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- [Narrator] In a world where YouTubers tried their hands at different things: music, boxing, movies. We've seen some of the platform's biggest creators go head-to-head on multiple occasions. First time, a draw. Second time, the UK took the win. Now it's time for the age old question, what happens when two of the platform's biggest stars go fishing? - I've caught a shark (indiscernible chatter) - I've bitten my worm. - Try your tongue, try your tongue. (laughing) - Hey, that's the guy who beat you in boxing. (laughing) - Pull hard! - Anyone got alcohol so I can not be in this reality? - I fell for it. I fell for it again. Fuck's sake, they got me on a boat. Hopefully I don't end up picking cotton by the end of this. But yeah, hopefully we just do a little bit of fishing. Catch a few fish. I want to make sure I catch and take them home. Because I love my fish. - Who would have thought? - The Sidemen. - Who would have thought? Who would've thought, the Sidemen go fishing? - You know what, this is my worst nightmare. (laughing) - This is my worst nightmare. - I've got high hopes, for our team. But look, there's good vibes only on this boat. And the fish, they're gonna pick up on the good vibes and they're gonna to come in. - I got no fish yet. Give me one hour and then I'll call you back with a fish in hand, to prove my worth. (laughing) - Yeah. - All right, peace. - Its very alpha to catch fish. - [Logan] Girls love fishes. - Girls love fish. - Girls love fish. - Girls love fish. If a man can catch you a fish and then you eat that fish. - You'd never go hungry. Think about it. (laughter) - Who's gonna be the worst here today? It's gonna be JJ, surely. He's gonna scream like crazy. He's gonna be half the time (mimicking scream), and then the line's gonna break. - My concern is that when you get a bite... I don't know anything about fishing, but I feel like you have to be somewhat composed. JJ is not gonna be composed. - I'm about to catch a fish, this big, and make it my profile picture. (group laughs) - On Facebook. - Go from the Mayweather picture, to the fucking fish. (laughter) - Boys I'm so excited today. We're going fishing. I've been wanting to go fishing with the boys for ages, we're finally doing it. I've got Heineken in hand. It's a good day. It's a good day. - Yeah. (excited shouting) (upbeat trumpet music) - That's so cool. (man laughs) - Whoa, I thought that was gonna hit you. - [Cameraman] Hi, do we have anything we can throw? (laughter) - Hey you can throw these little crabs. (cheering) He's gonna throw a crab. - Throw a crab? - What? - [Cameraman] Throw a crab. Oh my God. (laughter) - Oh, shit. - Oh shit. (laughter) (guitar music) - Fucking crabs, baby. - Bro, stop throwing food. (laughter) - I got hit with a crab. - Man, you got hit by Logan Paul's crab. (laughter) - Yo, you got hit by crab, bruh. - You got crabs now, bro, you got the crabs. Its unlucky, bro. (laughter) - Oh my god. - I'm trying to get his head. (laughter) - Oh, no. (laughter) - Why does Nick always get hit? - What is it with me and strawberries? (electronic music) - All right, so I've been doing some Googling about how to fish at sea. The problem is, I don't really understand what half of this stuff means. - Hey guys, don't feel like the army trained dolphins to do things. - What? - The army trained dolphins? - Dolphins? - Dolphins. - To do what? - I mean they're not swimming to your country and like corrupting your economy. I'm just saying they like (laughter) - Spy dolphins. - Yeah. So you've got to bait, cast the reel, and then spin the reel. - You've got to go with the small diameter lightweight line and keep the spool of the reel at capacity. - Exactly. - Easy, easy. - And then, use the Bitcoin. - No, no, no, no. - What do the dolphins do then? - What do they do? - Do they shove a bomb to them? - What do they do, what do they do? - Why did you ask if they shove a bomb to me? (laughter) - There could have been a lot of things, but for some reason, - We just want to know - the dolphin has to be - what dolphins do. - a fucking bomb. (laughter) - He wasn't like (mimicking dolphin noise), he was like (mimicking shrieking). Fucking asshole. Let's get out of here. We're swimming back. (rock music) - KSI are you already eating? (laughter) - Bro, I've been eating the whole fucking time. (laughter) - Bloody hell. - They're gonna have like no food supplies over there. - I don't know where our spirits are. - There are no spirits? - I can't find them. - There are no spirits? - No, no spirits. - You're telling me I'll come this far out to sea and I can't fucking get drunk? - We'll put on a crew boat and then we'll bring it over. - On international waters and I'm sober. (laughing) - Whoever made the sandwiches is the stingiest motherfucker. - Here's two pieces of chicken. - Dude, that's 98% bread. (guys laugh) - I've got gluten allergy as well. (guys laugh) - Nitro cocktails. - That's for you mate, right there. - Come on then. - Let's fucking go. - Let's get these going. - Nitro cocktail. - Mate, I'll take whatever I can get. - Let's fish. - What? - Empty the sea of them. - Honest to God, how many fish do you think is in this ocean right now? - At least 12. - At least... (man laughs) He ain't wrong about that. - Look at us with our manly, manly drinks, About to go fishing. - Lads on tour. - Lads, lads, lads. - My dad used to eat these, for leisure. No, no, just him. I won't eat it. I won't do that. No fucking way. I'm not Greg Paul, that guy's a sicko. - Who would've thought, many years ago, we'd be out in the middle of the channel. Fucking drinking... - We dragged Logan Paul - Into the channel. - out into the English channel. - Yeah this is it, we're finishing the job. (laughter) - Chuck him overboard. - (indistinct chatter) - Logan's got... - Logan's already doing it. - This motherfuckers here to fish. - Look at him. (laughter) Give him the fucking worm. - He puts it in his mouth jumps in the ocean, (man laughs) comes out with fish and the fucking bait in his mouth. With a mermaid giving him a blowjob. I was like what the fuck? (laughter) Who are you? just singing? - Hey trust me though, if there's any mermaids they're not gonna be in the English fucking channel. (laughter) - Let's try and open ourselves up for the cameras a bit. Jay maybe you go on the other side. - Sometimes when I'm alone, I get really sad. - It's not Tinder. - I was opening up for you. - It's not Tinder mate. - I was opening up. - [Narrator] Team KSI and Team Maverick will be going head to head in the official Sideman fishing challenge. Each fish that you managed to catch is a point. We have two hours. Let's go. - From now? - Yes. - Suck your mom. - What? - [KSI] Suck your mom. - 3:00 PM is done. - [Cameraman] You shot your mom. You have no loss, no loss. - You suck your mother. - You have no ass. (guy laughs) - Maverick, more like you suck dick. (guys laugh) - Oh! Shiver me timbers. Shiver me timbers. (indistinct chatter) (guys laughing) (upbeat music) - This means a lot to me to be invited here on this trip. I don't want to fuck this up. I got one - Can you fucking throw it bro? - I got one shot to look cool. - What the fuck, is this a bullshit Piñata? - Move, move. - Bro, what the fuck are you doing? - Just move. - Just throw it. - They're just standing there waiting. They're praying. - Why does nothing happen? - Time to give affirmation guys, will the fish, will the fish into existence. - All right, I will. No manifesting, reel them in. - Casual, casual fishing trip with the boys about to enjoy my water. (man laughs) - That's good water. - Aw, lovely bang. Alive grubs. - No they're not, they are dead. - No, they're kicking. - No, no. - Bro look at that one. - No way. - You can just take their shell off when they're alive? - I'm not, I'm busy. (indistinct chatter) - Doing what? - Hey, you got something? - Hey, what? - Hey, no chance. Let's go baby. Come on, - Jeez - Come on. - Can you just call it that while JJ just starts flopping around? - It's gonna get eaten by a baas. - No, absolutely. - Big man. - Wait, wait, what? - He's putting