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[upbeat music] - Hello and welcome to "Sidemen Hide and Seek" in a school. [men cheering] Okay, welcome back to school, but not any school, this is mine and Tobi's old school, our old stomping ground. - Oh, what? - Is this where you met Freya? - No. [men laughing] - Legendary, legendary. He proper piped up at the back as well. [Randy laughing] - You got 10 minutes to go and hide. - Ooh! - Big time, go explore, find out about our school, and then we'll come find you together. - Will you? - Yeah? - You'd like that wouldn't you? - Are you allowed to split up? Are you two allowed to split up? - Yeah. - Yeah we can do what we want. It's our game, our rules. - Can we go like now? - Go right now, like, why are you still here? - All right, see you never! - The time's started, bro. - Goodbye, my brothers! - I'm going this way. - All right, same! - Can I go this way? - 10 minutes ain't long enough! - Feel like I should stay with someone quite funny so I don't get cut out of the video. - Ah sh*t man, this place is big! Stop following me! - I'm not! I'm going back to the main office- - No, you are following me, man! Oh, toilets, female toilets. - The fitness suite! - Let's see this. - All right, you don't wanna catch these hands, bro. You don't wanna catch these hands! - You want a boxing match right now? - Hey, big up all of yous that come to this school actually. Oh sh*t! Why'd you do that? Oh my God! That scared me, I'm not gonna lie. They're gonna use that in the video. They got me, they got me, they got me. - They got everything! Tennis courts? - Grammar school goes hard! - Oh yes, the music room! - That guy is like a golden retriever let out for the day. You can just see him sprinting around. I'll see you later, good sir. It's probably the last you'll ever see from me in this video. [Harry playing piano] - Oh yes! - Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! - Yo, what is this, a football? - Oh my God, there's rock climbing! - Go on! Okay, I like that. I like that little squat. - Are we going for the oranges? - Yeah, yeah, oh nice- Oh, you touched the floor [laughs]. - No, no, it's okay. Oh, this one's boring 'cause it just goes across! - Bro, you gotta go up! - We're here, I think the dining hall. We're in the dining hall. We got the foyer here. We can go up the stairs to first floor. - Oh f*ck. [Simon laughing] f*ck! - He's falling! He's falling! [laughing] Ding, ding, ding! - Oh wow, I did it! Oh sh*t! - Autism Awareness Week. Let's all be aware of Harry. [Harry playing piano] - f*ck. [Harry continues playing piano] [dramatic music] - It's been a pleasure doing this event over the last three years and what a way to end it. Huge, huge thanks to everyone that's been part of it and we'll see you with our next event! Thanks and bye! [dramatic music intensifies] [men shouting] [crowd cheering] - Sidemen Miniminter sets the pitch on fire! - Oi, it's the boys. - Sup' boys? - Let's go, let's move it. - How are we all in the same place? We're already like a minute in. - Are we lost now? No, we're not, we're not. - Can I hit something here to distract them? - Fire alarm. [laughs] - Six, nine. - I think this has gotta be the way, really like. - That wasn't the pin. Okay, I'm just gonna follow Vik. He's a f*cking nerd. - I know I'm back at school. - 10 minutes ain't long enough and I'm wasting my time. I need to piss as well, man. All these classrooms, this is this like PUBG. All these classrooms, it's the same flipping room. I can't really hide in here fam. - I need to find like a cupboard. Like a small cupboard or something that only my small, pathetic body can fit inside. This place is f*cking huge. I don't even know where I am. - I will give you £10,000 Ethan if you can kick this ball into that hoop up there. - sh*t, okay. - Dusty, dusty. - Yes, fantastic. - So dusty, dusty. - 10k for me? - That wasn't a bad effort. - I was a little bit scared, my bottom was twitching. - Go on, 10k for you. [laughing] Oh yeah, nice, nice. YouTube's best footballer right there. - Hey yo. - Can we open this one? They've locked all- - They've locked all the windows 'cause they know. It's fine, honestly, there's nowhere to hide out there. Look at this, this is good. - If we can get on the roof. Oh my God. - Now, this is weird nostalgia. - Look at this! - This is weird nostalgia like. - Hydrate. It's gonna be a marathon, not a sprint. So we're stocking up. Got My Nando's, got my water. Now I need to find a place to camp. - Cheers, thank you. Lachlan, I'm gonna cheers your Nando's. [fire alarm rings] [Harry playing piano] [fire alarm rings] - Oh, that's kind of sick. - f*cking hell! Why did the fire alarm go off? That was horrifying! I was just getting into my stride as well. - Okay right, now let's go hide. There we go, "Lazar and Vik was here." It's cooler if you're like, "Lazar and Vik was 'ere." - What are we, pirates? - Yeah. - Argh! - That door's locked, that door's locked. Think I'm just gonna hide here. I have my Nando's, catch ya. - Hello boys! I want to go up. - I want the roof, I want the roof. - I want to go up as well, though. - I'm Operation Roof. - Feel like everyone wants to go to the roof. - Oh no, that's very doable. - Yes lad. - I don't know where I am. - I feel like I'm just walking around watching at the moment. But it's quite a spectacle. - This will hold us, right? - Yeah. - Oh, I don't know actually. - You'll be fine, it's a school. - Mate, if we fall down the roof here, we're cooked. - Okay. This is what I was looking for. If you came in here to look for me, look in here, would you look up there? Climb up these trampolines. There's a ladder back there. Can I get around there? They're definitely gonna find me in here. Someone up here? Don't scare me. Someone up here already? Yeah, I found my spot, you lot. Found my spot, I'm gonna go up top. - Why am I hearing an Aussie? - Hello, we found the staff room. - Oh, it opens? - Ooh. Bro, this is kinda... - What do teachers do in these things man? - This room is too hot for this though. - Oh, look at the views there. We got nice views out the window. - We just need to find a window to get on the roof. That's all. - Harry and Ethan are already on it. - Interested