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hello and welcome to another sidemen Sunday today we are doing siden hunted across the UK however the rest of the boys don't know that they think we are shooting fro adult as a map and race to where it lands and I'll explain that twist a little bit later on but first let's find out the teams all right team time if I call your name you will join me on this side okay and that'll be your team so first off Toby here please you stay there you stay there next up we have Ethan this side as well yeah and the final person on this team your who wants it I I'll take BBL J stop it so you get it okay okay okay the teams are then handed three different colored envelopes blue envelopes are lifelines and benefit your own team red envelopes are sabotages and negatively impact the other team and lastly you have the yellow Joker cards which could be good bad or even silly blue and red envelopes can only be opened once a team completes a challenge on the front of it and yellow Joker cards can be opened at any point at their own risk pick what you pick two that one still two yeah is this included in the F no this is this is great so we can open these whenever or not yeah whenever you want the the yellow ones start throwing in time wherever this start lands on the map you have to go to so scope it out and roughly see where it is and I'll text you the exact coordinates of where you're going to finish right you'll meet me at the finish line Yay oh dear why I could pressure aren even going there put bets on over and under 5 hours okay all right he's off I think you guys should go right there I can't [ __ ] see [ __ ] is this aing I don't know my we're going to Leo Minster no it's in England what's Minister Minister just below destination let's go let's go go Josh has uh sent the stipulations you ready okay he's asleep that's a good start all right rules no phones okay all right [Laughter] sweet that's such a simber moment what are we do now that's such a sber moment man you must complete five out of eight challenges in order to finish the race so these are the eight you must use the following methods of transport train bus Taxi skateboard and Boat Boat first team to destination wins we must use a skateboard the race has begun and we've there was no rule against getting in Josh's car so we've got in Josh's car and we're going down the road to get these two driers like okay well we have to do five out of these right sure so I'm going say I'm going to read it and you say yes or no all right you must use all of those modes of Transport yes we're going to have to get Uber booat down to Summer wear all your clothes inside out for 15 minutes including shoes on opposite feet oh I don't think feel fit come on then well not yet chill out throw and catch something in a teammate's mouth from over 3 met you two are really good at that we do that easy you two are great that yeah yeah I'll just shoot a load score a goal in an actual goal with a vegetable [ __ ] carrot in the top stance top bin get your face painted [ __ ] I think we can do all of those yeah we can do those draw SL paint a portrait of KSI you do that I should do that one fry an egg that's right get someone to join you in singing a song on public transport and everyone in the team has to try gster Guinness mixed with I've seen that yeah Zer the soon as we get our cloth inside out the better well what where are we going we yells off to whe don't say that what just speaking in a Welsh accent I sound like I'm from there 3 m yeah yeah we'll go more than three this is definitely over 3 m really without a doubt that's over 3 m h oh my God there we go wait that's one done we got tell him I saw like Gluck come out as well like you threw it from such a range that Glock come out he glocked stop doing that man BB jizzel can't call me b jizzel and be glocking in the same video to be honest it was kind of [ __ ] you can use your phone for the next 3 minutes can we bank that no we have to do it straight away all well [ __ ] mate just Google everything I'm going to go on Twitter Google all do we have stipulations we do yes we are on the Move okay you ready for this it's not a lot of rules actually yeah it's pretty open for that no phones I'm reading no pH of navigation you must complete five out of eight challenges okay okay that's fine we can do that you must use the following methods of transport a train do that a bus uhhuh there one there a taxi uh-huh easy a skateboard oh that's fine you find a skate park and just get some yeah and a boat okay is there a is there a water where we're going honestly Uber boat we could we could we could get the bus down to London Bridge whilst the boys without the rules and stipulations for the day I check Google Maps to find a good finishing location near to where the dart landed okay so what we actually where are we going I think the best thing to do right now is to head towards the river or Liverpool Street yeah but like I don't know the nearest port for a uber booat near us that's why we can use our phones we only have two minuts Tower Pier is the nearest one Tower Pier for the Uber boat Tower Pier yeah yeah thank you cheers mate cheers we're moving why are we going to get skateboard oh go do you know what the sad thing is we just left short which is like skatebo that's the other team oh he's using hising his take a picture of it this is not a mode of Transport by the way I don't know why you're on the bike why not man got TI legs wait we actually can't even use our phone to like figure out no but we know in London we know where there's a boat it's the temps T let's hop on the TS clipp hop on a what a beautiful day yeah just I've I've seen I've seen a CME we've just seen I know but it's report of Josh yeah this this is fine I you want me to do it [ __ ] SI John's got to do it we've just seen them using their phones for line bikes Zer all right while we're waiting for the bus should we open a joker no no okay we could we could we could I want to start the day by let's read the challenges then go for a joker just let's just do the Joker just do the Joker mine I'll do it by the way I I don't know how these can be good what is what possibly good could there be in here what have we got what have we got all right you are not allowed to speak for the next 10 minutes it's [Music] stress goner goner Guinness and mon yeah but what's like the thing about is it a taste is it and and and it doesn't they don't mix so like the Guinness sits on top of the monster yeah it's not it's not [Music] nice what vegetable are we going to go with potatoes cucumber yeah I'm thinking like a lettuce lettuce is nice you get the flare effect of all the leaves round yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah qu mind a potato though like he literally said score a goal by the way it could be a tapping true he just said score a goal guess what a Go's a goal a go a goal is a goal [Music] thing is we actually have to use our phones to keep an eye on like the things we have to do yeah like we need to know train when he says use your phones he actually just means not for it's maps and [ __ ] Maps travel stuff like I'm allowed to talk to my this is a tax F and daughter train bus skateboard boat skateboard is just going to be one of them ones that like if you spot a man briefly you got to say let me just go [ __ ] 10 m here yeah D all of us have to use the skatebo I would assume so yeah which is going to be funny cuz I'm just going to hurt myself I'm going to hurt myself we'll find a shop we can buy one yes we're back oh my that was awful that was uh you know what luckily we' made our first Plan before we open that envelope it's out of the way it can't come back Us big F of that I was really worried I couldn't say thank you to the bus driver should open okay you're a c person our other challenges are what I was saying to you was I wanted to be a openly disc if I yeah yeah yeah I get you okay so right a challenges so call someone of your choosing and keep them on the the phone for over a minute by only saying the words yes no or maybe easy enough easy enough handcuff your whole team's hands together for 15 minutes okay so if we see anywhere we can get handcuffs on the way yeah score a goal in an actual goal with a vegetable vegetable meaning fruit and or get your face painted where can you get your face painted I don't know where you finding that buy a pack of sausages and hand them out to five willing takers these are the good cuz these are sabotaging the team yeah we can do that everyone in the team has to try a gster is mixed with monster Nitro that don't if you iwe if you drink that you'll you won't come back really it's just Grim you it no but it's like a meme Grim drink that's so we got to do it we got to do it draw SL paint a portrait of K you're an artist over here I think he's better off the EIC does it me we could be in big trouble yeah you do do it I I'll do it let me know like change the time on a physical clock how about a watch is that no that's a a watch a physical clock yeah anyone wearing a watch we can ask no um okay so those are all the challenges so very they're not that bad you know what thank you Josh cuz often so long to do that I like it's a good day okay it's the butt to the butt to the butt do we need our phone to use the boat I got my wallet I got my wallet yeah I use contactless that's crazy I I should have gone through sh this place is AC today yeah it's hot on it man London turns into a uh I love London so much who wants to take the about any sausages want a saus if we get a pack of sausages iel W they can't cook them that's a bit well we buy no we could buy the cocktail sausages yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hello sir oh cocktail sausages in shout it doesn't say that it doesn't say CU you you struggled to give someone an uncooked pork sausage you're right cocktail sausages here would you like a [ __ ] we can even get cocktail sticks and put them on it oh my God we can charge for them we can charge for them so we go down there we get the boat go across we go to water we go from waterl to Birmingham Birmingham was here Li was like there and Herford was there so how are we going to do that last bit well I don't know forest in a London wow so is that the thing that's the boat that's the boat we going to miss it we've missed the bloody no that big one never moves I think I reckon if we run fast enough we can make that boat H I think we could it would take a second to Embark disembark if you want to it it make it let's go let's go let's go the bus got stopped left look left thank you bus a left let's go that boat is waiting for sure of it it's waiting you think where is he where is he where is he he went to the toilet oh there he is see the arms up at the front oh they're waving him U do we need to get tickets yeah you can just scan your contactless card over here or this man he must have a valid ticket you got the C where do we want to go you say you wanted to go water L way right which is Westminster yeah Westminster West let's go Westminster all right we're done we're on our way boys we have two modes of Transport done as well by the way it's looking a bit dodgy no we can do it we can do it you recking yeah yeah people are still queuing on the bridge oh cool all right sound we've made it no we missed it oh no no we missed it we missed it way we missed it oh no guys no C you no I thought cuz we were here it counts I thought I thought we were sound yeah by the way can we even though this is Uber property we paid on a card machine VIPs can I have an autograph we're not VIPs we're not at all oh look at a come anyone got any sausage on him now by any chance no don't carry saus to be honest with you James might in his bag James might have a sausage on you see like the kind of guys have a sausage in your bag sell hot dogs on here you oh come on but what we have to give him to other people on the boat is a hot dog of sausage yeah yeah this boat is so hot it's so hot are you allow to stand I want to oh my [ __ ] God they're getting on no they're getting on no we they're getting on no we're staying on yeah stay here can you not let them on don't let them on don't let them on like legit don't let them on we just stand here B SE not them not them oh no they're ahead of us what the [ __ ] what the hell no wait they staying on now how's the vat treating you boys yeah amazing man how's the vat treating you just taking off challenges you know how we we missed the one before it by like 30 seconds as well no when did you get on this boat we got on it near uh Tower Bridge didn't fancy getting off just here for the journey we know where we're going we don't we don't we don't we we got this all mapped out what with your phone you tapped on how else can you get on I'm telling them they tapped on this with their phones oh yeah they tapped on with their phones they tapped on their phones not allow card you tapped on your phones we don't have any cards we have he got we didn't actually use our phone can I see can I see your tiets we didn't use our phone your tiet just tapped tapped got nothing to use you're get L we use our phone we just tapped it you tapped we didn't use it though you all to tap a phone no that's a card technically how can I pay for anything it's my [ __ ] it's my card no I'm just this I got this you should have got it when you went home he's got nothing he Lo his wet I'm tapped my card tapped on with your phone that's my card your phone that's my card well feel fre that's your phone it's your phone it's your phone well we can't he's got nothing have you sent a picture of our tickets he's got nothing yeah good man it's quite hot on here isn't it really B really really no I want to look at my enem see him in the face Apple Bay it's not your card it's card that's your he didn't put in the chat bring a card he said no votes no he said no you can't use the Uber app yeah we have nothing to he has no wallet there's we have no method of what did you do is to T on our card yes thank you mate bye do count get back on get back on again look no no no I'm tapping out with my card with my card no that's your phone you pointed at your phone oh they're going to hate us why don't get back on card [ __ ] him man [ __ ] him I said if Josh ain't managing this I'm [ __ ] out in the video yeah yeah yeah no as as as we write for [ __ ] every time we do these videos I genuinely try and do the the challenges and stuff someone always gets away with [ __ ] out disgraceful man he also said in the chat that we've all we've been caught using our phone already what do that mean I'll tap the bus oh no earlier oh the bus yeah right he's not answering oh no no no no Simon said to me you caught a line bike