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- I have split the Sidemen into three teams. There will be a treasure hunt, and the winning team gets this Lamborghini. (group cheers) (upbeat music) - Red team. - Yes. (upbeat music) - Yellow team. - Gang. - Blue team. - Sharkeisha war. (upbeat music) - Three, two, one, go. - All right. All right. - Gotta open this. - I've messed up the opening. - "In the cellar, there's clues in the holes in the walls. And just like policemen, you gotta catch them all." - It says Pokemon. (men laughing) - Look at policeman. - Let's go. - "Look for the secret garden with the hole in the wall. Here you'll find a-" - Hole in the- - Hole in the wall? - I think it's that way. - Yeah, it's gonna be outside. - What do you mean a garden with a hole in the wall? - "Somewhere you spend your time scrolling on your phone." Toilet. "Look for the room with the golden frame." Toilet, toilet. - Toilet. That's toilet. (man chuckles) Let's go. - Telling me this motherfucking got a golden toilet? - Oh, I imagine it's this. - What? - The little door? - No, that's probably under stairs cupboard. - You're right. Yeah. - I've got shin splints, bro. I've got shin splints. (man laughing) - Go, go Powder Rangers. - Oh, you wouldn't see our team name. We are the Powder Rangers. - Should we be running? - I guess it is a bit of a race. - This is a fucking maze, bro. - Is this? Oh! - The fuck is that? - It's an interesting room. Wow! - I don't think we're meant to be in here. - This house is pretty big. - Hole in the wall! - But there you'll find a fishing pole? A fishing pole. - A fishing pole? - It's gotta be a fishing pole. - Fishing? What do we have to fish? - I don't know. We need to find the red envelope first, though. - Private. It won't be that one. Is there any room we can't go in? - I'm gonna follow around and see. - Okay. - I don't want to go down there. - Yeah, okay, fine. - Here, found it! I found it. - Thanks, guys. Thanks. - You're welcome. You're welcome. - You were looking for that. - "Hook duck number four, to get your next clue." - There's ducks. There's ducks. - He's hooked one. - Twenty. - Oh, I'm really bad at this. - 37, fuck off. - Got one! Seven, fuck. - Wait, this is a toilet? - Is that a toilet? It says private. - "Somewhere you spend time scrolling on your phone." - Where else do you spend time scrolling on your phone? - Room with a golden throne. Is there a golden throne? - There's no golden throne in here. - Maybe it's another toilet. - That's what I'm saying. - "There's clues in the holes in the wall." - There's a hole. - Okay, yeah. - Clues in the holes in the wall. - Bro, this is a mad dungeon. Why, is it a living room? It's a bedroom. They got a bedroom underground. - Oh, here we go. - Oh! Nice. - Wait, wait, I think this is gonna. - Yeah, look. - Okay, so this one says "head." - This one- - Head, shoulders, knees, and toes. (man imitates musical beat) - Bro, I thought we would've found ours easily. Why is it this far for a toilet man? - Oh, wait! - [Man] What? - No, it says, "Oh, wait." - Oh, wait? (men laughing) Head, shoulders, knees- - Or toes? - Head, shoulders, knees or there's no toes? - So it's supposed to be head, shoulders, knees and toes. What's this? A typewriter? - What the? - We're supposed to be the smart team, and I don't know what I'm looking at. - I think Josh was giving us harder ones, 'cause he knows. - Yeah. (men laughing) - Is this actually? Hey! - Are you actually? - Hey! This is skill based match making. - Here we go. Four! Got it. I've got number four. - And now, what does it say? - I've got it. No, the envelopes here. "If you are as small as a mouse, it'd be great to live inside a doll's house." - All right. - So a doll's house inside? - A doll's house has got to be inside. - Gotta be. Oh, fuck my leg. (man laughing) - It's okay, bro. It's okay, ranger brother. - I'm not gonna lie. I really wanna win. - All right, this is a bedroom, bathroom, bedroom. - Golden throne. - This maybe, look. - What the fuck? - "Somewhere you spend time scrolling on your phone." Where else do you spend time? - Bro, no one scroll, oh! In bed. Do you scroll on your phone in bed? - Oh, yeah. In bed. - Strange though, isn't it? - What is that? - Somebody hidden in plain sight can be so hard to find? - Yeah, there's a hole in it. Wait, what the fuck is this? - I swear, this is just random shit that he's putting here to troll us. - We are not off to a great start here. - Golden throne. - Bro, there's no golden, unless. - Do you think it's that? But there's no golden throne. - It's got a game bro, but there's no envelope. - Downstairs, I think. Yeah, only downstairs? - Yeah. - That's locked. Are you? We'll just shout if we see anyone, okay. Fuck me, it's an ostrich. Hello, mate. How are you? - Are we supposed to like, are we building a wonder weapon or something from zombies? Look, these are parts. - Look at this. - I'm ruining- - What is this? Look at this, Simon. This one. Where was that? That wasn't there, was it? - Wait, so are we on the right track? - Can't say. - Oh, fuck's sake. All right, let's look for an envelope. - I don't see any golden thrones. Ah, a book about Elon Musk. Interesting. I didn't know he wrote a book. - This is sick. This is very sick. However, there's no doll's house. Has he found it? You found it? You got it? No! - We missed an envelope. "Rearrange the words to find your next clue." Let's get them all out. - Okay. - Are we being stupid? Am I being dumb? - I feel like we've messed up somehow. So it's like a golden chair, right? - I think, we're in the wrong spot. - Are we taking it too literally? - I think we're in the wrong spot. I don't think it's here. - You don't think it's here? - Let's look. - Oh my God. Look my shit just ripped. - Oh. - No! - [Man] Well, fuck! - I've already checked here. Have you gone that way though? - [Man] Yeah. - What fully through that way? 