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welcome back to side craft today we are in fact all cheating nonces we can reply require some trust from probably more importantly JJ and Harry what we can do is we're gonna put up a massive wall in between us and we're gonna build ourselves houses for the rest of this year if you wanted to have all the blocks in the world and we've not been progressing very far without game modes stuff we're using game mode today no no Harry I'll just I'll just the occiput off a massive wall between us we're gonna have 30 minutes to design our dream houses in Minecraft and we're gonna use them for the rest of the series sir everyone get on your sides and get in we clear up that we're not allowed to look no panic you do look then you are a cheating nonce no girthy bit as long everyone happy on their Sunday no we've lost the metro areas are your rents on our side yeah good luck have fun see you in 30 minutes after Nev I got you go alright hello team Harry what you doing I was building a CH out of TNT why come on out why do anything you mind cause I do anything in life exactly view to doing that now I'll be in the sky I just feel like somehow it's gonna get ignited and it's gonna blow up like their house somehow and it's gonna be bad no no okay all right well Harry's doing that all right what kind of a house do we want guys mate I'm a very simple man I'm leaving no no it has to come from one of you boys and then all yeah oh wait now what's it fooling because that's what happens you want to like it all up me do it the tube there we go alright this is all go boom now oh no well actually that was your chest [Music] he's just under the wall he's now even your chess mate what happened [ __ ] sake what's wrong we should all have roles how do it view of you that's what you got I'll go above your angles if you build in you do as well you just say right now you're fit in that yeah I'm building the walls yeah I need to find how to make a door okay come in good thing one more that's the window okay yeah can I not know you're down one they come in they come in quick okay boys what we doing right yeah sure I reckon we go like make it I could be golf or something whilst thinking we make a little bridge across here well that's as far as I got yeah and we make a house here they hold us remember here this is a yeah I think what all this this is where we make our little garden bit at the front okay okay yeah JJ JJ if you get rid of all the wood in the tree all of that stuff disappears what if we just we just don't we just don't build here I know you do it reveals an S it's nothing here and we just like yeah oh no you know we should do we got here let's build a lip let's build JD's house here oh and we'll go build up real good builds okay we replicate a replicated house yeah it's time to say they can treat him for this site that it was it was a it was two inside well basically if I just go fly if you sit find something you think that's cool TP everyone knows I mean we could do it over this ravine or something to go to a dimension and through that house it's been great this bit all the way back here we're beasts were beasts we all build our quadrant but it like now one person just needs to Joshua Ethan take charge and just build the outside of the house and then we'll build the inside we're done I do really feel they have no they have they have JJ and Ethan trying to like deal with nice things I just don't I don't think it's ever gonna you know no Harry stop hi no need to go face again fix it go and fix it why do I feel like they're gonna come over I'll side with TNT soon and we're gonna get such bad karma may I joke house they built just I just said like anything we can't get attached to anything we're building right now coaster not even the row okay but that's probably the most likely to happen not cobblestone what materials to Harry how about you come and help us with the house right now and then when we're done with the house how about you let the architect here to go to work because I'm about creating an absolute masterpiece call me Walt Disney told you the Harry Harry can join in with their updates we've built the obsidian starring tower and now I'm building a little arm what's it called and it'll track up to it which is gonna there we go I mean you've got some room to work with that you can just yeah make it the last bit there okay let me get back to that are we opposed to a flat roof what do we think I'm not opposed to a fabric roof is like what would be like will be like slightly slightly slanted up you know they call me well they call you Harry cool they call me Walt is elbow I don't get the second bit its instead of Walt Disney yeah instead of Walt Disney I'm what this elbow got you I've got oh my goodness it took me that long to get that I feel we let you down we've let you down are you trying to merge it with someone else's names I'll bet you know I'm actually like I'm sat here building but I'm terrified to build anything I actually like too much because it's just gonna get destroyed like they're just gonna come in tnt the whole thing like it's just already I can already see it happen I think when they see this there's no way when they see this row still have it in them the ground is going building find out I mean I see a big house of scale a spiral thing I know Blake because realistically there's nothing too Bhagu people can see what we're building so let's talk about something else give the conversation traffic give us a conversation I'm actually really struggling to talk about the weather it's snowing a lot up here oh my Rosedale symmetrical it's gonna be symmetric would you be now now no Toby Toby Toby wheat we can't have someone like slacking here with it's all gotta be I'm trying okay Harry I feel like need help building this house but it's not coming up wake it up row your house is looking falling all right if you could see what's