the bait, putting the bait on. - All right, Cool. - Jesus. - How does that work? - Leave it. Leave it. - What are we doing? - Oh, okay now I see it. - Oh no! Aye, yo. Aye what are you doing? Get it off my head! Get it off my head. Bro! (guy laughs) - You're mental! You're mad! (guys laughing) - Bro, he's probably laid eggs in my hair. - He's here. - Yeah, but he's right there, look! - At a boy! - See the fishes about to come up. - Massive! - Now that's seven foot. Seven foot. - Yeah, let's go baby. Let's go! - Aww. - Guys. - The what? - It's just a squid. - Fuck! - The top wind - Fuck, we're looking stupid. - We caught a squid! - We go again? We go again. - You were saying how professional you are at this earlier? (guy stammers) - You look professional, I can't do that. - What he do? (guy laughs) - Do you know how we're gonna win? - By catching more fish? - I'm gonna channel my inner one pound fish. - Come on ladies, come on ladies. One pound fish. - I've learned how to cast, but I forget. - You know how to fish? - Not really. - Take you're line out the boat when your casting, alright. - Okay. - Keep your finger there. - Okay. - Hold it over. - Yeah, that flick. - Okay. - Oh, we got something boys right there. - 100%? - 100% baby. - Somebody grab the net. - Right there, right there. - Oh, yeah! Shit, mother fucker. - Oh this is some serious shit. - I didn't trust myself with the net. - Yeah, you got this Toby. - Wait, why is the blood like red blood? - What colour is blood normally? - You know? - You know what? - What colour? Is it blue? - No, but like with ants and shit, it's like green or something. - It brings me back to my roots, you know? Like I'm back in Ohio - Logan, I got one too. - I don't know what I'm doing. - Ooh, Ooh. - Oh, oh. - Oh, you see that? You see that bend? - What he's got one? - Is he? - There's no way. - It's bullshit if he's, its bullshit if you've got one! - There's no way. - One, nil, baby! - How do I pull? - Not yet, not yet. - Hang on, hang on! - Don't jinx it. (guy laughs) - Nah, you've got jack shit mate! - You won't catch nothing. - He can't hear you, you've got to shout mate. - You've got jack shit! - this is just what we needed. - I need some morale. - Let's go! - Oh shit! - It's going under, it's going under. - Let's go! - We ain't got, bro. Nothing's getting... - Who's that? That Logan? - Oh is that it? - You bastard. - Nah, somebody's pulling. - Nah bro. - Nah. - You'll see this moving. (excited clattering) - Is that a shark? - Is that Logan? - Shopping trolley. There we go. Come on. - Fucking hell. it. - Oh shit. - Pull it up a second. - We got a shark. - Oh, it's through the net. - Oh it's through the net? - Uh, plot twist. - Plot twist. - It went through the net. - Oh, plot twist! - Where's your fish gone? - Where's your fish gone? - Where's your fucking fish? - Where's your fish gone? - What? - Where's your fucking, fucking fish? - I still think that was a... - Bro, that was a wild one. - Whoa, they're still going. - Where's you're fish gone? - It's there, it's there. - Oh they have got one. - Fuck. - Oh no! - Is that a shark? - Oh shit. - You damn! - That a shark! - What the fuck is going on here! - What the fuck! - NO. - It's a shark. - What kind of shark? - We caught a shark. - Oh my gosh, he caught a fucking shark. - What! - Bro they got a fucking shark. - We're done for. - This is bullshit. - We're done for. - Guys, you can't beat Logan. - What are we gonna do now. - He's got a shark. - Nah, this aint me fam. - This is not my, - yeah, that's incredible. - This is, this is, this is horrible. - Bro we, nothing, nothing getting tugged. - Look at the size of that. - Patience, patience, patience. - But look at the size of it. - What? How? - Thank you. Little shark fish, yeet. - All right. - What, you threw him back? - Catch and release baby. - What the fuck! - Ethan has just caught his bate again. (guys laugh) - What the fuck is going on? - Bro, literally, we got dick in our hands, doing... - Speak for yourself. - Yeah, Patience, patience, patience, patience. - We got a whole song called patience, right? (belligerent singing) (electronic beep) - Oh shit, look there's one here. - Did I get a shark? - You got a shark. - There's another shark. - It's a little baby. - Aye! - Two, nil! - There we go. There we go. - Oh yeah, look at it go. - They've caught another shark. - Oh my God, they've caught another one. - What? - Nah, they got it, bro, they got it. - Can I hold him? Where do I hold him from? - Oh my God. - Hold it. Okay. Okay. Got that. Don't let go of that side. - Underneath. - Underneath? Yeah. - This is so... - Look at that little boy - How much of a man do you feel right now? - Oh, you're so fucking ugly. Oh my God. (man laughs) - Do I throw him back? - Should I dive in and get one? - Yeah! - Give him a spear. I went spear fishing once, it was terrifying. - Really? - I want some fish mate. - I went in deep water. - Bro, I'm hungry. - This is deep water. - Well, eat some sausage rolls. - Just hanging out with my fish. Hey look at this fish, look at these fish. Alright, see buddy. - Maybe the fish are racist? They're too many black people on the boat. - I'd say it's white too. - Well, we got two but they got one in it. - Ah true, that's the way it is. - We've done no fishing. - This is actually my nightmare. - I've realised this is actually my nightmare. - Simon, you've got it. You've got to get a fish. - You know what I'm saying. - I can provide some banner. Oh, here's a question for you. - All right. - If your mom and your girlfriend swap brains, but you have to shag ones to get them back together. - Yeah. - Who'd you shag. - Oh no. Oh, oh no. - I'm not like, fuck bro. - See I'll fish when you have an answer. (group laughs) - Is there any way I can jump off this boat? Instead of answering that question. - Oh a fish on. - Simon get that fish. - Simon get it. - What am I doing? - Fish on! - What am I doing? - Nah, guys nah, nah. Man, what's going on? - Is this the prank? - They've actually got another one. - Is this a prank? - It's, boys. Don't you worry? - I'm not having it. - Slow and steady, steady wins the race here. - We've got another one. - Yeah. Shut up. (group laughs) - Team Predator. - Can we change our name? - That's the only time I'm cheering for that. - Oh, what the - Oh go on and take it. - What the fuck do I do? - I don't know what I am doing. - My dad always said if a woman can bait her own hook, she's wife material. - Is that, it's not reeling in nothing. Oh. Oh, - I've done what? Oh my god, oh fuck. - Oh, bro. - Oh, no. - Oh no, he's broken the rode! - Oh no, I've fucking broken the... - He's broken the rod. - I've broken the handle. - Excuse me, I don't know the fuck that happened. - We've gotten fucking tangled. - Are you pulling it in? - You definitely got one. - Bro, that's annoying bro. I had one, one came off. - Yeah, that sucks dude. That shit will haunt you. You know like you you'll be about to go to sleep in there. I know, you shudder bro. - The worst! - Which way? - Oh no, other way. - Forwards! - Oh, shit! - It's coming up. - Pull it up and forwards. - Okay... - Forwards. - Jesus Christ! - That's it, forwards! - Why did we give him the - Forwards. - Come on bro. - When you gone fishing. - Do we need a net? - We need a net. - No, I can feel it. - I can feel it. - Yeah. - Let's get the net. - I can feel it. - There's nothing wrong man. - I don't think you do. - You idiot. - We lost one (indistinct chatter) - Yeah we got one! - Yeah, it was massive. You should've seen it! - Yeah, we got one. - You should've seen the size of it. - You got one? We've got three! - Congratulations. - Well done. - We caught a whale. - A whale? (guys laugh) - With my worms. - I can't believe I've just seen that. - It's all right. - Aye, yo, you lot try it. - Okay! - All right, here we go. - What is that? - Oh yeah, it's a big one. - Geesh. - Is that another shark? - Oh boy. - Yeah. - That's a decent one. - You've had to hold it. - Yeah, I'm gonna have to - That's alien. - Jesus Christ. - Yeah. That's that's that's about the right distance. That's about the right distance, there. - That's