'Cause there's another room. - [Man] Yeah! - But the further one? - You bloke, come with me. I've looked. - Well, let's go upstairs then. It's gonna be in someone's bedroom then. It's gonna be in the bedroom. - Yeah, it'd be in a kids' room, wouldn't it? - Yeah, it would be in a kid's room. - Let's go. Children! Children! We're coming. Shoulders, knees and toes. Knees and toes. (men laughing) - I didn't say find a new word. I said rearrange them and make the sentence. - Blocked. - It's gotta be a door- - Is this? Is it this? - Yes. - Envelope. Envelope, envelope. All right, you ready? "Can you do this game without making a sound? If you do, the next clue will be found." - Oh, no. - Nope, Nope. - That I assume, doesn't open. Let's just check every fucking room. - Yep. - Fuck! (man laughing) - We were so close. - Come on. I believe. - Knees. Oh, wait. There's no toes. - Why you acting like you don't know what's going on? - You know what the answer is here. - I would just say- - Would you leave the room? - I would just say really focus on the Joe heart of this. - You were supposed to get that. - Give me the fucking ball! (men laughing) - Yeah, so let's just focus on- - Head and shoulders! - Take that of you. - Head and shoulders, the shampoo. - This is fucking long, bro. Have we checked every room? - I don't think we have, golden throne. - Yes, yes, yes. Oh my god. Yes, yes, yes, yes. - [Together] Yes! Yes! Yes! - All right. - Bro, I think golden throne is just another name for toilet. - You sure? - We haven't seen another toilet in this whole house. - It is true. - I bet the comments that they're screaming at us. They're gonna be screaming at us, "How do they not know this? This is so fucking obvious." - "This bird-" - Downstairs! - "This bird-" - Downstairs, downstairs, downstairs! - "Can't fly, is able to see more than the naked eye." - Can ostrich fly? - No, not that many ostriches that I know of. - Look at the size of this bastard. It's gotta be here. Shit! Wait, wait. This bird is tall, but can't fly. - "It's able to see more than the naked eye." - What? It's gotta be that, bro. It's gotta be that. What other bird? Can you think of another bird? - So what, we go to the bathroom? - I'm gonna be honest, Vic. - Yeah. - I've been to the bathroom. - Yeah. - There's no Head and Shoulders there. - So there's not, there's just toilet roll in there. - Head and shoulders. - Head and shoulders? - Ah! - Head and shoulders. - I see. Did you spot that on the way in? - Yeah. - You're very observant. - Fuck! My suit just keeps ripping. - Have you checked the drawers? - Ransacked everything. Oh, no. This one's not going back in. - Oh, it's a crow bar. - Hello. - This is a tall bird that can't fly. - This is a tall bird that can't fly. - That is a tall bird that can't fly. - But what's the naked eye thing? - "It's able to see more than the naked eye." - Is it where it's looking? Can it see in the cabinet? No. Oh, why would you not just put the envelope on the fucking thing? Why would you? (man laughing) That's why I'm really perplexed. - Bro, this is just ripping more and more. I don't care at this point. - Just like, oh my fucking God, bro. - Fuck my life. - Fuck off. - "Hook all of the poo to receive your next clue." - So I just grab it? - No, hook it. We have to play the game, bro. - All right. All right. - What is this? What's going on, man? - This is quite sick. - There's another one there, up the stairs. Found it! Yes! - Nice. - Okay. - Here's me looking for shampoo and the real big brain of the team. - I'm not. "Prove that you are a boss by coming a master of ring toss. Land all hoops on correct colour." - Okay, from where? - Though it doesn't say, so. - So from that, if you miss one of these, I swear. - Nice one, Josh. - Sick, cheers. - Woo! - We did it. "Warning, be careful if you can. This sign isn't in English. It's in- - Madeline. No, that rhymed. Pakistan. - Jamaican. - So we need to look for a sign that isn't in English. - Fucking hell, we're gonna be here all day. - Wait, bro! - Should we both go at the same time? - Yeah. Yeah. Let's both do it. - All right, this is actually quite grim. - Oh, you're just stressing me out! - Is it up in here? - No. - Are you sure? - I can't see up there, bro. - The ostrich can. - Is there a red thing in here? - Don't lean on the ostrich. - There is. There is. Yes, we got it. - Ring toss was really easy, Josh. - You sat there, you just. - You didn't give us a distance. - I what? - You gave us no distance. - True. - You got my string. Oh, which angle? - Oh fuck. - All right, go, go, go. Oh, come on. - Oh my god. - Yeah, baby. - "If you're feeling thirsty, you might need a drink. Head over to the kitchen sink." - Okay. Get out the way. - Where is the fucking red thing? Where is the red thing? - Zach, where's the red thing? I'll drink the bleach, if I can't find the red thing. - This one is still floating. - Whoa. - Stop floating. - What's going on with my string? - This is so, it's just wro- - Yo, this is hard. - Yeah! - Bro, how have you got two? And I have got none. - It's technique with us. - What you grab poo in your spare time? - No bro, I had that one. I grab poo in my, shut up. - Vic! - What? - This