Sig P365 SAS vs P365XL vs P365

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hello and welcome back I am Chris with marksman shooting sports in Westfield Indiana and you are watching marksman TV today I have another tabletop review in comparison for you we will be taking a look at the Sig p3 65 family the full lineup here starting with the original P 365 with and without the safety the new P 365 SAS or SAS and the P 365 XL we're going to go through a general point by point comparison of these so if you were thinking about getting into your first P 365 or maybe you own one and you want to add another one to the collection you will have a good idea of sort of the differences in the practical applications of each so anyway if that sounds interesting to you stick around that's coming up now okay let's start off with a little bit of background on the P 365 so for some of you who might be new to this whole platform the P 365 and this configuration released about a year to a year and a half ago now it did have a really rough launch where sig did have to recall a lot of their inventory because they were having issues with firing pin drag so firing pins were wearing prematurely and breaking causing a lot of issues obviously that they needed to address so is a little bit of a rocky start on the P 365 but most of that has been worked out for my understanding now shortly after the release of the standard P 365 with no thumb safety they came out with the same version with a manual thumb safety here other than that the pistols are identical now about a few months ago two or three months ago and this is as of October 2019 they did release the P 365 XL the main differences being that it does have a longer slide and a longer grip frame accommodating a 12-round instead of a 10 round mag mile jaunt to those the more minut differences here in a minute just recently they did come out with the SAS that is sig anti snag SAS which is basically a version of the original P 365 with all of the snagging features of the traditional handguns just sights and side controls and things have been removed and they did make a couple other modifications there as well so that's the basic sort of sort of history of the lineup of the pistols now when you get the pistol brand new it's going to come and a sake hardcase just like this they all come in this case and the only difference between what they come with all three of these come with the exact same thing it comes in the box with two 10-round magazines the P 365 XL does come with two twelve round magazines because remember the grip frame is a little bit longer so it does accommodate out of the box a flush fit 12 round Mack whereas the standard P 365 s in the SAS accommodate a standard flush Vette ten round mag with a pinky extension now keep in mind if you have an original P 365 and you want to get an XL or an SAS or maybe both to add your collection the 10 round mags will not fit but conversely the 12 round magazines will fit just fine and the smaller frame pistols but keep in mind there is a little bit of a gap here but you can get the little sort of extensions or the sleeves there to sort of close that off and give you a nice transition through the end of the magazine there now sig does sell a variety of magazines you do have the 15 round mags which will fit in either the XLS or the other frame size it does come with two adapters here are two sleeves to fit either option distinct succinctly there you also do get the 12 round magazines with the pinky extension keep in mind with the pinky extension on it that's what's going to fit flush and the standard size frame you can take that extension off and then it's just like a flush twelve round mag and then also in standard 10 round mags with a flat base plate which is only going to fit and these smaller frame sizes and these mags are about $45 a piece or 40 therefore we have them at 42 45 so again sig mags are a little bit on the pricey side now let's go ahead and take a look at the specs of the three okay we'll start here with the standard p3 65 it does have a total length of five and three-quarter inches the SAS version is going to be the exact same in length and of course the p3 65 XL which is a long side version is going to be at six and a half inches so we're sitting at about an inch and 3/4 and length longer here on the XL now the height on the standard p3 65 is going to come in at four inches tall the overall height on the 365 SAS is going to be a little bit a little bit shorter at three and three-quarter inches tall us about a quarter of and shorter because we have the lower profile sites which I will explain in a minute now the height on the P 365 Excel is four and a quarter so about a quarter of an inch taller than the standard model P 365 and again because that is due to the extension on the graph frame here which of course is adding that extra quarter inch of length now let's go ahead and take a look at the slide starting here with the standard model P 365 you do have front and rear slide serrations if you want to do any type of press checking your extractors right here on the side now moving at the top the sites are dovetailed in on both the front in the back and our windage adjustable but not elevation adjustable these are the x-ray three day night site so you do have a three dot configuration with your rear sights being night sights your front sight has that sort of luminescent sort of green ring around it which is really easy for your eyes to pick up during the day there is a tritium insert in the middle there of course to complete your full three dot night site configuration up at the top as well you do have a loaded chamber indicator P 365 roll markings on the back and that's basically it now the SAF slide is dimensionally very similar but there are going to be just a couple changes on this slide itself now number one in the most obvious is the FT bull's-eye site it is recessed down into the slide which gives it a very flat overall appearance and feel at the top of the slide now the way that the site works is you line it up and there is what creates a ring and a circle or a bull's-eye configuration it's almost like an illuminated optic but it's just using fiber optics just a just a non mechanical sort of illumination process that's going on in there now my only opinion about these sites is it does require a little bit of