in science? No, I'm not a nerd. This is scary man. G Block. What's this? Ooh, Japanese class, man. Kon'nichiwa man. Is that the imposter from "Among Us?" If you squint, it looks like it. Refuge area. If I stand in the refuge area does that mean they can't get me? - It's quite scary actually. You sort of feel like you're gonna walk into a classroom full of kids and they'll assume I'm one of them. Tell me to sit down, take down my trousers. It's all coming back to me now. I actually need a good hiding- f*cking hell, this school is massive! - This is what I always wanted to do as a kid, but never could. - Just get on your school. - You'd genuinely be expelled for doing this. - Hundred percent. - And we're just doing it, man, 'cause we can. - Yeah, oi listen, if you come to school here, just know. Are we influencing the school? - Yeah, man, kids don't come up here please. - Kids don't come up. - That is climbable for sure. - I was about to say- - Maybe not that- [sighs] - Will it hold you though? - Nah, nah bro, that ain't holding two- - No, let's not. - 90 kilogramme dolly. - Come in sports hall down there. You come up the ladder and then up here, there's shelves and boxes in there. I'm gonna try and probably chill on top of there. I've gotta go up there innit to win. - Little glimpse of my spot. It's not the best, it's just a room. There's a skeleton there. I could just hide behind this massive... Is that a sandal? How heavy is this sandal? Oh yeah, this is it, I've got it. Okay I'm in. I'm like squashed in the corner right now. - These classrooms are pretty empty. - Yeah, there's actually no hiding spots in the classrooms. - What are we saying, where is this? - We are actually sitting ducks right here. - Oh my god. - Wait, is there a step ladder or something? - About four minutes have gone. We don't know how the guys are doing. Let's take a look at what Harry's looking at right now. [Harry panting] - This is really good. You'll win by the way, if you get up there, you've won. Right. Oh my God. [laughing] Oh my God. Now, how do I give you your camera? Chuck it? Oh my God, oh my God! - Oh, yes. - Huh, interesting. - Why is he right there? It's a weird place to be. - But I wonder where Simon is. [table dragging loudly] - This is a place I don't wanna be. - Might sacrifice ourselves here for this. - I do this every game, bro. I go to a place that I don't want to be in. - Is that gonna like snap down or? Maybe. - Oh, it's stinky up here. - Yeah well you picked it. [Simon laughing] - It is proper stinky up here. - This is on you, bro. - You thought this was a W, all right. - Thanks, bye guys. Good luck! - It's a pretty good Sidemen video. Just sit here and eat a bunch of Nando's. [Randy gasps] [ball bouncing] - Don't put that in. [laughs] Into the cupboard we go. - Can I take the shelves out of this and then get in there? Sort of feel like I might die? [shelves clattering] I think I'm onto an absolute stormer here. Oh no! I'm gonna be too big, f*ck! I really thought I'd be small enough for this. f*ck! [whispering] Where do I go, where do I go? - I think do a big underarm throw and just pray for the best. Oh lad. - Oh sh*t. - Okay, we got this, bro, come on. - Yes! - Have fun. - Yes! - Bog's a better man than than me. He is up on the roof. - I think it's getting to like almost 10 minutes, right? Like, I'm getting desperate. That looks so good. - I'm just saying there's a... Wait! Look out the window bro [laughing]. We can climb up there. - All right, this is... [knocking] - Oh no! - It's locked. We can't get out there. - I climbed up the side! - No, they're all locked. - Good luck. - Cheers you too. - Are you going that way? - I'm just f*cking scrambling at this point. - We've got like all sorts of different, like, water tanks and stuff. I should probably hide the other side of here. [knocking] There's Harry. Big Vik'o chilling up in the roof. Right, let's go and explore my new surroundings. We've got all sorts of pipe work. I feel like no one has been here in many years. Fantastic, we got some like fibreglass. - I don't see no rat droppings. So no vermin up here. They're gonna be up here in a second. I'll lie down, hold the bag in front of me. They'll be down there. I've won. - Wait actually, let me do the kids a favour here. This ball must have been here for years, man. But I've done it. I've got it back for them. - I don't think these people understood what they was getting into when they invited the Sidemen to come and climb their school. I found a ladder, I found a ladder. - Look at Ethan. [laughs] Look at that man. A clamberer. A wilderness explorer. Wait, Ethan! [ball getting kicked] [Harry laughing] - How has he got up there? [laughing] Look how happy he looks. - J, can you help? This is a really bad position, but I'm kind of f*cked. I spent most of my time helping Vik. That's the front door there. - Hey yo, we really on the roof right now. Oh my goodness, I can go up again? - I've taken the ladder and I've placed it over here. I should be safe now. I'm thinking of dropping down onto this. There's where the other boys are. This is where I am. [door creaks] [door thuds] [suspenseful music] [fire alarm ringing] - Oh my f*cking God, I've just shat myself. [fire alarm ringing] - Beautiful. - Oi, perfect timing, that's 10 minutes. That's actually crazy. All right, seeker time. - It's gonna be so weird, you know. - Just walking around, nostalgia. - Yeah, like. - Shout out all the dinner ladies that used to serve us food here. - Think they're in the canteen trying to get some food? - f*ck, I might just have to get a sh*t spot. [door closing] I'm in a cupboard. I don't think it's a good cupboard. I could get up in the roof. [men chatting in the distance] - Entrance, this bit used to be different as well. - They got a whole new building here. - I have trust in my bad position. - Josh, I have so much nostalgia walking through here, man. - I want to see if anyone's hiding in my form room. - Josh's old form room. - This is my year seven form room. And it hasn't changed. [laughs] - It's literally all these pictures are like the exact same. - Nothing's changed. - I used to sit right here, that seat. - I'm pretty sure I was front row in this. [laughs] - All