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(trap music) - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to London's most expensive house ever! (cheering) (trap music) And we have a special guest. Since we don't have Toby, (laughter) we thought we'd go for the next best thing. (chuckles) - No offence. Big boy! (laughter) - That's a bit rude. (laughter) He just got here! - Slightly rude introduction. (laughter) - Next best thing. (laughs) (JJ laughing) - [All] Yay! - And, uh, yeah. I'll count to, what, 10 minutes? - Count to a lot. - Yeah, count to 10 minutes. - Count to a lot. - Count to a lot. - A thousand seconds. - A thousand seconds will do, yeah. A thousand seconds will do. - All right. - That's, that's like 15 minutes! - No, no, no, 500, 500. 500 seconds. - 500 seconds? - That's like eight minutes. - Okay, yeah, yeah. - 600 seconds, it's very easy. - 600 seconds. - It's 10 minutes. - [Ethan] All down the hill. - [JJ] 600 seconds. - Yeah. - Good deal. - I, I know that. - I wanted to play football. - Why is everyone going that way? (Ali-A laughs) - [Harry] Alright we're off. - [JJ] All right, one. - I'm not gonna lie, - [JJ] Two, oh my God. - I just wanted to watch them do zip line. - Oh, are they gonna do it? - They're gonna zip line. (sighs) - Wait, Vikk, Vikk, Vikk, Vikk, Vikk. Hold the camera. - What do you mean, hold the camera? - [Josh] Come, come, come, come. - What do you mean, hold the camera? - Get up real quick. - What? - Come here real quick. - Why is he starting? Oh my God! - [Simon] Come here, come here, come here, come here. - Oh, these guys are actually kids, you know. - You gonna go flying. - I love how Ali-A doesn't know what to do. Ali-A is going up on this channel and he doesn't look-- - I thought I signed up for hide and seek bit. (Ali-A screams) (laughter) - [Harry] Get an angle. (car clattering) - [Vikk] Yo, let's go ah! (laughter) (squeals) - [Simon] This is the Sidemen. - Watch out, watch out, watch out! - [Simon] It is, that's quite good. He won't look there. - One minute is gone - Someone just stopped and stood here. - One minute is gone and it was so worth it. It was so worth it. - Trampoline, trampoline, trampoline. - Oh, a tyre swing. - What mate, you're not even hiding. - What do you mean, I'm playing. - I'm dying. - I'm playing. (laughter) - We don't have time to play, I'm here to win. - [Harry] Give me a little flip. - I fell really bad for Ali-A, like we've dragged him here and we can start riding down the hill in kids' toys. - [Phone] Nine minutes counting down. - Safe - You're showing off to me. God, I'm too big for it. This is fun. You gotta push. - [Simon] Wait, wait, wait. Stay there, stay there, stay there. Stay on it, stay on it. - [Harry] We got no time, bro. - Okay, nevermind the balls in the hedge. - [Harry] Get it, get it, get it. - [JJ] I can't wait to find you first. I'm going to find you first and ruin your day. - This place is crazy. There's fish in here, look come here. Yeah. Yeah, suck that, suck that. - [Ali-A] What up mate. - You having fun Ali? - You can hide with us if you want. You don't have to go by yourself. - No, I'm not hiding with people. That'll make my hiding spot worse. - Have you got one in mind? - No. - Don't say it out loud either. - [Harry] I'm going to ally-oop, an Ali-A-oop. (chuckling) - [Vikk] Go on. (screams and laughs) - I never get to hide, you know, at the cool houses or the cool things. I get to hide in what? A smelly aeroplane. There's no where to hide there. But here, fucking hell, guess who's, guess who's seeking? (chuckles) Your boy! - Right, koi done. Now look, there's a swing in the pool. It's crazy, man. - Even in a prison, that was a fun place to fucking hide. And I'm there seeking like an idiot. - Right, I need somebody to help me hide. - Okay. - Somebody come with me. - [Ali-A] You going inside? - Yes - All right. - I'm going to go upstairs. I'm going to go upstairs. Look at this, JJ's all the way out there. JJ's all the way out there. - I'm a big boy, you know? Hey, I'm looking kind of ooh! I'm looking kind of thick you know? - [Simon] What about if you just lie down in that? - In where? - [Simon] In the bushes. - You could but it's a bit like, - By this. In there. - [Harry] I've had a stinky, I'm, I'm panicking now. Nah, nah, 'cause now I'm out of bounds, the