Hellcat vs P365

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[Music] all right so even though I am comparing two handguns that are extremely similar there are obviously some differences not just in their physical size and characteristics but also in their round count capacity the 6rp 365 a year ago revolutionized the world with 10-round magazines that are so small literally the gun was built around it Springfield Armory returned fire by saying note we can pack 11 rounds into a magazine just about the same size and you can see I put these magazines here sort of back to back the Springfield magazine is a little bit taller and it is about the same width almost exactly the same width so with just a little tiny bit of extra height Springfield packed that extra round in there so I've loaded both of the magazines up to their capacity so that is 10 rounds for the sig and 11 rounds for the Springfield you can also get a 12 round magazine for the sig so I've got 12 rounds in the 12 round magazine the Hellcat also comes with an extended 13-round magazine I've got 13 rounds in that so let's start out with all of that and also something I thought quite fitting for this comparison a great way to start out 6 hours 365 ammo this is the ammo designed for carry small carry guns like the P 365 and like the elite performance ammo it's available in both a ball and a jacketed hollow point this is the ball ammo and the cool thing about it is they both are rated the same in terms of velocity and pressure on all of those things so you could practice with the ball ammo when you switch over to the jacketed hollow points it feels exactly the same Sig provided the ammo to the channel for which I am appreciative let's start out with the P 365 that targets 13 yards away well I pulled that one I failed it okay well there we go hey don't judge me guys I'm just warming up Hellcat now twelve rounds Houck it feels jumpier [Music] okay back to the P 365 with the 12-round magazine if you see something sticking off the bottom and you go what the heck is that that's my little mantis x10 Picatinny rail thingy okay 365 through the 365 [Music] okay think I'm starting to settle into my groove here a little bit 13 rounds of 365 in the hellcat okay I think I'm warmed up okay for those of you who prefer numbers and statistics here are those on these two guns of course they are both 9-millimeter handguns and they are very very similar with only very small differences between the two starting with the barrel length just a tenth of an inch separates them and even three inches for the Hellcat 3.1 inches for the P 365 however the overall length is contra to that with the Hellcat being six inches in overall length and the P 365 being just 5.8 inches the height of both of the handguns really depends on which magazine you have inserted in it which baseplate that magazine has on it but the published numbers for the Hellcat are four inches even with the flush magazine the way we see it here 4.5 inches with the extended 13-round magazine the P 365 is 4.3 so kind of splits the difference Hellcat weighs 18 point 3 or 18.6 again depending on which empty magazine is in it 6 our P 365 is 17.8 and I'm presuming that's with the standard 10 round mag but these guns have a very nice finish I'm a fan of both Springfield Armory's mellow night finish is super high quality I've liked it for a long time and I could say the same for the night Ron the Sig Sauer uses as well one difference to note is that that nitron on the sig is over a stainless steel slide the slide of the Hellcat is carbon steel both pistols offer extremely good sights really comes down to personal preference on what you like and what works best for you Poquette has that UDOT configuration with a blacked out rear sight that I like with this sort of a highlighted you and then a bright front sight that contains not only the illumination paint but also the tritium insert the p3 65 has those extremely good x-ray sites from sig sauer with that beautiful green circle out front and the tritium insert in there as well they both come with two magazines the Hellcat comes with one 11 round magazine and 113 round magazine the 11 round magazine comes with two base plates it has the pinky extension base plate that you do not see at the moment and it has the flush base plate that you do and the 13-round magazine is the +2 extended magazine the P 365 comes with two 10-round magazines extended magazines in 12 rounds and 15 rounds are available and of course the published capacity is the lowest number available with the standard magazine so that's going to be 10 rounds in the sig and 11 in the Hellcat thickness is extremely close to you've got to really read your caliper if you want to see the difference but those numbers can be a little bit misleading because they're going to measure across the controls on the slide not so much where you hold the gun and as you can see there's only six tenths of an inch that separate the two in thickness so virtually identical but again that's across the controls on the slide that's not where your hand goes when you hold it trigger numbers are fairly close but in favor of the sig if you prefer them lighter hellcat measured five pounds 14 ounces on my Lyman digital gauge the sig came out to 5 pounds 1 ounce just an opinion grip index which is of course if you follow the channel you know that's just a made-up a reference index number that number is two point six eight for the hellcat and that is a product of the trigger reach and the width of the gun at the point where the web of your hand