How Far Will a 9mm Kill?

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welcome back everybody this is Eric and Chad here from all spawn and gun today we are going to show you guys how far a 9-millimeter will indeed kill you probably remember our older video entitled how far will a 22 kill where we prove that a 22 will kill out two very very long distances we're going to do the same thing with a 9-millimeter because generally a lot of people are real macho when it comes to caliber choice and we're going to show them that a 9-millimeter is pretty deadly we're gonna shoot it at 50 100 200 and probably about 4 or 140 yards when they said and done so tell about the standard Chad real quick well if you remember the old video how far below 22 kill that Erica Barry did a number of years ago they used a 1/2 inch pine baffle board with specially just a solid pine board 1/2 inch thick and that was kind of the old standard as far as you know lafalot e of a given round well this is actually a piece of 3/4 inch plywood which is 5 ply so it's slightly stronger in design than just a solid pine board so if a 9-millimeter will get through this you know then it pretty much get through anything we're also gonna shoot ballistic shell out before 40 as well so let's get started let's get started let's do it all right guys we backed up to 50 yards gonna take a few shots at the board here and see what happens let's do one more all right let's good then arrange to see the damage all right guys Chadd shots at 50 yards they're out of the cz that was 124 grain federal ball ammunition that's one thing that we did not mention all of the rounds penetrated and the nice thing about it is this backing has the 2x4 against it it's pine and it actually went all the way through that as well so you can see that at 50 yards nine millimeter has no problem penetrating just about anything it wants to of course we knew that we're gonna back off 200 see if our results vary inning alright guys now we're gonna take a few shots from 100 yards see what happens little low all right there's one they put a few more shots on there just to make sure we got some on the target it's to the right Chad yep good shot there got at least a couple on there good take a look all right guys we got a strike here at a hundred yards okay another one at a hundred yards now it looks like Chad actually hit the board several more times than what he gives himself credit for but I think it's just because it wouldn't hit then going back there that's fine we just put the Gong back there to give us an idea but we can see that here where this 100-yard shot came out of that pistol barrel there and that's a five and a half inch barrel by the way on that 75 it actually penetrated all the way through the two-by-four and the three-quarter inch sheet of plywood as well it's 100 yards there so we got 100 100 100 and 100 that's four shots we're gonna pony up back up to 200 we'll try it with the pistol if we can't connect with the pistol we're gonna break out the Celtx up mm what's do it alright guys we've worked our way back to 200 yards five and a half inch barrel 124 grain ball ammo from federal we'll see if we can penetrate our baffle board there let's see if we can hit it first of all all right here we go oh I see it oh just to the right I see it that's a pretty good little tick I think I heard some pretty dull flaks down there let's go have a look alright guys I must have got really really lucky with the pistol there because I had two shots land just about right on top of each other of course not back to back but I was lobbing them in and they were kind of going all over the place and they were hitting relatively low and I think just the arc of the projectiles that was coming in it just didn't really give us that ring it may not have hit the plate at all but there's two shots from the cz at 200 yards all right and those punched right through no problem the exit holes look exactly like the other ones and we found that one round hit low on the 2x4 here so that's a solid pine 2x4 and at 200 yards it blew right through it like it wasn't even there so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna get some ballistics gel torsos and we're going to take our baffle rig and put it up at the 440 mark and we're gonna break out the kel-tec sub mm and shoot both in ballistics gel and against the board hopefully if we can connect I'd like to try a couple of spear gold dots and see if those things will expand in ballistics gel at 440 yards it's going back off and do that now all right guys we're here at 440 yards we've got a kill take sub mm I insights I know what you're thinking but we're gonna try all right I'm gonna walk it in on the steel we're gonna shoot our baffle and I've got a ballistics-gel torso down there that we use from the body armor test and we're gonna see what all of this ammunition will do to those various targets at these distances here we go I got a spotter you can see if we can't get on top sites on this little jewel here this thing shoots pretty dang good you ready oh you're just low here you're hitting at the bottom of the plate alright well guys I think I know just about where my dope is after getting those few shots on the steel we're gonna make some slight adjustments to my point of aim and we're going to try to hit the baffle board and the torso I don't think it'll be too hard guys let's go ahead and get on it here I got a couple of rounds left you can really hear that that round hits with a lot of authority on that steel plate even at 440 here so let's go for the baffle board this should not be too hard guys yep yeah I did it you hear it yeah you got it yeah here it's smacking it oh yeah it's going through all right hang on little high one more okay I'm gonna go for a ballistic Bob you ready yeah do it I hit the board under it here it yep oh that sounded like it just under him hang on almost got it guys bear with me wow man that little kel-tec just really loves them in there if you know what you're doing behind one I think we got several hits on the the baffle board to the left you can really hear I'm not sure how well we can hear in the video but there's very distinct sounds at each target hits and I heard one when we shot at the torso it almost sounded kind of like us a plop like a smack so we might have hit our torso once we're gonna go have a look and we'll see what we can get done here alright guys so how far will a 9 millimeter kill I want about to tell you probably further than you can shoot it accurately out of a rifle or pistol all right right here we've got several strikes on the board this was at 440 yards okay 440 yards right there all right 440 yards now on these strikes right here to the side they actually penetrated the board and the 2x4 that punched a clean hole all the way through and they don't look any different than the rest of the holes so that tells you that the round certainly has some penetrating capabilities now something that we're going to do in the future video is we're going to shoot some hollow-point expanding ammunition at this distance to see what we can expect now I shot our ballistics-gel torso over here this is pretty interesting so with our ballistics-gel torso we got two solid hits right here you can actually see if you look close there's some jacket splashes from where like you know the hip low or on the ground and the jacket splash is actually impacted the dummy but right here you can see the ball round penetrated right on through okay so there's there's one and there's two and that nine-millimeter ball round 124 grain out of a 16-inch barrel kel-tec sep 2001 sights went all the way through the ballistics tour so about nine give or take nine inches worth of ballistics Joe this is something I think that we should look at further we're certainly going to revisit the subject but we appreciate you watching today now you know that a nine-millimeter is nothing to play around with proofs in the pudding guys they're deadly don't don't push them over it's just a pee on defense caliber because 9-millimeter with proper shot placement and with proper bullet selection certainly going to get the job done thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 4,608,389
Rating: 4.8700986 out of 5
Keywords: reelmen8888, walking dead, iv8888, iraqveteran8888, mall ninja, fps russia, eric and barry, eric and berry, prepper hillbillies, game of thrones, zombies, moss pawn, moss shop, Moss Group Securities, 88 industries, How FAr will a 9mm kill, How Far, Federal American Eagle, Shoot Steel, Clear Ballistics
Id: _wXFf34bB34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 13 2014
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