Is The SIG P365XL Better? - TGC Guest Review!

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what's up guys welcome to the gun collective I'm KS gun guy today we're looking at the Sig Sauer P let's roll the tape the Sig Sauer p3 65 perhaps the most talked about firearm of 2018 both in admiration and frustration back in early 2018 the 365 was released and marveled by the majority of the to a community not long after its release problems begin to arise and reviewer started pointing out a series of issues with the tiny 10 rounder without great fanfare sig began rolling out changes to satisfy the unhappy shooters just over a year later sig introduced the 365 XL a long slide variant with some extra features to further separate it from the pack the long side carry market seems to be popping right now so will the 365 XL shine or relive its little brother's early whoa stay tuned to find out you know guys I've been thinking about getting hybrid lately no not the kind of hybrid you're thinking the handmade in the US a kind of hybrid with leather and Kydex the kind that is available for just about every popular handgun on the planet the kind that's comfortable when you put it on and comfortable all day even if you're a big guy I might need a belt to go with it to crossbreed holsters we'll definitely check those boxes and if you use the code tgc 15 over at crossbreed holsters calm you'll get a whopping 15 percent off your entire order all right we're going to be doing some rapid-fire comparisons between the excel and some other popular offerings out there now the one that you guys are probably most curious about is its little brother the original 365 now all the guns that I'm going to show here have been safety-checked off camera in the interest of time so you'll have to trust me on that one that 365 XL is definitely bigger it's going to be six point six inches long and four point eight inches tall definitely a difference now two extra rounds native in the excel now we've got 3.7 inches in the barrel and both of these are going to be 1.1 inches wide so dimensionally there's no difference in terms of width especially if you're concealed carrying but a big difference between the two is going to be the weight 20 points 7 ounces versus 17 point 8 ounces so definitely a difference another one that would be interesting to see is the Smith & Wesson shield 4 inch it's the Performance Center model and we've seen a resurgence of longer slide single stack firearms out there and in in kind of prepping this video and starting to compare these guys I was shocked at how much bigger that Smith & Wesson is I mean that's a 7 inch in length firearm so a considerable difference and keep in mind it's got the seven round flat based magazine in it and it's actually just a tiny bit shorter but not by much but we're talking seven rounds versus twelve rounds so again a remarkable difference between the two I can see why some of these manufacturers are starting to really lengthen these slides and take advantage of that one last comparison is going to be with the p3 20x compact another new one to the market and I'll tell you what it's one of my favorites in the collection at this point in time but when we line these guys I'll tell you they are neck-and-neck they are just about the same size in terms of length we start getting a little bit different when we talk height and we talk with obviously the excel is going to be a little bit smaller just about all the way around and of course weight as well but but an interesting comparison and I think people are gonna have a harder time choosing between these two we're gonna go over the features of the frame here in just a moment before we do let's take a look at our magazine and it does come with 212 round magazines I mean it just is remarkable how small these magazines are now if you've got another P 365 and you've got the 12 rounder or even the new 15 rounder they will not work in this firearm there is a baseplate that goes with the 12 rounder for the original 365 I believe that converts it to a 15-round magazine and doesn't look quite as strange as the new 15 rounder for the original 365 keep that straight in your head the hair but but there are other magazine options but again starting with 12 rounds and native and the firearm is actually quite impressive now when we talk about the features of this and this is actually a new frame for sig for the P 365 and they call it the X series grit module one of the first things that you notice right off the bat is a flared magwell it's actually really impressive it's pretty deep it's pretty wide although I don't think it's gonna impact carry at all and it makes things just a little bit more comfortable when you when you're handling it so I actually like this quite a bit now there's one disadvantage to that you'll notice that magazine disappears in there and the only way to strip it out if you have a malfunction is with this little cutout or divot in the front so you'd probably have to you know Jam your finger in there or a screwdriver a quarter or something like that to pry this thing out so hopefully that won't happen but it's a sacrifice for this mag well and again I am a fan now when we talk about the grid texture they did carry it forward from the original 365 and the X series of firearms I gotta say guys I'm a fan of this texture I think it's great I think it's a good compromise between aggressive enough and not too aggressive it's not gonna beat you or your clothes up at all and it is all the way around front back and sides I think it looks good and it feels good as well very nice texture there and as we move up we've got a nice sweep here and one other thing that they did add to this new x-series grip is a beaver tail so with the 365 the