Sig Sauer P365 XL Unboxing and Initial Review

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome to the great state I hope you guys are having a great day today it is another new pistol day we're gonna take a look at the latest and greatest in the 365 line from Sig we're free and clear here okay and kind of excited to see how this one goes I know it's not exactly super new it's been out for a few weeks now but I was just able to get a hold of one or at least get to the point where I could do a review on it so today we're gonna do an unboxing of the 365 XL I'm gonna show you what's in the case and then we're gonna put a whole bunch of ammunition through it just kind of keep parody with the 365 tests and then we'll we'll do some accuracy and stuff like that as well so that's really the game plan for today we're just gonna unbox it we're gonna shoot it we're gonna put a whole bunch of different of rounds through it well catalog it and if there's any issues whatsoever we'll be sure to note those and we'll just go from there I will do a couple of other things too that I haven't seen yet on any videos the first one is I'm gonna do a trigger pull test here in just a second after we gotten box it and then the second thing is I did bring out a bunch of ammo and some of the stuff was problem stuff that I had with my 365 that a lot of other people have had issues with and so we're gonna give it a go out of the 365 XL other thing I was able to bring out today is a 15 round mag from Sig yep it is a 360 515 rounder I'm also gonna have a video today with a link on a little compatibility consideration video that I'm doing between the 360 515 round mag and the original 365 versus the XL so look for that at the end of this but enough about that let's talk about the 365 XL bang okay guys before we start shooting let's take a real quick look at the pistol and some of the features of the 365 XL for those of you that maybe haven't seen this I don't know how you could have missed it but it's been kind of all over the place on YouTube and magazines and stuff like that so anyways alright guys so let's talk about the Ergo is really quick and some of the features on this thing before we start shooting which I really want to get to here very quickly so first thing that you're going to notice is that the grip is a little bit longer so you're getting 12 rounds native with the 365 XL if you're not familiar with that you got a nice flush here on the bottom of the plate with the 12 round mag we're obviously on the old 365 you're gonna have to have the grip the extended magazine that gives you the grip extension as well a lot of people run that just because of the fact that it gives you a little bit more of a better purchase you know and it lets you manage that recoil a little bit better obviously if you're gonna run a 15 round maggot you're gonna get even more length for those of you that are maybe appendix carrying or strong arm inside the waistband you're gonna want to think about that but you also get three extra rounds okay other things colors it's only available in black right now it is a nitron finish on the slide the grip itself does have a longer beaver tail than the original 365 so it's going to help with that recoil management other things to the sights are different I don't know if you're gonna be able to see this but the sights actually have a different sight picture to them they're a little bit square I think that it's a little bit more defensive on the 365 XL so both of these handguns are free and clear I am NOT sweeping myself but I just want to show the cameras how you can see the sight picture is different and the lengths of the sights are different as well and if you can pick that up right there but I wanted to kind of showcase that to you the front sight itself they're both h3s so no real big difference there you're gonna get the same night sight that you'd be looking at right here as far as your front post is considered but the back posts are different the other thing obviously with a 365 XL is it is micro optics ready so you have the plate right there you do have to get to the screws through the bottom of the slide rather than top mount I think the other big thing to that's noteworthy of the 365 XL in addition to the longer barrel which is 0.6 inches longer than the original 365 is of course like most x-series pistols you're gonna get the flat trigger so one thing that I haven't seen done on any of the other videos is actually testing the trigger pull weight I'm gonna do that right here right now we're free and clear one thing to note while I'm doing this the action does seem a little sticky around it out of the box I'm gonna be interested to see if that has any effect on the reliability and feeding issues I don't know that it will so I've got a nice wasp going right there I have to watch out for you buddy alright okay guys trigger pull tests 5 pounds three ounces five pounds four points six ounces so really hovering right around five pounds which is a nice break for a personal defence handgun all right what else can I tell you about Oh other big things is that they did fundamentally change the recoil spring in here to take down is exactly the same you've got a nice big lumpy spray heavier duty spring now on the recoil itself most one thing of note and you know of course functionality-wise a lot of people were having striker drag problems on the 365 this is a late May 2019 version of the 365 my striker problems weren't all too evident at all of course just the you know put to rest any of the you know the comments and things like that yes I'll put some tractor drag off we'll take a look at the primers on spent cases things like that so so a lot of people who are some reviewers kind of consider this pistol to be an evolutionary change of the 365 and kind of fixing the things that were problem with it like I just mentioned some of the primer strikes you know the drag on the striker you know it does have a more it looks like it has a