trees. - Oh, is that me? Aye. Aye. Aye, I'd fuck a man up, you know? - I don't want to be in the kids room, you know, because I feel a bit weird. I feel a bit weird being in the kid's room. I don't like it. - How has he found a spot yet, you know? - You want a spot where I think you can move. - Oh yeah, you need somewhere where you can move, yeah. - I think I might go and get like advantage point, up at the kids playground - I think I'm just gonna go this side of the house. - Fucking hell, this is a long nine minutes. Jesus. - Okay, the kid's house. I see a little house there. It's a bit bait though. Does that open? Tell me this opens. - Wait. (gasps) - I feel like we're running out of time. - He's gonna leave soon. - [Vikk] Right? Okay. You know what? Right. Josh come help me hide. And then, and then you need to help Ali find a hiding place. (chuckles) - This is a terrible idea. (running) That was a stupid idea. - I'm useless! - You can hide in here. - [Ali-A] What is it? (gasps) Is that the only, is that the only way you can open it? - Yeah, that's good, that's good. It's a bit damp in there. - It smells like it's a plant room, right? So can you do a stay in there? - [Vikk] It doesn't smell good, I wouldn't hide in there personally. - I want to go in the secret door place - [Josh] That's a great place. - No! - Boys, boys, boys. Goodbye, goodbye. He's gone, now we're kings of YouTube. - I'm not as small as I used to be. This ain't going to work, I don't fit. I don't shut. - Tennis court has to do. (running) (wind blowing) I'll find something in the tennis court. - [Josh] You gonna get in a car? - He said I could get in his car. - [Josh] Is it unlocked? - It is unlocked. - If I just watch where he goes and then go the other way. If he goes right, I go left. If he goes left, I go right. - I actually think this is a good spot. Joking aside. I don't know how much you can see, but it's like a boiler room, right? But the thing is, it's like circular. So you can go behind it. So what I'm trying to say is if he comes in, I can just go around the other way. - I want to make it to where JJ's counting and hide behind where he sounds. I have no idea when he's going to be done. - Oh bro, this is musty. - [Josh] No, you're a good. You're good. - Wait, hold up. Give me that white, white, blanket. Put that over me. All right, I think I've won. - [Harry] Oh no, I'm playing a high risk game here. I can't be ass with this, but high risk gamer. Oh shit. - Josh, I don't know what to do. - [Josh] All right, bears. - I might just get in the Ford. - [Josh] No, no, 'cause he'll guess here. - There's no way JJ is looking here. Why would I be in the guy's car? - [Josh] Harry's sniping him. - [Ethan] He's smart. - I think Toby often wins. So hopefully I've got his good luck. I'm representing you Toby, we got this. - Cause what I wanted to do, yeah, is I was going to put my shoes like, under that one and hide behind this one. - [Josh] You can try it. - But it's hard because, - [Josh] As soon as he moves, - Unless you can like. (Josh laughs) - Is he done, can he count the 600? Is he having problems? (coughing) - It's not Corona. It's just dusty in here. (coughs) Really dusty. - [Josh] Do you not fit? Would I fit? - Maybe. - [Josh] Maybe. (laughing) - [Ethan] I don't really want to know if you do. Cause that's quite sad if you did. - Nine minutes is gone. Ready or not! Here I come! (JJ laughs) Oh I'm fucked, this house is big! - Oh, I think he's moving. He's moving. - [Josh] Really? - Yeah saw him get up. - Oh my god, he's coming this way. He's coming this way. - I don't even know where to start. (wind blowing) Wait, I just, I just saw someone. Hold on. (wind blows) Wait, is that? (panting) - Now we're in trouble. I was hoping to go the other way. - Harry just sprint past. - I swear I just saw someone. - Bro he just seen Harry. He just seen Harry, he's running after Harry. Josh he's running after Harry. - Okay, go, go, go, go, go, go. I'm inside the house, I'm inside the house. - Outside, outside. - No, they're running outside, they're already outside. - Oh shit. - [Josh] Oh he's there - Oh my God. Oh my god. (laughter) No buddy, you're fucked. (wind blowing) (panting) (suspenseful music) - [Ali-A] I've always wondered what it's like, to be the person hiding. Being in a dark quiet place for like