what I would've done. - Same as him, you got hold it bro. Do not let go. - Grab it by the tail. - I want to throw up. - Yeah, just underneath there. - I want to throw up bro. - You've got it. - That could've been the biggest fish of the whole day. That could've been it. - They have got one, look it. Is that Simon as well? I can't be arsed. - Are you terrified? - We're getting smoked. - Is it four, nil? - Yeah. - Wait, they haven't gotten three already? - Yeah, they have. - Have they? - Yeah, this'll be their fourth. - Simon holding a fish. - I wanna throw up, can I throw it back? - You can eat sushi now. - Yo, yeet. (guys laugh) - I've held a fish, you happy? - I'm losing to Logan Paul. - Well, they put the fish back? So they're just catching the same fish. (group laughs) - It's just one dumb fish that's just going that. - They are spawn trapping the fish. (group laughs) - Have we caught three of the same fish so far, right? - Don't say anything. - Nice phone. - Don't say anything. - Are you having a good day? - Fuck you. (guy laughs) - Lads, I held a fish. (men clapping) - Well done. - F you. - They are so pissed. - They are. - Who caught your fish? - KSI. - Nice. - And then he fucked it. We didn't get it out. - So they haven't caught a fish. - No, that doesn't count. - Alright, harry. - Which one? - Do the crabs pick up anything? - We're about one fish away from throwing myself over the board. - Go on, go on, lad go on. Come on. - Going home - Let's catch our first. - Oh, I dunno. - I don't feel, I don't feel a pull anymore. - Aw no, you missed it. - No! - Where's it gone? - The cursed rod. - Oh, Ethan's got one. - Come on. You can't catch a bait four times in a row. - I better see a fish on the end of this thing. - Why are we got the SWAT fish? - We're getting out played. - We're getting out played by fish! - It's not the bait again. - Right, yeah. - Ethan. - Oh right is was - There's something there. - Is it tangled? - Yeah it's on the line. - That's what. Ethan's caught someone else's fish. - It's on the line. - Josh, Josh, go on Josh. - Oh, this is gonna be a good one. - Just keep attention. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Come on Josh. Come on, come on. - It's yours. - Wait, do we need like a...? - It's on, it's on. - Josh come on, man. - Wheres' the net? - Net, net, net. - That's a mean one. - This is a big boy. This is a big boy. - Is it tiny after all this? - Nah, it's mean bro. It's looking naughty. - Keep coming. - Bro look it! - Crank that! - Josh you got it bro. - Don't let it go. - Power. - Come on Josh, you can do it. - Josh you got to do this come on. - Pull it up bruh. - Pull it up. - Yeah. - Come on Josh. - There it is. - Oh my, that is massive. - It is massive! - Bro, yeah. - Look it, look it. - Yeah! - It's a shark. - That pretty big. - The first one was definitely bigger. - It's pequeño. - Oh yeah, for sure, Ethan for sure. A hundred percent. Is it? - Ethan's caught his bait again bro. - Yeah, nah. A hundred percent. - He's caught the bait twice, and the line once. - I don't think so either. - Nah, I got faith. - Is this the one? - I do. - That's dinner. - Why is that shark? What is that fish? - Smooth hammer. - Shotgun. - What do you mean shotgun? - Shotgun, I'm eating it fam. - Don't eat it. - Man, squid again. - Is it the bait again again? - Yeah, it's a pretty good. - Man the thing fell over. - Three times. - I'm gonna, gonna take a sip of this water. - Do you actually like it straight? - You've got this guy, be strong. (guys laugh) - Whoa, fam. - You've got it. - He's bleeding, he's bleeding. - No, no, no, no. - Just throw it back in. - No, no, I wanna hold it. - No, drop it back in. - No let me hold it. - Let JJ hold it. - Oh shit. - JJ, JJ, pick it up. - oh my God. He dropped it. He dropped the fish, dropped the fish. - We caught a fucking shark. - That's why it's hard to reel in. - Sometimes, you've got to tilt it in. (guy laugh) - I'm trying not to laugh, while pulling it in. - Fucking hell. - He dropped his fish, dropped his fish. Josh dropped his fish. (guys humming) - Yeah, yeah, that the narrative. - I didn't drop a fish. - Let's keep that narrative. (guys laugh) - He dropped it. - Aye, man, I don't know what he's talking about. - I saw you drop the fish. - We saw you. - I saw you. - I saw you drop the fish. - You literally dropped it. - Yo, I saw you drop it. (man laughs) - Let's keep this narrative. - Couple of the boys out on a fucking - Drinking water. - Drinking water. - Yeah. I wanted to hold it, but it was spazing. - They do that they're fish. - Yes he can't, he can't breathe, mate. - I could pull you. He was holding his breath the whole time. - Yeah. - For later. - This is one of the worst things I've ever done in my life, but I've held one. So I felt like my job is done here. I can now sail through until Ethan catches something. That's not his own bait. I figure it's pretty easy wins. What are we are we what's our team name? Team predators? - Team predators sounds pretty fucked up. (man laughs) - Nah I don't. - Team predators we are. - I like team predators, I think it fits. - Yeah no, it sounds great. - Team predators are taking this home. The others don't have a choice. - Oh, just hitting the other rods. - Aim to the left, baby, aim to the left lad. Aim to the left. - To the left, left, left. - He's trying to catch a fish on that. - Oh, allow it. - See how I mean. - Why is it, why is this so difficult? Why is everything so difficult? - Maybe it's spinning around some more, get some more spins on it. - Oh fucking hell. - Yeah, you know best experience in my life. You know? Good fun, you know. I'm here on a boat with a bunch of boys, fishing. I'm from Ohio, you know. Taking me back to my roots. Yeah you know I think were gonna beat KSI team. We've got a good start, real strong start. We're three fish deep. I think they're like half shark fish. So that's pretty, - Nice! (men booing) - It's all about the morale here, you know? - Big catch. - Comradery. - Look at the size of it. - Big catch. - That's real nice, man. (men laugh) - He tell you that straight away. - That's real nice man. - Fuck him. Fuck that George Guy, I miss Mike. (guy laughs) - Ethan liked that one. - Dude super excited. I never thought I'd ever be able to get big enough, you know, to like collab with the side chicks. Really excited, you know. One of them beat my friend in boxing, that kind of hurt my feelings. But you know, it's bygones, you know, water underneath the boat, I guess. - Yeah, it's not fair because I swear it's Ethan catching all the fish. He knows how to fish. - When are they, they are gonna know, if he specialises getting bites, - Do I think I'm gonna win? - [Cameraman] Yeah. Oh you know I do. It's not because I'm better than them or better looking. I just feel like, you know, life just works for me and for them it doesn't. So yeah. I'm confident. You know, - Let me see it, Ethan. - How bad you want it, Ethan? - bring it up. - How bad you want it? - Bring it up. - Let me see it. - How bad you want that fish? Let's go baby. It's coming. Oh, yeah, he tough. He's coming. - Yeah, that's a tough fish. (man cheering) - Oh, there it is. - It's going. - Gone on Vic. - It's you. Oh, baby. - Oh he shinning. (men cheering) - Yeah. - Let's go baby. - Look at JJ and Vic. - Get off me. - Look I've got you. - Stop touching me. - Alright stop touching me. - Get off. You're gonna fumble the next bit. (men cheering) - Let's go baby. - They've got one. - Another one. - Between us though, I don't think they could even fish, so I'm right there behind them, pressed up not in a weird way. Just to make sure they have a nice handle on it. - Yeah baby. It's fish season. - Here she comes. - Here she comes. - Get off me. - Don't miss that. - Pull, pull, pull. - Here she comes. - Pull. (men cheering) - It's another shark. - Yo we've gotten another shark. - It's another shark. - You know what's so great about it. They don't feel that slimy. - No, no. These are dry fish. - These are dry ones. - These are nice to hold. - I know fish, these are dry ones. - It's a dry fish. - I was ready to vomit. As soon as I