original one if you suffered from a slide bite this might be the cure for you I think it's a nice little addition it's not too overwhelming or anything like that I think it looks really good a couple of cut outs on both sides here just for a little bit more a styling and also a little bit more ergonomic there I mean it feels really good in the hand and a cutout under the trigger-guard as well in fact a pretty impressive one so now in terms of ergonomics overall the first time I picked this thing up I thought man this is it this is exactly what the 365 needed for those of you who don't want such a short grip and you have to wrap a pinky around underneath the magazine or anything like that this is gonna solve that problem so great layout there I think they did a good job now in terms of controls we do have our magazine release no serrations or anything like that on it it's not ambhi out of the box although with a few minutes of work maybe a tutorial videos something like that you can flip this thing around it looks like a little bit of a pain but once you get it there it's good to go so not ambi out of the box same thing with your slide lock slide release give you a look at that for a moment or two not ambi I wouldn't expect that in this form factor it's just a little bit too small for that and then we've got our takedown lever and we will take it down here in just a moment or two and as we move up the frame we've got our proprietary accessory rail so I do believe they've got some accessories out for the P 365 to be honest with you I've not really hunted for any but they have some of they probably have more on the way your regular toys may not work with this so so proprietary a lot of people are not really a big fan of that but I think they did that because of the width and the size of this firearm now no texture in front of the trigger guard it's not something I use I know a lot of people do so that will be absent but otherwise the frame on this this X series frame is actually really well laid out in terms of the slide that carried a lot forward from the original 365 right off the bat you will notice that there are front serrations as well as rear serrations you know they're both usable they're fine I wish they were just a tiny bit deeper that's kind of the same with most firearms I wish they all were because if you've got oily or sweaty or bloody hands or anything like that you want all the assistance you can get however these will definitely serve now it's the nitron finish on this as you would expect and it's pretty matte it's not a fingerprint magnet or anything like that it does say excel and P 365 now overall the look is nice it's got a little bit of millwork on the top and the the front just to break things up a little bit and I'll show you the other side as well very Plain Jane on the other side but I think it's a nice layout I think it's attractive and definitely does the job now as we move up on the slide we get to our x-ray three sites I will tell you I'm a huge fan of these sites that that green that bright green HD call-out with the tritium insert is fantastic it's so easy to pick this up pretty much with any environment that you're in that's one of the great advantages of that and then we do have a blacked-out rear it's not serrated but it does have to treaty and vials in it now one thing that's very different about the excel it's actually cut for I believe it's the the Sig Romeo 0 it's a brand new little micro compact red dot that's going to be coming out it's not out just yet and it also works with the our MSC optic so if you've got one of those lying around apparently it will work with this now one disadvantage with this plate you'll notice you do lose your rear sight it's got a nice little ledge there for one-handed manipulations by the way but you lose that sight now with that Romeo 0 or whatever they're calling it there is a little bit of a cutout in the back from what I understand I don't know if it's gonna Kassar not my assumption is that it will I mean you know 6 pretty good about that sort of thing but it will have the cutout nonetheless so maybe they'll have a different front sight if it doesn't co witness that sort of thing but I love the fact that this is optics ready it's really cool and we're gonna take a look at that just assembly I'll show you how to remove the plate here in just a little bit but there's your layout of the 365 XL I gotta tell you I'm a fan all right let's break this guy apart and see what's going on on the inside always interesting to do so to disassemble the 365 XL we do need to lock it back it does give you an opportunity to make sure that everything is clear the magazines out all that good stuff and we're gonna take our takedown lever this guy right here and just swing it down it will stop itself of course and then we can release our slide and that slide will just pop right off it's actually quite easy to do use to it very quickly and we've got all of the usual components probably a little bit over oily I do that the beginning is you guys know and eventually taper that off but we'll take a look at everything going on here now I will say the maintenance on this just like most other firearms out there is exceptionally easy and just to give you an idea of what this looks like there are those holes again for the the micro whatever Romeo 0 that's coming out again I'm looking forward to that I think that'll be cool but again maintenance is easy everything else is as you would expect we've got our guide round spring assembly this is steel and it is captive so adds a little bit of weight up front I'm a fan of that and then we've got our barrel as well I do have a little bit of extra oil on this right now I do find that cig barrels certainly of late tend to