CZ P10 S Vs Sig P365 XL...Mid Sized, 12 Round Showdown!

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what's up and welcome to the channel my name is headshot and thank you for joining us today we're gonna do a comparison between the P 365 XL and the czp 10's I'm gonna tell you everything I know about them pros and cons all of that good stuff and let's go ahead and jump right into it and I would like to thank our patron of the week a guy that probably needs no introduction at all jarhead sakes he's been a patron of mine for like twenty nine months that's huge man the guy's an awesome guy go over I'm gonna leave a link down at his channel in the description box and and in the comments section if you're not familiar with jarhead which you probably are but if you're not i'ma leave a link to his channel because he's an awesome guy so he's been a patron of ours for a long time and I appreciate his support P 365 XL it's been out for a few months now czp 10 s has been out for longer than that and they're both 12-round guns you're gonna get two magazines with each paperwork you know cleaning rod here they're all that good stuff I'm not gonna show you the boxes and all that if there's something I missed in this review by the way I am gonna leave cards up above free also you can just click the cards go over and check out those individual reviews in case there's something I miss in this comparison but we're gonna cover a lot let's go ahead and get started with specs the P 365 XL barrel length is 3.7 inches overall length is six point six inches the weight is twenty point seven ounces unloaded height is four point eight inches and the width is one point one inch all right so this of course is the optics ready version of the P 365 and it's got two more rounds and it's got a different trigger in there and then you got the czp 10's which is the smaller brother of the CZ p10 see and really smaller brother than czp ten F which is the full size gun so this 13.5 inch barrel 1.2 6 inches wide alright so definitely wider a little bit shorter barrel though weight is twenty four point four ounces unloaded so a little bit heavier length six and a half inches overall and height is four point six inches so let's compare these side-by-side slide to slide so if we put the slides and match those up you can see the the cz is actually a little bit longer but it's interesting because they both are six and a half inches in overall length so of course this beaver tail on the sig is being counted and then when you actually line those up let's do that you can see they are essentially the same exact length okay let's look at the widths they're about a tenth of an inch difference between the two you could definitely tell it in the way they look that the the sig is a little bit skinnier and then let's put them on their backs all right so the cz what's easy says is that their height is four point six inches whereas sig is saying there's this four point eight the only real difference I can see and I'm gonna turn that towards the camera so y'all can see what I'm saying is this little bit of difference right in there and that does not look like 2/10 of an inch to me I mean that's a really small number anyways so for all intents purposes they look like the same height and again twelve round mags on both of them alright magazines are where the magic happens for the sig and just show you what these look like compared to each other very very similar in size and dimensions and everything so pretty impressive there they were able to get 12 rounds out of a gun that's essentially the moe hey you just found something out look at that that locks up into the cz I cannot pull that out that's freaking weird doesn't lock the slide back but it does lock up in the gun how about that let's see something here well might as well try it I don't think it's going to work nope yeah huh yeah that's super ugly but man it actually locks up in there that's crazy all right so the sake P 365 XL mags actually lock up in your cz if you were wondering so very close in size in in overall dimensions let's talk about some of the specs that separate these guns apart starting with the sig front and rear slide serrations rounded off trigger guard high undercut nice beaver tail back here one thing I raved on this gun in the review is how this gun feels in the hand and they added a little bit more length gave you two more rounds they made this magazine well a little bit wider flared it out a little bit so you can get your magazine and out a nice really good feeling gun in the hand x-ray sights you got a nice ledge here if you want to do your one-handed manipulations loaded viewport up there and a reversible magazine release and the grip texturing is rough on this gun definitely rougher than the cz same texturing all the way around and it feels really good in the hand you just want to keep in mind maybe an undershirt between your skin and this grip that might be helpful because it can get see after a while slide stop very minimal takedown lever right there and a proprietary rail and I do have the TL r6 that I ran on the scan the Foxtrot the leme of the TL r6 all of those will work on this rail very nice very nice looking gun as well and then this one does have the plate here so no screw holes up here you actually have to take the slide off to get this plate off and then you can run a variety of optics on top of this alright let me show you features on the czp 10's front and rear slide serrations and this is something that i raved about in this review it are these serrations because they just give you a really nice lockup and whenever you're actually charging the gun they're very aggressive and I really liked them a lot doing your press checks is super easy on this gun so I really do I really do like that rail up here no problem hooking any kind of light or laser up here with that one slot very similar to a Glock and then you have a squared off trigger guard here that is serrated in the front up underneath they do have it cut so you can get your your hand high up on this gun as well I put them both in my