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- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a $100,000 extreme tag. (cheering) - Basically, the rules are city of London Everyone can, you know, run, hide, do whatever they want. They can't go in buildings. You can't go in train stations. You can't go outside the city of London if you do you're infected. - Oh, okay. - So I swear. - I'm going to swear(chuckles) So basically I have to try and touch each and every one for two hours, I have two hours to do it. And the last person or the last few people who I left after two hours, we'll get a hundred thousand dollars. - You did not say that before. - Well, I'm just gonna for whatever I want. So I have a UAV. I know where everyone else is. They don't know anything. So I'm gonna, you know, sneak and hide and do my thing. So are you guys ready? - No. - Born. Ready? - I said you guys ready? - Yes. - Hang on captain. - Five, four free to all go. - Come on. Go, go, go, go. - Does anyone want team up? - Come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come - Where do we go, babe? Where do we go? Where do we go? I don't know. I don't know. But everyone's going the same way. - Can you spot a side, man? - Somehow me and you have ended up together. Cal. - We are together. - I don't know where we go though. - But I've done this thing. Okay. - So what do you mean you've done this thing. - So if you type in city of London - yeah. - Into your phone, it shows the entire area. - So we gonna head towards the edge. Right? - The idea was it to do this in the middle of London. - Come on Tommy run. Just get as far away as possible from early. - You looking up. - My cardio is not meant for this. - So I can literally see where all of them are. Why they all going down that street? They're all just bunching up to each other. Well four more minutes. - I think we head right. - I'm down for a ride. Do you wanna hit the river and go right - We can get onto the back. - Where are you hiding? I can't run. I have to be smart at this. - You gotta be smart, but he's got UAV. You got he always be on the move. You know What is bridges. - Bridges? - Layers because he's got GPS. He hasn't got open eye GPS. - You're going to the bridge. - Don't come with me. Do not come. I'm a sitting duke. - All right, fine. I'm gonna run. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm gonna run. I'm gonna run. I'm gonna run. Good luck, Randy. - Thank you bro. Light jog. Light jog, light jog. - Light jog, light jog. Say it is look time George. - we gotta go. We gotta go. - Oh shit(screams) I almost died. Okay. - Jesus. - Now let's get at them. - I've got parent news today as well. - No, no, no, no. If we stand in the middle... - We can stand on our own. - Get hold us your own parent. - We should not be in massive groups like we are. - No, but once we get somewhere, once we get somewhere, we're split. - Let's roll. - Let's get it. Let's roll. - We tweet out now saying, Joe, everyone meet us here. And then we form a circle. around us with fans. And he can't get to us. - That that is such a good idea. - I'm hoping he picks the other group and not our group. - Yeah. - That's what's gonna come down to. Honestly, I tell you, they look like easier targets, but does he want easy targets or helping hand? - True. Yeah. - Is your real name Tommy? - No. - Okay. You're just a liar. That's what you are. - No, I am - That was e phone. - I'm Tommy. - Wanna go down this alleyway and deal? - No. - I'm trying to get to a certain place. I've already gone the wrong way. So I'm already five minutes behind and he's only given us five minutes to go. So I gotta go quick, press time in the chat for Randy. - Yeah. Yeah - That leads to a dead end This way, this way. At least back where we came from. - I think we should go down there. - I think Tommy knows London better than you guys. - Are we gonna split up? - Are you challenging me, Tommy? - No. Come on. - This way. I promise you. - Come on Tommy. You got this. - This is how we die. - Oh, look at that. What of you? Wow. - Actually, we got a long way to go. If we got all the way down to tower bridge, it's not far from here. It's only like 800 metres. I'm knocker. - Yeah, I think we... - I'm tired. - You are meant a boxer. - I did eight rounds today. - A slow walk maybe boys. - Eight rounds to being a pussy is slow. - Slow walk. - What do you mean is slow walk. - You're so fat. - I saw you and Ethan on the treadmill on the more side memory. - Oh, that was you memory. - You guys can run. Randolph is very close to me. I don't think Randolph even moved. Toby is quite far flipping at who is that? Vic bro. Rick is miles away. Jesus. Vic is with Ethan. So Vic and Ethan are together. Harry is close by next to them. Toby is with Josh. - I'm not gonna lie. I'm really on edge. Is he getting like Ubers or he has got his driver? - There is four us. He might target us to this four together. - Yeah Tommy is far as well. Okay. I'm just gonna go get the closest person and that's Randolph. So yeah, let's go. - He didn't say we couldn't got on the Uber. He said no vehicle. - Is that a vehicle? - It's a boat. - But he didn't say we couldn't swim. He didn't say we couldn't swim. - He did not. But I'm good. - I'm gonna pass on that. Cause he wanna Kill me. That's where I'm trying to go. Okay. Barbecue. (indistinct chatter) _No, I'm not part of it, I'm a friend. _I literally, just seen up there but say hello? - Did you see Kesai? - No. Seen Simon in the road. - Saw Simon didn't see Kesai. That's a good sign. - Let me set a timer as well. Oh one hour and 56. Yeah. Cool. All right. - Tommy think think think. - Outfit for the mouth. What'd you say? - I'm trying to think of like a spot that makes it really awkward to get to us. - Do you recommend barbecue a good shop. - Yeah. Cause amazing itself. - Yeah. You know what so many levels to it. I think that's the best place to go. - What? - Barbecue. - I definitely should got better shoes. These are a bit big for me. - Can we go and get a pint - We could do or I go up there to park or should we go. - What's funny. I was hungry. - No am I going the right way. No, we're not this way. - I've also got to do this with disguises. I'm gonna go through this park here. Big park area. I'm gonna go there