Shooting a 9mm round in a 40 caliber gun

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hey guys I'm out here in this beautiful Louisiana weather today and I'm throwing together a very impromptu video we were actually out here shooting some b-roll for another video that were producing for legally owned America I was down at the pistol range a little little while ago and as I was scrolling through the sea of brass on the ground I noticed a couple of things that were a little interesting I saw some brass that looked like a beer mug or beer glass at the bottom was very narrow at the top it was flared out that tells me pretty much one thing happened somebody took this 9-millimeter round it was originally a 9-millimeter and put it into a firearm that was bigger than 9-millimeter there are 40 or 45 now I narrowed it down to a four that just happen to have a Glock that's a 40 caliber on me let me show you guys this is a 9 millimeter barrel this is a spent casing of a 9 millimeter this is how it fits in there this is how it's supposed to look after it's shot this is a 9-millimeter casing also that was spent or fired in a 40 caliber apparently because it fits perfectly in that 40 caliber chamber and it looks like that there's a person out there who thinks they know firearms well enough to glance it around and glance at a pistol save this goes into that but they don't have the experience to do that they think they do but they don't that's a dangerous person I tell everyone when I go to the range I checked my own ammo I load my own magazines I don't let people hand me a loaded firearm I load it myself I want to make sure that everything is right I do not want a catastrophic failure as my simple mind understands how a bullet works whenever around is put into a chamber the round is put into the chamber and the round fits perfectly and snug inside the chamber fits snug enough so that whenever that firing pin strikes the back of that primer that bullet expands inside and it sends that round out the muzzle down the barrel and out the muzzle so all of your explosion in the back is contained within that chamber and sent forward so you've got your round going forward I'd be willing to bet that whenever this round actually left the muzzle it was probably going slower if you chronoed that round that left this 40-caliber its 9-millimeter round the left is 40 caliber it was going slower than the manufacturer says it should who made the round that's supposed to be shot out of a 9-millimeter pistol simply because some of that gas and gunpowder was wasted was spent in the fact that where it bulged out you had a mini explosion in the fact you're not supposed to have that expansion like that and all that gas emitted in the fact I mean it's supposed to send everything forward so you wasted some gas in the back of it which means you wasted some of your power so when that project I'll finally left the muzzle was going slower than was actually designed to folks this is very dangerous it worries me that my gun range has happened because that means that I have at least one person at this range where I periodically shoot that's not paying attention to the ammo the simplest thing cannot pay attention to the ammo that goes into their fire you know that's no more difficult than putting the right gas and your vid you don't put diesel in to a gasoline how many times do you see people make the mistake of putting gasoline in a detail of this one in a gasoline I understand the mouth of a different and these are green or like red but this says nine and this says 40 that's pretty different there's enough of an indicator on everything that I have right it's entire public that there's no reason why anyone should ever make that mistake you should always be checking things there's three things that should match whenever you take your pistol to the range you should make sure that this says 40 on the back you should make sure that this says 40 on the back and you should make sure that this says 40 on the back if those three things do not match up do not put those three things together something is wrong it any one of those things says nine instead of 40 on it back away you got the wrong combination one plus one plus one equals three it doesn't equal nine or forty so make sure that you're matching these things up this is scary to me guys it worries me that people are out there taking their own personal safety this lightly that they don't realize they have a device there that can cause a lot of damage that they're just haphazardly saying I'm going to do whatever I want you know I'm going to throw some ammo in there I would say it's an honest mistake but honest to god that's not honest it's gun safety there's nothing that you can say about gun safety that is that it's easy enough and simple and minimal enough that you should take it so lightly that you're putting the wrong ammo into the wrong gun guys be safe out there let's be a little bit more careful whenever we're doing these things we have to take responsibility for own actions and whenever we go out to a just for Ranger anywhere else it could be in your backyard you've got to be sending that message to those who are with you that may not have that knowledge or that safety mindset you've got to be sending in that message that this is serious do you have a responsibility with that firearm you you become a you should become a more responsible person as you're handling that firearm and pass that on pass that on to your friends your kids your neighbors anybody else that needs that kind of knowledge pass that on you
Channel: Legally Armed America
Views: 57,228
Rating: 4.211009 out of 5
Keywords: legally armed america, paul glasco, glock, 9mm, 40 s&w, 40 cal, 40 caliber, ammo, ammunition, shooting the wrong bullet, in the worng gun, wrong ammo, wrong ammunition, handgun, choosing ammo
Id: 3mcrVfQai90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2017
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