held it, I was ready. I was gonna throw up. - Nothing's worse than dry fish. - Yes Vic. - It's coming for me. (man laughing) - It's coming. - Hold it higher up, maybe. - I want him to, look at the camera. - Look at the camera. He's taking a picture, look at the camera. stop looking at me. - We're four-two, mate. - It's fine, You got it? - You want a bag? - Get it, get it, get it. - Here's a bag. - It's a bag. - Oh Oh, if they're like sandpaper - That's what I'm gonna do. - That one you can do. - Have you ever put your finger in the hole? - The hole? - Are you still talking about fish? - Oh, we're talking about fish. - You've caught a bag. - Oh, you caught some plastic mate. (man laughs) - Yeah take that out of the ocean. Yeah. Well played Josh. - See we might be losing horrendously, but at least we're cleaning up the ocean. - Oh nice. - They've caught like a condom , bruh. - Bro, that looks like - Nah, they caught like a - Aye, y'all caught trash. - Plastic bag. - We're cleaning the ocean. (men laughs) - Saving the environment. - Y'all caught garbage. - Oh lovely mate, yeah. - You've got bag all over me. - Is that a point? Is that a point? - No, unless there's - No. - Is there a tiny fish in it? - That'll count. - We're cleaning the ocean. - Surely a point, a point for the environment. - Is there a fish in the bag? - Yeah. - That's cap. - That's cap. (men laugh) - There's a gold fish in here. - That's cap. - (indistinct) to be fair though. - Just through it back in bro. - No. - Simon, You're gonna reel in a fish? - I did. - He got fish. - No he didn't. - Yeah, the bro caught. - Yeah, I did, the one I caught. - The water's already sending it back. - The water's Kicking in. (men laughing) - Well it's four, two now, Right? - Yeah. - We're hanging in there, hanging in there. - I told like I said, they peaked early. - You know, we could've all caught the same one, and we have no idea. - That be fucking stupid - Imagine if you were that fish, you got caught four times. - And you end up on the same fucking boat, again. - One of these crabs aint gonna be a trick. (men laugh) - I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'W'. - Water? - No. - Wankers? - Yes. (men laughs) - Nice. - We've been out to sea now for 25 minutes in our location and we have caught four fish, all ready. We are smoking them, they caught carrier bags. We've got drinks. We've got the sun. We've got fish. Sharks? Sharks! I used to drink, fun fact. Ethan's fun facts. I used to draw sharks when I was younger, I used to have an A4 paper file and I used to draw them. And then I'd write facts about them next to it. And now I'm catching them. - I'm just saying every time I've helped you guys with the pulling, we've caught fish. - You have pull all the fish. - I'm don't like it. - You might have to be the backboard again. - It might help, because the fact that he's doing it means he won't get all (men laugh) - I think Logan's a valuable asset because he's, he's, he's fished before to be fair, He's caught, he caught a fish before, but now we're just waiting on Toby. Yeah, hey, nice. Drinking water, water. Having a good day. - So this, this is fishing, huh? - I think it's a high action, octane sport. - I mean, I, I was expecting shit to happen. I know in on the YouTube videos. - Yeah. Guess what, you cut out the four hours of nothing. And you add in the face and act like you're getting something. - It's half the fun though. - You bring out the chill one - I like a pack opening, - Yeah, but with a pack opening, something's happening every time. - Something's happening now, the fish are swimming past. - See look. - Oh, go on. - Aright, JJ can handle it. - Come on JJ, it's yours. - JJ redemption. - All right, here we go. - Let it go a little bit man. - Okay, so pull it up. And then, and then as you go down, - Actually, pull it up with strength. - There you go. - Strength. - Look at the strength. Putting the 'S' in KSI. - Why is Josh humping it? - When you teach a girl how to golf? - That's what Josh is doing. - You literally say the same. - Come on, ease it. - Use your hips. - I've got you bro. - Thank you man. - I've got you man. - Don't worry bro. - You getting the fish. - This is so helpful, isn't it? - It's so much easier. - Do you see how off putting it is? - We getting this, it's 4-3, you know? - Reel it in bro. - Don't let this slip. - Go. - I recon this is a 3 pointer. - Reel fast on the bottom. - And reel. - Damn, Bro. I got spoiled in the first 80 seconds. I want to catch a fucking big thing. - I don't. - I want to catch a big old thing. (indistinct chatter) - I don't want it to be big. - I will get dragged in. I don't think you understand. - I just want like a normal fish. I won't lie, I'm sick and tired of the sharks now. They're supposed to be exotic, innit. - The noise is putting off, I think. - Where is she? I see her. Oh sting ray. - Oh shit, pull it up. - Bro, they got a ray. - What? - Bro, they catch a ray? - He got a ray. - Oh, what the fuck. - That's illegal in some countries. - You gonna hold this, right? - No! - Yeah, I don't think we hold this one, right? - Yes. - Oh my gosh. - Holy Fuck. - Yeah, I don't want to hold that one. - We're not holding that one right? - It's that what killed Steve Irwin? - Yo, not even a fish. (men laugh) - One alien, two fish. - That's zero fish. - Oh fuck that, bro. - I ain't holding that - Oh, it's a stingray. - I aint holding that, bro, get that away from me. - Look at it's face on the bottom, look at it's face. - He smiles at you look. - Oh, Jesus Christ. - I would not catch that. - JJ wants nothing to do with it, look. - Hey, he runs away like he sees a mouse each time. - Nah, he runs away from flies like that. - Bro, you should see him with flies. - That's the guy that beat you in boxing, by the way. The same guy who beat him in boxes is like, ah, I don't want to touch it. - It's yours JJ, you carry it. (JJ screams) - All right, he's going back in boys. - Yeah all right. - Throw him back in there. Nice. - He belly flopped. - Dude, the way that fell back into the ocean. - Belly flopped. - Like low key, that was disrespectful. - The way Vic threw it back in earlier. - We've actually caught what? Has he caught two sharks and a stingray? - Yeah. - Jesus Christ. - We haven't got any fishes. - I don't think it's a sting ray. - We're poachers. - It's a ray. - All right, boys we're cleaning up now, you know? - Three! - That's not a fish. - That's a fish. - Nah. - I like how they over here for approval. - It is like a pack opening. - What are you gonna get? - Walk out. - Let's walk out. - It's English. - It's a big bull. - Oh, shark! (men laughing) - It's British. - Caught a couple fish. I haven't, I'm not upset about it. I'm not happy about it, kinda indifferent. I mean this life isn't for me, but where is the land? It's over there somewhere. And where am I? I'm over here. - But wait, wait, we got 4 - 1 down at one point? - Four, nil down, Jesus. - You got nothing on your rods. You got nothing on your rods. - Lass, that's not... - This is not a chant. - He's not with us. - I got none on my rods - can't even do a proper chant - He can't even do a proper fucking chant. - Just imagine she comes out of the water. Yes. - Your mom's in the channel. I said your mom's in the channel. - I'm Logan Paul. - I can't hear what he's saying. - You got nothing on your rods - Shush! - Yeah, she's pulling. - All right, let's go. - Sing it again. - Oh, reel it. Oh, we got another one. - Reel up time. - How y'all got fishing chants. (men laughing) - How you got, you're doing fishing chants. How do you have those? - Oh, now it's on. - You got it bro. - Oh no, he's got me, mate. - We've got you bro. - Don't fuck it. - I don't know what's going on. - Just reel. - Oh my gosh - Come on, bro. - What's going on. - Pull it hard. - This is some suspect. - I don't like it. - Pull fish - Pull that rod. (man screaming) - Oh, there she is. We caught another one. - There she is. - There's our bad boy. (men cheering) - Yes. - Come on. - Four! - The fact that they have JJ, have you seen the guy with fish? Yeah. That was a easy advantage for us, a handicap for