first on route and hopefully I'm still hidden. - Bro. I saw a woman running. All I saw was someone running and I just, it was literally like a middle aged white woman. So it was the furthest thing in Kesai - Is it? - Middle aged Just cinema. - Yeah. - Beautiful brisk walk with the boys is copper club in the boundary or not? - Yes - It is. Yeah. - Let's go there for a drink man. - Oh shit. - Actually just joking - Aren't ready for the jet. - That was a good practise - My arm seems ready for the jet. - All my tendons feel. - You know, I'm tempted just to just use my driver. Yeah. I'll use my driver or maybe I should just use a cab. - But he's also not very smart. - No. And I feel like he chose who he wanted before it even started. - Jackon - Yeah. - And do you know what Tommy in it's gonna be lost because he's gonna bring in the most views. - But does that not give him more camera time if he chases him? - Oh, oh. - Or does it make people click off Cause they hate Tommy. - Oh. - Basically. Can I just direct you and you just... - Tight Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah no worries. - Okay. Thank you very much, sir. - Best cab. - Yeah, let's go sweet. - It's good. I feel safer. cause we can like look back. - We got enough people. Do you know what it is we're in the corner. So we can't... we only have the way place though. Cause we can only run one way. We can't... - We only have to look out one way. So if he comes out way you get the other. - I've got speed. - No you don't. - So quick. I seam a little bit. I'm running. - Not quick enough to get outta the way that shoulder. - I did I powered it. - Well it didn't look like you powered it. - I hit myself. - Okay. Is it possible to go down the road? A 3 2 1 1? What are they doing on the edge let's say cross lane. Yeah. Let's try and get at them. - I don't quite believe I'm seeing across the road. - Right. Harry road to show has got a wig on but he's still wearing a sidemen hoodie. - All right I'm now disguised. - Harry the jumper is so you. - Oh no He's not gonna see this though. Right? - That is a Harry jumper. It doesn't work. - Take off the hoodie. - Harry, Vic, Ethan and Gib all together. Where are they going? - We stay still he'll come for us. Like he'll hunt you down. Cause he's like, right. They're not gonna move until I get near them. - True. - Whereas if you just continuously move... - All right. What's the plan. - Okay. True. - What is the plan? - Trust me. Trust me. We get recognised loads and we get a hop and then we get all the people to say, if Kesai comes, charge him. - We just get our own army. Oh yeah. - Why don't you tweet out location. - Should we go on the train track? - No... - That's not outside. We just had to... - No, no, no. You gotta jump. Jump over the spikes - George. Quick. Quick. - And then just get onto the train. - Do you want the beard? - Yeah. - It's horrible. You don't want the beard. - I do want the beard. - It looks worse with the beard. The beard bakes it more. - No, man, that beard is also easy to get this over at one. - Nah man, I'm a brown boy. - Still worse. - Well, let's go. There are so many ways you can run, left, right. - Barbecue is the spot. - The staircases is elephant. - Barbecue is a hundred percent the spot. - It's all outdoors. Really? - Yeah. We got this. - Hundred thousand dollars please. - We're outta the cab because that took way too long. Well, it took us 10 minutes to travel. Two metres, pointless. So we're gonna just take the train instead. I think that'd just be way easier. - Yeah come up with a Strat. We get to the very board strategize. Get to the board. then we go up and down. - Then we've got less places to navigate. - No because they'll be be spending so much time thinking, oh my God, you're gone out the border and I bet all the other people are going that way. - But what if we accidentally cross the border? We're out. - That's all right. - No it's not right. Cause we go out the border. We lose. - London's busy. So busy. Oh my God. I need all the help I can get using on the ground and tubes and all that jazz. - We're bugging for no reason, bro. He's never ever finding anyone. - So yeah. That's my goal. Fin re circus right here. Chilling there. Get some energy back and then make my way to the barbecue. So my goal. Let's see if it works. - Oh wait. Where are they going to now? Okay. So we go to tower hill. We'll get, oh actually hold up. They've moved. They keep just moving. Alright. Old gate. I say let's go old gate and try and cut them off. Yeah. Nice. - We've unlocked a new little area off to the right. Honestly, boys, if you want my honest prediction, our reckon he's gone to the other team and we too have a great day out in London. - Yeah, we should find some activities or something to do. - Like what can we do? - See my brain day defaults to drink in pipes. Is that bad? - Quite bad. Yeah. - No, no, no. So they went all the way. All the way to the right And then they've gone all the way up here. Randolph is also looking to go to Olge as well, but we can get quite a few of them in Olga. - The wigs awful Bage. - The wig is awful. The wigs not awful. I'll be like, are they performing or something. - Wearing sideman. - He says road show on the map. In your own assignment. - Trust we're running away. He's not gonna go for the woman. Is it? - Yeah. - Probably - The Woman is 98 kg. Oh no, no, no. Cut that. Cut that. - That's fine. That's fine. Cut that. - No George you idiot. This is someone's car George. - Oh my God. It's really low. - You're an idiot. You're a... - Do I just stay here. It's really low. - Gang gang out here on the tube station. Looking for the man, all right, No they're going Liverpool street. They're going Liverpool street. Let's go Liverpool street. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. You're right. Yeah. It's like, you know... - I'm a Russian Spy. - Yeah. Legit. What the hell? And I have no internet now. Okay. I have no idea where they are. We're going in blind. - Excuse me. Would you be able to let us in this park? Yeah. It's really weird. We live round here and it's like, we're just recording a little shoot and it's not letting us in It's really weird. - The gate's open over there. - Oh, is it? - Yeah. In the front - Well that if that's okay. Yeah. It's really weird. I dunno why. - Its broken. - Charm is watching charm's watching. - Wow. - Hey, life is crazy. - We're in. - Come on George. - We did it. - It got to be that one - This is actually big brain. - Thank you I'm pretty proud. - No, this was my idea. - No, it was not your idea. - I'm pretty sure it was my idea. - It was a joint idea. - Roll the photos back. - That's a joint idea. - You go, you can go in there through the pub, out the back door. You could go this way. You can go. There's lots of different ways here. You would get someone for sure. - It's almost not me. I don't mind. - It's a trap. You trying to trap us. I'm not trying to trap you. I'm trying to add some an element of jeopardy for the game? - Ah, a danger pin. - A danger pin. - Sideman viewers. If this is left in. Oh, I've got it. The, sideman discount code is George. - It's Doggy. - if this works, you can use my name to get a discount code. - Bro. They're literal on Liverpool street. They're literally right next to Liverpool street. Well, this could be the biggest play ever. I'm going to Ethan. Oh my God, bro. If we play this so well, it's a dog. It's a huge dog. - Can they see you? - They can't see me. - Okay. - They don't know I'm near them. - I wanted to lay on top of a bus stop flat. So he will just see you bro. Should we go barbecue? - I've been there. Yeah. I'm not for barbecue. Barbecue's a shout. Cause he's all twisty and bendy. 69. Look. - Why are you football. - Grow up. - You said film up. I thought you were gonna say something. - Grow up boy. - Immature baby. - You think you're funny Booger? - Making me look like a clap. - Get ready to run. Okay. Okay. - Which way's the edge? - Left. Left.. Well, the edge is very close. Gib you nearly got infected over that mate? - Bogar what you spending your peas on? But when I win - Yeah. - Oh my God. There's Simon and Luxe. Oh my God. There's Simon and Luxe. There's Simon and Luxe. - Galax. - What is that? Who said that? - They cut in corners. They cut in corners - This is bad really? - This is really bad. - Where they going? Where they going? Where they going? Wait, I'm trying to think. I'm trying to see. I think they'll be here. Okay. Alright. Okay. Oh, I see them. Yes. - Whoa, whoa. - You stay stay by that mall. You're clean. You're clean. We way clean. - Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. My God. Come on, dad. Where are you going bro. Where are you going? You are finished you bastard. - Run. Go, go. On the road. On the road. - I'm spliting. I'm spliting. I'm spliting. Simon. - I'm either. - You are infected. - My first one. - Your first one. - Jesus. - I can't run cause of my chest. - Yeah. - You bastard. You knocked my phone off my hand. You gotta got me done. - Bro I'm so happy. I spotted him. - You following someone else? - Are you able to use transport? - Yeah. - Yeah. - You guys come by. I'll see you soon. - How did you get us? - Liverpool street. - I said Victor amateur. I said we're right next to a cheese station. - I was like Berlin. I went old gate and then I saw you guys right Liverpool street. I was like dumb. - Oh. Well we should cut him off somehow. - Yes. - Cause they run that way. Oh bro. If I weren't ill, I would've carried on. - He's gonna come to me. Oh, I'm not cut for this. - Bro, bro. We were all together and I saw him from the left. - Oh. - You saved us. - You pushed me. My phone went flying. Like how does it feel? Squid games. - Nice to know what happens if It comes down to it. - I wanna get Harry next. - Harry's in a wig. - I saw it. I saw he is in a wig. Harry, for some reason is in a wig. God knows why. - Because we thought you'd got Simon, Do you know we just met lexus and Simon. That's why I did not hear me. I went wait right there. I went as he got you. And then he went, oh my God, is there. Okay. - Oh. - I'm gonna try and cut him off. - The maddest thing was, is he was actually close. Does he come from either? I'm on my own or does he leave me. - The win now I've got a new partner. - Hello? I don't think we can go that way. - Really? - We have to go this way look Matt. But he's, you know, cut us off. - We need to keep going then. - Look. We're right on the edge. He shouldn't got me faster. I have no helper. - No, it doesn't don't work. It doesn't work. - I'm still ill. Can I get an Uber bike? - Yeah. You can use transport now. - So on a map we are right there. Barking station barking centre. We got this whole centre here. More gates either side of us though. But right now we're on the road. So if he was looking out for my friends I'm on the road. - But he has to touch us. Right? - Yeah. He see us up here from down there, but it wouldn't actually matter. - Oh shit this is the edge of the zone. Oh no. It might be over for me. You know I'm trapped in this box. I'm on the edge of the zone. - Okay. We are close. - So who'd he go for? - Bears I assume. - He must have been Bears - Is Bears the only one. - Yeah. We lost Bears. We replaced him with Simon. - But luxes run - Wait, no cows with someone. - No, he was running in front of me. Then he ran into the infected area. - Yeah. - He ran off. He ran out. - Here we go. It's not the shoot that you wanna be on after you've been in bed on antibiotics for a week. - I knew I was gonna do so much running. - If I was well, I would've carried on running away from him. - That is actually so mad. - Is Randolph. - What the hell what are you doing Randy? What the hell. - What are you doing Randy? - No. Are you good? Are you clean? - He doesn't look clean. - He looks dirty. He looks dirty. He looks dirty. - They think I've been got, they think I've been got okay. So maybe they had the same idea come to the barbecue's. - I feel bad for Randy man. - We said he looked dirty we ran away. - He didn't say anything did he? - He was acting soft. - He was acting very... - He was acting soft. - No guys am good. You also went, he looks dirty and ran away. - No, cause he says he doesn't look clean. I said, you're right. He's dirty. - Can you see the others? - No. That's why it's quite flawed. Cause now I'm infected. I can't do anything unless I'm with you. - Thank you so much. - Nice Vic. I'm gonna get Vic. He's not gonna be fast. He's been beefing up too much. - Yeah. I'm going up these