9mm vs 40 S&W : Why did the FBI make the switch back to the 9mm

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I want to take a few seconds the beginning of this video to tell you about our new channel history of weapons that link is below [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] today we're going to be taking a look at a interesting comparison between nine millimeters and 40-caliber now the reason I'm taking a look at this is because last October in 2015 the FBI decided to switch back from forty to nine millimeters and I really wanted to see why this is why did they make that move as well as this move is going to force police departments and agencies throughout the entire country to consider the similar thing so I wanted to see really why now realistically and I've mentioned this in several other videos we're gonna look at ballistics first of all both a 9 millimeter and a 40 go between 900 and 1,000 feet per second now they of course have different size ranges but ballistically through gel I'm not a big fan of looking at that as a comparison first of all because where you hit in the body is gonna differ and a gel is a similarity to muscle and if you're hitting in the head or the spinal cord or the chest area you're not gonna hit a lot of muscle so you really got to take bone soft tissue organ tissue smooth muscle and that sort of thing into consideration as well so I don't really look at ballistic gel at all for the most part you pretty much never see me doing ballistic tests with gel ever on this channel and that's why so realistically I wanted to see why this was that they made this move it really came down to a couple factors now the first factor revolves around this idea that I've also mentioned in many videos which is I have heard of people getting shot with one bullet with a 22 long rifle and it dropping them immediately and I've heard of people getting shot seven eight nine times with a 45 and they just keep on driving hot and keep coming and keep verbally and physically assaulting so you know we're just gonna specifically look at why that is and it really comes down to and I'm really glad to hear that the FBI is saying this because it is true the only way to truly make a person stop is to hit them in the brain or the spinal cord or a vital organ like the heart and even with the heart you still could probably go another minute or two if you're really amped on up on some sort of drug or or just really pumped up on adrenaline probably do it but to drop somebody instantaneously it would take a brain or spinal cord shot and that can be done with the 22 so the FBI made this choice based on strictly on accuracy of shot now is a 9-millimeter more accurate than a 40 absolutely not depends on the gun so why does accuracy count well it really came down to magazine capacity the more shots you get the more chances you're gonna have given to hitting an accurate shot so they really base this on both magazine capacity as well as quick acquisition to a follow-up shot and if you fired a 9-millimeter in 40 you know you can get back on target a lot faster with a 9-millimeter than you ever well with 40 and you know that's just truth that's why more people use 9 millimeters in competitions than 40s and it's apparently why the FBI are making that transition so those are their two reasons for doing this is magazine capacity and a quick acquisition of a follow up shot specifically because the science says that the only way to truly drop a person is with an accurate shot and the more shots you have more chances you're going to get an accurate shot and the quicker you can get back on target the more chance you have for an accurate shot as well so there you have it can't argue with the FBI you can certainly argue with God faint guns but you know the FBI they know what they're doing and and I'm glad they made this change I'd like to see more departments do this I think they'll save more lives of officers and take out more criminals and that's always a good thing if you like this video click like and subscribe we are praying people and we definitely pray for you specifically we believe in miracles we believe it's God too deadly so don't hesitate this is a ministry to us and we definitely spend time praying for you specifically if you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to send those in we love hearing from you and quite honestly we do listen if you have any content that you like to hear we we listen to that too and we always respond thank you for watching this episode of God family and guns and as always love God love your family [Music]
Channel: God family and guns
Views: 138,766
Rating: 4.8264203 out of 5
Keywords: 9mm, 40s&w, 40 s&w, 9mm vs 40 s&w, fbi, best caliber, 9mm vs 40, 40 vs 9mm, 9mm vs 40 sw, 9mm vs 40sw, 40sw vs 9mm, 9mm vs 40 cal, 9mm vs 45, 45 vs 9mm, 9mm vs 40 vs 45, 40 vs 45, 9mm stopping power, 40 s&w stopping power, 40 cal stopping power, 9mm or 40, 9mm vs 40 ballistics, 40 vs 9mm ballistics, 9mm ballistics, 40 s&w ballistics
Id: rOSVY04GnBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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