right, just an update for you guys. I've eaten my wrap. I've eaten the whole thing, man. I'm actually in the circuit room. I wonder if this is where Freya and Josh first met. I'm just kidding. Apparently she didn't even go to this school. I've been thinking about that joke all week and I wanted to make it, so I've made it. - I've got one job in life. Oh, there's a basketball as well! Mate, look, I'm doing the Lord's work here. Three tennis balls and if I'm not mistaken, a basketball. Oh yes. - Look at Harry. - Look at my haul! - Harry, please be careful. - Is that a straight drop? - No, but if you slip, you will fall like 30 feet. - I never slip. - Look at that, though. There's just a straight drop there. This man's on Demon time. - You can see into it, you can just see into it. It's there. - Are you sure? - Yeah, look. - Are you sure there's no one there? Because we've looked in spots like this and there's been people there and- - That's not when I'm the seeker though. I've got a good viewpoint. We can get like a little view of the school. - I'm never seeker. Wait, you got a good viewpoint? - Yeah, I got- - All right, take me there, take me there, take me there. - Bro. - I was tiny when I used to walk through here. - This stain was here. - I could never touch the ceiling before. Now look at me. Thank you no two ways. [laughs] - All right if we get this, this is like a Dude Perfect. This is elite. - All right. - I'm making sure this is on camera 'cause it's about be epic. - Go long! - All right. Go on! Oh no! - Hey, batter, batter, batter. [Harry groans] - Go on. No! - If you had the right angle, that would've got me. [suspenseful music] - Back where we started. Think this is a good idea, I hope. - We've been spotted. You guys won't tell anyone where we are right? Keep quiet. You are, you're in the video. [kids screaming] - Vik's up there on the top of the school. And he said, "Don't, you'll ruin the video." He's moved, he's moved, he's moved. He's crumbled under pressure. - This was food tech, oh my gosh. Is anyone in here? Cooking? - Yeah, I made pasta in here. - Bro, I made ah, choconana scones, was it scones? - They're gonna be hiding for a long time. 'Cause we got a long way to go around this school. - Okay, okay, okay. We'll pick up the pace, we'll pick up the pace. - I reckon, right, see this up here? I reckon if I hide- - Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my god. - sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. - You know what, right? - I used to sit right here, in this very chair. - In this class, the only thing that I remember was being taught about checking your balls. Now that was like one- - Do you remember sweetie girl? I'm not gonna bait out her name. - Yeah. - She used to sell sweets. We used to chuck our money across the classroom and she'll chuck the sweets across. This building never used to be here. Josh, this wasn't here before, was it? - This one? Yeah it's this one, mate. - Hey, this wasn't here before. - No, it's a new one. - All right, take me to this viewpoint that you keep talking about. - Wonder how many girls Tobi's had up here. I heard he settled no less than four in an orgy. [Randy laughing quietly] - [whispering] Oh sh*t. - Nice. - You don't know about the secret at our school yeah? [Tobi gasps] A few things at our school you didn't know about. That's some sketchy ladder though, not gonna lie. - You're a sketchy ladder how about that? - I've also noticed, injury. Look at that. So we can put an injury warning in the title. Thank goodness, Tobi and Josh aren't sharks. They'd sniff me out right away with the blood- Get it 'cause sharks smell blood in the water? - If they find me, I swear. 'Cause you know they can read the comments as well. So don't write in the comments where I am. It's a new YouTube technology. You can read comments live. We can see the comments you're writing now. So you get me? Don't let out where I am in the comments 'cause they'll read them and they'll come for me. - Have I been up here before? - Tobi! - Holy sh*t, boy. - You ain't ever been on top of your own school like this. - What the f*ck? Right if you go BGS, don't try this. - [whispering] f*ck, they're right there. f*ck it, f*ck it, f*ck it, f*ck it. - That's our whole school. - Oh my goodness, they're on the other roof just behind me. I don't know if you can see it. - Yo, I found one. - Where? - Is that Vik? - Where are you seeing something? Oh God. - Oh, is that Vik or is that someone working on the roof? That's someone hiding, isn't it? - How have they got up there? - It looks like Vik. - I rate that whoever's up there, that's a big old hiding spot. There's a ladder up to it, you can see it look. [Chris groans] - Okay, let's go get him. Let's get him nice and early. - He thinks he's cheeky up on that roof. We've been looking for ages though, surely he knows. - He looked at us, but he doesn't know that we saw him. - They're right up there. I'm hidden behind this air con unit or whatever this is, but they are there, but they can't get to me here. So f*ck 'em. - They got up onto that roof over there. I don't think they did see me, which is kind of crazy. [men chatting in the distance] - They're right there, they're right there. All right we have absolutely sent them to the shops there. - Just know that I'm on my elbow. I've literally been on my elbow for like 20 minutes. Anyway this video ain't about me. Go and check someone else. Over to you, Ethan. - Yes now, you're now locked into the sounds of DJ School Rooftop. [Ethan making record scratching noises] - I'm still here. Don't worry about me. Over to you, LazarBeam. - Found you. - Hey, what's up? - How's it going buddy? - Are you finder? - No, I just wanted to scare you as if I was. - All right, help me get it outta here. I don't wanna be here anymore. - Been sat here for like 25 minutes. [sighs] They're taking their sweet time. Maybe I'm just in a good spot. Like, I have won hide and seek before. So you could say that I have a portfolio of hide and seek wins even if it's just one. - Chris! - I literally just sent them to the shops. - Yeah? - They're over there somewhere. - Yeah, they were up on the top of that building over there, yeah. - So we need to go... - Trying to