heat-treated striker pin on it and those other videos out there that are a little deeper I'm gonna take it apart I'm not gonna do that right now but one of the things that they did not change is the ambidextrous friendliness of it so you continue to have one slight stop on it there's no handy controls you can reverse the mag release but for you southpaw is out there you're kind of dealt the same deck of cards that you're doing with the original 365 which is it would have been nice to see that change here you know as far as the next evolutionary step to make it this that much more of a friendly accessible platform but you know it is what it is so alright guys I just want this to be a very quick unboxing I'm just gonna get to the shooting so that's what we're gonna do next so I'm gonna load up a bunch of different rounds we're gonna start cataloging them I'm gonna start off with some full metal jackets just to verify functionalities I have not shot a single bullet out of this handgun yet and then we're gonna start guarding some problem stuff I brought it's awesome tall ammo I brought out that Winchester forged the USA forged stuff that just had issue of my 365 and the first failure right there failure to eject here and then I'm also brought out some of the 365 training ammunition that just an opinion had some issues with so I really am kind of hoping to do a hodgepodge here catalog a whole bunch of different stuff break this pistol and see if we get any failures and of course take you guys along for the ride ok so enough of that let's just start loading him up and shooting I'll let you guys know what I'm firing alright guys here we go we are locked and lower this is gonna be the very first shots out of the 365 XL first round up is gonna be the sig hundred 15 grain elite performance practice stuff I have not shot this pistol at all I have not lubed it I haven't had done anything to it it is coming straight out of the box I know there have been some issues were they going into battery from I think it was Harry's holsters things like that any failures I might have today we're gonna get them yeah I'm gonna let you know here we go first shot 365 XL yeah how that works just fine there a win no issues whatsoever one other thing I want to point out too is I'm not actually going to hit this thing with alignment again after I'm done shooting today and see if we have any change I love the trigger I love all my x-series triggers and my other SIG's this one feels exactly the same in my opinion really liking that ok guys next up is going to be 15 rounds of the Winchester 115 grain basically target ammo stuff it's just training stuff I'm not expecting anything crazy here I've had no issues so far slide is a little tough gun did go into battery with no issues I know Harry's holsters was having some issues with his going into battery I'm gonna continue to monitor this and see how we go all right 15 rounds of the Winchester hundred 15 grain okay so right now the last known net we're taking a look at is 124 green NATO Winchester this is the value pack stuff that I use in a lot of my testing alright we're gonna see here went into battery just fine again no issues there I could say I like the recoil impulse very easy soft shooter so far liking what I'm seeing it's shots are on target no issues there whatsoever alright here's 15 of the Winchester hundred 24 grain NATO [Applause] hey guys just for your record I'm about 15 yards away from this steel plate it's a it's a 1415 inch plate at 15 yards or so anyways no issues 15 yards ok so now let's get into what I call the problem mo I'm gonna be shooting some Winchester Forge the USA steel case I'm gonna shoot some tall ammo and then I'm also going to shoot some of the 365 practice ammo in 115 grain that just an opinion head issues within his 365 all right let's get those loaded up alright so this is going to be the Sig 360 515 grain practice ammo that was specifically designed as a training round to match the PD rounds for this pistol I've never had issues with it actually I've never shot it to be completely honest now just an opinion had some and he had issues with the stuff cycling in his old 365 how many putting 15 rounds downrange in that steel plate no issues going into battery on my particular firearm ok here we go [Applause] ran like a champ for me alright next up we're gonna start getting some real problem stuff I'm gonna not even stuff the cameras I'm gonna load these up really quick and just kind of keep talking here for a second okay gang now we're gonna start getting real on some stuff this is gonna be 115 grand total a most steel case we're gonna start seeing if we don't have any problems with this stuff at all all right here we go gun went into battery just fine the slide does feel like it's actually kind of you know opening up a little bit - at first it was a little sticky when I pulled it out of the box no issues right now alright 15 rounds of this tall ammo here we go Oh ran fine okay gang it's getting serious now now we're going to the USA forge which I had a terrible issue with this is the Winchester stuff okay it's gonna be 15 rounds did you see that again did you just see that I tapped it in slide went home that was happening at my old 365 so I do have a gun around him in chamber right now and I didn't actually hit the slide really so interesting on a plus note it did go in to battery just fine and of course I'm 365 you have a chamber check indicator at the back of the barrel at the chamber right there okay here we got 15 rounds of the USA forged Winchester that I did have issues with personally [Applause] and like a champ out of the excel okay guys we're you're gonna start taking a look at personal defence rounds one thing I do want to point out is I'm gonna start minimizing the round count out of these mags to ten rounds not for any other reason than just economics these are all my own personal rounds that I buy and I don't need to be blasting through twelve rounds I think ten rounds will be