half an hour. Five, 10 minutes in and it's already boring and very scary. - I know you're here. I know you're here. - Oh fuck, I think he saw me. Oh fuck. - Oo, It's a very nice house. Very nice. (panting) Mm. Come out, come out, wherever you are. Anyone down here under the bed? - He's inside now, right? I'm going to go down the bottom of the garden. If I can go over this hill, then he won't see me go down here, hopefully. (yelps) Okay, let's... Let's not go down the hill. - He's right there. - I definitely saw someone wearing white and then someone wearing green. - Head down, head down. Head down, head down. He can definitely see you from the house here. Shit, these ferns down here maybe. - I'm taking the scooter and I'm running. - I've got a great way to find that Ali-A (video playing) - Why is he playing Ali-A's intro song? - Surely. Ali-A I know you can hear this. - I swear JJ just said my name. - You know you wanting to do your intro. Hey guys, Ali-A here. - [Ethan] Harry is down there. You can see his white shirt over there. - Why did I wear bright white? Should wear camo in the future. Could hide in the ferns there. There's logs down there, which look interesting. But I like the fact I can escape here. - I guess I'm going to start looking around this house. (laughter) - He's in the house. Okay. It's my time. - Hello. - Hello. - I don't know what to do, bro. - Oh my God, I saw, I see Simon. Simon's in the kids play area. - Oh my God, we have a sauna bro. This place is... what the hell? Is this the shower? Oh, is this, oh my God they have a dry and wet sauna. - Harry literally lead him to me. - So Harry was trying to snipe him. - Yeah. - [Harry] And then he came that way and everyone was like oh. - I'm going to go. (running) - He was like prowling on the floor. He was down by the walkway, not the tyre swing or anything. But there's another bit. - I want to try and get to where he counted. - That's a good, that was what I was thinking. - [Harry] Oh fucking hell, there's so many of you. - [Simon] Look at you, you're sweating. - [Ethan] Are you doing laps? - Do you want to come in? - Yeah I'll come in for a bit. He's on the other side of the house, I think. - Oh, we got wine. Oh my! Oh my God! We got car and cars and cars! Jeez! Surely someone's in here. Surely someone would want to be in here. Ethan! I know you like your cars. - I really want to get in the pool, but I don't want to ask for a towel. I don't know if a got a towel in the boot. (Harry snickers) Because I've got spare clothes in there. - Just use the T-shirt. - I mean there's not much options here. I need see him so I can move. - Okay, yup, uh, I, I just wasted my time. Oh all right. Yeah, this is going to take a while. This is going to take a while. - [Ethan] Watch it fellas. - [Simon] Lads I'm going. - [Ethan] Nice. - [Simon] Good luck. - [Ethan] Nice. - Good luck lads. - [Ethan] Good luck fella. - Good luck brother. (wind blows) - I feel like people can still move around as well. So that makes my life a bit harder. I imagine people are hiding outside or playing outside. Hmm. - Not even beginning to look in here. He just walked in, said no one's here and just walked out. Surely I've won. If that's, if that's the level, he's going to. (car rattling) (Ethan quietly laughing) - Look at the fucking, look at the mess. - Lads! (laughing) - Update, day 26. I want water. I haven't uploaded a video in a month. I'll see you in another 26 days at this rate. - Bro if that's bin empty, can you put me in the bin? - I could put you in a bin. Me and you are good again. - I've just realised that this is the second time I've hidden under a blanket from JJ and the last time he was poking my blanket with a stick and he didn't find me. - [Harry] Hold it, hold it. (bin clatters) - [Ethan] Now get in. - Ah! (snickering) (Harry laughing) - See you a bit. - [Simon] Have you put him in a bin? - Yes. - [Simon] Fucking hell. - I have put him in a bin. Hmm. - [Simon] Who is that? (small toot) (laughing) - [Simon] Did you just fart? How have I heard your fart from here? - Where the fuck could they be? I bet they're in some like weird place. Like that. They're probably over there. - [Harry] Well... I'm in a bin. Aw, why did I do this? This ain't fun at all. I'm just baking. It's a fucking black bin as well. I got nothing wrong with, but