippery over there s for slippery speaking of Parliament Buildings let's talk about the Scottish Parliament building Wow you trying to run the government or you playing Garry's Mod all sorts of angles and [ __ ] stapled on top of each other uh yeah I guess the the old parliament building just wasn't wasn't functioning just looked all looked crap the best thing about this building is that it was over budget over time and they're thinking about demolishing it no I'm not kidding by the way for actually that that third thing is probably good news right here right right here below a little bit below F but not quite okay yes that's where that belongs damn we're not even halfway through there's a lot of these left geez I think the only way to get through this on time is by doing a quick fire round first up st. Basil's Cathedral Moscow Russia very nice I didn't know they'd built the tetris building in real life cool I like Tetris - dude that's an a Taj Mahal one of the most stunning buildings in the world man made it for his beloved dead wife so we're gonna put that in D and C at the same time for decease like his wife jontron that's a solid C try harder dude Angkor Wat Cambodia as an ink or WOD girl this place is crazy put that in B for beautiful the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Spain in Barcelona espana this one reminds me of King Triton's palace from The Little Mermaid that's the one now everyone associates with seeing wieners in so what can I say solid B for that one for me that's clever it's swam like a fit like a like a fricking fish well what's that is that a UFO try again more like an IFO that's the Space Needle from Seattle Washington USA sad to say that's firmly on the ground nowhere near space bring that sucker down to e4 extraterrestrial next up Museum of pop culture what better way to celebrate art than by encasing it inside of gigantic metallic used tissues Wow I'm stunned I'm in disbelief I'm just straight-up gonna get rid of that one from the list and see it Leaning Tower of Pisa look ma I'm a tourist that's right that tower is now heading on a ballistic missile to a hangar in area 51 the Italian government naively allowed me to become large for this joke little do they know I was a spy operative we will find out how you made this tower lien and from the Leaning Tower of Pisa we move on to the Pyramids of Giza incredible majestic and ancient very ancient in fact some people estimate these are up to 4,500 years old some people actually think aliens put these here which is why I say not everyone should be allowed to vote you're telling me you came all the way through space-time and you can just muster a couple [ __ ] rocks bad alien bad this is for not leaving us the vaccine to the bubonic plague those are going in a Great Wall of China I mean it's a cool wall but I don't know about great you can just let me just walk around it solid try though that's a C okay we got minecraft Buckingham Palace I like this one because it's made of blocks okay never mind on that one Notre Dame originally a we know true name during its fire stage I don't know about that one I think that's that's a see no not as good as the original Notre Dame after fire destroy it but you only in the end made it stronger forbidden city beijing china Wow very forbidden looking at Pyongyang ice rink North Korea not only did you starve your people but you also made them think they were getting a Space Mountain and when they got there all they got was a stinkin ice ray that goes in f4 feed your people please Aoyama Technical College Tokyo Japan I mean how are they gonna know you do technical work if your school doesn't look like a Mobile Suit Gundam just saying that's gonna go in be for the great they most likely give you there when you did A+ work by the rest of the world standards every modern apartment building new fools were too blind to see every modern office building you know this cool little town in Austria needs these house goofy goofy goofy right now with you let's hang out you poppy at the ps1 mom says I can hang out of your house right firmly in the s-rank now this one down here is a building that looks like an elephant it's called the elephant tower in playing Cheung Fong pet cat to check Krung Thep mahanakhon one zero nine hundred thailand it's kind of like an elephant vaguely in the shape of an elephant now that I'm looking at it really it really looks more like just like a big end how do you think the people in this part of the building feel when they when they clock in ah well many buildings have been made before in the shape of an elephant they've probably got the science figured out I don't know why I should hold this particular elephant building to scrutiny I shan't come careening at the bottom of my office block at 45 miles an hour towards the hard pavement and my head Shan to become a melon upon impact put it in a four elephant I don't care great have we done it one more the Cathedral of st. John the Divine Manhattan New York it's my house that's my house I didn't make it up that's my house Ethan said so it's on record take a look at this [ __ ] place dude this is where John Shawn lives can you believe that you going this guy can you believe the ego and jontron like get real Doug do you really think you're entitled to this even came up to me pointing a camera at my face in a restaurant confusing the hata me it's my house yeah John get the hug dude I went on from your house earlier today and you're like you didn't let me in to is [ __ ] up hey Jeff are you serious let's put this work belongs uh I didn't make the rules this goes in Goku rank all right let's get it up there keep on going ki yeah there we go it goes and Goku ranked as how this works all right guys thanks for watching I think this is overall you know like a pretty fair well thought-out list so you know yeah you tell me what you think down to the comment section and you can subscribe and hit the bell icon I doubt it [ __ ] does anything but you can hit the bell icon [Music] if you like what I do in this channel please consider supporting my awesome sponsor expressvpn because without them I wouldn't be able to sit here and do this nonsense for all of you you know what else I couldn't do without them that's right protect my information online from malicious hackers did you know that without a VPN you're putting all your personal information in danger whenever you go online all it takes is one Acker to steal your information and they can open bank accounts in your name access emails or even access your social media accounts expressvpn encrypts your internet data preventing others from sniffing your information when you're using a public Wi-Fi network also they've got servers in 94 different countries so you got plenty of options to choose from no matter where you live you name it they've got you covered you see I love the feeling of being secure in my browsing no matter where be it writing a script in my local coffee shop or making last-minute hotel accommodations using airport Wi-Fi before I board my plane it's less than seven dollars a month with a 30-day money-back guarantee take back your internet privacy today and find out how you can get three months free by clicking the link in the description box expressvpn comm slash jontron okay see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: JonTronShow
Views: 5,666,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jontron, architecture, tier list, idubbz, h3h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, funny, comedy
Id: FRUM4UnuO7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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