back here you be like Harry don't stop though don't ever stop let me comment down below what have you got even thought I've got this is this is the what's he called a thing that goes up the starter okay yeah yes Oh rapid hey got stuck I love your stuff it's so fast listen I'm having a seizure no one is surviving this road my one health and safety you're gonna shut this down you just build an outside thing and then we can we're so rich we have two layers ago JJ you know this could be like a downstairs like garden area here but I'm making this is the nice black stained glass did they feel battle is a every we feel is what we have that's what we go downstairs to it only that's right come on there we go I'm gonna do a layer of diamond on the gold as well some reason changing different levels all right levels to this game yeah it's beerus house so what big rich people have they have to be aquarium can make an aquarium somewhere see this room i made here mate it's an aquarium look cuz i've put the stained glass with it you see a grave make it mastered i gave my all make your own query menu go [ __ ] yourself what do we actually what rooms do we want I'm not just making aquarium on its own light out of nowhere they doesn't you stairs up we're gonna use these stairs we using these stairs the purple ones why should we have it wherever you fancy because I'm gonna start making a second so yeah we need to go and stand by our sign we have to firm it for possible we've done the house they can just duplicate positive house I give you a home and you decide to leave that's on you want to escape his Nemo no it's a public aquarium miss Aquarian bro it's not just say we're ready don't we yeah especially Harry Harry Harry's a bit like me like having stopped doing something every lock boys cool down cool down boys yeah we have stairs into our house [Music] [Music] that's read in rhetoric kind of trying to work on the second floor of the house yeah I definitely help with this house right now I've built it way too big I'm starting till I just kind of rushed things a little more whoa not gonna have time to finish this grand design we have half an hour we want like another 10 minutes we said half an hour brush aah we need to do is properly all right think what is your favorite block on minecraft oh you hit me with a dove one they're a tricky one in itself question they're like trying to work out what it is well it might be so mean choose from in there like they're red stir like redstone you know what I like it's gonna seem a bit of a cop-out but the diamond block is going with I'm using it a lot right now chiseled quartz I'm using of course is just a very nice it's very nice little piece as far as we've got they're not gonna go far they've only got it so detour them they're actually get you can even try and build it I should know to be fair yeah I can even do a book good shiftin yeah serve with them an easily these smart is it so Harry you what how how is this gonna link to the house what do you mean is behind the house just put some stand up to it okay me I was again I have no idea I feel like like giving I mean I can't kill each other right now but like yeah I think they're actually like they've actually finally come together I think honestly like the power of creative mode has just inspired JJ to not destroy everything what you don't want to cause like it's so wholesome if they're not in just kill them in small more yeah you're you're incredible you are that you are the captain now just kill them boats find it in boat I take you in about you the dopants are fine me Masi fine yeah they're just fully get nasty with it but I want on is getting nasty but these rooms aren't really put into rooms if you know I'm inside find me and and that's all to be done at a later date of side Croft now we're just getting the foundation for something brand new so you do you hit them with something really dirty like don't you see you've ever done per game of a survival /gamemode man space survival very wholesome stage very wholesome content you live sometimes as you realize that the world is actually very mean this might be the calmest anyone's ever seen the side by the way in case he's got Lenny in there that's the rabbit he's not happy with cows here is he no why make a separate pen for animals no no only they won't live in like peace and harmony together yes if they can't get along then they'd be gone they get beacons and we should definitely oh because I know again square this year the dangerous would bang if he's I guess animals what their plan is a mate there's a real issue in here which I can never know how to fix it you know when you you need to put wool instead of the carpet yeah yeah in the ceiling underneath yeah no you don't see underneath is a different color I mean yes that's that's why I only make mine like go down an extra level he's making a villager commit suicide Oh laughing cuz he's killed it what are you dropping off again lazy mother's death okay fine can you see the lines in the sky how many because they have I count five so far green red and yellow one everywhere no no no no why cuz uh you don't wanna play out warehouses good we not showing them yeah of course start we want to run with the whole thing of that only did that we'd we just sat here at the past okay all right there for you now that's packed all your Raj voluntarily accepted been in half come check out the okay okay okay JJ I'm planting trees come to make us more pink of speakers quickly grow quick they do they hey Pam it'll mean great weekend what do we want dark or oak I'm doing okay business can't stop everything is a-ok sure ya know so we do is you leave those signs there then we say get rid of the wall and then we quickly hide in this house alright house is actually spun itself together yeah see it's always that you think it's not much produce a fan of lil do you know he's down that's why I've been so quiet I've just been