them. And we're just better. I didn't know me say those things, but today I genuinely feel like we're just better. - You're a geezer. - He's quite chilled out. - Let me, let me try and hold it. - Just relax. - Relax, relax. - Hold it proper. - Hold it. - Okay. - Hold the back up, there you go. - Hey, what's up bruh. - You good mate? - You good? - Yeah, we chill. - Lovely. - You are chill. - Alright, toss it back. - Oh shit, guys. - This guy, he's on. - That looks big. - I'm not getting involved that's his fish. - Move, move. - Bro, bro, bro. - Don't loss this one, baby. - Is this a trout? - Did you pull it? - Wait. - Aye, this one's going. - Kevin's a sicko. - That one's going mate. - Time you go. - How I'm doing? - Thank you man. - Go on Tobs. - Reel it up. - So what we up, we on 4 now? - Yeah, so we're on four, bro. - So we tied game? - Yeah. - This is to lead. - I thought I caught a great white. - Did someone prank you? Is that what happen? - Yeah. - Oh for fucks sake. - Bruh, I'm like 'Yes". - He's already celebrating, flicking them off. - Yeah, I think he, I think he caught the games. Like no thank you. - You got finessed Josh - Yeah that little vile. - He took your bait, and now he's gone, he jetted. - You might've done. - I feel like the crabs are the ones that only work. - Whoa. - That came out fast, what the. - Jesus. - Aye. - Oh shit. - Oh, we've caught more. - What's that. - Man, what the fuck. - Will they stab you? - Yeah, they'll hurt you. - Oh, okay. - I'm not holding that. - That's a dud though, we'll take that. - Alright, so we're up! - Five fish! - Five fish. - And we caught them all. - Five fish, and we caught them all. - Okay, they're winning. They're winning. They're winning. They're winning right now. - Yo chants. - And we caught about five fish and we caught them all. (men laughs) - That is such a shit chant. - If you didn't catch them all you would have five fish. - Does the ray count? - The ray doesn't count as a fish. That's not a fish. - Ethan, this is your video. - What? - Does the ray count? - It counts, yes. - Does is count? - It counts if we catch one. - It's a fish. - Ethan says it counts. - It's a fish, it is a fish. - Is it a fish? - It's a, well it is. - It's not called a ray fish. - It's a fish. - You know, they actually peaked too early. You were right. - Think how long we're here. - I know you've got numbers in it. They did catch it pretty fast. Yeah, they were quick in it. I think they've got the biggest fish of the day. - I don't think it is. - No, that's massive thing. - Their first one was massive. - Have you got any vodka? - Yeah - Can you send it over on the little boat? - No, this, this, this competition means everything to me, everything to me. I would die for this competition. - They want the Vodka? - They want some of the water. - Oh you guys want some of my 'water.' (men laughing) - Who's asking for it. - Harry. - Of course, you didn't have to ask that question. - Hey like this. - Alcohol. - You think that's a good one though? - We've all caught one now. - Okay. - No, please! No, no! - No it's. - Get out of my way. - Go on Vic, go on Vic! - Aye, Oi, we got a fish life. - Oh, we got fish? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, Give this to, give this to Harry. - How? (men laugh) - I think he's asking for a little boat to come over. - Couldn't tell ya, couldn't tell ya. - I think we lost it. - Pull up, pull up. - I think it's gone. - I'll keep it up. - Nah, I think it's gone. - Well no pressure reel it up at all? - No. - Can this go on the drone? - Let's do it. - Yeah. - Okay. - Our first time fishing together. It's, it's good fun, you know. - Long time listener, first time fisher. - Come on Harry, catch a big fish. - I think I lost him too. - Really? - Nah, just keep going. - I've got to, yeah, I've lost them. I've lost them. - Damn, we've been finessed. - Fuck. - They've wising up. - I'm trying to give them vodka. - Focus on the mission, dog, - You gotta catch fish. - You got a crab by your face. - I mean we're downwind of them, we're fucked. - Do you feel, do you feel like we've lost morale? - I don't know what's happened. - Somethings happened. - They've picked up momentum, here. - That's what I'm saying. Some shit got fucked up. - Harry you want to know that. - This is bad. - This is bad. - This is it. - We're sorting it. - If I eat - A crab? - If I eat - Yeah. - Half a worm? - Will you do two shot, Vic? - Why? - There's something funny in it? - You're so weird. - Vic, you actually have to. - Yeah, sure. - Yeah? - Yeah, so that's, I mean, everyone knows it, right? That's the elephant in the room. Like is KSI gonna beat Logan at fishing too? It looks like it, dude. Looks fucking like it. - I'm leaving out anyone to eat one. - You actually gonna do it ? - I'll eat half a worm, if he does two shots. - That's a done deal. - All right cool. - I would've just done the two shots. - That's enough. Harry shouldn't be drinking more than that, should he? - Aye, yo, white people be moving mad. (man laughs) - What happens if we lose boxing and fishing Logan? - Aye, bro, that's what I'm saying. - What happens bro? - You just act like it's, it's it's over. What do I do? - Not fishing as well. - I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna become a real estate agent. - That's mental bro. - Bro, if you eat that, for sure. - Oh, are you actually gonna eat it? - It's a bit of a worm. - I recon you wanna munch that, just to be safe. - Yeah? - It might grow back or something, I don't know. - Oh yeah. - They regenerate. - Yeah, kill it. - Munch the shit out of that. - It's already dead, I think though. - But still. - Yeah like really - But it's worm, they grow back. - Worms they grow, just munch it. - Yeah, like dude. - Show your tongue. - Show it. - Yeah, he's munching it. - Oh, I can see it in his teeth. - It taste all right you know? - What does it taste, of chicken? - Yeah, it's actually not that bad. Honestly, it's not that bad. - It just bummed it. - There are girls that should be proud of you, you know? - It's not that bad. - Bad girls would be very proud of you. - What? It's like a worm. - 'It's like a worm'? It is a worm. - Right, where's my, what am I shotting? - Josh you're on. - Malibu or Vodka, mate? - Huh? - Malibu or Vodka. - Malibu, yeah. - I'm actually speechless, wow! - Harry just ate a worm. - No he didn't. - That's cap. - No, I don't think he ate a worm. - No he didn't. - Yeah, that cap. - You're trying, yeah, no chance. - They're wondering if Harry can get a point for eating a worm. - Wait, no, so he hasn't eaten it? - If he we see him eat it. - It seems he's already eaten a worm, apparently. - Then no, he can't have the point. - It's not that bad, dude. (man laughs) - Fam! - Actually that'll do. - That's two shots. - Two healthy shots. - Two ocean poured shots. Also known as half a cup, but you know, cheers. - It's not that bad. - Down the hatch. - To good fishing and good worms. - To good food. - To gourmet food on the ocean. (country music) - Lovely stuff. - Happy days. - We're sending them vodka. (man laughing) - Oh my God. - Sending them Vodka. - Lads, your vodka. - Yes, please! - Oh yes please. - Yes. - Wait, have they put vodka on the drone? - Yeah. - That's incredible. (drone buzzing) - There you go. - Oh shit! - Why you teasing me? - It's just water. (drone crashes) (man laughs) - Enjoy it! - Thank you. (men cheering) - We're down bad right now. - I know it's bad. - No fish, no motherfucker interested. - It's down bad. We're down bad as fuck. - Is this what they do in jail? - Yeah, cause they have FTB drones in jail. - Bro, no they do, they drop drone style. - People on the outside actually do. - Yeah. - Vodka! - You know what I could do with like a soft drink or something - Yeah, there's coconut. - Maybe to wash down the worm. (men laughing) - We had them it in the first half. - Second half performance. - Maybe they've wizened up to the crabs. (man laughs) - Um nope? - Oh! - Yes sir! - Come on Josh. - Yes, sir. - I don't think he's on there. - No, no, he is, he is. - Nope, okay. - Fucking hell. - Another Shark? - We got loads of sharks. - So that