go upstairs? - No left, left, left. - Yeah, but we can go upstairs and round. - Oh, okay. - All right, we gotta be quiet here. Shh. - Okay, Christoph, how's your touch? Go on lad, go on lad. [ball bouncing] Oh, that was poor. - This is not a library anymore? - How long has this been a staff room? - Harry's on the roof there, look, pause. - Shh shh, I seen him, I seen him, I seen him. - I'm just trying to think of an escape plan if they come up. - Yeah, I don't think there is one. - Get down, get down, get down. - How are we gonna get to that roof? - Shh! - Why shush? He can't hear. - I could jump, nah that's a broken ankle, innit? - I think it's capture or suicide. - Yeah, that ain't holding my weight at all. Is there any other? - Chris down there, Chris down there. Look Chris down there. Wait, we can totally get Chris. - I see Zerkaa, I see Zerkaa, I see Zerkaa. sh*t. He's there, he's there, he's there, he's there. He's there, but he can't get me. - Oh sh*t, I can see the seekers. They're up in that top bit. [Harry yelling] - You little b*tch. - Hey, and what? Come get me. - You little b*tch. - Come on. - How did he get up there? - There's actually a big issue. I'm actually stuck up here. - How did you get there? - I Spider-Man climbed the wall, I can't get back down. - Well, you stay here till last then. - All right, see you in a bit. - I say this is close enough to say we caught you by the way. - No chance. No, there's a shield between us. - You're literally right- - Also, I saw you up there, I was making a mockery out of you. - Now there's little latches that you can use to get out there. - But they're above us though. - All right, bye-bye. - f*ck. - I dunno how he got... - How the f*ck did Vik get up there? That's the only way, surely. Oh man. - But they can't get out though. - I'm counting that as catching Harry by the way. He's been found. - sh*t, I need to get down. How do I get down? How do I get down? How do I get down? This is one of them ones where like, for a Sidemen video is it worth me breaking my ankle? Probably not. - [whispering] Hello, mate. - f*cking hell, I just heard footprints and I was like, - I thought you were Ethan. - Hey, come on man. [Simon laughing] How's it gone for you? - I'm just, I ran to the front door and then ran back in here. [Chris laughing] Now I need to piss, really bad. - I reckon just take a dump on the stage. - I need a pee, bro. I'm not just gonna take a sh*t. [Chris laughing] - You wanna take the elevator? - We could hide in the elevator. [elevator opening] - Oh, thought someone was in there. All right. Just shut? - Yeah. We're locked in the elevator now. [whispering] This is brilliant. - All right, so, KSI's not here today. He's training for his fight, okay? And even that's fine, you know, gotta win the fight, that's detention. So, KSI [indistinct], do not pass go. Do not collect your $200. - We've seen Vik, Harry, and Chris. - We need to get seeking 'cause it's been 30 minutes, bro. - Okay, but how do we get up there? - There's other people we can get first, innit? - Well, ChrisMD is downstairs by the f*cking front bit. - Also, while I'm here, I just wanna send a message to all my old teachers who said that I'll never amount to nothing. Well look at me now. Now I'm Sidemen's fifth pick in a guest hide and seek video. [distant thumping] sh*t. - They're bare giggling. - Do any of you have a ladder? - Harry's asking them if they have a ladder. - Yeah, but I can't get down, I'm stuck up here! Oh, the kids are laughing at me now. - Harry needs a ladder. There's one man for this. We're making our way over to Bog. - I think I'm just gonna make a run for it. I'll let you know how it goes. - All right thanks man, good riddance. - Wow. - This is what I'm thinking. I'm gonna arrange these chairs in a sort of White Walker, human intestine sort of vibe. So when Tobi and Josh come in here, their minds, they're gonna be so thrown off by what kind of animal is running round these school grounds. - Oh, this is different. Oh, there's another closet. [gasps] Holy sh*t. Oh hey buddy, what's up? - Have you been got? - No. - No? Okay, sick, sick. - [laughing] Sick, sick, sick. Dude, everyone's hiding in these closets man. - I don't think they can be here. There's too many people in one spot. We're fumbling the bag. - Let's have a little check in on ChrisMD. Let's see if his skills helped him hide from our team captains. Over to you Chris. [chairs banging] - Lachy's a pussy, I'm going back in the elevator. I'm gonna stay in here, locked inside. I ain't a coward. - Can I check these? Are theses offices? - No, offices are off bounds. - f*ck, I just heard Josh. I heard Josh. [laughs] I really need a piss. - I'm going around this way Josh. - f*ck, I can hear people. [dramatic music] That was Tobi, that was Tobi. [Chris panting] [JME whispering indistinctly] - Oi, we used to have assemblies in here. - Someone is in here. - Surely. - That's what I was thinking. There's spots here that are too good. - Surely someone picked this as a hiding spot. - Like, if I saw this, I'm going here. - Come out come out wherever you are. Who's jumping on the trampoline? - Do you mind? We're trying to hear people and you're baiting us out. - Hey yo! Well, no one's in here. They're all shook at the dark. - What about, oh, you can get upstairs though, right? - Hey, we found you. Well, no one's here. I thought someone would be committed and try and hide here. I guess it is quite bait. - Look, up here, man. - Ah, no- [screams] - There's a ladder! - A ladder to where? - There! - Yeah, but no one's... Go on then, go up. If you're up there, just come down it's long. - Okay, we'll leave it off limits for now. - What the f*ck? Mother no claws? What the f*ck are they doing at Josh and Tobi's old school? Alien babies? Nah, I'm good, nah, I'm good. [Simon moaning] [pee sprinkling] - Yes. - Tobi. - What? - They've been moved. - Yeah, they've been watching the videos. Make the shot, make the shot, make the shot. - Ever wonder why I was so good? - Make the shot. - Ethan just said I've got you a ladder. Yes! Oh my God. - I think he's coming back. - Yes! No, wait, you're kidding. Oh my God. Right, hold it please. - I've got it. [laughs] - Yes! Oh, you're a goat. - Yes! - I'm