he said use your phone to get a line bike that's what he said ah [ __ ] yeah but that wasn't part of the J I I I can't I can't leave London without without using my T so they came back on a they came over on a bus then they came faster on a bus they also established the best so you yeah dirty snitch as both teams argue about using Apple pay it was finally time to reveal the secret to them that they're actually being hunted for this video and not just racing yes fell how you doing we need we need we need some [ __ ] clarification here [ __ ] clarification you're telling me you're telling me I can't double click and get my cards think Apple I think Apple pay is fine I think than you thank you thank you just clarify the Lineback he didn't use the line he was cycling next to us in the line bag it wasn't used to travel also Josh I only have Apple pay so if I can't use Apple pay I just stand pay is fine thank you can you tell the other don't tell them don't tell them listen what I didn't tell you is uh you are now being hunted [ __ ] [ __ ] but then you must ask yourself what if you took everything away what would you truly value by who uh ARA and bat are coming for you if they Capt there's a forfeit so to share your location with them you have a full head start on them is it just our team getting hunted both teams being hunted okay people okay all right we got the best hunters out there I love Arthur I love I might let them find us actually yeah a big a forfeit does that's a forfeit okay let go let's go let's it it I love being a little rat [ __ ] that just ruins people's days there's nothing that gives me such a kick I'll tell you what Steven Harry is one of my favorite things ever was you a he got off I use my card I'm put his phone he's standing there going my card my card oh nothing gives me a kick man winding your mates up is like top is it there's nothing better than it oh I love my mat especially Harry I do love my friends but there's nothing better [ __ ] where's it c main road this way this way this way you sure yeah yeah such a scatty Don he look there a C I'm trying to go we're being h but but the thing is that they're going to find us at Houston Station short no cuz we have to get on the first train we we don't have anything have what Apple pay Apple pay Apple pay Apple pay me my money I've got to go he's going to crash in 30 minutes surely wait for his gunster a cab quick get one cab Jesus Christ currently by London Bridge should we go to London Bridge no no that's a bad idea no we need to think ahead where are they going after London Bridge they've got off of a boat to say you know ala and they've got they've got going to get a taxi here in tax they're going to get a taxi heading they're already in a taxi where are we going to cut them off trained from London to lster 2 hours 45 let's go trespass on the tracks wait stop all the trains stop just die first sidan death oh no first sidan death going be sidan just be the guest on the sidan I me the video but thanks for knocking me down the peg £40 each see that actual ticket don't act like I'm not hustling when I'm screaming running down the street don't act like I didn't just secure the the wheels we're we're finished we're getting CAU nah we get moving we're F we we know we've been saying this for 10 minutes yeah it's fine it's it's a busy day man it's a busy bridge too you're too you're too uh we're finished no you're too stressed man I guarantee Soo stressed did you see yourself on the boat you nearly had a mental break down CLA bullied they are claiming we playay on Apple P they were yapping they were yapping big ya no location found illegal play well we know we with they were at London Bridge where are they going where would they be going well they've got challenges or they're getting trains so let's figure out what the trains are right now London Paddington all the trains on a summer from London Houston that'll be the one there'll be on we've got an hour to get to London ping hington yeah we get on the train and if they're not we'll walk up and down the whole thing I think we can C run up and down the thing yeah we got our running gear on we do is that a good plan let's do it on three 1 1 2 three should we get a pint for like Dutch courage yeah should we stop and get a pint I think we should okay let's do that we've just got off our boat which we paid for with a card okay zerker we're here filming there's one bit of video I didn't tell you about at the start what there's a secret uh you are being hunted by these two by Jamie and Lux they're about to leave and they're trying to catch you uh if they catch you there's a forfeit so you to share your location with them and they're going to try and chase after you we have to share our location with them yes well they'll easily catch us they're going to catch us how would they not catch us what do you mean you got Head Start 4 minute Head Start you're about to leave uh sadly mate my location is not working M unlucky yeah I can't use my phone my phone bro sorry mate sorry mate [ __ ] I hav't put my location on yet so now that the hunter has been revealed to you guys and to the boys after a 45 minute Head Start the two Hunter teams are given their nominated team's live location and it's their job to catch them and if they catch them they in £5,000 each and they forced the team they caught to do a forfeit we're going to follow them the entire way they're going to be looking for us though yeah yeah and your bait as I said I'm not B you're ba no out the personal bank account don't review that footage I had it do we just beat them to the final location and just before they get there but imagine they they kept the train behind us and we've gone all the way to Le Minster yeah would wait and we might as well have just waited at Paddington where would you rather wait we do need to tell Harry that he needs to share the location because no location found this is not helpful I mean honestly I think we just get a train straight to Birmingham can we yeah I think we should yeah without a doubt our next move is train Birmingham we're going a train all the way to Birmingham right now we can get a bus up in Birmingham anyway we need fedoras what this is why I tried telling you one disguise two we can tip it to women you can get no no me and my current state would you if I wanted a hitch from you would you take me not but if I had a fedora on as you were driving past I said my Lord Oh Lord as well yeah probably we should probably be going to Padington though I'm so happy with the weather I need this all summer but everyone's in a good mood in London when the sun's out you know what I mean in backman Northern line nor Houston yeah Norther line Houston let's do it and then we'll get first ticket to bum bum to bum ticket to bum should we should we do it should we do it right now call I can't how can I use my phone we have to he says you have to for the challenge you have to on the phone for a minute so who can I call can I okay who's not going to hang up when you're saying yes no maybe should I just call Arthur shall I call Arthur yeah got him let me call him man let me yeah let's do it pick keep going maybe keep going maybe all right a minute someone get a timer up and also he's using his phone for the timer by the way yeah the little comment right hello yeah oh uh have we got your location now uh yeah just as we set off zaka says you went through a tunnel so we thought you being evil and hiding all maybe maybe maybe what tunnel was it you went through sorry nah nah he's like that iPad dog game no no what did you go anyway we'll be there in about 5 minutes so see you then mate no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no just SP up no no no no what no maybe what okay he's [ __ ] with us or there's a even worse forfeit what the something good happened to them him that was a perfect perfect person to call anyone else would have actually hung up by the way I just heard scream maybe the tunnel collapsed yeah okay here we go what Lifeline have we secured yes crack this bad boy open I'm worried you're saying uh yeah not yes by the way I think they'll I think oh we can use our phone for the next three minutes from now no no no wait wait from now right so let's start looking at um different things each different where are we going do you want me to look at train times look at how to get to lemster he's got hemmies yeah he actually has yeah what the hell wait up what crazy was I throwing it yes was I throwing it I think that might be the first time I've ever thrown it and I ain't got much to throw wow that is the craziest thing to come around the corner you didn't see me do anything there right back did you do it before no I spanked him oh no I saw that okay stop stop man oh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry um yeah from Houston at 12:40 of anti west coast of birmingh there's no one earlyer than that no um we got no there might be but I don't I'll check in a sec to Houston I mean that's 35 minutes so that gives us a little bit of time yeah yeah that's fine that's fine that's fine Birmingham New Street let me see if it stops anywhere yeah the 1240 is the one we're going to time that perfectly it's a 1 hour 16 and 40 seconds left LAD okay it stops at Birmingham International at 146 maybe we can get a car at Birmingham International I'm assuming we can yeah yeah that's airport Yeah Yeah Yeah Bang job done that's all I need to know all right let's lock it off job done wait where are they they've moved they've moved fast yeah they've moved fast what are they doing we can't even find out what they're doing anymore can we no they're underground oh we're going to squeeze squeeze on squeeze on oh thanks sorry than oh that's a ick an madic it's too loud on here though yeah you can't see on this the train at this point both the racing teams and hunting team of JM and CX are heading into Houston meanwhile Arthur and batch have just left the pub and are getting a tube to Paddington it's been half an hour and we still have no location so we're going to go to Paddington we don't have a choice that all they're in the longest tunnel ever what tunnel could they possibly be in your mom's okay um it's freakishly quick it doesn't look like he should be quick he looks like he should have a nut allergy but he's actually quick stop telling people I look like I should have a nut allergy you do look like you should have a nut allergy it's a miracle that he doesn't Okay do he want us to time him the Train's here run oh train run oh just hold it we can't miss this one we can't miss it he's lying he's so lying he's got everyone running I don't know he's M oh he's actually telling the truth it's gone surely not let's get on top of it let's get on top of it behind the yellow line I don't mean to alarm anyone but this is how I'm going to be driving no no no no no no no no no no bro bro bro we which is Houston I I haven't put it in my map one two three more stops easy three stops train to Birmingham and then realize we're in Birmingham let's just getting any gers any gers G maybe do you thinkal how far is from here around the corner should we get hop well if we can yeah can we get out anywhere around here please sir what do cash us right thank you Ethan Ethan it's cash cash money this is bad by the way right this say this is fine we've got half an hour to we're sitting ducks here oh they've got everything here man look we want to get a proper handrawn Guinness but just in case we need a Lifeline we've got the Guinness ready you got pen and paper beautiful work that on cheers mate just figur out how to use this oh yeah it's vlogging time so welcome back to his train Channel what train is this the Gary Hunter train so we are here and we're going all the way down here wait is this there's no Elizabeth line where the Elizabeth line here where's Elizabeth where is she where is [Music] she just unbelievable speed actually to be honest you know as we walked past those people and you run you ran past those people they actually gagged a little bit by the way we've got off at the wrong place actually no it's fine Houston's just around here it is it is no this is Kings Crossing St pan Houston is 5 minutes that way it is holy [ __ ] jump back in a cab this is fine wonder that walk it now I mean we could but do you want to get caught here C Tex your ranks here let's go it's all right this is good this is good cuz they're going to throw them looking they might be on a bike now going oh my God they're at King's cross they're cycling to King's cross they get here lo and behold we're at Houston they're Houston they're in they're in they're going to Houston houon in is it oh that's not good oh they are at Houston we need to go to Tottenham Court and then inspector s [Music] inspect I got my sunglasses on do I look like do I look more Incognito now yeah no one ever going to know it's me they're at Houston already there Houston so our plan filed we need to go houon what's the forfeit direct the cat cat yeah what you got a jump in a [ __ ] Pond yeah nearest body of water be there they'll be trying to well they haven't got our location yet either and they'll be trying to predict we done now yeah so if they see us in bank they might think oh they're going like I'm alive I'm alive let me type in Houston to what G would they get oh yeah Birmingham okay to Birmingham how do you know this they they go the world H the Train's in 10 minutes okay so they're going to get on that train they're going to get so far ahead I know our train is 1240 if we get there we actually battered yeah to caught on this one we got to go to HRI Islington can we not do it from here we've got to go back we were already at hyri isington no we liter you had a 50/50 it was either going to be Houston or Paddington and we picked Paddington and we were wrong got to be fast now cuz if they get on that train to Houston there's no catching up with them he gives me the he jibbies this is good though cuz I think this unintentionally we've nearly missed our train but we've actually hopefully thrown whoever's hunting us we're out of pure stupidity and getting to the wrong station we may have thrown them so they're arriving at Houston now and we're half an hour away but Houston has a piano they'll be distracted oh yeah that's our train s men coming up these days they got dealt to disrespect on today doctor respect call a helicopter place no helicopter won't get off thear it will it won't helicopter to Birmingham a helicopter to Birmingham they go they go 200 M hour to Birmingham yeah n b that how much do you win good that's the whole budget go on helicopter you googling helicopter fanty helicopter my boys all Birmingham New Street is boarding right now 223 1223 we could get tickets