hand like that so you can see what the bore axis looks like if that's something that concerns you so that's what each gun looks like and this gun it feels great as well and what I like that they did is they made it aggressive on the front and the rear strap but they made it more subtle on the sides so when you're concealed carryin this right here's what's touching your skin as opposed to these rough pyramids in the back so they did a really nice job with this grip texturing magazine release is reversible bags are not interchangeable from the older czp 10 C's which is what I have if you see these two slots here two cuts in the mag then you will be able to use the newer cz mags if yours does not have it if it only has the two the one cut out on each side then you won't be able to use it I go over that more in the individual in the standalone review of the cz p10 see and what they did is they made the magazine release which is nicely textured there really like that they made it much easier to get these mags in and out of the gun alright they made it reversible now instead of a full time and be release and it's made a huge difference slide stop is ambidextrous on this gun nice and it's it's wide but it doesn't stick out from the gun so if you can see this it is very flushed to the frame there which is nice and the sig is too but it sticks out just a little bit more which hasn't caused a problem but it's not ambidextrous though either so left-handed shooters may appreciate the cz be having an ambidextrous magazine release one other nice little touch that I love the cz does are these little stippled areas right here so when you go to fire you got your thumb right there you can rest it on the edge of the frame right there and you got a little bit of stippling for your finger to grip onto which is really nice it's on both sides of the gun of course you can actually get this optics ready this obviously is not the optics ready version but you know I don't know whatever the cost is it's a little bit more to get the optics ready if that's something that you want to do somebody made a good point in our last video when we reviewed this gun because I'm not totally sold on it I don't hate the idea but I'm not again I'm not totally sold on it either so I'm kind of in-between but for somebody with you know eyes that aren't as young as they used to be the optics on pistols might be a good idea and I can respect that and I definitely get it and like I said I do see benefits too I'm it's just not for me not yet anyways my opinion can change if something better is out there and comes along or if I find out about or if my opinion just changes sometimes your opinion changes that it is what it is but a nice set of sights on this gun one thing that bothers me of the sights is that you have a blacked-out rear which isn't the problem the problem is is there is no tritium inserts on the rear sight so if you're trying to line up a shot you know somebody attacks you at night or something like that it's going to be hard to line up that shot the front sight is really nice so it's orange it's got a tritium insert orange ring around it really easy to pick up both guns offer a lot and they have a lot of features one thing I did want to talk about because I talked about it on this one you see how the stippling there on the magazine release on the cz it's very solid positive the the magazine release is kind of candid back towards the trigger guard right here and then it's flat on top so it's really easy to get to release the mag insert a fresh mag boom you're good to go the Sig is not bagged but it's pretty much on a slant towards the trigger guard right away so I find myself having to camp my hand just a little bit to hit that mag to be able to that magazine release to be able to release the mag there so it's just so one little point I wanted to make it seems like cz kind of thought about this a little bit more by keeping it flat and flush for the shooter right like that and then slanting it back off to keep the size down and just keep it as sleek as they possibly could while making it functional at the same time so let's talk about the way they carry here really quick and then we'll go to the range we'll shoot a little bit and then we'll come back talk about pros and cons and all that good stuff but carry is is very similar here so you have about 4 ounces difference the cz obviously is a little bit heavier and then you're gonna load it up with ammo so it is about 4 ounces heavier and this is not recommended by Tolstoy I want to make that perfectly clear but I've been carrying and they're full star the cz p10 C hole sir you can see it's a little bit longer at the muzzle it seems the lock up just fine and you actually need to tighten this up a little bit but seems the lock up just fine and the gun actually carries really well it's not gonna be like Glock 42 or even lc9 like weight if you're carrying a gun like that you're gonna notice a pretty big difference between this and that but it's very similar to this gun right here which I carry anatole sir holster as well both guns are very similar you're gonna notice a little bit of weight like let's say the P 365 let me bring this gun and the P 365 let's say this was on your threshold so you were pocket carryin or inside the waistband this gun was almost too big but it was the perfect size and you shot well with it and you're like man if I go any bigger than this I don't think I would carry the gun or I think the weight would get to me or whatever the case may be I mean it's not all men watching our channel there are some women that that are patrons that are subscribers and something like this and even though mrs. heck shot this is at the limit of what she can carry inside the waistband and not be printing all over the place where it's abundantly clear she has a gun on her this is the max so this right here is gonna be a little bit too much weight a little too bulky even for some males out there I mean it's just it is what it is you know if you're if you're sensitive to weight or your your job can't see you carrying or