you know I mean the heat, it's not great. I'm gonna to stay here for 5 minutes. - Harry definitely have been playing on this, 100%. It's Harry. He loves playing anything. - [Josh] I can hear JJ somewhere. - I can see out. Oh my god, I've steamed up the lenses. Jesus Christ. I'ma see if he's coming or not. - Is he there? Is he there? (running) - It's like a sauna in this thing? (Simon laughing) - If there's someone up there, just come out. I can't be asked to go up. (classical music playing) Oh, I can't be bothered to check. - Dude how am I still in here. I think they forgot where they put me. Like what if they just all leave without me. - Been hiding so long that my, uh, camera ran out of battery. So now I'm just, it's not too, you know, it's not up there with my most uncomfortable hiding spots. I'm getting pretty comfy now because it's been ages. - Far side. - On the side? - Yeah. - I'm getting out of this. (running) How do I get out of this thing? (bin loudly clattering) - Wait, what was that. I heard a loud bang. - Well I'm getting out. - Wait. Is there someone here? - I am not good, I'm not good. - Hey come out come out wherever you, ah, there's no one there. Ah, this is going to take a while. Oh my gosh, I've been looking for like 10, 15 minutes and I found no one. Ah! (running) Marco! - [Harry] He's over there I think. - You think he's coming? - Are we really that tight? Geez. - Shit, shit he's coming. - No polo. You're not even getting, You ain't even going to give you a boy a polo. Damn. - [Harry] Hello mate. - [Josh] He's over there. You just come inside. - [Harry] Is he inside or outside? - It's from that side, just come inside. - [Harry] He's in? - [Josh] Just coming in. (running) - [Harry] He's in the house. He's in the blasted house. I'll just get in the pool. I'm going to have to, Jesus fuck. - I'm fucked, I'm very fucked. What is this house? Okay, nah there's definitely someone. This is terrifying, but it's definitely someone there. Nah he wouldn't, this is probably where I would hide. - Hi, I'm in a fish cupboard. (camera rustling) - I think it's a poor job. - This room? Yeah. Yeah, they're rich, rich. They're rich, rich over here. Oh boy. I got to keep working. I thought I was loaded, damn. Hey, I'm going to open every single one. So if you're here, just say your here in it. Don't waste my time. This house actually should be too big for hide and seek. We, I might have met my match. - Even this fish room would cost, like 2K a month in London. It's fucked. - This fucking hurts, I'm lying on gravel. I'm not made for this. - Okay, I imagine they're outside. So let's, uh, let's have little trek outside. - I think everyone is legit just running around. I don't think he's found anyone. I'm burning. I'm so hot, look. - Has he even found anyone? - I don't know. Surely. - I must be nearly last found, right? I've heard not a peep from JJ. I think I'm all clear. I could go for a swim. (sighs) (footsteps) - Thing is I'll see someone. - Somebody make a noise, please! - You good. - Yeah. - JJ is right there. - You do know I'm, I'm going to get you. - It's a nice view up here innit, like. - It is incredible. - Yeah. Lots of different things to see. - Yeah, nah I was struggling to - I was admiring the view, you know like the, the tree line, the car, - [JJ] Yeah, there's a little bit of a cloud coming in. - Yeah. - But it's England, you know? You'd never know what to expect - Yeah, it could rain any second now. - Yeah. - How's it going? You caught anyone? - I haven't found anyone. - It's been 37 minutes. - 37 minutes, yeah - Yeah. Pretty sure you should go around and try and find someone. - Yeah, let me just quickly do that. - Yeah, that way I think it is. - Yeah, sure. (intense classical music plays) (running) - What, why is the door locked? Oh! My! (classical music plays) Why, is this door locked? I want to die, I want to die. - Let's move, let's move. Gonna check if they have towels. - No, I'm not, I'll go around. (running) (classical music plays) What, where did he go, where did he go? No, no, you're here, you're here! You're here, I know you are. You're here, I was lit- I had you. - They have loads of towels. They have loads of towels, fuck can I use one? Fuck I feel bad, I feel bad. - [JJ] No! No, there's no way. There's no way, no Josh. You're up here. I know