happy now. It's so eerie. [ball bouncing] - Yeah! - Hey, this is enough. We need to find people, man, we're f*cked. - Right, you are seeking. - I think I've won. Tobi said, "If you're up there, come down. It's long." It's not long, lad. It's not long. - Hmm. Oh, they're still kicks in here? - Oh no! [Tobi yelling] I had to pee! I had to pee! - We got one! - I had to pee so bad! - Sorry, Simon. - Damn my small bladder! - Sorry, Simon. - It's really hot in here, really. I'm playing Wordle. - I'm literally watching TikToks. If these guys could just hurry the f*ck up. - If I make this though, I get a night with your mother. [men gasping] - He was talking about your mum, by the way. Not mine. - No, no. - Definitely not mine, shot or not. - He turned to you and said it. - This is where I ran out. I ran all the way around here and then went in there. - Okay. - We could just walk about. Have an explore and if we see them just leg it. Just leg it. - Put the burners on. - Yeah. Mate, I can't believe my knight in shining an armour came with a ladder. [laughing] - To the right, to the right, yeah. - I mean, I'm not gonna lie. I know where Vik is. - [whispering] Just run, just run, just run. Ethan just ran, Ethan just ran. Why did he run? Why did he run? Why did he run? - I saw Kon. - Oh, music tech room! - This is productive, innit? There's nine other- Why did I get found first man? [Josh playing drums] - I put my bass, but I don't how to do it. [Josh playing drums] - This sounds horrendous. - You know what this takes me back to? Filming videos on my roof when I was younger. [drums playing] - Stop showing off. - I can hear Harry, I can hear him. - He's on the roof, bro. - Okay, another ladder. Yes. - This is how. - Onto what roof? - Onto there, onto there. - I'm about to start doing some parkour sh*t, bro. - That's how they did it. - Why's everyone on roofs for? - How do we get on that one? - You got whole school and everyone's on the roof. - I know how. - How? - I don't think I can tell you. - I'm going up there, bro. - This is your school boys. - They got helped up? There's a roof hatch. - Me and Lannan helped. - There's a roof hatch. - All right, I'm going for Vik. Josh, I'm going for it. - I literally heard Harry talking. [laughs] - But Harry's over on that roof. - I will show no mercy. - The tennis ball haul continues. Oh, why did you run? - I saw Kon. - Oh really? - Kon was there. - Okay, okay. Should we go shoot some hoops? - f*ck it. - Yeah, all right cool, let me get down. - That hatch is the only way up there. - The hatch? Unless get out the window. 'Cause the way I went, the way I pointed at. - To that one though? - Oh. - Let's go to the media room. I'm going media room. - This is so f*cking long, man. - Oh yes. Oh, talk to me. Him with a mean one. Ooo yes. [ball bouncing] - Nice and quiet. All right we can't leave till we get one. - f*cking hell. That's the one. Yes! Nothing but net. - Are you going up? - Yeah, I'm down. - Ah, I'm gonna die, bro. This is not safe. Please don't try this. - Couple rusty nails around here, bro. - Oh, that hurts. - Up onto the roof. - This is crazy. How do I get up there? - It has been about half an hour. And your boy is still on the roof. Am I winning? Is this what winning feels like? How many people have been found? How long will I be up here? I don't know. - How has he got up there? Is that Vik? Can you see? That's a poppin' hiding place. Say you what you want about the man. He knows his way around a school. - Look at that. Look at the tech. [Harry grunts] Yeah, nice and quiet. - Can we steal the school trophy? [laughing] - Found anyone? - This is where Harry was, f*ck! Yeah, there's no one up here now. - All right, come back down if you want. - Anyone in ladies toilets? Don't think so. Don't wanna go any further. Yeah! My gang! Bull, bull, bull, bull. Media studies! You could hide so many places in a school, it's nuts. - [whispering] Oh my God, we've got the trophy! Yeah! - [whispering] Oh, he's done it, he's done it. - Shall I take it with me? f*ck it. - You have to put it back. - I'll put it back, but for now I've got the school trophy. It's so hot. So what's the plan now? - I don't know. - Girls changing. The girls changing. - I don't think we should be in here Bog. - It's getting really hot. I'm starting to sweat. I might die in here. [fart noise] That was risky, I mean, I don't know who did that. Why would I do that though? There's nowhere for the air to go. So I'm just gonna have to live with my poo particles. - I like this spot. Oh my God, there's all this gum under the table. What the frick? That's gum in my hair. These kids are little sh*ts man. I'm not gonna do this anymore. - Science, Biology, in that? Anyone? [suspenseful music] [Josh laughing] - Look at you! [Randy laughing] See this? This is such a baited set-up. I walk through, right? And I see a cupboard and a whiteboard there. Like, all perfectly aligned. - I'm gonna need a hip replacement, I swear. Should I text Simon or Harry? Who should I text? Should I text them all and say I've won? Yeah Imma text them all. - What are you gonna do with the trophy if you have to just, sprint? - I'll just put it down and run. I'll get it later. - Got any games on your phone? - You got lucky you've been found, but there's a lot of people to find still. Do you know locations of anyone? 