stairs. If I can just stay in the barbecue the entire time going up and down and all around. He's never gonna find me. But also if they were running away from me, maybe they've recently seen JJ. So that's a bit as well. This is perfect. This is literally perfect. - Huh? Ben is infected. He's just put in the chart. He's infected. - Okay. Oh you got him - He didn't have to tell us, but that means Randy was clean. - Bro I gave you a sip - I had a little sip. - He should have said something. He didn't say anything. - If you wanna go back and find Randy be our guest. But I don't trust that, man. I'm on a patroller now. - Right? - How close am I to Vic? I'm on a patrol. Goodbye. - I'll date then. Oh, they are far, you know? - Right. And he to get on the top of something and it needs to happen now. - No. - Ah. - Tommy, - This is sick. This is sick. No trust come around here. Here's a run. If they come in here from this end. Cause on the map we gonna be on this road. Aren't we? - Yes. - So what they do is they come here and then we get really far back. - There's no way. They're not gonna think we're just on the edge of the park. Aren't they? Where are they? - So rope maker. - Huh? - Rope maker. - I don't know where that is. - Yeah. - They're like. - Where. - They're like off there. - But near. - No. So we have to. - Harry said he is with me. - Yeah. I might just get ran Randolph He's not moving. Rope maker hi cafe near a turn left. I will get to see Randolph. All right. - Mans chilling. Literally chilling. Lack of villain. Well not a villain cause I'm not infected. I'm the opposite of infected. I'm affected. - All right Oh my God. There's Luxe. Luxe is right ahead of me. Luxe is there Luxe is there - Oh really? Look there. No. No - Oh. - Come on motherfucker Where you going bro? - Oh shit Ah, why me? - Because I saw you. - I was on my own. - I didn't know. This is gonna be such a workup. Jesus. I'm next to Randolph. - Show me. - Oh God. He's right close. - Well, he's literally I'm on top of him. - Well, I was just sitting duck right there bro. I was so like vulnerable. He could have got me, but instead he ran off the beds. I was so lucky. - And were you wearing the wig? - Yes. - You wearing the wig? - Maybe that's why. - Maybe, maybe maybe. You see a wig. You think it's not one of the ball, right? - Was your back to him? - Yeah. Oh I was like bent over so I've already did it. - You like that Eagle eyes. - I got one of them. Thank you Ethan. - Eagle eyes bro. Oh my God. There's luxe, oh my God There's Luxe. - You you dick head. - Shut yourself. It was lovely. - Right left. - Why do you want to turn? We're going away from... - On the same cause he's gonna look at the map to go there. Walking this direction. - I like turning. - So what you wanna get familiar and just... - Zigzag. - He's gone. Why is he gone in there? I think Randolph is in here. What? Technically this count as a building for God's sake. As soon as I see Randolph, he'll be like, yeah, you got me fam. - JJ I think a lot of people are at barbecue. Justin shared he's with me. He's up here I'm right. - I can't find Randolph. - Justin and Toby are under that tunnel. Under here. - Under the barbacue tunnel here. - Look wait. So why don't we pinch to them? - Look, he's getting closer to us. - Wait I'm looking. Oh. You're right. - He's getting closer to us. - You're right. He's getting close. - He's coming out this tunnel. I think JJ. - Is he actually there. - Yeah. - Is he there? Where was he? Where was he? Wait. Did you see him? - All over I've just seen JJ with Ethan. You saw him JJ with Ethan JJ kind of with Ethan. We got a dip out of this tunnel. JJ call and yeah, - Oh, wait. They'll see me on a bike. Won't they. They're under the tunnel or they're... - They're on the top. - Yeah. Yeah. Cause that's what That was gonna be my spot. - Yeah. - I'll lock up your bike. - Bro. We're on top of him bro. Bro look. - Yeah. - They are literally up there. - Oh, it took me long to get Toby though. - Yeah, I think Toby's got the advantage on this one. - Yeah. Pace. - Right? He's up there. Okay. Oh wait he's got no he's gone behind us now. Yeah. They're running across the barbecue. No look he's by the lake behind the barbecue now. - Okay. - They're running away. Yeah. - Zoby we're coming. - We need to get through the tunnel and cut left as up. Maybe actually have (indistinct) - They might go through the tunnel. - I think they might be done. - Yep. - We're on top of them again. - Yeah. They're above us. - Yeah. Well can we get up those stairs? Wait, what is this? - What is that? Wait, come see here. - It's the Bible. - Wait, let's read the... The Bible. - Save us. - Hey, let's read the bible. Let me read this Bible. What is the Bible here? What is the Bible is literally here. We found the Bible. Wait, let me read a passage. They're literally above us. They're right up. - Oh no. It's locked. Gonna have to go that way. - This is literally my goal. I came here with my dad once we went to see some sort of film or something. And I remember staying here at uni or I got my grades here. I think. - I need to pee. - Josh's down the road. Josh is gone. Yeah. They've all gone down the road. - They're down the road now. - How are they so far away? They're the next junction. - You what? Let's go up. And then turn right go through, back on ourselves. Gotta outsmart them. Now. - They're literally straight down the road. Yeah. - But they don't know we're near them. - They didn't run. We risk it by going back towards them. - If they're that close to us. They're definitely constantly checking. - Oh yeah. They're properly, - Yeah. They're making moves by the way. - They're properly moved. - The thing is now we kind of need to see them. - One's on a bike. Cause we know. - Who's on the bike. - It's Luxe. But bezel swap for sure. - Bezel swap on the back to get us. - Yeah, but we gotta play awkwardly. So they were down there. Then they ran through barbecue. They would come out that side. We just gotta dip it that way. As far as possible. - I feel like this trunks made me racist. Cause I'm just like on the lookout for black people. - This challenge has made you racist. - It's Ethan now black person I see. - Yeah bro there is Ethan as well bro. - Oh yeah. Good point 50 50. - No, but I'm not