is in con's language. - Oh, it is in Russian. "Be careful if you can, the sign isn't in the English. It's in Russian." - So, nothing there. - Bear's dripping. Oh! Oh, dear. That's their final clue! Bro, bro! That's their final clue. Check it out. Check it out. Check it out. - Fucking hell! - Ah! Stop screaming. - Oh, bro. No, I'm gonna break this fucking toilet, bro. - Is there an envelope for this, yeah? - [Together] No? - Oh well, what the? All right, cool. I found a baggy. - The Powder Rangers are here to play. - I think I just found the right one. - Right. - So sometimes it's not an envelope, sometimes there is. Bro, this is fun. This is the one. "Look for a seat that moves with your feet" - A wheelchair? No, no, no. It wouldn't be that, 'cause if you're in a wheelchair- - A bike! - A bike! A bike! - A bike? - A bike. - Yes! - You scored! - Yes! Go fuck yourself! - There was no red envelope in the kitchen, right? - Mm-mm. - What would you be looking for a red envelope for half an hour, bro? All right, where would there be a bike? Ah! The shin splints of hell. - Bring me bike. Is there a bike? I can't find bike. - "A seat that moves with your feet." - There's a tractor over there, but that's not much help. - There'll be a bike store, right? They must have a bike store. - I've seen one. - Where? - Might be indoors. (man laughing) - That wasn't technically a sign, I guess. - No, nothing. - This here. - Upstairs? - The cake! - No, that's gonna be a clue. There's gonna be a clue in it. A hundred percent. - If we see the word sweet or chocolate, - True. - We know where to go. - We're doing recon right now. - Come on. This is all you, bro. Yes! - Come on. - Yes! - Who's done? - Go fuck yourself. Stupid, stupid ass game. - A bike! - A bike! A red bike! Found the bike. Now what? What would you? - It's gotta be a bike, 'cause it's got to be a bike. - There's nothing. We found the bloody bike and there's nothing on it. - Look, my suit is a mess! - "What a great time, when you beat Joe Weller, you'll find your next clue in the-" - Cellar. - Yeah, deepest part of the cellar. - Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Downstairs. Downstairs. - Vic. - You found it? - German. - Yes, German. - So, - Behind it? - Boom! - Nice. Hell yeah! We're flying. I bet we have more steps than everyone else. - "Find the bar protected from the rain, next to your team colour. You will gain." The bar. - The bar. - We've seen the bar. - We just been there. - The others are way ahead. They're ahead. They finished their first one. - Yeah, yeah. I know. - What one are you on? - We're about to start our second one. Everyone's ahead of us, isn't it? - Someone's on four. - Who's on four? What the fuck! - No, no, no, fuck this. Where's the cellar? Where's the cellar? (man sneezes) - Bless you. - Thank you. - Can shark sneeze? - We was fishing poo out of the toilet. They're on four. - He said the deepest part of the cellar. - How can we go deeper? - That's what she said. - What? - What's a seat that moves with your feet? - A toilet. Who knows bro? - A toilet? (man laughing) - I know what it is. - Do you? - Well, we think it's a bike. - The bar. - This is the bar. - What does it say? - "Protected from the rain." - Okay? - "Next to your team colour." These blue things. It might not be there. - There's a Lambo on the line, going in. Ah! My knees. Ah! (man laughs) - Are you sure this is the only bar? - Might not be. - I don't see anything blue apart from those. - Whoa! How far does this place go? - Is this us? - This? Maybe. - "Seat that moves with your feet." - What is that? - What is this? Oh, this is blue teams. (man gasps) - Oh. - Oh. Would you look at that? - Oh, beautiful. - Would you look at that? - We'll take spots. "It's time to have some clean fun." (man shouts) (man laughing) - Do you want to fucking fight? - "To get your next clue, get a hole in one." - These some shit clues in here, a seat- - Fuck. That's not even enough power. - A bit more power. - Now you under here. - Okay, shit. - Are you saying that a bike is not a seat that moves with feet? - I'm not saying it isn't. I'm saying maybe you're thinking too focused on one object and not other objects that could also be that. - What else is a seat that moves your fucking feet? A fucking wheelchair? - If your feet don't work anymore. - Exactly, that's what I mean. - I mean. - That doesn't count. That doesn't count yet. - He's in the water! - Bro, golf is just not my game. - Fuck. - Go, go, go, go. - Next to your team colour. This is our team colour. I'm next to it. I'm still next to it. Where the hell is it? Should we look for another bar? - Yeah. - Is it a car? - Is it like a swing? - Is it a car? - Or a swing! - Oh, a swing! - A swing, a swing, a swing. Oh, a swing. - Easy, comfy, you do this in your sleep. Look at it. Look at it. Bang. Bang. What did I say? See. Why do you believe in me? - Yeah bro, I don't know why. (men laughing) - Where's the clue? Where's the clue? - Where is your person? - [Together] TP! - TP! - What a shit clue! What a shit clue! - Oh, it's fucking pinatas. Whack the Donny. - Just whack it? - Whack it. Whack the Donny. Fuck off. (man groaning) There we go. All right, cool. - Sweet. - "All right boys, time to put down your club and head outside." "All right boys, time to put down your club and head outside to find the." - What the fuck! - "All right boys, time to put down your club. Head outside to find the." - Pub? Pub? Pub. - What else rhymes with club? - Pub. - What else rhymes with club? - Pub, tub, cub. - The fat