makes six? - Look at them, they just getting tiny fish. - Look at that. - That's not even a fish - That's barely a fish. - That doesn't even count. - That's a baby fish. You can't count that. - Fish number six. - Number six. - Now put it in nicely. - See you later, lad. - Lovely. - See what I mean Toby. - Left hand feel dead. - Left hand feel dead bro. - Feel that weight on the end. Lift up a bit - No, not right now. - Does it feel it? - No. - Yeah got nothing. - No. - They baiting me man. - No! - They actually yeah, yeah. They haven't caught anything. - We need another. - Yeah. - I think we get 7 - 4 up - We're gassed. - You know you said 'there's no way we lose.' - We started off that way. - You said if we lose you'd lick Logan's nuts. - I'm not gonna spoil it. - Oh, he's here. - Oh absolutely. - Yeah. This is new levels. - Let go. - Was is he gonna get if he wins. - Well. - We'll find out at the marina. - The dick! - What happens if we win? - Ethan's been resetting his line about every 30 seconds. - If he throws it out, he pulls it in. - Reeling in casting out, you're never gonna catch anything. - Like Ethan, I've not seen him stop reeling. - How much more time do we have? - We have about 50 minutes. - Fifty? - Five Zero. - That's plenty of time. - We caught like four in the first 10. - You've got something? - Is there weight on it? - I don't know. - What do you think? - There is something pull on this thing. The plastic bag was really heavy. - I've got? - Yeah, you've got something. - Oh, come on, boy. - There we go mate. We need two more ASAP. - You've caught waves. - One day. (guy humming) - Logan? - Oh, I definitely got one. - You've got one right? - Come on, come on brother. - Let's go. - Come on brother. - Let's do it. - You think this is one? - Oh, I got it. I got a brother. - Yeah. - Let's go, come on. - You're damn right, you do! - Don't worry guys. My back's hurting from carrying the team, but it's okay. - I can't wait for this to be a plastic bag. - Come on brother. - You know if this is. - If it's a plastic bag, I'm gonna have to put it over my face from being disgraced. - Oh, we lost a crab. - If I make a fish. - I'm smacking you in the face with it mate. - Oh, yeah there's something on there. - A good size though. That's a boy. - Ah, there you go. - A gold fish. - Oh man, I'll take any kind of fish. (man laughs) - Does it work? - Oh that looks sick. - Oh my G. - You got colour, mate. - Another point for variety. - He's got a camo one. - Bad news, we've been cleaned. - Again? - Cleaned again. - Ah, I think mines got clean too. - Aye, captain, captain, the fish are getting slick. (man laughs) - They left a hand. Yo. It's like, they're sending a message. (men laugh) - Send it down and we'll just eat it. - Fuck me, dude. - I think I've lost them. - Fuck you. - Fuck. - Mean looking geezer, I'll tell you what. - He's got 25 head shots. - Yes! - My mate. - He's chilling, right? - He's chill. Jeez. - He's like he's, I've been on this hook for five minutes, let me go. - Bro, I'll put it down in there, then I'll have nothing, but it was just this guy. - He's chilling, he's calm. - He's good. - He's a happy fish. - What should we name him? - Pedro? - Pedro. - All right, sum what? 7 - 4? - Yeah. - 7 - 4. - 7 - 4, mate come on. - Pedro. - Release. - Come on slow. - Nice. - Yeah. - Pedro's back in the game. - Come on. - Ethan. - How many you on? - (speaking Spanish) - They have four. - We are getting fucked bro. - They've got seven. - Seven? - 7-4? - We're three behind now. - Times on his head bro, Ethan's pissed. - I can't help, but wonder if they got like a better side? - I'm saying we're downstream of them. - Yes, we're just getting their shit. - That's what I'm saying, they get the fish first. - Yeah, and then they catch them. - So, should we re anchor? (men laugh) - We got to out sort it out lads. - Can we go to the other side of them? - We need to go to the other side. - Let's try? - Wait, Wind them! Wind them! - We need to. - We gotta bring these in, right? - Yeah, wind them up. - Are they all reeling? - Oh shit. - I imagine they just hear (mimics screaming) - And they're like 'what have they just caught four fish?' (woman laughs) - Everyone just start pulling hard. - Whoa. - Whoa. - Imagine if one of use actually caught one, that we didn't realise. - They've packed it in. - Yeah, they're upset with that spot. - I'm upset. - You can't blame the spot. - Yeah, that's cheating. That should be minus points for moving spots. - Look they've all gone fuck off. - Yeah, I just want to move on the other side of y'all. - I don't know about that. - That's cheating. - Yeah. - That minus points. - Fellas, this is, this is plan B. - I know. - This is plan B right now. - But think about it. It makes no sense. Obviously the fish are going on that side. - Exactly. - We're going to move to that side. - Should we move somewhere or should we stick to our guns? - Alright, all right. - We're sticking to our guns. - Alright, yeah, I'll trust it. - Gone one pass it. - Well yeah. I like that. Let them take the risk. Lovely. Strategy. Oh! (group cheering) - Oh let's go. - Aye, we legit been tugging the line. - This one feels so like strong. - Is it dead? - It's alive, it's alive! - Fish! (group cheering) - Yes, lets go! - On their boat, I think Ethan's been cast in his line nonstop and getting nothing. I keep seeing him put in, reeling up, like he knows what he's doing, but he doesn't. - You know what I've realised. - Gone on. - Ethan's a poser. - That's what I'm saying. - Bro! - You barely got him bro. - Bro, that is fish is an idiot. - It aint even in his mouth. - Shit. - Not even his mouth. - We just barely got him. - Imagine that, imagine you can just, oh yeah, this one time I caught a shark. - Yeah, we don't show the of it. - Yeah no. It sounds so much better than it is. - Yeah. - This is the rebirth of this team. - Yeah, this is good. - This is the morale boost we needed, ladies and gentlemen. - Well that's my catch then bruh. I started that. - Huh? - You know what, right? This is our team captain. Logan Paul would never get caught like this. - Honestly. (men laughing) - Mate, this is morale boost for the team. Like, where's like the, just the motivation. Come on lads, we got this, just keep going. Come on, nothing. - This is like a skip at the office. How is this gentleman? - Wherever he is, he just falls asleep. - Fucking captain. - You know what. - Hang on, hang on. - I wish we had a fish to slap him with. - Yeah. - Aye, we needed that. - You know, - That was important. - I started doing it and I was like 'this one's heavy as hell Toby take over.' - And then Toby was like, 'Ethan, do this." - Aye Ethan, this is yours mate. - And then I see a fish on the end. (man laughs) (circus music) (men giggles) - Bro, alright man. Bro, man, what's going on? (men laughing) - Dude, come on then. - You know this geezer. - Free my boy up. - Ah man. - Because you've scared KSI, you've earned your freedom. - Go free my boy. - See you later mate. - He's probably about to be eaten by one of the fish. - But for now, he's free. (KSI groans) - You're our team captain. Can we get a team talk? - We're 7-5 up, let's some morale. - We're under pressure, we haven't caught anything in a while. - You've lots smashed it. Let's take a quick nap. - Oh Jesus. - Oh baby. - Let's go, team Predators. - All right, here we go. This is it. This is the comeback now. - Here we go boys, 7 - 5. - We move from here. - Everyone buckle down. I can't lose twice, fuck. - How are we gonna keep the lines get pulled, if were all napping? - We'll feel it. - Yeah? - Like you felt the crab? - My leg was there. If it was gonna tug, I'd feel it. - Yeah, you felt the crab? - We're on. - All right, that's me, move! (men laughing) - Don't lose it, though. Slowly. - Don't move. - Okay. - Life's tricky, you know. Life fucks with you. If it ends up being a tie, you know, fuck everyone. There has to be a winner. There has to be a loser. - That KSI is a strong man. This could be a bigger fish than he anticipates. - What's the what you're saying, JJ? - You know what. You've been yeeting for a while. - I