next one yeah we could get 1223 yeah yeah yeah we can do that we can get it we four tickets to Birmingham [ __ ] hell we W first right off PE single really quickly there's a change bre someone want to try and get a Guinness and a Monster yeah fny you guys go do that I me you platform to right them yeah yeah I would have to I go with the flow go the flow do you want to get off and walking it's literally just there if we walk we can't get by anything we have to get straight on right I think we go St that's better if we walk cuz we might be able to get the sausages can do yeah excuse me is it right if we jump out here and just pay you cash on train hello Hi how are you yeah can help um I'm just inquiring to find out whether I could um by any chance get a helicopter um from the London area to uh Herford or the surrounding areas when is for uh today I'm sorry not avability so sorry um darn it private jet we got 10K to spend chill out my lyrics are my religion I said in my lyrics I can't what get a private jet yeah a [ __ ] I can't why do you say stuff in songs like that is not even hey swap their train why they we were this game we say that there is a bomb Hey listen hey bleep everything bleep all of this [ __ ] sake well that's not my fault is it the [ __ ] thing bro there you go sort of excuse me you got by four Guinness yeah there's no singles yes it's a real shame damn we got tickets yes how are we going to get anywhere when we go two cars at a time through lights bloody London they land at 48 we land at 56 okay we land literally less than 10 minutes after them okay okay all right let's go Houston boys City Boys I think you've done crack this morning bab yeah think crack cocaine there's no other explanation I'm playing like a winner get our sausages bang we can cross we can cross trust me on the left trust me trust me trust me I'm I'm trusting you steady he's definitely he's I'm dialed I'm dialed in I remember my first [ __ ] gunster I haven't even had it yet oh God on the I know I know I got a train yesterday from Houston someone was in the toilet for over an hour and a half cuz he didn't want to pay a ticket they're going to be in the toilets Harry Vic and Randolph in one toilet yes sir that's Houston Station and that's Harry he's walking along Houston Road oh we're going to get him we're going to get him we popping straight out from underground we shared that location we would have found straight away all part of the fun though okay so we are waiting till half past which is in you're spilling an egg everywhere bro 8 minutes we got 8 minutes then it's a fast train to Birmingham and then we figure out what the f well while we're on there we have Guinness and monster yeah we change our clothes inside out and we try and get everyone sing happy birthday if we do those three and youve done throwing them out so we and we did that KSI so if we can do dra draw KSI we've done five going to catch that in your mouth from 3 m away absolutely not I ain't got the throat like you man throat jizzel what's going on that's a crazy you're a weird guy you know why you're sat on a train station platform EA an egg a boiled egg even if we did get helicopter J what we going to do fly onto the train I'm going to call Simon no don't do that cuz you can see her in the car don't do that what you what what are you doing you're sabotaging yourself if you calling what you going to say it's like I don't to see how they're doing just like it's a friend one all yeah and ask them where they are all [Music] right where are they what's that where are they hey bro how you doing oh what's that they at h wait what did he say cool he cu the T was speaking he didn't oh we know we know they're in Houston now that gave us everything that we that we need so no helicopter no plane cuz if we did get a helic if we did get a helic if we did get a helicopter or a plane we couldn't do anything anyway we can't land on the tracks what we to land on the tracks like they're on a train you land on the field nearby I call that local farmer I say hey it's C let me land I think we've got a good chance to cing them I wonder how OB te I getting on oh see you at the ticket ma got three tickets to bming New Street to Birmingham International y on route to buy tickets I split up with the boys it's could to be a risk yeah honey M sausages ready to eat let's go let's get it let's get it let's get it okay tickets here okay come on tickets tickets tickets tiets tickets tickets tickets tickets tickets sausag is secured I love it did you see that evasion evasion maxed out what's going on mate B him come on back [ __ ] [ __ ] he better get us the right ticket here I was going to say he better get us the he given him a vital roll8 nah okay [ __ ] off ping it in 2 minutes 4 minutes yeah Co there is Randy there he better be there he is he's look at him he's cooking get the first class man oh first class first class cheers mate they're still there we're here we're here we've done it you want to go home let's go see the kids and the Train's leaving in what a [ __ ] I'm on a yellow box our trainer is here I don't know when they're going to let us go on I think we can get on straight away uh probably come around and clean it but we don't know what time it leaves do it'll change in a second 12:40 scheduled to leave at 12:40 well call facetimed me yeah and was in a car if they left did he seem excited yes and if they left when Josh said that we're done yeah I I expect to be on the train with them he's he's 29 years old and still getting Snapchat notification as watch one I'm 23 two that's my mom send sending me a new filter just dropped on Snapchat lovely mate Got The Insider info that's fantastic that's what you need in life I'm an Arthur watch I'm an Arthur in if I see Italian batch I might kiss him by the way if I see Italian batch I might kiss him thanks for your help live saer mate thank you you get your credit card Harry yeah I got it I got it all right let's start moving platform three start moving the tickets aren't here boys that's the platform okay okay oh you the inside trading all right all right and just as a quick reminder the teams have no idea where the hunters are but Hunters know exactly where the team they're chasing is the whole time as they have their live location what do we do what's the plan um I mean we're about 50 m away so let's just end the vid man sorry side man no no no no no we do have like minutes to get on the train though and they're going to already be on the platform that's true we just to open a joker card while we're here [ __ ] it John pick a card okay yeah you doing it oh you can open one of your challenges cards without completing it but choose one of the hardest ones in case he says oh it doesn't count as completing it okay so the the blue ones are all easy we're on this train we're going to go inside out you've already chucked the thing I think fry an egg fry egg yeah FR egg FR egg FR egg's gone oh and it's also bad sabotage the team has to freeze for 20 minutes let me oh oh yeah opened a joker card and it said you can open one of your other card oh my God you can open one of your challenge cards without completing it firstly that that red one is what we got secondly does that mean that we've completed that challenge or is it yeah let me know what's the point of opening it we know what it says on the outside true maybe we shouldn't have done it yet they'd have to but does that count do they not have to get off in their location has to on the train they'd have to get off at the next say you have to get off at the next they could miss the next they might miss the next train oh no is good cuz if they have to get off at the next stop they I don't they on to train yet yeah either way if they get caught by the people catching here you can see me trying to call Harry's team tell them to freeze uh but nobody on the team was Bloody picking up let me out oh I could kill him we've got four minutes why are you not running I don't know oh [ __ ] should we take the stairs look how hard you're working compared yeah but I'm basically fooling yeah but you're in a I've got gravity on my side easiest video I have ever been a no I'm joking where the [ __ ] are we I have no idea where did you just turn down I have no idea yeah we're going to miss the train bro I'm parking here oh he said and it counts towards your total you haven't got to do it so we're done after this yeah wait how many cars have we all we got to do really they're going to sabotage all we got to do is get a bus on the skateboard now they're going to sabotage yeah I'm tempted to wait off here 12 12:4 do we just wait and see if they arrive no it's funny if they get onto the tra and see yeah I think we got more CH they're going to run down the platform thinking it hasn't left yet no they'll know that will'll be on first we j37 okay bro we've got 2 and A2 minutes where are we from the station I have no idea bro that's what happens when you're passenger of a car cuz I'm not looking where are we [ __ ] station oh there it is there it is go we got 2 minutes I don't think we Bor yet right Cy you're slow are you serious there are you serious what about on this train oh my God no way no wow we're Knack and Knack bro [ __ ] hell oh my God got freeze got freeze they got freeze oh wait got fre you got free no hang on hang on what is this show him the card show him the card show them the card show him the card you freeze you have to freeze you can't get you have to freeze and place we just we just unlock this you are 5 minutes ago you got freeze it said if the Train's moving look they've got to get off but they aren't answering you're not answering you have to get off they must they have to get off but they aren't answering you answer the phone no lad next time yeah [ __ ] you're allowed to use your phone we not look at our phones [ __ ] you're allowed to use your phone let's let's go over here and get on I've wasted 400 boys boys do the gunster do the gunster now come come do the coner now come on quick quick quick quick all right they're doing the Gin monster now as well they tried to get on and then uh they've just said that they they were like oh we're on now we're on we were like no you made a freeze 5 minutes ago yeah [ __ ] my Lads [ __ ] [ __ ] well we've already Frozen we're just stood on theart [Music] perfect timing good God man it's hot again I personally love how warm it is under down here good temperature for you yes 4 minutes we're going to get there with play the piano 20 minutes to spare get a KFC let's see see L they still Aton remember Lads free in spot and also that's got to be in a glass to make the actual gunster EXA exactly I'll film this as well have to be not a gster you got to pour it into a thing the same appearances that's not a gster it's nice you haven't made a you haven't made a gunster it's meant to sit on top of the energy drink just in case just in case we got more got more let's askos let let's ask the adjudicator boys let's ask the adjudicator not a guny we're done wait wait let's let's no no we're done no no but if if we're done if finished finished this isn't a gunster either show them how you're G also said we can go and move that's not a gunster you said that before you [ __ ] melon get on the TR shut the [ __ ] up he not a gunster he's not a gunster no one cares mate how guner bastard that's not gunster huh show me the monster the right one Nitro yeah yeah that's a gunster yes yesp the letter pop the letter sorry sorry sorry sorry it's not going to make it wait what's the thing what's the time I put in my pocket I BR this G bated right now bro come on we're going to miss it bro bro man we've missed it we're going to miss it we've missed it bro have they done it har har just swiped at me he's raging and they're not doing a g properly R's just drinking a bit and go that drinking one bit drinking one bit do you even have to print ticket got 40 seconds why is it not there it 1323 why is it not there might have already gone no we got 30 seconds oh you actually kidding me is it guner I should have kept the one open that's a v combo Hest pop it if it says we can get on honestly pop it now please please please no no we got to drink it first it might say get back on the train well I don't think it will say get back on the train but it might have something that can help us no set the other team a challenge has to be AG okay they can't off the train we'll challenge them to get off at the next yeah yeah whilst the two teams are once again arguing Lux and JM me enter Houston Station hey bro sorry uh the train to Birmingham team where where please train leave please train leave please train leave please train leave cheers Lads to gers to gster it's actually not bad you know it's not bad this is a ratty game this is so ratty the [ __ ] bastard G's done we are challenging ing the other team to get off the train at the next stop that's not a challenge and pause for 20 minutes that's not a challenge seems that's Karma right it has to be a challenge that I agree on that's a challenge that's a challenge I I don't think they can do it and here we go they have to they have to get off the train at the next stop and do 100 jumping jacks yeah there you go yeah no see that last time you had like bring this or like or go and get this there be something like that okay fine we'll send them to go and get something so can we just can we can we just can we no no I'm going I'm this man in a bit I I don't I'm too angry right now for this I'm too angry what the [ __ ] just happened no way sure oh my [ __ ] god there's too many people this is going to bite us an ass so bad 100% the video's the same boat we're on the same train oh yeah 100% oh my God Jamie here what train is it oh my god oh oh quick quick quick quick get no no no what trainer is there no oh my God we're move it no no that is amazing no away no way he rand's F that he's going to piss ball Harry so much that is the best that might be this is this video is the best this video is the best oh is the best video I can't believe that pathetic what are you doing this bro we missed by a session pathetic pathetic he he hey hey hey guess what time it is time forfeit time that's cold that's cold which way to the station follow me quick cuz they actually could sorry how does it feel to get them we're going to get some that is that is that is barar what what has been done to us there I'm NE I'm on the platform all old boys telling me off I know telling me off neing [ __ ] you see look is smart when he ran down with there he was like where are they I look like they're in wh Smith oh right there wait it's right here on the we need to do this well okay they're very close there the [Music] piano copyright copyright that's actually too