pub. (man laughing) - The fat pub? - Pub? - It's pub. - It's just sweets. - No, there's this. - Oh, you just went straight for sweets, you bastard. "Head downstairs, don't get a scare. Look for the movie about a bear." (man sighing) - Do you wanna sweet? - I'm okay. I'll have a swing though, for the culture, lovely jumbly. - Parkour. (man groaning) - "Protected from the rain," implies it's outside. - Think I've hurt my back. - Oh, no. "Protected from the rain" implies it's outside, 'cause everything inside is protected from the rain. - No, there's a bar upstairs. - Upstairs? - Yeah, upstairs. - A movie about a bear? That's Paddington or like Winnie the Pooh. - It's a workout man, I'm done for. - I want everyone to know, right? That Harry's done all of this. I'm just here as moral support. - No, no you figured some of the shit out. You figured the swing out. - Bathtub. - Or? - Hot tub? Hot tub! Hot tub! - Move! Move! - Oh, you know, it'll be like a TV room. - Yeah. - And there'll be a load of movies. - Might be here. - Here, here, here, here. (man humming Batman theme song) - Hot tub! - Hot tub, hot tub, hot tub. - Come on, break him back. - Hot tub, hot tub. - Fuck the red team. - Fuck the red team! Hot tub. - You sure it's this way? - I don't know. It's just outside. I'm outside. - This is the bar. - Colour, team colour blue. Blue in here. Blue, blue, blue. - No, I jumped over the bar and I hurt my back. This is the blue one. - Oh my goodness. Why didn't we come here first? - Here this one, this is blue. - Yeah, we wasted so much time in the wrong bar. - Oh, we're gonna get to play the game. - Okay. "Show us how it's done. Knock down all the targets with your Nerf gun." - He didn't give us a gist of. Oh, he's here. - Shit! (men laughing) Josh, go away. - It's gotta be the other way. - There's a hot tub. - Oh my God. - I can smell it! (intense orchestral music) It's here! - We've been around the whole building. - Don't we go around again? - No, please. - Ted. It could be Ted. - Yes, where's Ted? - No, it could be Ted. - Oh Ted! Ted! Ted! Ted, there, green one. Yes! - Might've been here for hours. - Yes! I did something! I'm so proud of myself. - "He is not quite Godzilla. Have a go at building this [Together] Gorilla." - Is it him? - That's a gorilla. - Is it? - That's a gorilla. - This is fair! - In here. - Here, next room. - It's a trick shot. Show it, come on. - Let me in there! - What, in a bush? - I don't know. Is that part of the house? Wait, oh! A random black man came out of it. Go, go, go, go, go! There's not a tub over there, is there? You don't know? Yeah. Fuck you. I know him. It a joke. We're friends. - Hot tub! - Hot tub! - There's yellow ducks. - Hot tub. - There you go. - Oh God. - I'm gonna put the boat in here. I've broken it. - Oh no. - I've broken it. - Oh yeah. - The other team's better have ones this fucked. We've had the fucking wire buzzer, which is a pain in the ass. We've had this. You know what? If it looks like a gorilla, will you take it? - Yeah, we should take it. - Go look for some duct tape or something. (toy gun fires) - Not bad. Bullet drop. Aim higher. - Ah! (men laughing) - Whoa! All right, get a little bit closer, like here. - (indistinct) Bring you closer. - All right, look inside. Oh, there's balloons, but there's no card. - Shit! Don't. - Okay. - Oh, wait. There was some in the box, I just ripped that plastic off with. There you go. There you go. - Lovely. Oh, where's his legs at? - That's resourcefulness that. - Oh, bro. This thing's difficult. - This is really hard. - Yeah, we've been given this, a poor weapon. Oh no. - This is really difficult, bro. - I bet you, we have to pop. - There's no yellow card. - Oh, there is. - "Pop the balloon with your bum or your shoe. It's the only way to find the clue." No two ways about it, boy. (man grunts) (balloons popping) - They don't- - Hold it, hold it. - Go straight. - I'll do it. You just shoot. - They don't go in a straight line! Just continue. Continue. Keep going! - Just tape the arm, bro. Shit! - Oh, fuck! His legs came off. - Shit, shit, shit. - You can fuck off as well. Modern science is amazing. Gorillas can now live without. - This looks so mad. - Bro, it sounds mad. - This looks so mad. - You keep doing that. I'll do this. (man farts) (man laughing) - Turn on aim bot, right now. - Okay. Okay. Okay. - Aim bot. - All right, it goes down. - You're starting to piss me off. - I'm starting to piss me off. - Bro. - It doesn't go in a straight line! - We've used all our bullets. - Congrats, you've got one. - Wow. It's 'cause we're doing bad. - Come closer. - Does he stand up? That's a fun- - Gorilla. That's a gorilla. - [Together] That's a gorilla, that's a gorilla. - That's a gorilla. Thank you. "It's very cold. But it might be a laugh. Find yourself, refreshing ice bath." - Give me strength. It'll be upstairs. - Did you say your legs hurt though. - Yeah, my legs are killing me, but I don't want to go in a ice bath. (men laughing) - Okay, there it is. - All right. I respect it. "You have millions of these all around the world." fan. - How do you? Bro, you didn't even read what it said. - Well, we have millions of them all around the world. - Wait, "you have millions of these all around the world, but this one will keep you cool when hot." - That doesn't even rhyme. - Do we have to go back inside? - Yep. - Higher. We must climb higher. - Ice? - Yes. - Bath. - Red bear, surely. - This the dog's yard. We did it! - Well, I've never felt so helpless. - Yeah that- - But you know that means we're