whatever the case may be these guns are in a different ball field you you have to commit more to be carrying guns like this as opposed to something like this or a Glock 42 or a Ruger LCP is so on and so forth so I just want to throw that out there that's that's where you stand with these guns they're about in the Glock 26 range of things or the MEP 9 compact which they just announced the M 2.0 versions hopefully we can get one of those and that'll be a really sweet comparison but that's the kind of gun you're talking about you really got to commit if you're gonna carry a gun like this that does not mean that these guns are super heavy or anything like that it just means they're in a different ball field a gun this is for the person that wants to make sure that they have the best shooting smallest concealed carry gun on them at all times and I love this size of firearms all right so we talked about a lot there let's get you guys to the range we'll take you to the range with us we'll shoot some rounds downrange and then when we come back we'll talk about the triggers and then we'll talk about pros and cons and which one I like better and why we will see you guys in a minute [Applause] all right so hopefully you guys enjoyed that both guns are awesome at the range I'm just gonna say that right now you don't have to do a whole bunch of reloading a couple extra magazines wouldn't hurt that's for sure but you can really put shots on target with these guns have a fun time and that's what I really appreciate about them and then you can leave the range carrying a gun that you know that you can get rounds on target if anything like that ever happens that's pretty cool all right so the Sig Pete 365 XL if you were to put an optical in the same man I 50 60 70 yards I honestly believe you could really do some put some put some rounds in there at that distance with this gun because it's such a good shooting firearm comfortable to hold in the hand once my hands started sweating that grip texturing really comes into play a natural point-and-shoot type a gun this the sights are just awesome on it and that green dot up front man really draws your eye right to that lines everything up really nicely this gun feels amazing in the hand I like that they flared the magazine well that makes it obviously easier to get the mags in and out and the trigger is not bad either let me show you that so they flattened the trigger out with their X series type of trigger here alright so you hit the wall right there and it breaks kind of a clunky sound to it when it breaks reset and it just kind of it kind of sounds plastic yeah I don't know it's weird so let me pull it on this gauge 5 pounds 8 ounces it is not a bad trigger at all I just wanted to kind of point that out ah I lost this battery compartment over a year ago I don't know what I did with it let's try it one more time here you know five five-and-a-half pounds that's about where it is the cz at the range feels like a bigger gun no doubt about it pointing shooting this gun feels awesome your your eye is automatically drawn to that big orange dot and the the sights on these guns are very similar I mean really they are scary similar but it's just it's just such an awesome shooting gun it made the magazine release so much more responsive and getting those mags in and out are really it really is a joy to shoot at the range man this thing is just awesome let me show you the trigger on this one all right you can see have a blade style trigger on this one that is one of your safeties and then you hit the wall and it breaks reset let me do that again and you'll see there's a little bit of creep in the trigger but not much very very nice trigger on this gun very good shooting gun and let's pull the trigger on the cz 5 pounds 7 ounces 5 pounds 12 ounces so about five and a half pounds as well alright so I did want to mention something about our shooting experience somebody had mentioned and the stain alone review because we had some issues with this gun somebody had mentioned that they thought we were riding the slide stop so for me to ride the slide stop on this gun it is very flushed to the frame so I literally have to bring my finger and I'll try to get my thumb where I can show you but this is how I normally hold my thumb and then I got my support hand here alright so it is definitely possible but I don't think I riding the slide just because it's so flush to the frame I literally have to dig my thumb in and down and I just don't see me doing that mystech shot has even smaller fingers and even though it is a wide slide stop it's so flush man you really have to try and do that so I don't think that was it I think because we did get a little bit of sand in there or the break-in period I think that is more likely of what was going on and then you know obviously with sig we haven't had any issues with it but that slide stop is even further up so you have even less of a chance of that happening with this firearm this is a possibility I'm not I'm not saying it didn't didn't happen I just don't think so because I really have to try and do that and I have to adjust my thumb in a kind of uncomfortable position to even do that so I just wanted to point that out but overall 40 yards up close ten yards this gun shot like a dream it did an awesome job once we figured the issues out I was a little bit nervous I ain't gonna lie but once we figured that out man it's awesome one benefit this gun has is you actually have removable back straps so if you have larger hands you can go with the large or if you want a little bit more hump in the rear right there a little more hump in the rear you have a medium back strap that you can run on this gun whereas the P 365 it is what it is alright comparing that really quick you can see the the humps on the back strap there they are very similar they have a little bit of a hump to them I think the cz has a little bit more so there you go all right so let's talk about pros and cons the pros and cons when we do a comparison is a little bit different because I'm now comparing these two guns so whereas