Sig P365 XL Review...Is Bigger Really Better?

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what's up and welcome to the channel my name is hexa and thank you for joining us for today's review the P 365 XL man the past year and a half love it or hate it the P 365 has absolutely made a big stir in the concealed-carry market and today we're gonna talk about its Big Brother the Excel version really quick thank you to our patron of the week DOB 737 just joined us last month thank you for joining the shot team if you'd like to join our awesome community over on patreon get some awesome perks extra videos polls things like that please come over and join our amazing community the shot team on patreon hey the P 365 Excel there's been some criticism of the P 365 and a lot of excitement around the P 365 and the XL is no different and of course we're gonna do a separate comparison with the P 365 but at least want to show you size difference in this video but we will get more in depth in a separate video so out of the box you're going to get the gun 212 round magazines alright this one's loaded so we're going to keep that in the box and put it off to the side and then of course you're gonna get a 6 sticker some some of their literature about their Li mo or their Foxtrot lights I have those to show you as well and then the P 365 manual goes through tells you everything you need to know about the gun alright so the literature is the same as the regular P 365 because a lot of the things on this gun are the same so let's get this box out of the way and show you the star of the show so let's talk about specs here really quick barrel length of 3.7 inches overall length of six point six inches weight is 20 points 7 ounces unloaded so definitely a little bit heavier height is four point eight inches now and width is 1.1 inches alright so what does that mean compared to the regular P 365 of course we are safety checked make sure we're good all right so the P 365 in a nutshell again we will go more in depth but you can see you're a little bit of extra length right there 3.1 inch barrel on the regular 3.7 on the XL overall length again it's going to make a little bit of a difference there weight is 17.8 ounces on the regular P 365 and 20.7 on your XL so you're pretty much on the range of like a Glock 26 or maybe one of the original MMP shields PPS Walther PPS m2 you're in that range now okay height 4.8 here 4.3 here 10 round magazine 12-round magazine let's see what that difference looks like on the table alright you have five tenths of an inch difference okay we'll talk a little bit more about that here in a little bit but for two more rounds five tenths of an inch is the difference you're gonna see alright we will definitely be revisiting this gun in a later video and of course holster already has our holster so if you've been waiting for that discount code 15% off everything on toaster sights as far as their holsters and of course we got one of their mad carrier so I already adjusted this the universal mag carrier what's awesome about these is that even if you have any 9 or 40 mag double stack Magda's redit astac mags because of the way they taper their magazines it's it's more of a double stack than a single stack so but with their MRD or magazine retention device any 9 or 40 double stack magnificent magnificent ready to go discounts and everything alright so what's different on the XL let's walk around the gun here really quick you still have that proprietary rail that sick there the nice thing is that the foxtrot the lima the streamlight tlr-2 Crimson Trace LG 422 all fit on this gun I'm showing you pictures of that now so that is awesome of course you have a little bit more extension out here all right so it's not gonna sit flush with the with the barrel and everything like it does on the 365 but who cares it still fits fits around the trigger-guard nicely so that is definitely a good thing so you have a little bit of an extended slide a little bit longer barrel you do have your x-ray sight still alright which are a little bit different than the P 365 as far as the rear because now you have this optic plate alright which this will come off and you can put a Romeo 0 or one of the shield or MSC optics on the gun so it is ready for that and of course you have your x-ray sight up front there one thing I raved about on the original 365 and on the Legion 2 to 9 review that we did are these sights blacked out on the rear tritium night sights setup and that bright green dot really picks up nicely in the daytime beaver till now in the back kind of squared off alright so that's nice you have a much bigger gun and one thing you'll notice if you can get both guns at a gun shop and just hold them you're gonna notice this fits like a glove man it feels so good in the hand that's one thing I talked about on our patreon first shots video is how good this gun feels in the hand so you also have your flat trigger will talk about the trigger after the shooting part of the review front and rear slide serrations of course under cutting the trigger guard longer grip and they do have that rough texture finish on the on the grip all the way around so it keeps the gun locked into your hand reversible magazine release no slide stop or anything on the right hand side of the gun so if you're