behind, right? - Yeah. "Head outside for your next clue. There'll be a note with what to do. Step away from your computer and take a ride on the scooter." - Oh! We're gonna ride scooters. - All right, come on. Pick it up. You made me run around the building. Come on. - All right. - I want the Lambo. - Father Lambo. - I want a Lambo. - It's just a little water. It's just ice. - Look at my friend, he's freezing cold. (man groaning) - Oh, it's so cold. - Look at his whole back. - You have the clue. - What? We have the clue? - It's underneath you. - Oh, I forgot. (man laughing) - Where's the scooter? - I'm running around the house, bro. - I bet they're the ones on clue number seven. It's Vic and Diamond. It's such an OV team. - Should we just slow them down? - What do we do? Tackle Vic, punch them up. - Hey guys. - Oh. - We said slow down, bitch, slow down. - We're literally slowing everyone down, but the other team. - Slow down. Slow down. Oh, sorry. I hit you in your face. Slow down. - Go Simon. - Slow down, Vic. - Where the fuck's the scooter? - The other team are winning. (ice rumbling) - You're taking a test. You're taking a test. Wait, got it. - Yes! - "Find one of these in the woods. And you would be for scare-" - "When you react, we decide how you fair." A bear in the woods. Bear in the woods. Is it a bear in the woods? - Is that what a song is? ♪ If you go down the woods today, there is a surprise. ♪ - It's a bear in the woods, right? Look, look, it's a bear in the woods. - I'm on the right track, bro-nah-nah. - Team mascot. - I'm gonna keep pondering this one. We're going to the woods? - How do I jump? - Sharks aren't meant to be, We aren't meant to be on land. - Blue! Blue! - I don't think this is us though. - I've lost my teammate, JJ? God damn it. - Isaiah, Isaiah. - Hurry up! - Come this way. - Have you found a fan? - No, come inside. Let's go. - It's gonna be inside. - That's what I was calling you for. - Oh, I couldn't hear you. I was screaming your name. - Speedy. Come on. Where's the fitness? - Where's the damn scooter? - "Head outside for your next clue. There'll be a note with what to do." - What the fuck was the note? - Remember, it could be an old fashioned hand fan as well. - Ah, true. - What are you looking for? - A fan. - Oh, okay. Maybe you should go back to where you came from? - Where did we come from? - Fuck my life. Don't tell me it's outside. - Where did we come from? - Wait Josh, where did we? - Oh wait. No, wait, what you mean? - Is he talking about these? These fans? - Oh my God, fucking hell bro, look. - What did I say? I said it right here. - You're right. You're right. - I'm dumb. - Maybe there's an envelope somewhere nearby. - I should probably check that out. (men laughing) - Thank you, NCP. - You should probably check around the area. - Oh no, NPC. - Find one of these in the woods and you be in for a scare, the way- - I think this might be one of our final ones. - Yeah, it's a bear. But where the fuck is a bear. Oh, there's a bear in here! There's a bear in here! - Oh, there is a bear. - There's a bear. There's a bear. - There's a bear. - And it's got to be here. - How are we? Oh! Final clue. Final clue. Final clue. - "He may be magical, but he's not a genie. Solve the riddle to win the Lamborghini." - [Together] "He may be magical, but he's not a genie." - Houdini. - Houdini. - I feel like we wouldn't have to use the balloon until we get told to use the balloon. - Listen, yeah but it says, this is a note. - Yeah. True. - But we know that that's there. - Vic! - There's a scooter there. - No, no. You see the blue note, - Where? Oh, there. - In that. Then there's a scooter there. - How do we miss the, how did we miss the scooter? We ran in. - It appears you're looking in the wrong area. - Okay. - Oh my God. What am I doing? I'm not even, oh, okay. - Stress everywhere. (man laughing) - [Together] "Complete the puzzle to reveal the next clue." - "One of you must ride the scooter blindfolded while your partner directs you to the finish line, balloon." - I'm going right. - Okay, well, start facing the right direction. Go a little bit right. A little bit. Okay. Wait, wait. Yeah. No, no stop. Okay. Full 90 left. - Oh my God, we're doing it. - All right. - And then this goes here. - Oh yeah. Yeah. Look. Oh, wait. - We got this. We got this. - A little bit left. Left, brown grass. No, you're on the grass. Left, little bit right. Right, right, right. - The floor felt uneven. I don't know what's straight. - Okay, wait. Wait. Keep going. Keep going, keep going, keep going. - Who's fucking magical? Who isn't a genie? Oh, fuck. Is this a play on Mike? - KSI song? - Keep going! (man screaming) Straight, straight, straight, straight, straight, straight. Straight! Go! You did it. - Oh, cool. Okay. - (man laughing) - Okay, right. The notes in there. Pop it. - Great celebration. - Like a wizard. - A wizard? Harry Potter? - Yeah. - Harry Potter. - But where? - Magical but not a genie. - Let's go upstairs. - Is our fucking wizard anywhere? - Dumbo door. - In balloon. Wow, we didn't need to do that. We actually knew. - Yeah. Stamp it. (balloon pops) - Snooker room. You know where that is? - Yeah. Let's go. - Whoa, chill. How you doing this so fast? - Bro, I didn't have a childhood. Okay. - Making me kind of sad now. - No, no, no that okay. Yeah. You've ruined it. Amazing. Fantastic. (man panting) - You know how stupid this is? I'm running around a country estate, in a shark outfit, riding a scooter blindfolded. - Wizard. Where is that wizard? - What's that? - No. - No, we