scared of Ethan chasing me. I'm scared of JJ chasing me. He's more ominous. - Ethan. I'm gonna try and cut them off. - All right. - Yeah. - I'm not gonna cut. I think they're outside the zone. - You think. - I've just done City London search and where they are is outside the zone. Fair that road's out the road. There. They're out. They're out the zone. - Put in little jog to taken left. I thought I missed filming them. - Yeah, I know. - I did try to turn my camera on(indistinct) They were right there. Basically it was a balcony. We looked down, but they were creeping. They were just creeping. They had location. They were like we've 10 metres of us. - I gotta go higher. Okay. Quick let's go. Actually. You know what? Little sit down first man. I'm big. Randy. I've got a rest. You know what I'm saying? Nice little flower bed. Nice little tree. - Bro they're still going to old street. - It's too late. They're already infected . - I can't believe that. - They're probably not gonna pick up. - But we've got location proof. - I'm texting them. - I didn't mean to leave this place. - No this this is our gate. You can leave if you want. - I don't wanna be alone. That's what I thought. - Hello? - Oh, is that his voicemail? - You're infected bro. Goodbye. So Ethan put the chat. - Yeah Ethan proved that they were out of the zone. but he showed his location. - Yeah. - He's where we were five minutes ago. - So they are all following us. - Yes. - They're following us. - They can use, they can use all vehicles. - Yeah. But it's fine. If we get to the river, I think we're right. - Yeah. Let's go Barbecue and then go from there to temple. - We paid ourselves. Yeah. Why would they still be here? Be done because they can see we're not there. Why they wouldn't people coming back there. - But now that we've used the strategy, . - We, shouldn't go back in it. - Now that we've used the strategy, we can't use it again. - But I know what Toby and Josh have done. Like how have they gone so far about. - Just probably not checked. - You know what Now? I think Josh has some like Josh has some like 1960s version of city of London map. It says the old street's still in it. - Bro. Bro. Don't don't say that. - No, that's right. That's the bank. Oh. So this is where they saw us - They didn't see us. - Well this, I didn't. - They were there. They were right there. Right there. We was up and at balcony out there. - Oh my God. So, where they have gone you'd go up here. I think it would've stuck across. - I reckon it in there. I hope we move. This way. - So about this way or you go tunnel. - I reckon it'll jog now. Yeah. - Wait. We could actually look. You could like walk on this. Look. Try walk on this. Go on. Yeah, go on. - I'd be like Jesus. Walk on water. - You're an idiot. You're a idiot. - I'm gonna hit battery. Okay. This is a risky one. Please don't find us now. - He's coming Run. - You're out the zone. - We look like thugs mate. - We are thugs. - Yeah. But oh, But we actually are being a bit thuggish. - Fog like behaviour on the tree. I climb the Japanese. - I feel guilt though. - All right. Don't climb it then be a bad person. You are a bad person. Climb the tree. - Oh no. My Bible's telling me not to. feel bad now look. - Clean the chair. You've got mud on the top. - You clean the chair Bible boy. - Oh my God. Do you reckon where they're going for us so he is picking the easier targets. - Who's the easier targets? - I would say. - I hope Randy wins. - But imagine we just forgot about Randy. We finished the video and like, oh you got everyone just Randolph just walking around. - Let's go there. Pretty sure he is in barbecue. - But he is up here. - Yeah. - Ride out season, baby. Oh, this is a little manoeuvre. - Little ride out season. - A little manoeuvres. One hand on the wheel. One hand on the camera. - I'm gonna leave this here. I'm gonna retrieve it when come back. - No, no. Let's just leave it there guys. This is a side men challenge. I've started it. Find the Bible it's here. If you know where this is. - Where are we gonna wait? - All right back under the car. Back under the car. - No I don't want to be into someone's car. Wait where can we wait. Do we have to go back the way we came. - Came back in barbecue. I dunno where they're gonna be. They're on bikes though. - Where's Josh new location. He's right ahead of us. He's right ahead of us. - He's right ahead of us. - I'm slinging my bike it counts right? - I think you're gonna target me. And that's Toby. Toby can blitz them on the speed. Oh God. COVID lungs. Help me please run faster. - We're nearly back where we started the outline just down there should you just go wait at the start point and be like, look, we did a full lap. We've come back. - I'm try and like trick them so that I'm above and below. I think I'm caught regardless. Cause it's like three of them so they can like catch. They can wait. You all exits right now. - Wait, You just hold this for a sec. I'm gonna try and go for away. - If I get caught, just standing here whilst he's going to the toilet. This is very dangerous. - I can't run anymore. - Is there a toilet. - Right Yeah. Yeah. You just go and ease the toilet. I'm gonna buy in some donut. - Okay. - He might be down here. - He's down here. - Walking out. It's skinny. - Oh my God. This is slippery. - Holy. It's slippery. Roll. - That is nuts. I hope my brakes work bro. You've been on a bike before. - Bro. Allow me, man. This is weird. You know it's so slippery. And it's like, this bike is weird. It's like electric. - Oh My God - bro No, no, man. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this. - Can I go this tunnel? Is that allowed? - I Think it's allowed. It's not indoors. It's the tunnel. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. - I've lost Josh. My camera battery is about to die. It's freezing cold. I've been the cause of my own downfall at this point. I'm just gonna sit here until they find me. It's pointless. - Good luck. - Oh, that was... - I'll see you on the other side. - No Toby. - Where is Ethan? - He threw the tunnel here and left. - Threw the tunnel and left. - Yeah. - Let's get it. Let's get it. - Visuals. All sides. All ways taken the road. It's quite hard to do filming and riding. Oh no. Don't run again. I don't even know. - Great. - Move a black supremacy. Haven't got a exit God are you industrial? please strap. - We got you bro its done. - Oh my God. It was so slippery. - Oh my God. Yes. - Little dick head. - We done one. - I almost slipped. - Every corner... - Toby's out the zone. No code red. I can literally hear Ethan. Where is he? Okay. I need to move now. I need to stay on the move. I literally heard Ethan, man. I literally heard Ethan. I'm not even joking. This floors slippery as well. I can't run anymore. Well when could I ever could? No, that one I suppose. - That one's lovely. I'm sorry. - What? - I did pay for it. - No, but come on. Just be nice. Be nice. - I paid for it. But this one doesn't look like what even is this? I asked for the two nicest ones and you gave me the two ones that were the... - what is this Must be a lot of them. You know, there must be more than one infected now there must be a group of them JJ and co I need to not look at the edge. I need to stay on this layer, so they can't hear me. - Oh Randy, where are you The bend in the road on you. - He wanna be new. - Or he is in Barbecue maybe - No, I didn't think I was gonna like this, but I just proves guys try things. My battery died. I had to swap it. I saw Ethan and I think Simon or Harry blue jumper on a bike. Okay. - Have you seen him? - Okay. Sorry. - I've just got his bike. - He cares as well. - I can't. Randolph is here. - They're really smart right now. They're on bikes, man. I guess the infected can go on bikes then, right? - You think he is here. - Bro Bro. - You don't think he's gone. He's probably up there. - Yeah the Barbecue's amazed bro as well. Is gonna hired. - Block sake. We should have said you can't go up anything. - Let's go for someone else. - Right. - Or actually Randy would be good to have though. - Literally down steps. I wanna hide here Look, right here. - Yeah, he's literally here. - This is good. So I'm up one level. No, no my footprints. - He said he just wants to go the other people. Cause we only got 45 minutes. - Yeah, we don't have time. So Hey Toby's behind us. - In barbecue. - Yeah. Yeah. Can you see him? He's literally there. - He's, that's where Is it snitching? I'm on your team now. - Well yeah. Yeah. Your men are nowhere. - Okay. Yeah. - I never wanna see Barbecue gonna get in my life. - So we go get Toby then. - Yeah. - So, okay. So go through the tunnel. - Ride out. - There we going through the tunnel - We're are gonna get Toby. - See fair. We need Toby because if we're in a chase, jump out gang. He's speedy. - Do you think he gave up and went... - I would've given up far time. I would've given up. - Well, went for Tommy. He got Ethan. Maybe he went straight from there to Randolph. - He's following us. - Hundred percent. - Surely not. - Hundred percent. He's following us. - There's no way. He's just following us. - This Barbecue area is the worst. The actual worst. - Huh? Which way should we go? - Can you guys straight? I got plan. There's a left turn coming up. Yeah. And we wanna go in there. Are we staying here? Little covert operation. - Little black holes. Black holes, spice. black holes. Oh. - Talking, talking, talking. And then yeah. And it's crazy. I said to her, if you are not gonna beat those toenails, I'll just have to. - You can hear them. - No, I've got a leaf of good luck. - Oh my Bible. - It's still there - You mean shush. Tell us the plan. Sorry. - Tell us a plan where is he going - This way helps helps to know London very well. I'm staking on Toby there, but you gotta do it right? We gotta help out. Jay's pointless. It's too hard. Otherwise. - See a young Toby just chilling. - So this way Jade is behind him. - No, there's no point trying to go head on cause I know he's gonna outpace me. So we're gonna have to try and lure him in. - Look at him. Little Toby. - Might look like a proper widower right now. Just stalking this guy. - I mean cool fam why you out bed? Why you on this running? You're supposed to run. - I'm can't run. Am done. - At a steel operational place bro. A whole sting operation from me. But little than me, - Didn't even try and run. Had him on the stars truck. - Oh, mate. - I'm tired. I'm cold. My camera battery died and I don't wanna. - Battery died. - Okay. Well. - In fact, - And also I feel like you need the help. - Yeah. Okay. You can't come down. Move fast. This. - I was thinking like this must be. - We gotta be fast. - Well mate, I've definitely run 5k plus. - I on 10 for so long. - Oh my God. - Give odd your girlfriend online. - My girl can online. - Yeah. Gimme odds. - 14. - Come on 10. - I'll give you 10. - All right. 3, 2, 1 8. - What did you say? - Eight. I got him. Oh my. He's getting his toddler out. He's gonna have. - Wait we have been locked in? If we stayed behind the edge - Wait, we would've just won. If we stayed in there, we would've actually won. - They actually locked it. - They've locked the park. - We have 45 minutes. - All right Let's get moving. - Yeah. That was cool in a sting operation. - Yeah. - By the way, Harry Simon and all them together at the Gerkin - Gerkin that way. - They're down at the Gerkin - So we go Gerkin then. - Get end of the tunnel It's a bike, right? For Toby. - We need to keep an eye on behind him. When we're out in this public in it. We need to like... - This is why I didn't wanna come to the street. It's also really loud. - Really loud. Eh, well where did you wanna go down right river. And then we'll be pinned. We'll proper pinned. - Operation Randy. Operation Randy. Everyone's got a group call. Yeah. - Yeah. - Air pods in proper communication. Like I'll cut left kind right Cutting left. You know what I mean? I'm getting left over. - We're pretty close to being out the map. - We're not that close. - But if we go back, we go like back the way we came. - Yeah. No we can go down that anywhere. Yeah. We're fine. We usually do hide out here for a minute. - I'll sit here. - Yeah bro. He's he's in the barbecue. - How far from here? - Oh. Legit. I've been here five times already. I don't know where he is. - He's right in there. - He's right in there. - He just sting it. If the two of us go inside. - Nah, Bon it, bro. I say Let's try and look for someone else. Share your location. With Josh right now. Share your