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hey everybody and welcome to another game of classic fixed we know we're gonna have a good one when everybody has readied up a minor miracle no way I just played a game they had these exact same blizzards wait two times in a row but this time I get oh Australia let's go I've dreamed of this moment oh black goes before me go ahead bro I black is going for Australia because there's good to be one winner and it's gonna be me good luck bro wait this is crazy I literally just played a game and it was these exact same blizzards like a couple minutes ago so I'm an expert on them let's see if I can put it all together though come here you go ahead you come here fortify come get me bro you're never taking Australia from my cold dead hands tjb has purple and they have moved in to the Ukraine uh oh black anything else anything else yeah yeah oh okay okay okay kind of close to Australia but looks like he's going for Africa and It's gotta be ours Australia God spawn with funny blizzards green what are they going to do so green you know might look at this and say yeah Europe is for me but purple just add it in here and they have a lot of reinforcements coming down the pipeline how is green going to handle this it's a bit of a tough situation for him and by the way this was Soul contracts with black now we got neilness coming up and of course we are playing on the classic map expert AI ranked fixed malice dice novice to Grandmaster alliances are on blizzards are on and nothing else green I guess is going to bot out here no they are going to make a move and they go up as if maybe they are going for Europe ooh watch out purple huh let me think about this uh that's what I think about it the greatest first turn I've ever had in my life literally nothing to think about easiest thing I've ever done I win K.O durson I recommend I recommend going for Europe let's have a three-way fight for Europe he's going for South America right he's going to blast orange or what yes yes he is yes he is orange never even had a chance why because when you can't get Australia the backup plan for every noob South America you gotta you gotta want it you want a continent in this world you gotta go and you got to take it but this is see how John that just got smacked looks like they're recognizing that maybe North America is for them and they are communicating they're saying why what the heck you know they are using some communication skills so I think that orange actually might be a reasonable player in there for somebody I can make an alliance with let's try this because I think they will accept they've already demonstrated that there's somebody that communicates and I can get my five out of your way in Greenland if you want to be my friend otherwise I can make it very difficult for you to get North America and good luck fighting against white you have no shots I would argue what purple did is mildly rude to White we know that white is going for South America so I would have hit orange instead just to not hit white because white is clearly going for this so white could take that as a mild offense against them but now that we have Australia Australia is very good early game it's it's power it diminishes when everything when everybody is peaceful and people take continents and things settle down the power of Australia really dwindles so I want to use the fact that I got it on turn one to try to do something aggressive never let the board really come to a steady state so as soon as it's clear somebody's gonna get North America somebody's going to get Europe I'm gonna need to do something wild to change things up but for a little bit my magic power I get to get a couple extra troops get ahead of everybody make a very big snack we got Australia under lock and key here and if we have players like white we're going to be smashing smashing smashing this could work out really well this is like the dream when you have Australia you want everybody else fighting you want other crazy Wild players it's going to give you a big it's going to set you up to have a lot of opportunities so we'll see how this goes it's not so easy for orange for example to get North America and I don't want them to have it they're not going to hit green because they're good if you're good you just don't hit people you just get bullied by the South America player he's too good when you're when you're strong you just get bullied by noobs and you never get confidence that's part of being a good player is never having a continent the noobs never let you take them they're not very friendly but somehow it always works out in the end okay so I should try to get my five out of the way as a good faith gesture to Orange and I'd like for the head towards Asia if I'm given a chance heart no thumbs up we're not in love bro okay heart Surfer my wife we're we're conducting some business here you know we're good thumbs up I'm not in love with you okay purple purple purple purple would you like to make a move gets out of your uh maybe eyeballing Africa maybe eyeballing Australia no you would never you would never purple you couldn't handle it where I am but purple smashing me is not out of the question at all yeah black is going to be going for Africa but he shows that he's nice to Green because he's he's not quite strong enough to take it all are we gonna see green take Europe this would be not particularly great for me if he's allowed to hold it so I'm hoping he doesn't take if he does take someone