good I'm going to right I I want you both to know by the way we've we've drunk a guner yeah just a sabotage do it already we open it now said we have to open it as soon as we I haven't finished my gster yeah true a take your time take time you know what if CeX had two hips he would have made that listen here Lu that's what you get for wearing [ __ ] decorators overalls do you know this one that's great why you're not in there cuz they they [ __ ] the freeze minute yeah Kendrick you should have never dis Tred shut your ass make some beats I'll tell you what that was amazing I'm really mean actually I'm really I'm sorry guys I'm not you don't understand that could not have been any more perfect so we' done two that was like a movie we boot booted them off two modes of transport and then as they're coming to catch us we pull away we're still going to lose Som we've lost the whole thing now we've been booted off the fastest TR off in the middle of no we said we just did a gun we tried we tried we tried to set a challenge to boot them off and we got told no oh my God they got Bo I was like why we got booted off we the challeng we boot off the train we weren't allowed to boot them off the train and now we're going to why you still here because we've been frozen for 20 minutes oh no yeah where are they do you think they're upstairs they're deep into they're deep in they're deep this way oh my goodness they're going to be at the platform what's the platform I don't know make the sign it's it's the O2 Chester barding advaning shortly wait platform 13 okay 13 the whole way it's 3 hours 43 But it includes trains though it does include trains listen to me listen to me okay if you get a 1 hour train from here yeah to Birmingham then from Birmingham to the Finish Line it's 1 and 1/2 hours add 1 hour to 1 and 1/ half hours what do you get no I get that but 2 and 1 half hours but what that's because you can't drive if you're doing the public transport only route but I'm saying Drive so we're [ __ ] sure that's that's all I have to say sorry sorry but at the same time we've missed our train now we used our Train Transport by the way that counts as our transort no it doesn't we we we got no we it count Jos Jam does we can't back we got to wait for the next train and get on it but I don't know when it is we got we and we're Frozen so we can't I don't care man let's just [ __ ] go go top goal for something man [ __ ] it what are we doing here what is this they could be up on the food floor oh they they're out on the streets I think we run and see if they're on the streets and if not we come back and run to platform 13 oh no they just teleported inside I think the location I think we go to the platform okay let's go to the let's work backwards cuz if they're not on the platform then we can't miss them three two one you're unfrozen yeah all right cool unfrozen by the way they arur and back are still looking for us genuinely are they actually platform 13 oh it's here this is the difficult bit why we need to pay the 50 Quid free to get through to the platform I think or we run you do you bu any chance to know who the s men are they gone through platform three no he's waffling they told him to they did not go on the Birmingham train we need tickets we need to get three tickets 150 quiz they'll reimburse us right right no they're waffling they 100% that means yeah way okay where are we going London Houston to Leo Minster but I think they're on the train they both know they'll know Harry we've now done three so all we need to do is get sing Inside Out can can I text Josh and just say like train just cuz he's weird he's weird I'm checking you do your out yeah you're wearing a [ __ ] trackit it's going to be so am I'm going go toiler oh oh horror that is that is Horror oh it feels so odd here you go joa that is I can't put my mic in my pocket I put it on the inside can you let me change in piece rather than filming my piece thank you I did that on the Fly that wasn't planned that is horrific bro why am I pointing so [Music] much that hat you [Music] know Bo served hard 15 minutes of this my feet are so uncomfort comfortable D them that's how I feel right now yeah man them lot of laughing you know oh yeah they bust case b and half for so frustratingly close here but they're checking the wrong platform they thought they'd be on the train leaving from platform 13 and actually the team was frozen on platform 3 but they are now back inside the main station building if this persists this means no train okay fair enough know how long that's going to be okay all right thanks for that that's how big the siden budget is can all trying hold us he's trying to hold us he's trying to hold us we just need look through the window real quick come on come on we just we're looking on the outside he's lying the S would have him on the payroll 100% we've just got to go on and go forwards okay go BBC coming through out and back in Arthur for Speed let's do out defitely yeah they're not on that oh I think if we get in a car and start driving let see when the next train is just look next fastest train to Birmingham oh they could be in the toilet we need to check the toilets we need to make sure they don't walk past that way as well oh we're right on top of them I can't I think there's a good chance they going to be at the end they would have picked the last Carriage it's obvious but it's the smartest move oh we own ah how many carriages are there they know we're here no they don't they do I do know them they'll just be sensing it oh wait the yeah the Glasgow Central goes to Birmingham New Street and it gets the international in 1 hour yeah take that glas one no but I will say yeah this is fulfilling all of my bad mind desires I'm such a wanker but I love it like seeing him laugh set the other team Josh is calling me by the way a challenge has to be agreed by Josh we got 5 minutes they've got to get to Liam Miner so if they're not on it we stay on it okay yeah you're right oh my God that's the end of the train Tri us what how's that possible they're under the train after you check they got off they saw us and they got off the aan people were telling the truth Dr them where are they what they've gone to Birmingham do we just get this train anyway we got 4 minutes to make up our mind so we have a dilemma either we can keep trying to hunt them here but if we miss them they could very well beat us or we just go to near Minster and just beat them there and wait for them that's such a tough cool they're G I can't decide I've got a Venom in my veins now how angry so we're going to get on this train at 118 yeah we've lost 38 minutes that's all right we froze for 20 minutes and lost 38 yeah that's fine we'll get them back Hey listen at least we got froze at the train station we got what got been caught we haven't been CAU somehow and we're with the other Hunters so we can actually we we have friends we get to set them a challenge yeah has we agreed with Josh yeah and in about what 5 minutes we can take this off and got another one was this a this is a good one this is just like this is a prize like PR nice yeah oh my gosh but chilling next that's a that's good luck right there that's a dove that's true a dove is just a pigeon you know racism I didn't know that I mean serious I didn't know that do you know D is just a pigeon yeah yeah I didn't know that let's just all ask them you know what's going to be so painful though if that train take and they're on that we have no way of catching them up that's a safe bet because we will catch them cuz we get to limin the first you were right they weren't on that train no I saw the first team yeah I saw the second slower team yeah and you guys are the slowest so I've sent them all on that train earlier 124 which one 1240 12:41 we need to go on this train one get one 13 16 136 so where are you changing you got we no we need to go to leam Minster this is the fastest way I know but you got to change something where do you change I don't know but we've got to get on this train if they've got the are they already on the 1240 train this going to leave okay we need to go we need to go we need to go what this is just they were they were already on a train impossible round two Jamie round two round two we got this man it's calm we caught the other team we're halfway there did you hear Josh say if you catch one team yeah yeah one of them you catch them them them I think we C have you ever heard of a man called Harry root toaw yes have you seen him on this train no I haven't that's good news is it all right thanks for your help we made the right decision we got lucky that this Train's delayed yeah wait are we on the right train lucky are we on the right train all right it has been already changing back 15 minutes it's actually been more than 15 it's been like 20 minutes my feet are so uncomfortable this is number four by the way yeah so we need one more after this and that was we were going to draw right so this is a prize prize what do we won find out where the other team is oh we know everyone's looking at us that please rip cameras think they can jump the queue we don't want to jump the queue there we go message so we used this find out where the other team is Joshua said I can confirm that the other team is still at Houston Station oops you want a sausage serious do you want a sausage do you want a sausage that that the right answer I tell you what I feel horrible for them no you don't you absolutely do not do not I feel really bad for Harry man love that guy couldn't have happened to a worst person excuse me mate do you want a sausage it's a challenge sorry wait wait for them to come to you but trying to give your sausages you're so e going it's going to work don't give strangers your [ __ ] sausage M wait let someone come up to you we've had so many fans and we've not given any of them sausage we're in no rush man we're in no rush stop saying met so many fans V did cocaine this morning man I bro I swear to God I'm trying to win I'm trying to win right okay so they're still in Houston somewhere but they're not on this train as far as we know we've searched every nook and cranny they could be in there every cranny every every granny we SED every granny um and not on this train he did that there conent um just keep adding so we're going to beat them yeah but we're going to beat them either they're on this train and we're going to catch them on this train once we take off or we're going to beat them there and be waiting but either way I think we've got a good chance of catching them if they're on this train they're underneath seats well you know we got a half an hour change at Crew That's ideal then because we can see if they're also coming to crew and either catch them or just get on the next train that's true so they're either going to go change at crew or they're going to change a new or they're going to be going directly there which go to so we could either get them at crew either way we get half an hour crew to chill lunch I haven't eaten yeah we get lunch you reckon they're the same forfeit this is what I'm wondering here we go boys it's time to take off another challenge Harry it's time for you to draw KSI okay I'll do it man oh this is very bad yeah problem this is very bad sure he don't want me to yeah I think you should do I know Harry's the best at Art he should okay hypothetically if we don't [ __ ] win from this position nowb sabotages and everything but we got sabotages too Harry can do what he wants for me yeah that's that's a win for you Even's like whoops fell off the train damn I'm freezing in spot n it's the sabotage these sabotages one of the more one of the more Cass massively you look good in that blue shirt though especially when like his veins G now boys we did the guner challenge we need to set the other team a challenge to complete before they finish the day what's going to be annoying so one of my favorite challenges of all time was uh me and Harry set a challenge for Toby and JJ they had to bring a live bug to the finish line that was good and it really ruined their day that was quite recent yeah I know but I'm I'm not saying the same no sure sure why you why you threaten to me like this well we're we're in the bin and you're just chatting to me and you're making yourself up all right come a better IDE what the how about how about how about no cars inside inside voices first trainer come on let's go no cars V the team making good progress a batch and a half are about to find out something that will stop them in their hunting tracks announcement did you hear that crew can and announcement for where are they they're miles away where is they're on that train up to Birmingham they're ahead of us now you're joking B off is headed up Northwest we had them we had them at Houston and now they're on a train we thought we were going to go ahead okay we got to get when's the next train to Liam andon right now oh there's one in 2 minutes okay sh [ __ ] that's not good thing okay all right so um yeah we we we've teamed up with the other team's hunters in a weird turn of events um we're on our way and we would like to set a challenge for the other team we would like them to take a selfie with a duck before they get to the finish line is that accepted you know I love Ducks that's acceptable yes one duck um U three Ducks I want three ducks a selfie with three ducks in look if you're offering me more than one duck you know I love Ducks no no I couldn't tell you said duck or Ducks I think one duck is acceptable or one person per duck can we get you could be same duck one duck but it has to be alive a live duck real duck not one Al live duck yes no a dead I think if they find a dead duck fair enough man look how [ __ ] far away it is they are they they're there look at this we are here London is here they're already near Birmingham and I have to do with these [ __ ] oh my God we're on a cool train and now we're going to the hot under ground we had a nice table we did have a nice table foreshadowing Paddington Bear when is when does the train leave Paddington the first one leaves in 10 minutes we never get that one in half an hour the Train's here quick no okay second one second in over half an hour anyway we could be struggling here we keep missing trains it's not good what what they're already at Watford where are they going they're on the Birmingham train then it'll take them a grand total of 2 hours this guy doesn't know he just talks 2 hours trust me please if I don't know so bad then how do I know this is our train all right yes zaka okay so you have a team Dr a guner like you saw and they finally mastered up a challenge that I've accepted so the challenge that you have to do is you have to take a selfie with