think it's that strong. - How do you feel about Logan's wardrobe? - I mean, it's been an occurring issue in London. I dunno, I'm trying to get his stop. - Can't stop, won't stop. Exercise, party. It's all I got every day. That's all I have to do. That's my only agenda. You got a problem with that? - I need you to catch a fucking fish. - Here we go. - Yeah. - Nice. - That's a nice one. - Look at the shark. - Come on. - Another shark? - There you go, there you go. - Jesus. - Yeah. - You've got it? - Got it. - He's got it. - Jesus. - How's that? - Another one! - Yeah take that Logan Paul. - Oh fuck man, surely not. - I can't, I can't handle this. (man laughs) Not on fishing. Not, not fishing. (crew claps) - Stop clapping. - Aye, Yo relax. Number eight! - Yeah. - Fish number eight. - All right, throw him back nicely. - Put him back nicely. (man laughs) - You know what. - All right, another one. - Uh, bro I'm slimy. - Josh, Josh. - Fuck! - That one's going, I think, that ones going. - This one? - Yeah it's going. - Grab it. - Gone on Tobs. - Fuck it, I'm bringing the net, bringing the net. - He's bringing the net, again. - I'm bringing the net again. - Nah, he's gone, he's gone. - We need this. - Keep reeling it in. When you feel that, you're caught up to it. - Please, catch a fucking fish. - Yep, there you go. - Okay, keep going. - You got one? - I think so. - Please! - Please just catch a fucking fish. - Yeah! - Please Toby. - Yeah, he's on his job. - Oh no. - This is my rod isn't it. - Just bring it a little forward, near the boat. - Do they ever get taken away, the rods? - Yeah, they would, they get full throttled. (men laughing) - Fish has gotten me rod. - Catch this fucking fish baby. - Let's go, Tobs. - Come on, come on. - This is a fucking workout. - Yeah, come on Tobs. - Reel it in, I see it right there. It's literally right here. Yes. - Yeah! - Yeah baby. - Eight, six, no problem. No fucking problem. - Eight, six baby. - Eight, six. - Yo all these fish look the same, but different sizes. - Let's put that on my hook, and then reel it in. (group laughs) - Ah! Bitch slapped me. - You just got bitch slapped by a fish. - Are you guys seeing this? - Yeah, me. I think there is something. - If there is some evidence, it should do. - Yeah. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh - What have we got - Oh no. - Another one! (group cheering) - We've got one. - What's that? (man screams) - Oh no. - Why'd you do that? - Oh no! - This is these are the sexiest fish, I've ever seen in my life. - What is that? That's a... Is that another dog fish? Is it a dog? JJ, is it a dog? - Send the drone, send the drone. (men cheering) - A fishing man went to sea. - Come on. - Oh, they've caught another one, lads. - Oh no. - Are you fucking kidding me - That's no, no, no, no, no. - Every time I've looked over, they've got nine fish. - Nine? - Is that nine fish. - And they were giving us the most smoke off the rip. - Oh yeah, we get fish all the time. - I'm an Ohio boy, you know. - This shits rigged bro. - It's rigged. - Bro, He never even beat you in boxing, that shit was rigged. (men laughing) - Just like this. - That shit was rigged as fuck - You know it's different over here. - We're not even trying, And we're catching fish. - They moved spots. We just stayed in our place. We stood on ground road. - My conclusion to all this is like, fuck fish. Like fuck all of them. - Thank you, finally! - Fuck fish. I'm done with it. - I'm not in love with this. - Just saying, your boy beating Logan Paul again. - Whoa, that's not, not too soon, JJ. (man laughs) - What are you saying, there's something on her bro. - Something on it. - It's weird, I'll pass it back in it. - I hope it's a boot. - Maybe it's an old - What did you - If it's weed, I'll take it, I'll tell you what. - Wait weed? - Wait, whoa, it's going. It's going. - Come on Vic, come on. - There you go. - Now its going like mad. - Now you just stoke. - It's gonna be like a bucket or something, I can tell. - It's coming like mad. - No, that's another one. Lads, lads, they've got another one. - No shit! - Vic caught one. Lads, they got another one. - Dude, they're no fucking way. They're buying these fish. (man laughs) - Please be living. (group laughs) - This is for double figures. - Double figures on the first day, I think wait. (group cheering) - Oh, this is a biggin. - come on Vic. - If that's another fucking baby, isn't it? I bet it is. - I was fucking. - Bro, how the fuck is that possible? - Jesus. - That's the biggest one. - That's our biggest one. - This is my fish. This number 10. - Yes. - This for double digits. - Fish number 10! - This is heavy. - Well don't hold it by the, hold it by it's footing. - They aint even using the net. That's how small it was, they went like this. - So who's licking Logan's nuts? (man laughs) - Geez. - Not me. - This sucks. (man laughs) - Ethan, thanks for inviting me man. But fuck you bro. (man laughs) Fuck you, man. - Oh shit. That was super close. - You want to try it? - Go on. - Yes lads. (group laughs) - Yeah, with pride, with pride. This is the biggest fish of the day. - A round of applause. - This is, this is Sean. - Sean, the shark. - Sean, the shark. It has been a pleasure. - It's been an honour, mate. - It was a good fight, but you lost, but it's okay. You go back to the sea now. - I can confidently say I'll never come back to that. (group laughs) - This is my last time I'll be here for sure. - How much more time do we have? - 20 minutes. - Ten! - Ten! - Come on! (man grunts) - I don't understand why they're in the perfect position. Like we're right next to them, dude. - Why the fish not coming here? - Dude, were off to such a good start. - Wait, they're on five? - Down five, we're on ten. - Oh my god, they're still on five. Holy shit. - We've had variety. We've got plastic bags. - He's a big old fraud, that guy. - Ethan's holding his head, again. (group laughs) - Don't show weakness. They're all looking. - Oh my gosh. - Don't show weakness. - I bet you wish you were over here. (group cheering) - These are our fish! - Fuck you guys! You guys smell like hobos. That's why the fish are coming to you. - Way to go, George? - It didn't really make sense. - No, that was a good one, man, You killed it. - Why don't you keep drinking your water, asshole? - Anyone got alcohol so I can not be in this reality? - Absolutely, yeet. Let's have an absolute yeet. Let's get this over into their waters. They come to our waters. - They've got nothing over there, though. - We go to their waters. - Yes. - We're sending a message. - Oh, you hit my face. - Oh my God. - You hit the wall. - Well that's not good. - Well lads, just fucking drown me. - When you're on a team with Mr. Patience himself, he made a whole song. He made this whole song about fishing. - Really? - He's so patience that he naps. - Exactly, I actually, actually we were on his case, but you know what? It's all coming up nicely. - Now that's how patience he is, he can nap the whole time. - He set the pace as a team captain. - Thanks you guys. - And now we're seeing the results. - This one keeps wobbling, but I can't tell. - Oh shit. - No, have we got something? - Have we caught a zebra? - Surely not. - Did you see it move? - Yeah! - No we've got one, yes! - Oh, you've got one? - Shit, but we are caught now. Greg, quick, quick. - Let's get the net so. - Let's go baby, let's go. - Oh no. - Here we go. - This is where it starts boys. - Here we go. - This is where it starts, the demise of our. - It's a fix. - Come on! - Quick. - Grab the fucking line, bro. Just grab the fucking line. There we go. - Yes! - Ten, seven. Our lines are tangled Cap. - Now let's just see. - Let's see them. - Whoa. - Look at the seal. - Mad! - Can we try and catch it? - Geez, - There we go, outta boy. - Let's go baby boy. - Outta boy. - Another one. Strong boys. - Oh, bro, the hook came off. - Did it? - Just in the net. - All right, please, tell your friends to fucking bite the things. (man laughs) (group mimicking seal) - Come on mate, there's fish over here. - We've got fish for you. (electronic beep) - It's just down there. It's just