is going to be P 365's grip index is two point five six so it is a little bit smaller and that is how my hand feels when I'm on it I can tell when I pick up each of these guns that the sig is a little bit smaller if you conceal carry you know that one of the most important dimensions of a handgun if not the most important is the height and that is the height from the very bottom of the magazine to the top of the slide maybe even to the top of the site because that's the part that's gonna print that's the part you really have to work to conceal you can see these two handguns side-by-side here in terms of height they both have their smallest magazine with the flush baseplate installed it's hard to do an exact comparison because the grips are different angles so you can see that right there they sort of go off in opposite directions as term in terms of the angles so the height is gonna reflect that whether you measure it in the front or whether you measure it in the back but if you look at it from the very back and I tend to be more concerned with the back because that's the part that's gonna print you can see that the hellcat which is on the right is a bit taller the thickness of the two guns are so close as to really be inconsequential they're both right around that one inch mark now the length which is really not a very important number and in this case is almost completely insignificant because it's very very little difference you can see right there the Hellcat is a little bit longer but again inconsequential you won't look at them from the top there are the two guns from the top you can see the length and you can see that they are essentially the same width in terms of the slide I put them here together where the group tangs are at the same you can see that the bore axis for both of these guns is also very similar maybe a slight advantage to the Hellcat in terms of it being a bit lower but again we're probably talking maybe a couple of tenths of an inch can't be much so these guns are extremely similar in many many ways all right well you know what time it is now time for me to play for you the song of my people all right let's take a look at these two pairs of sites for side-by-side comparison on the left you have the cig p3 65 and on the right the Springfield Armory Hellcat they both offer extremely good sights I like them both a lot and I wouldn't complain about either of them I've liked the sig x-ray sights that are on this P 365 for a long time and I really like the sights that are on this Hellcat it really just comes down to personal preference some people may or may not prefer that you not that you can see right there and some people may or may not prefer that 3-dot set up the sig offers sig chose green for their front sight Springfield Armory chose yellow for their front sight but they both have tritium in the center so they both will glow at night under their own power now one big difference is the rear sight on the sig also contains two small dots that are also tritium powered so you will have a three dot sight picture in total darkness with the sig the rear sight on the Springfield does not have tritium also does not have any photoluminescence of any kind so it is going to be completely invisible in darkness and may be difficult to see in low light so I suppose there's a low light advantage certainly a darkness advantage to the cig but otherwise again these two sight pictures are very very good I like them both and I would have a hard time saying that one is better than the other in terms of shoot ability all right let me put some on paper I'm not gonna call this accuracy testing so much because I'm not going to use a rest or any of that but I am gonna try and do my most bestest with each one and I'm gonna shoot the 365 jacketed a hollow-point ammo so this is essentially the same thing I was shooting when I warmed up except now shooting hollow points instead of Full Metal Jacket so basically just to see if there's one that I shoot better than the other okay that was the sig now on to the Hellcat ten rounds of each by the way all righty well I can't say that I mind either of those groups but I don't know I would have said at first I thought I was shooting the hellcat a little bit better but I think if I measure those two groups they're about the same P 365 s trigger is metal and it does not contain any kind of a integral trigger safety all of those all of the safeties of the P 365 are internal components the hellcat is a polymer trigger with a safety blade in the center and that blade is what we're used to it has to be depressed before the rest of the trigger shoot can be moved so if you have a preference one way or another that is certainly a key difference between the two both guns have forward and rear cocking serrations they're both good they're both very practical and useful of course the Hellcat gives us that wraparound top serration on the rear that's the P 365 does not but these handguns have a loaded chamber indicator you can see there they are both the peep sight style indicator where you can look through and see the case underneath so you see that brass or you see that nickel case down through that hole and you know there's a round chambered not only should you bring your carry gun out regularly to the range well I mean hopefully you're carrying it anyway right but you should bring it out and shoot it fairly regularly arrange to stay proficient and familiar with it but I think you also should make sure that every time you do have a range session with your carry gun spend at least a magazine