will need to break him but will it be me okay so let's use our bonus troops here to defend against purple purple could have some turn in and could be lining up to come and get me I'm gonna get these guys over I'm not gonna signal to Orange that I want to go through I thought about it for just a second now I don't know purple's demeanor but you know I'm in Australia so purple could have a turn in and they could just go take it and my game could end it does happen just like that if I get a trade in really quick I'm gonna be very very happy and I expect to see white at some points come in to North America denying it to Orange I think that's just that's usually how it goes when somebody takes South America as aggressively as white did blasting through orange not giving orange a chance to even get out I think we're gonna see white be the bully so how do I manage to prevent it's hard for me to prevent Green from getting Europe just because I go after them I want green to take you up and then I want to see if other people break them if other people are breaking them great I don't have to do anything but if I want to be aggressive I want to see other people doing it as well okay for a ball what's up bro hey buddy what's up hey how you doing how you doing I just noticed you don't oh shoot oh no no no no no oh no no no no no not like this not like this not like this no no not like this okay can we work this out guy can we work this out or what oh no so he's not gonna be able to kill me but is he actually gonna go through me he doesn't accept my alliance okay they have bigger bigger issues here than trying to figure out if I can break green my bigger issue is purple is purple gonna hit my 22 stack hmm I do not have a turn in so part of me wants to be like just get out of the way and let purple go mad but come on man it's for me I took Australia it was given to me by the grace of the game it gave it to me I do have a trade-in cool I got Madagascar come on man purple don't do it bro you can't kill me so don't do it it wouldn't make any sense you would end both of our games and then I'm trying to see who kills me if purple takes my Australia black can get it if purple smashes me black gets the kill fed don't eliminate me from there no I need that three to live so purple can't kill me I guess black goes after purple so even if this got eliminated purple goes before black all right this is it this is it yes we get a turn in we live they're not gonna to be dumb money let's go oh yes I live I can't believe it all right so somebody has taken Europe why break them do I want to start a war with green I can't imagine it's that good of an idea hmm purple is scaring me though they're staying open just to me grain also appears to be open to basically just me but we get a turn in let's go let's go ahead and dump that Madagascar card not gonna be needing that one and how should we do this start a war with green no this doesn't feel right let's try to get another card here there's still stuff going on I don't need to do anything yet and by stuff I mean okay there's one person without a consonant there's orange also doesn't have this yet we don't know if he's actually going to be able to get it wow see I mean white is going to hit these twos and whatever I love it but black is going to be good with green if purple wasn't floating around I'd feel a lot more confident fighting green just because they have a big continent it's the Australia mindset you got anybody has a bonus you got to go break them a green is on my list so does orange go for North America now I almost hope that they do because I think it's going to start a war with whites and I would like to do the the Middle East strategy where I go pop pop and I leave my stack here but purple is behind so they would probably oink my Australia even though I would have a counter stack hmm okay let's see where purple is headed purple's next move might tell me a lot about what their intentions are going forward here and hopefully they're not too terribly ill willed do you think I can make an alliance with black cool they are staying open to me okay so if they hit here they'd be buried to me they are staying open to me which is I think a very intentional decision by purple okay okay so I'm not ready to do anything I don't know I just want to do something crazy because I have Australia but I just can't put the pieces together orange is very sad I don't know why I mean you actually might get North America you're not you shouldn't be feeling that sad maybe they're they're just a little scared okay so I'm Gonna Roll this hope for some good luck use this as an opportunity to say hey aren't we cool then I'm gonna win this he likes he's in love with me he's kind of weird he's weird like that he's kind of he's a little bit in love with me he's too friendly but that's my turn I got the the four trade coming in hot not particularly great yeah things are settling down a little bit more than I would like but with purple lurking I don't feel powered and full enough to go and start a war with another player um trying to gauge black cool okay we do see orange take all this take it take it take it take it take a ticket yeah yes yes [Music] now would be amazing to see purple knock all of white out can I get up here and do I really can't get up there and knock white out so easily I gotta go through black but black might be moving hmm I mean purple are you doing anything crazy North America purple's just gonna be chilling right he's not gonna go into North