'Cause we might need that. - Am I a snitch though? - You know what? There better be a prize for this. It could be hours. If I win, yeah, I want something good. f*ck, I'm thinking a cottage pie or a steak. So if they could get me like one of those Sainsbury's cottage pies that'd be so good I would eat it tonight. They're not gonna find me. I can make noises. [Chip making funny noises] - They're in the lift. - Huh? - They're in the lift. - I ain't risking it 'cause, it's- No one's here bro. - What? - I know Vik's still on that roof. He has no way of getting down without help in my opinion. I know he used that latch, I'm certain of it. Whether you tell me or not. I'm not gonna believe you. - Thought I knew where Harry and Ethan are, but... - We got cameras, it's all good. [intense music] Hey, 10 toes! Nah! Come here you b*tches! Come here! - I don't want this that much. - I have got you! - Yeah, Tobi's so f*cking quick, bro. - I've got you, I've got you both! I've got you both, it's done! [Harry screaming] It's done, it's done, it's done, it's done, it's done. - No! No! - Yeah, you thought you could run away from me! - No! - Come on! - Ah! - They thought they could duck away from me. - Sounds like Tobi caught Harold down below. Surely I just win this game. This is so boring. Boring gameplay. I'm camping the biggest roof in the building. - Why wasn't it Josh, why was it Tobi? - Have you got him? Oh, you got both! - Bro, I put the burners on I can't lie. - G12, hello? Nope. G16, hello? - Thing is you should check the classroom properly innit, because... This is my first hiding spot. Look, I even left a clue for you. - Why is that a clue? - 'Cause Nando's wrap. [Josh laughing] - No, you don't need that cause you just lost mate, So, I'll take that back. All right, I need one of you to help me- - It's just us three, yeah? - Yeah, I got found first. - I need you to help me get on the roof to get Vik. - I saw Lachlan a while- Are we on their team now? - I know where Chris is. - You know what normally I'd be like, I'm trying to protect people, but I'm on your side now. - You've been drafted. - I'm on your side. - I finally made it onto the roof that you were on. - Bro, look how dirty we are. - Bro, I got stuck on the roof, he got a ladder for me. - Is that what that ladder is? - Yes! [Tobi laughing] - That's where I was hiding, Tobi? That's where I was hiding for the first like 15 minutes. [men chatting in the distance] - f*ck, f*ck. - I was doing a podcast in there earlier. - You did a podcast in here? - Lift going up. - f*ck. - Someone was in here, they must have gone. - Let me out! - It's fine, it's fine. It's fine, it's fine. - Why'd you hold me in? - Listen, I was just looking- - What kind of prank is this? - I just looking at something man. - Level one doors opening. - Oh, you press button didn't you? [suspenseful music] [Josh clears throat] - Hey, what's up? Nah, nah, um. Princess another castle, bro. Sorry dude. - Press the button! Go down, go down! f*ck! - I think I'm here man. I think I got you. - It ain't over. Emergency? No. - No. [everyone laughing] - Also Behz, we should have split up. - Yeah, but I didn't know what door to go in. They were somewhere here. - See the toilets here. I think this is the ladies, so sorry, apologies. - [high-pitched voice] Could you get out please? [knocking on the door] I'm having a poo. [men laughing] [men yelling] - It's Chris! - Oh my God, now I'm actually happy. I can go home now. - No, you can't go home yet. - Oh, do I have to help you? - Yeah. - Oh sh*t, um... - The quicker you help me the better though. - All right, f*ck everyone else, let's go. - I literally fell for it. - I heard you lot and so I started walking towards you cause it sounded like you hadn't been caught yet. And then I just saw Tobi's face around the corner. [Tobi sighs] - It feels better being away from those radio transmitters. I feel like I have a headache from just sitting by the radio transmitters. So instead we're just cutting around on the roof. Anyone in my plant room? No. - Just gonna walk about this whole video. I'm trying to think what's dangerous in the UK. 'Cause like we got like the snakes and the spiders, right? And I'm like, this is kind of like snakes and spiders territory. But like, y'all got nothing, right? Nothing to be afraid of. I'm literally just out here. This is like not how you play hide and seek at all. - Wait, oh hang on. Wait, you've been found? - No. You haven't been found have you? - Yeah, yes. - I have, I have, I have. - You're with Kon and BTS. - Oh yeah, true, true. - Yeah, we all got found. - Jesus! - You're sh*t, Tobi's the goat. Yeah, you're stinky man. - All you got is Randy? - I got Randy and Lannan. - What do you mean? I'm worth a lot. - Should we just all get Vik? 'Cause we all know where Vik is. - Well, Vik's on the very top of the building. - Yeah, but how do we get to him, the hatch? - I told you it's the hatch bro. - Can we fly the drone up? To him? Yeah. - Yeah. - Can we put something on it? - Can attach a note? f*ck you. - JME just texted me saying, "Just so you know, I've won. Holler when you guys need a clue." I've replied saying, "Nah, I've won." - Vik just texts back. Vik thinks he's won. If Vik thinks he's won, that means he's got a sick hiding spot. If you think you've won and I know I've won. That's bad. This game's not stopping. That was confident, yeah? - I always thought that I would be a good police officer in a movie. You know what I mean? Like check it. Get down on the ground buddy! You don't wanna do this. You don't wanna do this. Someone's about to jump off a bridge. Don't do this. Jacqueline, don't do it. [Chip whistling] - No ball games. [ball bouncing] - You're a bad man. You are a bad man. I wanna be like you. - Yeah, I'm a bad influence on the youth. Let's go! - Yeah, yeah? - Do some ball games. Hey! - Yeah. - Yeah, you wanna do drugs? It's the next step. [Tobi laughing] - Think Vik's more comfortable than me? Right, let's compare. Here I am cooped up, I moved my phone like it was the camera, what a d*ckhead. Cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, neat. Over to you Vik. - Oh, the sun's cooking up. Don't mind me, just sunbathing mid Sidemen video. Woo! - Should I get down? Or you lot rooting for me to win, innit? I can't get down. - Very different to Harry's green room. [Randy laughing] - That's a weed joke, boys. - Very different. I used to be in gardening club at school. - This is a pot plant male room. - Yeah, this is sick. - Oh, look at the Crocs. - Yeah, they're cool. - Not my size. - Guys, we're sending a drone up with a message from Josh. "Josh says f*ck you." I'm gonna send that up to Vik and I think, I dunno if it counts, but at the same time, don't really care. [laughs] - Whoa, skateboards! - Oh! The 3D "S!" - This was the one I used to work at. Wait Josh, how come they get to make skateboards? - Yeah, turn around. Okay, go higher. Higher, higher, higher. Now stop there, stop there. Look down. There he is. I see where he's sat down. - Ayo. What the f*ck? Oh sh*t, I think they found me. f*ck off, f*ck off! - He's just sat there. - They