wear a little bit faster the finish at least I mean they certainly do their job not a problem pretty small feed ramp there I also noticed but but this guns got 250 rounds pretty standard fare for first first exploration into this I'll certainly be putting a lot more rounds through it it's starting to wear a little bit where it says Sig Sauer and that's also pretty normal but this actually has held up reasonably well so off to report back if I run into any problems or anything down the road but so far so good and then we've got our frame now one interesting thing about the 365 XL and it's little brother they are also modular trigger systems just like the other p320 so this whole system will pop up we've got a pin here and back you pop that pin out and this will just pop right out so presumably they'll be coming out with different chassis systems different frame systems that sort of thing so you can maybe get different colors different sizes what-have-you but but I like the modularity there admittedly I've not tried to take one of these guys apart but I understand it's actually pretty easy so pretty standard fair stuff they're good size rails they go all the way full length rails which is kind of nice or at least full length in terms of palm polymer firearms not clearly totally full length but there you go now in terms of putting this guide back together we just reverse the process so we're gonna throw our barrel in always interesting on camera and it's it's just like that and then we'll get our guide rod and spring assembly in just like so and then we'll have different sizes what have you but but I like the modularity there admittedly I've not tried to take one of these guys apart but I understand it's actually pretty easy so pretty standard fair stuff they're good size rails they go all the way full length rails which is kind of analogous to disassembly of the 365 XL the shooting experience with the 365 XL was overall very good though not without a couple of hiccups with the first two mags the first round failed to feed which prevented the XL from going into battery a quick tap in all as well and it hasn't happened since I chalk that up to a new gun though I'll keep an eye on it and report any issues if needed that said the extra length in the grip truly makes a difference in terms of control that in combination with a great grip texture keeps things well locked in the sight picture with the X ray three sights is among my favorite out of the box so no complaints there at all there's certainly recoil and muzzle flip though manageable and expected in this form factor the trigger which we'll dive into in a minute felt great and performed very well the only other observation is the heat after a hundred and fifty rounds the XL is on the edge of not being able to be handled now I get it many guns get hot but this one is on the more extreme edge not a deal-breaker but certainly noteworthy alright let's take a look at the trigger of the XL for a moment or two now another change they made to the 365 XL this is an X signature flat trigger so it's not the same trigger as the original 365 this little curved guy right here and I have to say I've started to really become quite fond of flat triggers there are some nice advantages to this and we'll talk about it with the trigger pull here in a moment so we've got our take up and that take up is ultra smooth there's nothing stopping it at all and we get to a nice defined wall and then there's our break you'll see it's 90 degrees that's one of the real advantages with the the flat trigger and the trigger pull is about four and a half pounds consistently now that's at the bottom of the trigger that does have a tiny bit of a Galip there so just so you guys know where I test the triggers and it's a little bit more difficult on a flat trigger to test in the middle which I do try and do as much as I can it was pretty inconsistent so I've got to go with four and a half at the bottom so take that for what it's worth and then I reset right there there's your reset and back out to the start we'll do this again so we've got our take-up right there to the wall that's a nice bowl now it's not that crisp I mean that's it's pretty similar to those p320 line X series over 365 and a little bit of a thud so not as crisp as some and then our reset right there and a follow up guys that follow-up shot is actually quite short and all in all I think the trigger on the XL is actually quite good I'm really a fan of what they've done with this and I think people would really enjoy it so guys what do I think of the Sig Sauer p3 65 XL I really like it perhaps it's not as exciting to me as the x5 légion but a welcome change from the original 365 you get the extended grip with 12 rounds native excellent grip texture with a small mag well a good flat trigger x-ray three sights and it's cut for a micro red dot frankly there's an how much to do with the 365 XL other than oil it and start shooting for an MSRP of 579 dollars that's a good deal assuming it performs better out of the gate than its little brother this will be a big seller for Sig well guys there you have it the 6-hour P 365 XL it's gonna be a great gun or at least a head-turner if nothing else now be sure to leave a comment down below let us know what you think of this little tiny 12 rounder otherwise thanks so much for joining us and we will see you next time
Channel: TheGunCollective
Views: 64,653
Rating: 4.8821855 out of 5
Keywords: the gun collective, guns, gun news, TGC News, TGC, ar15, desert eagle, big bore, iraqveteran8888, iv8888, military arms channel, mac, sig p365xl review, sig p365xl, siig, p365, ks gun guy
Id: 72l08OCORtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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