it. You can't run from me. Huh? What do you think this is? A game? Yeah. Where are you Josh? Where are you? You're here, you're here! I know you are! I know you're here Josh! You're here! You're here! You're here! Oh fuck, he's not here! Fuck! Fuck! (water splashes) I was so close. So close to finding someone and a fucking door decided to ruin my life. Now what? Now what do I do? Fucking play on my dick or something like what the hell? - I can hear him, I can hear him. I'm in the pool. - Josh I had you. In my arms I was cradling you, into my pocket. - I feel bad for bro, he's found no one. (laughter) 40 minutes now. Surely he's found someone in 40 minutes, right? - Aye yo guys, there's an emergency! We got to stop real quick. - Nice try. - Guys, we got a problem. - What? - There's a, there's a, there's a problem. - What's the problem bro? - My camera isn't working. - Your camera isn't working? - Yeah - Ah shit bro. - No for real. - No for real bro, my camera isn't working. (Ethan laughing) (laughter continues) - Wow. (laughter) - Ugh! - Big problem, bro? Come and get me, bro. (laughter) - No, I don't feel like I have to grab you, to say that I've caught you. - Come and get me. (Ethan cackling) (laughter continues) - I don't need to get my pants wet. So I'm taking off my pants. - No, no, no. Please don't, I don't, I'll go! I'll go! (water splashes) - Yeah, come to me. Do you want a naked black man chasing you? Come on then. - It's okay, I'm coming. Please don't. Please don't put your penis in this pool. Don't put that penis in this pool. - Tag I've got you. - Am I the only person you got? - Yeah, the only person. I saw Josh, and I was so close to getting him. And then a fucking red door came out of nowhere and fucked me up. - [Ali-A] I think Ethan got caught for that. Who'd fall for that? - [Josh] He got Ethan. - So you're probably wondering why am I in my pants? It's because whenever I need to chase someone, I'll have full range of movement. Full range of my speed. Also it's terrifying, if a random black guy in pants was chasing you. - [Josh] Psst. - What the fuck, you're back again? - [Josh] He couldn't find me. - I've got miked up. - Ah. - I will say the fact we changed from like, you have to stick in your hiding spots to being able to run around, makes it so hard for the seeker. Cause you can seek, you can look all the places and then by the time you've looked through it all 'em, someone's hid in the first place you looked at it. It's impossible. - I don't know where to go. I might just go, - You're good there. - Sit in the tennis. (running) - [Ali-A] This will be fun, they said. Be an assignment video they said. Hide and seek, they said. Yeah thanks, Vikk. (panting) - All right, now I'm just laying here all day. - Hmm, could have been quite clever. - To hide at the beginning spot, but, uh, no one was smart enough to do that. Well, I mean, I would have caught them. So I guess they're the smart ones actually. - Now checking the garden properly. Not really properly, he's standing there. - [Ali-A] There's no way in 40 minutes, the only person JJ's found is Ethan, by telling him his camera's broken. - Fishies. Suck on my fingers. - Don't do it that way. Look, you want to be friends with fish bro, you have to speak their language. - This game is never about winning. It's always about not being found first. - [Ethan] Suck that, suck that. - [JJ] Are they called queer fish? - [Ethan] Koi - [JJ] Oh Koi fish. - [Ethan] Koi. - This dong's got one person. He came to fish, in 48 minutes. - [JJ] Let me stroke you fam. (high-pitched scream) Oh, whoa! - [Ethan] You stroke him bro. Whoa! Whoa! - I found a light. This is nice. - Let's see if I can do a Sudoku before they find me. - Let's find some motherfuckers. I've had my fun. Ah, that pool was lovely though. - Not a single eight on the board, outrageous. - [Ethan] I feel like you're not checking like the spots. - Bro I'm never. I... Look, I'm not good at this. That's why they always want me to seek. Cute. - [Ethan] Yeah, but is there a human in there? - Imagine I was so close. - Ew, why you in this kids room? Bro that's so weird. - No, no. - That's so weird. - Cause I shouldn't be weird. Nah, nah, let's not do that. Let's not. Don't zoom in to my fucking legs like that. - [Ali-A] He's right outside. All right, you know what? I