can't lose. - No! - Here we go, in here. Yeah. No, there's no draw handle. Come on, Vic! - No. No. - Okay. I'm being stupid. I'm sorry. Okay. Now what? - Maybe you should check the other side of the puzzle. - Radio. - You're on there all the time. (man laughs) Come on, my guy. Where's your gloves? (men grunting) - Radio. - It appears it is not in this room. - Okay. - Thanks. (men laughing) - What are we looking for currently? - We're on our final clue. Magical but not a genie. - Oh. - Fancy seeing you guys here. - Hi, guys. - Hello. Snooker room. Why are you in here, bro? - Why are you in here? - We got told to be. - Oh, interesting. - Have you guys seen a radio anywhere? - No. - No. No! Fuck! Nothing here. Was there anything outside? - I don't wanna lose. - Nothing here. Nothing here, dude. - You sure? There's a key. - What is it? - Fuck off. What? Another way? - I assume it's not that one. - Yeah, I ain't touching that. - Snooker room, Vic! - Oh, you found it. You beast. Let's go. That's huge. - Radio, radio, radio. You see a radio upstairs? - NPC. - Why are you doing that? Why are you doing- - It appears you're in the correct room. - Yes, bro. It works. - Where's the radio? - I'm lying. - You fucking dick head. - It appears it's on the second floor. - Okay. - Or the third floor. - Thank you. Okay. - Which one? - There is nothing that's magical, but not a genie. - No! No! - I hate my life. - You look a little stressed. (man laughing) - I just head butted that. I'm good. - "All tucked up and ready to sleep. You will find your next clue under the sheets." Bedroom. - Okay. - You go to a bedroom. I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm fucking knackered. Lambo ain't worth this. - No! - No! - Fuck man. Do you think it's outside in that garden? - No, it's not out, there's no- - No, the garden in the wall. - Whoa. - Come on. It's worth checking. - Oh no. Who's gonna be inside? They're gonna find it. Fuck! - Radio, radio, radio, radio, radio, radio. - Radio. - Do your search, search, search. - Oh my fucking days. - Oh this is the most painful (indistinct) we would've won. - We should win. We should've. We did it. We were the best. - It's not gonna be there, bro. - No, it's not. - It's not gonna be there. - Oh! - Why is this whole drawer out? - Oh, JJ did it. - I don't know what you're talking about. "There is no one in the Sidemen called Stephen, kids." - Yo Stephen, what up? - "Spinning the roulette wheel until you get an even." - You guys see Stephen down there? - Shut up. - There's a guy called Stephen. Just walked in. - No, no one in the Sidemen is called Stephen. - A lamp. Is it a lamp? - Oh, I'm so pissed. - Ah! - So pissed. We lost now. We've lost. We can't. - This is the bedroom. - Okay. - Under the sheets. It says under the sheets. Not under the duvet. - Yeah. - So I imagine we actually have to lift the sheets. - Really? - I know. I feel terrible, but you know what? Fuck it. - No, we'd see it. It's blue. - It's too late. - It's blue. We'd see it if it was under here. - Come on. Match me, match me, match me. We're gonna get even black, even black, even black, - Bro, how fast did I spin this thing? - Oh yeah, this is, but why did you spin it so fast? - Oh, I don't know my own strength. No, wait. - [Together] Yes! - Come on! - Let's go! - Come on! - I'm holding your next clue. - "Don't stand underneath it in case it might fall. Find the room with a big disco ball." - Where is there a disco ball? - Where was there a disco ball? - I swear it's downstairs. - Was it? - Yeah. - Let's go. - Wait, no. Cellar! Cellar! - There's the other bed all the way in the basement, isn't there? - Oh, there is. - Yeah, and that would be a great place to put it, 'cause you wouldn't look there straight away. - Oh! Fuck! - I see you, Josh. - Damn you, Josh. - Basement boy. - Everyone's gonna have the same last clue, eh? - Fuck, man. You just killed the gorilla. Fuck, man. - Downstairs? Down floor? - Oh fuck it. I'll press the button. - What room? - It appears you were just there, very recently. It's a big room. Lots of cables. - I know where it is. - Wait, with the cake. The cake? - This one. - Yeah. - No, this one. - Hello boys, we wanna kill ourselves personally. - We wanna kill ourselves with that. - Hello, mate. - Fuck! - You stressing? - Fuck! - Wait, what the fuck did you guys break? - What? - This is it, under the sheets. Found it. Yeah. - "Find the drink with the star at the bottom." - Do we just drink it? Ah, we have to drink it. - Oh, what is it? - I don't know what that one is. - Disco ball! Disco ball! Disco! Oh my God. It's huge! - Oh. - What? Do you see it? - Star. Star. It's got drawing on it. - Okay, cool. Yeah. Fine. Fantastic. - This is just Coke. - Third times a charm. That is grim. If I had to drink two of those, done for. We actually got it. - Star. - Nailed it. Thank you. We just dodged a bullet. - "I have lots to say, but never speak. I open, but you can't walk through me. I have a spine, but no bones. Find the room with lots of these." - It's a book. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's the library. - Yeah. We're so smart! - I think we should eat out this cake to see if it's in there. - What if it's not in the cake and the cake is someone else's clue? - Oh look, the NPC is here. Let's press the. - We're eating the cake. - Do we have to eat the cake to find if it's in there? - No. You should find the next envelope. - Where's my teammate? - Not here. - No, I can't. - I hate touching other people. Stop doing that, bro. - Is it on KSI? - That's what I'm thinking is KSI in on this? - JJ! JJ! KSI! - So our clue- - Wait! Don't tell them! It could be the same clue. - All right. Okay. - Just say "Is it you?" - Is it on you? - Is it you? - Josh, just scratched his beard. - Is it you? - Do you have the final thing on you? - Get away from me. - The final thing. - Do you have it? - No, I don't. - We think he does. We think he has it. (man screams) - Somebody help! Help! Help! Get off me! - They're fighting. They're fighting. - Fantastic. Yeah, got the library. Come through. - Yeah. - No, him. Him. Him. Bro, is it you? Is it you? - No. - Do you promise? - I didn't consent. - Ah! Is that him? - Huh? - Have you got it? - Why are you framing me? - It's on his body? - Wait, wait, is it that? - What is it? - It's his mic. - What do I have? - It's on his body. - What's the clue? We'll help you. - No, no. - It's him. - What's the clue? - No, no. We can't. - Tell me what the clue is. And then maybe I'll- - Is it him? - I think he wouldn't have put it so- - Near the book? - Hidden. - Oh. - I think it's somewhere in here, but I don't think it's in between like 30 books. - Well, if it was him, he'd said we've done it 'cause we've done it. We found him. We did it. It's him. So we've won. - No, we haven't won. - So it's not him. So it's something else. (men screaming) - Bro, I just got molested. - Oh, okay. Nice. - It appears that window opened by itself. - Fucking hell, mate - We just got attacked. We deserve that. - Bro, I got molested. - Bro! - That was so terrifying. I hated it. - Eat. Oh, you got your dream. "Eat the cake and get your feel. Look out for the hidden peel." I'm not touching it. - Are any of these paintings magicians? Magicians, not genie wizards. Are any of these wizards? - Why don't you smash in your face in it? - A lot of cake there though. - Don't lips it. - That was an assault. That was an assault. - Is this how you're gonna, I don't want to eat it now at all. - Eat it with me. - I'm not eating that, bro. - Eat it with me! (man grunting) - No wizards in here, lad. - Well, I've just frisked KSI. I threw him over a table and frisked him. - All right. Okay. - This is a shit clue, Josh! 'Cause we can't find it for half an hour. We can't do it. - That means it's a great clue. - It's not a good clue, 'cause if it was a good clue, you'd figure it out eventually. We can't figure it out. - Then you would've won and- - We can't. - Some people are on clue four still, you got to slow down. - Fuck! Oh my God. Fuck! - Honestly, I relate to Harry right now. I relate to Harry. 'Cause I'm just- - It's a shit clue. - Oh Josh, what's this library shit? - Sorry. Sorry, God. I'm wasting cake. - Oh! Nice. - There's a note inside the pill. - I would say what book could Josh go for? If you can get that book. - "Aircraft and Equipment" - "Mine Camp" - The more jokes you make, the longer it will take you. (men laughing) - No, could be Henry. He makes things disappear. He makes things disappear. - Does he? - Yeah. He's a Hoover. He's a Hoover. He makes things disappear, right? - How do you open it? - Is there anything in it? - Yeah. - Lift it. No. All right. There's another one though. - Snooker room. - Snooker room. Snooker room. - Camera man. - So much running. - We're team Megalodon by the way, in case you didn't know. - Yeah. Yeah, I can tell. - I reckon Josh would read "Flaming Sex" by Lady Elwin. Oh my God! - Wait, really? (men laughing) - That is funny, you know? - The final clue! 'Cause it's the final clue. - Hey! In the boy's mouth. "Put the Blackboard to be given your next clue." - Okay. Easy. - He makes things disappear. He's like a genie. Oh, fuck! No! - No! - All right. The blacks there, hit that black boy. (balls clacking) - Oh, get that glove off. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Come on. No, wait, no, wait, come on. Come on. Oh my God. - May be magical. Who's magical? - A wizard. - He's not a genie, a wizard. - Maybe there's like a wizard like statue. - That's what I'm thinking. - Like a painting or picture. - Good shout. Good shout. - Car, win Lambo. - A magician. Harry Potter. A fucking wizard. - A wizard, a wizard like Harry- - Would it be the movies again, no? - No, not again. - Brother. How have you done me in, bro? How have you done that? Oh, fuck off. Come on. Come on, come on, come on. (men shout excitedly) - "JJ, call your mommy. You might just have won a Lamby" - Wait, call my mommy? - I feel that the others are close to the end. - You may be magical. - Well, we've not done anything on the second floor, have we? - That's very true. - He may be magical, but he's not a genie. Who's magical? - Wait, hold up. - They've been on the same clue as us, by the way. We've lost. We've lost. We've lost. - It says you might just have won a Lamby. - Yeah, but no, that can't be right. That can't be right. - Yeah. Call my mummy. Grammy! Grammy! - Oh. - JJ, here. Gramophone. NPC. Are we in the right place? NPC? NPC knows we're close. - Ah! This is true. This is it. This is it. This is it. We can win. We can win. We can win. - This is the- - That's a gramophone, bro. - Oh! - We give up, by the way. We can't do it anymore. We can't, we can't do it. I've too stressed. I don't want the Lambo. - What's in there? - We're on the same thing as you and we've caught depression. We've been on it for half an hour. - You're on the final clue? - Yeah, we have depression. - Oh no. - We've been on it for generally about half an hour. - Oh no. - But I don't know where it is. Oh, okay. - Bro, you can't just throw stuff. - Well. - Okay, just, we'll