a duck that has to be alive by the end of the video so by the Finish Line you have Tak a selfie with a duck that's it okay we have a we have a couple we have a couple rules that we wanted to run by you one of them was one of them has to be slapped by a fish by a member of the public one of them was they all have to poo in the same toilet without flushing between it okay I got a chuckle was there any others uh there was that might have been it so um if you can't poo acting like they sit on the toilet two minutes if they can't poo they have to sit on the toilet for 3 minutes yeah uh five 5 minutes 5 minutes minutes 5 minutes each if you can't no if you can't then trying to push out yeah push out for five minutes okay no no like one if one of them if one of them can poo straight away they can come out instantly yeah fair I think that's funny you accept it yeah so if they can't poo is 5 minutes yeah that is horrible we've all got poo in the so we have to find a duck now yeah Pond there'll be a p that's all right Pond duck skateboard there might be a pond by a skate park yeah I'm going look at rental cards they're in centry they're miles ahead of us I think we need to head straight for the Finish Line you re yeah I think we need to get here drive to the Finish Line oh Josh was calling me Bono hello Josh we've been cooking forfeits up what's happening we've got one haven't we we've got a forit before we say anything else and go any further um the other team also drunk a gunster and they've set you a task just sto them sto them sto them okay we've got that monster Tas they it's going to be some you have to find the toilet okay one of you has to go poo in there okay without flushing the other person's got to again go in there and try and poo wait the other person has to go in there and and try and poo as well okay is that it and then if and then after that the third person has to go in and try and poo as well so you got to try and basically poo on how can we synchronize then and then and then and then if you can't if you can't you just got to sit on the toilet for 2 3 minutes that's it okay so our challenge is one of us is go into a toilet and do a dump no flushing next person has to go to the toilet do a dump no flushing next person has to go to the toilet I don't need a poo no apparently we need to try and you can't force to [ __ ] I can't my team is not happy no just just we can't do that you can't [ __ ] apparently I'm a constipated man apparently if you can't [ __ ] you just have to sit there and breathe in the fumes for fine fine but one of has [ __ ] yeah some someone someone a poo and to go and sit on the Poo Harry has a private jet he's got his private jet parked International and they're flying and they the parachute into Liam Minster what have we got scooters power friendship what what you can go first if you want I I I now time I need to eat I can force feed more sausages if you want the wor [Laughter] oh I'm looking for rental car companies right now in Birmingham you can get a van inconspicuous oh and put them in the back I think a van might be better than the car why what do you mean why van why is the van good it goes 40 m hour true true let me ask these guys they're going to rent the car hold on we we got to rent the car they're going to rent the car we got to rent the car okay challenge Draw SL paint a portrait of KSI we F our great greatest artistic Gentleman on the wow wow we're going have to so I've given him some titties is a bit Porky at the moment and I've given him a penis and a bandana and a bandana hair red hair That's a classic one right red hair red envelope let's see what forfeit the other team gets come on please come on please oh oh it's a qod let me SC oh hold on hold on is that a trap oh cuz you can't use your phone [ __ ] got to do it we got do it got this guys do you have any like chips left where you can like tell them to get off the train or anything like that we might do we don't know we've got a sabotage here that we're about to unveil okay so the hunter no I'm interested okay okay I'm let's see what here we go we're going to watch the sabotage clip well well well it seems the other team have unlocked the sabotage but this time I get to tell you what it is okay please now before I tell you I want you to get this right in your thick skull you can't make any more progress until you finish this challenge this for them yeah yeah I want you to open up straa the app and then I want you to write K oh my God on the map I want you to write it on the map and then send it to Josh you better make sure it's good otherwise Josh will just tell you to do it again and again oh that's a horrible get now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right B just touch down are you from here yeah do you know where a skate park or a pond is no oh great okay don't worry all right let's keep it moving Skate Park Pond yeah I think we asked straight away someone at the desk yeah cuz what's the quickest way to Li yeah I feel like International has got to be the better place to get off sure you think you think so okay let's find someone buses look buses forward bro it literally says buses yeah yeah but buses we need to know buses don't mean that information Point that's what we want to talk about where was that bus is just we got to get out anyway first where's information point uh we'll find out information that way sausage sure sure we have just take one anyway youd have to eat it ah sure sure sausage by any chance no worries anyone sausage anyone anyone want sausage sausage do you want sausage by chance mate no okay no worries no worries you want sausage no thanks all right uh right where we going boy we plan from here cuz I don't think there's going to be a platform yet is there wait so what time's up our train get into Liam Minster :5 505 so there are two trains that they could get on if they get on the 240 from Birmingham we've lost if they are still in Birmingham for the 320 we beat them I think they were they just have to take want a sausage man sausage headphones head maybe hello guys would like a sausage would you take a sa take you have to eat it you can take it in B it straight away all right sure sure sausage yeah thanks H all right does anyone want a sausage no no you don't have to eat it you don't have to eat it what one just take you just take it I I can take it off you in a minute sure thank you mate thank you thank you thank you very much thank you I'll be back in a minute don't worry thanks do you know of a a skate park anywhere or a pond there's a pond near Lake would there be there's a lake near here isn't there du there do you think there be Ducks there's ducks there right yeah there is that way I know where it is I know I've come here for of gym I know there's a hotel right next to it I know exactly where he is you massive brain sausage sausage mate a sausage yeah honey glaze and also you have to eat it if you don't want to what it's for a challenge thank you mate thank you let's go let's go thank oh he's had a nibble as well oh is it nice he a you I'll try one sorry hello can your sausage um what is it Hunny okay yes thank you thank you thanks a lot just from uh it's M&S yeah is that one no worries no worries the the only person who will catch us now is Jamie Lux won't have the energy to run around for us like their their life hack was the car Jamie was Jamie was slow though then Jamie was lagging who's doing this run all right at least we've got this though that's okay also I don't want to say anything but in Resort as well there could be a skateboard shop or like a toy shop with a skate okay okay I do it is also lot of shopping center o skate around some ducks because bro you got to remember right there is there is stuff on the line right now I am I'm such a [ __ ] competitive little loser that I actually want to make their day hell say we're being hunted by three hips three hips is crazy also I'd like to apologize for our mispronunciation of lster she said the the locals would be angry if you call her that sorry sorry it's lster wait use this voice clip for every every time we say it ler would you like a sausage no okay no no oh yeah let's go thank you B thank you interesting you guys in a sausage I want a sausage I'm all you have to eat it you can just take it all no worries no worries rude no it's not rude i' M&S M&S that one it's very nice honey glazed fa it got to be Ducks right although it's looking pretty darkless right now if anything wins it for them it will be this challenge by the way du yeah right in front walking no those aren't Ducks what are they right there under those trees is that not a duck that is a duck it might be a goose that's a goose I think that counts as that's a t that's a duck I don't think I'm taking a picture with that there's no there's no rush little duck Lings yeah there's no rush there's no rush those aren't duck to to to to duck no those are geese no they're ducklings here oh here oh my God yeah no those are ducks look at that that's a duck with his ducklings love it send it straight to Josh send it straight to Josh oh my God we're the [ __ ] best I love you Ducks all right do you want to go in there [ __ ] that's a big ass duck all right picture for sausage yes let's go let's do a pick it's good yeah he's he's nice who say to that we've done it we've done it no yep yed well did you have to force it down no they took them I eat them they took it's m&f boys the whole thing gone no no no we we got five maybe six open the RAS class this was you oh you big man it was a bit awkward at first I first class was tough yeah yeah tough crowd tough crowd first did not want any of it all right all right someone from the other team has to do a Tik Tok dance wherever they currently are that's fine yeah yeah fine let them know Zer now was it work I'm not sure I'm not sure I think I think yours was more public commun hey I'm not joking yeah send us a coordinates for the final placemate cuz we'll be there in about 15 minutes cheers bye no we're still we're still hours away we're still hours away go J send the corn we'll be there in half hour cheers by I bet you can't believe how quickly we're [ __ ] doing this [ __ ] We R up to the NC got [ __ ] of a duck and [ __ ] is they were they're going to be like what 20 30 minutes behind us is right to get a lift to New Street Bingham New Street how long do it drive I'll try my best for you man thank you get me in the picture yeah sweet manate thank you oh Hots very Hots hey I'm glad I missed the train bro it's been a vibe thinking I'm so happy I'm not on a helicopter I'm happy we could be in the air with our camera on 5x Zoom what do you think they built iPhones for what do you think they that moment helicopters are the stupidest thing ever they should be banned they should be like literally all you're doing right now is this I don't know what's coming out it's just this you what you're doing you're doing this no helicopters helicopters are the worst thing Jamie let's have a let's have a rap battle about about helicopters all right freestyle helicopter don't need a beat we already got you try to take on the air but I stopped you [ __ ] driving like hello was it was it called again yeah battery quickly batter me put me in the air please and flatter me I'm with Jamie he sat he sat with me and he said he do want to go in the air so I said yeah Simon team Cook they've got they got they got the free for ducks and they have several selfies me and Jamie we're proper hopping in our helicopter yeah I can be two two lines at a time [ __ ] that man jumping in the air [ __ ] that any time you up there [ __ ] that don't want to go in the air [ __ ] that will it takes for one little thing to hit the propeller and you're dead [ __ ] that I don't want to fall out the sky and land on my head [ __ ] that can I just explain what's happening here we've been shouting about constipation we got [ __ ] Bloods rapping over there the yo I don't give a [ __ ] about that flying in the air like a [ __ ] cat get dashed yo hey man trying to take me up in the sky like say he's my wife [ __ ] that [ __ ] I ain't going up there [ __ ] that [ __ ] St on the floor [ __ ] that [ __ ] I said yo come around [ __ ] that [ __ ] yeah right now I am the main sitting right here on this train going to Birmingham stations yo going to get that [ __ ] rent Whip and drive to the man punch him in his lip a to be we ain't saying [ __ ] Simon get on the floor you prick hey who else there with who's it e ask attack ain't going to bust jokes cuz that is whack near lost my bre and I want him back but he's already here so I ain't got to ask that so yo we're still going to go there without the helicopter helicopter helicopter helicopter helicopter [ __ ] that [ __ ] man on that I'm TI like four bars bro not write a whole song about helicopter Hey listen helicopters are [ __ ] stupid primitive Tech who the [ __ ] hey what the heck who's said man should spin the [ __ ] thing above your head and go up in the sky why how [ __ ] dumb is that when you want to fly get in a [ __ ] plane simple and plane do that again don't [ __ ] hey one off rapping like the wrench ju [ __ ] go of wind will blow out the sky like a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] like a do you ever feel like a plastic bag in a helicopter yeah when there's a [ __ ] storm you get blown out the air Fair yo man I in a plane not a jet [ __ ] that that's road to shore not Jamie what's going on what's Happening did you practice that at home no first time this is all his cringe dances first time ever doing first time ever doing it he does that one he does that one in the mirror at home he's so weird you can't tell me that doesn't make you want to wriggle what I don't know how to do it e ew I feel sick I'm getting a different wait do it one more time do it one more time just please for the camera do it one more time there's someone filming you over there you just him what are you put that down yeah I'm with jme and I'm rapping on this beat I want to be up in the sky on my I want to be up in the sky I want to be up in the sky right now flying over every single County in the UK when I'm counting all that P yeah I got my girl Mandy right here she's trying to get through Mr Mr Hunter's over there that's the enemy of our enemy yeah yeah can I just ask one one simple question of course you can did the other team carry on into bming Town Center want to see where they are i' why not that's more than I are because I hear you might be having the same idea as us you know a little rental car at the air 100% that's what a smart person would do the m6 oh [ __ ] they probably they've already done it of we're literally we're all on the same part the M I've been telling you this the whole time