like mom I know Jay doesn't know he's been look at this through this door they fit you thought of madness may I'll tell you what I'm Toby a vision of Obi you see the back you back the brother redbrick used to make a little like powerful ladder up oh no you need speaking like a ladder up to my little spiral staircase optimize that's what I was asking how you're gonna link it this is my diner vibe up here I was gonna cover interpretation Harrier [ __ ] it Oh be depressed shift get out the cart and [ __ ] off through the house yes I've got it I've got I've got okay what if it goes I'm gonna make your back in the mountain is gonna come out in our how in the porn it goes through some camping yes oh I think it's about us bit over the top maybe haven't come out of smoke kills it wanna see yeah I'm done with that is it not gonna set fire to all [ __ ] no why is there a forest fire over there I don't know idea you know I'm getting rid of the campus I don't like having ceylon teens go around here can I be got beside the stage fine yay I believe I've stopped the fire boys firefighter Terry I'm gonna need some some thoughts on what I'm building right now coming through I'm considering putting a campfire behind the bad what what do we not there we go we got a little bit you know a little bit you should keep you keep your wall ah fish tank in that back wall in the stick can we do that we could do that do you want to do that yeah we could fit one in here that's a hairy theme of his Rhonda goes around second probably go one more back here screw it let's make it a nice nice fish tank oh no the car just died straight yeah there's not there's no water okay okay you know how I'm gonna glass myself in and put water in here hold up not the most beautiful thing in a house-wide official at the bomb if he/she can't swim shoot out in there quick there's just Rapids all right cool that's it we've got a fish down I'm intrigued as to where this tracks McGary is it going in and out of the house you'll see I'll be patient wait Harry I'm gonna do you an absolute solid mate I'm gonna get you some editions only gonna be let don't worry hey what's happening down here what is alert that's gonna be sick for your relocation will get all the different colors on it through there you know you're not really like autistic yourselves boy this guy a whole-house guy this guy man look at that don't even tell me that doesn't look great yeah it's kind of cool how are you know you don't have to use the torch power the rail how can you can't just use redstone blocks and then it all gets it instantly but I should have told you this way earlier yeah you can literally build it on redstone blocks making oh yeah you could have told me this before me before I spend the last hour but then again you built a whole sign out of that in non creative mode so you know cool right you know Vic Vic you've been given my rap Maya thing a load of [ __ ] snake do you want to come right I'll show me to bill the entrance to I'll even write it first alright call you ready alright the greatest roller coaster ever once you're moving don't don't press for anymore just leave it leave it go here we go okay okay oh no okay I don't like high get pushed into the Obsidian oh my goodness oh my gays you get ye it oh that was out you know what that bit was sick I'll give you that I'll give you that through the lasers yeah down so party up in here I get excited because alright Harry we need to do something where we need to take the Obsidian out of the Middle Pillar so you don't get Apple apps let's replace it with glass okay that's why you get epilepsy because you're going through that obsidian can we just replace that with glass if it's glass will not do the same thing well I mean we could we could also hollow it out and it will even still look sick like that you reckon yeah well hollow it out just so people don't get epilepsy when they ride it okay and then we can replace it with a glass of you wan still doughboys yeah yes is it that is that better does that one is better Harry I'm adding like a custom lava roof just cuz it looks so buying a little coast if I don't say to myself I'm sorry you guys I'll send you bout send you back don't worry I got you what have you done look it's got love in the room I just want to go off this right now I went through Harry chill bro chill why did you open it stop no you're fine don't feel that corner and don't feel that corner in because it no no don't feel that cornering because that's what makes you like disappear into the ball yeah it's a good sign it looks like that proffer into this to you then alright Harry Harry help us do some interior design oh this looks fierce look spying this looks absolutely bangin no no no I don't mean you're gone fishing ah out of water by the sodium is this your house yeah what the [ __ ] have you been doing it somewhere do we have literally been on - the - there's the front yard this this you know this is where you park your whips are your horses I guess in my house thanks riding big big house this is upstairs you got all posted and then the grand reveal you're gonna have to come on out the front this is this is what Harry so basically all you do is press go enough to stop moving and then don't touch anything though Lou say first of all you wouldn't ask for extra time nothing I know you know we know it's not a good content have you guys got so then what well fine I can I say Oh okay I dig this yeah [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] we appreciate you where is JJ by the way haven't seen him in a while yeah where is he where is TPM [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] The Scream Bandhan you can never come back [Music] [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 13,073,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TLDyhCqaNE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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