pretend you never did that one. We'll pretend we never did that. - Found it. - Final clue. - Oh, they found it. - You look depressed, bro. - Wow, why they look so depressed? - Oh my, what's the cake saying? The cake took an "L." (man laughing) - Jesus. This Hoover? - No, it's Henry the Hoover, not magic. - He is kind of magic. - "He may be magical." - Whoa! (man shushes) - Yeah. It's just that we're all on the fucking same clue! For half an hour! And can't find it! - We've been sprinting around. We've been on it for so long and it's a shit clue. - I think they might have found it. - Or they're losing their heads. All composure is gone. - "He may be magical, but he is not a genie." - "Solve this riddle to find the Lamborghini." Yeah, we can't! - We can't find it. - Harry Potter is magical. - "Solve this riddle to win the Lamborghini." - We did so well, but then we're just stupid. - This doesn't open. Does it? - Genie is maybe. "He may be magical, but he's not a genie." - Am I allowed in here? JJ? Look in here with me. - Nah, wait. - Come look in here with me. - Why do you think it's in there? - Bro, just come look in here with me. I don't know what we're looking for. - What are we looking for then? - Are we looking for a key? - Wait! - Hats. No. - Wait, wait. Hats. (man shouts) - Magical but he's not a genie. - Oh, it's a shit last clue. I've actually never been this upset in this long. I'm so sad. - Maybe it's in the cellar room. - I don't think so. I wanna look in here. I don't know why these are all looking at me. It's really driving me. - Maybe it's in the cellar. - Let me just look. - I think it might be that. - Might be what? A lamp? - Yeah, a genie. - Okay, so let's find one. - I'll be so pissed if it's in here and I'm not the one who found it. - Oh, I think it's in the cellar. - Why do you think it's in the cellar? Give me some logic. - Didn't you say the Harry Potter thing was under the house or? - No, it was under the stairs, bro. - Oh. - I might just be way off. That was just one way of thinking. - Have you caught depression yet? - Yeah. - It's coming. - We're getting there. We're getting there. - It's coming. - I'm ready. - Oh my fucking God. Oh my God. Oh my fucking God. - Look, this is it. - Oh, they found it? _ It's a Lamborghini. (men squealing and laughing) - The cover under the stairs. The cover under the stairs. (men shouting) - Yes! Yes! - The Harry Potter. - Oh! - No, I literally opened it. - The cover under the stairs. - Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my fucking God! - It makes sense. - No! - It makes sense. It makes sense. (men yelling excitedly) - I opened that cupboard. - I know. I know. I know. I know. - The thing is we weren't even think, we thought. - I was thinking of like a, I was thinking of a little lamp. - We said wizard and Harry Potter so many times. - Yeah. - I was looking for a lamp. - Bold. - Oh. - Oh my God. - You know what, lads? Lad's, he needs it. - He has lost 5 million. - You're not wrong. - He does need it. - Hey, yo! For once the black people win, for once. - You were so far ahead. - We broke the system. - Shut up! Huh? Fuck all of your moms. - How far were we ahead? - About four or five seconds. - They were like, they took 20 minutes. We were. - How did you get it without doing the balloon? - That was nothing to do with us. - Yeah, no. - It's just a red balloon. - Yes. It's just a park. - Have they broken the car? - Yo, what happened to the roof, bro? What happened to the roof, bro? Yeah, look at your roof, bro. - Do you know how to drive a Lambo? Do you know how to drive a Lambo? - Do you know how to work it, bro? - Not you. Wait, are you driving? - Hey, look at your roof, bro. - JJ, press something. - What are you gonna drive like this? - JJ, press something. - What did you do to your Lambo, bro? - Yeah, you need to hold it. You're pressing it. Yeah. Yeah. - Oh, there you go. - Wow, good job, guys. - Well done. - Oh. Oh! (JJ laughs excitedly) - Hey, do you want to drive? - Hell no, no, bro. - I don't wanna drive. I don't wanna drive. - It's all you bro. It was all you. - I'll just sit. - The whole Harry Potter thing. Genius! - Rev it? - Genius! - They want me to rev it. - Rev it, bro! Rev it! Hey, how do you feel? How do you feel? Bro, you were so far ahead! You were so far ahead! Oh my God! You were miles ahead! And we still crawled back and stomped on all your asses! - You know how people say growing up, you should have role models who are gracious winners? - Humble winners. - We're the worst person to do- - Guys! Did you guys get it? - We didn't hear. - Harry Potter? - Yeah. - Under the stairs. - We were shouting Harry Potter for fucking three minutes! - Shouting Harry Potter doesn't find the key, bro. - You are gloating, but without Toby, you- - Oh, no, no, no. - You were there going, "Why are we looking under the cupboard, bro?" (men laughing) - Toby's like, "All right, help me look in here." "Why though? It should be in the cellar?" (car engine revs) - So long suckers! Woo! Let's go! (men laughing) Yes! Yes! Oh yes! - It's alright. There's an alternate reality where they just carried on driving in a straight line into that tree. (men laughing) - There's an alternate reality where we're all happy and they've crashed. (whistle whistling) (intense music) (clock ticking) (intense music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 10,200,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: xP8y54cbyk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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