location. Share your location with Josh. Me and Josh will go get Randy. You head on we'll catch up. Josh and I are gonna head in, get Randy. You guys head onto the next. - We'll catch out with you though. Even though we don't have his location. - Boys, boys. Should we buy a trophy already? Say we won. - Yeah. Should buy the winner's trophy. - Fine. We'll keep looking up. I think we should move. You don't wanna move? Do you? - No. - Did you see how deep in he was? He's by the main exhibition centre. - All right. - Imagine they have a bike and they just like catch up to us and touch us. - No, I don't think they can do that. That feels so unfair. And that we just go park. - How? Or they can't like record and bike. I guess they can but - The winner's trophy. Cause we're not getting caught. The hundred grand trophy If we find him without UAV. Well, we are the go ahead like cog champions, like OG cog champions. But I'm thinking like, You're trying to think if I was him. I'm just pissed I didn't do that. You gotta understand that red light is green light in London. Woo. All right that way, red light green light don't exist in London bro. You just got. - Red light. - Whatever it is. It's race. You just got to go. - Red light green light. Bye. Right? So all the way down. - Red light green light. Right? Wrong way down to one way. Sorry. - Right? - Hello. Missed it in it. Wait, no me dead. You crazy? - You, saw it. Lying is illegal. - We are not infected. - Is he infected? - I'm not telling you that we are. - No you're infected. - You. And how do I know you're not infected? Why are you asking where I am? - You know, I don't get infected. - No I can't. - Who are you with? - Fine. I'm with I'm with Gibb. Harry Simon. We're all clear. We're near we near the tower of London. Where are you? - Oh, we are literally on the other end. Have you actually seen JJ or anyone? - Yeah. We ran from him once. Where are you guys? - Just on the other end, but yeah. - Right. Well, we are walking to the other end now we're walking towards like black friers. - Okay. - So maybe we'll see you around that area then. - Keep it going. Keep it going. Keep him going, going, keep him going, going, keep it going going. - He is there - How is he there? - Where? like in here To be fair We've just come up some stairs. He might be like under, through and left. - Wait. - Come. - Huh? - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. What's good. How you doing? You good. We're looking for one of them. Hide and seek. We're playing hide and seek. We're trying to find one of them. - I think we need to hide honestly. Instead of standing. - Why do you need to hide Jordan? Play to your own strengths? My strengths is I can outrun people I think - That's not a strength. Cause they're gonna be faster than you. I'm telling you. They will outrun you. - No. - You need to believe me. Come with me. Come with me. - Ruin it. As long as I can go in a straight line, I'll outrun them. - No you won't. - I'm young and fit. - I think you yeah. Might have gone for Tommy and George. - Yeah. - And we are walking towards him, but what else are we gonna do?. - We're fine. - Looking for a tall young boy. - What? - For a tall young boy in a blue jacket. - Makes no sense. He's supposed to be in this little APA here or in the park. Look, that's the park and there's a walk, play next to it. - So you let's go say Paul's cathedral. - Look how high that like there's no one's gonna capture us there We are like, it's just such a big zone. I think we gotta see Paul's cathedral. - Why? - I don't know. - I hope I've just ruined the video, but guess it's nice to have someone who's fat, slow and just stationary. Right? You can keep quit back to me. Watch all the other guys for fun and then keep quit back to me for the boring. - The boy is walking. - The boys are tired. Let me be honest with. - My legs are tired and my hands are cold. - Vic left and straight down. - Oh bro. He's literally wait. - Vic is left and... - No, no, no, no. Has an update. - Updated 17 minutes ago. - Well, far I keep, connecting to some dead internet. It's not there. - Let me see. - We've gone after someone that was here 17 minutes ago. We are fucked. - Fuck sake, man. - He's not here though. Location says he's forever over there. Yeah, but we'll be on get to the park and walk across. - Well, we are back. - That's like the joke... - That's so annoying. Literally. I don't understand why Tommy sings just won't update now - Strategy is... The strategy is that they made the zone too big and we can just sit here and probably wait. - Yeah, we want 10 minutes until the time's. - Oh, okay. We got something. - What? - The George is there two lefts Is it fleet street? - Yeah. Fleet Street's right in front of us here. - Okay. Cool. - We found you George. - We've come full circle. Is this to see where we started? Right, right here. We're right at the spot. Yeah. Boys. - Huh? What? - We're back at the start. This is literally where we started. - Oh yeah. Full circle. He's wearing all black and Tommy's in all blue. Wait, we were here, right? This is where the like the. - No, it must have been close. - This is literally where we, yeah, this is where we started. - My fucking legs. Ah, I can't stay here much longer. Oh my legs. Oh, is so bad and so much pain. I'm not joking. - Surely the two London boys aren't getting outsmarted by a Northern boy. - I think we are currently being outsmarted by Pokemon go little freak. I think we really are getting outsmarted by someone. Not from these ends. - This is a very terrible place to sit though. - Oh yeah. - The worst nearly. - Ah. You go that way. You go that way. I just need to pee bro. I need to pee. - Yeah. What's up. - Oh. Shit. What, what am I in shot. - Doing what? - I said you in shot. I'm in shot. I need to pee. It was a joke. - They're on the other side, other side, other side. - So there's gonna be like a train that we can get onto over around this corner. - Oh. Yeah. You're right. Didn't they turn left. - They turn left where? - The turn left here. Wait, what. - Where do they got this bridge? They're out there. - Go, go, go, go. - My phone. Maybe he chases you. - Sent over. - Hello is your name Randy. And when we get you, it's gonna be so satisfying - To beat him up. - We should