9mm vs .40 Cal vs .45 ACP - Cast Iron Skillets

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing today's video we've gone and picked up some cast iron skillets if you've never had one in your hand before these things are real heavy they're heavier in the hand and they look like they would be are definitely not cheap and they're made out of cast iron that's why they're called a cast iron skillet but in today's video we're gonna be comparing three calibers the nine-millimeter versus the 40 versus the 45 shooting them all out of very similar pistols the nine-millimeter in the 115 grain the 40 in a 180 grain and then the 45 in the standard 230 right there they are side-by-side the nine-millimeter 115 grain the 180 grain 40 and the 230 grain 45 all the ammo that we're using in this video is Winchester ammunition so thanks to Winchester for making that ammo but let's get to shooting we're gonna start with the 9 millimeter go to the 40 and then go to the 45 let me know what you think is gonna happen honestly I think that every single one of these is going to bounce off I'm gonna start shooting at about 20 yards to help us with ricochets if I can't hit it we're gonna get a little bit closer but let me know what you think is gonna happen or any of these caliber is going to go through that cast iron skillet and they're gonna bounce off I don't have a clue but my guess is that they're all going to bounce off I've got the GoPro set up downrange let's do some shooting see what happens here we go first at 20 yards with the 9 millimeter miss [Music] [Applause] that was a hit let's go check out the target at least we know 50% of the time I can hit a skillet at 20 yards I say that's not too bad having not practice with that gun in a long time especially not at 20 yards but I know we hit the target I'll see what happened take a look at the skillet there having been hit with the nine-millimeter look at all that dust I'm gonna go ahead and assume that I don't know if that's the cast iron particles or if that's the bullet particles but let's take a look at the back you can see how the hole on the back is a little bit bigger as it broke on its way out but 9-millimeter will definitely break through one cast iron skillet I'm 99% sure that the 40 and the 45 we're gonna break through too but who knows maybe the slower 45 won't break through it let's take some shots see what happens now we got the 40 caliber let's take the same side at 20 yards see if we can hit it Oh first shot hit with the 40-caliber I think the difference may have been that the nine-millimeter was a high point and the 40 was a Sig but that's besides that point you guys can go argue about that let's go take a look at the target see what happened hit it with the forty first shot I saw the skillet swinging around I'm gonna assume that the hole in the skillet is gonna be a little bit bigger but let's see what happened and yes it is absolutely a bigger hole so here is where we hit with the nine-millimeter and then there is where we hit with the 40 you can see that the 40 hole is obviously a lot bigger but what's interesting there's not near as much of that splatter like we saw from that 9 millimeter same style bullet 40 made a much bigger hole 40 absolutely went through it and made quite a bit bigger hole there whoo so let's shoot the 45 see what happens now we're shooting the 45 let's see what happens [Music] [Applause] first shot even with the 45 20 yards let's go check out the target to be quite honest I'm surprising myself with this accuracy here I don't ever remember practicing at 20 yards shooting any of those pistols so let's check out the 45 hit see what happened so 9 millimeter is a small one the top left is the 40 and then the top right it's the 45 let's take a look at the back of the 45 there all right I'd say that the 45 this is the 40 and then the 45 opposite are honestly pretty close when you look at the back as far as damage went both hit pretty close to the brim I'd say that the 40 wins just by a hair what do you guys think fun test today as always I was wrong and guessing what would happen but pretty cool to see the different effects of the 9 millimeter the 40 in the 45 they all went through the skillet but had different effects on it thanks for watching the video guys don't forget to check out all the links in the description down below check us out on all social media sites love talking to you guys on there don't forget to subscribe to the hootie-hoo channel if you haven't already thanks for watching guys we'll see you on the next one who do [Music] [Music]
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 2,250,576
Rating: 4.662962 out of 5
Keywords: 9 vs 40 vs 45, 9 vs 40 vs 45 ballistic gel, 9mm vs 40 vs 45 cinder block, 9mm vs .40 vs .45 acp, 9mm vs .40 vs .45... which is better for self defense, 9mm vs .40 vs .45 accuracy, 9mm vs 40 vs 45 acp, 9mm vs 40 s\&w vs 45 acp, 9mm vs .40 cal vs .45 acp, 9 v 40 v 45, 9mm vs 45, 9mm vs 45acp, 9mm vs .40 vs 45 acp, 9mm vs 40, 9mm vs .40, 40 vs 9mm, 40 vs 9mm vs 45 acp, 40 cal vs 9mm vs 45, pubg, pubg skillet, pubg pan, pubg skillet armor, pubg cast iron, pubg cast iron pan
Id: gkY4GEhHyek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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