might've given Ethan a lot of shit, but he's walked by me at least twice. He's not bait me out. Either he's forgotten or he's just a good guy. - I get caught in an hour and it's all your fault. - How's it my fault? - Because you're miking me up now. - It takes like two seconds. - Quick, quick, quick. - Have you been in here? - Uh, yes and there is no one in here. - No one? - Nope. - Well you checked under there? - Why would anyone be under there? - Vikk fits in weird things doesn't he? - Was this window open? - I don't know. Surely not. No, there's no one in there. - Bro, I love the fact you just keep these fucking cars unlocked bro. - Yeah, well I mean what? Look at the neighbourhood. No one's robbing anything here. Hmm. - All right. So the battery of my camera's about to die. So I have to make a run for it to find my phone, to be able to record. However, KSI is hashtag in the cut. I think I'm safe this way though. I think I'm safe this way. (intense music) (chuckles) - We survive another day. There's no way, right? No way. - There has been. - Look at our range of movement. I almost saw Josh, but then he, uh, he got away. - [Ethan] Ah Josh right there. - [JJ] Josh! - [Ethan] I got you Josh! - [Josh] That's not fair, I was getting miked up. - [JJ] Aw fuck my feet, uh, oh my feet. Oh, it hurts. Ah! Ah, slow down, ow. - I was getting miked up, it ain't fair. It ain't fair you have to run away. Run away Bez. Bez, run away. - He didn't see me. - Bez, you're on my side. It's not fair. - Ah, ah! Ah! Oh God! Oh! Fuck! Ah! Okay. (laughter) - Bro, they were so focused on Josh, they didn't see me and they run 'round this bottom bit now so I think they won't want to come back again. Yes. (panting) - I caught him beat up now. - I want to get down there. (no sound) (no sound) I got you! I caught you. Josh, I've got you. Shut up, I touched you. - [Josh] I was getting miked up, it's not fair - I don't care. Caught you the first - My camera's over there somewhere. - First time I saw you and then you got away. Cause of the fucking red door. - So it's all your fault. Because you said, oh, let's get miked up. I was gone, I was clear. - Oh my god, they literally they caught Josh up there. They're literally ran up there. I'm gonna shot for you. - All right, it's done. We found everyone. It's done. - I might get found. - [Josh] Good thing lad. - I might get found. - Josh you slammed the door, bro. - [Josh] No not me. - [Ethan] Who was it? - [Josh] That wasn't my door, I was standing still getting my, uh, mic on. So when you, you opened the door to me getting my mic on. - Aye yo come out when we're done. - Not very good at this game are you? - But I found everyone. - You literally ran past me while in the bathroom. - Oh fuck off. - [Josh] Wasn't, wasn't even like hiding. I was in the bathroom standing there. - I want to fucking die. - JJ, Josh, and Ethan. How has he found two? Little bit of action and now we go back to Sudoku. - Oh my god, they're going inside. Oh my god, I've done it, I've done it. - They're not in the house are they? - They're definitely some dongs outside. - Nah, there's probably quite a few dongs outside. All right, let me get shoes. - [Josh] That was a fun run though. Well I know where two people are. I know where two are. - [Ethan] Yeah, I know where a couple are. - [Josh] But I'm not going to bait them. - Well yeah, all right, well that's fun. - [Josh] I know exactly where they are so. - Well then, all right, just give me a clue, Josh. - Uh, two are indoors still. - Part one of operation pool begins now. (running) (suspenseful music plays) - It's probably the secret door. - The secret. - [Josh] Yeah. Did you look around this house? - Oh bro. How am I going to know where secret doors are? When they are secret. (panting) - He's in, he's in, he's in. - Eight, three, I've done it. He's done it. - [Josh] Yeah, so you ran around here, right? - [JJ] Yes. - You're in here. I know you're in here, I know you're in here. - [JJ] No, I would have seen you. - I was just standing behind this door. - Oh my God! - Lads, I forgot to start filming, but I'm in the pool. (loud splash) - [Ethan] Someone just got in the pool. - [JJ] Someone just got in the pool. - [Ethan] I think someone just got in the pool. - [JJ] Someone just got in the pool. - [Ethan] Someone just got in the