found me with a f*cking drone. - I feel like a gang of bullies patrolling for the nerd. [Chris laughing] Can't wait to give this kid a wedgie, let's go. - Let's play ball. [ball bouncing] It's actually hard. - They're playing basketball. They've been caught. I think it's Lachlan. - It's actually harder to throw than a basketball. - Tobi and a bunch of girls. [Josh laughing] - How has this become a thing? - I feel like we're on dangerous territory here. - Yeah, I agree. [laughing] Walk away slowly. - Tobi, leave them alone. - Fine, fine. You lot are making me out to be like a predator, you know? - Yeah, great. You found me. I knew I should have gone inside. Stay away from me, heathen. - He thinks you're baiting him. - Should I do some Fortnite dances? - Oh, glue sticks, hell yeah. [Ethan laughing] - f*ck sake, man. - Oh my God, he's flossing bro. - Should I just kick the drone? - Oh no. Oh no, It's disconnected. [Simon laughing] It's disconnected! - Josh says f*ck you. [laughs] - We've got a static image of Vik flossing. - Look at this, "Josh says f*ck you." - I don't feel like anyone's hiding in any of the classrooms. - It's a bit obvious, isn't it? - Is it though? 'Cause I feel like it's the only thing we've skipped past. - Used to sit here in art. Wow, I miss this man. I really miss this sh*t, this was good times. Now I've gotta play hide and seek with my friends for a living. [groans] - They're above me. It doesn't seem like they're next to me, but they are right above me 'cause I can hear their voices. - Maths classroom. They've never had PCs in here before. That's cold, all right whoever did that you're cold. - I sometimes forget how old these two are. - What? - Tobi just said they hadn't invented PCs the last time. - No, they had PCs, just not in here, you donut. [men arguing] - How old are you, Chris? - I'm 26. - 26? - Yeah. - See, you're way old, bro. - You're 26? - In my footballing prime. - When I was 26, everyone called me old. So, you're old. - Yeah, I feel like it might be something to do with not developing a beard yet. - I've got no torch now, I put both my phones away. - Why's the fridge open? [Tobi sighs] - Everyone's helping us search now, right? - We say helping- - Yeah, I dunno if you can really count it. - Well, he's helping, Chris is actually looking. - All right, let's go upstairs. Let's do a sweep of the next floor. - f*cking idiots, you f*cking idiots. - Vik, have you read the note? - The drone is now on the floor. - Okay, no, but Vik, have you read the note? - Yeah, I did read the note. [Simon laughs] - Oh, I've got it, I've got it. - Are you exposing me or what? - He already knows, bro. - Does he know how to get here then? - I don't think so. - That's fantastic. Well, we'll leave him to work that one out. Thank you Simon. - All right. - Have a nice life. - You too. Right, well, he's being left there. [laughs] - Now would this be a good time to move or just hope that they never work out how to get to me? - Tobi came into the room I'm in and he said, "Oh, I've got no phone." And so he couldn't turn on his torch. - Hello, hello, one sec. - We're about to finesse Chip. - We're gonna get Chip. We're gonna pretend we haven't been found yet. And ask him where he is. - He didn't even look. He didn't even look behind the cardboard sandal. This is f*cking amateur hour. This means I'm one step closer to winning a potential shepherd's pie. Harry's calling me. - Yo, where the f*ck are you? - Nah, you've been caught. - No we haven't. - No we haven't. We're in the science room. - I don't know where I am. [Harry and Ethan laughing quietly] - Where did you go? - I can't tell- No, you two are moles. Show me the room. - One sec. How do I rotate this? - Spin around, spin around. You're in the f*cking hallway. - Yeah, 'cause we came- Ah sh*t, we're joking, Chip. We're actually, yeah, we're rats, I'm sorry. [everyone laughing] - You f*cking rats. You f*cking rats. See you later, suckers. Wow, I can't believe that they just tried to FaceTime. - I'm not really hiding, I'm just using the toilet. That Nando's be hitting. All right. Actually, they'll see the camera. - Chippo's in the darkest place. - Yeah, he's in a Syrian cave somewhere. [Simon laughing] - Chippo, oh Chippo! - Would anyone be in one of these bins? Surely not. - I've thought about it, - Surely not. - I was told it was too easy. - Chipacrons! - I will not be found. Shepherd's pie is mine, baby. - I should have stayed inside the building. I should have heard the drone. They kept the drone high. They actually finessed me with it. Unless he's just leaving me here to win. - What are you doing? - I just took a sh*t in like 50 degree heat. - Yeah, but have you been found yet? - No, have you? You've been found? That's not even fair. - That definitely counts. But you know what? In the spirit of competition- - Look how sweaty I am. - If you can get out of here- - Oh, it's Lachlan! - No you're f*cked now, sorry. [everyone laughing] - I just took like the hottest sh*t of my life. - Is that what that smell is? - I got found in here having a piss! - Dude, I'm sweating. [everyone laughing] - Wait, so three of us have been found going to the toilet? - Oh, he came in and was like, "Oh!" And I was like, "Oh, you're not found." - Did you film yourself taking the sh*t? - I paused it for that. - Aw. - I really need a poo, man I'm jealous. - Harry? You found anyone? - We found Lachlan. - Where'd you found Lachlan? - Taking a sh*t. - The toilet's caught a couple of you out today. - I'm saying this by the way. Don't think Chip would expect a double, double bluff. I reckon if Chris hides somewhere, FaceTimes Chip like this. "Where are you?" I reckon he falls for it. - Why have you picked on me? - Because, these two phoned him and I was with them and then they're the seekers. - Yeah, you're innocent, do it. - They got baited out 'cause they were in a hallway. And he went, "Turn the camera around." - You gotta hide in a dark place, Chris. - Just the whole camera crew stood there. [everyone laughing] - Do you want me to go by myself somewhere, or? - And he goes, "You're in a f*cking corridor, man." - The school's so big and so hot. - You haven't found anyone. - I found two people! Randy and [indistinct]. - Oh, well