America there's no way oh he does eliminate whites ah goes with the eliminating white strats yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay so purple has some understanding of some things uh-huh now I think I can trick purple I can trick purple here into doing something naughty let me see if I'm right I have a theory should I just eliminate purple and get Fork no no no no no no no here's my theory a Middle East stack I offer green and Alliance white has nowhere to get a card they do come out and they hit red so purple manipulated this purple said white you he got rid of the exterior so if white needs a card they have to go into black and white obliges and now these two are at War but I'm thinking with my Middle East snack here I thought that purple would come in knock five of black out and then I could just simply go back and then black and purple would be at war that was my manipulative strategy so purple can clearly go and take Australia but I do have a counter I got a way to come back and attack purple so if purple takes my Australia I'll take it back even if they turn in I'll probably just take it back but it's the timing is I would say very risky for me to have done what I did right it's because purple with a turn in can just steal Australia could be difficult for me to get it back but I'm kind of trusting that purple is not that kind of player let's see if I am correct the purple goes and takes Australia I guess I am very very wrong if they take Australia and they end up with five cards they are dead they're super duper Ultra dead they do not have a trade-in oh [Music] and what are they gonna do oh no oh purple oh getting a little close to the Sun they're blocking Orange in actually wait I was gonna be like let's just go kill purple but wait purple is blocking Orange in now we see orange getting card blocked because in order for orange to get a card they have to go into South America or Europe yes yes yes yes orange says move away I'm gonna kill you oranges threatening to kill purple purple calls the bluff let's go let's go this is chaos but I was correct about purple I could just tell based on their play oh and black eliminates White just like that I wonder if green will end up on five cards that'd be kind of wild so black gets another trade in and white gets eliminated and this is a war that purple caused purple eliminated the white exterior to kind of set all of this up hmm I mean we can kill green but we don't want to kill him on the next turn sorry green Ivan what a crazy kill that would be or would purple be able to kill me after killing green I mean green is gonna get so strong here think orange is going to try to kill purple I think I'm gonna be in a bad spot let's take a risk a big risk let's go let's go yes yes yes I'm mad I'm mad I'm a crazy guy let's go I'm a psycho let's do it yes yes yes this is the way now I'm gonna upgrade to Europe here okay so because I got the thumbs up from him I am going to upgrade to Europe and I'm gonna get these out of the way and I'm gonna accept this position so I lose a lot of troops but I think I'm cool with orange and black purple now has the option let's let's give him the idea to take out purple because this is how I saw it going down yes yes yes okay just kill him bro he's got five cards stick do what I did do what I did and now it becomes a question so I'm actually holding two consonants now Europe and Australia but if I didn't make that kill there you know there's just a good chance that I slowly start getting out produced I like this is what I mean by I'm trying to be like aggressive with Australia early and it's it's a real risk but black isn't like particularly set up to hit me purple kind of was so I don't think I think orange needs to kill purple here I think you were totally fine if you killed purple you got the cards but now purple is in a horrible spot they're trying to get purple to just go away and go and take Australia for example but I think this is wrong by orange but purple does decide to keep their game alive but doesn't take Australia huh very interesting so am I gonna get to hold all of this where is black gonna Place everything they get the 10 trade hey and they decide to make a big snack now which is very scary but fortunately I do have a turn in southern Europe or your role actually just your all seems like a reasonable place and maybe I'm just gonna get like a card up here somewhere for now I'm just going to bring this in to have as big of a stack here as possible I need to now count on black purple I think is just waiting a turn to see if Australia is even a possibility oh wow I didn't think this was gonna happen oh not sure about that one wait and he hardly defends against black doing a Counter Strike ah wait this is crazy no this is great for me this is amazing for me he said oops what did Black do did Black do anything evil to them so purple's gonna have four cards they're not taking Australia yet they're like they want to get a turn in and take it safely which makes a lot of sense from their point of view so now black you break Orange right of course so orange here can eliminate purple hmm and I'm in such a powerful position so I want to go into the end game with black and orange so this is the end game that I want so I'm actually set up to do great things here let's let's ask them if they want to kill purple let's Inspire them to go for these four cards and ensure third place and I know these other two are fighting so this is the perfect end game orange doesn't want to