there's smart people there's smart guys I've had a life crisis they're going to win yeah we're we're going to lose this I've laughed so much and caused so much pain inside Harry that he's made it his last mission to to ruin yours to ruin mine and he's winning cuz now I'm having a crisis cuz we're actually going to [ __ ] lose and my competitive little petty inside is really hurt by this yeah no we uh we can sabotage them back SC oh they've only just left Birmingham airport so they're not far ahead so they were going birmingh airport as well I told you this I told you yeah but what how do you beat that they're going the fastest route I know what do we do go a slower route yeah yeah meanwhile bat and ala are somehow still in London what are they preparing our seats dumbass here's your seat I am not doing that he just said that in front of a group of school girls stop wandering off oh is this rugby don't want to do a rugby rugby we could get off a rugby no I know commentary would be better what our purp where have we land look I rugby car from enter car here is it close is it close thank you thank you sir oh thank you you saved us thank you all right good luck guys catch them do awful things to them when you catch them all right we're off at rugby rugby let's go let's go let's move it by the way and you know what I reckon in a place like this like we can just give him like 50 Quid and they'll give us a car there's no think the rest of the UK is what like this I sck fantastic I grew up in Sheffield they didn't have much oh what a beautiful place what on today I like I like that service station it's a nice service station yeah it is that's what I'm saying NOS Josh has texted me with a video [ __ ] oh it's JJ sabotage ah it seems the other team have unlocked the sabotage oh Lads we're actually going to lose we're actually going to going to we need a like a car park or something we're going to lose if you see the sidan today on this street tell me where they are send it's gone right done hey do Corporation Street Enterprise r car just a couple boys the kind of monster in a in a good time wait we still got to do a skateboard by the way oh yeah so we're look for a skate park on the way yeah we'll ask Enterprise if they know where oh you know where SK par park is in Long Lawford right long Lawford okay we'll follow the sign long law so basically from where you going to get dropped now yeah if you came out of the Enterprise turn left and come back up this your Carriage Way remember this round keep keep to the left way around and then you'll see the the Diamond Jubilee centers on the right yeah right so after you did that if you come back out come the way that I've just come here mhm turn left down there Lu just posted on his Instagram story saying if you see the sidan uh down the street tell me where they are take a photo send me their exact location Toby you running yeah I'll run I'll we're nominating to J he done it before in a video I can't remember what you wrote before so I can use my phone for this bit right I have to St you have to St are we is this is this currently making progress until he's done that I think you go run I'll look for a place to do it I I'll figure it out we'll buy a skateboard we can buy a skatebo is that progress [ __ ] it yeah we haven't done any challenges with that no no no we'll buy the things and then we'll take it to him once he's completed it do both [ __ ] man oh why am I so competitive man you see rugby cement on the right M go over that and then take a right now Town end Lane and follow that all the way down around in your skate got currently looking for some kind of car park where I can do this challenge I'm also currently not hopeful how about spell this [ __ ] egotistical guy you have to spell out his name who does he think he is KSI all right I found the car park I don't know how the [ __ ] I'm getting up there I'm going to go to the top and I'm going to run spill out KSI right let's get a move on let's get to Stepping cuz this is long boy hello boys how's it going can I get the fastest car in the quickest time right it's time to divide and conquer Randy's cing us a car from this cute little rugby Enterprise yeah we are going to the supermarket to get a vegetable to score a goal with yeah we'll get a few we'll get Section if we can find face paint we do face painting in the back of the car they say get your face paint wait that by who Yeah by har by me all right let me see see what we got what we have yeah the coolest fastest biggest bestest do the corer then yeah yeah cor is fine do the corer No No we got to s in there like an actual s oh no no no no corer will be sick cuz we can go to the McDonald's car park good that's fine we have to have we have no phones today so we have to use T now otherwise we can't get anywhere he was actually cooking Moment of Truth Now collect right way yeah Josh TR to call you yeah we're finished we are finished they're cooking us they've got another sabotage on us no no they're cooking us I have some bad news for you oh we're going to lose we're going to lose no so uh you have have been sabotaged yes but the sabotage is that you have to complete a Tik Tok dance wherever you currently are and I get to choose a Tik Tok Dance all right what are you choosing so uh see me and Harry did the JoJo see one one recently uh yeah I don't really know what it is but yeah skateboard just give it a quick watch you can try and recreate it is it on the side plus Tik Tok it's on S Tik Tok okay yeah just give it a go two of you okay all right sweet right Harris uh what have you what have you done I've been sent to get batteries gnome what's wrong with this is our new mascot it's all inclusive gnome all in all inclusive gnome he will spare us on yeah he will he will great he'll protect us all right so we run up here I'm running down this path oh it look so weird to people boy where are we Birmingham bro Birmingham International get me piig up my Birmingham crew get me big up J are you allowed here they got Predator me yeah what do you mean do you have Ops no no no no bham if I did if I if I did have Ops bham would not be my Ops oh Pick Me hey can I get in your ride can I go for a ride Randy come through man I got us I got us on our our protector protector come he allusive I need the cable all inclusive gnome come on what a guy man and we got we got the old face pal so one of me or Harry is going to be St in the back getting our face painted on the on the next leg of the trip oh the first one's there the first one's there the first one's good the first one's good the first one's so good oh my gosh oh my gosh yes are they close to yeah so they're in Birmingham Toby's currently running KSI on the map and Simon and EA are about to a Tik to dance they're in buring town center uh and Jamie and Lux are in Su Hall which is where jimjar is just slightly outside of rum so they're on a train going in they actually like have a chance of getting him this man's driving like he has someone to get away from which actually he does I keep forgetting we still being hunted getting hted H are in Birmingham they were banking on us getting off a biring wait they're still in rugby so Randolph's thing's still in rugby what about Harry's Harry stops sharing location with me on find my friends this is a [ __ ] counselor step this ain't no there's no skate park here this call what is this go through go through go through go through up it's a dead end hold up what you Point left what dire I don't know this is what the guy said he said there so a [ __ ] should want it better one as well easy 3 2 1 go come a [ __ ] I [Music] better grab your CR all right your cheers mate thanks by I hate I IE of it but yeah all right all right send it to Josh sending it to Josh now by the way we're hoping that there's someone at the [ __ ] is is a skate ramp what is no one's there no this isn't the skate park this is the no it's the skate park a skate park he was giving us directions to the skate park there down there that's the par there's a park there's a park is there a Park okay all right all right all right this is one way now and down there I'm down there okay cool cool fine fine fine and long Lawford that's what he said didn't he he said on the way to Long Lawford in look it's going to be a go in here the car park yes for the recreational park okay fine fine fine [ __ ] hell this is stressing me out a [ __ ] needle in a Hy stack found the wck park and you keep driving past it and go where is it [ __ ] me we've decided sack off the rental C decided if this goes wrong C decided we're sacking off the rental and we're going directly for them in a taxi right that's the sabotage done do you want to draw KSI wait sure so we both do a virgin you got his tongue out yeah okay his was approved yeah to's here as well so we should start moving finish this on the bus yeah that was sick we've got skateboard he's drawing he's we did a forfeit I give his dreads or uh do it on the bus do it on the bus did you do we have to do a Tik Tok see okay so you're you got out of it cuz I did the run twice cuz I wasn't sure and it was processing it was processing for like minut we need a bus no no that way that way that way where we come from S I think we get a bus and then we get cab the whole way mate there's UK there'll be a Pitch there'll be a [ __ ] there is there is there is of course there is all right Randy if it's coming towards you get out the way cuz it's going to actually really kill you sure you're not going to break this break my foot maybe we close and just tap it in no no no it's got to be a top you got more vegetable top we've got one potato okay okay top speci here Harry de what a go a go Ted in shoot a hoop Kobe oh mate I think we get a bus and then we get a cab the whole way should I give him dreads or what should I do down dreads or up dreads up dreads up up dreads up dreads up dread all right so the B the buses are all the way down there that's a bus right there yeah yeah just jump on there just get on that for a stop oh we then we need skateboard we a skateboard at the end yeah yeah yeah easy okay I don't think anyone up here is going to sing Happy Birthday to Me Maybe I don't know Toby hello man it is my friend's Toby uh it's my friend Toby's birthday today would anyone mind singing happy birthday with us for is that is that all right happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Toby Happy Birthday to you thank you guys you you're the best oh that's a best birthday best birthday day man can you confirm that you sang along there yeah he s you he it does say get someone I'm opening guys much man yeah opening the sabotage open it bro [ __ ] them up it says someone from the other team has to do a Tik Tok dance wherever they are currently okay yeah like that right thank you very much boom step on it as quick as you can we're brm right now biringham I should message my guys she go to a set you want to go to a set you want to go to a r I'll do a set she going to a r I'll do a set I'll hop on the mic I won't lie if you told me that my driver com my driver and directional combo is them two I'd get out of the car I'm here because I have to be did we find a a go you just about yeah Blind by by a [ __ ] domestic what's the thought behind me being a bad driver no it's not you've been a bad driver it's just directional wise I don't trust you to hey harry check our reward oh yes what if we what's our reward you can ask Josh any question thank you guys for the happy birthday thank you for the singing he's had the best day ever thank you guys do I have to tap off do you no you don't okay cool just making sure man you're so out of touch listen London's different man all right find a cab where do we get a cab Lally just got to find a cab there's one right there can we go to lster please oh it's so hot oh lad it's been an absolute pleasure so now we just need the address once we get out the car yep we jump on the skateboard for 2 minutes they're on the road they're on the road yeah yeah it's cool moveing bro they're on their way now they're going to be in a rental car and we get a rental why did we not get a rental let me see let me see don't panicking you're making me panic stop it you've done head forehead so dirty though yeah I know I even gave him PEC by the way so you should thank me for that on the nightmare that's actually that's good that's good man you've done it for incredibly dirty there yeah but it is that big we've done the portrait of KSI the portrait of KSI right oh code I assume that's for the it's got to be the video right YouTube well well it seems the other team have unlocked a sabotage but this time I get to tell you what it is that's the same clip right the same clip right yeah send it right back to them are telling them now am I being obnoxious guys am I a bad teammate no is my energy too much oh no no your energy kept us going yeah okay I was trying to check in Yello hello mate how are you good thank you how are you good good we we we we we we we can ask you a question apparently okay um question is does does the impending fear of your uh inevitable death scare you no it doesn't okay what a mean man all right see a bit boss well before you go you have two sabotages oh no no so your first one you've got to do a Tik Tok dance fine we can do that and then you've also got to do the KSI stri one as well okay all right that's you know what we can make that work that's fine but the KSI stri one is so I think you're at a car currently right yes yes Skate Park Skate Park Skate Park should get out of that car you got to do it okay all right cool cool cool the only problem this is a this is a school school playground [ __ ] it man we'll do it quick they're very accurately on the road just by the train track long Lawford is there a train station there probably not no one goes to Long Lawford you don't even know long Lawford they're all they're all scoters every single one is a scoter they're all [ __ ] [ __ ] five oh no do we ask them if they know anyone with a skateboard you know he's doing KSI at least yeah he's he's running his KSI out right this is the middle and then a k will be like this three two [Music] one I don't know dance anymore I don't know anymore okay I need see that last half I see the last half [Music] look at this we're heading along here now we're so close but they're moving they're moving we just need to get the car rental company excuse me mate yo driver do you know any car rental places in Birmingham city central I'm I'm not too sure you know you little okay all right do you have a skateboard do you have a skateboard wor anyone with a skateboard home that's all right how far how far is your skateboard at home it's l down there can you can you get your skateboard I just