you found Randy. - And Lannan. - It's gonna be so sad if he trusts me and then I- - Yeah, yeah. - Stab him in the back. - Chris is calling me. - Hello fella. - Hello lad. - How are you doing? - I'm good. - Are you still yet to be found? - Yeah, I'm hiding. - Yeah, I have literally not seen anyone in about 30 minutes. - Yeah, they came into close range of me and that was it. - Yeah, I've heard a few footsteps and stuff. I'm like hidden in the DT block, but like, this place is f*cking huge. [laughing] I have no clue like where to go. - Yeah, Harry and Behz have been caught. - Oh, have they? Okay. - They tried to call me and get me to say where I was. - Oh, that is naughty. - Scumbags, I didn't give 'em anything. - Whereabouts are you? - Stop it, Chris. - What? - Stop it. - Stop what? - Spin your camera around. You're with people, aren't you? [suspenseful music] - I literally, I just spun around my G7X or whatever it is. [laughing] [Chris and Chip laughing] I'm hidden below this desk in the DT block. - That's not bad at all. - Thank you, man, thank you. - I'm suspicious, man. - Yeah, I get it. - Swear on your mother's life. - I swear on my mother's life that this is not a ruse. - And you're still hiding? - Yes, I'm still hiding under the table. - Okay, I'm on the bottom floor. - Bottom floor. - I haven't gone upstairs. This is f*cking nuts. I'm hiding behind a cardboard sandal. I must be in like some kind of art, I'm in an art class I think. - An art class, okay. Bottom floor, in a cupboard, art class. - Yes. - All right mate, I will maybe see you. - If you come to this cupboard, say the word "chicken" so I know it's you. - Will do. - All right, good luck mate. - All right, see you in a bit mate. - Bye. - Best of luck, bye. - Bye. [men cheering] - The word "chicken!" - That was amazing! - He asked me to swear on my mum's life, I was like, "Yeah." [laughing] - Right so, bottom floor, art classroom cupboard, yep. - Say the word "chicken." - All right. - Now Chris has promised me he's gonna come and find me apparently. This is gonna be quite interesting. Will Chris be able to find me? He's swore on his mother's life that it wasn't a ruse. It wasn't a scam. Put my faith in him. - Let's pray. - Chicken? Hello? Chicken? - Chris. - Hello? - Chris. Chris. Chris. [Chris laughing] Chris. - Oh my god, that's amazing. Wait, how have you even got in here? - Go around. - Oh my mate. That is elite. How did you get in there? - Look at me now, boy. I'm hiding behind- - Chicken! - Chicken! [everyone laughing and yelling] - He swore on his mother's life! - Chicken! - No! No! - I'm sorry Mum. - Oh my God. - We was in the room the whole time. You were like, "bottom floor, art room cupboard, yes. Say chicken." [everyone laughing] - You came in there. - I came in there? f*ck! - Chicken, come in and say chicken. - Where were you? - I was hiding behind a wooden sandal. The best thing is- - That spot was amazing, by the way. - You know what? I came in and I said I don't have my f*cking phone. I can't see anything in here. - Right, so we found Chip. - You found Chip? - So it's now you and Vik and we know where Vik is. So I need your clue. - You don't know where Vik is by the way. - We do. Has he moved? - I can't tell you if he's moved, but you don't know where he is. - We know where he is. - You don't. - I helped him. [Ethan laughing] JME I sent a drone up to him. - I know, and now I bet he's not there. - Oh, he moved? - I don't know if he's moved. - Should we go check? - Let's go check. [men laughing] - Come here, little boy! - Wait, he would've never got found there. That's a crazy spot. - Yes! - What? - Just gonna phone my mum, check she's still kicking. How are you doing, you good? Yeah, no, that's fine. I was just ringing to just check that, yeah, you're okay and everything. - It's locked. - No, no, you know what it'll be? it's out this door and then up the ladder out there. - You reckon? - Yeah, it must be. [Vik screams] [Harry screams] - Oh my God, bastard! [men laughing and yelling] - Got eem! Got eem! - We got Vik! Let's go. You're the first person I saw by the way. - Yeah, at the start. - From that roof over there. - How do we get to the top, top? I want to go to the top, top. - Through that door and up. - Let's go to the top, top. - So JME won? - JME's won, so I was in second? - Yeah, you got second. - Confirmed. You are the winner. - Congratulations! - But, I still wanna find you, so give us a clue. - You and Tobi nearly found me first. - Oh wait, Tobi. - That's it. Bye, bye, bye. - JME said that we almost found him first. - Wow. - So think about where we went first. - I know exactly where it is, bro. - Is it in the big cupboard? The sports hall cupboard? - He got a clue from how I was speaking where I am. I heard him just now. I'm f*cking winning this sh*t. f*cking giving up my location, f*ck that. I think they're coming. They're coming. - He could have parkoured up to that. There's a ladder there. - Josh, do you reckon he's up there? - He might be, you know, that's what I'm saying. - Hey JME, if you're up there, come down. - Yeah, don't, it moves. Jesus Christ. - f*cking hell. [equipment crashing] You lot are crazy, bro. He's behind you bro. I'm sure I just saw a camera behind you. He's there. - Where? - I'm sure I just, what did I just see? Hey JME, come out, bro. - Where? [men yelling] - I knew it! - Was he there? [everyone yelling] - Yes! - Hey JME, f*ck you! - Hey Tobi, sorry man. - I saw his camera. - Oi Tobi, sorry, sorry. - You're a d*ckhead! I shouted to him when he was there as well. I was like, "Yo, come down." Ah, f*ck man. - Thank you very much, what'd I win? I win a spud? - Well done. From early, we said go up there. From early, so early. - What do I win? - You win a fist bump, bro. - Is that all I win for real? Film it, film it. - You win a year of Side+. - Everyone knows that I've got that. - You get a year of Side+. - Side+. [trap music] [cameras clicking]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 16,678,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: v3vWfuyGI4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 47sec (2807 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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