or two shooting it one hand only you don't necessarily have to shoot weekend only although I think that is a good idea to practice that but you should at least shoot strong hand only for a couple magazines each and every time because statistically a very high percentage of self-defense shootings occur with just one hand [Music] P 365 shoots well with just one hand let's see how the Hellcat does I don't know that felt better to me actually I felt like I had more control with one hand and the Hellcat now that's with the extended magazine so I gave me a nice full grip but I felt like my sights were on target better and recovered quicker just goes to show both guns have a small section of accessory rail I'm not gonna say Picatinny rail because I'm not sure if they're both too Picatinny specs but they both have accessory rail however I'm going to definitely favor by a long ways the Hellcat in that respect because it is useful the SIG's is very unusual it's very proprietary as you can see it is not open in the front let me show you that closer so the P 365's accessory rail is closed off in the front meaning you can't slide something on it's got to be something that can clamp on basically instead of slide on where the Hellcat is fully open you can slide something on or clamp something on there's definitely a lot more flexibility with the accessory rail on the Hellcat than on the sig what usually works for me best when I'm doing a comparison with two handguns is just to sort of go back and forth between the two same number around same ammo and all of that I try to keep everything consistent and I just want to get a good feel between the two guns for the points that I like and dislike on each of them my goal is to present that information to you without a whole lot of bias so if I really don't like something I'm gonna tell you I really don't like it but I'm gonna try and tell you why or what I would like instead you know I'm not gonna just go this sucks you know I'm gonna say this sucks because whatever so I'm just gonna go back and forth for a minute with a couple magazines through each of the guns and tell you what I think as I shoot so first off you saw that slide close using the slide stop slide release button that's an important thing to me I really gripe about guns that don't function with that control both of these do well in that respect the P 365 is smaller in the hand there's no doubt about it but I find it feels slightly less jumpy to me now I will tell you I have a Talon grip on this and it's that new Talon Pro material and it does make a difference so in all fairness [Music] I really really love the sights on the P 365 the other thing that I like is even with the flush 10 round magazine my pinkie has a home my hand has full grasp of the gun I'll show you in a minute that on the Hellcat it doesn't with the base magazine okay so here's the Hellcat now and here's the 11 round magazine again remember the Hellcat is just ever so slightly taller and the magazine is just ever so slightly longer but my pinky doesn't fit so I've got nowhere nowhere for my pinky to go except to curl underneath so I know for some folks that's a huge thing it really bothers a lot of folks and for some folks it's not that big a deal I'm kind of in-between but I just want to point that out and my hands are small to medium I wear like a medium sized glove for reference so if that's gonna bother you you might want to think about that of course there is the extended magazine and I also want to point out that I deliberately put the flush baseplate on this magazine because that's what I have on the sigmax and I wanted to compare apples to apples if I put the pinky extension base plate back on this magazine don't change the capacity but it greatly changes the feel of the handgun so the caveat is I'm not crazy about how short it is with this magazine in it but that's easily changed by putting the other base plate back on heavier trigger and again it does feel a little bit jumpier to me for whatever reason slightly higher bore access perhaps maybe it's just because it doesn't have a talent on it that would be easy to fix [Music] so the trigger pull is definitely heavier there's no doubt about that on the hellcat texture is good but it does jump around in my hand a little bit more because the other one as I keep mentioning has the talent grip on it so that's unfair I just want to point that out I might like the cig site picture a little bit more just because I'm old and I have a hard time adapting to change but you know the you at the bottom of this one leaves you you you can sort of drift your front sight around inside that that curved you and still feel like you're in there whereas when you've got three dots to line up there either lined up or they're not so I think for me mentally when I'm taking a sight picture I feel like it's easier for me to be more precise with the three dots six hour does offer a 15-round magazine for the p3 65 also fits the p3 65 XL you just have to swap out the base plate I only have it loaded to ten so right now I'm just loading everything to ten rounds but for feel you can certainly see no matter how big your hands are you're going to be able to get your meat hooks around that guy [Music] the extended magazine for the hellcat is only thirteen rounds however it does come with the gun six-hour only gives you to ten round magazines so it's always a good news bad news thing in it and the 13-round magazine is also a very good full hand grip on this pistol let's see if that makes any difference on how it feels to me when