statistically fine I'm just trying to accomplish the goal of seeing if there are any issues whatsoever out of any of these rounds this is not an exhaustive test I'm just trying to give you guys a bunch of variety okay so first up is gonna be SIG's own 365 115 grain be Crown Jack in the hollow point when in a battery no issues have not had an issue yet alright here we go [Applause] ten rounds no problemo we're going to keep this party going next up is gonna be the non 365 115 grain jacketed hollow-point VIII crowns from sig into battery here we go ten rounds [Applause] no issues okay guys we're keeping it in the family the first one up now is gonna be 6v crown 124 grain jacketed hollow point ten rounds there we go okay guys so now it's going to be the Barnes 115 grain plus P it's the tack XPD stuff it's a no lead bullet it's 100% copper and ten rounds out of the 365 Excel no issues since run like a champ which is nice I seem to luck out with these things right okay guys next roundup is core bonds 115 grain plus B jacketed hollow point ten rounds [Applause] yes that's got some zip to it and now a good tried-and-true federal HST 124 graininess is not in plus P just their normal stuff ten rounds no issues again I have not wailed this gun or done anything with any went straight out of the box and we're still running okay me amigos next round up is Horton Indies 135 grain flex lock + P this is the FBI round I figure what the heck let's just finish this thing off with some grounds and we got two more after this one in that duty round theme alright here we go ten rounds [Applause] same shoots great I don't know maybe I just never find a gun I don't like keeping with the whole duty theme here this is gonna be 147-grain spear g2 these are non-plus peas but this is the old FBI round before it was supplanted by the flex lock 135 plus B for morning all right here we go [Applause] no issues and then the final round for its enable party to start kind of blinking and doing some accuracy stuff is going to be Spears regular old 124 train Plus P gold dot finish off with a classic here we go all right me amigos that's it I did not have a single failure to fire feed inject anything even with some really super crappy ammo so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna pick up some primers I'll continue to shoot just some target practice am I will throw a target up and see what's going on there and what kind of results we get just out of it but I've got a ton of brass down here on the ground I'm gonna be picking a bunch of it up yeah and taking a look at the primers here at the end of this video so stick around for that along with doing another trigger pull test and see if we have any change in the trigger pull okay there's gonna be shooting 124 grand NATO ball ammo into a target just for fun you see that again I just whacked it and it went into battery all right I really enjoy having this 15 round capacity I got to admit alright one thing to note in my infinite wisdom I just dropped a full mag into some like city dirt and you can see I'm actually getting dirt and crap in here so I'm not professing this to be a gauntlet test but let's see how we run and see how it runs with a little dirt in it shall we ran fine all right it's looking over the last 15 on this and I'm gonna go hit some other steals and stuff like that so this thing just continues to run a-okay no issues like a champ mr. Nance around real quick show you guys what we got I'm just chewing this up I mean I wasn't trying to be all super match or anything like that this is a personal defense gun so I wasn't shooting slow wasn't trying to be super deliberate or anything like that and you guys can see just what it looks like it is a-okay that is a1 intricate target by the way all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] alright guys let's wrap today up very quickly just saw a bunch of extra photos drawers kind of playing around with this thing and absolutely I think this excel has a lot of potential I love the ergonomic updates it seems like an evolutionary change in an upgrade from the 365 not to slight the 365 but I think sig did a really good job I'm gonna get to some of the specific likes here in a second and some of the things that they're not concerned about they're things I wish that they would have updated and I do have one I guess minor concern with something that's happening it seems to be a phenomenon with me but who knows maybe other people have seen that we're just not seeing it on YouTube yet so today you know really it was just an unboxing you know it is what it is you pulled out of the box today I did absolutely nothing to it I just pulled it out to show you guys very quickly what's going on there's a lot of 365 XL videos out there and we just started sending them and I went through a lot of ammo today I went through a few hundred rounds with absolutely no cleaning no looming no nothing and I had absolutely no issues no issues to fire no issues to feed no issues to eject you know all of that stuff I also did not have any issues with the slide not wanting to go in the battery I didn't see that I know there's that channel Harry's holsters out there and it was one of the things he was reporting with his Excel not seeing it all with mine all right guys let's talk about two things very quickly as we're wrapping up first one's gonna be primer strikes I'm not seeing any smearing with the Excel truth be told I wasn't seeing a lot of issues with my late May 2019 365 either so I don't know if it was necessarily a change that they made and 365 or if it's an Excel thing all together but I wasn't seeing primer strikes I'm showing you a couple of them here send Matt really seeing any smearing so that seems to be good to go there if we see any changes I'll be monitoring it if anything happens any reliability issues I'll be sure to like give an update here on YouTube all right guys the other thing I wanted to cover off on after we got past the reliabilities just give some