like to point out boys yeah you've arranged to meet a little kid in corer oh Jesus oh God change the clock how going this guy's house no no no no no Randy no no no no no we'll ask him when he comes out as you got a clock in there oh have you got we're literally just asking this guy to take everything out of his house right it would do it would do it would do it could have been better more energy this is mad you know this is horor where's bro where's bro bro next left all right cool cool this is you're going to a child's house well we say no we're not we're not just ch pull in here and we'll hold we're not following him to his house throughout the day the boys had a GPS tracker on them at all times and as they were get getting closer to the Finishing Line it was time to send them the exact coordinates of the Finish Line to enter into their GPS trackers coordinates just updated us with the coord tying them in right now that's uh lster there yeah so it's just south of lster it's halfway between lster and Harford sure actual yeah it's on that big road main road as we were on our way to our targets we saw they were moving and they weren't moving slow they were moving quite fast and in the direction of the final so quick thinking on our feet we just Googled the closest car rental company and we're going to try and get a car rent a car look how close we are yeah destination we're literally on top of each other we got to go there Herford here we're so close loitering the car out shut up all right you're part of this you're part of this you're wearing sunglasses in a cap you look like you're really here for it right we got a question do you have like a clock B Bossman here is getting us a clock oh it's good it's carnage oh it's Carnage as hell this is bad this is just waiting there man we might need to get W up turn around turn around all right okay oh that's perfect mate that's phenomenal what are you doing here a It's So Random I know you mind being on camera no here we go bro was just bought em manual change the time I'm just going to change right there we go go the time has changed you're a legend thank you thank you sir thank you very much yeah perfect yeah thanks so much man appreciate it take care I hope this doesn't hurt I Hope they've got a car for us man yes I wanted to rent a car right now please let me see available oh please say yes anything now go let's go let's go yes he's traveling all right now go go on go go on yeah count Randy get on the SK skate hold to me no no no yeah sure sure sure all right go Randy all right we're done yes all right thank you guys you're all Legend thank you kids have a good one right right right right why is it here cuz I don't want to part some [ __ ] school understand very very valid where are they where are they where are they there's just no internet here you got 5G you get really irritating you know after not a long time they've stopped updating cuz 6 minutes ago I've lost Randy Randy's gone Randy's dead imagine all right change the time on a physical clock that was a that was a clutch one that was yeah the other team has to freeze for 20 minutes if they're on transport they must get off at the next stop okay tell them tell them tell them tell them tell them I'll tell them now I'll tell them now yeah tell 3 the clock is done what's the what's bu open the skateboard yes sir and we got the KSI run we got we don't all of them all we have left is face painted which we can do and handcuff your team together for 15 minutes I'm not handcuffing no one we Blitz for the finish line now like 2 hours well if I can get this [ __ ] what's going on this such a jankety thing what is going on hello we have very bad news Ethan very bad news what the other team complet a sabotage which means you're Frozen for 20 minutes so if you're in a car you got to get out of the car at the next stop and freeze okay all right then say l yeah is that good for you if you're in a car just get out pull up and then you got to freeze on the side of the road 20 minutes yeah that's fine all right 8 minutes come on is this cuz I've got no internet or they're sending location I've got internet ry's cut you off we have a car you don't know what we're doing you're like what the like you're like what these weird Brothers doing let's go baby in my head we have a chance still yeah so I don't want to like know for sure that we've lost we got joker well still oh get the joker out yeah get the joker out get the joker out okay we fear that is it good or bad that despite a miraculous kind of events just there given the whole train debacle we may still be behind so we've unlocked all I'm setting the scene man set the SC been bloody set we've been setting it the fact is we've opened every forfeit to the other team that we have open it open the [ __ ] know why you open will give me the [ __ ] [ __ ] it's going to be bad now for oh you oh [ __ ] you can force the other team to destroy one of their challenge cards what I don't know what I mean okay I'll just do it just do it what what um boys I hate to say it yeah you still do have to [ __ ] on each other's [ __ ] to be fair we to the Finish oh wait you can destroy them no oh yeah one of their challenge cards was give us a forfeit yeah baby we won we won we won we won we won we won like that we've won we've won wow we just need direction they might be on the motorway I think we need to start going to the destination I think they're close behind I think it'll probably be it's the hunted that's closer to us and I think I think the other team are operating at a very the other guys are going to catch us if there's 20 minutes to stop they got do the St and the ti no no no the uh Hunters yeah no the hunters will I'm not guess what I'm not too bothered about the hunters catching us no but if the hunters catch us and there's a forfeit the others will then catch us because of that forfeit yeah ah we're so far away I know but how far we can't come to Wales and not catch them listen to me how close are we to them 32 minutes behind that's bro we're not going to make it that's that's a bit of a distance man meanwhile once again batch and Alpha are still surprisingly nowhere near anyone platform 4 where's platform 4 we got to get to platform 4 we literally have like 2 minutes oh no we're going to have to go through the women's toilets to get there what what Arthur's running away Arthur my glutes can't do that your glutes my glutes yeah we literally have 60 seconds till the train takes off there's so much comp so many complications this is such a challenge you have their live location right now yeah I'm pulling it up oh my goodness they're in Alcester [ __ ] me now we are [ __ ] by the way yeah we are [ __ ] the people you're hunting have been frozen for 20 minutes so you've got some time to make up here yes need to here and how about we get out this traffic no know I'm going to stop dumping like a mad man I'm sorry you that watch the police though care they're 33 minutes away but they're only getting Frozen 20 minutes I know about when I'm not going to be 33 minutes am I I'm cut at least 25 so might end up five minutes in front of us even less oh all I can think of is [ __ ] Zer not Zer is uh Ethan's face Ethan's pgy [ __ ] ASO face I'm trying to get on that it's not a it's not a g what we drinking guner it's not guner you need to get GL you've lost man today first he had you with the with the the Apple pay and he got you again with the train me man he's living rent free inside your skull they just got car straight away it be anything they're doing a car sorry they're doing a car they didn't even go to Birmingham they're just going turned off the commentry are you I am yeah oh my God I got to have my so do you mind just sorry oh my God oh my goding watch you all the time I'll tell him I said hi tell him I said thank you how long we on here for do you know I have no idea I think it's time for uh only a mcdd nice only a McDonald's toilet deserves what we're about to do with the triple stack you know it's like it's like F1 pit we're triple stacking honestly I've LED this team into the literal toilet so far let me continue who's going first you going first I'm going first all right I'm put me in coach this is awful how we feeling boys I think they've done us with this task is better than a picture of a duck yeah it's a good task as one it's a good task good task very creative yeah think going to drop something disgraceful imagine someone else goes in before it I can't believe I'm doing this in a McDonald's toilet you know I usually never film myself on the toilet I'm a man with a little bit of class a little bit of self-respect but here I am um today filming myself in a McDonald's toilet but you're not on the first three to go so I actually get the best deal in this ridiculous challenge anyway I'm not going to film the actual deed I'll save you guys that one it's like hunted you know hunted we're hunting the side yeah welcome on board transport yeah we're we're hunting people right now can I make a call yes wait if you get off at L get at you want give me a give me a we need to get to Queen wood wood we'll give you a list well this is ideal we don't have to get a taxi now they're going to play your Tik toks out loud for every day and they don't laugh should we go sit in the sun can do outside yeah let's do it man going to think we left him that's right noine with v you give the vog give you get end cub how was that experience i' said I've Never filmed myself in a toilet before did you leave a devast no it was pretty pretty ordinary nothing that exciting yeah VI is something absolutely disgusting this toilet Simon Toby Ethan you smashed at this one this is this is it ingenious I'm literally doing a poo on top of f poo this is vile what's v what are we doing C boost that that's disgusting yeah [ __ ] hell this is do I need to be waiting inside for our food by the way I don't takeway yeah maybe we another a scout what what is 72 did he say all right that that is disgusting that is foul oh Harry Harry Harry's going to last as well I've got to be with the camera what see like I got to go yeah but I got to stay with the camera I'll come for a little bit but I got to go his camera very sit you can sit here as well okay can you bring my bag then we just realized they're in a taxi so what they're going to pull off in a local town and then tell the taxi guy to wait for 20 minutes or are they going to go to a rental now oh yeah like what are they going to do they're going to pay him the way but when they think about it when they get out they're on foot they got to run and the taxi can't drive like me the taxi can't drive like you no taxi can't drive like no no no no is actually really safe I'm safe though he's really safe I'm safe can we do a Ticky talk together I like doing where have you guys been the day you've been onine our train went train an hour ago and and it's obviously to me someone through a there you go this team actually set off ahead of us and we're sort of the hunting team and they've had a bunch of challenges so they had to get on a boat 20 minutes start happy with that the good thing is if they're following us you want to to you give them the they might not get the lay lay by in time now it gets interesting with Simon Toby and Ethan being frozen Lux and JM are gaining massive distance on them so we got 20 minutes now from now set a timer for 19 minutes can't believe what I'm doing oh [ __ ] hell don't have to sit on it me sit I hope you boys are happy this is I this is might a low point you know I'm sat on Vick star's poo in the McDonald's toilet I don't even below Burlingham that was horrific very I was going to say to Harry but there's too many fans around to explain what happened but yeah not great not pretty I need some water as well put it that way very very very dehydrated all right I've paid my dues I think I'm getting out of this thing all right we have 15 minutes left we have a skateboard he said we are allowed to do this they did their gunster at the train station while they were frozen so we're allowed to just kind of go up and down and that count as the skateboard boys want to see me hit a mad some mad techers yeah give me a push no hard push no that's the way you want to go bro it doesn't move I got this bro watch okay I got this you want to kick with your other leg no no you can just stand on it and I'll give you a little push you want to see a rad Ollie technically I'm I'm I'm skateboarding just very bad you want see Ollie bro ready yep oh see that so we are getting uh that's what's the word civilian our remains are going to be found in a wood somewhere cuz we we've accepted about three different van offers we're in the back of the van which one do you want to take that's the question out whichever one going to get us there the fastest I upset I couldn't have the gunster from the glass two combos not combos should not be combos combos oh the [ __ ] [Laughter] know let's not get let's not get all with oh I just headbutted the gnome and he's really sharp a I think I've got brain damage how did you headbutt it I don't know it all happened really fast which way this way yeah I'm so scared just Wai I'm just waiting for a to pull in stand it pull along yeah yeah then I'll push as well yeah let's go let's go this is an awful skateboard well done now what we got to do 11 minutes 36 [ __ ] okay we've done some analysis they have 4 minutes left on their lock they are 55 minutes away from the location we are 58 minutes away from the location the endpoint so we're going to get there at the exact same time and that's like if they don't get any more challenges or anything 30 seconds 1 minute last still one minute oh my God I'll let it Bree for a bit now they could like they might not even be close but they could also be right there yeah five four 3 two one let's go man we can go we can go yes the survival yes until we see them oh my God the yellow car pulled up at the same time that had me shook we got to get off the train we got to get off the train we forgotten something we going to go come on after one of your moms is giving us a lift you haven't told your mates anything have you going give you It's s Sunday we're in a a competition here yeah we so we need to go we have got to go we have got to go whose car are we going in then at least you know what it wasn't about winning the race it was about the friends we made along the way and the friends is this guy right here they can take away our win but they can't take away our inclusive gnome that's yes than that's why I bought him understand I didn't understand initially he's actually my guy he's posted up with me in the back here just just he's just pumping out vibes that's what he's doing evener in real life boosting