I shoot [Music] it does actually the gun doesn't feel quite as jumpy now that I've got my pinkie wrapped around there and I didn't have to really shift my grip or readjust my grip while I was shooting so it does make a difference and I'm certain that if I put the pinkie extension back on the ten round magazine round magazine that that would probably feel a lot more comfortable - the controls are very similar on both of these handguns neither handgun is ambidextrous they are both made for the right-handed shooter with the slide stop slide release being right here on each one and the magazine release being right here I think in both cases the magazine release is reversible so it could be made to accommodate a left-handed shooter a little better and additionally both of the takedown levers are here and they go in different directions but they operate the same way so the functionality of the takedown is also very similar between these two guns both guns have a dual recoil spring assembly easiest way to see that is to show them this way with the slides locked back so we can see them telescoped out they're both very similar one big difference is the six hours is completely steel even the inner rod the inner rod on the Springfield Armory is polymer not a real big deal but a distinction another key distinction on the Springfield Armory is it extends past the end of the dust cover and past the end of the barrel and this pad out here and actually has texture on it is what's referred to as a standoff and the idea is that you could you could have a contact situation where the muzzle with this gun is pushed up against something and this standoff here at the end of this guide rod is going to prevent the slide from being pushed out of battery that's the theory but in reality you know if you're pushing it against something soft it's likely to give in this respect and still push the slide out of battery but that's the idea if you hold it up against something like a wall you're okay a person probably not as much of course you know when I do a head-to-head is not always about something winning and something losing right in fact friend just stopped by and asked what I was working on and I told her and she said which one's winning and said well really it's really not about the winning and we're losing unless that's pretty obvious it's about comparing and contrasting so that's really the point of it so the 6-hour P 365 has been my carry gun for probably over a year now definitely over a year now and so there's probably a little bit of an unfair advantage to the sig in terms of just my familiarity with it I've shot probably close to a couple thousand rounds through this gun so I'm extremely familiar with it and I know exactly what to expect how to you know how it performs and all of that so there could be could be a little bit of an unfair advantage in favor of the sig just because of that so the Hellcat I haven't shot near as much I just recently did my initial review of it and now this comparison so I haven't got nearly as many rounds through it but it is a very intuitive little gun to shoot and it's a really nice little gun to shoot the biggest disadvantage I noticed today was the absence of a Talon grip on the Hellcat and I was really feeling the difference between the two there so again that's a bit of an unfair comparison in that respect but it is what it is right so if you're wondering why I don't yet have a Talon grip on this Hellcat it's because I do not own this gun Springfield Armory sent me this gun as a te to do a review with and I don't own it so it's not mine to modify and if I didn't want to keep this gun I'll have to buy it contrary to a lot of popular belief people who have YouTube's gun channels at least most of the ones I know don't don't get guns given to them for free so if I want this gun I will have to purchase it from Springfield Armory and I'm very I'm very likely to do just that because I do like this little gun and that might be the best way to wrap this up is to say that both of these guns are extremely good choices for concealed carry these are I will say the two best choices right now on the market for a small 9-millimeter concealed carry handgun and I don't think you could go wrong with either one I think it really is going to come down to a personal opinion which one do you like better which one do you feel like you shoot better that's important they're both made by extremely reputable good manufacturers and they're both going to be extremely durable and reliable I don't have any concerns in that respect so the capacity is in favor of the Springfield Armory Hellcat with 11 rounds in the flush magazine and 13 and the extended versus 10 rounds in the flush magazine and 12 or 15 and its various extended magazines but you do pay a little bit of a price in size for that not a whole lot but a little bit the sights are different but again personal preference they are both extremely excellent quality sights and very good sight pictures okay so there you go there's my comparison between the six hour P 365 and the Springfield Armory Hellcat and for those of you who do get really annoyed because I didn't pick a winner I will tell you this the Sig Sauer p229 and it's leaving the range today as my carry gun and for the foreseeable future and I'll see that changing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Justin Opinion
Views: 152,695
Rating: 4.8820291 out of 5
Keywords: Justin Opinion
Id: 1Z19Npy3sxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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