a left-handed shooter you'll have to get used to that but you can at least swap around your magazine release there so their ex grip module not only does it have the beaver tail right there but it also has an extended and flared magazine mag well so you can get your mags in and out a little bit easier for sure and then your flat ex trigger we talked about that of course we'll talk about that more after the shooting part of the review for styles of mags and you can get 15-round extended mags in my opinion they look a little bit ridiculous with the long straight grip sleeve they put on them but if you want to use that as a backup you could definitely do that barrel carbon steel slide is stainless steel and you have a nitron finish on the gun alright let's break it down here really quick same as the old make sure it's clear rotate the lever down pull the frame off of the gun or pull the slide off of the frame you have a single captive recoil spring alright which is metal metal guide rod and there's your barrel right there striker block of course and you have your two screws right there that you can pull that plate off so it's all underneath which doesn't seem like a big deal but it keeps a nice clean look up top you don't have screw holes right there so that's a that's kind of nice put it back together here push that in and then of course there's your slide rails and all that good stuff all right push that down slide it back slide stop automatically went out and there you go now one more gun I want to show you compared to this just as far sighs no all right another popular carry option for some people a little bit too big for me but just to give you an idea a Glock 19 you see the Glock 19 is longer definitely wider grip length the Glock 19 is 15 rounds the Sig is 12 rounds so you probably have four tenths of an inch there there's that a progression a little bit less difference between these two then there are these two so if this is 5 tenths of an inch this is probably three or four just to give you an idea but of course P 365 is obviously a little bit lighter and all that but I just wanted to show you what that looked like against the Glock 19 alright let's get to the fun part of the review the shooting part and then afterwards we'll talk about the trigger I'll show you the way pros and cons and our overall opinion of the XL P 365 we will see you guys in a minute [Applause] all right we got our 50-yard shots with the P 365 XL I have a feeling this is going to go pretty well so let's go ahead and give it a shot all right so I pretty went pretty well I missed three out of 12 here so not too bad with the P 365 XL of course like we always say this is outside of the scope of what you use this little gun for but knowing that it can do that it's pretty awesome all right hopefully y'all enjoyed that the gun is a shooter I think I missed what three at a I think I missed three shots at fifty yards so I had nine out of twelve pretty good with a little subcompact single stack well not really a single stack but twelve twelve round gun like this that I'll take that any day of the week and of course at ten yards after we got acclimated to the trigger you would think with that flat trigger like that that it would actually build a little bit easier but it took us a little bit of time to get acclimated to that let me try and show you that really quick of course it's their ex style trigger flat face alright compare that to the original see how the originals curved alright so you're gonna get more of an even break they say it breaks at 90 degrees so if you're going to pull straight back to the rear you have there's the wall a little bit of take up and it breaks reset right there and it breaks and that flat trigger like I said it's designed to give to a more straight back type of pool so your shots are more on target alright you do have a little bit of take-up there let's try it with the trigger gauge scale see what it pulls that here six pounds nine ounces definitely doesn't feel that heavy let's try it again oh yeah 5 pounds 5 ounces that is way off let's try it again I might have got my finger in the way on that first one yeah 5 pounds 8 ounces so around five-and-a-half pounds the trigger is really nice like I said if you get one of these or you try one out of the range just give it a few rounds because it's not going to be for us anyways it wasn't like an instant you know thing like oh my god this thing is like a ppq right out of the box it took a little bit of get it took a little bit of getting used to but man after I got used to it I fell in love with it in the way this gun feels in the hand it is obviously it's so much more controlable alright whenever we were shooting these two side-by-side we'll do more of that of course in the review but we're in the comparison that we do with the guns but man it was just like night and day that little bit of extra length I got all my all my digits on the grip there man and it just felt amazing presenting the gun up to the target it just man they did an awesome job with this you got two extra rounds so it's gonna you're gonna have to decide is that worth it to you of course this gun is updated so you know as far as from what we've seen there's been no issues so that may make some people a little bit more comfortable with buying