my ego hi nice to meet you guys and you nice to meet you man see you lat all right wish just Lu I think we're about 2 minutes ahead of the boys so thank you hello see you thank you if they do beat us they don't beat us by a lot surely right you'd think they're already there well in my head I'm just like what what did we do wrong where could we have taken time off I don't know we I I feel like we we absolutely Flo so you see here this is all the park that's where the road splits stay on the side they're going to come in oh I don't know cuz they could go down anywhere this place is actually really quite big go it's updating every second like I'm following him along the road I don't want to go CH him and get [ __ ] battered is it I'm being I'm being dead on by the way oh no no no I can't I need better friends we got we got 9:00 a.m. te time what we do honest I need new friends by the way cuz that's the kind of friends I need I yeah you just missed me like 3 years you got blossomed got as you got older were you feral Harry I was quite feral Harry used to be yeah proper I missed all of that as well cuz I was busy [ __ ] playing Minecraft for [ __ ] sake they are right behind us and we've been told by Josh we have permission to pull them over sh okay what do we do I don't know we got we got we got 25 minutes to make a little decision so we got to let two cars pass two cars pass and then we slow I hop out the car yeah and I say you stop at the next no no and I I I I I want pass no matter what so when you get out the car I'll I'll block the road no what we just we just stop still oh o o go slowly in the left lane two lanes two lanes two lanes now just stay in front of this car JB yeah stay in front of this car stay in front of and when we find Our Moment We will hit we will pounce some I can imagine Jam's hir a car and I can imagine like l in the passenger seat just going oh ahead of them you know I mean like he'll be the tracker in the car going oh man I can imagine it Jamie this is our moment this is what we were born for they are in the car behind this is it this is us we got no us look land they noticed us don't let them notice us they might notice us I I'll hop out this window [ __ ] it and I'll say pull over [ __ ] it I'm I'm doing it I'm doing as soon as as soon as we on the road I can do it I'm doing it yeah yeah yeah bus stop yeah no no no the red light now just stop oh yeah [ __ ] yeah and then we'll tell them to play no he's he's indicting right callx is there callx is in front of us no no boys it's time you've been stopped don't let them open can we keep the doors locked please can we keep them locked ow oh you just ruined my whole day keep the doors locked please they ain't caught us thank you brother thank you thank you so much thank you yeah baby we did it I S was pierced they were all so pierced oh where are they pulling over though where they going to pull over what the [ __ ] have Arthur and Italian bats been doing like what have they been doing are they still trying I don't know what they what could they possibly have done they have our locations on we stop for [ __ ] we sh and I'm so certain they were at Houston as well I'm I'm almost positive they were at Houston just his just perfectly his absolutely great like Men In Black thank you so much again really appreciate it unbelievably kind of you it it's the [ __ ] are they you know the worst part is he said now we've lost yeah he said it's calm because the other team's already ahead no he's he just said it's calm right did he tapped on the window and went it's calm boys it's calm yeah baby come on yes oh my gosh I told P do you know what he caught me in a video and I was pissed and now I see him pissed same face same face all right so we go right we're right here okay have they been near us they been near us I've been looking out the back window as well just they come from the front yeah but how we are at the end location we're walking up the Guff trail that the first time he said that we literally might as well have just been another team racing here what we've won oops we've chased them this entire way so we need to stop them from getting to the lookout right yes but they could come from any direction and there is a lot of directions right follow the GFF Trail she wasn't kidding Jamie we did it we did it we done it I never I had faith I had Fai [ __ ] H I bet they're pierced and this taxi driver is like what the hell is on all right so what does this what does this mean just tell us what's the forfeit the forfeit is the love you guys sorry man done sorry you break the speed fing did you break you man killed me remember that don't forget did you break the speed yeah no speed speed okay but what do we need to do go on Instagram live you do I cut the camera for 8 minutes yeah and you need to say that you've been caught you can't give them any context nothing like that you just got to say we're so sorry we' been caught we've been caught and we just really wanted to apologize for being caught for 8 minutes 8 minutes calm I'll rate i' rate it so highly if they actually catches now at least is content they ain't catch man not with the speed you've been whipping this thing not ride let's put it to the test stop I think they pull into that car park and take this walk and I think it's funnier if we jump out of them just before they get here okay but should we get to the Lookout first where is it we don't know which which so then we know where it is at least and then we can come backwards to nut Ridge I'm heartbroken and sorry proba was them for the next 8 minutes just know we've been caught we've been caught how you got caught the most yeah to's most what do you mean by that how yeah what what do you mean by that I just had a really cool clever thought we're here on the red you're here here we've got to go up this way to the Viewpoint there so that is what we need Jubilee walk which is this was that your cool thought you just figured out the path which was dead ahead I'm actually I'm actually really sorry I'm so sorry I'm really sorry that I'm such a slow piece of [ __ ] I'm so slow you're a slow little piggy I'm a slow little pig it is [ __ ] out do being caught I'm such a slow piece of [ __ ] but it's fine it's funny they just sat there eating crisps of 8 minutes to wait I I I'm I hate myself I'm so sorry same isn't I hate you too yeah I'd hate me too I hate myself oh it's the one Pixel Man hello hello hey uh can we we just want to call you for the [ __ ] sake of it cuz we're we're for company just see what's up you're sad well we just we just wanted a bit of company mate go on uh Instagram live you can see uh your friend Toby's just gone live on Instagram has he yeah shall I go check it out it it would seem like it would it would seem like some Hunters have caught them oh oh oh oh my God oh my I called you oh my God oh my God [ __ ] Jamie the go he live now the go we are sorry I'm so sorry especially to you mate I'm really sorry I'm really sorry that you've had to if there's one if there's one side meor apologize to it is you we are genuinely sorry yeah we're doing exactly what I wanted to do and I'll tell you what if any of the other side men are cheting into this I want to apologize to you too they've been called oh so [ __ ] close have we won I don't no as the teams get closer to the end I arrived at our Finish Line it is a place called Queenswood Lookout is in the middle of a massive forest and has multiple ways you can get to it and most of all it has a great view oh my God they're about to pull in [ __ ] well if they start running though we're going to have to out running my time to shine Vic Harry and Randolph feel like we've we've gotten them for paace just how does it work do we have to touch them or what or just say we we got you stop what is it with you touching them what part do we have to touch you have to pull on that penis three times this is three naughty men aan wants to say sorry I'm so sorry Toby wants to say sorry I apologize sincerely and I want to say sorry I'm sorry we've been caught here here now yeah can we leave it here yeah [ __ ] it not our car we need to get GPS out yeah one sec all right let's go I've lost internet no internet so they could be they could be hit oh this is really difficult we're trying to figure the right spot I think we've got to go along one more I think we've got to stay behind this cuz if they pop out the other Corner we're screwed Josh said it's West 2° yeah 43. 361 get coordinates 6 6 1 0 we're close we're close cuz the coordinates we're in we're oh this are we close we not close um oh no no oh no we're close we're close it's up in that wood somewhere is that a campsite no it's just the woods let's go they're right there they're walking they've stopped their car here look I think they've dropped their car off in here in this tiny little round thing cuz their car went all the way down there and they're going there now I think we hunt them down that's the coolest thing you've ever said JN up here yeah up there oh gosh literally straight line that way what the [ __ ] man just to lose as well hey we're putting in a shift we might not lose and what where was the thing it was North wasn't it so they've got to pass us so we're going to find them in the woods fairy tale Ending by the Graff can we get can you take a couple snaps of us in front of the Graff please wait do on you or the Graff both both do I look really awkward here no only if you leaning on both at the same time how does that look does that look cool pretty freaking cool break I believe in thank you thanks guys for the d s see you the Finish sorry sorry once more please please drive take us far away from them Bye Jamie you hear another mic my team my dad I I hope you eat eggs something hope you swallow an egg [ __ ] out of here bro M Hees I eat eggs no hey vile listen we let him get all the way here are we done well life is good all right we can cut through here I think yeah yeah do you want to beat a PA through with [ __ ] I'm actually really glad I have come on noome lead the way this is where we're supposed to come I think this path here yeah no is this not just a stream no no up this way up this way up this way this is you sure yes follow this [Music] star this guy to the Finish Line two minutes we are very close we are 1 and a half kilm away damn I do think we've lost so that I don't I'm optimistic I'm optimistic I think we actually smashed it you know we did for the video I think we actually smash should we go home mhm that's good wait guys they're actually really in danger of being us there I see a clearing in the distance you SE on up I see a clearing not crackheads found a clearing there's no way Jos would have put it here he' have put it on a [ __ ] road if we've won this is my first ever win true I would love to Shar never run a race type video when we last was the last one we was on we thought we could we got abandoned in Island yeah abandoned Island and we came third yeah me and him thought we [ __ ] cooked in Island thought we cooked came third oh boys this could be the way yeah this is the way to Salvation this is it this is it we've done it yes we've done it we've won and we've won we've short won we've actually won Road's on our left with there so we need to just go that way yeah a this is going to be so sad if we've lost oh I want to win 100 m says he's 200 M from here so [ __ ] P you know what though say batch and um ARA had been waiting for us at to finish Finish Line we might have actually just curved them true wait a path yeah this is the way to the Finish Line this way here you sure yeah 100% 100% yeah it's literally straight down here [ __ ] we're nearly there Harry look we're nearly there oh we actually are yeah yeah and if and if someone was trying to cut us off from the other side you're right yeah they'll never expect the [ __ ] Woodland Warriors we could still get caught we could still get CAU we can't get caught man we just we just gone through we at the SS oh my God yes oh they're here they're definitely here they're here the B are here wait no don't believe it don't believe anything I'm happy we made it as well as long as my wallet's not in the car I'm happy is where is it James has it somewhere he's got TR losing [ __ ] whoa whoa let's not get hostile come on what would the inclusive God forbid we get hostile we [ __ ] next all day oh what the inclusive no oh you [ __ ] no no no yes you tell us right now tell us where are they hold on I can confirmed that last pict they are not here in your I said this might happen even with the [ __ ] Bush we could hear you through the forest that was the only way we knew youing what we so loud we were you look knacking you've been running we've been been a long day all day do you get paid at least now fast do you get paid no you have a forfeit to do okay yes you do no you have to do it honestly you don't have to do it now but you're in a Race So you you've got to go live on one of your two Instagram um profiles for8 minutes and you can't say a thing you just have to just be stood there yeah let's go you C the whole time you cooked what a day we cooked you really did cook the whole time we cooked we how did you cook so much the whole time bro the dark went so smooth P outside where we where we we got out at Birmingham International and there's there's a lake there went outside got pict oh Jesus well here we go you're now live all right I'll set the timer there you go 8 minutes nice where'd you get the gay gnome hey all inclusive no the gay they got a gay noome just doing that thank God oh my word ho a long minut construction work by the way that was sick build a shelter in the woods man all right let's go to the finish line and see if we won the motorway and walked up was that t why didn't you go to the car park it was on a mission man Harry man it's not a gunster huh that wasn't a gunster are you still like proing over that one yourself it's been a whole day lad come on on rattles sh bro I've got got all inclusive [ __ ] no yeah let's be friendly Oh no you're finished you're finished B's finished I'm glad I gave him theat for the day thank you thank you boys thank you thank you what did what did Harry once say in a more sidan video he said go on a hike we went on a hike my friends a hell of a hike it you know what what a day out though F it's actually been really nice great great Dart throw Josh what a spot it's really nice about the F butsi would be uh beside himself
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 10,755,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 77CWNgMpbpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 11sec (7811 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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