of my thoughts on it is the trigger absolutely no issues with the trigger at all I love it it's like your standard sig flat-faced trigger that comes on all their x-series pistols so if you're comfortable with that from other platforms it'll be a natural transition what I do want to talk about is that it did feel like he's kind of lightened up for me a little bit and so what I did on this particular video is before we even took a first cracking shot I took you know my linemen out and I looked at and we were getting about five and a half just over five pounds on trigger pull and now after about three hundred fifty four hundred rounds I'm actually seeing about four and a half pounds distantly it feels really nice so if you're interested had questions about that I hadn't seen anything like that on any other channel yet I thought that would be something unique that could provide some insight and some feedback and some knowledge on yeah the trigger does soften up just a little bit's about four and a half pounds after a few hundred rounds it's got a nice break in other things fifteen round mag I was able to procure one used it extensively today I think it's a great idea you know as far as the design goes it is going to print a little bit more if you appendix Curie or strong side so that is something to consider if you're going to use a 15 round mag if you're able to get one or even find one for that matter they seem to be kind of scarce and then of course you need to get the twelve around mags to two of them so that's kind of something I was thinking about there after all the reliability and initial impressions rot away I was feeling comfortable with it I took it over and just did some accuracy shooting with it nothing super you know disciplined or strict I just went out to 20 feet grab some full metal jackets and started blinking them and putting them down range got a nice tight group I wasn't going trying to be super you know super tight or anything like that I just wanted to see what the consistency and how I performed was no issues alright so let's talk about one issue and one yeah I kind of wish that they would have done it since you're doing this evolutionary upgrade to the 365 XL has it seemed so the first one is 15 round mag twelve round mag it doesn't matter I was seeing this on my 365 before and nobody's really talking about it but if I have a loaded man and I take it and I tap the mag to make sure that it's all the way seated it tends to see slide home for me occasionally and I've got to the point where I can almost kind of reproduce it on a pretty consistent basis so that's something that I'm thinking about going man I wish I would actually be able to make that conscious decision to send the slide on either through the release or through you know racking it tapping it and having it go home it's something that I don't feel like it's consistent enough 100% of the time to be a bonus feature and if you don't want to go into battery and you want to be deliberate about it it kind of takes that decision away from you and that could be a problem second thing isn't really a concern it's more hey I wish they would have done it like I mentioned his I wish they would have made it a little more ambidextrous and put a right-sided slide stop on it for the south pause you already been nice you know it is what it is so that's it so alright guys so overall I think it's a real solid evolution of the 365 I think sig listen to a lot of the feedback they took some of the issues that they were having with the 365 and they seemed to be pretty much eliminated in the Excel you get a lot of nice little upgrades - the one where you don't have the full accessibility for the South paws but sight picture loved it recoil was fine I like the new recoil spring and guy rod I think that that did a lot to it it just feels more like a carry sized gun rather than a micro pistol and I think it behaves that way too so so that's where I'm gonna leave this at today and as I was shooting today and just smiling I also had a couple other things that kind of popped into my head some questions that I want to get set you know answer so look for a couple more videos in fast follow-up fashion be sure to subscribe if you're interested in that kind of stuff the first one is gonna be around the 15 round mag and interoperability considerations between the XL and the 365 things that you're going to want to think about if you can find multiples of this which I recommend you do and then the second thing is really how does this perform in comparison to the 365 as far as my rounds that were designed for micro performance I think we're starting to get into the realm of carry size a little bit more with the 365 XL how it behaves so I just have these natural curiosity questions in my head and more like what can this do with some rounds that are maybe designed to be a little hotter as far as performance is concerned and we're gonna go there and I'm probably gonna have a video with that and kind of put it up against the 365 and see what goes there so that's basically it hope you guys enjoyed this today I hope you found it useful and valuable if you did I'd appreciate a like and subscribe if you have any questions comments things like that be sure to use the comments section I'm pretty receptive and I like getting some dialogue going on this stuff if you guys want to see what I'm doing on a daily basis and picture form and your instagramers go ahead and follow me on instagram at grey state medic I'm gonna put it right here on the screen and at the end of this thing for you so you can figure out where to find me there so yeah that's basically I hope you guys enjoy this until next time stay safe you you
Channel: The Grey State
Views: 80,911
Rating: 4.84267 out of 5
Keywords: Sig Sauer, p365xl, P365 XL, Review, Test, Data, 9mm, pistol, range, concealed, defense, self defense
Id: F7MJhjW9z7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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