there may be pros and cons that I mention in the standalone reviews just looking at those guns now I'm comparing the two so keep that in mind sometimes some of these pros and cons you may think well that doesn't really seem like a con or maybe a pro but it's because I'm comparing the two guns so let's go ahead and get into this pros on the P 365 the trigger the sights the way it feels in the hand this gun they did a great job they added the optics plate so for somebody with bad eyes or you just want to run an optic on your pistol that's a that's a good thing and it's not intrusive it doesn't it actually looks really good nice because they didn't put the screw holes up top it makes a little a little harder to get this plate off but I think it gives it a cleaner look overall this gun shoots like a bigger gun you get two more rounds than the regular P 365 and I haven't had any issues out of this one now I know there has been some issues out there but just an opinion had an issue with his whole gun locking up you know but I mean this I haven't had any issues so far so that's a good thing and then there's 15 round mags available for this gun now which is a which is obviously a good thing as well if you live in a free state the czp 10 see I really do like the sights I just wish they would have put a tritium sight in the rear the trigger the magazine release now the grip texturing and the thought behind the grip texturing and what they did there the magazine release all of that is just awesome and the way this gun shoots it instills a lot of confidence carrying a gun like this cons so let's talk about that I think the sights the P 365 XL I think the sights win and I only think they win I'll say that I think the Green Dot is easier to pick up during the daytime at least from my eyes compared to the orange and I really don't like that they didn't do a rear tritium insert for the rear sight to me that doesn't make any sense but I do like the fact that they give you an option to run a plate on this gun whereas this one they don't so if for whatever reason you don't want an optics ready P 365 XL well right now you don't have that option you just have to go with it and that it is what it is so there's a little bit of a of a nod to the cz that they give you both of those at an option and not too much more cost for that you get back strap options with the cz whereas you don't on the P 365 XL this the slide serrations on this gun I think are light-years above the XL where the XL only has a few of them they work pretty good but when you compare that to the cz where these are very aggressive they're a lot longer and no matter what kind of situation you're in I can't think of a situation where I couldn't get to that easily charge the gun back up and be ready to go the slide stop I think on the P 365 XL is a little bit better because you can actually use it as a release if you want the CCP 10s you can use it as a release but man it takes some pressure to get that thing down there and I'm not even kidding I'm not there we go see it's it's very hard to use that as a release and I'm I don't really like that but the but the actual the the actual slide stop I like it on this gun but I think it's a little bit better on the P 365 XL because they put a little bit of a Ledge there not only can you use it as a release but you can also get to it a little bit easier and it is guarded from up underneath so I think ditz I think sig did a better job as far as that the magazine release on this gun it's fine the max pop out just fine it's a flared magwell which is better than the cz but I like the magazine the release and everything better on the CV personally I like the way the mags pop out of there a little bit quicker and I like the way they design their magazine release I think it's a little bit better now the proprietary rail that is on the sig is a disadvantage in my opinion because its proprietary so whereas I can run pretty much any attachment on my cz that's not so much for the excel alright so pretty much anything that will accept a Glock rail which is almost everything you can run on that cz shooting I'm gonna give the nod to the cz I like this gun better at the range although we did have some issues that that drops it down a little bit in my book but we're here we were able to resolve those issues and didn't have any issues the rest of the day and we shot this gun a lot but I really loved this gun at range where this gun Falls compared to the Excel is in the weight so you have four more ounces there alright doesn't seem like a big deal when you but when you're putting a hunk of metal and plastic in your pants it uh it can affect you alright that 4 ounces can make a little bit of a difference it's in my opinion I don't think it makes enough difference to justify one of over the other but it is a con compared to this one because you know you need to try to keep these things as light as you can when you're talking about concealed carry guns overall I like the trigger on this gun I like the way this gun shoots better and I'd be willing to deal with the weight more with the czp 10s I personally like it better than the XL and that's just my opinion it's a close race I would take either gun probably either day but if I have my choice I'd go with the czp 10s I just personally like it better and I like I like the way his shoots I think it's an awesome classy looking awesome functional concealed carry gun so there you go I want to hear what your opinion is down in the comments below thank you for watching if you are a power patron or up look for your outro coming right after this we'll see you guys in the next one and as always hold them down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 91,535
Rating: 4.8293471 out of 5
Keywords: cz p10 s vs, cz p10s vs, sig p365 xl vs, p365xl vs, sig p365xl vs, cz p10s vs p365 xl, p365xl vs cz p10 s, p365 xl vs cz p10s, cz vs p365, p10s vs p365 xl, p10 s vs p365xl, cz p10 s, p365 vs cz p10s, p365 vs p10 s
Id: pbichLmPPl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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