the currents taking us, that's all. (man singing) - How far did you throw it out? - Yeah, maybe too far, I think. - Where is it? - There it is. - Oh? (group cheering) - We've done it! The Harold fish. - Oh no. - Oh fuck off man. - Bro, this, every time we hook one. Every time we hook one, they get one. - No, this is some sort of cruel joke. - The Guernsey fish. - Where's the net. (men cheering) - Harold is caught. - You don't need it, Harry. - That's your fish go get it. - Oh, you why are you so quiet? - I don't like this, very bad. - I don't like losing. - I hate losing. - You, lets go like puncture their boat. - I really hate losing. - Fucking god bless America. - Come on, fucking catch something bitch. - This is my fish. - Number 11. - Caught with my line, - One, one! - I call him Harold the second. Be free. - Yes. - Oh God. Oh bro. - Is he okay? - He's gone? - Aye, he's good, he's good. For a second he was just. - Aye, we've caught something. Is this a fish? Hey, fish? - Bro, you've caught something. - Hey is this a fish? - That's a fish. - That's a fucking fish dude. - Hey, Hey. - Tell me that's not a fucking fish. - That's an octopus. - That's a fish starfish. - That's a fish - A hundred percent. - 10 - 8. - Star fish. - 10 - 8. - Do you know how accurate you have to be to catch a fish that small? - So I say that counts as two. - So that double right? - 10 - 8. (group laughs) - Let's go. - So now it's 11 - 8, right? - I think so, yeah. - Fuck. - But we caught a starfish. They didn't catch a starfish. - I'm telling you starfish is double points. - It feels like it. - Come on. - There's no way we've gotten another one. - If we've gone for 12. - Aw, JJ's caught one. - Nah, fuck off, mate. He hasn't gotten another one. - Dude, what the fuck. - He looks so. - Bro, fuck him. - Why is he doing, he does like this? - We've got something here. - Of course we have. (group cheering) - Come on, get that motherfucker in. - He's about to catch another one. - Bro, fuck you guys! - Nah, JJ aint got nothing. JJ ain't got shit. JJ ain't got shit right now. - Come on, Georgie. Georgie, we need you. - This one smells like a shark boys. - Please. - 11 - 9, we take that. - Nah, it's something. - I think I caught a dolphin. - They're about to catch it though. - No, they're not, they're not, they're not. Olies got something. - Oh he has. - Oh man, what did I catch? - Catch something over a metre, bro. - I think I caught sea world right here? - Our we catching shamrocks? - They've got their lines. Don't tell them they've got their lines. (man laughs) - Just reel it in. - Is that all they are pulling on? (man laughs) - Oh fuck, no way. (group laughs) - I caught KSI! (man laughing) - They know, they know. - Aye, let go of my shit. - Bro, I can't, I can't believe. - No you let go of mine. (man laughs) - I've got a big one. - I've got a big one. What do you mean you got a big one. Mine has 20 plus thousands salts. - Bro no fucking way. - Dude, I just caught like a position box of YouTubers. - That has to count for something. (group laughs) - They got to unhook us - There it is. - Yeah, that's a knot. (group cheering) - Why would you do that? Now you lost to him twice. - Yo, we've got their tackle and their bait. - We've got their bait. (group cheering) - Nice line bro. - Where's your bait gone? - Where's your bait gone? - Where's your fucking, fucking bait. - What does that mean? - Where's your fucking, fucking bait? - They've got a chant for everything. - They've got chants. - Bro every single chant they've done. - They've got chants for everything. - We through crab fish and they say we've caught them all. - Let's just say five fish, and we've caught them all. - I'm gonna count you off. - Five fish and we've caught them all. - Well your fishing, mate. - We don't know, they don't know. - We didn't even try boys, just to be honest to with you. - We had a, the start was a bit shaky, but we just - It's embarrassing really. - We've relaxed. You've got Ethan, who can fish? - Logan, who can fish. - George and Logan, who can fish. No, Logan can fish. George can't. Logan and Ethan together. We have Harry. - I can barely fish. - Harry, Harry did the whole shebang. He cast it, he caught it, and he reeled it in. He held it. - It's been a good day out boys. - It has been. - Lovely. - I got a little tan. - I don't want to blame anybody, but this guy keep drinking water the whole time. I think KSI gets in his head a little. What's up dude? - What's up? (indistinct chatter) - Oh, oh, oh, it is three. - I've reeled it in a little bit. - Go on JJ, you're team captain. - All right. - Go on. Go on and send them their commiserations. - Radio to losers. Radio to losers. I do believe it is 3:00 PM, losers. - Is anyone even on the other end of that? That, that now that they've lost. - Oh they can hear you? - How's it feel to lose again, Logan? (man laughs) - Oh JJ, no one can hear you by the way. - Oh. (group laughs) - He picked up. - Hey, boys, boys, we've possibly get it for you. - No, shit! - All right we fucking get it bro. - We fucking get it. (horn blasting) - Yeah. - Time is done. - Fuck! - We've got another fish. - Another fish. - That's insult to injury. - We got another fish. - That doesn't count. That one's already gotten. - It doesn't count. - Are they gonna go with 12 or 13? - You know what 12 - 12. - 12 or 13, either way a filthy dub. - Well played boys. - Respect, respect, respect. - It's KSI bro, he's your kryptonite. - Honestly, what the fuck. - He's your human crypto night. - Bro, you went eight fucking rounds with Mayweather and you couldn't take out a fucking YouTuber. - He's the kryptonite. - Dudes, it's just, your intimidated by this beautiful black YouTube singing, man. - I don't know what the - I'm not intimidating? What the hell? - No, no , no, it's the kryptonite bro. - Nah, KSI, sorry. - Oh I heard beautiful black. - I can't fucking win. - He fucking made us, can't lose. - The motherfucker can't lose. (upbeat Latin music) - I guess we go over there. - I guess we go over there. (man clapping) - Go on talk shit. - Fish guy. - I'm too tired, bro. I fell asleep on the drive. - Wake up. (horn blows) - Well done guys. - We've fallen asleep bro. (bell horn) - Oh. - Wake Up! - Well done mate. - Oh bro. - Proud of each other? - You don't lose at nothing. - I have nothing to say bro. - Bro, I wasn't even trying and I didn't lose. - Did you see the stingray that we got? - Was it a stingray? - Yeah. - It was just a ray. - We said a ray didn't count. - A what? - You know what, we don't want it. - I was actually always on this boat. (group laughs) - I was just hiding on his boat bro, like. - Wow our team caught a starfish. - We caught a starfish like this small. I don't know how, though. - That fair play, mate, that's fair play. - Oh no. - It's actually a fish. (group laughs) - So well done guys. - What's better, Ohio or here? - Ohio, baby. (group laughs) - Ohio. - We brought, we brought him to the English channel to fish. - And he's lost again. - Unfortunately. - I can't believe it. - I thought you looked to him and like straight away. - Do any of you guys do a discount code? - No, now that he's lost again. - This is the intro. - Discount code is loser. - Wait you have to lick his balls bro. (indistinct chatter) - He went, 'I'm so sure we're winning. If we lose, I'll lick his balls.' - Alright, that's it. - That's painful. - That's real pain. - So after you're done sucking this teams dick, I need you to suck his balls. - Let's get to the good part. (group laughs) - Bro, it's unfairly. Listen, he is prone to losing to him. So like you guys are just reeling in fish. Don't fucking dap him. - I don't care. (group laughs) - It's all for fun - Let's go home, man. We fucking suck. - Fuck, We're never coming back. - Well, thanks for watching guys. - Bye - Bye. (electronic music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 23,012,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: pCSkExy1ewM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 4sec (3964 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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