a p3 65 because let's be honest a lot of our patrons a lot of you guys here on YouTube have said I like the p3 65 I just don't trust it so maybe this will bring the trust from some people maybe they'll start to trust this gun a little bit more and may actually buy one now one thing I didn't want to talk about these of course are metal sights and you do have a shelf back there so if you need to do a one-handed reload you can do that and let's go ahead and talk about pros and cons here really quick the number one Pro for me is the way this gun feels man you just pick it up and compare to the original where the original feels good in the hand this one just feels that much better and you would expect that with a longer grip of course that's gonna come at a cost but it feels amazing in the hand alright the sights are still as awesome as ever I love the contrast again if I could put these sights on every single one of my pistols I'd be okay with that beaver tail and everything on this one it definitely helps keeping the the gun the gun right it's pretty low it has a relatively low bore axis anyways but it you know keeps everything off of you keeps the slide from biting in and all that good stuff the trigger too is awesome it really is like setting it takes a little bit of getting used to but once you get used to it it does a really good job all of the attachments alright so if you're invested if you've invested in the P 365 you're not gonna lose that okay which is a good thing and also all the mags are compatible so if I want to take this 12 round mag throw it in the 365 of course it's going to extend out but you can get the little actions there and all the mags are compatible that's a good thing I think they did their flared magazine well so compared to the original that's definitely easier to get your mags in and out and I like how the magazines alright they don't fly out of there but they at least get out of there you know pretty good gun feels great in the hand sights are awesome the gun overall I didn't even talk about the loaded viewport right there so you can see your brass down on the chamber but of course you want to check and the manual of arms on this gun I just think it's going to be maybe a little bit easier for people to get acclimated to slides a little bit easier to rack on this gun of course you know the bigger the bigger the guns get the easier they are to work and this gun is definitely definitely a little bit easier all the way around to manage then the p3 65 the original one anyways alright let's talk about these cons I'm gonna be reaching on some of these because I kind of had to figure out what I didn't like about the gun one thing I did notice is when you have the trigger pulled back like that alright the slide sticks just a little bit we didn't have any issues throughout our testing but it's just one little thing I noticed and also the magazine's stuck just a little bit so trying to get those rounds in there especially you know freehand in the rounds it took a little bit of pressure to definitely get those rounds down in there it's not the easiest mag to load is what I'm trying to say and also with a little bit bigger gun you're gonna have a little bit more weight so for if the p3 65 was kind of your max as far as what you could carry and not print or anything like that or maybe the weight even this gun maybe outside of the scope for you it depends on what you're doing if your pocket carrying or if you're a lady and you wear a little bit tighter clothing anything like that this gun is a little bit bigger and a little bit heavier so it's just something it's a con compared to the 365 basically okay but in the big scheme of things is two more rounds worth it to you I would say I would say definitely alright but we'll have to have to dive deeper and this conversation when we do the comparison overall I like the gun I like the trigger it just takes a little bit of getting used to so don't expect a ppq style gun right out of the box okay it is definitely different than that but once you get used to it think the gun is awesome man now unless this gun has starts having issues I'm gonna give it a nine and a half out of ten because I think what they've done here is fabulous let's just hope and pray that the issues stay away and the XL is gonna be here to stay it was a pretty good run the optics and stuff you can of course get those down the road if you wanted to do that I'm not totally sold on my carry guns have an optics on them I get the idea it's just not totally sold on it so overall I love the P 360 5x oh of course I love the P 365 because it has been nothing but short of reliable and awesome for me so this gun loved it I want to know what your thoughts are down below will this gun maybe sway you into buying a P 365 let me know what you think down in the comments below we will see you guys on the next one and as always holding down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 53,109
Rating: 4.8933792 out of 5
Keywords: sig p365xl, p365 xl, p365 xl features, p365 xl trigger, p365 xl size vs p365, sig p365 xl vs p365, sig p365 xl sights, p365 xl holster, sig p365 xl vs, p365 xl vs, p365 xl vs p365, p365 vs, sig p365
Id: JmfGD513CDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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