The Truth About The Sig Sauer P365 XL: 1000 Round Review

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[Applause] what's up guys this is the Honest outlaw here and today we are going to be taking a good look at the Sig p3 65 XL before I do that I want to mention my patreon supporters thank you guys very much because of you guys supporting the channel we do a monthly giveaway for guns and gear related items this month is going to be an Ontario Knife if you want to be a part of that giveaway or if you want to see patron exclusive content all you got to do is go down the description below click the link and become a supporter I also want to mention there's amazon links down there to my store with all my cool stuff I use on the range you can pick that up easy just click the link there the old Lite links down there as well there is a discount code for you to use and local homeless shelter that I like to support name is Iowa if you want to do something awesome today go down there and donate to those kids they could use your help now the P 365 Excel this is a gun I was pretty excited to review I actually got this from a buddy of mine KS gun guy I sent him some guns for review he sent me some guns for review I got this and the x5 and so far it has not disappointed this is the bigger version of the very very popular P 365 which is a gun well-known for having a very large magazine capacity in a very small package all they've done here really is fix a couple issues which we'll talk about lengthen the barrel and give you a 15-round magazine which is pretty cool [Music] for those who are not familiar with the P 365 Excel will put flush fit mag in it here the P 365 is a striker-fired pistol with a 3.7 inch barrel and it weighs about 20 ounces making it very small and very light for carry while still packing a 12 to 15 round magazine capacity which is on par with guns like the clock 19 if you can even believe that even though if you'd feel this kind of person it feels about half the size it's very thin and it has a kind of revolutionary magazine which allows it to carry more capacity kind of a staggered stack magazine comes with a flat face trigger as shown here good texture front slide serrations comes with a awesome set of sights right from the factory tritium and high definition which is phenomenal it has a red dot mount for the new Sig Romeo I believe I don't know I'm not into Sig optics but if you are into this pistol and you would like to put an optic on it I believe that's the one you need to get the screws for the red dot mount I believe are actually underneath the slide so you have to disassemble the slide to put the red dot on kind of weird but I've heard that it is doable however I did not try it it actually comes with a couple of features you wouldn't expect on a carry gun as I said the flat faced trigger that breaks at 90 degrees which is really good even if you have big hands because the grips extremely small which we'll talk about here in a second it also comes with a beveled mag well which is something Glocks took five generations to do and barely do well but sig managed to pop this guy out in the first generation of the XL so let's get right into reliability here which is the mainstay of semi-automatic pistols if it doesn't work it doesn't matter how accurate or how ergonomic it is because the damn thing needs to work which is why reliability is always our first pick four categories of review I put a thousand rounds for this pistol with no problems and honestly I'm kind of happy about that the Sig p3 65 had some issues with durability long term durability with strikers breaking springs weren't out things of that nature and from all accounts including my own I have seen very little evidence of that in this gun so it appears that they have that for the P 365 Excel which is pretty sweet so now you don't have to worry about putting to 3,000 rounds through your gun and having to break it or not working and that type of thing having any crazy striker drag or anything like that so the P 365 as far as reliability and durability seems really good to go which is actually what I expected and mentioned in my P 365 review I figured the next generation I didn't know it was going to be bigger but I figured the next generation would have those problems fixed or at least addressed and they have done that now accuracy I have to say for the size of pistol if this is it's pretty accurate [Applause] well we're heading that big one let's see if we can hit those real small ones that's pretty good the problem I have with the accuracy with this gun is the size of the grip I got big old bear claws as I mentioned a lot of videos people get upset but it's relative to the argument because if you have smaller hands you'll be able to shoot this gun much better because the grip is extremely small the smallest grip I've ever seen on a 15-round magazine gun it's crazy small not just the length the length is nice but the circumference of the grip and the distance between the trigger and the web of your hand is very very small as you can see here if I actually get a firing grip there is no room whatsoever for my left hand so my left hand which does the majority of the recoil control believe it or not most people think it's your right it's really your left squeezing down like a vise has a real problem getting any real estate on this gun [Applause] [Music] yeah I like it ready yeah that was good the reset is a little long I keep it's kind of throwing me off but I do like it is it weird that you just turned me on when you talked about reset I noticed that in adverse conditions I took this gun out two or three times when it was nice and then once when it was totally not nice and I also had a cold during that and I felt miserable and it was miserable outside and my shooting went to hell now it didn't go to hell with all guns I shot the Taurus g3 believe it or not right after this and it was easier to shoot for me because of the grip on the Taurus is better and because of the trigger on the Taurus is better this is a good trigger but it's not a great trigger and the sights are really really good but like I said it's hard for me to get a very good firing grip and not tweak that trigger because my finger goes so far into the trigger when I'm trying to do it a lot of times if you have