precision and getting that lined up if you're not looking square down the site it's going to appear a little bit blurry and offset to you so it is going to take some practice to get used to where you can quickly draw and immediately be on target with those sites so you do have a little bit more a little bit more forgiveness and a little bit more variability and a standard traditional 3 SOT configure 3 dot site configuration than you do in this configuration but again with training totally it's totally beatable and you can get used to it you're going to notice your loaded chamber indicator here now all set up at the front you're going to notice there is no front sight that is because your rear or your circle in your front light you work dot on the bull's-eye configuration is all how its back here and the back so no need for a front sight which is a snag point si s sake anti snag that's why they deleted that now up here you do have front ports so that will reduce any type of lens will flip or anything like that so you know keep that on my imported barrel is always nice to have especially in a small subcompact nine-millimeter like this for snappiness is always a little bit of an issue now you have front and rear slide serrations just like on the standard model P 365 and then P 365 si s roll markings here on the side and the XL again is going to be in the similar configuration with front and rear sights eration 's and of course the overall length of the slide is going to be longer of course now up at the top your sights are also an x-ray three day nights I just like the standard P 365 but what they have added in is an optics plate so you can remove that and put on any type of micro red dot you want to use it is a little interesting to me using a micro red dot on a concealed carry handgun typically you only use those and maybe home defense scenarios or competitions but if you're doing like a subcompact class competition or anything like that then this could be a good option for you but I don't see too many people putting a micro red dot on there for pocket carry or concealed carry but to each's oh maybe some of you do loaded chamber indicator here at the top remember the front sight is dovetail so it is when did your testable p3 65 XL roll markings here on this side okay so when it comes to the trigger there's basically two variations here you have your standard p3 65 and your 365 SAS which is the standard p3 65 trigger now on the excel they went to the what they call the X series trigger which reminds me of like a Tapco on a tap go and apex um so our apex trigger which does have that front face and it does have a 90 degree break so let's go ahead and bring the trigger pool gauge and I can just set that one aside and we'll test the differences between the standard trigger pull weight and the XL X series trigger okay starting off with the trigger pull weight on the standard trigger we are at a weight of 5 pounds one point six ounces and on the x series trigger four pounds 3.1 ounces I'm going to try that one more time four pounds nine ounces so we're sitting at about the four high fours low five so it is a undoubtedly a lighter trigger Bowl here on the x-rays trigger now let's go ahead and bring them in and take a look at their functional characteristics okay so taking a look at the trigger on the SAS again this is the same as the standard P 365 which is the standard gradual curve to it and a nice little flat face there so initial take up not very much travel you get down there to about the ninety degree point of the arc and you start feeling that won't go ahead and push a little bit of creep into a break sure they reset their little travel again right just past that ninety percent point or ninety degree point I'm sorry and a little bit of a push right there into a break nice smooth trigger right there now the P 365 XL is also metal in construction really nice wide flat pace there and remember it is sort of that flat sort of look to it just like on an apex but again 90 degree right there at that point you start feeling that break about the same amount of take-up push through a little creep into a break definitely feel lighter will be said by about half a pound to a pound right there pull through so maybe take up it's just a little bit less than on the standard trigger reset is definitely a little bit faster right there pressure needed is again lighter by about a half a pound to a pound not a huge difference I'll definitely say it's got a cleaner crisper break to it definitely a little bit of an upgrade okay let's go ahead and take a look at the unloaded weight of each starting here with the standard model P 365 one pound two point four ounces si s one pound 1.7 so just shy of an ounce lighter on the SI s XL one pound four point two so we are if just a few pounds heavier on the XL of course that makes sense because we do have more material up here on the slide and a little bit longer of a grip frame and a little bit longer Mac so that was all to be expected okay let's go ahead and take a look at the disassembly starting here with the standard model P 365 remove the magnet check we are clear and we are start by locking the firearm into the open position and then throw the takedown lever down into the six o'clock at least the slide you do not need to pull the trigger or anything like that there is a captive recoil spring barrel and that is fuelled stripped now the 365 XL is going to be very much the same way remove the magnet rack we are clear lock open to the rear takedown lever to six o'clock down and off this is a single guide rod and spring so that's just one little difference there of course it is a longer slide the barrel and everything comes out of the rest of the way just like on the other one and that is field-stripped okay so the SAS is going to be a little bit different so we'll go ahead and remove the magnet check that we are clear and lock it open now because this is the Sig anti snag the slide release and the takedown lever are sort of in leaded or recessed into the side of the frame which I'll talk about a little bit more detail when we get to the frame comparison so the takedown lever when the notch is sitting and I'll bring this in close for you guys to see when the notch is sitting in the vertical up and down position that is locked when we rotate it over to the horizontal left to right position that