pool. - [JJ] Someone just got in the pool. (Ethan laughing) (JJ giggling) - [Ethan] Are you naked? - [Harry] No, but I've got white boxers on. - [Ethan] We heard you get in from up there. - [JJ] I literally heard, I heard someone jump in the pool. - [Harry] I fell off and made a splash. - [Ethan] Oh shit, I was sitting there when he found me. - Nice, found you, finally. - You want a towel? - [Harry] Yes, please. - Is everyone just jumping in the pool? Should I just wait here? ♪ Destined for greatness ♪ ♪ Back in school days ♪ ♪ I was known for my lateness ♪ - You know when you found Josh? And you were sprinting, I was sprinting there too, you just didn't have your eyes on me. I was on the bottom bit down there. - [Ethan] Was you? - Yeah. - [Josh] Shoulda ran towards him. - Great success. - [Josh] Ali-A left, - [Cameraman] And Vikk. - [JJ] And Simon. - [Ethan] And Simon. - [Ethan] Bro JJ decided to go in the kids room. - Yeah. - [Ethan] Don't know, but it's kind of weird, bro. Don't go, don't go in there again bro. Let's close that. - JJ! It's got to that point. - I've literally done a lap like three, four times. - Asked them I'm in parking only, jeez - Ali was in there. - [Josh] So you really, really searched J? - Yep. - Like you really searched? - [Ali-A] I should've gone on camera, but someone just came in, shined their light and then closed the door. I think it was Josh, maybe only Josh and Ethan have been found. - So you did, you definitely already walked past someone. (rustling) In the past minute, you walked by someone. - Nah - So retrace your footsteps for the past minute. - Okay, retrace my footsteps. - Yep reverse, no, no, no. - [Ethan] Reverse, reverse. No don't do every fucking steps. - All right - Reverse your footsteps. - [Ethan] Think about where you walked. - Hey Josh. (JJ mumbling) - We live to chill another day. My guy's walking backwards. (JJ mumbling) - Kids' room. (JJ mumbling) - [Ethan] Does his brain not see shit. - Harry, Harry, have you been found? - [Harry] Yeah, I was in the pool, bro. - Can you go outside and, uh, text my girlfriend? And let her know I won't be back for dinner. - [Harry] Sure - Cause JJ stinks at seeking. - Oh wait. - [Josh] I know two that are inside. - [JJ] Hold up. - [Josh] How do you open up that ? That's the thermostat. Welcome to that metal temperature of the room. - [Ethan] Welcome to idiot diaries. - Idiot diaries. - [Josh] Hello? - [Ethan] Why don't you use your fingers bro? - [Josh] I am the idiot. (laughter) - Tommy said, - You said use my fingers. - [Josh] Oh, your poor girlfriend. - Okay. Oh wow, there's no one in there. - [Ethan] I mean if you'd look though. You're looking is so detailed bro. - What? - [Josh] You're just terrified, I think that's all. - [JJ] All right I'm gonna need a light. Someone get me a light. - [Josh] A light? (chuckling) Just walk around in there. - Yeah, of course you'd pipe up Harry. - [Josh] Walk around it. That's all you gotta do, - [Ethan] Oh, it smells a bit. - [Josh] Yeah. - [JJ] Stinks. Why would anyone want to hide in here? - [Josh] Yeah, it'd be crazy. - [JJ] Only a weirdo, would hide in here because they enjoy the smell of dog. Wet dog. - [Harry] Yeah, no that is fucking mental to be fair. - No, what's up? There's no one here. - I think we escaped, oh my gosh. Oh my god. - [Ethan] Did you just get played? Did they run out? Like do you think I saw someone in there? Like I wanna know, do you think, JJ do you think I saw someone in there? - Do you think I would help them out? Surely I wouldn't - [Harry] Did you check the third floor? - [Josh] He checks a lot of things. Me and him had a great fun on the third floor. - Oh, stop playing games with me. - Shit I think I'm stuck. I'm stuck on the top floor. - [Harry] So I found Vikk and he's told me, please, can you go and text my girlfriend, tell her I won't be home for tea. (boys laugh) - [Josh] I mean, I mean you can see it very clearly. - What Vikk? - [Josh] Yeah. - [Ethan] Well yeah, no, you can see Vikk. - Yeah, so the Vikk will probably be in the kids' room. - Whoa! - [Josh] No, JJ, if you, if you walk around, then use your eyes, you will see Vic very easily. - Use my eyes? I'm using my eyes. Where is he? - Bruh my arm is asleep. - [JJ] I'm using my eyes. - [Harry] We all know where Vikk is, right? - Yeah. - [Ethan] Yeah, in the