too long the trigger finger you can kind of mess with your trigger pull with your grip and kind of hold your grip in a place I'm not able to do that with this pistol so in the wind and the cold 50 yards plus I had some issues however most people won't experience that and honestly if I had smaller hands or in a little bit closer or even in good conditions it was very very accurate I was able to hit when it wasn't 30 Manar wings in below zero lab wasn't below zero but it was like 20 degrees and I had a cold but it wasn't those conditions I could hit at 75 yards with very little issue which is great for a gun this size as I said this damn thing is only 20 ounces and it's only 3.7 inches long is still a very concealable gun considering the capacity so overall I give the accuracy I don't know an 8 especially considering the overall size of the gun however I do I still did have trouble shooting it and if you have bigger or if you're a bigger guy you might as well now getting into ergonomics what we'll get in shoot ability first so the shoot ability the gun again suffered because of the smaller grip for me as I mentioned I didn't have a good enough grip on the pistol to really control the recoil it's not near as snappy as a 365 which is super nice actually considering the size just that little bit of extra barrel and that little bit of extra grip length that you can wrench down on really increases the speed of the gun however comparatively to something like a Glock 19 because people keep comparing this gun online to the Glock 19 I don't actually have one on me right now but the Galactic teens significantly bigger than this gun so obviously it shoots better the Glock 19 is gonna be heavier it's gonna have a bigger grip and it's just gonna be overall a more suitable pistol for the size however as I would compare this there's something like maybe a shield with a magazine extension it's very controllable it is a very good shooting pistol for the size and for the application that you are gonna be using this pistol for and what would you get this pistol for well number one you get it for concealed carry right I didn't mention that before I go on that usually before this but I would say it could flex into home defense I would look for better options especially if you're gonna get an all-around type handgun that you really want to use for home defense you really want to use for concealed carry I can get a damn Glock 19 M&P compact c zp 0 7 CZ p10 something a little bit bigger than this but if you're gonna predominantly use it for carry and occasionally even from defense pretty good option the ergonomics on the pistol are nice aside from the small super small grip which again a lot of people are gonna like well the texture and the gun is actually really good it's a good mix between carry and and able to use similar to the 365 not as good as an M&P but still pretty good magazine release works well and it's been very intuitive the slide release is in a pretty good spot and works well as well you can see here it works really well don't want to drop it on the empty round with KSS gun the sights are awesome these front slide serrations work really well as I said the trigger is good not great but it's certainly better than a stock Glock 34 Glock 43 for example or a car anything car makes because car sucks but I wouldn't say it's good the little cheer for your finger traditionally I like finger grooves but that's in a really good spot the trigger undercut is done very well and as I said the beveled mag well you probably are not gonna need but it is a nice touch comes with the red dot mount which again doesn't work for like an RM r or Leopold I believe I believe it just works for the Sig Romeo but that's better than nothing and on most concealed carry guns of this size and weight you're not even gonna have that I've heard that this little open chamber indicator can cause debris to stick on your red dot if you choose to run that however I have no experience with that personally overall the gun is pretty awesome for what it is you can get this gun for around 600 bucks I saw at my local big box store over at Scheels and seen your false and that's a pretty good deal I know that it comes in significantly more than its competitors but it also comes in with a lot of features that you're just not gonna get from a Glock 43 or 4 an M&P shield if or something like that number one you're gonna get the double stack or the staggered magazine you get higher magazine capacity you're gonna get front slide serrations good night Ron coating awesome sights right out of the box pretty good texture and a pretty reasonable trigger over off your sick guy I would say that this is a guaranteed good choice for concealed carry I had some reservations from the p3 65 the original because of some of the durability issues long-term that I had seen other people have and then I had evidence on my on my gun but this gun doesn't have that and it's basically the same gun especially in the grip which is really the hard part to conceal and what you're gonna gain out of that is a little bit extra sight radius of a little bit less recoil impulse while still not having a long enough barrel to really bother you junk if your appendix carrying or bothering you while you're sitting in a car if you're saying carrying 3 or 4 o'clock so overall I think it's a superior gun than 365 and it's one of the best guns that has hit the carry market in a long time my big hand bias aside if you liked this video please like and subscribe you want to see a vs. video with this and any other gun that you've seen on the table recently feel free to let me know I'll check you later [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 816,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sig, p365, p365xl, p365 xl, sig p365 xl, sig sauer, p365 xl review, concealed carry, glock 43, gun review, glock 19, best pistol, best handgun, ccw, best carry gun, best carry pistol, best of 2019, best gun of 2019, best pistol 2019, best handgun 2019, best sig, carry pistol, p365 problems, p365 fail, sig p365 vs, vs, g19, g43, g43x, hellcat, springfield, p365 vs hellcat, best 9mm, p365 review, the truth, problems, p365 xl problems
Id: 8cWhlgvUG50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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