beat him up. - Be Friday. - maybe I need to try and maybe we need to try and cut them off. - Yeah but Toby left his bike - Oh my God - Down here, down here, run, run, run you. - Did you actually see him Yeah, I saw it was it's cause I thought I saw Toby and then I saw Bezing I thought I was like, is that Toby that saw Bezing bright ginger hair. - Oh my God. I checked the one next to it earlier. I checked the one next to it. Wait, I go I'll go. - Okay. We see Randolph. - Imagine to see them to cave them. I'm getting claustrophobic now. I'm getting better claustrophobic now my back hurts. My leg hurts. I gotta win the a hundred K just to go to chiropractor. - We got away. - Wait I'm not 80% sure though - They saw us. Wait, are they coming for us? - Yeah, they would've seen, - Are they going to track us. - I pointed into him and then I screamed over and over. - They know we're here. I saw Tommy's head poke over the thing. - Oh, we've got 13 minutes. - Right? - Who do you wanna go for? - Well then the only people we're closest to. - Yeah. We're not close to anywhere. - Just drive around London somewhere. - Let's go - Hello? motherfucker. - Did you hear us? - Yeah. I heard you - as in, I checked here. I checked there. Didn't I - Did you? - Yeah. I didn't hear you there. - Were you here the whole time? - Yeah, no, no, no. I saw Ethan on a bike down there. I saw you on a bike, but I thought you were Simon in, in Harry in a blue jumper. - Oh my God. Can I come out? You've got me now. - Yeah. I need to touch you. - Bro. My leg is done my back is done. - Good hiding spot, man. You're surrounded fan you're surrounded. - What's up? - That was all. That was horrifying. That was like a horror film because I saw them then I thought they're gonna dash after me. - I'm like... - I imagine if it wasn't there. - That used up all my demo energy. - We in the city pull up on those, - And then you went back downstairs, got recognised with a fan. I went in here. I looked down man's the other side of the wall, but. - And I had to like, you could see my feet. So I had to lie there my arm is just numb man. My ass is numb my legs done. - Did you not hear me? - I heard you. - I heard, I heard foot steps - Didn't hear the whole time. - Not the whole time. - That's cold respect. - How long along of it? - That was sick. - All right. - That like I've been through a lot, you know? - No, no that's no try running around. Getting chased by bikes. - You guys look like a cool boy band. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Posted. - You're the main singer. I was just about to say who looks like the main singer I'm standing up. - No. - I got the hair. - Surely you're the drummer. I'll take the drummer. You're the bass player and you're the singer slash guitarist. - Put me on guitar as well come on man. - Bass, bass guitar. Someone's got our bass. What are you doing Simon? I'm a videographer. - Ah, - I film the dirty scenes on tour where you all have OGs - Oh Christ, - Toby is going down the bat lanes. - Yeah we are good. - How do they get this far. - Bro Just running around London's easy. You know when I feel like sometimes when you got camera, you don't really feel like it's real life. Cause all you're looking at is camera. - Does it not hear? You like you forget that it's real life. - Yeah. Kind of - Like, cause I've just spent this whole time just looking at this little camera lens. So I feel like if I walked in front of the car, it wouldn't really hurt. - But it would. - Yeah, but it would. - Yeah but it would. - We're close to them - I see him. I see him. look the right in the middle of the park. Tommy's looking. Tommy's looking. - That's it. Yeah. yeah - Where you going George? George where are you going man. - What are you doing? - This guy, bad. - I'm so sorry. - You come here. Thomas. You come here. - My camera died. - You come here. Oh my God. Ah. - I have to get George - Leave. - Hell man. - Yes. For a video. - No, just give up, give up George. It's over. It's over. (panting) - Yes. Oh. Oh. - I've got you on a vodka. In fact. - Jesus. - I'm so dead. You could have just left me. - I could but Ethan got, Tommy. - I'm actually so dead. - Oh my God. I've done too much running. - I've done. This is the most running I've done in like literally 10 years. - For ten years. - I did put up a good show though. - You did. I got you. Ah, nice. Oh. - I almost out run you. - No, - I totally did. Oh. Oh. I'm guessing by these sounds. I did. I've been ill for a week Tommy. We were literally sitting down in a park for like an hour or something. - What? - And like where is everyone? I thought about half an hour thing, but. - You get Tommy? - Yeah, I did. Yeah. - Nice. - Oh nice. - Yeah. Yeah. - To say yeah. - Great to say. - Oh no George. - I died. - Did you do good George? I literally almost died running down these stairs and then I almost hit away in a little corner, - Your bike's still there. - Where you follow me. - Busted. Busted. - This isn't good. Me and him nearly died in traffic but. - Died in in traffic. - I'm proud of myself. but I was gaining on them, gaining on him, gaining on him. And I was out my chest hurts my chest hurts and then he do behind the taxi and I pretty much hit the taxi. - And then it's done congrats to our winners. (cheering) - Hold on. - They smash it. I hope you're proud. - We are. - cool. - When do we get the money? - Did you split it amongst yourselves? - No one sent anything yet. So we're waiting. - Are you going to split it among yourselves? - 20k each. - 25k each - Makes a change. - Wait. No it's 25K each. - Yeah. We said that, what is, I know. - I know, right? Discount code is. - Oh wait. No I did it. Oh, nice. Oh, wow. Wow. - It's on video now - Well thank you guys for watching Subscribe to Tommy. - What the the... What do you mean subscribe to Tommy bro. - Don't subscribe to anyone else. Bye. - I've been walking around London. - Subscribe to Tommy.
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 16,290,110
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Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: EFxuUSpO0Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 19sec (3499 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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