is unlocked you will need the assistance of some sort of a tool like a screwdriver the RAM on a nine-millimeter casing a nickel maybe something that can just get into that slot where you can turn it 90 degrees over to that vertical position I was talking about now the gun is unlocked go ahead and release that and then the slide right off the frame now keep in mind when you reassemble you're not going to have that visual indicator of that takedown lever kind of sitting down all the way in that awkward position so remember when you get the gun back together to turn that back into place to relock it because when you release the slide the whole thing is just gonna shoot off the end of your gun so anyway from there disassembly is exactly the same double guide rod and spring just like on the other standard 365 Barrel and then that is field-stripped okay so while we have them apart I know one of the questions I'm going to get is can we mix and match but the slides on the different frames because these are three different slide configurations and they are three different frame configurations so let's go ahead and start by taking the SAS slide and see if we can match it to a standard P 365 frame bear with me here while I do this C takedown lever doesn't want to and see there it goes so the answer it appears is yes we can get a SAS slide on a standard 365 frame why would you want to do that well if you like having the ported barrel and the upgrade and these sort of bullseye sights but you want a manual safety or you want a larger takedown lever or a larger magnet or a slide release then you can go ahead and buy the SAS slide and match it to your 365 frame and sort of do that if you want to now can I take my standard P 365 slide which we know will fit on either an SAS frame or a standard frame can we put that on to a XL frame let's see again the answer is yes so I can take my standard 365 slide I can take by SAS slide I can put it on the XL frame why would I want to do that well on this frame I get a larger PB per tail and I get a extended grip frame if I want more real estate for my hand and those twelve round mags and the upgraded trigger so there's that now can I take my XL slide and put it on a standard or an SAS frame let's take a look the answer is yes so why would I want to do that well say I want a shorter grip but I like the idea of a longer barrel and I want an optics plate and I want a safety so to mix and match and sort of get that sort of configuration yes I can now obviously and none of these configurations I have test-fired them to see how they function but I have no reason to believe that they wouldn't function just fine so yes the modularity is there amongst the different models of the 365 lineup okay let's go ahead and talk about the difference in the frames starting here with the standard model P 365 now this one here does have the thumb safety you can get the configuration that has an oath on safety it's at the same 365 model they do have light finger grooves right here at the front a little bit of a scoop to the back of the back strap you do have kind of a light grit sandpaper e-type texturing here now the magazine releases polymer and is reversible so it is ambidextrous you do have a nice cutout here at the bottom so you can grab either side of your magazine from the base plate a accessory rail up here at the front now this is a polymer frame but all of your internal is your important parts guide rails things like that or metal and construction I do like the fact that the guide rail does travel all the way from the back to about the midpoint of the pistol just giving you extra reinforcement along those guides keep in mind again this is the standard first generation if you will P through 65 trigger and that's really all there is to it of course control is safety but this is optional you do have the slight stop and the takedown lever which are large tactile controls if you will none of what your ambidextrous except for the safety now the frame of the SAS is identical to the standard P 365 except for just a couple features which we kind of already alluded to your takedown lever here and your slides up here this one does not have a safety triggers the st. mag release gripped extra size internal guide rails everything else is exactly the same now the two caveats to that is sort of the benefit is low profile stuff doesn't snag if you're drawing from the pocket or anything like that which is good the negatives it's a little bit less of a visual indicator of whether your gun is in the locked or unlocked position so just make sure you are on top of that when you are disassembling and reassembling your firearm the other thing is this slide stop is too small to use too push down on to bring the firearm into battery so if you want to then you know your empty your slides open you put in a new mag you're gonna have to go ahead and manually bring that slide back and release to chamber your next round you're not going to be able to get in there and push down on that at least effectively and quickly so you're gonna have to get used to doing that manually without using that slide stop it's really there just as a tool for locking that gun open for disassembly and stuff like that so really the only difference is there and the XL frame again is identical in every way except for of just a couple things one the grip frame is just a little bit longer to accommodate that twelve round mag give you a little bit more real estate there they are finger grouped again and of course that triggers a little bit different like we talked about other than that all controls are just like the standard model 365 well that is all the time I have for you today on these thank you so much for stopping by and checking out this video if you enjoyed it please let me know by hitting that like button also please remember to subscribe to my channel and hit that Bell notification button so you are aware when I am posting new videos anyway guys I will leave you with that I am Chris with marksman shooting sports in Westfield Indiana you are watching marksman TV and I will see you next time
Channel: MarksmanTV
Views: 131,350
Rating: 4.9080634 out of 5
Keywords: Sig Sauer, P365, P365XL, P365 SAS, SAS, 9mm, concealed carry, defense
Id: fuO5J427b1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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