do it they do it yeah of course of course so purple gets eliminated we assure him that that is very cool and then black kills them and then we win the end game that's that's the way I see it going down yeah and so these guys are going to be fighting I get to hold two continents this is incredible blank also has to go before me so they're gonna have time to hit Orange yeah so here black will ensure second place if they just go full into Orange um they decided not to do it they let black hold interesting interesting interesting so black is I mean black can go kill you or four cards let's see if we can see if we can convince black to do it give them the strength they need no they're not ready to do it if I kill orange can I kill black with this stack open I'm not entirely sure it's killing orange there's this 39 stack okay let's go in on Orange he's saying oops okay then let's put a few more here [Laughter] all right let's try that then he said oops as if he was gonna break me what I'm trying to do is give him no choice but to go into black so from his perspective what are you gonna do if you're orange how are you going to attack me you can't you're gonna have to go through black to do it he decides not to take a card okay so let's see if we can continue to attack orange I'm getting the most production so I'm fine with this taking longer but I guess orange was serious orange is going to try to eliminate me so I should try to get rid of them black has a trade-in I guess black has no cards so actually maybe I did misplay that slightly because now orange is going to try to come and kill me I think so let's take our trade in here it's a good one or kutsk is great eliminating white for sorry orange for one it just doesn't doesn't have a powerful feel to it really what is Orange going to do because I don't want to fight orange yet but if orange smashes into me the game ends in a different way make an aid stack there of course let's see what orange decides to do with this he's gonna he's not gonna be taking cards okay okay okay so orange is just he's done taking cards so we should start hitting his stack if that's what orange is into but this taking longer is is good for me um [Music] let's try that let's see if Orange full sends Into Me Now he's he has I think I've pegged him right cool so now we can Whittle down Orange and eliminate him cool cool so Black's on the same page he's going to do slow rolls which I usually slow rolls will take more off but I usually avoid them just because psychologically the fact that black is attacking you longer you know even if it is more accurate and this way black is going to be able to take off more troops I'm just thinking that if you're in oranges position this is a lot more annoying so when you're like it's over both of these guys are out for me I think when you're an orders position it's just more painful this particular way one more turn to this one more turn okay I considered they're actually just fully eliminating Orange he's gonna try he's gonna do something now who's he gonna hit no nobody me black oh never should have slow rolled buddy never should have slow rolled so this is some bid for me to try to give him second place but he also feeds orange these two cards or uh yeah these two cards which gives black a trade-in and blankets to go first so black actually wins now so I think I felt wrong to actually do it black I think should win now because they get to First Strike my stack I have two stacks though I feel like black should win this now but let's see how they decide to play this even though orange went into black I don't think it changes it's gonna be a very tough end game my stack very good oh it was a good defense good defense by our troops okay wait this is not over we got a very good role there this is not over at all okay great sweet sweet sweet sweet uh gonna try to not take this trade no I should take the trade and try to try to World Dom right here I know it's only four but let's let's take it and let's see if we can win right here I'm looking at the troop do I need the slide do I need the slide not if I keep winning all right let's slide a little bit all right my turn to hit a stack yes oh yeah baby the dice the dice they love me the dice they love me oh my gosh we got it we got it we got it and it's easy good game well played and that is how you play Australia it was a crazy chaotic game maybe I always was gonna be able to win that end game for some reason it felt like maybe black was going to be having a chance but that is how you do it don't sit there passively internal in Australia be as aggressive as you possibly can and you could be a beginner intermediate beginner intermediate and beginner and if you can find it within your heart so please subscribe to the channel it would mean a lot to me and I'll see you guys for the next video
Channel: vampirechicken
Views: 5,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonathan schrantz, risk, risk global domination, strategy, grandmaster, classic fixed, how to win risk, how to play risk, risk tournament, risk tutorial, risk tutorial board game, risk strategy, risk tips, risk strategy tips, play risk, play risk online, get good at risk, how to play risk better, playing risk, risk grandmaster, risk grandmaster gameplay, best risk player, best risk strategy, risk online tutorial, risk gameplay, classic, blizzards, blizzard, australia, capital
Id: 1yBx2_l27bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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