Proper Trigger Pull & Dry Fire Practice | Handgun 101 with Top Shot Chris Cheng

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a really important concept to learn is proper trigger finger location so when you put your trigger finger on the trigger the proper location is about 1/3 out from your first knuckle so that will be right about here now the reason why this is a good spot for your trigger finger to rest on the trigger is because it's a flat part of your finger and what we're trying to do is have a nice smooth rearward motion of the trigger now why this is important is because if your finger is not in the proper location it's going to greatly affect your accuracy now let me show you with a unloaded firearm going to go ahead and close the slide now let me show you what happens if we have too much trigger finger on the trigger so this would be too much see how my first knuckle is overextended now the problem with this is I'm going to have a tendency to drop the muzzle of the barrel every time I shoot cuz I have too much finger or often times you can be pulling your shots down into the right alternatively here's what two little trigger finger looks like on the trigger and see how it's on the outside of the trigger and so this can actually result in pushing your shots off to the left so proper trigger finger place is right at that point where it's about 1/3 out from that first knuckle and finally the last concept to review is that straight and smooth pull to the rear of the gun we want that trigger finger to be coming straight back let's take a look all right nice smooth trigger press to the rear again we don't want to have pressure coming from the right or too much pressure coming from the left one of the single most important things you can do to build your Marksmanship skills is something called dry firing now what dry firing is is it means that you're shooting your gun but without any ammunition inside the gun or even in the vicinity of where you're practicing so you can dry fire at home or at the range and the benefits here is that since you're not shooting any Amo you get to save money and you can also do high repetitions during your practice sessions so if you're going to drive fire at home or at the range or elsewhere the first thing to make sure is that you have an unloaded gun by confirming that there's nothing in the chamber and you have an empty magazine secondly you want to make sure that you have all ammunition in a completely separate room so there is just no chance that aive round will make it into your gun now once you're ready to start dry firing go ahead and close your slide and as always even with an unloaded firearm you still want to follow all the four rules of safe gun handling so if I come up I'm going to align my sights get a good sight picture front sight Focus bring my trigger finger on nice slow squeeze to the rear all right and so there I heard the click now notice that I've trapped the trigger and now to reset the trigger I'm just going to go ahead and pull back on the slide just a little bit I'm going to let pressure off on my trigger finger until I hear a click all right and that's the reset Point notice my finger is still on the trigger and then I can go ahead nice smooth squeeze back front sight Focus all right so dry firing is something that you'll want to do literally thousands and thousands of times when I was training for Top Shot I must have dry fired guns at least 10,000 times over the course of 5 months and it's one of the most simple coste effective ways to enhance your Marksmanship and become a better pistol shooter so you can go out and start your dry fire practice today and remember while doing so that firearm safety begins with you oh
Channel: NSSF—The Firearm Industry Trade Association
Views: 1,408,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NSSF, how-to, #NSSF, new shooter, instructors, 9mm, #LetsGoShooting, Shops, Small Arms (Industry), Chris Cheng, Shooting Sport (Sport), Top Shot (Award-Winning Work), Dry Fire, handgun, training, Pro, Glock, National Shooting Sports Foundation (Award Winner), technique, Firearm (Sports Equipment), Range, winchester, tips, trigger, tactics, Salient arms, nra news, pistol, Bass, precision sports
Id: Ukuq-QhAXDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 10 2015
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