car. - [Harry] He was stressing, bro. - Why cause he's not gonna be up? - Cause he put, he's got no signal so he can't tell her. So she's obviously cooking tea for him. - Bro, the house is too big. - [Josh] No, it's just your brain ain't big enough. - [Ethan] You don't open things. - [JJ] Am I being stupid? - [Ethan] Yeah, like you don't open things. - [JJ] Oh my God. - [Ethan] I wonder why there's a camera in the back of the Audi. - Oh for fuck's sake. - {Ethan] I wonder why, there's a camera in the back of the Audi. - [JJ] I saw someone move in there. - [Josh] See that's why I say use your eyes, mate - Okay, cool, fuck's sake, oh my God - [Ethan] Vikk. fella, don't worry. You can make up for tea now. - Vikk get the fuck out, you piece of shit. (laughter) Fuck you. (laughter) - I saw you fucking move. - I knew that was risky. - I'm gonna try and put my shoes on and hide in the garden. (gasps) Wait, someone went in the pool. All right, this kind of look weird. Yeah, someone went in the pool. - [Harry] Vikk I didn't bait you. - [Josh] We could see you in the car the whole time. - [Harry] We found no one and it's seven. - [Ethan] It's seven o'clock Vikk. - Why I've still not won? It's been like two hours. - I don't know where anyone is. Good hiders. - [Ethan] Oh, there's a man. (gasps) Well I've just seen a man. - [Harry] I've seen a man. - [Ethan] I've seen a man. - [Harry] I've seen a man there. - Okay, wait, let me check my camera. - It's all right, I'll give you another hour, it's fine. I'm cutting my camera, I'm done with this guy. - [Harry] I've just seen a man again. - [Ethan] But he's lost the man now. The man was in the pool. - [Harry] We made eye contact and he went, (gasps) (Ethan laughs) - I go back where I was. They'd never look here twice. - Marco! - Polo! - What, I swear I heard someone. But they sounded like they were miles away. Marco! - Polo! - Aye yo, what? They sound like they're miles away. - [Ethan] Well it's because it's massive. Yes. - [Harry] Marco! - [Vikk] Bro where did your trousers go? - I was, sat on that in the middle of the pool. And I said if you want to get me, you have to get in. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait guys, guys, guys, guys, come, come, come. So let's pretend we found Simon. - Yeah. And then we'll just be like, yeah, it's done. Ali-A, come out. - We'll run in there. - We're trying to bait. We're trying to bait. We're definitely trying to bait. - I tried this several times. One day it will work. - You're going to bait Ali-A, you can bait Ali-A. - Yeah. - [Ali-A] This is crazy. I think they've left the house. If you can tell it's hot. - [JJ] Oh Simon, we found ya! (screams) Yes! Yes! Finally! - [Vikk] Ali it's done! - Ali-A it is done! You won! Unreal! - [Ethan] You can come out bro. You won. - You sure? - [Ethan] Yeah. - Oh my God dude I'm so hot. - [Vikk] You won. (everyone laughs) - [JJ] You can't run away from me. Yes! - No! - Where were you, where were you? - I went back in the cabinet. - Oh you fucking crafty motherfucker. (screams) The way he just pumped. Yes! - [Josh] Did you bait him? - [JJ] Yup. - You got deceived. That's the easiest trick in the book. - [Harry] I am so sorry bro. Ali, I am sorry. - [Ali-A] Did you get caught when you pretended his camera was dead? - No, I did it on purpose because my camera was gonna die. - Understand, Ali-A choked one v one. Fully choked on one v one. - Bro he went up to me and was like are you sure man? (everyone laughing) - All right, Simon, Simon you've actually won. - Simon you actually won. It's done. - [Ethan] Simon, you actually won. - I don't know where he is. I'm not going to look for him. I'm done. I don't need to look for him. I've won. (sighs) Nice. - Hello mate! - Enjoy your fucking prize you prick. - It's not open. (JJ sighs) Thanks mate. No one else came to greet me. - Ah, no. - I finally won. - Is this is the first time you've ever won? - I dunno, but it feels good. - Your camera died. - It died, you took too long. It literally just died. (laughs) Well, that was a fun game. (upbeat trap music) (music continues) (music stops)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 15,387,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 3xR1uRU1O8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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